November 16, 1944 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA " Bova 1 \ lay of ! 5 must fled with the Of-"etc. of B, FP. Peters, lat of montaly busl ficial Board not school Sunda a REBD I'he first and schedule "Legal Notices wt HEE ve Announcing CENTRE COUNTY'S WORLD WAR II MEMORIAL SHRINE ASSOCIATION , EB Vl ge Set py | ni | | The | | Purpose | | Previous TABLES | §&. SE lh (or tar. an 2m Tame arm | at ee | Organization | — 4 | Memeotials 52.95 vp : Here vou have coffee tables Choose from lamp tables tier tables end tables Wl finely detailed in an 15th Century style that is most adaptable and which, when you pur chase them in twos and threes will make a wonderful Christmas gift for your home In fine mahogany veneers Ease Building Rulings Here Continged rom page owe tie wa eaG be ‘ PLANS and LOCATION a THANKSGIVING DAY IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. BUY YOUR NEEDS AT SHAFFER STORES ; | Y our Memorial Shrine Association will make every effort to give Centre County the : een) Ysa aga — (fF ——————— UC (oq : 1 , finest memorial to the memory of our sons and daughters that it is possible for WHOLE KERNEL CORN | | FRESH CORN OFF IMAL et " . | : : " “ : : : 9 } {| : edule ‘ yanize \C "Os PI . ately $30,000.00, WITH SWEET RED AND || |] PENN-ALTO THE COB : f distribu} 1 any organization to erect. The cost will be approximatel GREEN PEPPERS 1] NIBLETS | 5 : ¢ e . . MNIBLETS REA | BRAND | “RARpER The frst ana nat | | Your Generous Contribution Is Needed MEXICORN 1 | CORN Frery Borough and Township in Centre County has a representative on the Advisory Board of | | es Boy ' Directors They are as follows 12-002. van H ' 1h 15 i | 2.07. ean I~ | HA ¥ fn i BOIROLGH DELLEPONT MILLHEIM BENNER ——— HARPSTE] Me ! J John G. Love ! : » t William W. Hampt HELP! THIS IS THE 8S. 0. S. TO COME TO THE eliefonte.. Po. . t Mar James R. Hughes RESCUE IN THE M. Boot PHILIPSBURG , dicho ii ain Willian Ie RUSH A. H. Hagyard CH OANEALES - STATE COLLEGE iy BURNSIDE Rai L E Hes Harry Beats \RI | in ane : on 1 Bark Charles J howlund 80. PHILIPSBURG re Paughenbaugh RO ih ; n trial » y F 3 rr 1 7 . wo SIXTH WAR BOND DRIVE | el Ge Bele, ti wry 6. err, FHL ors a Edward R Miller George J. Bol . oe SPRING John N. Mong SNOW SHOE CURTIN wnt of Oar Kline Wolf CENTRE HALI N os stanton Somph Nyt . > m Deck nd Bert 4 ‘ David 1. Graybill on Johnson 8 R. Stine Baking Needs Penn Alto Tea 2c foro Cline. late of Howar FERGUSON MARION UNION FANBAUTER. The first HOWARD PORT MATILDA A. Brooks orl Nevin A. Yearick Howard M. Miles v ’ Willard M_ Neff Ceorge W. Morgan GREGG MILES WALKER Mich. Pea Beans . re enetusor of or of Banat Harold E. Stover Harry C Zelgles Merrill Withorite 3 Silk Cake Flour hes cin, a Ieam Custanbayt ta of Spring Town. MILESBURG UNIONVILLE HAINES PATTON WORTH Soft-A-! HK ane our y i Leonard R Glenn Jacob C. Pox Howard Dorman Harold C Stine Wilbur J Wondhhig LIBERTY Russell Spangler TAYLOR Bulk Prunes Pastry Flour ' : LIOHTENTHALER The Ast Penn Alto Milk 10 cans 89¢ Flat Lunch Boxes tf, Tl a a A feniraier . . Ha I LL. Lightenthaler, execrs (C'al. Walnuts (New Crop) _ Ih, 12¢ Kennel Style Lunch Boxes { otc. of Mary C Lightenthaler, late f Philipsburg Borough. deceased yV . N . 27 MILLER. The first and final » y . - = . woount and proposed schedule of g lixed > uts (for cookie 8) Ib. dy P Al Vv distribution of The First National \/ enn to acuum Bank of State College. execr. of ete. | Bisquick 10-02. pkg. J5¢ Sealed Coffee Ib. ME any, "18. of PrgWson N | Township, deceased MM. MeOORMICK. The first and XY II final account of schedule of distri. rm . (7 bution of Walter T. MeCormick, lo oe precy. of ete. of Prances Katherine HEINZ FEEDS PENN-ALTO Mocmmiek, late of Siats” Oring CONDENSED PANCAKE | 20. NEWOOMEB. The second and , # REAM OF 16° DAIRY Br Cor ian oF Jar ‘ Tie 1% Oo te “REAM OF FLOUR niu Newosrnh n nor 4 TOMATO LAYING MASH 2-1b. He - 5-Ib. 30¢ a A I hia on ’ » distribution of Bond ©. White, SOUP BUCKWHEAT HOG FEED Roer oR of Rana nN Néwoamb, ale of lefonte eceased SOLD IN DRESS FLOUR |g 3 NEWOOMD ie fa and ASS OCIATION INC. ‘ ! ALE {final acooun 12c " ‘ ¥ and sohedule of diss PRINT BAGS 2-1b. 16¢ - 5:Ib. 35¢ {tribution of Marvin J, Rothrock, | ul A trijlht A hh. SSL. sl CU At CC tll tl Cr ll el Ce rt ltl A > Be) fm dara dc S$ TATE » COLLEGE * PENNA - 99. PETERS. The frst and final lel lel AU. A, Bl ll t i te ke i eS tl eb] ll ll ll lt Cl tA, A SYS ai account with schedule of distribu- ton of Biwood O. Peters, execr, of
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