ew. KEE? FAITH Th US = by buying een BR WAR BONDS SBssssann Ihe Cenfre Democraf 5 (HAR GONDS I MEAN WORE THAN A \ ig 6000 INVESTMEN VOLUME 63. NUMBER 12. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1944 NE SUBSCRIPTION—£1.50 PER YEAR. County Man Dies: 3Wounded InWar Pfe. Paul Stoner, Boalsburg, Succumbs to Third Wound Received in France: How- ard Man Wounded in Italian Fighting The week's total of Centre C War II casualtic on ead three sounded y ' N Department ' {ved fore , relatives folland a Seotésmbes Plc. Paul wecumibed tw N recc*ved in the fight Pvt. Fra? fonte France on Se 1 Pfc. Kenneth Ba stoner Dies Killed in France tel Iran forme Pfc. Ray Sweetwood My Mills i on September 17 fore War his of his death i AS Te- ported missin ction iu [ita Meta 3 ivived bo g three chlid- » SI iwWo An employe wife an He enli Company hers ren living in Baltimore 1942 the (Continued on Page Four) INURED AS parent his parents, his brothers and two sister in the infantry in July MM IN PRE-INDUC TION CALI Drait Board N l B has bear re Local fonte \ccidet Results When Army Car Skids on Wet Highway men on gO pre- tion COUNCIL AIDS TEENAGE CLUB To Help Youth Group Lo- cate Suitable Club Quarters da night ernment to in locati he gation Council support n establishing ¢iub oon nd * was ret Member i 0 A pi Peter Sheffer, Mi helm (eato mination for a and Mi Dor ' tu Mr. Eheffer. chief spokes i Mr. 1 the delegation ev eflort ! cate room Lhe N same time meet Continued on pepe Sir) here she w 3 | y Wwe | ndergo -" 10l Kull f : A gre RI iy ng requirements — yy Bellefonte Lieutenant Has Completed 95 Air Missions First Lieutenant J. Ned won of John N. Corman RR. D 2 has been award- ed the Air Medal “for meritorious achievement” in aerial action against the Japs in the Solomons A member squadron of Ma- rine fighter planes Lieut, Corman took part in 53 combat missions over Japanese territory frequently en countering intense anti-aircraft fire and heavy enemy fighter plane op- position ‘On December while on a fighter sweep over Raboul, New Brit. ain, he attacked and shot down one enemy fighter plane “His skillful airmanship and cour- ageous devotion to duty contributed materially to the success of all mis slons and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service ! + Lieutenant Corman formerly flew with the famed “Black Sheep” squadron, headed by Marine Major Gregory Boyington, top-ranking ace now listed as missing in action. i Although Lieutenant Corman has completed 95 combat missions, most. | ly over heavily fortified Jap-held Raboul. he has never collected 8 bul- | og (1 let hole in his plane | Wings and commission a year later Graduating from Pennsylvania His promotion to first lHeutenant Btate College, Lieut. Corman enlist | came Inst October Marin Corman, 23 Bellefonte of a 3H Ist LL. Ned J. Corman April, 1942, and received his LJ | Graduates at Pitt Glenn M Ford City esident of Sno fohn W on ol rmer w Shoe ‘Army Helicopters | Land At Airport New Machines Here Overnight: Pre-Flight Tests Yesterday UYllustrate the Great Maneuverability of Strange Craft 20 from e HOWARD COUPLE WEDDED 50 VER 61 Guests Attend Anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pletcher CARS COLLIDE : ge Pleas of Guilty Heard by Court eserti WAR FUND FAR SHORT OF GOAL ‘Only About One-Third of | Total Pledged; 5 Days Remain Bellefonte Cot : ficial Alc oniy | War Fund yesilbrday Laat with days remaining be 1944 cammign closes ird the quota has been re mmunity Ive more about RC - led With 827.174 budgeted as the min- | imum figure needed for the char- itable organizations participating in {the funds, tofal pledges to date are jonly $0.736 50. officials sald Of the amount aiready pledge! $0016 represents initial gifts” of | Which W. W. Bleg Is chalrman, Mrs | Helen Carner and E. Keith Ander (son, of the housesto-house Canvass, | report only $230 In pledges to date { Correspondingly low totals are re« ported by E. 8 Orr, of the public employes’ committee: EL. Plumb { of the clothing store committee [Fred Warner and Orvis Reed, of the | Industrial group: P. H. Johnston, of { the professional group: R. OG. Lind- quist, of the small Industry com- mitiee; and Bossart DeMaas, of the electric and furniture stores ] Malcolm Yeager, William Osman | and John Lambert sollelors, afe among those who have filled reports on thelr progress to date. PRESIDENT TO SPEAK O0OT. 01 President Roosevelt will deliver a major campaign speech [rom Shibe Park in Palladelphia, on the night of October 27. President's ade dress will be broadeast over the various networks ling a view of FRANCIS J Candidate 1 MYERS SN. Senate HAMSLY 5. BLACK Candidate Sale Treasurer A Ie ¢ Live ! i Den t eset bie A Court House al ternoon me Slats Frida § Pounied to the bygv that res reo! it Kreet COHN hg or . v vey try $4 wh elect a » 4 ¢ i ! 1 ‘ i“ i ¥ n evelt t NAMED PRESIDENT ARMISTICE DAY OF COUNTY CLUBS PROGRAM PLANNED : Mrs. E. E. Widdowson is Chosen to Succeed Mrs. W. Ward, Resigned orial Services at Football (ame, November 11 med ire Cite nt : Fait ite College Bellefonte I A hes i M1 Wal J ard of Day observance th Bellefonte, wh to t memorial service for Ohi { High School tud nts A IO1 the Worlg bo poled nex feature o istic Kit # en Ww son A ache al : ’ o 1 be & former - nie » Wa ing have lost their live - i 1} rice wi ey-2 Aw of {4 in ’ re | conference ' tha Ix nal 30) tory N hud will take V LAS State Welfare ( representative of president Nae ft the Communit Field just before the opening of the Armistice Day gan between Belle (Continued on page two) mierence ™ n page Two) the (Conlinved Governor's Home, Once a Showplace, Bid up to $6,210 But is Not Sold The residence of ernor James Inte (hove A. Beaver at the corner of Allegheny and Curtin streets, one of the most magnificent homes In Bellefonte at the time It was built about 65 years ago. and long known as one of the show paces of town went on ye auction block here Bat urday afternoon and after being bid up to $6210, was not sold be. cause that figure did not meet the lng site from the. then General] minimum set by the owner, Thomas Beaver apparently on an install! B. Beaver, son of the former Cov- ment or other delayed pavment ernor of Pennsylvania plan. When the house was well un- The mansion, last of the homosider way and before It was com- of Beliefonte’s three Governors to pleted. oid timers report, Mr. Hale remain in the ownership of the or- ran into financial difficulties and it! ginal families, is one of the beauty eventually became necessary for spots of Bellefonte |Cleneral Beaver to reclaim the site! Centrally located on a spucious in order to obtain payment for tie terraced lawn on a Olli command- lot on which It was built i Bellefonte to She | At that time General Beaver and south, and a colorful mountain view his family resided in the home of of McCoy's Gap to the north, the Mrs. Beavers father. Hugh Nelson site was an ideal setting for the McAllister, having moved into that home of one of Bellefonte’s foremost | home (now the Hazel apartments citizens during much of his Iife-jon North Allegheny street) after time Mr. McAllistor's death, Prior to that the rambliy Sign. But tructure of modest de 000! Jing to old residents its bulider the late James Tracy Hale, son of Judge James Hale, be. came so wrapped up in the project that “3¢ made frequent changes in [the plans as the structure progresssd {until It assumed approximately its present sipe Mr. Hale had purchased the build. The 21-room mansion was orig-|time the Beavers resided in the for- | physica inally planned to be a low and Legion to Conduct Mem- | Belle. Na Atiiletic U1 | NOW (Continuad on pege Two) w [ Bellefonte Man Is [) Killed By Truck Forrest Emenhizer Died Soon After Acci- dent Near Lock Haven: Had Gone There to Seek Employment TRA HAN FROMROCKVI left Work Crew to Visit Hospital For Daily Checkup Ha MAY BE IN SPRING car CREEK VICINITY wi Maximum Term Would ye Have Expired in Only © Ten Months Flemingt "ie Centre County Girl Serving in New Guinea INNVESS ACCIDENT VIGTIM === = "iin bomes COUNTY REGISTERS | BZ NEWVOTERS =.= 521 Democrats, i publicans, 78 Miscellan- cous Voters Added » Kt ¢ Arthur Clayton Kauffman, of Ix " Pittsburgh, a native of Zion Tuesday afternoon in a Pitt where he was admit fied me a OTT i ie] Cyt rib we » ¢ wt iq pe i yO a BHS Guard Injured In Back Lot Game fContinnnd on pape Fiz) nent w take Fig ef Madisonburg Couple Are Ensign Fischer to Wed ~~ Woadded Fifty-One Years Lt. Charles Mensch M1 New Andrew Fi York, amt theis . au Withelming : ne of Fischer enrolled Wu Corps in April, 1942. and ened Ww St. Albans Be Y. In May. 1043, she was to Camp Peary Wil Va. and served there un- i transfer 10 the U 8 Nawal Hospital at San Diego, Cal, in Aug ust Lieutenant Mense) son of My Besse Mensch of Bellefonte, and edi- tor of the Keystohe CGazetie here, is the Public Relations and Wel | fare Officer al Camp Peary, Nawal Training and Distribution Center Williamsburg. Va Arbor Vitae Trees Planted on Diamond Borougiy employes Monday after. noon planted Six Arbor vitae trees fu Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wise, of Madisonburg the eastern section of the “triangle”! The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | grandehiidren and five on the Diamond, to replace shrub- | Wise at Madisonburg was the soene children. bery of a different type destroyed/of a happy family gathering on Those attending the anniversary recently by heat from a bonfire in| Monday evening, October 2. in hon- gathering were the honored couple, celebration of a football victory or of the couples 51st wedding an- | Mr and Mrs. Wise: Mr and Mrs The new trees were obtained by! niversary George Wise, Rebersburg: Mr. and Mayor Hardman P. Marrls and are! Mr Wise. a son of Samuel and | Mrs. John Ellenberger and son, Cen more timn two feet in height. It is] Susan Wise of Madisonburg, R. D_ {tre Hall, BD: Mr and Mrs Boyd believed they will grow to form a!and Teresta Mazel daughter of Ja. Hazel Mr and Mrs. Paul Wise and low hedge across the triangle. Bon-«| cob and Semanda Haze! of Madison. "on. Mr and Mrs Maurice Miller fires on the Dinmond In ‘Oe future | burg, were married at the home of And family, and Mr and Mrs Vilas have been banhied unless special the groom's brother and wife, Mr. Wise. all of Madisonburg : permission 4 obtained from bore! and Mrs. Ocorge Wise, at Madison. = Prior 10 his retirement Mr. Wise ough officials, | burg. October 1, 1893, by Rev. DD, 1, Was a farmer and blacksmith by oc. | Kepner. greal-gramnd ida 2 TO UNDERGO PHYSICALS Draft Board No. 1 of State Col had sale and moved io 10 Madisoybury . and Mrs Wise are in very active, consids —
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers