February 10, 1944, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Threé REBERSBURG Miss Hilda Shultz spent the week- | Mrs. Paul Styles at Waterville, Sat- end in Philadelphia, a guest of Mr. | and Mrs. Robert Musser Mrs. W. J. Hackenbery went to | Rachester, N. Y.. last Friday, where she is visiting her sister, Mrs. Emma | Sheehan at the home of her son, | Leon Neese, Mrs. Sheehan is very ill, having boen confined to her bed thie past months because of paraly- sis, - LI Smith, Mr, and Ray Young and daughter Alda Elaine, of Philadelphia, visited at the J. B. Ziegler home on Saturday. The formers wife returned home with them after a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Ziegler Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Babcock at- tended a ministerium meeting at! Hughesville on Monday | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cummings and daughter Rosemary, Mr, and Mrs. Paul cummings and son Dean, of Williamsport, and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cummings and son John, of Lock Haven, ‘visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cummings dur- ing the weekend. The former will leave for army training this week. Miss Loris Bierly of Harrisburg, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8S. A. Pierly. The lat- ter accompanied her to Harrisburg for .severa] days' visit Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wolfe retu ed Saturday after visiting their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr: Fred Wolfe and family in Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Eunice Packer visited Mrs. Ned Hosterman iast Tuesday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nussell Breon Miss Helen Zettle Penn Hall, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Reish, Thursday to Sune day. Miss Sara Jane Reish of Penn State, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Charles of Aaronsburg, called on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Sunday dinner guests nat burg with the latter's Ia ence Strayer. Mrs. Malvin Stover and gael, of Millheim, were Sunday per guests at the Ray Stove; Mrs. K. W. Breon went to Brown- wood. Texas, last week, where she is visiting her husband who is lo- cated at Camp Bowie Mr. and Mrs Kermi Rossman and children, Jack ¢ 1. of Mid- dlietown, visited at C man home on Saturd Mr. and Mrs. John Ocker daughter Julia Mi'lheim, sunday supper visitors at tl Bierly home Mrs. “John Reist Weber received word If their brother, Hallare slightly wounded in Pacific area, B. F Mrs n- Lock Haven, of Zimmerman n Rebersburg Ziegler were Madison- ther, Clar- on Mich- up- nome the ume wor Ww La " Mr Jacob Style too Public Sales Additional Sales Page 52nd See. MARCH fer at public miles east of ° " ¢ west of Warrior Pa. livestock. farm ‘Implements | and household goods. Sale at 10 } a.m. HH. L Harpster wt. W.( Morrow. clerk Wednesday, Feb. 23 JONN BE. GRADEN will offer at publi ale 3 his one«half mile edst of Smuliton © one-half mile southeast of Rebersbum the following personal property L —8 head of Holstein and Guernsey cattle 18-month-old fiolstein heifer; 7 milch cows, 2 are fresh, one will be fresh by sale : WEDNESDAY 23--T a i 5 Wn on time; 2 mares, ohe a 13.vear-old strawberry roan, and- one a 7-year-old black mare, good workers, weight 3000 shosts weighing from 80 % pounds: 1 black Pgland-China service 100 Blood tested FMENTS-T-fco¥ Deering binder; 5-foot cut McCor- mick mower, 9-hoe Superior grad drill with fertilizer attachment manure spreader } pre 2 section land rol. er: dump bay rake; 3 20-78 Syracuse walkin plows, 2 like new; John Deere two-way plow; John Deere 3-section spring-tooth harrow. 2-horse Perry harrow: 2-horse 17-tooth spring lev- er harrow, 60-tooth harrow; 2-horse wagon; woodrack; set stone planks; hay ladders; set tug harness, like new: 2 sets good bridles; tie straps, breast bales; 20-foot check lines, 2 frish tick collars, 22 inches, a real pair; pair of 18-foot check lines; jarge corn sheller straw-cutting peneh: how feeder: 2 harpoons: pui- leys: ropes. chains, single trees; dotu- ple trees: neck yokes; forks; single wire stretcher: grain cradles; clover seeder; brush scythe Jamesway brooder stove, H00-chick capacity, draft ualizer; Wilson ice milk cool- ér: Delaval and Economy King cream separators; 6 milk cans; buck- ess: strainers; electric line fencer with Hot Shot battery, never used; | Lay, corn and oats HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 kitchen | ranges, 4 King Andes and Red Cross al; 2 beds with asprin; n : large cherry bureau; small bur. ea: ing utensils and many oth- | er articles 100 numerous to mention Lunch will be geryed at the sale Sale at 10 a. m. Terma cash. Wise | & Hubler, aucts — EE HORSE SALE!| Gene Irvin will sell a Carload of Horses at the PENNS VALLEY SALES BARN, CENTRE HALL, PA, Saturday, Feb. 12th at lpm ! daughter | tine home is and such other busines { Bunday afternoon by the remainder Thursday lll ha UNIONVILLE Methodist Church: Prayer service | this Thursday evening at the home | jof Mrs. Margaret Morrison, Sunday Carolyn visited her grand-|school Sunday morning at 9:30, fol- parents last week. {lowed by the regular preaching ser Mr. and Mrs, Francis Wert and |viee at 10:45, with sermon by the sons, Donald and Jimmy, spent Sun- | pastor, Rev, D. A. Sower. Youth| day with Mrs, Wert's parents, Mr, (Fellowship in the evening at 6:30, and Mrs, Stover Hess at Millmont, | Free Methodist Church: Prayer Kenneth Gephart spent Monday [service Friday evening in the church to Thursday in Philadelphia lastiat 7:30. Sunday school on Sunday week, when he enlisted in the Navy morning at 9:45, followed by class a cadet. He will receive his call meeting and the regular preaching for training later iservice in the evening at 7:30, with Mrs. Savilla Stitzer sermon by the pastor, Rev. D E Coburn on Monday Joseph she will make an with her sister-in<law Glassglow a urday. a was taken to evening where indefinite visit Mrs. Sara | terian the Presby-| evening at pastor Preaching service in church Sunday 7:30, with sermon 2 or » 1S i Mr. and Mrs. Russell Douty and Re H. E. Oakwood daughter, Mrs. Cora Herb, Mrs. Alan| The (Inancial budget for the Dor- pouty and daughter Janet of Lo- ough of Unionville for the year 1944, ganton, spent Friday evening at the [15 now open 10 mblie inspection at Donald Wolfe home the home retary, J. C. Fox, Harry Burd, who recently was dis- from February 5 to February 26 charged from the University Hose Miss Nell Williams, pital at Philadelphia, was taken to}schools at Pine Gi the Lock Haven hospital on Tues- weekend day for further treatment the comm Miss Dorothy of Williams | With Mr. and Mrs. H port, spent the weekend at the Ray Cpl. James R. Hall, Stover home here as “Dick.” who Pfc. Clovd Wolfe tioned for me tim week's furlough with his parents, Florida Spending Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe. He has (ough with his bas nt been in training in Texas but is be- Je H. Hall ing transferred to New Mexico. iriend th Mrs. George Wilson and daugh Guests at u Jerry Lynn of Lock Haven, spent | Mrs. Bish on 4 nN 3 r fr the weekend with her parents, Mr, dinner in honor of and Mrs. Harry Garrett Mr. and Mrs, John ! id r donald Mrs. Cecil Hironimu and Me er Nl b ot 4 P. C. Bierly were Monday children, a'l of Vn visitors in Willlamsport Resides Ww iound ISIy Mr and Mrs. ¢. D dl at hi home Ia Wednesday a ES a : morning. His friends and neighbor Mr. and Mrs. John Weavdr and... .. hi Rm geiai three children. of Port Treverton were alarmed when he did not show ia do +3 FEY un for % * as t i= vnlker oO $ Willis Bierly, Mrs. Mary Harttr and WP work as track valxer on the the latter's granddaughter, Mary \ vivania Railroad here, and . Pre some of the men wen! his home Ann Gherrity of Centre Hall, were ) I" . ’ % ind had break Sunday t the Lavand in door and "found him lying on floor in Blerly home serious condition. Hi tep~daugh Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and ger, Margaret Lucas, who is employ son Eddie of Williamsport, soent .4 in State College, was called and Sunday at the Lee Wolfe home the doctor summoned. His daugh- Mrs. Roy Gentzel spent the waek- tor and husband, Doctor and Mr end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. james Jenkins of Baltimore, Md Harry Musser Boalsburg were summoned and upon their as simer Duck, vho employed bLy rival deemed it Say Ruhl Lumber Compauy, was hit on him to the Baltmére hospi the nose by a boom-pole last Sat- care and treatment He wa urday. X-ray may be necessary to in the ambulance on Saturday determine the extent injury ternoon and stood the trip Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beyers and well, but his condition is su Jimmy of Danville, spent the lous, His many friends and weekend at the L. A. Kidder home. bors here ! Mrs. Eus Beaver and son Tom. TECOVETs ‘ ny of Lemont, spent Monday at ince his family Nein WwW. Bierly home employment elsrwhery Clayton Musser of Franklin and ihe BOXs Meee. Marshall College, { Se Miss Celia Br Mr Mr Mr. and Mrs. 8S. J nd Rochester, N. ¥. Susan. and weekend visiting with Gray of State College, visited at husband. Mr. and Mr : C. M. Bierly home on Sunday of Union town ship, and also : Mr. and Mrs. C. Paul Ziegler and 8 the me John Rexide v AN and Frederick, of step-father, during h ne weekend in Mrs. J. B. Stereo this vicinity days the latter part of last week vis- Mr and Mr Joe Bechdol and iting with her daughter and hus- family of Beech Creek, were Sunday band, Mr. and Mrs. ©. R. Stevenson dinner guests at the Harold Ester- of Altoona, and also transacted tras - {iness while in the city James Hoover had a growth re-! Quests at the hom Mr moved from his eye at the Centre Mr. C. W. Bander over last County Hospital, last week day were thei; and Mr. Cubben, soil erosion expert of {ly Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Upde State College, gave an lllustrated ang children Williamsport lecture in the local hich school on. Howard Pratt of Be Friday afternoon spent several days werk visling with husband, Mr. and Mr daughter Louise, In here G. W. Hoit the home of Milesburg Mrs. Hazel recently from her tan, that he has Ii Ll the Of the se teacher the Milk pent visiting with nity, stopbing 1. Kerchner etter known in the friend past in Shay been Nn the state of first fur Mr. and reeting hi pending a 0 1d many in oman ne of Mr. Bish, Tall Fisher JN ter Sunda wim Mr . ine 1 [3 John eriou : Richenbach, to " lo the upper on +4 131) a 4 nece to af - s | { ir of arly ll ser- on newgns- for mn nope m ene John had beer the vi v aun Friday Gray Mrs ited ut Inst +h 3° and (7 he ter and ang i 4 po Edna Harold Hall the of the = of and Sune fam- "3 a v ral oh daughter of Te & La Md past more the sister and Jeff Hurt the Pratt a WOODWARD Clair H, Kreawer, of Atlanti NJ was an errival at the Home of his parents, Mr. and Mr C. E. Kreamer I Friday night His fathér met im at Sunbury. He home on an M-day furlough to his chums and quaintance A number of the folks of this lo- cal who are vel ing Cpl home City t visited on Sunda of P. 1. Holt and fam!ly reweived Edward Bar { hi Barton yorad in nisl “ 1 TR : Vi school asgen ~~ 5 been bo 14 Edward received his first of February and Mi B.E Mrs. Ida Mae Hull B. Lu- Hazel Bar- San Francisco ‘oc \have M 3 ¢ rating the Not oven Guests of Mr on the HOI last Friday were Hoff and Pfc. and Mrs as of Tyrone, also Mr ro. (ton and daughter Ida Mae our Florence, and Ruel Lucas. Plc cas Hrother of Mrs. B. E. Holt, Mrs . ‘nt . toads Hazel Barton and Ruel Lucas, ha Union Sxcabliert A— i niward been stationed at the Marine base ed us that there will be an election [at Parris 1 land, 8. ( Since Ia of officers on Tuesday, Feb. 23 at November, He returned to Parr s 1 . 7:30 o'clock, for the ensuing year, land Monday after ten-day fur- as may be |lough necessary. That means that ail lot Miss Georgeanna owners are urged to be in atten-!fined to her home dance. The meeting will be held in weekend with an the new school building. So take chitis note of the above date, Feb, 22, and! Miss Myra Underwood, who has be interested in the upkeep of the been with her sister and husband cethetery, lot owner: Mr an@t Mre. J. O Pox, has ecoept- Stewart Haines and Warren ed employment in State College and 8hreckengast of town, and George Is now In that city Hackenberz of Fiedler were called] Miss Ruth Behers, who has been to Altoona on Saturday to take their making her home and working In final health test prior to induction Norristown, Pa. for scme time past, into the armed forees of the United is visiting with her friend Miss States, Shreckengast passed the test Florence Finch. put Haines and Hackenberg were re-| Mrs. Charles Stambaugh and it. jected [tie daughter, who have peen staying A little birthday program was are with her parents, Mr. and Mrs wil- ranged In honor of Mrs, George liam Summers for the past several (Clara) Bechtol's 54th birthday on months, returned to her home Inst evening, of the family. They all had a profit called home on account of illness in able time together. Rev, their pastor, gave the those present some wholesome ad-| vice to treasure. The following were v ea surely - an ne 5 a surorese such piens winter devs a speck of snow be mountain: The Haine chool director pair work public The weekend It nt a st ns a re La nt «¢ can seen board OIE f Of township nad the last Oo do spool hool kK at . Lu- a a We Hi oN Fr DA atin bron- COn~ 4 folks during her absence, or until other arrangements Millheim ; Bechtol and son Freddie, of Centre Hall, and Mrs, Adam of Bwenge {all tare Frank, Carl and Jesse, Jr {ant tire 2 PINE GROVE MILLS Andy Dean of our armed forees, Frank V. Goodhart home in Centre va training in Kansas, furlough recently with hjs parent Mr. and Mrs, Jes Dean on East Main street. The Dean brothers are in the service, The other three enjoyed a 10-day 80 Miss Sara Donley has closed her home and gone to Bellefonte to live with her niece and husband, Mr and Mrs. Lewis Lenhart Mrs, Theodore Judy very nieely from na though still a patient at burg State Hospital. Our efficient County Agent Ralph Blaney of Bellefonte was a pleas- caller in Perguson township on Fhursday afternoon arranging for some early spring planning out farme: our wictioneer Monday in Mr. and Mr Bred ent the overing ine: Philips re Cc fy town is boastin the the Hu youn horn Alte "Ha hospital Lo, alt tle br Farl ’ tod 101 Hal! Hess M. He i Captain other i Same] commis oneq Bela ome um nome our township of Mi Helen regular meeting homes of Mi: Marg Mrs. Pau] Horner t both meeting The popular coal de Ed and Huston Heickel nes in Cle 1a $ Re mer were Albright hi A. Brook pent a if » ¥ ia caller hursday bl Kemi Harry N. 2 nia 1 tired hant Su i ‘ Corl w ds nn AY: two daught Wall A | on I Hall We wedding | fon M: time , rapidly the public press ut Wayne young The ley thelr 18 at home an Pvt Both had the name ville charge Melvin A - v P————— Furniture Sale Buy More War Bonds With the Money You Save lignin blown from au tree on North | | Bpring reported that the accident of God" and not lable matter be company BOALSBURG Daughter of Ruth of the Lutheran Thursday ey ing at the Miss Bertha Cole it it street to Councili conptitiited that oompany Council directed that aken up with an pol the I'he under young the that | soon to Ix i Of improving Dr. Light fashionable made possible man care the the again gain believe Ih school clas met Maud the boro, Miss Fry is CGilenn helping Glenda a little Men's Bible class Bunday regular meeting m. at the cGroenger of will be Barto is the Royal Kline 1 H. Keller of pending Fry home care for Last ' " it of BOM C in Of Those cher Of choo) t 8 Homan Luther eo P an Rev thie BIG CLEARANCE SALE Living Room Suites We need more room. Your old our ON tht speaker lec der JI Ci Juv now and save. suite as part pavment. [Use easy payment plan. Electric Supply Co. Bellefonte State College 100} Ole ted * veral hurch worl Mr. and Mm turned to their Tuesday of this spent eral mont daughter rad Keele wife Proving M thelr properts {ore fall good GG. WW. Bullock Olgd home town yfter having be a wee es 4 t y (}] nid ert Carounas A cn a— Bore Studies Two Garbage Plans (Cocntinged from page one) willingn- to sel purchased indicated route he ago from Roy E. Baylet ed shortage of manpower virtually impossible for maintain both rn Walters now rbage and customer may wish to pls in He was asked be neil to furnish estimates babi charges. and his aoilit; over the garbpge collection wide with a fran tect him from competition Walters was told if granted a franchise, It would be understood that garbage would Ix the ground level, in containers by customers and no foreten matter of any kind, such a cans, earth. or other refise be Pefmitted lo be placed tans so that the garbage used for hog feeding The removal of aches bs ondary matter to Council since members held that ashes are not a heaith menace and are the problem of the individual rather than of Council. Mr. Walters was informed that he would be permitted to baul ashes as a side Mine If he wished Other agencies also would be able to continue with the removal of ashes as private enterprises hi wiernl i} He mad mo laim- ites je any and °® ‘ an take a town- basi hise to vro- that Naced on that ashe wold in the cod Ix iM 20 desired R SOC. a Motion demanding that the shed ent site, on the grounds that it Is a began and a special committee | of Council] delegated to inspect the world Day of Prayer, which event all over the, in the Meth RESayTE seri E { : structure to determine whether it was a Ait bullding for the surround. ings submitted an unfavorable re- that the provide having been Council by unanimous vote passed | H. 8. Entz, [her family at home. Miss Florence puget on South Wilson street by Kof- | family and Pinch is looking after the Summers qn & Co. be removed from its pres. | ean be made detriment to that area and was built | c Kise h ing cesspool Cm ilidings The mip veces reported entirely The ng Pa ore CAT Mr n Pope Four) CASH | For Your Car There is a reason why Bierly can pay such high Wim I'S 4 ’ nimitiee Healy wed r : [0g { ¥ pnd y wil . y arias COROCY Te ts Sout) fred a ean rir : ring cash prices for late model Used Cars. Drive vour car to Rebersburg today and ask for “Nuh.” that smiling Dutchman, who is stand- ing there at BIERLY’S GARAGE with those greenbacks vou are looking for. OPEN FROM 7 A. M. te TP. M, } w 1 TOuRn Ha Phone 26R6 Millheim investigating Martha Gro been struck We Invite the Public to the Opening of “Bellefonte’s New Modern Restaurant” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14th “THE PLAZA GRILL” (LOCATED IN PLAZA THEATRE BUILDING) New equipment of the latest type. Modern, comfortable eating booths for ladies and men. Counter service. We are specializing in plate lunches and dinners. All prices under O. P. A. regulations. Enjoy the famous cooking of Mrs. Milford Cox, who has specialized in tasty home- style foods for 20 years, We also feature better, bigger, and more luscious Hot Dogs. CLEAN---COURTEOUS---QUICK SERVICE AMERICAN OWNED AND OPERATED
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