Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 m.p.h, may use 200 gal- loss of gasoline an hour, he Centre Democraf WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans- r port burns 33,000 gallons of fuel oil a day. “H—— — VOLUME 63. NUMBER 6. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1944, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. ou ntyBond Sales ne Million Short Only 48 per cen. © Quota Sold, With Drive Ending Februar, 5; Millheim District Is Only One to Reaci™ nota. Yestérda a t ] th War) Loan camp i ad its final are week, Cent: count wel not reach the ed the halfway 1 k it wta of mor ‘ in £1.943.000, it w \ | ¢ sion, for of a county G. Ailkens, chairmai { the county 000, only $382.000 War Fin Committe wave been sold Mr. Alkens’ entirely without compensating featur how « for he pointed out that a « . nated throu f during the few day ale to date in the count © 5.000 on quota only 48 per cent of are lagging even the E bond divi- quota of $887. 13 Sales riou ly per cent ance SUCCUMBS HERE =~" = S. Ward ' r County report 15 not ver shout the remaoin- effort nn irmanship of Gramley Prominent Local Druggist is the only one Victim of Heart At- tack at Home of tl nine quota to date Ihe district wi £85678 to $86.000 State College district, Harold R. Gilbert, has 65 per cent of its quota. Bellefonte during the passed the per cent mark to Horace J. Hartranft chair- man Other seattered report inciude ne from Port Matilda, where it is claimed an unusually fine re sales |s being registered Spiking a rumor which has ed some credence in this area, Mah- lon K. Robb, of Bellefonte, chalr- man of the Banking and Investment ommittee of the county organiza- tion, yesterday emphatically that the principal id War Bond purcitases is in n tax- able. In other words, no the money spent for bond: i ducted now or in the future for tax purposes. The interest on bonds | subject to a small tut the tax is not deducted until the expiration dme of the bond The Industrial sisting of Horace Hartrahlt William W. Sieg and John all of Bellefonte, and Thomas J. Lee, of Philipsburg, yes- terday submitted a partia] report showing sales to industrial employes totaling $77,088, and sales (0 com- reach it said quota total Alkens Signed a of and ale headed by old about weekend accord:ng local district 1 ’ ord of gain- ald on Way tax Committee, con- chair James A. Fox in James A. Fox, prominent . pharmacist lier] suddenly at the family residence on Spring street, Saturday morning, February 5. 1944, of coronary thrombosis. His death came as a severe shock to his many ggg filgnds. and DuSiies gssociales, Mr ais report does not include in- Fox wis apparently in good health g,etries in the Philipsburg area, and and in excellent spirits when he rel goes pot take into. consideration tired Friday evening. During the poeple substantial purchases by early hours of the morning he Was those industries which have this studdeniy it (Continued on Page 6) local nt at- aid ‘CAR SKIDS INTO cardia medica) Cired tack reached Mr. | ou cf Fux ochial wol tl k fonte Hig! was graduated from the Achdemy in 1911. In the year entered the College Pharmac Ned Pp wr . Chief Operator y, 1802 Con Par School, ae Bellefonte fall of Philadelphia ¢ of ¢ F Serious Injury in Crash on Mountain Road When re Hall her off the Cen- rn Mrs uf- head While to be that eport- ar skidded mountain road and broadside into a telephone pole Mary E. Hoit, 39 Axemann fered a severe bruise on the and multiple ser bruises t her cond is eriou Here i a 0 ie believed not possibility her skull was fractured it is 1 ed M incoherent Holt, who wa condition A dazed anc some time driving down mountain road toward Centre about 6:30 p. m. Monday when car, a Ford sedan. skidded on and ran off the left side of right side crashing The woman's head have struck the wind- car struck with such force that it was literslly wrapped around the pole the pole being im- bedded about one-third through the width of the machine Mrs. Holt was taken to a nearby home where a Centre Hall phy- sician administered treatment until the arrival of the Widdowson am- bulance from Bellelonte which brought her to the hospital Damage to the car was estimated conservatively at 2300. Mrs, Holt after the crash told officers that she thought two other people had been in the car with her, but Investiga- tion established the fact hat she was alone at the time alter 1 the Hall het the he crash, was 1c road, the against the p is believed to shield The Miss Spe Armstrong Armstrong, daughter of and Mrs, Walter Armstrong East Bishop recently wa named chief of the Belle. fonte telephone hange, succeed- Ing Miss Hida Haupt, who retired after 39 years of service with company that UUme chil Mis Mr of street operator ox the nN most of operat Arn Leen employs nge here since 1933 Rats, Lizzards, Mosquitos and Japs Annoy Guadalcanal Marines 50 , amount of ° de- panies of $167,500, or a total of $244. | TELEPHONE POLE Axemann Woman Escapes ——- il J DANT EAD GUIL IN C0 Howard Youth Sentenced in Paternity Case; Gap Man Goes to Jail MAN AND WIFE IN ASSAULT CHARGE \J Controversy Resulted From Death of Child Two Years Ago Oourt here defendant from a de- an appeal fr justice of the motor Allison. 17 { guilty entenceg pra e va violation Howard OL child, He an approved oo: 1180 guarantee compliat court orde: Mr. and Mu of Philipsburg, of a ferred by Joseph Park: fpsbur Parks walking on Saturd Mrs ! qecused ni woman nd he walked Mr. Shinle wanted to Henn appeared in ana charge salt f ald Main oh nmegn wa burg 1943 and : ’ 1 Wp ed fight him {« Parks told the court alked away. Shinfeit the prosecutor (Confinmed om page 513) ———. WO Pre-Medical Grad and " hi Park him wife Miss June Carson Mr. an Howard to urad ! daughter Warren Carson a member he class uate from Dickinson Junior Col Carlisle, on January 28 Mi ontinue her studi Pennsyis t Mi of wa of & irge Car- on will pre-medical course at State She High College mm Howard with he Dickis celerated mied i 1042 entered was gr School in and immediately Junior College in the program of the school While at Dickinson, Miss C an active part in all school ac- ad HoT on Arson took witi Livitie Aikens Seeks GOP Convention Post Petitions to have the name of Claude G. Alkens, of State College placed on the ballot as a delegate to the Republican national conven- tion are being circulated in the 33rd Congressional district, consisting of Centre, Blair and Clearfield coun- es Mr, Alkens was a candidate for the office four years age but was de- feated by Blair county candidates In 1032 he was an alternate dele- gate. Centre county bas not had a delegate to the convention since it was included in the congressional {district with Blair county "| Col. Ardery Dies In Washington Hospita Col observe his : | come Married Sixty Years Mr. and Mrs oF thelr oth thelr bho and Mr: Gee lark Vid nn near § 1860, and Dirthcay en ol lege on March 7 84th OI { ck He | whom cight month rey ” 3 pirdm uy rie Rumi Clark {Fdgar, of Bellet (88H elebn James FAERIE “wi fgranddaugiht faving in BORO. STUDIES Prison Fugitives GARBAGE Caught. Sentenced SERVICE PLANS Consider Exclusive Grant to Private Agency, and Municipal System ASH REMOVAL IS hike LEFT TO CITIZENS |! Pair Who Fled Saturday Captured Monday In Philadelphia Theatre; Taken to Pitts- burgh Yesterday to Begin New Sentences. ( Council Orders Kofmans street, Philadelphia, ob to Remove Wilson The men. Gus SMennettl. 7 Re: on supe ELE SE HROLD COW DIES SUDD Succumbs to Heart in Office Political Circles x) f Attack : Was Active in CASES LISTED PAPER COLLECTION = FOR GRAND JURY Bellefonte, R. LL. Woman Lack of Charged With Involun- tary Manslaughter for February Five cas tion to the Ny Grand Jury iwhen that body meets here Monday iPeleuary 14. scoording to an abe presenta HERE, TUESDAY Paper ' Handicap to War Plants; Ask Public Cooperation A OVW "vapor ang oan Belicioute on Tue Beginning at § a w ix srinndle Pebruary 15 it Wis scl 24% i . an- souncessent. from the District Al. @vooed yertgiday by Kad KE, Kwa 1torney’s office The UWlls to be presented are Josephine Armstrong, of Zon, n- | mansiaughte 81 voluntary Irn Hall and battery Sr 8h ” t and bat. har Wain Mi strong 8 an outgrow! of mobile accident at Hublersburg tix before Christmas. Ray Deitrict ; {f Mr. as Leslie Delt. of Hublersburg walking m chool Christmas en- iriven by Founda Arm- an sulo- At i Wis | and struck he Centre December { isp mmary convict before Judge Iv # an ry 17 Bellefonte «SU PPOT Phi HPEDUrS State Official Is Kiwanis Speaker A. Kell, Stat and Waters Bellefonte Kiwanis the Penn Belle Hotel declared that Centre coun- eclally identified with the ac- tivities of the department He pointed out that in to the service rendered the state by Charles E. Dorworth, of Bellefonte who was secretary of the. Depart. iment of Forests and Waters in I Fisher administration ty Is of particular interest department because it provides s a large area of lands state or county forests Secrelary of guest speaker Jame Forest 5 the IR a Tuesday ty Is § meetir County forests, Secretary Kell de- clared, are a relatively new devel lopment which seem (0 be well fitted the to post-war planning. Under Club |? addition Centre coun- the ich suitable for (S3hvage ang waste chairman for Brlicfonte A reliroad oar container: supplic paper ne armed forces, K ¢ deciar niinged on Pepe Siz) - Membership Pins Given by Rebekahs A banquet | met band ne 5 Ps vas held Belle Ho- [ie tables 117, AIX tor at Pen the banquet Barlett tmaster the Slate was the for which district dep- Rey. C. Nevin ation and by Mrs. Louis Mildred Hock- Emest Martin uts wi t Stamm MUSK Schad man cello Thirty -five-year were given to lda Klinger Young and Bella Grove five-year pins were given to Nelle Showers, Verna Ardery and Joanna Decker. Prizes were awarded to the following for cards and Chinese checkers played after the banquet Mrs. Thomas Parge). of Niagara Falls N. Y John Fishburn and Merrill Kerstetter, both of near Bellefonte; Mrs. Mabel Yeager, of if Cas Ka f was | vic furnished lin Miss piano and membership pins Marjorie Twenty- system, the county buys in sub-mar- | Milesburg. Barbara Young, and Nei. the state furnishes trees [ planting. The major task to be over for! | ginal ands which are of little value, (son Billett, all of Bellefonte | and In addition to Mrs, Fargey, guests {included Mrs. Eva Twitmire of Wil- is the problem of obtaining merding, Miss Edith Corl of Belle- Edward D. Ardery, 80. since |jabor for planting the trees and car- | fonte, and Mrs, Korte of State Col- | 1940 head of the department of Mil. ling for them during their growth! lege. Seventeen members from the Serious ! view al ] 4 their brief freed "| delphia Det aid “We golchs to eave “where the Guadalcanal Handy wilh separate ost Din winter . "| thelr imins i aptured in t Do resistance Mennettdi ang Andreyks w members of a work gang of prison- Ae oeaceng emptying pails into the truck, Family service in Stale College) i costs $150 5 quarter, or $5 a Yes —— fonts Pes Wal ers appeared in Coun War Bond Premiere Scheduled Sunday Harold DD. Cowher HE] MAN Contre inte unexpectedly Bishop street cil while the Btate College collection tem was being diccussed and be (Continued on pope Three) ——— — os vi i wie ... - we Maza nDealy 1 e | nh On Yoeman Duty Card ny Bont admission for indicating ghiased atl gnoe J vesterda) oy Ae QOoT I begin at reserved old at the theal: The addre by State Colleg tre County WwW wi will Hardman Legion Junior music Legion mportancs Bonds early tickets for th yesterday bs manager Fisher tickets a theatre have enti program member many Lhe that ¢ assured of Bathgate tickels Bond avallable Madam Garson claimed ion pict onseg Seaman Tec Geraldine Geraldine G Bathgate ently spent 46-hou i parents. Mr. and F. Bathgate, of Bnow Shoe Seaman Bathgate enlisted is WAVES at Pittsburgh. Sept. 22 and undervent boot training at Hunter College New York At present she is stationed at Washing ton, D. C. doing yoeman work in the Navy Department Prior to enlisting, she was a grad uate of Snow Shoe High School in 1941: also of Potts Business College at Williamsport, and was formerly employed by Sylvania Electric Pro- ducts, Mill Hall Hospital Receives New Fracture Table The Centrg County Hospital re- cently received a modern fracture table, purchased through funds pro- vided by the Titan Metal Company The fracture table Is » Kind of operating table designed specially to hold broken limbs in position while fractures are being reduced and SOAIMal purchaser with he ANG Hie As 1943, nx som ——— ——————— Pvt. Richard Taylor Wounded In Action Pvt. Richard D. Taylor Captain E. R. Taylor, of East ard street. was wounded in in Italy on January 18, according two word received Tuesday by his father No detalls were given Prt. Tavior entered the service Niagara Falls, N. Y., and received training at Port Slocum. N.Y. He has been overseas since the original invasion of Africa in the fall of 1942 Prior to entering the Army Pwi Tayior was employed for a year in | Niagara Falls, and before that time was an employe of the State High- way Department in Bellefonte. His! wife Is residing In Flint, Michigan A on of How action at - Seaman Mary Teaman Seaman 1c Mary Louise Teaman daughter of Mr. and Mrs George [Teaman. of East Howard street, Bellefonte, was home last Wednes- day a hour leave Seaman Teaman war a Hoag's Dalry Store prio Home for the first time since he tents. Rodents are unusually plenti- | tary Bcience and Tactics at Penn left Bellefonte on July 2. 1942, to ful on that land and the place 1s | State, died at Walter Reed Mospital | enter the Marines, Pie. Horace J. over-run with lzards ranging up to| Washi n, D.C, at 3 p. m. on Hartranft, Jr.. son of Mr Voy Mrs, five Sout 11 Wohi During the ght! Tuesday, February 8, re od had | Mustering-Out Forms i Plaza Grill to be of East Linn there m an alr raid, where- | Nn off duty for two mon ause Now Available Here Opened Here Monday Horace J. Hartranft, street, brought with him recollec- upon Marines rush from the tents to! of illness. tions of frequent Japanese bombings dive Into fox-holes which stand! Col. Ardery, West Point graduate, | m— on Cuadaleanal, and tales of the ready at all times for such emer- was a native of Nevada and is sure | Applications for men and women! “The Plaza Grill,’ a new Bellefonte Tor use in the near future. (John U. Shroyer announced yester-' primitive life Marines stationed on |gencles [vived by his wife, Mrs. Plorence A. (of World War 11 who have been | restaurant, is scheduled to open in In the application of casts it hil guy The appropriation to each u oy ' that Solomons Island are undergo-! Coconuts sre found all over the! Ardery: a daughter, Mrs, John T { nonorabiy dischargéd from service the Plaza theatre building, West eliminate the necessity for nurses woenaun is allocated for construc. of mg Hrs + . Abril he ing In thelr drive against the Jap- island, Hartranft reports, but after | Gilmore, of State College, and a are now available, it is announced High street, on Monday, Pebruary OF Other aldes to hold fractured ,.. ond maintenance of roads une [1010 08 A "tM ter a Ir Bdward R ry, of the|by W. W. Hampton of Bellefonie,| 14th. | limba in place while casts are being | completed boot training at un period, the speaker said Port Matilda lodge attended plaster casts applied. It is equipped with numerous ad- Justiments, arms and devices which make it particularly suitable for [fracture operations. The table has (been assembled Ad will be ready |pepartment of Highways, Secretary Appropriation Approved | Requisitions for payment of $875. - 000 from the motor leoense fund to the second-class townships have been prepared and approved by the for rk at 10 enlist. Life on Guadaleanal and on most things, Of food Is plentiful, but other South Pacific islands Is strip- | fresh meats are n treat. Most of the ped of all semblance 0f lixury, Hart- meals served are prepared from de- ranft indicted, and the pleasures hydfated ‘fdods. All milk and eggs are few and far between, ‘are of the dehydrateg variety. Retiring In their tents at ight For entertainment there are a fow Marines carefully adjust mosquito | movies, and cards help while away netting to keep awiy ‘miodquifos many an idle hour—but* the most which carry malaria. A the nets popular form of entertainment Is are in place, the men oftentimes are sleeping. Bob Hope visited Cuadal- to sleep by the scratching of canal while Hartranft was stations pnd rats runoing across the (Continued on Page Sis) {the first one, vou lose interest in the | son, Lt U. 8. Army Puneral scsvicrs will be held In Washington today, followed by cre. mation. The ashes will be returned to West Point, Prior to going 0 Slate College, for the Col Belle services here the county, veteran's service officer. The appli- cations are used to obtain “muster out” pay, Mr. Hampston ? Anyone wishing Info i The grill, former home of the] Texas Lunch, has been completely | redecorated, enlarged and new) applied, often a difficult operation Frost to be Candidate Jack Frost, of State College, yes- der the supervision of the township supervisors, Centre county own. ships will receive $9,174.28 i'n Brumbaugh Announces Congressman Enunert D. Brum include taking all personal and of- baugh, of Altoona, yesterday an- ficial telephone calls for 184 girls pounced that he will be & Republi- making out dally reports and re- - College In May, 193, and was sent to Washington, D. © where she has been stationed ever since | Seaman Teaman now is ag mate In a WAVE barracks, where her duties
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