Fa Five —— November 16, 1944 THE CENTRE DEMOUKAT, BELLEFONTE, FA. ge ins my LOCALS | | — — — — —Pfe. Stephen | Luckovich, of | At Mrs. Lenore V. Burd's Hat | Bucyrus, O. is visiting his mother, |Ehop in Millhelm, hats of all styles Mrs. Michael Luckoviciy and family jand quality at very low prices. Call of North Allegheny street land see them ~Mr. ard Mrs. Joseph Wagner of Mrs. Fred W. Topelt, of Brook- | South Allegheny street, went to New |lyn, N. Y., is a guest at the home of York City Sunday to spend several {her mother, Mrs, Mazie H Brouse, | days on a business mission lon South Thomas street Mr. and Mrs, David Newcomer, | Mrs. John Elsenhooth, of East! of Armor street, Sunday departed | Howard street, last week accepted a for Chicago. Ill, where they are at-| position in the offices of County tending a hobby show being held | Treasurer Edward R. Miller, there this week Mrs. Floyd A. Yearick, of East | Mrs. J. C. Clinefelter and infant | Bishop street, spent several days re- daughter, Mary Linda, last Wednes- | cently with her brothers, John, Mer- day returned to their home on East rill and Doyle Heverly, of Brookline, Linn street from the Centre County | Philadelphia Hospital, where the infant was born! __Guests last week of Mr. and October 31 [ Mrs J. D. Thomas, of East Curtin “Johnny McGovern, for some | street, included Mr. and Mrs. Elmer years employe 1 at the Texas Lunch, | Sager, of Philadelphia and Asbury, on West High street, has resigned |N. J., and Mrs. Jack Houck, of Bal- his post there and has accepted |timore, Md. employment at the Titan Metal Mrs. Austin O. Furst returned Company plant last Wednesday to her home at Camp Mrs. Belle ward, of East Curtin | Hill, after an overnight visit with street, expects to leave on Sunday her husband's parents, the former for Mamaroneck, N. Y. where she Judge and Mrs. James C. Furst, of will spend the winter months with | West Linn street. her daughter and husband, Mr. and Miss Mary Trammell, a practical Mrs. C. L. Warren nurse in training at Goldwater Hos- Miss Marjorie Tomco of Phila- |pital, Welfare Island, New York delphia, and Cadet Miriam Tomco City, spent the Armistice Day week - of the Memorial Hospital, Wilming- end in Bellefonte with Miss Sarah ton, Del, spent the past weekend | Bolich of North Spring street with their parents, Mr. and Mrs -Pfc. Joseph Ivock returned last Paul Tomco, of Stormstown Wednesday to his home at Warren, -Clayton Kilpatrick, employed at |O., after a visit with his brother-in- Munhall, near Pittsburgi, returned law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph to his duties there yesterday after Riglin and family of Coleville. Pi» spending several days with his par- Ivock Is stationed at Camp Charles, ents, Dr. and Mrs, J. J. Kilpatrick ' Va and family at their home on East Curtin street. Lt. Charles Monica of Ohio, Saturday returned to his du- ties after a two-day visit with his wife. ie former Verna Seprish and their infant daughter, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Verna Seprish, ~-Pvt. Philip H. Gehret, stationed of North Spring street at Camp Chaflee, Ark. returned to —Fred Fisher, of Bellefonte his duties there Monday after spend- cently was promoted from the rank ing a six-day furlough in Deliefonte of seaman second class, to gunner's with his brother-in-law and sister, mate, third class. Petty Officer Fish- | Mr. and Mrs. H. Merrill Showers, of er, former manager of ihe Belle- East High street fonte theatres, an instructor in Seaman 2 ¢ Russell Elwood Em- gunnery at the Naval Training Sta- | jyajzer recently completed boot tion at Bainbridge, Md training at the Naval Training Cen- Those from out-of-town who ter, Sampson, N. Y., and is in Belle were in Bellefonte to attend the !fonte spending a leave with his par- William Henry Ott funeral of West ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Emin- High street last Thursday, were J. 'hizer of Willowbank street WwW. Ott and Mrs. Elizabeth Ripka Mrs. Charles R. Beatty last of Williamsport; David Snyder, of ' Thursday returned to her home on Boalsburg, and Mrs. Cora Rothrock, | East Curtin street from the Centre of DuBois County Hospital where she had un- —Cpl. George Plagianos, with the dergone an operation to correct a Air Forces at Paine Fleld, Wash- foot condition. Mrs. Beatty will not ington, arrived in Bellefonte Tues- be able to use the member for sev- day to spend a furlough with his eral weeks wife, the former Betty Campbell Mrs. Lee Solt, of South Spring and with other relatives and [riends | street, was bruised about the body in town. Cpl. Plagianos formerly and legs last Tuesday when she was conducted the Boston Candy Kit- struck by a young bay riding a bi- chen in Bellefonte cycle on South Allegheny street. Mrs Miss Vivian Hoy daughter of | Solt was struck while waiting to «Mr. and Mrs. John Hoy, of East Cross the street near the Goldman Hig: street, returned home Sunday food market from Philadelphia, where she had De. and Mrs been spending two weeks with her North Allegheny street, brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Clearfield, Saturday, to Mrs. Vernon Carrow While there funeral of the former's Miss Hoy also visited her brother, | Ellzabel) I. Swope. Mrs Joan, who is in the U. 8S. Army, sta- | was the widow of W tioned near that city mer congressman -Mr. and Mrs. Thom~s county hoover, of Bellefonte, who married in Harrisburg on Armistice Day by the Rev. Mr. Hartmann of the Methodist church are now on a wedding trip to Richmond, Va Washington, D. C., and upon return will go to housekeeping in Bellefonte. Mrs. Rosenhoover is the former Mary Thomas of Bellefonte -8/8gt. John FEstright last week returned to his dutie 1s an in- structor at the parachute school at Ft. Benning. Ga.. after spending a 21-day furlough in Bellefonte with his wife, the former Esther Teaman at tye home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Teaman, of East How- ard sireet Mrs. Estright, who ac- companied her husband Belle- fonte, will remain wit parents indefinitely Cpl Forces a Texas, ¢ m Monday after November 3 with and Mrs. Harry Young, of Howard Mr. Young, who Is 38, entered the service in Jaly 1942, and has been in Texas most of the ime since then. Cpl. Young spending mucy of his time hunting for small game was a business visitor in Belle- fonte on Friday Mr. and Mr son, Michael of near in Bellefonte Friday night visit with Mrs Kalzen's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Love of South Penn street Saturday, Mr and Mrs. Kaizen went to Philadel phia, where Michael, 8, entered a hospital in that city for treatment and observation for an astiima cone dition from which he has been suf- fering since Infancy. They were ac- companied by Mrs. Sarah Bullock Kaizen, of East Curtin street, who will visit for a week with her hus- band, LL. Michsel Kaizen of New York City, and also with her sister. in-law, Mrs. Henry Bullock of Fall. adelphia, Mr. Bullock Is with the armed forces overseas ~Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Barnhart, of near Bellefonte, spent the latter part of last week in Providence, R 1, where on Priday they attended the commissioning of the USS Cir cle, a new type combat cargo ship, of which Mr. Barnhart's brother, Lt Commander Victor Barnhart, will be the commanding officer. The ship Is The Woman's Society te Bellefonte Methodist church will hold a rummage sale in the former Democratic headquarters in the Stickler building, West Bishop street, on Saturday, November 18, begin- ning at 9 a. m of Dayton, is " J. C. Rogers, of were In attend the cousin, Mrs Swope, 83, 1. Swope, | from Clearfield w= Rosen- were and Mrs. Carl Miller and { South Water street, will move about December 1 to