P; cla th Mrs Bsther ine Wi thei ( Wink I'he ] E } wee Two YAEr CO ENTRE DEMOC RAT, RELLEFONTE, PA BOALSBURG Class of the held thelr Ruth nday School Tuesday evening at rch. Those pm were ank White, Sara Kellerman Graham, Marte Hess, Lo tmer. Esther Garn and n Mrs enterta Wis in and Es Keep ol esent Ciuests ames {f Sara Kellerman and was in We #n season raha ham ing Hall home of Mi Ons visitors at the mma Brouse red Brouse of Norris wn. Pa Paul Myer d Mr and Fred Mur were Fang Ris Bobby Ris a of Mr Lhe N hom 3 Sis Rishel Step gud Winnie Thomas Waiter Cain, Jack UNICIPA MILLHEIM L — NEW SHOW TIME — & 9:15 P.M. He & 350 Shows Now 7:20 ADMISSION FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY Nov. Jrd) q g People! Devil Dance { Des Rivey Ir “DANGEROUS JOURNEY" A Fox Picture i Denis and velt STARTLING THAN IMMANGEST DREAMS! PETE SMITH REFL and Selec ted Shorts 8 Rl Leila ROG MORE YOUR SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY INov, 4th) Is Gonna Call Me mii Ape! You'll Laugh Until it Hurt When You See “THE HAIRY APE” William Bendix, Susan ITS TOPS! Selected Shorts No Dame Hayward WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (Nov, 8th) A Gal of a Thousand Adven- tures ANN BOTHERN "“"MAISE GOES TO RENO” With John Hodiak. Tom Drake, Ava Gardner FINEST SELECTED SHORTS James Delitrich and and Sara Deitrich John and Mrs the Misses Mary of Hecla spent Sunday at the Hubler home Mr Mrs. C. E Mur: Bullock of Mr Mrs varren Pleasant Gap were Sunday noon callers with the ladies Charles Faxon AR lee Is law and daughter Mr Breon at Columbus Samuel Everhart RD. was a caller at the port home Sunday Mr. and Mrs Sandy Ridge, John Mir Whipple and Williamsport Wood of after brother ana E and 5 visiting his son-in- and Mrs, Ezra Ohio 4 4 College Kime« State John F Foster Heath of Heath and son t of Osceola Mills and Charles Philadelphia were callers Mary 8. Goheen Robe Heath of » home of Mrs Sunday afternoon Pvt. Glenn Lelby was a caller at the home Monday Mrs. Keith pent the weekend with Mrs Montague I'he Fleet + weekend Mus thelr who of Fort Myer, Fla Charles Segner of Berwick Charles Schuyler Hunting Club spent at the cabin of Robert er's Gap at which time annual meeting attended were John Hess and Paul College. RD. Riley Boalsburg. Charles Hess t Sunday, Osman of with Foot in held members ¢ Musser 1s State Hunts WAS & BUes Miss Elmira pent the weekend Mrs. Corrs tzel Pvt. Harold Wagner of Greenville, 8 C. spent a three day with 3. J Wagner and attended hi Mrs. Anna Friday and daughter Mrs. Edgar Sunbury her aunt 1 Cet pass of Celtvsh with his brother { Mrs. D.G Hall with f Centre Doon anid daughler iIsitors with Miss Anna returned to after E. Homan 1 Sune Paul Gorge W. H. Ne Fortney wer fT home Sun- tellerman and Israel Reitz nan ited mi at Jackson and with HOLTS HOLLOW begins next Sunday trust that everyone will d help with the services Rees nicl Hidren of visited home at Sunday ir revival evening we be present at M M C Gum Stump i ner or aril Leathers was an over night guest at the Hartley home last week unday visitor on home were Mrs children of Gum Stump. Gertrude and Arvilla Fetzer, Marie and Anna Johnson and Emma Watson, Mrs. Fred Watson left on Priday by tralp for North Carolinas, where she expects 10 spend this week with her husband Pyvi. Pred Watson Mr and Mrs. Prank Dreese and family of Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs Leathers and daughter were Lock Haven shoppers on Saturday even- ing Anna Johnson spent Saturday night at the Claude Confer home at Runville Mrs fs spending this week at the Fred Watson home caring for the chil. dren Mrs. OV. Scholl and children of Moose Run spent Sunday at the Fred Watson home de Nearly every good citizen believes folks Orvis Wat. M. C. Reese and at the in the churches of the land; the beat | | vay to show your faith is to attend the ehureh of your choice, » daughter parents, Jackson of end Mr Ler Clifford He N. ¥ Sunday p home on Sunday after weeks ents, The lable: proved family of Montgomery and Mr Mrs. called at the ( on Sunda) at the day Mus Mills of days last Intier's parents, Kreider Bu weekend Elwood Bellefonte two children of the of State M. W. Wert home VINitOr al in-law gene tonsillectomy with Mrs ten Mrs Mrs » Walter Sweitzer of Lemoyne ' REBERSBURG and Mrs. Roland Jackson and | Karen and the formers, Mr. and Mrs ‘Tuursman Vandergrift were woek- the Paul Wert home Arch Heckman, daugh« of Spring Mills and son kman 8 2¢ of Samson the Wert home on Mu guests at and Mr Louise called al m Brungart returned spending tvo Iinols, visiting her pare and Mrs, Wallace Breon had been {il but has im- Mrs. Robert in Mi and aud of Lemont, Weaver Jr. home Mr, and Mrs. Phelps Weaver Weaver J Walter of Wilkes Barre called Walle home on Sun- callers were Mr, and Leister of Potters John Beek George Other Philip Lerman op y BEVEraa William Hoe DC pent at the Lome Mr, and Mis. W They were Sunday dinner ests al the E. H. Hosterman fwome Miss Margaret Grubb spent the with her sister-in-law, Mr Cirubb and children MY. aid Mrs Washing ton, woek { Wi 34] Martin Houser and Mill Hall called at Sholl-Diehl home on Sunda) Mrs. Ralph Wert and son Larry College are { Mr. and Mrs Visiting at tae Miss lors ie Blerly was a weekend home of her brothor- and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eu Lee atl Slate College William Marte of Tus yyille is visiting at the home of his daughte Mrs W. Smith and family Weaver underwent at Slate Coligge H Rey Cilenn and dauglile: New Florent Wage: weekend Mr thr Beal } Donng of {i Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lewistown, spent ihe the ladies’ parent MR Mayes Bierly has been | Cays i Mie home of Neta Blerly Mr and Mrs. RW Smith and A Cummings atiended the uneral of Mus. Anple R mal ast Friday Brean hi 54 t has Yel alii Daryl Y a WisGay ive a 9 raiidng Wiilian Ta Frida wd Mrs owing and Jack Haring The Tarben Wed (Og. Aaniming [}# Hall mower M Paul Mrs. C Hostermai Hall sup- the 8 were Sunday Breon homme i! Hironim § nd Dorot visited Mu Elizabet] Middieioun Sanda The pup f Miles nigh 8 o! held a Hallows in P. C. Blerly day evening Mr and Mi daughte; Jeiin Rel Towns! art or n Mon Lhe rag Weber atid Y [re Mr La Mi y and daughter Sara Jane attended the funeral of the ladies mother, Mire Roland Jette at Spring Mills Thursday after. noon Mrs Robert Gilbert went to Phil pdelphia on Tuesday 10 spend a few days visiting her sister W. O Paul Blerly of Baltimore Md. spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. ©. M_ Blerly Mrs Agnes Johnson of Lock Ha ven spent Friday night and Satur day at the ome of her brother-in- Jaw and sisterw, Mr. and Mrs. John Relsly. Sgt. Matice Zettle of Edges wood Arsenal, Md, spent Saturday at the Reish home. Sara Jane Relsh, who recently went to Detroit, Mich. to attend college and was called home Because of the death of her grand-mo'er, Mrs. Roland Zet- tle, returned to Michigan Sanday night after spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reish Mr and Mrs. M Jast M. Garrett spent SBunday at the Ed. Tyson home in Millheim Mr. and Mrs. MW. Wert, Mr. and Mrs. Merril] Brungart and family, and Mr. and Mra. J V Brungart and | granddaughter Nancy attended the Dairymen's Lea Saturday even Mr. and Mrs Jetome Summers ‘and family, Mrs Gordon and two children and Miss Calinen.of Béle. i al Lewlburg on fonte home Thomas called in Calvin ootifined on Bunday Biter Reber ALE Waaver 8 who has ni Wii ¥ f r al pogt, called ae ER ian to 3 | p Be o a Wolle home, Sunda of Baby Foods Educator Crax . . . Zero Juri, Laundry Gems . .. Mexene Chili Powder... 14¢ French’s Mustard .... Oc Gor dar Broadcast Redimeat 32c¢ N.B.C. Skyflake Wafers .: 23¢ Oyster Crackers «ovo» 3lc 4h Pkg " Er inn JESTIS IN! FRESH FRUITS S nd 5 VEGETABLES NOW 816 VALUES ... WIDE SELECTION ONIONS . . 39 Lettuce . 31s 250 Celery . . 2 29; Grapefruit 4:.25¢ Apples . . 4 - 29 Grapes «r= 350 Fotsives 4 - 25; BLUE LAREL® * * * * vs sss unn CABBAGE ~: 1.09 pr . 10.Lb. Bag 70%, 80's TI III "mmm, THIN i SAHRA IRI TRI RR i HOE RH I ER RT eae Visitor at hone on and two children 1741 Oy " williamsport visited 4t the Clayton Auman two and one halt years is quite’ LITTLE NITTANY Margaret Dullen Mrs. Lilah Eck i Dullen | Hels th : El ii the Sunday were and Ciloria Mrs, Ellzabs and bzal “BASIC MEAT LOAF” We Like To Use: i vup undil “Yap LL RE { Cap po fepspunns Serve Often . CHILI STEAK Five Delicious Ways MEAT BALLS IN SANDWICHES. Other Meat Dept. Values CHICKENS CUT-UP CHICKENS BREASTS Ib. 762 LEGS Lb, 63¢ BEEF TONGUES PORK SAUSAGE JUMBO BOLOGNA" SRICKED SQUARES Fine Fish At A Saving Lb, 43¢c Lb. 30¢c Lb, 33¢ MEAT LOAF HAMBURGER WINGS r Lb. (9¢ Lb 32¢ Dor 2%¢ Boneless Bluefin Herring Frozen Redfish Fillets Cherrystone Clams Fresh Blue Pike Fillets Frozen Cod Fiilets Fresh Haddock Fillets Baked Goods GOLDEN FUDGE Layer Cake . 45¢ Coffee Cake .....23¢ VERMONT DELIGHT Breakjast Rolls 17¢ Rolls 10¢/] Donuts « eed 196 MARVEL, ENRICHED 11c smowen ,, “5° 120 Arn il "Rw Pg Pa 3* Macaroni = Baby Foods ES2S > 4 4uuuuust 490 Mille oo . ++ 82. 816 Tea . 39¢ ow ne. SAC 1 nde Miello Wheat . wl vl Peanut Butter = ‘2: » 43¢ Vinegar «- i. 12¢ Preserves i « «+ vos's 270 Nutley Oleo ...... 33¢ inger Bread Mix . 18¢ Octagon Cleanser .. 2+ 9 ctagon Toilet Soap 2: 9g uper Suds > 23¢ : 2: 19¢ ctagon Gran. Soap ir 220 almolive Soap =. 3& Strained they Heina LAD wl . Libby's or Ideal 1 Infant Feeding " White House Delicious Nourishing heat Farina Quart mu m8 mn Bott Lb. Jar I-ib. Pigs. Dromedary ® hon Pg Cakes
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