Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 200 gal- lous of gasoline an hour, a be Cenfrt emocval WHERE THE VUEL GOES An Army Traus- port burns 33,000 gallons of fuel vil a day. VOLUME 63. NUMBER 5. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1044, SUBSCRIPTION-—£1.50 PER YEAR. 91 MenCalled for [ARE THRONE Physical Exams A NRL 138 Fathers in First Grotf, to Enter New CRASH VICTIM “Draft Pool” From Board | 2 Will Be Called for Induction in 21 to +5 Days A total of 138 fat fathers from the a ved } Centre County Draft Board N X of Bellefonte, will go to Altoona on ill ret Saturday, February 12, for physical | for induction New Cumberland examinations 1 from 21 to 45 day Wer under the provisions of _the new amination. Upon receiving Selective Seryic: regulation bannin report the former prelimina: al ex- will be amination, and sett up a pooi of available men for draft calls Trip From Blanchard to Hublershurg FULL MILITARY HONORS AT GRAVE will p AS ins ey alled Jers and 53 non- None of the men in the oup int ervice upon vnination, Ww Saturday home, ‘and will be Arm fo military service the ex thelr no- Church Filled to Capacity; Special Truck Required For Flowers tice to for given 21 day arrange then From the pool formed under new system, all ele Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Al Corps will be chosen in t future Regardless the branch of sery they are to enter, the men will granted the 21-da lod from jHme of receiving not unti] tl report for nau Selective Ser amended to permit of the names of those amination, as of those who will duction The first call is expected to be received soon, The call, it was explained, is expected to be considerably lighter than the to- tal men who will pass final exam- inations on Saturda} Additional | nt from time physi > ’ < 1 5 11s aay 0 personal aliairs Lhe for the Ie Leg of Cit t Gu 20, of Bianchard urg, who died in Twenty-nine Palms, Cali- fornia, on January held Sunday afternoon of the funerals in alstory ef lower Bald Eagle and Nittany Val- ley A total 260 cars were procession which moved home of the Cadet's wile in Blanch- ard Hublersburg Reformed church where services were conduct. ed. Both fir and se.ond floors of lo cap Missing in Action he : TR fis gait Heckman of Hubler the © crash aot fay ui : ¥o nl of lee funeral le be native a plane ice ey tion - have been Vas one publication called for ex- or publication alled for In- vice law the Valle; ’ : well as br of in the the new “pool” rom lo the * 4 the church were crowded ne iy Ores of persons were groups of men will be sa pit hle get inside. All available to time to Altoona for examination, {i church were occupied the purpose being o build up though more than 100 extra cl large reserve of men w known had been provided {or the service to be pl r military Floral tributes were unusually nu- vale merous and of a great many design A special truc was required transport the flowers from Blan~h- ard to Hublersburg Rev. J. W. Bhope, of the Blas ard Baptist church, conducted services the Hinton hon Blanchard and was In char of the services Hublersbur Full honorg we accorded to the alrmai A firing squad from rissman-Sayvior Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars Bellefonte, fired final salute over the grave in Hublersburg cemetery, Member the squad, which in charge Continged on Pepe Sa) ——————— Mg lu sent even 4 the un- t i no are iysically fit el » 0 the following Ii wse who i be members of the fMOrst con- y Altoona letter “F “father ’ t under BO WO ystem, the indicates NF ingent to 1 new name letters Howard Harry P Thoma Donald Elmer Rich Harm Earn yo Fred M (Con ifter the while the * ai indicate non-iather W. Miller Hackett, ¥ C. Wallace Bellefonte E FPF. Yeagertown J. Fultz, F, Beech Creek ard M. Colborn, F. Bellefonte N. Zell, F, Beliclonte F. Mili Hall F. Belicfonte a Page Two) am also at the military Sergeant Robert L. Clink. A telegram from the War Depart- ment received last Wednesday by Mrs. Pearl M. Clink, of Snow Shoe announced the reported action of her husband Robert IL. Clink. Whil lacking, the mes Sergt. Clink, an aerial B-17 bomber. had not from since his t over France The Jast word Mrs, Clink had re- cefved from her husband was on January Sth, when dn his letter to her he stated that he bad taken part | fn bombing the Gernuan city Bremen. ¥. Howard Bellefonte church v : ¥v 1 in T 11 missing LUCAS Sergeant were SHEE that Jodo Blair tinued gunner on beenn heard bombing mi wn ia ———— Ct Partw Sedan Skids Into Honored at Party y Truck, Damage $55 | Damage stituted at $550 resulted | about 4.45 o'clock Monday afternoon in a car and truck accident on Route 322 near Reed's Service Station about five miles west of State College A Pontiac sedan driven by Joh Bradley, 41. of Jackson Heights Y proceeding toward and was descending a hill when the machine skidded completely on the road and the right rear por- tion struck a Chevrolet truck, oper ated by M. D. Sherrod, 45, of Union C Pa which was traveling In the opposite direction. The truck owned by the Fish Commission at the Bellefonte Hatchery, was en route Bellefonte with a load of empty boxes. At the time of the mishap it was snowing and there was snow on the road Damage to the car was estimated $200 and to the truck, $350 N was injured State Police from Pleasant sub-statior: sald the operator sedan was arrested on a charge operating his car 100 fast consider. ing the condition of the road « | weather a | f 0. enlisted In the Air 1942. and was sent 0 Fla for basic graduat me Field from Sgt. Clink Corps Oct. 15 Miami Beach training. He chanics hoot Texas, and later Boeing Alrcral Wash. His final t Conlinged on page Siz) his ed from Amarilla graduated School echnical ¢ F ; N : Was Seattle ducation around Ordered to Appear Here for Sentence “4 wy week J to motion by In an Ivan Walke: Carl EE Ma Judgement Appear In Monday morning sentencing Markle making a he applied for that he made af erators license hs never beer ‘ pended or revoked He was found gullty of the Peace court The upheld the Ju then asked for an arrest of ment on the grounds that th was unconstitutional In the opinion filed this week the court also dismisses the exceptions to the action of the court in finding the defendant gulity Hieq 4 $3 dismissed rei fon pinion A i of ected Markie to re at 10 o'clock Pebruary 7. fo rel $4 A al srt he ’ COUT ne at one w b of Cap ¢ oi Hilda L. “Rose” Haupt the Thirt as § slued employe of the Bell Tele- phone Company terminated for Miss Hilda IL. Haupt, of Milesburg at timonia nner 1 1) ; } } her} - wee MP — " hiusing. | howe Friday night at Uie Penn Belle Ray Noll Re-Elected MIATK Ie ot hers ) 1 telephone em- | Head of Whiterock Judge pi of Centre action ¢ ’ N Oo ine yeal 0 ervice |] and by a Justice but appealed to Het vet Court tice the after a aecision el ne e County od Among the Bl persons present were | WwW. D. Gillen, vice president and | general manager of the Bell Com- | re-elected president and general W. T. Wooters, general plant | manager of Whiterock Quarries at manager, George H. Earl, general | the annual meeting of the company traffic manager, and Harry Lamps, | last week division traffic superintendent, all of | Other officers re-elected Harrisburg Benton D. Tate, of | C. Smeltzer, Bellefonte, Bell “honor Roll” em-| Wholaver, ploye who retired several years ago! lL. Ward after 47 vears of service, and Miss | treasurer (Continued on Pepe Fou?) + The following directors were re- - elected: Mr. Noll, Mr, Smeltzer, Roy Ray C. Noll of Pleasant Gap was pany were W vice-president: P. E secretary -treasurer: and Hile, assistant secretary "She's In the WAVES | | Brockerhoff's Honored At Dinner, Tuesday M1 hott ried Wego A Walker served wns and among. those who i (spoke Informally were Mayor Hard- Iman P. Harris, of Bellefonte: Miss ' Ve Jane O Wright | Maude Miller, of Ferguson township; Seaman 2/¢ rest Wrig land Mr. and Mrs. Brockerhof! Seaman Wright; daughter of Mrs. | Mary Ciriest Wright: of 87 Bast Linn | During the dinner George Bheck- street, Bellefonte, has completed her | "°F Of Milesburg, was heard in‘a pro basle raining sod Apdoetrination {gram of plano selections course at the Naval Training School | TU rt (WR) Bronx, New York, has re- Kauffman Transferred ceived orders to » i further | Pvt. William Kauffman, who for instruction at the aval Train'ng [the past yesur has been a member Bchool, |of the State Motor Police statioped lege, Cedar Palls, Tow © © lat Pleasant Gap substation, Tues« Wright is a graduate of (day was transferred to the Bedford sub-station. His wife, who has been & taember of the nursing staff at the Centre County Hospital for some time, expects to Join him In Bed. ford as soon as suitable living quar- ters have been obtained, according to present plans, Wilkinson Sr. Kenneth CG. Halnes, Hardman P. Harfls, John G. Love and William R. Young. Officers re- ported a satisfactory year and that the plant was now completely me- and Mrs. Henry Brocker- | chanized and in excellent condition of Bellefonte, who were mar- S——— ———— in Harrisburg several weeks ] were guests of honor at a re- ception and dinner held by a group) Two British Tars of friends at the Brockerhoff Hotel, Tuesday night, Approximately 5 | Reach Journey's persons were present Highlights of the Informal pro- End In Bellefonte gram Included the presentation of | a a table and pair of lamps to the Two members of the British Royaj bride and bridegroom, the gift of |NAYY Who got an urge to see the |those who attended the party, In|United States while they were tem- | addition, Mrs. Brockeghoff received |POrarily stationed at Asbury Park, | a gift of roses N. J. came 0 Journey's end In| Judge Ivan Bellefonte on Priday. | onatimmater Arslving here fundiess, the two : sallors appealed 0 a local organiza | tion for money, but officials of the| organization, » they might | be A. W. O. L., called Asbury Park to determine whether it would be all | right to provide the money | “Just hold them! We'll be there to escort them back personally,” came | the answer fram His Majesty's Fleet ofMcials. Bo the sallors were taken to the county jail where Sheriff Jerry Gale alda provided for thelr needs until 206 Cars in Procession on largest | from the] {i Washington ’ Married in ‘Chapel of The Sunset’ : Pie. Millard ( altar in re they were 1 and Mrs. Je the former { belore tix of Lhe Benton ty. and hi i After the wh Mr bride ceremony » £ Sunset Mi on of A reception Jeniton | » iv farshal section Provost the Spokane Arn was held for oll GU - Benton and Bride Al Field Chapel Pie. Millard C Centre Cour Bolu Hpoknane 3 Field in th narried recent Sanwon of Pine Gien Clara Standish the couple Spokane Al: are Gal of at tu SIATE COLLEGE FLIER KILLED Ens. E. H. Fletcher When Dive Bomber Plunges Into Sea ct HF tcher USNR in Emmett H Jackson- 8 ribs er, wa Riliee 4 erashed into the on Salk me mediately. His body was not recovs and ered : Hin be srirvived by hie wile the Sore ju mer Beatrice Mensch of Milton, his parents. a sister, Mrs. Pail W. Pler- of Erie ive & 5, Rot iviling it K|an O10 ert FOTN n Martha © wr May FREE BOND MOV SCHEDULED HERE Purchase of Bond Entitles Buyer to Attend Showing of “Madame Curie” 194 ATS ments were mpicts gala War Bor Belle. Februar hee nn al the weekend Premie 18 fonte, for 8 p 13. A ranged ¢ §T Lre Pe ' i Mram has big event which wil showing of “Madame the outstanding motion | which I» now in ils eighth Cal Pin or the include the Curie ture tri. umphant week at New York's Radio |, City Musk A brie! address Claude CG. Alkens ance committee chairman (Continged on page Siz) a lc Hall by iy be county mane wh anda i Pencil Pierces Eye of B. H. S. Student Budd Cronemiller, 16, son of Chri Cronemiller, of the Penn Belle Ho- tel, a member of the Junior class at the Bellefonte High School, suf- feréd od laceration of the right eye ball Friday moming in an sccident at school Cronemiller had placed a wooden pencil over his right ear and was standing in the gymoasium near vo boys who were scuffling. One of the students swung at the other, missed, and his hand struck Cronemilier on the right ear, causing the point of the pencil to swing around and pierce the eyeball. He Was taken to the offices of a local physician for treatment and was able to resume his school work the same day, -. Beaver is Named County Chairman Thomas B. Beaver, of Bellefonte, was elelcted chairman of the Centre | County Republican Committee at a meeting and luncheon held last Thursday night at the Penn Belle Hotel. About 50 attended the MARCH OF DIMES NETS $630 HERE Die< Theatre Collections Total IS191.158; Other Agencies Report $199.77 rd Was ghaliman Bheatre pollectionns are approximated; time thas Mr ™ CBr Were bold dans { WO-ang- MIgTT imilar 1843 ian Gr $2 an ¥ nN (Continued un Pope Stewart Purchases Jersey Shore Store i ' , tea : N ¥ “it ¥ : " : i th mpany ox During he been nd Bas Ww } tinue i fo 18 Yea pdence in Belle! in many civic, fraternal hh organizations. He the Retail Division of Commerce Is a Belief Kiwanis nan of tl Boy n 100F " ote na yotive served an Cham t of d of . : wr of inte trict chair . and has been active Wik nw ons ia Mr. Stewart Ircihiasen hom w “ treel. expects here | Findings of Local . Court Are Affirmed I A Centre County Court decision in "the case of Polyduros Baroubsis vs | Oregory Brothers, of State College ‘has been upheld by the State Sup- erfor Court The case, based on a dispute over | the boundary line of properties own. ed by the litigants, was tried here before Judge Wallace Smith, Clear. | fleld County. who presided specially | because Centre County Judge Ivan | Walker had a previous interest in {the matter, Judge Smith ruled in favor of Gregory Brothers, and the | plaintiff appealed to the Superior Court. That Court affirmed the | finding of the local court, ree Former Martho Youth | Missing In Action : Jack Nason, radioman in the Air Corps stationed in the South Pa.’ eific, Is reported to be missing in| action, to word received cinity Nason, son of Mr. and Mrs. John | Nason, of Philipsburg, according by his relatives In the Martha gl (7 formerly of | What Martha, unteredt the service In No. Tutslal UK AN NGA Damage $1100 in Latest Assault on Building at Intersection RECKLESS DRIVING ’ ! CountyBond Sales Only 25% of Quota Total Bond Sales $507,800 Quota $1,943,000; Jellefonte Far Below Record in Previous Drives; School Campaign Opens. With ony 1: i 4 W an Drive remaini citizen cent CHARGE IS LODGED Truck Driver Claims He 12 Veered Off Road Avert Collision to Phe damage estimated by Bt Mleasant Gap sub-station the truck, $800: wo t re, $200, and w in was $1100 follows $400 ts otal ol i Lo Cal ( F No one in- least and ’ y Cars OPPOoRit ’ MO ATO SHO% u : IW Bald Nn past Eagle Valley wally accident icles Ww Shoe commis fe falied 0 store. 4 2y op The Happened 1 truck ran clear { NK and § mishaj b the Soult ol Clearficid Lines, 38, ol ng west on the it swerved ang ariven Clearfiek Bald Eagle hen Tu s ote wae L ni x Pap * inured [Rree) Sue Armstrong to be Chief Operator Here Mise Sue Armstrong, daughter of rund Mrs! Walter Armtrong. of East Bishop Street, has been ap- pointed chide! operator of the Belle lonte telephone exchange. succeed. ; Miss Hilda Haupt week in Who ast ff 1rev for 9 "St ’ ry be % ae ii 39 VOeRl | wr with company i Armstrong Eraduated the Bellefonte High hool in A { 1831 and entered the Bell Company in Sep- She has ha y f the Lpreee we local — ——————— unded In Acti on "Wo ”~ Cpl. Walter J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bradley, 20. of Snow Shoe last week received word that their son, Opl. Bradley, had been wounded In action while fight. ing in New Ouinea Cpl. Bradley wrote Dear Mom Well, I'm recuperating in a hospital here. Got ag piece of your old stove in my leg, but don't worry, I'll soon be hiking again.” In December the soldier's parents received word that another son, Ple Richard Bradley, had been injured in an air raid In England and was recuperating in an English hospital Cpl. Walter Bradley was born In Nelson City, Utah, and was grad- vated from the Philippi, West Vir. ginia, High School. He served three years in foreign service before the war, his enlistment expiring in 1938. He re-entered the service on June 0 1041, and was stationed at Camp Wallace, Texas, and in California before being sent to Australia. Prior | to being recalled to duty, Cpl Bradley was employed in the Clare ence brick yard, Avenue, beginning through i report fashington by oliegs LL] Claud chairman of Lh« Commities { Bel Danxing Robb lefonts county i oinmitie Bellefont« Wolf Manager COTrporations, purchasers and InaIvicuads only $382 Wid Lo Ciutn purchased $0 286.700 Bellelonix an en * g from the aCiieg CIEL WEMEIRDLY the mosl bonds will close Pcbr AANKATZTO MANAGE STORE M————— Eugene Dedlonith of" nom ¥ ¢ Grandson of Founder Local Business to Move Family Here Katz nte's oldest ss hous sor ent « BLore ow "iu NAN will continu Katz tak The od and over oy 8S Kate abn Ww 1820. when Fiack assumed Katz and fami to Atlantic City Alan Kal the fami a bom graduated from Bchool In 1927 uated from 1 University of delvhia nd the real estate For some Years he the Lit Brother “hiladelphia In June 1837 the former Edith deiphia. There is a daughter (Continued on Page 6) commas sa A ——— New Manager of April 2 Quigley Agency appe Captain Hugh M. Quigley, who | occupational classification office; the Indiana State Selective Servies {with headquarters al Indianapolis Ind. returned Ww his duties there i the third generation 10 operate Lhe Bellefonte wi the Beliefonte Hig In 1932 he was grad. Wharton School Pennsylt Phila- for a tune engaged uo business in 1 i) was empl Voters Purge Ends; Registration Open of sha ¢ Registration | " Hous ania nat ved department t ersten been ok ’ LOO at Phila Kath- he A was Kolsky, of past two ) thelr been taken register « med ve fat : ‘ wi nabile vote April Cards Cltipens ar at the om Irpose of 25 } registering tyr (8) Catholic Church To Hold Bazaar re lo re ™ John's y f of we Bishop annual en Lazan Catholic hurct i. East 18 it I will and 19 there whi will % wil) cakes provided and coffee public is oor. be yesterday after having spent several | days in Bellefonte attending to bus | at [inesy matiery here Ineld at th 1 ha Captain Quigley announced that 3 " Pete jyebuonl " | Miss Mary Rankin, who has been As in former PORT ox {attorney -in-fact and manager of hel ous pone in lin 1hugh hh Quigley Sravrambe DURAN | y rik cakes, candies, and groceries [has withdrawn from that position ™ bon be sold. Pn mee wr Frm hire! order to give full time to her own |b. : oy. : ht rb rance agency. Miss Mary ovine, |DinEO: Mis Agnes Ehields, fancy come po i employed in the| YOK: Mrs. Rose Pearl, cakes, and » : : £ Hing Quigley office, is now in full charge) Moe. Mary Elen snningham, ° esti The Quigley home on East Curtin Wgomin) nm street has been opened and Mr. and | 1p on sale, The Toda Ralph Rilghine: and family. ot dially invited to attend Ridgway, will move into Priday of this week, expecting to re- — main there for the remainder of the Clinic at Pine Grove after which time they will, Miss Helen Butier, of the Home Dorworth home on West Beonomits Extension Service will be in charge of a meeting Priday, Feb. children, who for ruary 4 at 7:30 p. m. at the home of have béen with Captain|Paul Horner in Pine Grove Mills Indianapolis, expect 10 The discussion will be in the form of in June to re-la time and labor saving clinic for family home. {the home. The public is invited
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