8) ere Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. February 10, 1944. * CENTRE HALL NEWS CHURCH SERVICES Evangelical: The Rev. terman, pastor. Centre Hall service, 10:30; Church school, 9:30 « Bethesda—Church service, 2:00. Lo- cust Grove—-Church service 7:30 Oli: seh school, 9:30 Lutheran The Rev. C. C. Otto pastor. Centre Hall—-Church service, 7:3): Church school, #:30. Farmers ‘Mls Church service, 10:30; Church chool. 9:30. Georges Valley—Church rvice, 9:00: Church school, 10:00 Methodist: The Rev. ¢. M. Ham mond, pastor. Centre Hall-Chu service, 9:30; Church school, Sprucetown-—Church set Church school, 9:45. prin Church service 10 school, 9:30 Presbyterian Behrer of Juniatg don, supply past Chi Church Vict Ineh service 9:30 Pine 9:30: Chu Church school, 10:00 ANNOUNCE TEST FOR ARMY -NAVY SERY will be try on Wedn a. m. will be Centre Hall-Potter ron 5, JF nounced toda information mission gobiained -aen 3} 1 school filled dered The taken bo didates ad to test knowledge Of colles stnadent At dante CLUB NETS $30 FOR SCHOO! VARSITY FUND about fund tended Memt which coach af participation in letics. Besides its in encouraging . HONOR FOR ROLY THIRD RELEASE PERIOD The Cent Hall-Potie H Schell honor ing Send Bradford tholomew period Ors Fe Willian C0 JUIN OE J a Jee we ¥ - Show Time—3:10 and 5:00 FP MILLHEIM L and 30 - NEW SHOW TIME - Admission lle | JOR aT Jorn Sut a aro Ju FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY February 1ith Richard Dix Leo Carrillo Preston Foster AMERICAN EMPIRE COLOR CARTOON PETE SMITH REFL - - FTE SRI DE CI Per {Ivan pu LR nm» wr aia t SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (February 12th Sonja Henle Jack Oakie C. Landis WINTERTIME (A Pox Picture) The Musical Attraction the Season! Alse Finest Selected 3 aa So of Shorts WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (February 16th) George Sanders Philip Dorn Brenda Marshall, in: PARIS AFTER DARK WwW. K. Hos- | Emery Spyker, Inez Tate Brous ie, Marjorie Freshmen Ruth Hennigh, Janet Neff Clara Lou Wetzel Ella and 38 PUPILS TAKE . ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS il fre Pott, im Centre township ex Thirty-eight pu Hall ugh and Look high school ent amination hursda | A choo] | DOT rance Feb, 3, In ilding, The followin tie from wd Achiley emester 13; Pl LOCALS AND PERSONALS Frank Brag Andirew nk pent 1 Ma GHOOX Musser nday. Othe Goodhart Ralph Mus- Mo already that Gay BOL for area Ald So- vening Sweeney Linbert, and : Hrany ( Miller home were Jordan, sons Luke and granddaughter Jean of Tusseyville Frazier, Mi Frank Mrs. Philip Bradford Sunda gests of Kryder were lew Wry, Mr. and Mrs and daughter John and Janet Anna and Mrs Mark and Mr Bradiord Jordan Mr Savilla Kryder of Bun i Theodore Kry- ey Annette of La- mar Mis guest Harry Mrs Cora Homan nN a on Sunday of Mr Burris Susan Emery recently with grippe Pvt. Harold BE. Bradiord is sperd. ng a 12-day furlough with his wife and relatives here. He has been sta- tioned recently at Port Bragg, N. C Mr. and Mrs Jack Anderson and children, Joseph, Mary Ellen, Den. nls, Rita and Jacqueline, of Belle fonte, were Bunday dinner guests of Mrs. Anta Bartholomew and daughters Members of the Rebekah lodge had a supper and Valentine party {last Tuesday evening at their lodge rooms The committe: In charge in- cluded Mrs. J. M. Coldron, Mrs. Paul {Martz and Mrs. John Knarr, | Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bradford en- tertained these sons and daughters lwith their families to dinner on {Sunday . Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Me- dinner and Mrs Hi hs been Clellan and three children of Lock |Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mo- | Cormick of State College, Miss Ellen’ Bradford of Harrisburg, Dean Brad. Pvt. Harold E , Mi Robert ford of Newark Bradford of Fort Bragg, N. C Bradford and Mr. and Mi Walker and three ghiltiren Callers Saturday nicht at the D M, Bradford home Li. Arthw Hipple and Sgt Kachik Bellefonte This week tween Spring Mills Potter wil be plitved nasium here tonight tead of tomorrow These guest spent Sunday Roy 8. Jamison M1: Milan Strickler were David koetball game be- nd Centre Hall- in the gy Thursday) night ba Hi= - MifTlinburg and Mi Mi from with Mt: and family Jamison Mrs M1 Kathryn Jumison and 0 1 Jumisom and QGirey The Evangelical Y Missionary Circle met ning at the home ol Rickert Rev, and M Ww attended a meeting Hamsport distriet Evan ministerium at Hughe (ns Sunday ipper gu M1 John Delaney M1 Henry Zerby David and Nevin Ray Delaney of MifTiin Delaney Marie Dickey and Rutl Ross of the QGelsinger Men Hospital in Danville, Dean Ro Calle duris and Mrs. J Pvt. Kenneth ung Peopl Tuesday ev Mi Lill Bering Bank Misses Mary Ww Answers Goodbye Mr. Jone : Ave met Ye merely Sometime heard m rd that mean » da-mo-da prin. of date.” Prono n both a's as in de 2s In IM cipal accent on Inst yi able om Yes, ¢ ohn Praise ’ : " ¥ - pola lly 4 sh she £NOwWS troubde 0 prepare h that tnken AN oss ha Report on ‘March of Dimes’ Campaign divieion of thie campaign held in Belicfonte in conjunction with the National Poundation for Infantile Parsiysis, submits the following re port on contributions American Legion Post 33 Elks Club, 835 Mosse Club Moose Auxifuy. 56 Veteran Fore'gn Wars Post 800, 815 Vetere Auxiliary No. 1600 85 Mi Harrison OG Kline poting cheirman of the omen’s division wishes to thank all organizations for thelr generols response - Transferred th New Field Pile. Elmer L. Shuey, son of Mr and Mrs. George Shuey, of Belle. fonte, RB. D3, has been transferred from the Carlsbad Army Alr Field, Carlsbad, New Mexico, to Scott Pleld, 1. His wife L the former Fannie Polmize, of Bellefonte Ment ‘Seversl methods of making tough meat tender are by pounding, by slow cooking, cr by leaving It for a few minutes In vinegar waler rs ————— a— The survivors of the mm who died In baitle demand an account. ing of the folks at home when they return tron the wars, LW a — BLANCHARD Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shilling received word on Priday that thelr son, Pri. David Shilling, with fhe armeg forces somewhere in Ilaly. is The Women's March of Dimes 75 835 ol and mis This pleted hi : fot pent Bunda with ! of W ! } in act arenzo 1944, Mr. and Mi Sunday were Mi Aloo Bheldol Reed Dietz underwent unt Lock Haven Bheldon few day ation with Infected und Mr Irvin Fravel of Haven, mained in town i gperation thie death Harry Kui het the § 4 L ome lurday Broke the third ce alty nn wl for n Kimmo havi com- of boot train Lit ti h of her parent i iny “ V laste a creamy sice and enjoy the fragrant See } and the best home bakers regard with envy! 4 Ts | t fF .) because it's baked in ARP wn bakery ENRICHED [ROLLS DINNER or SANDWICH 9¢ hiv Sanda | MAR¥EL TRY wiTH BO Hind previo to th Dre ady flavor Lame FAMILY BREAD .: n-Sshored h BOSTON BROW BREAD [| fl on Batl« Fravel, (o renew iflering HONS it been pocguainian ter, Lo Vonada is a ni Last old Iriends Ben -Bee enr i oun Harter visiting with rel h PY 1101 1 al Bellefonte Sherk : $ Bolopu after a serious il r ( tender loaf that Marvel's so economical 7c ie || a UGARED OR 15¢ save you ys direc Ow t to you. 2 BREAD DELICIOUS DONUTS | Sheed icihved “Hor i AIAN COMBINATION 0-1 5C | 1602 Loaf ON ST YLE BEANS SUNNYFIELD OATS QUICK or REGULAR 4 Medi 23¢c ANN PAGE 7% | MUSTARD CRISCO | LIOTOR OIL his | SULTANA, RED IVORY Saw | SUNNYFIELD NIBLETS, WHOLE KERNEL CORN ... 2 4 , IP | x 13¢ ll! : A&P Meat Markets Are: Featuri oo APR || BACON WHOLE OR PIECE | SUNNYFELD SLAB... 29¢ SLICED - -39;| FRESH PORK LOINS | oo 1 308 bes » 256° + 36 | | FANCY LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS M 35¢ | GRAD Simoniz Cleaner And Wax ... Our OWN TRB. s+ 4 +s. 4 'v » » Encore Noodles . . . .. . . . Pillsbury Flour . ..... .. Clapp’s Baby Foods Argo Gloss Starch . | Brill’s Spaghetti Sauce . Red Cross Paper Towels . 2 Beacon Zero ume «sx sx 4 N. B. C. Premium Crackers a Colonial Baker Maid Saltines Eveiyday Evap. Milk .... 10 1h Pe Tall Cam 89c¢ ANN PAGE. DELICIOUS, NOURISHING WHEAT FAR.NA MELLO-WHEAT KIDNEY BEANS x 23¢, | WHEAT FLAKES . ANN PAGE, BOSTON STYLE 6 Pts, BEANS A ness, She HE week the home ol Aun wag cared for by her Courter, BR. N George Hollzappl Harter, for Chamt [$1 P 4 Po | HARVEST MOON : COFFEE CAKE 22¢ IVORY 3 SOAP 29¢ Large Cokes 3 RR CAMAY SOAP ci 19¢ O¢ 8c 8-01. Pig. IVORY wr 23C SOAP FLAKES ~19¢ | WHITEHOUSE. EVAPORATED MILK 10: 85¢ POINT VALUES REDUCED! COMMODITY RATION EY i roinTs| RETAIL | NA, wil CREAM STYLE CORN MT WHOLE GRAIN GOLDEN SWEET CORN JIONA TOMATOES Ar SPINACH NA CANNED PEAS | LARsENS 'VEG-ALL SENSWI SG PRUNE JUICE DLFFEY MOTT APPLE JUICE ... .. DEL MONTE EARLY GARDEN ASPARAGUS SPEARS AAT WMHOLKE BEETS x =n tit iti COUNTRY GENT. CORN 11c 13c 11c 18c 12¢c 13c 25c¢ 20c 34c 3 15c 10 |13c 10 10 10 10 10 8 3 Point Free 15 BACK THE ATTACK "LET'S GET THIS SHIELD UP" WAR LOAN BUY A BOND TODAY Whatover sacri ices yom may find I Decossary to make how can they compare with those being made. every day hy our men ot the front, Eat More ‘N0-POINT’ Fresh Fruits & Vegetables! CABBAGE . . 3 - 13¢/| 43¢ | FLORIDA, BAG ORANGES 8. FINE QUALITY. LONG CRISP CARROTS EXCELLENT QUALITY, SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT i; ... 6" 29¢ IDAHO, BAKING CALIFORNIA ICEBERG I PASCAL LETTUCE »+ 3 "* 28¢ || CELERY | NEW CROP TEXAS SPINACH ........... FULL OF JUICE, FLORIDA ORANGES 202. ...,... 3 em 28¢ POTATOES 10 :.49¢ we 27 39¢ Ls 3 28¢ aan
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers