In Centre County A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Week |p reven] The Most Widely Read Newspaper : SO | ADLER i Looks at the NEWS SECOND SECTION, Cenfre Democrat 1 Random NEWS, FEATURES Items { } | | | REAR-ADMIRAL Emory 8. Land| VOLUME 63. says he would not let Japan do any BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1944, NUMBER 6 fiving or have . any trans-oceanic merchant marine after her defeat This comes from Land on Air and Sea. THE MOSQUITOS in India are 80 big one landed in am army afr- field and was loaded with 130 gal- lons of high octane gas before they found out it wasn't a plane! CAPTURED Naa here in thie States, had a helluve swell time (on our food, vietrolas, pianos, ete), celebrating their Fueh- rer’s lith anniversary. Wonder how many of them wondered what they'd have to celebrate if they were pris- | oners of Japan? | 2400 WORKERS who entered the armed services after Pearl Harbor but have since been honorably dis- charged, were re-hired by General Fleetric. No short-circuit here, SUGGESTION: After we take the Marshall Islands from the Japs how abont rechristening them the Mar- shall Islands--this time in honor of our own General Marshall? PAT MORAN reports the Irish have a new secret weapon, It" rocket-cannon that shoots 150 mile then throws bricks! DAN WALKER wrils Toscanini may be the dent of the Republic o least he'd he able to ge CAMP STEWART goes from bad to verse with this one: Girls who tress with low V necks . Leave no doubt as to their AND HOW about this one: Buxom gals with big broad bax Should not parade around ir A WOMAN stepped aboard way trolley with a young lad and dropped 5¢ into the slot, “That boy looks older than five,” the conductor commented, quizzically, “Don’t be silly,” was the retort, “if. he wa more than five he'd working in & war plant! THE other day a Berlin shortwave announcer suddenly interrupted ! vadcast to shout: “What the h the matter now?" Musta been téning to his own palaver SIR Cuthbert de Hoghton 63- year-old descendant of Lady Godiva Just married his 18-year-old secre- preshvterian rch tary, Philomena Simmon They'll Had he lived unti spend their honeymoon White: ..' 14 have he Horse Inn? [Sg by one daughter A UTAH motorist, arrested for Pardick, home réckless driving, explained he wasn't two sister Sam kissing . the ®al next to him—but Andover, Ohio, Mrs that she was busy cleaning the frost Tampa, Fla. and Mr off the windows. The judge dis- ell, of Williamsport missed the charge when the defend-| puneral services were held Friday ant went on to explain that the gal afternoon at the residence in Mill} was his wile. Which accounted for Hall by the Rev. Carl C Oray. In. the frost on the windows? |terment was made in Cedar HI JHE NAZIS have taped mygery | 0c voc, the Thin Man, the 8 EE — dow Mle. In ed lands for fear|e pdtriois might get some practical ideas Tromp them, Superman of his own Shadow? IN ROCHESTER the OPA refused to give a new mother a ration book for. her gecent addition without a photostat of the birth certificate, | She went them one better by put. ting the evidence right on the desk basket of the director—aaid evidence beifg one iwo-months-old baby JAN MURRAY wonders if proper for a Wave. when going out with a Sea-Bee Wa expense ODD AND CURIOUS How to Gel Steak Free A restaurant at Tampa, Florida, announced purchase of a $100 bond meant a free dinner. And for $500, tWo extra courses and a steak were added. The management reported 84.325 sold in bonds and 14 dinners given free Crawls Through Blazing Inferno To Rescue Lad Imperiled Under Bed Four-Year-Old Boy Missing as Mother Rushes Family from Burning Altoona Home; ; Victim Overcome with Smoke. in prison camp four-vear-old little miraculously Wednesday when a and knee: flame vanked from beneath a bed admitted t nfferin owes his of O. G A wa late week } hand Of ter Altoong from arnoon bed crawied pved { n on his the child little boy the oldest to Boring y call. the fire hustled the back porch and count- Jimmy." Mr alt [4 ast on in. 1 10} neighbor N vi 1 hrough ax fermo and ‘ YOUNK: child, who was late; Altoona hospital moke suffocation, the heroic efforts Flames were already rad through the bedroom of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Geis, 1411 Six- teenth avenue, and the large glas windows were “cracking and sn Loaepartm rs I wn he She had ing them Jimmy ner Boring ing i scream got in “there window flames where, When 1 d feel his shoulder face downward and with tl ana urd “When 1 Boring I) th sald much break darting id, wa house,” wi wt It 86) Ap~- the L ang we got to the ch He smoke me in that Arturo next Presi Italy, At harmony Could - Prominent Mill Hall Man Dies Former Councilman Victim of Hiness Following Strokes ¢ i Aled 10K 1 dragged by ' q cl om benes bed the houlder im to my home an i He wa ofusely {rom the nose t have been caused by my dr m but I'm not r and his daught t aid hile family ambulance in in hy I carried h eCKS. . ns condition bieed- George S. Moore, 77 Hall councilman busine prominent in church work Tuesday . Feb. 1 following an jllnes resulted from a Mr. Moore wa en but had spent prac lifetime Mill actively identif hit Ci 1 slax sure Mill and on former man died ht B- a th called the | A 10 member eo ang uTived and wa little fellow to the » ambulance arrived re was discovered when one | n Al i me, year which il Quad trans- hospits the oke about Lock Hav-|' tically his en- Hall wl he d busi- in be [tire ore with wa ne om affair . Civic and For » opened the cl t he ome 410f O. B. Hill coal business there everal years on the ough council. Por the he was trustee and a partner lumber nd he £ Mill Hall 30 from 1 and yor ; srved bor- year 141) f The Gels family live on floor of the duplex building at Sixteenth avenue, The only dam to the second floor was from smoke T. R. Crape lives in the secand floor partment, He, his » and small child were Sit at the time we fire 4) § 8 elder of the chu “a he ived at ; o heen rs of (Continued on Page Siz) ms ni AP ———————— ne hrother H. Moore Sadie Harer Mit "i * Wallace Seyler Is Fatally Injured Former Clinton County Man Dies in Accident at Detroit el Tillie i a... King of Cowboys son ys O1 ured in an automobile cl Saven Mile Road, Detroit. when a speedifig car driven by Earl K. Gul 51. struck the Seyler automobile, Mr hort time after the Det been afraid ol eek, vb R(- ent on Wi 2 over bers Beyer accident fied police report that Cullen ved In two previous in Detroit In which were sideswiped speeding away who were chasing t the Seyler car resident of Lock Haver left that city about 30 years ago. His last visit to Clinton was in May when he came funeral of his late Aaron Seyler He survived by bis wife, the Jormer Josie Shilling of Lock Haven had nw era and tu from unm, it’ i Was {river arnvel i he 0 y on he stru A | Mr. Seyler former ounts Rl { Roy for the father the Rogers, cowboy movie AY has gained a nation-wide exceeding all others in the action field to win him the title of King of the Cowboys.” His latest and a son and a daughter: also picture “Silver Spurs” is now being brother, Grover Sevier, of Mill Hall, hown at the State theatre in Belle-|and a sister, Mrs, Wilson Burnell fonte Flemington Runk Elected Head Credit Association the Hollidas star, following outdoor “ font Engineer, County Native, Is Retired Nash G. Gates, of Juniata, made his last run ast Saturday as a mid- die division engineer. He took the fast stepping Duquesne Limited (No 74) to Harrisburg and returned as pilot of No. 35, the Pittsburgh Night Express. He js well known in Har- risburg and along the Bald Fagle branch over which he ran at times in his service career He was born near BStormstown, Centre county, February 2, 1879. He entered the PRR service as a loco- motive fireman on the old Tyrone dividon May 17, 1905, and trans. ferred to the Middle division No- vember 11, 1905. He was promoted to passenger fireman November 17, 1916, and to road engineer January | burg ! held Thurs- of the The director Production Credit Association Parmer Carlos Thomas, of Athens, | '®IF organization meeting la, was digging in a 30-foot well | “YY Janay hah NaC, oo T™ when Homer Melemore found him Hollowing ob davon The The war bond committee lowered a |'OVOWINE 0 ere elected to blank check in a bucket, The farm. | °° during 1944: president, John or ‘Svea n check for $6000 worth A. Runk, of Huntingdon: vice pres. of ipods, resumed his digging ident, H. R. Snoberger, of New Fn- terprise, and secretary-treasurer, F CG. Pouse of Martinsburg In addition to Mr Snoberge the oth the beard include 1 of Johnstown: V. Ross Nicodemus, of Martinsbpug, and Harry A. Corman of Spring Mills. All directors of the board have served in this capacity since the organization of the woclation In 1034. At the meeting of stockholders held earlier this year, Mr. Corman was re-elected to a 3+ year term as director of the associa- tion nf Digging Deep Paid For Walk to School Because of a shortage of gasoline the school bus at SBearsburg, Vi, was unable to make its usual runs Therefore (his mountain town is paving school children up to $1.70 a week for walking to school, de- pending upon the distance covered and Mi of Runk r members 8 Blough, | : : Pins Bobcat, Yells For Help Mrs. Asa Clements, of MeCall, Jdaho, pinned the bobeat which killed her prize chicken to the ground With a pitchfork and then, helpless, she yelled for help for an hour before a neighbor heard her and shot the animal. Boy Scares Holdup Men Unaware that his father was be. ! elevated to passenger engineer from which he retired, ! | Mr. Gates is a member of the! a ‘ | Brotherhood of Locomotive Engin- WINS DAMAGE stir { eors, the Brotherhood of Locomotive | A jury at Pittsburgh awarded Ar piremen and Enginemen, the Rall | {thur W. Koller, of Cherry Tree, road Men's Compensation fund of) {Clearfield county, $16,000 damages Harrisburg and the PRR relief. In-| in his suit against the Pennsylvania eidentally, he continues his contact Rallroad for an accident which oo wit ing held up by two At Nor- | curred June 25, 1941. Koller, a ar olk, Va, let y W ductor, sald he was riding in the of Stormstown, up a paper bag in part of ‘caboose of his New York Central ihe bare and burst it with his hand. freight train, traveling on the Pon FINGERS AMPUTATED | Btanley Cuda, 14, son of Mr, and holdup men Ber aking only sylvania’s tracks, when a Pennayl. west of Renovo. Koller was caught Mrs, Frank Cuda, was admitted to ho ul of | yania train hit the caboose 10 mi under the caboose wreckage and his the Blossburg State Hospital Thurs- : of Half Moon Orange, No. 200, | { depart, MUNCY FARM PLACED FIRST [left arm had to be amputated near day for treatment to his hand which The State Industrial Home for the shoulder, was accidentally eaught in an elec Women at Munty took first in a tric saw In the school a ate de: | SPILLS TONS OF COAL competition the fingers of his left hand farms in| Pive tons of coal were spilled over | tated. LON were ampu- i and potato {the sidewalk and street on South - oy a | DEATH ENDS to awards issued Main street, Watsontown, when the the Btate 3 - AT. when co His Ideal Death Closes Murder Case Man Accused of eating Sis- ter, Dies in Hollidays- burg Hospital ri Joh C1 admitted dy Grin the Hollid vida ' ho Lal any John He wa armel Co on « Grimes M mem ner Ol ie rt Wii i 25 Head of Cattle Lost in Barn Fire th IR of His Herd of 13 DUT ne barn of t Gra farm =» mile Wednesda Mie ' + Dor caused rear of the WO started but compietel har: Dari it wa remaining * bawied in agony + at 7:50 y that time Kly and raged ould be done Tumer's lace the cows lock fire 80 hard ave the barn in “ spread so qu nothin Mr rescuine i that 0 was blistered n | ‘ wed barn As being exceptionally large well filled with ha traw, feed, and housed a tractor equipment destr describe It was graly and other VAs fe y arm Some irance it is estimated it Hy tH 3 third of the ) in MAS carried st cover on Was wil 1 ¢- or - State Democrats Have Shaped Primary Ballot Democratic virtually agreed of primary candidates by Congressman Prancis J of Philadelphia for the States Senate Myers, twice a congressman and {former deputy state attorney gen- eral, would head the organization ticket for the seat now held by Re- f i Pennsylvania tains have uate of chi on a topped Myers United {publican James J. Davis, who is ex retary Other unon pected to candidates were State Supreme Court—-U. 8. Cir- cult Judge Charles Alvin Jones Buperior Court-—Judge Chester H seek re-election virtually agreed | J Ross State Treasurer—Ramsey 8. Black Auditor General-8tate Treasurer CG. Harold Wagner PORKER ATTACKS FARMER George Schrey, of Selinsgrove, R D. was knocked eight feet in the alr recently by a huge pig, and fously injured. The pig has since been killed and dressed, While his live weight was not taken, dressed the weighed 727 pounds A ————— MINERS WORK ON SUNDAY Approximately 46,000 anthracite miners, 64 per cent of the Scranton hard coal region's working force, went down In the mines Bunday, first of four Pebruary Bundays on which Solid Puely Administrator Ickes has asked them to work as a means of relieving fuel shortages. CHANGE IN HIGHWAY DEFT. William P. Bachman, Willams Beaver Season Opens Feb. 15th Counties May Trap Animals in State to Feb, 28 F'wenty-Two The comnis ont t " ¥ es n Stole 24 Dozen Eggs at Market Farmer Succeeds in Rescuing Hen Product Proves Altoona ToMan’s Undoing Sator- day Morning Sims found Michael cent Going Sat Hoe office; basket Sunm hand esx oLceman re day mot ene of egg wi {00 basket taker n peOOUNt who ind wa eit ha While there William Longenecker called : had 24 from a market he wa itn } police Oy 6f mn : 1 ME ” alle Alder- $ “4 all «¢ Brubaker in presiding remanded nes E: 4 magistrate Simm Later were is being pico Churc om wad tigation Lis 8 4 home, He und iad wher 16 ind at the Simm held the cdopen of fe ngerous — ——— h Group Holds Annual Election Ihe Milesburg Women of Christian Sery of Meth odist church held their annual elec- tion at their regular monthly ing in January Society tl HT LY) meet. The following officers were chosen i president. Mrs. Howard Spear: vice president, Miss Rose Haupt: record- ing secretary, Mrs, Clarence Pardoe; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Amber Pelzer. treasurer Miss Edna Mc- Cullough: secretary of missions, Mrs John Sholl; secretary of local church actiivties Mrs. Samuel! Stan- ley; secretary of student work, Miss Grace Bchenck: secretary of young | women, Miss Bernadine Spear: sec- of supplies Mrs. Frank Baird; secretary of literature, Miss Hannah Schroyer. secretary of pub- leations, Mry. Vernal Miles and Mrs Harry West, Jr. secretary of apir- tual life, Mrs. Edith Mann, mem- bership at jarge, Mrs. Helen Miller, 20, 1920. On June 26, 1040, he Was phodes and Auditor General PF. Clair Mrs. Edith Oswalt, and Mrs. Carrie Jodon Weaver { The Installation service was held | Bunday evening, January 30 during [the regular service with the Rey Sowers presiding The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, February 8, at the home of Mrs status of women, Mrs. Mina (urged to attend. | bo —————— — Short Course Offered | A fruit growing short course will [be given at the Pennsylvania State College, February 1 to 11, announces ‘A. L. Beam, director of agricultural Ishort courses. The course is planned [to help orchard owners, foreman, land crew Dosses Meet more FUCCOSS- i Pht dy og y face in the War POLICE OFFICER DIES Charles Gi. Mack, 656, a member of Police auaty | the soil and is the oldest mem- landed on his head, but was not 5er- | jones The women of the church are the home of fra Confer at Yarnell, Airplane Cras Fatal to Sat. \: DOCTOR'S DAY Be h Proves James Fauth, re Formerly of Philipsburg Youth's Family, Now Residents of Altoona, Formerly Lived in Centre County; At- I in an Feb fl PT e un , ne for Do 50% AOI id out. James d x “etary id not al wa ot pp. wu Sunbury Soldier Tried for Murder Case Opens in Colorado Court ; Accused of Slaying 3-Year-OM Girl trial] of 8B '8g accused of ree-year-old girl it Littleton crowded oo “wr rz entered Yai of insanity rye! bs reason 11 1 Osmer E. Smith may be held on the aocused of kill Ann Geist whose bod ound beneath a kitchen sink Mar apartment. Con Ivar MN. Moss sald she been imin- ¥ AREA Hited trang ‘ : 0 hileen 1) i ner had alls and led wit} pe Now is Time to Take Gardening Courses ¢ ™ ' te year’ ful seed catalogs alread everyone Family food supplies importance during w= remains for anyone to gardening technique be- he growing season start White, professor in charge tural Correspondence Course at the Pennsylvania State College Cou No. 83, Home Vegetable Gardening, covers comprehensively such subjects as soll preparation and tilization, selection of seed, and control of common plant insects and disen se From its seven lessons which have been carefully prepared by J. M. Huflinglon, extension veg- etable garderiing specialist, the most up-to-date methods of vegetable growing under Pennsylvania condi tions may be learned No charge is made for enrollin in this course or for any of 47 others which are listed in the Agricultural Correspondence Course catalog. Ap- plication cards may be obtained from Mr. White, After tgking Home Vegetable Gardening, many persons particularly women, take course No 81 on Cannitig and Preserving Poultry Keeping always has been the most popular course, but much (Interest now Is being expressed in the care of milk goats and rabbits Yarnell Resident Honored on Birthday The following persons gathered at 4 { ja TY (34 me 4 ww tL fore W.R ART ar 54% of Lh rse fer w (Sunday, In honor of Mrs, Margaret | ! i i i | { { Mr, and Mrs McLaughlin, Lio and Louise Bennett, all Wingate Mr. and Mrs, John Tice, State Col- i Mr. tended Philip Fisher | sburg Schools or He av REQUEST NUMBER Prot ry B bor Wir START Blanchard Soldier Missing in Action DAYS Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shilling Advised of Son's Death in Ital QUESTION ene Be - Home Freezing Units Considered Assets » bas ske “OTM CTI Ig Riate Colles A vey 5 MOOK Ke ~TEXIT EMMERT det 6 a he ( f pliant mana | ronsidered sels mn Thirty-f sidered home frees und competition and 48 did not the question Of EEL TISUINARSLIG th Congressman » tram | A rire Hoo era CO | locker . n anmers. Ag direct | What thought wa nice tthe answer | plete about his oews jeter Irom | Washington. But now he's gone and spofled things by voting tO deny the soldiers a vote t Ques of the on we these plant managers T 'n $07 element ave for te when 1 around. We hope * et election time comes ¢ soldiers are | ’ me time | ANCIENT BONER: y ners | Mi of Mr Castanea Harold Edward J. May ceremons pert ANNES OX ETAL | N ty Bonner shed Weay culled from Geraldine Men's Childre: One (of the men Ma ves—RBechtol er Rich in 1906 a tall upright ¢ pub was old man wit sweep of grizzle beard covering 3 “ra ve 25h and gra { bald A you ur head ’ Yiwu er : BAN Wher ol f have © DArsonage & Ret nar {riend “1 Ni iw and a Ask THANKS : relative whi 2 brother of the br Mi Marths was bride ceremony Jr mat Howard Ww Cress at 1 Sam Dan + Gr for call anciem DOR sticker Garagemar to remind rusty automobile } the current in S$ DNeAr as we figure ¢ the time, he saw the when it was its way 10 a garage to have thu condition corrected. Next time well give him the pleasure of going over the assortment of iron, bolts and wheels in which this corner manage to travel from place to place SQUIRE COWHER: The old town be quite fContinged on pape Five at wa pection u Alu we An aq il Ties ahig Cal buds an The crate wore a dusty age of pin) couple will lve Castanea after a brief trip. The bride, an employe of the Sylvania Electric Products Inc. attended the Castanea school The bridegroom is a graduate of the Mill Hall High Schoo) is em- ployed in the Reno f the PRR rose Ore ne on OS and ine ON and O17 won't the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES (By J. THOMAS MITCHELL) OF THE LIVES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BAR OF CENTRE COUNTY 1874, when Alexander Calvin M. Bower In Alexander & Bower mainder of his life In 1868, he, with his James, started our great limestone industry from the veins located on their own property at the foot of | Muncy HILL This is the basis of the present American Lime & Stone Oo. |operation, In the same year he was elected {state senator from this district, | Alexander was a good public speak- er, and what was known as an “old- joined with the firm of for the re- J. Thomas Mitchell Bellefonte attorney and well known local his- | tordan whose history of the Centre County Bar was concluded in this | newspaper last week, this week be- gins a new series of historical sketches on the lives of members of the Center County Bar The Arst installment of the bio. | graphical sketches follows ' CYRUS T. ALEXANDER Born in Mifflin County He completed his law studies al : with Ira C. Mitchell, | until 1861, when, with Mitchell's re- | | tirement from the practice, he jJoin- | {ed with Daniel GO. Bush in the firm | hill:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers