November 2, 1944 YHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA Page Three UNIONVILLE ras ur wan 4 S| SNYOERTOWN | PINE GROVE MILLS Mr. and Mrs, Olark Williams mo- | hurch school at 9:30 a. m o tered to Howard on Sunday, where *1p service al 7:30 p. m A —— ethodis ~ oh: Praver se Wr ’ a ¢ > N . a Tm ant Niefiiofist Shuch. Prayer Servo We were sorry to learn of the they were delightfully entertained Wednesday evening of last week Retired farmer Alvin K. Corl kk John Osrney sale on Thursday « r evening. 8 ay s¢ im . hg " AY y 02 8 ft bh i : . Thursday evening. Sunday sehool 0; death of one of our oldest citizens At the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. the young people of the church had erecting a new garage at bis mod- John will now devole his time Sunday morning at the regular hour, , " ) 1 ' ern home on White Hall road } lng milk « Ket { driving 3 ma Ao gaa “recently when Mrs. Amanda Comly Bullock, their old neighbors, who & Hallowe'en parly and invited the » . 8 hauling milk to mar ang driving BiG HEAVY | 4 xX Y-p followed by the preaching service at recen 1 M Amanda | the school bus in Patton township i T ht the home of hep recently moved to Howard young people of 8t, Paul's Liisieran Edgar Gearhart of the U, 8. Army, . +4 : > y astor passed away at pi Joes, oq arr. Be aniter, Mrs. Ella Lindenmuth of Mrs. Edward Carver returned chureh There was & good turnout fecently enjoyed a furlough with Grandmother Sophia Reed Is en- in the evening at 6:30 Tyrone, at the age of 96 years, Mrs. home the latter part of last week and all reported having a nice his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry joving her pre-winter visit at in “) \ drat comly had been in falling health from the Centre County Hospital, Hime From the outside ft looked Gearbart, on East Maln sireet home of her daughter, Mrs, Samuel Free Methodist Church a ya for some time prior to going to the where she was presented with a lit- Quite spooky but that i sat makes Kyle 'M. Alexander of State Col- Everhart on the Branch. Mrs. Reed . nai g o 2a yey § » » ning NF Service on, Fria ea no home of her daughter. Funeral ser- tle son, and they have named film Hallowe'en. lege, was an important business 18 In good health although she is 90 ol Bundt ning at the us- , y dT AYR ' ‘ " A VOLE ” } the, how \ b : n ting 1 were conducted from he Donald Exiward, Their first child is Jenjamin Lutz of Pittsburgh, is caller in our midst the past week, Years young ry A - Jy : 5 NCCU . N i ua y t op Wetzler Memorial Chapel in Mile a little daughter oth mother and spending two weeks with his mother, Kyle ls supervisor of PSA in Centre The man riends of My Ste and the regular preaching service } p I y : the ti i t 7 ' burg on Friday afternoon, and in- son are getting along fine, Congrats Mrs. Harry Lutz, and aunt Mrs, county in thw Bellefonte office Richey will be giad to know that y rk wy R v. D terment in the Oak Ridge cemetery. ulations BEd Katie Dorman Our 1. H. C, agent and service sta- after several weeks a patient y 5 e pa Be ; We wisl extend most sincere Lee Emenhizer, son of Mr. and Jeatrice Rockey was admitted to tion proprietor Wilbur Dodd is Philadelphia hospital, she he Preaching ey yige Xn va 5) thies to the family and apps william Emenhizer, and Mr, he Centre County Hospital last driving a new Dodge sedan turned 0 her Altoona home terian church Sunday ning at ie : ; i week nd underwent Bera tian DEO \ ! \ # irenda Charles Hall, son of Mr. and Mi: ¢ Ald underwent an operation Mrs Mary Bundav at Mrs. Is: improving very nicely 7 i STERI-SEPTIC 7:30 with sermon by tor, p We hope for her wordy FREON 8. Maly bunday and dir ha > 4 shnnie \ y of Mr. and Jesse Hall have been called for noj HED a Speedy recovery belle Musser were visitors t Rev. Warren Weaver, his + and TICKING tt - 0 . i 1 i : “ 4 3 wer w visitors amd shop V { } TRY i! 3k ang p; Rev. H E Oakwood : : ie Jt bison of this place, army duty and will leave this Fri- Mrs. John Spangler and family pers last Tuesday in Phil id ai P* | son ‘Of Los Angeles. Cal 3 / Mr. and Mrs. Forrest He IAN BH0 4S em ved at tl resent time at day, Nov, 3rd. We wish for them the 80d Mrs. Harry Haines spent Wed- tthe da . ing some time at his parenta friends, Mr. and Mrs. McNearney, !3 © rdware store in Belle- best of luck "" |nesday evening at the Ralph Ishler , M' 80d Mrs. Willis Schilling and d Mrs, Clarence Weaver A i the HN ardware store jelle« 8 { 1 A wn ¥ ih 1 I he 3 ’ and I fares vi all of Lock Haven, were Sunday . - A 2 home in Hublersburg Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Reed entertain hl rv , a : p 3 m VORYe? guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Lucas alae Is Helen Snoke and Mi 3 Chas Mr. and Mrs. Max Markle of ¢d the Men's Bible class of Balley- yo By a and other relatives in the com- Mr. and Mrs, John Talhelm and lotte Stere motored to Hollidays- poo 0 Co Sunday visitors at Ye Sunday school Thursday eve- first visit with his hom 3 " : 2 13 yrds be y 4 wiilaa va : 2 Vea VE and y - any munity burg last Saturday, taking with Elmer Stover home ning at the Reed home, 18 being yen anda yo ‘ m i” ¥ 1 \ y | N - TL th "y « 5 "my y ’ a " vy 3 h " in f ~ Y a Le me. Recent guest of Mr. and thei ib an ter last Sat- them the Harvest Home supplies ao. 0 Mrs Francis Haasen and Present. Harry Pisher was speaker Accomp Bo by his mot! John Talhelm was Mrs. Fr Curtz urday evening an tored to for the Presbyterian Home that had family of Beech Creek, spent Sat- of the evening and John OO. Harp- y al o oy hob H bin A of Baltimore, Md. She at the present lian where th njoved ne l= been donated by the church here urday at his home while he helped ster recited a very appropriate poem. °° ang one iTeNas In our val BLEACHED time is a guest at the home of M1 owe pa y AA Wa uta Fh The ladies of Union Grange No with the corn husking there Choice refreshment were served tat } f force On Mollie Talhelm of Julian = +f A atagd AUPE : bh 325 of tals place, will hold a bake Mrs. Katie Dorman Mrs. Ed. Dor-' At the next meeting of Grange George Rudy and Pred Gear Mrs. Shelby, nee Janie Zahniser, guess who they WEE HSUE S00 sale and vegetable soup sale on NO- man and Mrs, Harvey Lutz attended NO. 1981, Nov. 14, Dr. Miles Cubbon , _., sv placing the Snow who was home for a couple days uid ng ANS IARO-HD I wet vember 7, Election Day, at Grange the funeral of Mrs. D. J. Benner of ©f the W. PB and the Centre , s 4 as y : has gone to Camp Shelby, Miss, a rey 1 his identity A hall. All kinds of baked poods will woodward Sunday afternoon County AAA commitiee from Belie- 1 where her husband is located for they have a good me! e r sale and home-made Veg- Mrs, Sadie Huffman of Jersey fonte office, will show movies on soll the present time They expect to be : Mr. and ? ¥ i IY al “4 ; # table soup. Call on them any time Shore, and Mrs. Heimer and “on of erosion, of interest to all farmer WOODWARD located there for the next month or Sunday for I Duigh, TEE WEY during the day and see for yoursell. piitle Nittany, spent the weekend 8nd a comic strip. An open meeting % : Rn ; Real value! Thick depth more attended the funeraf on MOMERY "7, Cemetery Meeting: The regular at the Willlam Haagen home at 8:45 p. m Tera DC A eh leppard soft os down! Ten pounds Little Miss Janie Brown of State h r sist 4 hr ak era eum. | ONthly business meeting of the Mrs, Elmer Stover, Mr Harvey Don’t forget to come out aioe G1) gf heavier thon the average College, 3-year-old great-niece of with A AB WU Unionville Cemetery Association will Lutz, Mrs. Katie Dorman and Mrs. mark your ballot right on Nos aakbArsd ath of his grandmother mattress for more com Mr. and Mrs John Talhelm, - yise PLT vr rmdet ¢ p be held next Monday evening, Nov, Ed Dorman were Wednesday visite David Barto, who was recently Nhs A Wh Boone RE Do The fort! I one Sulbelms i oy to. Tu 1 ut y in St ollege ? Bo the. a Rouihwgse f 11 ' : 3 v : A N £ Stet Li yn Hd pi Tus =e yu. 8 Anny, - a on Thursday just about and h ran Covered in duroble attrac. here ) having spent a reeks ! I'homas B. McClellan, of 1101 1itn La et 1 AL BY buss tieba - 0 ” ue B ny An Si ed x DB { before her passing ; tive STERI-SEPTIC™ tick avenue. Altoona, retired Oct. 1 from Mr. and Mi: Willlam Haagen, again employed by lumberman H res { N ing! Pre-built woven eyelet the Pennsylvania Mrs arry Haines and Mrs, Sadie Alfred Davis Mtv N. J. bs a twels ; border! Four tope finished 0 DCA CSCC ICE SEI JOD & | Railroad Company, after 41 year : Jersey 8hore, attended Roy Henry has 4 kes all set furlough his parents, Mr. and hondies! Built for service 2 { ervice, He was a Howe en party Saturaay eve- for 4 new modern | on st Mi : reamer her relative ond health protection! 879, hin tothe eecl reek Grange Mal treet. He recently purchase d chums {is wife accompanied Priced of only $19.95 for —_—— Aarshaill Wie roads serious ness and sub- Political advertising) » 4 Reelect D. EMMERT BRUMBAUGH DeHaas Electrie Co. Your BELLEFONTE, PA. Hayes Bldg. ALLEGHENY STREET Congressman Mr. Brumbaugh bases his campaign on his past record ° ORVISTON Webb McElwain it Now | and dauguter goes Haagen Mildred t hie in Congress and as a citizen. a successful business man and ¢ (ETT EE e TRSHETR TEES THT RERTRRS @ ST REHEETTT @ A iTS LEVEE TT Hit Eh hi LAER . H leader in civic, welfare charitable activit He is i War No. 1, having served man) months in combat overseas His pledge: All possible bene fits to the armed forces HEH ¢ TERETE oF HERE 4 Oo nmsr— MARKET QUOTATIONS Corrected Weekly by C. ¥. Wagner u r A H & Co. Inc, Flour Mill, Bellefonte OOK TUL J KS Visit vil Mrs ———— Wheat $150 ) be voting for the eminently juaiified ma to best serv 1 in the = ; A : Ait ia ahi i : walls of Congress 4 ya 8 Seve Bal Week Der rolhs > y eambmind 1 10 Cary Purdy of Ohio. and her son Your voice and influent i Wily appreciated Bo ried i i William, of Bouth Enola CRRA IRC ; Sm i... Rye _ tia . 20 Mrs Emma James had a very Whe . A wiunale accident on Thursday of - — | ye fell from a step y a a se Eg LE I a a ae Al i be a patient 1 ver pital from NOW YOU HAVE A NEW |Site . HELP ING F ARM ERS OVE RCO: ) lr ewe Soom, Fo bla In case you have forgotten about it, No. 3 Airplane TECH. Jean stuives eritertatmbit Bi E r—— — Stamp became Effective Nov. Ist Janis ANcis a La Ee “ ] But If You Want to Save It For Awhile, See Our Large Selecti>n of Women’s Non-Rationed Shoes A VARIETY OF EVERYTHING HH their familie Washing By casting a AE Oi © mn . ratio HILE pulpwood mill receipts are still lagging ut or Thurs- J behind War and Home Front needs, increased lipaburg Sun. pulpwood cutting by farmers has compensated in part presided Ne OLE for the loss in production at logging camps. Civireh sopvioes: Sndiay school i0 The mills feel much credit for this accomplishment Color - Style - Heal Height Price Dr. Eivin C. Meyers, Dist, Superin- should go to the County Agents and Foresters who are jent of Williamsport presiding The members of the Grange wishes helping farmers mark their woodlot trees for thinning, to express their appreciation for the aivices und Sine SUil} of Co pei. and advising them on marketing. TRU & Fal Al & 08 » tion of Hallowe'sn social Friday JUST R FA EIN ED night. Next regular meeting of : Grange Monday, Nov. 8 at 8 o'clock » J Mrs. Jane Wertz, Mrs. Robert Wolf . . of oward and Miss EBalsy o : bs ’ ] Girls’ Leather Saddle Shoes Roark of Philadelphia. spent some The Battle is far from Won of Forester. ™! prove profitable not only time at Camp Bob and the James this fall and winter but for years to come. Hodges Inst week The pulpwood shortage hasn't been licked. Pulpwood is a cash farm crop which will Released After Two Years. Tine adios OF the church Wishes to | : announce that there will be a chick- Pulp mills need much more pulpwood to be in demand after the war as well as today. en and waffle supper Wednesday keep pace with War orders. Much depends evening Nov. 15th for the benefit of the church. Kgep the date in mind upon off-season farmer production this fall Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Phubell attend. 3 J od services at Snow Shoe Sunday and winter, We will tak y evening, Rev. J. Bdgar Heekman de Your t t d F ate e any species livered the sermon Coun y Agen an orester Mrs. Carl Polmar and soh Ronald on the job again this fall, advising greater that grow in Pennsyl Vania. RE MET CRI NNER UI a ened returned home Bunday after spend. Just the thing for the Service Man ing some me with Mr. and Mrs pulpwood cutting as soon as the harvest- vin Polmar here : : Es y Miss yond ‘McCollough who Is a ng of field Crops J ts, P ially needed now nurse cadet at the Philipsburg Hos- Please Note ne Sen A Crop with a Future HOWARD | Proper cutting of pulpwood on farm wood- We will be closed all day Armistice Day, Saturday, November ” vice County Agen . A. Open Friday Night until 9:00, werk With his Tenia ane, Irion Jats, witizthe advice off your County Agent He is stationed at Rhode I8land and ls gunner on a training ship. Other A WAR-TIME OB WITH A POST-WAR FUTURE {guests entertained at the Wolf home (were Mr and Mrs, T ai. Bowes, IMr. and Mrs. Orie Heaton and Mr, jand Mrs. E. Heck, of Jersey Shore in eg soon the 3. © OF WEST VIRGINIA PULP & PAPER CO. iis Yeager S Shoe Store Lr TYRONE, PA.-WILLIAMSBURG, PA. | Phinaly j Get in touch with the dealer in your territory from whom we buy wood: [ . Flannels should washed In tes BELLEFONTE'S HOME SHOE STORE pid water, by presing and working A. C. CONFER, Spring Mills E. S. BENNETT, Bellefonte ERAT |
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