Where the Fuel Goes A HEAVY BOMBER crulsing at a speed of 250 m.p.h. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, Cenfre Democraf WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans port burns 23.000 gallons of fuel oll a day. VOLUME 63. NUMBER 4. BELLEFONTE, PA., THI 'RSDAY, ge ly JANUARY 1944. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. Air Cade* Killed > k w In Plane As [a Guy M. Heckman, 20, of Blanc¢nard, Dies In California. Military Funeral To Be Held Sunday Afternoon. M He native ol 20 DUE, rite Cadet Cuy (man, of Blanchard Hubli died in a plane crash at Twenty- of Nine Palms, California noon, |v gecording to a telegram ment his wife, the former burg cemetery A C Heckman wn Hinton, of Blanchard details of the aceidem liam Boyd and Mary man and was born at Hublersburg it was 'nown that Cadet was undergoing training on March 27, 1923, making his pilot at time of death 20 9 months and 24 days. He was araduated from the Walker Townshin High School at Hublersburg, where he took a prominent part in school Afterwards he ass the farming will be accord Jackson-Crissman-8 Foreis mad Friday terans of received by Migs Mabel Although no were given Heckman to become 1 will be Wil Heltman Heck- son of age year ted hi awmil month Corp operation For of IX employed » TecelN ed Miami tyr ire Wining his Florida: Springfield, Ohio { from there was sent to Santa Ana Cal, for preliminary train He was undergoing at Twenty-Nine Paln time of the accident Last August he spent with relative y Centre county had not been he (Continned on Pape Siz) —— MADISONBURG YOUTH {1c iot furlough me since that time bar Gets Air Corps Honor| 4 cident Staff Sgt Kenneth ¥ 11 Pen Beehtol and t LOSES TOES IN ACCIDENT Glenn Hough, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hough, of near Madisonburg, had the misfor- tune to lose several toes from his right foot Saturday, January 15, in an accident with a gircular saw chard B2p- 1 The lad was assisting his father to - saw some wood and had the posi- tion of taking the pieces away from the saw. In taking a piece away, and in turning to throw it on a pile al- ready sawed, his foot slipped and he fell, throwing the right foot in contact with the rapidly revolving saw. He was taken to Milheim i where a local physician treated the member. Cadet Guy M. Heckman Funeral services will be held at wife's home in Blanchard at 1:30 Sunday afternoon, followed by rvices at Reformed ch Hublersburg at 2:30 p.m. w J. W. Shope, of the Blan nis the ireh at ith Rey Large Piece of Wood Removed From Tot’s Cheek Little Julia Rhinesovith, 3%; - old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam- wel D. Rhineamith, of East Bishop! street, is recovering repidly at her - w— me MY COUNTY WAR BOND SALES ARE LIGHT ‘E’ Bond Purchases In- crease But County Faces Major Task AThou, ny IRON et avail i able yesterday, Centre county banks’ | repo ited that sales oO Births Exceeds Deaths In Centre County Last Year bin bor and abl tricts ny Figure which M: Philipsbur ed ture Beliefor Bellefont | muitie nt ry . nom a whethe iroline T/5 Vivian Miles Baer THUD SS Pnened Bra" ay the Miles family on January 8 in the first piace It was on that day Li. Edgar J. Miles Played In the law offices of W. Har- rion Walker here. enter Ar tor who 7 ves whe em 1 Killed In Action College (nl i I M MOVE CENSRIS_ <= CUBSPEMER = Scholarship; Hears uy | Directors re-elected are H. P. Al- gram by hy Ensemble John § nN “et od | Me an Is everelv Burned Ww Fellow Employes Credited With Saving Life of Carl Parker, 24, When Clothing Catches Fire In Cleaning Plant Nichol : for" nah AARC Glut Av : Long In Service Hazel Re-elected to Head Thrift Company ELMER L BOWES Veteran Engineer. Retired tock haldier FY hur of the thi corporation font wer officers el first vice woond vices secrelar Weasurey 311307 Str Mr. Bx as Major with mel we ible S| Gryctko Brouse, relingusl with the Penmsyivania Railroad or December 24, 18432, 10 enjoy a well- Bg ko, Mr. earned rest He has seen mag Bib changes in _rsilpoad life, especially L.ithe evolution and ifprovement in shed his | bright Mr. Brouse, Mr | Heel, 7 F , Poyses. W IMr. Miller HM yt of War Bonds od the WAC vhile she was Ohio. Her hus. aid K. Baer ont ” : Am interesting talk on motion ig, ue HT Struble J H picture censorshiy Pennaylvania Kline Wolf War 2iven atl 3 regula the Bellefonte Woman's Ch MM ¢ 4 A Tr. the locomotive. from the clase RT- Jack 3 ats He has seer of Two Wars Ar in that T 5 Vivian Miles Baer of the WAC. met her brother Lt Eden Miia land home from recent operation in which a piece id more than two inches long nearly as thi mn March 24. 