the Bush Addition be Ya the J. Clayton Greenland family Greenlands recently purchased the Ceorge Newman home in Milesburg Charles Knapp of Ph nue, Sunday went to Aspinwall where he entered the Veterans’ Hos- pital for observation Mr. Knapp was taken to Aspinwall by W. W Hampton of Bellefonte, service of- ficer and director of veterans’ af- fairs in Centre county Mrs. Eleanor Kelleher returned last Wednesday to her nursing du- ties at Pittsburgh, after spending several weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs. T. J. Kelleher of South Spring street. Miss Kelleher was ac- companied by her sister, Miss Ann Kelleher, who was her guest during the weekend Mrs. E. E house in to cate] by rnd alia their Toe nix ave- her a Harold Young, with te Alr t Bergstrom Field, Austir ill return to his duties there a Turlough since his parents, Mr Ormston returned last week her home on West High street, alter spending three weeks with her mother at Beaver Falls Rev. Ormston and his two daughters went to Beaver Falls to accompany his wife home Enroute they stopped in Conemaugh to visit Rev. and Mrs. GE. Householder, formerly of | Bellefonte Cpl and son street, to Tho & H M Kalzen and Altoona, were for an over- Archie Caldwell’ of East Bishop Armistice Day weekend with Cpl. Caldwell’'s rela- tives in Uniontown and Mononga- hela. Prom there Cpl Caldwell re- turned to Camp Stewart, Ga., while Mrs, Caldwell and son returned to {1 home of her mother, Mrs. James Caldwell, on East Bishop street : James R. Hughes, of South Spring street, expects to leave this afternoon for Jeannette, where he will spend the weeeknd as the guest of Mr. and Mrs Harry C. Menoid, former well known residents of, Bellefonte. Until moving to Jean |nette, Mr. Menold was head of the) manual training department of the | Bellefonte High School ~Lt, and Mrs, W. W. Montague, of Pomt Lookout Md. returned to! their home there last Wednesday | after spending several days in Cen. tre county with Mrs. Montague'’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cham- bers, of Clarence, and with her aunt, Miss Verna Chambers, of the and Mrs Jimmie, spent the | former Verna Mae Chambers, X-ray ~Mrs. Emma Neff of Niagara mander Barnhart will oceupy quar- Falls, sister of Elmer Yerger of the ters v-lch correspond to the cap- Cadillac apartments, suffered bruls- Mrs | in | combined business and pleasure mis- | sion | | | J Stouffer, of Altoonn on # B was Bellefonte, Monday, Mrs. Elizabeth Walton, of Har- risburg, Is in Bellefonte visiting her | daughter, Mrs. Joseph Sager, of the Rogers apartments ! Dr. Paul Rider, wile and two daughters, of Chambersburg, spent | « [Saturday and Sunday at the Clay- of Mr ton Rider home at Coleville | Will's * Billy" McClellan, son of | WwW. C. McClellan, Is recuperating {at the Centre County Hospital from | Russell, an operation performed November 5 Mi Mrs. Fred Ray, of Ni-| agara Falls, N. Y.. spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. ! and Mrs, Samuel Ray, of Axemann. | Jesse E. McCloskey, 8 2/¢ Sampson, N. Y, spent a 7-day ouch w hi; parents M1 Mr Cha. les McCloske ol enee Harold A turmed Friday to h ark Calil., after spending a 15- day leave with his wife and sons of ast Howard s reet ! Mrs. Robert Centre County H former Wilma Lali and Mrs. Edward fonte, R. D Mrs. George the Bush spent several days Newark, N. J. » B. Thompson, Jr Mis. Mirtle Wililams burg, came to Bellefonte for a visit gt the home of her son- in-law daughter, Mr. and Mrs Samuel of South Water street, Mrs. Jennie E. Sims, of Belle- fonte, R. D.. is leaving for Pitis- burgh this week to visit friends and spend Thanksgiving and the re- maining part of the month with her ¢alldren -Mr. and East Curtin and | Gordon, 8 2 s duties at Camp Clark is Ill at the spital., She Is the daughter of Mr Lair, of Belle- B. Thompson, Sr. Arcade apartments, last week in Anh her ron, George of of Lewis- ast week and Pocrman Mrs. Jack Wilkinson of street, and Alan Katz of the Orvis apartments, left last Thursday for a several day busi- ness trip to Philadelphia and New York City -Mrs. A. C. Hartle and daughter Regina, of Spring Creek, left Sun- day by bus for Pittsburgh to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Hunter and also her aunt, Mrs. Gertrude Vetter, of East Liberty Gray Larimer and a friend, Earl Colton, both stationed at tie Brook- lyn Naval Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Larimer, of Fast How- ard streel, during the weekend Miss Isabelle Hill, of Conn a former teac Bellefonte Academ Wednesday to day: friend and here is est at the Brokerhoft Hotel Lt and Mr daughter arrived in a " Norwi at the here er arrived last spend ten visiting while ag Benjamin Gryctko Barbara of Cwreen- Belicionte last vig y the for- Mr. and Mrs B J of the Brockerhof! Hotel Charles Saxion of East Pike street has been absent from his duties as a janitor at the Bellelonte High Scaool since November 2, be- cause of lHiness. Mr. Saxion’s cone dition is due to an Injury of a verte bra Mrs, Bessie Alieghesy street Camp Peary, Va wedding of her son Men USNR. and W. Pischer, Nurse Corps wedding was solemnized Camp Peary Lt. and of North went to to alleng the Lt. Charles A Ensign Irma USNR. The Friday at Mensch inst wee a) 0 Paul Fanning of Fi. Bragg C.. arrived in Belle- fonte last week to spend a 10a leave with the former's nother, Mrs Paul C. Fanning, of Bouth Spring street, and also with Mrs. Fanning's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Con- fer, of Burnside street Pvt. Linn Witmer, who has been on duty in Alaska {or nearly a year, arrived recently visit hig wile, the former Thelma Benner of South Spring street, and also his parents, Mr. and Mrs Lester Witmer, of North Spring street Pvt. Witmer expects begin the return trip to Alaska today The Misses Ann and Pegg) Penny, of the Orvis apartments, East Curtin street returned home last Thursday from Pittsburgh, where they attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Margaret Snee Mrs Snee wag the sister of Clarence Penny, of Pittsburgh, father of the Penny sisters First Lt James L. Spangler early last week returned to his post at Ban Angelo, Texas, after spending a six- day Jeave in Bellefonte with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. BR. 8B, Spang- ler, of North Spring street. Lt Spangler stopped in Bellefonte en- route to his post after attending a three weeks’ conference at Ft. Ben- jamin Harrison located near In- dianapolis, Ind Mrs N to to Trips Over Dogs, Youth Fractures Leg Thanas Horner, aged 14. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horner, of State College, R. D., was admitted to the Centre County Hospital Monday night for treatment of a fractured | leg suffered while playing at al | neighbor's home Pet dogs ran in front of the youth, causing him to trip and all to the ground, Tue fracture Ig just above the knee The youth is a pupil at the Per- guson Township Consolidated school, Birthday Party On Sunday, November 12, a very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Reed, Port Matilda, R. D. 1, in celebration Mrs, Ruth Baxion, daugh- ters Anna and Lols, Charles Sellers, Miss Nellie Joseph Saxion, Mr. land an orchid RECENT WEDDINGS Benner—Russell Dean Herbert Benner, son and Mrs, Ernest R. Benner, East Logan street, Bellefonte, was married to Miss Evelyn Morris Ruse sell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, J W of Matthews, N, C on Thursday evening, November nt 7:30 o'clock at the home of le bride. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, wore aqua dress with brown corsage The floral color scheme was green and white. | Candelabra, magnolia, ivy and car- nations filled in the background Ihe bridegroom attended Bellefonte Higia School, He left in February 1040 serve his country, and re- turned t states In June after 2 years of oversea The bride is a graduate of Matthew High School, and took a commercial course at the Woman's C ol the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C. A reception | few relatives and friends wi after the wedd.ng. The couple caune to Belelfonte to be at (le of bridegroom's few days L B/8gt 0 RCCEeSS0r i to y Lhe service n HICRe hom the parents for a Curtin—Capers R. L. Capers Bellefonts thelr daught th. to Robert F of John Curtin treet =llefont Dr. and Mr Curtin the marriage of sLree ee Elizab son ceremony was performed clock Friday afternoon in ib brook Presbyterian church Rev. Dr. Barnes officiating Curtin, Sr., served as + man, and the bride was marriage by her brother Richard Capers student Forge Military Academy, There wer attendant Following wedding du Adelphia Hotel bride is a x! and 1s 501 no other ceremony a served at the delphia. The the local 2izgh sch memoer of the Junior nell Universit) tinue with graduated fro School and continued his Mercersburg Academy State. He entered the Nav) ruary 1043, and has been training at Bucknell Universit; at the Philadeli<ida Nay Early this departed ney West anes Bracguale Now =» at Buck- 0 con- WEDDINGS ON PAOR RCT ION ADDITIONAL SIX KEOOND - Hughes Speaks At Church Dedication Hnpress, £ Wald BN ag A timpie i tional service va ternoon it tt }eliefont Methodiot sireet The former Quaker Mee has been taken over by Methodist chur : one Thomas dedicat-d worship ed delivered sermos Prof. James BR. Hugh citizen and former Academy propert congregation br forth man: inter censes and remark A special numper sented by Mrs Be Plerce Peter Rev. D. E werves the « ed a well of God the prayer of ¢ £14 Ld BY Joseph hurch as pasio — —— Officer Writes About Death of Local Man Pike week received James E. Dugan street Bellefonte, this ter from the commanding officer of the unit with which his son, Pfc Norman J. Dugan was serving when he was killed action on Septem- ber 16, 1944 letter follows 0! “at An As The Somewhere In France 24 October 1944 Dear Sk I know only well that words cannot bring comfort to your heart in these hours of loss. However ON 3 fivision commander | want to tell you that all of us who remain in this division grieve with you in the loss of our comrade “Your son was killed In action during our sdvance near Arracourt France. He did his duty splendid and was loved and admired by all who knew him. We will not forget “He gave «iis life in battle in the service of his eountry-~these simple words cannot lighten our sorrow, but they bring great pride and Ine apiration to us all Sincerely “John Wood Major General, U 8 Army. Commanding LOO AR your MRS. SARA ELIZABETH AUMAN Mrs tve of Coburn, died of complica- tions at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Marion Kean at Kingston, at 2:06 pp m. Monday, November 13, 19044. Born July 13 1867, In Cregg! township, she was a daughter of Daniel and Jane Swanger Heck man, Her Husband was the late Al-/ fred Louls Auman, The following, children survive: Allen A. Auman, of Millhelm; Mrs. John Stine, of | Christmas tree for sale at Sarah BE. Auman, 77, a na«/ a ———— —————— CLASSIFIED ADVEDTISEME NES Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns every week, That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- partment has hecome so amazingly popular. Considering its low cost and the benefits derived from its use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com- munity Bargain Counter. RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or first issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word Is charged REAL ESTATE A straight one cent a word Is charged for real estale advertising —sale or rent. KEYED ADS All advertisements that request to this office, must be compiled with by those a: ments. Pleas? do not call at the ofMce advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted of the adveriiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE-—Every sub ocrat whose subscription i= paid up to date, | vertisement in these columiis one ume, free subscriber will be charged the regular can be used six times a year at different cents for advertise. less, 25 to be malled Lhe replies wer ing advertise for Information concerning such divulge Lhe name riper to The Centre Dems entitled to » 25-word cf charg AaAveritising ate interval ads Otherwise the Thi rivilege Nurses Hear State Convention Report | Alumn Lost and Found Work Wanted Pie 28th Division Officers To Be Here Sunday Help Wanted Local Man Casts 19th Vote for a President 'S TC BE EXAMINED WANTED--Men Om of PY One LUCAALS yesterdas In Memoriam PETERS In ur dear motl ed Now AWAY Deeg { ’ fl} iald maeelest n our : art 4 a wall wire of a ul and ved © » rest, for "a me of 1 Articles yY mise best Sadi DAUGHTER CLARA to and Card of Thanks HARVER thanking all sd In the | beth ny We ake a mean PDeIaOns = any manner ness and deat M. Harper Signed) take this mean expressing our thanks to nelghtx and friends for the use of the n their floral tributes and their mat aot of kindly sympathy during the death and funeral of he late Lewis Lucas, of Milesburg (Signed) Ma A Lucas and family Announcements NOTICE 1voiy hn on the Clark Benner oy UCAS Ne POR. BALE Darre phot Alno ne MORMON box Reasor aMIrvicoe M heim, Pa FOR SALE Kit Love oO dining butler larence Hamil St. Beliefor Ing » rola Positively mo hunting ol 1S Orchard property township. Mrs. C. J Clark. | ¢ x47 | VT NOTIOE--Cyrus Shope will have the Court next mouth. Please FOR BALE plete w 50 ood th mupers Al inspected. disease free honey extractor and supplies reasonable Andrew J. Zetia, Drift. ing. Pa. Phone Winburne 2752 x47 FOR BALE New and used alr pressors. bulldomers, power rad ors, Kohler light plants rodlers tractors and soo Will rent some tama. Phone Bellefonte 518; Milton | 668. Shops at Harri burg George N "Boughter. Box 33, Milton, Pa. x46 House, as usual, buy them early ANNOUNCEMENT Centre County Pomona Grange No. 18 will meet « Saturday, Nov. 18, at Pleasant Oal in Logan Orange Hall, at 10 a m Moming. afternoon and evening sessions, Sth degree will be conferr. ed at evening session. Patrons of Marion Orange will act as host. All Patrons are urged to attend oom DR. H.F. BAUER - Optometrist WILL BE AT Crossley’s Jewelry Store EVERY WEDNESDAY INSTEAD OF SATURDAY DURING MONTH OF NOVEMBER ONLY HOURS 9:00 to 6:00 a] oa BT Auction, an o Poultry for Sale Business Opportunity Houses for Rent Garage for Rent Farms For Sale Live Stock for Sale Real Estate for Sale Money to Loan Repairing Few al. makes of wash- nn Sweeper brushes ¥ Owens Eectirie street. Dial 2000 1-88 . 2 r ? wr nachine work have in stook CAL SCTEwR. sel BOTEWR, key mock. etc. Bwarts Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 1-18 We alm of Miscellaneous STOCK hen 3 — Removed prompilly. Yourt Centre Mall 55 w Miilheimm N-R<3 at owt DEAD Ca Sales Mart RA A pense VARMERS-—Penns Valier Salea Barn Contre Hall. ™ holds sale overy Tuesday. Bring your live stock and poultry, you oan excent Drees 8 T. Relgel owner tf iemoved Drombpily. Call anytime al my expense. Phobs 8435. Pellelonte Joya LL. Bm Milssbure, Pa 1 DEAD STOCK owt mana~er TIMELY TAX HELPS The approach of the year-end makes it highly important that investors study the status of their securities from the Income Tax standpoint Owe 184 "Capital Oains and Losses” worksheel is a valuable aid Copy available Josephthal & Co. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE And Other Princinal Exchanges ————— HENRY W, ANGUS Local LOCK HA PA bs a — on request Dial 2018 —— : —— 8 E Main St had SR ee ed
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