Wer A 40. 20)" 1 - EAR LE AAJ A IEEE RE ES) * a KEEP FAITH Wilh (18 == by buying WAR .BONDS ERs sasay Lamaqy] NBIUIEO VOLUME 63. he Centre De wcroaf WAR BONDS MEAN MORE THAN A GOOD INVESTMENT) NUMBER 413. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1944 SUBSCRIPTION-—£1.50 PER A YEAR. rg a I'wo From Die From b oun ounds Battle Toll Claims Lives of Two Residents: Four Are Reported Wounded, One Second Time; Runville Soldier Missing in Action Two Centre ount m LIM prem HY battiefie Pot. Gravy Dies of Wounds ¥ y } Pre Theodore Ishiler Wounded In Action HE it wi iH 1 ome. | of t hell hole celebrate Christma Kidd n ] Lo the road at the = Bellefont Dur treet £0 igned nk H at Camp Croft. 8 ( and Camp Blanding June he was sent ing in England, and er wa ent i Prance The Overy four wee fante Belle n Bellefonte \ m of Charles and ina Downing Grubb. 111 Rebersburg: } wife [ Roopsbur motel the forme; 0 ranging in ith 0 eluant John nd Donald year How Fu LL S/Sgt. Krupa Killed in Germany 19 (Continued on page Four) CRAHAM STATION MAN 1S ARRESTED Pleads Not Guilty to Steal- ing Articles From Parked Car 4X 50 Craham Bras arrested on charges and receiving stol. of © Bennie Trav ton. ha of picked up Hotel Proprietor Buys Beaver Home Altoyous) inconfirmed that Af this time Governor nome on Curtin street has by B J Gryectko. Brockerhoff House The msideration | said to have been $6.250 Mr. Gryctko will convert the atial home into abartment it inderstood the Beaver been mirchased proprietor of the Wt Wounded Bellefonte Soldier » Convalescing in England ho. ' Sgt. John DD. Drogan Sergeanl John O. Drogan, 22, of Bellefonte, a glider infantryman who was wounded by mortar frigments in the battle for La Haye du Pulls, is now acting a8 a platoon leader in the rehabilitation am for worinded soldiers at this United States Army station hospital In England His wird officer, First Lieutenant Melvin T. Gormudy, of Rochester, jentering he service recovered from hi trengt! our Wounas and is by active partici- rehabilitation pro- regaining pation In gram We were setting up our to knock out some of Jerry's resist. Sgt. Drogan recalled. “when two mortar shells landed right hind me. Its lucky we were Near a hedgerow, because the six of us that hit had to sweat ont another barrage before anybody could get In there to help us He was given first ald talion nid station and evacuated to England As platoon sergeant pital’s program, Set his fellow patients and performs minor administrative duties under the supervision of hospital staff members Sgt. Drogan was graduated from the Bellefonte High School In 1941 and was employed by the American Lime and Stone Company before A veteran of the North African, Sicilian and Ital. lan campaigns, he wears the Presi. dential Unit Citation for outstands ing achievement during the North African campaign, His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drogan, reside in Bellefonte, Two of his brothers are In the service, Sgt, Charles Drogan, 20, also a veteran of the North African and Sicilian battles, is wit; a signal unit in India, while Pfe n 27 Is mortar ance were at was on Inter in the hos. Drogan drills and the Ages IDE Mad be- | bat. | AFTER YEARS OF FREEDOM Had Convict Been “Absent” For Eighteen Years GOES BACK AGAIN Rockview ty RE-SENTENCED Howard R.D. Family Has 4 Sons in Service of Country TO PRISON WALLS! Will Probably Never Live to Serve Entire Sentence een Year escape [1 3 14 within wembeg DACK Pittsburg. Pet estined t Word : ri ¥y HAsO ) few who have (view Prison to elude Lhe of the 1 period wsked by t attorney he 1 Interrogas te SUTTON CONPANY DISPLAYS PRODUCT 5 Guy OO, Miller Pvt, Ear! L. Miller Wa —— Pg Howard W. Miller Pri. Ray BH. Miller i ’ Wiiisf Local Firm Represented at National Metal Congress +oMRewis of the Satton Engiveer: mig Company, Bellefonte, had a min. ature Model K T type straight ine on display Inst ional Metal Congres levelan erik the Nat { manufactured by thw Bellefonte fd Ly Al LE 1% Ae ficial ! H LB] Ha rod three -fighitl n diameter wid from Octs The machine ite Wies 3 3 Lhrous wou OT » On "Ordered to Report For and O. J. Bhawden. Other Mi Anne Penny Willian ind Adam Crosamvye 1 Mrs Suttor ai Al addition to James Crals am Brown and Michael Miar f the Tita Oompa any employe ended In will AON TO NAL THAT: 801 HS J NAS BOX ‘Rules Governing Soldiers Leaving After Sep- tember 30 Christmas parcels for member the Army leaving home stations route overseas shortly before or a October 16 cember 10, 19044, may be malled un- der the following provisions, postoffice announced yesterday 1. Sender must show a change of address notification (W. D.-AQO Porm 204) which was received after | September 30, 1044 2. Weight limit—8 pounds 3. Bize—tlength and girth bined) 38 Inches and not than 15 inches 4. Address package In ink and in. sert address on the inside of parcel (Continnrd on Page Three) of {ter 1d come- longer Philipsburg Coal Company Restrained In accordance wih an Injunction sued October 7 In Lewisburg by Judge Albert W. Johnson for the United States district court for the middle district of Penhsylvania, © W. Askey and Raymond Askey, trading as the Glenn Coal company of Philipsburg, are restrained from selling, offering to sell, or deliver any bituminous coal produced from the Glenn Coal company mine until such n time as the defendants have Minnesota, sald, “Sgt. Drogan hs wt an infantry unit in fn, up to and Including De- |, \ with France ¢ Ser Pet ary 22 nd successively joained at Port, C. Camp Gordan, Oa Ob K | Na IS how stationed at Norfolk MAntored the went? wfreies On 1044 and rece *~ hiz boot nvie or He iS ' A Ciomtingerd = page Power) 17TOLEAVE FOR OCCUPANTS ESCAPE INDUCTION CAMP. INJURY IN WRECKS Auto Crashes Result in Military Duty on Damages to Cars Over November Weekend cd re Weswiped . page 7 ’ Crates ward at Rockview iris wards Mingows ward Belle! ine, a 1929 " x fy as M pr w= ana Thu oN wa INMAaye 8 oximately $200 Plea Cap nis Love Named District Legion Vice-Comdr. the A Democratic Rallies to Be Held Over County Miss Maude Yania Furnace chairman, and of Centre Hal Paign chalrman Seek that three will be held this Centre county follows Oct 38. Court { i H i Hey Hout retired Ar October nerd 4 iB M1! ve ne yon! James © commander Ga i add jut Other Boot! C iocereding Bellefonte ola Mil Forrest «( ad jut ant after Miller of Dem eratic county D. Milton Bradford Democrati came announced this Democratic rallies week and next In They cheduled elected Pennsyl- reel Samus Rev ROCOL Bornho Rev. A ( tian Cus an Phelp AL«nrms ant Houts urwensvitl ' field. « \ re nie and House, Bellefonte George O. Pershing. Elisabeth Dv Witt former state vice-chairman Prof. Charles 8 Knbsa, Demoperati candidate for the General Assembly and others will be the speakers Nov. Isl, High School, Centre Hall Nov. 2. Democratic Club, Clarence All rallies will start ofl 8 p. Mm. ox cept the one at Bellefonte which will start at 7:30 p.m. The public + cordially invited msm —— A —————— ergeant I'l three whi hh meet month represents [Legion posts in the following places Millheim, State College, Port Mae {tida, Bellefonte Jhilipsbhurg Onee- ola Mil Houladale Clearfield Grampian, DuBois, Curwensyille and | Madera commitie ery nil State College Woman Injured by Car a | Roosevelt to Speak Mrs. C R Adams of North! | Holmes street, State College suffered | erator of the ear, was traveling west | nounced the Chicago speech ester. Bate President's for city rr Presidentia) Secretary Early an. DEATH CLAIMS A PROMINENT COUNTY MAN Guy Z. Stover Dies Mon- day at His Home in State College WAS PARTNER IN PHOTO BUSINESS Native of Coburn, And Veteran of First World War a veri Hiness of { Guy Z. Btover nt State Cx 1 ast 25 years engaged busines: morning at his College Vear Ang in the 7:08 Lane photog died at Monday home at A native of 1ocated aphy Locust State Coburn Mr College wrable « harge World War 1 the Pennsyls omnpany a before his enlistment in Uw al cory Ab a Heutenant severely wounded Seplen Following he the Army of Ox Cerma an at Stat following from te He had a R Der Mil- elegy second ne wa 28, 1918 eIvegag in pation Collen ome 1 Hi n 1 Robert | tie Smith Penn Stats ime in Luxemt went into pa i. Breot 51 . Phot Guy Z. Stover a SCRAP DRIVY TOMORROW R. 4 MacDonald district mar ger of the West Penn Power Com- pany, was eletted president of the Bellefonte Chamber of Commerce at the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors on Friday eve- ning. Other officers chosen for the coming year sere: William Bmach- bill, vice president and Newell Long treasures The meeting was held jointly with the Retail Division for discussion of post war planning. at which Lime plans were ald for the maintenance of an active Credit Bureau and co- operation on the part of all business | places with the bureau It was decided by the board that [there would be no Hallowe'en pa {rade this year, but that the Cham- "ber would coneentrate on having a real Christmas eelebration | A committee is to be appointed to {go to Council for discussion of a | more lenient enforcement of Chamber Is to operate a “Car of persons making out of a cont rips. hopes b work of Stover | Th DISCUSSES .L. Bracken of Clayton MACDONALD HEADS 55 COMMERCE GROUP William Brachbill And Newell Long to Fill Other Offices the | [parking meters and also to "a [that the meters would be discon. | [tinued during the Christmas season. | Democratic Rall y : ~ SLE . ‘ Here on Saturday Important Issues to Be Discussed at Meeting Held in Court House: Former Chairman Labor Relations Board Will Be Present; Other Speakers on Program A Democratis number of public life important I events, will be held In House at Bellefonte, Bata ning, October 28, beginni rally lock prominent sg bx tional neg over Democrat by will reser ia One of the J i 1 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS Giflore ' 75) Forme;q Pinchot Blate's Governo; twice elected highest office the support make an malty through of farm- ers, will address over the urday mor creasing inabie to paign for good and earnestly farmer friends listen 4 morning rac Following is th tion which {+1 13rd anporia radio on 8B Because of Mr. Pinchot travel ning age ars raay over wiki De EEE ONE BANKER EC CHSEN TRUSTER WEBI F. & M. College Honors Former Bellefonte ————r— School Principal Near ” CHILD PROBLE October Meeting Most Interesting Instructive Prov es and By § ws Boarg nHomew happy phrasi { his vies ol the | ge § joy, AS evidenos his Intere is in 1 Ls ne eslab- Fund for Centre anit on WE, Buperintendemt Missouri first page position on many of IRlon's newspaper; as mmer asserting A child has as much right 0 close his desk ang his worries behind him at the en of the day a A i Frederick wOl llege several yel shed “ bolar=hip worthy boys (rom Blsir Huntingdon cottntie For the past ve ayo years, Mr Mes: ff ¥ DOAr Of Ua rave ia i) § ’ Hong « LA 8 Ve LF ’ faith Cow ih ia lassroom (Continued on Pape Three UB HEARS TALK BY R F.C. HENRY ollege Head of Ceramics Discussed Interesting Subject rd C. Hen Pleasant Gap To Conduct Own Drive { the Bellefonte Woma the Prestwteriag day night Henry was introduc ir'yn Burket, program poke 01 Selection of the Home He how 10 detect od eX piained Ginerware was the world. He MeXPEImYe Jinnerware 3 ol- very good dinnerware There nine different dinnerware they Continued on page Three) Last Centre County Fair Held AT Bellefonte Thirty Years Ago wus decided week Organisation Society for Crippl 5 Al its Girl Scout Army: Centre County Hu { Pleasant Cap Fire Ox that The Emergency harity and | en takes | we place of formes . | Are Charities work grounds o HOA In To the several readers who have pigeon shoot with the following en. been Interested In knowing when tries: George Uzzle. WR Halnes the last county falr was veld In Mawde Jackson, John J. Bower, LL. Bellefonte, the answer is September H. Oettig, John Trafford, Linn Me. 2.3 and 4 1914 That year witnessed Ginley and Robert F. Hunter. First the fifteenth and final fair sponsor. prize, a shotgun, was won ty John ad by the Centre County Agricul-, Trafford, second, a hunting coat, by ura] Exhibiting Company LH Gettip: irda *weater by The fair had its begluning in 1900. | Robert F Hunter Early in that year a charter was granted to John M. Shugert John 1. Olewine, F. W. McElroy, Charles B. Leader and John M. Dale, for the privilege of organising a (air asso | clation, and in September, 1914, the first Centre County Pair was held on the McCoy meadow between Bellefonte and Milesburg In order to provide space for the Ss “Pearl 0.” second In the runnt
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