1943 working In Warren Beaman Ger and J TO RETIRE FROM 0 the TE," Tp the and k somewhere in band 2! ths 2 lead pencil Miss Hilda Haupt pletes Nearly 39 Years’ Service ne Fh 39 years Mo them Bellefor Rose” on he cond 1 Hilda 1 the wo ini min eign ition imyove nd failed failed to and repeated to heal Won matter LONE Also On January en Lo a specialist the piece “inbedded of the cheek. Since the wood, Julia ha improvement ana t idly reveal any Haupt will mrties to be held Penn Belle Hotel where at will be phone Company ing Wilfred D. Gillen and general manager the pany: Geor M. Earl, general manager: HL E. Lampe, division traf iperinte Moore aisty tent Mi we iceessful t tw 14 the child was in Lewisburg wood was fo in the ony tructure were unst tomaorre A luncheon by Tele tives wlod- wresicaent me Ww 1k the oom attended of ind deep- exe the removal of SNOWY 4 traf. marked we ran- fi Dealing It wag explained that not show up u accounted for « Cate the sliver wood W whic! l0- In the ¢ weessfu! We guest party at The v life ha the employ mpany on in ef naer Ariier being X-ray effort LI § 50 to vening Mi of fellow the hotel eteran employe, who all resided at Milesburg, enter- of the Bell Te lepho ne August 1. 1905, as Bellefonte, She was made ch operator on February 2,| 1910, and has held that posit {Continged on page Siz) WILL CENTRE COUNTY MEET ITS QUOTA? mployes at - OP m—— - Firemen Put Out Brush Fire ~Members of the Logan Fire Co were called out at 2:30 Priday noon because of a brush fire on a lot at the extreme end of East Lamb street Water from booster tanks Was used to extinguish flames and no damage resulted 0 after. ed Cr operator the Will Centre county meet its Fourth War Loan Drive quota? Claude G. Alkens, of State College, chairman of War Finance Committee, who is In a position to know believes the quota will be met-—but only if everyone helps the County the facts Here is Mr. Alkens’ full reply to the question We ‘home front folks’ are in the midst of the Fourth Drive This War Loan has Been designated by Mr. Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Secretary of the United States Treasury, as a personal one for citizens at home. He is asking Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public to put across this loan for the sake of ourselves, for the war, for the future, and for our future prosperity and integrity “It Is necessary for us to accept this challenge of the Treasury Department. It is not only the patriotic duty of every individual to go the limit in lending funds to the Government, but we should also each intensify our efforts in arousing our friends and neighbors to lend their funds to the United States Government. This is the people's drive and our service men amd the world are watching us The success or fallure of it depends ENTIRELY upon our individual attitude and patriotism “How about Centre county? Our quota is $1.943.000. Of this amount we, as private individuals, (farmers, factory workers, college professors, miners, carpenters, masons, barbers, bankers, shopkeep- ers clerks, service men, retired folks, ete.) are to purchase $1.286.700 worth of whatever kind we wish, A total of $666,300 has been allo- cated to be purchased by corporations, clubs, societies, ete, of Centre county. Banks are not permitted to purchase to make up the quota for this Fourth War Loan drive. “During the Third War Loan there were over 17,000 separate bands 30 In SMBS County Ly, and they were not sold by the banks the War Finance Committee of Centre county-~they were sold Carre eounty who volunteered their services to pil A as salesmen for the United States Govern- ment, I am t that the Fourth War Loan will be even more successful than Third.” st—— tn — * Haupt will be | '* ») on [ELEPHONE DUTIES == a Com-! - be tM ra reat Quota | IE OFRACKE | 286.700 The quota \ is $6 ture obtainabie ve i fay plainly indicated that Centre nty has a or Joh Cotitinued on Page § i ma ahead of | = DISCUSSES COUNTY - 00D PRODUCTION Plan for Centre County Farmers Adopted by Ag- ricultural Extension Centre county's wartime food pro duction program was discussed at an all«day session of the executive committee representing the Agricul- tural Extension Service, which met in the Penn Belle Hotel on Tues. day Henry Stover, of Aaronsburg, pres. ident of the Centre county group, led the discussion which Included meth. ods of disseminating information to {farm and homemakers in all sections of Centre county | Other members of the committee | who were present are: Harry Fisher, | Warriors Mark; Guy Stearns, Belle- | {fonte, R. D; W. C. Smeltzer, Belle. | tone A. L. Albright, Pennsylvania | { Furnace : L. E. Biddle, Bellefonte; Charles Campbell, Pennsylvania (Continued on Page Three) ——_—— ‘Smoke Damages Home At Pleasant Gap The Paward Houser Houser residence on Btate street, Pleasant Gap, suffered dn e from smoke about 6:45 ‘o'clock yesterday morning when old clothing in the ce Mile nA the # of I Lt. Edesr the Navy Miles left National O in England sin in a quariermast details arg the but learned o© of able here her brother through meetir COUPLE OBSERVES (TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. McClellan Rossman Honored at Home Near Tyrone M d man Mrs I'yrone ») McClellan C RD Januas celebrated vedding anniver nome. Dur the das res of callers and lon friend McClellan Rossman David and Polly July 20, 1862 Mary Albright, daughter of the late John and Mary Albright was born May 6, 1865. They were married on January 22. 1884, by the late Rev. G. D. Pennepacker, then pastor the Bellefonte Methodist hurch Alter their marriage they to Pleasant Gap, residing there while Mr. Rossman was employed at the ore banks east of Bellefonte for a number of years. Later they began farming on the Noll farm at Pleas. ant Gap. From there they moved to Ferguson township, where they farmed until 1919 when they sold the farm and purchased one of the CGrazier farms pear Tyrone, which has been their residence ever since The Rossmans have 13 living chil. dren, 58 grandchildren and 38 great. (Continued on Page 6) Riva - Saturday their 60th ietly at their they received I many messages from their on aly ou NE congratulat ircle wide of David the Was bom the former son of Inte d Rossman, of Burnside School Takes New Method - of Selling Stamps Germania school, Burnside towne ship, wanted to help win the war, so have decided to buy enough stamps to feed a soldier overseas seven days a week. This means ‘88 cents worth of stamps must be bought each day by the pupils. We are few In ber, but are doing » ocean, stamp bought helps beck Come on, teachers, pu stamps for Victory. and his wife,’ moved | GRAYS CHURCH T0 HAVE DEDIGAT Newly-Refurnished Sanc- tuary Will Feature Spec- ial Services Burton C. Bastus- cheek, pastor of the Weather! Methodist church, will bring the rveniing address at the special ser- vice of reopening and dedication to be observed in the Grays Methodist church, Sunday evening, January 30. at 7:30 o'clock. Mr, Bastuscheck was pAsiar of the Half Mepon Charge during the years 1032-1934 Earl &. Myers, of Half Moon Val- ley, will present a brief organ re- cital at the opening of the program Mrs. Ralph Grazer, Warriors Mark R. D. will be the guest vocal soloist of the evening. The congregation will sing: “The Church's One Poun- | dation “All Hall the Power of Jesus' Name to the Miles Lane tune, and “God of Grace and God of Glory.” The Youth Pellowship choir of the four churches will sing, Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult” Following the evening's sermon the congregation will join responsively, reading the Litany of Thanksgiving, Dedication, and Rededication The walls and ceiling of the Banc- The Rey Mr : tuary have been beautifully painted, | (Continued on Pape Four) ‘Arrest Suspect In | State House Sadery | The burg) near Martha of the State House | on West of WIrsOns pany anger, burgh Pe ty LF Continued on pape Fiz) a— - Popson Guest at Farewell Paftyln font nig! the mn NAIrmal ta “ Lamb ¢ cOMPAans were Highlights chicken and served presenta son. Among the official who attended J. E. File, of Ridgway and P. H. Powers viee R Boa Presbyterian chap A a t the nt by tion of the present Lhe and waffle HpDe! me! fs Uh div president — TENA PRAES coe LOCAL PRSON Mauverick Finds Rock-! view Well Conducted: Cites New Project R risen I have © ne woe Alleged Deserter Maury Maver of Texa for St Bn Is Arrested Here the War Prodan HARE on w Penitentiary the WPBs w. Cl of Rockview WPB offici and its farmiand made lost the Pennsvivanias Pop- ciety in Philadelphia of the com- | congressman met party were a favorite light on a on man- | casions. The speaker of Pitls. Excellent of the West panded ndust: ity exist at Rockview and Al ON a were prepared In A the before Thursday Prison 80- sum the former tioned Rockview in Wa number of oc- od said "Me for ex ounty member speech and to Mi made a Dossibi wi opportunitis ATIRINE active NeECessar pats ret ful He a diztinct al or ¢ Funeral Held Here should be taken to utilize had (Continued on Pape Fowr) tes Was staying : - i | PTA HERE HOLDS JURORS DRAWN REGULAR MEETING: FOR FEBRUARY Movie Consor is Speaker; Grand Jury to Meet Feb. Buy Victrola for Use 14; Criminal Court in High School Opens Feb. 28 Mrs. Edna R. Carroll, chairman| The Centre County Jury Commis- (of the Pennsylvania State Board of [Soners last week drew juries for {Motion Picture Censors, addressed servioe at the regular February term [the members of the Bellefonte PT jof court A. at thelr reguiar monthly meeting | The Grand Jury will meet Mon- Tuesday evening at the high school | day, February 14. the Criminal cafeteria. Her topic “What 1 Have Court jurors are schiediiog to cone Learned From Movies” gave a come- | Vene two weeks later, Monday, Feb. ive outline of the board's ruary 28. und jurors for Civil Court work under the Censorship Aot of [duty will meet here Monday, March 1915. The board Interprets the word (6 “moral” as “affecting a way or habit of life,” passes that which in their Grand Jurors who will meet here Monday, Pebruary 14, are Ellis Auman, Port Matilda John EB Baunchman . Osceols Mills George Beahm William Bottor{
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers