february 10, 1944. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Centre Belle WAS Un- Di. " a FXFECUTORNY NOTICE om of LeRoy A. Heberling, execy PAT MARY JANE BENNER ol J Hovering, ete of Bellefonte Borough, deceased College Borough, deceased Letters testarhentary the above HIBSHMAN te having been fit ed tive indersie ned DETAROT Hibshman and we he sald estate are requested to make B. Hibahmar . immediate payment, and Porou aes following a, “ ! derpan cs KERSTETTER the enun of anatLisment | that if they had grain of mustard Lin ling to Matthew, faith as small a8 a they impossit 1 1 Mr Hall fonte John A. Slack was patient Hospital where treatment for 1¢ stiffered an ac ldent. Ti { | } | the hip of to lot of the latter in the ashe a fractured ar seed, ingly could accomplish seem Oh granted } Lhe dergoing nd ach "REAL ESTATE | TRANSFERS | Ten are effective the (1) The discipl RDPAr- estate to Joseph ently relied upen themselves, It does vy : 0 Fl nn not appear from the story that they BENNER or MARGARET L. referred the case to Jess, It was man who told him of it, It was who failed to cast oul Ne How often do we fall because Rog- not rely him to do these mir. Hefonte ¥ Walk- ‘acles through us! And (2) the dis. | 0 CO een ct ciples falled—and so (0 we--because , ndersigned » nd heey 1st sal k they lacked faith They probably ed to the tried carry out the cure thi nake half-hope that happen, Do not we cure the world’s il) faith will hi Ne things in ee Ww were not offed debled 10 K was broken at Police Bellefontsa om the effective mediately WwW. P. Parson postmaster at from the wilkinson . p U1 Gas . office; Cieorge Bmith of not {Or » ’ TA on tendered his resignation _ a = reason present ame ERNEST CONNER Lo local force, im delay for LO Fifty Years Ago T Cornet Hook Keep it In good of Harold Lukach Of Rush TwD Ann M. Re fella Bhower Gill Bell, et Philly tract $2.000 gers Ladder to the Lo iit ] ndition 101 Julian esigned Ma ind tive upon appointment of his gm ularly HOCPRSOY tract in Miles Twp., $1 Mr. and M: John Coble, of Le- Ann M. Rouére, to Rhoda L mont, and Mr. and Mrs J. Fall S8to- ers, of Walker Twp... tract in ver of Bellefonte, celebrated I'w * oth wedding Elsie Florence C Bellefonte, tract in Spring Twp. 8) A soecial train was run from Penn | College Monday evening jubilee singers Over came to Stat property several veal the Wi on fo One an ion that y Ws to be they ie } to Mary rep. ne ! wil n J if KB ard Kiam Ruth Marie Kila KLINEVFELUTER. The fir acount of the Fa and Co town ADMINISTHATRIN'S NOTICH of £3 4 SBHUEY sorough, Pa red evi On Monday night a burst in front of the rch and did some damage INLArion 151 SANK WARY building HIg a new Ie ael treet. It will be a handson } 11] 1 rt ! WOW ¢ fail 1 oO ng nateria ( the chi ff Jol Last wee the bout managed 1 t of me ron hed as « e hart family of Orrin Mille oral article Ver taken from other { Nn Int OMe Ww wee hot nd took ap place I t Satur J a J ' \ | i ( fer. re Kalin rephart Policem I mbi { hat ter at y of and W hun passengers pirit use it res we do slate late steam Presbyterian A other counties and may visit DiI windle: ratin uprrm rmers i the ¥ Friday! section tearing | mon to Hee thelr ©) Chil itter counle Nora, of home; Curtin f Akron, Ohl Daniel O'Lea af Bellefonte Martin J. Mille Harold 1 m., of Butler nd Scott and Confer Howard b th, 11 n. 0 jell Howard Ix h, 8 not Hannah 8 [ranc CG, If Harpster Ferguson Ren of « ushings . Li workmen began ing of ti old ( n wch 1 { Newton Gibson weet | presented witl ravon { a at . y ' vit ait { . ‘ W » 1 \ M1 nid nmedia HNNIVersaries Lo Burke, ] . ’ 1" 4 4 nrad | 0 aren of the were nellefonte and vO Mi omethiing might to fall Hkewise 10 ome thout 1 RACHAEL SHUEY, 01 Eas on n Ww LINE of vot n because we | ve that it can happen t t . ‘ } ppen’? member ft A. J. Ged pper p Millheil : ¢ 10 were absent tract in womeone broke into iu $8 In Mr. Cie roximnats Legal Notices EXECUTORS NOTICE, ‘ Estate of C. ARTHUR THOMA te of Bellefonte AOTOUY County, Pu. deceased letters testamentary on the ghove estate having heen 4 undersigned, all person the anid eRtate ares reqgues mmediate payment, and ing ¢laima or demands agains fatale lo present LNE same wat? for settlement to J. KENNEDY and PHILIP H JOWN- CLOT belief P 3 John: ton ) 3 te of WILLIAM TRESSLFE] ; tate ’ A i Beliefonte Borough, | ae td rf Ce ¢ te } present Lhe ied ; delay fo ettiement to Gael . » yg a PONTE TRUST COMPANY t fonte, Pa 4d H O \ Glenah + to consul } rest \ Homan ondition not left been or : . month arl ) heavy he ra J in to aelay JOHNSTON HTON him d Johnston & stfficiently to Y he nwealth Pennsylvania, ra Fo t } Philipsbu h fim him $1 350 Hes by MEO! ome FXECLUTORE NOTICE, fell and struck RHINESMIT me covereq i . vy PE Reel :37 Ta} ' he . Hninesmilh ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICH LEBER JeSlamnenhlary » h PI Eatate of LULU KNOX f ’ | A 10. BHOPE Toner Ce t of § decen Latte: considerabl rou » y ie AV heir nner e - - WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windstorm Folicy Frotecis Yeu nent ’ THOMAS Belles to prasenit the r settiemen EXECUTORS NOTION high i ount o 4 propost ‘ i From Financial Less. Ses John F. Gray & Son General Insuranes Phone 497-3 Bellefonte, Pa EXECTUTRIN'S NOTCH MARY ALICE HOHEN- i jo J. M of Bellefont ite of been igned Il persons 1 suid estate are reguesied JULIA mmeadiate payment, and 4 aime © Ag present Lhe Ale e1 ¢ granisad 1 ies a Ye RECAPPING AND VULCANIZING NEW TIRES AND A eo TR ADE 4 + PUBLIC feiny for settlement to M EXECUTOR'S NOTICY I SALE OF ARINE HORENBURY., Execltr er { JOMHNX « MILLER : Walt ; ; BE College Ave. State College Ate Of JUIN O. MILLE : hier attorney Edward 1 Ww , o* ARIE LOW ), Centre ( ! : : fx » pound Liesl] Bide. State College, Pa » REAL ESTATE rladnent TUBES BATTERIES KEYSTONE TIRE SERVICE Aellefonte, Pa. nd Operated EXFCUTRIX'S NOTICH Estate of C WILLIAM BOOZE! ¢ | n ; for a P aammé witheted THE FIRS STATE Of Rupotae BelieTonte, | Ps REE . * pr . " » “ d NATIORAL sail emlate : FR] FOE. State fmumedinte yer t wi the 3 ’ : n vedi ey w Hare y Walks ng Cavime J q " “state lo prevent Lhe Jame ’ : tm § " + delat for settiement MRE 1 STER'S — ' M J ‘ " “ srg Ee. o.y NM. BOOZER. Pxecutriz, Centre Hal pt He Ms arty i — ' y Hams ay Pa. W. Harrlbou ales t ‘ ean Ah : ! . " ¢ fe . ' received in an for estate of lated nn hes y . : ' Wi 3 : } » CINTA WANTS T0 BUY in wn Peon To J | y p him 1 ir and oy a 3 I 3 A , | rt ’ RT { Entate of OROROE M E L R 0 Y Ny ; ' ’ IHR ale of M Ley . 1 ! ) pe Meas 1 LN ) Hn Ld : : : Ive (ail f Wheh co! vi fotie tentame 4 Wanda, He 45 4 ne an be mighty glad the thedicine you want has a name. It would be like day fi Twenty Years Ago busing a pis-in-a-poke i you don’t Walte i ich 7 of Clearicld, wis slate tt ieme BANK en oF ege. Pa 8. Potter Street fern Hamme Owned NoTicy FDW AS Bos ant Gap § Pa estate having been gra ted 1 the on Monday Fe 3 . . . undersigned. all persona indebied ! I. BARTLEY. The first Electric Appliances the gald relate gre requested to make viii aiid schedule of dist .s immediate payment, and tose i BE. Kren. adioinistratris Gifts - foyvs Claims or demands against Elzabetly Bartie 1 » to present he same a re mdeod 4 Patents settlement to CHARLES A ' ’ — B ta ta wae Bond dis capes MILLER, Milihein a ¥ ident Grug ore ! ! y SIRES JA TER MHRAER, 1605 W. Al . $ opt . at ’ ’ Pr - 4 5 #0" ith th Apt 1190 PH LAE W. Ha fr stains EXECUTORS SALE CHARLES. Th t and final F : hak for M te AM ed oat mm] . | Walter R. Yearick, Executor of the i ot pahuns, Ohailes aqmrx. J 4 : I , , y 3 ~ last WII of Della J. Lingle, deceased " will offer at public sale at property of the late Della J situated at the upper onburg, Pennsylvania, on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 1044, at A.M. the fol ing After the de the grou: UNCON Sat € f nome home ity delay for » BOWERSOX. The f N Pl Te Fountain Service Beliefante 69851 Phone ~ a. Fbern M. SMITH, Au Jotirwt At Ps ET aa Lt gE ’ it LU (4 kL riiten ORPHANS COURT SALE OF | ) home ae VALUABLE REAL ESTATS oa. sd Com 2 bir | he weemenss scaos. ot 0 ||Milk Coolers AVAILABLE AT ONCE! Fleetric bor cident NK i the [| AR yolie OF end © 10 o'clock HOUSEHOLD GOODS Inchiding: Imperial Beaver range. coal brooder stove, corner cupboard and cupboards, dishes, chairs, rock- ers, Philco floor radio, mirrors, rags, clocks, carpet, extension table, drop leaf table, sink, cooking utensils, oil stove, Singer sewing machine, beds, including old rope bed, bureaus, stands, bedroom suites, butcher tools, some oats, wheat, corn, straw, hay and many other articles 00 numer- ous to mention; and the following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE - All those nine certain parcels of land situate in Miles Township Centre County, Pennsylvania, desig- nated as follows: A. Parcels in the Village of Madi- sonbarg. Pennsylvania 1. Beven town Joie, each being four (4) perches In width and eleven (11) perches in length, thereon erected a two and one-half (2'%) story dwell. ing house 2. Two acres adjoining land now or formerly of Jacob Deitrick Estate and John F. Royer 3. Pour acres adjoining land now or formerly of Reuben Grimm and J. F. Kern. 4. Twelve acres adjoining lands now or formerly of Henry Hazel J M. Royer and George Shaffer Gasoline Driven { onled Cabinets IHUBERT ROSSMAN HOME & ALTO SUPPLY STORE | Phone 2615 BELLEFONTE, or ON THE MOUNTAIN AND IN THE VALLI X C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY | ernie ft Y } . pet ow . ion ne after prayer. 80 often ' . oi we rr GOLDEN TEXT ! ¢ : we read of Je R i : pond ea ncaal : my WAGNER'S te niaw TH ls ventured ni he oliet some quiet, solitary place ay. 1 b , Mark 9° M . ‘or in Quality Flour Ji I : ommnion with God Communion with Cod A Hard Wheat Pat Flewr Test Lesson 8m PA "ir Viark TN 1 r in a tr CG. Campbell A few da afta; t t it was whey confession Je Lesson ansfigured life Morgan Clirist i ng ’ i dhddrew fron ie that he was transfigured. When the home of Multitude which u I$ irround - disciples pray as he prayed ed him and, taking with him Peter, al James and John nght sechwion for meditation on a high mountain Inter Mt Hermon. Here ansfigurat pon three AR th vllat inh#ron k deseril the trans~ | The voll of fie conceal~d we glory Godhead wns ' with- ramwn, and the full blage of nef. fable light br forth from with in, while egen his garments caught the wondrous ray fry Was pray WAGNER'S Our Best Flour 0-50 Blend they will Iw he was rev transficured as hi= wili not be until salvation i= completed. While there lurk possibilities mbelief fellowship is not perfected, and final transfiguration ennnot be. And yot the fellowshin the 1oen transfiguration, even here w. How often, amid shadows of the little while, the of the santa are seen Jit with the light indeed, would shine amid the darkness of the world, must be transformed and transfigured by une. on with Cod What was the reaction of the three tisciples to the glory of the transe ind irl vith COM — 40) req ransfa dentified as WAGNER'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat within of he effect Jen tivea ble The face shining entire ne goodine life of Ste HM. I who was figuration thu which had the measure of ire of bl and ul even i history the Pellefonte Dairy Feed ] pital. falled to save the le, Bnow Shoe miner working Ma ratnres. Lhe ani 32 re 20% Dairy Feed Wagner's The hile i of Wagner's between Lhe Ia ection de were Wagner's Horse Feed eloped yroken on a ke previous oc¢- on and it was reported that the Wagner's Pig Meal Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and Grower, Wagner's Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower. Wagner's Scratch Feed Feed. Wagner's Chick Feed Wagner's Medium Serateh Rydes Cream Calf Meal Eshelman’s Dog Feed All kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with your own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA, | break had falled to heal prop- rly, causing the infection. A pint of blood was given for he tran by ond of Sables friends who had come to this coun- with him from Ausiria, and who had been his best friend. Although Sable showed some Improvement alter the transfusion, he suffered a relapse which resulted fatally. He was aged 37 and was survived by is wife and several children Considerable mystery surrounded the finding of the left hand of a man on a hillside near Philipsburg Police searched the area for other evidences, but were unsuccessful The hand was in a fair state of pre- servation and the bones did not ap-| pear to be érushed or injured. The hand had been severed from the arm at the wrist and the severed portion was pot a clean cut, such ns would have been the case had the member been amputated by a suregon. Officials of the Philipsburg | ir hall fusion Mg A ry to, be pat | prophesied and shimmered with the dasgling brightness of sun- mitten saow.™ Just what was transfiguration ready uttered hi phatic manner, that promised Messiah? But, did Peter of the other disciples real ize all of that statement, either for Jesus or for themaelves? They need. ed confirmation of the confession which Peter had made, to realize | he Had nrpose of the not Peter ale naturally em- Jesus was the in or any figuration? Awed by the sight and the magnificence, Peter spoke the first thought that came mind--"Rabbl, it is good be here, let ws make three nacles: one for thee and Motes and one for Elijah” However, intlead of abiding the mot! After receiving such a (Vision, it was Jesus’ desire for them {to descend from the mountain-top, earrying the inspiration of the vis. ion with them, into a life of service. for us wo taber- one for into his! on | B. Parcels of wood-land near Mad. isonburg, Pennsylvania, 5. Pour neres and one hundred ninetesn (119) perches adjoining land now or formerly of Wiliam | Kreamer, | 6 Ten acres and fNfty.one (51) {perches adjoining lands now or for- | merly of John Roush and Furnace 7. Sixteen acres and thirteen (13) | perches adjoining Tand now or for. more fully that he was the Christ,’ And so it’ should be with every dis. | Merly of Jacob Detwiler and along the Son of God, even though he wns to death In order to meet this situation, “A revelation was given to three of their number Peter, John-<in the vision of figuration of Jesus: the single pur. pose of which was 10 confirm their Messianic confession, despite what seemed to them the un-Messianie way of the cross” (Bledd), Not only did the {(ransfiguration | State Hospital denled emphatically serve to convinee his three chosen ciple, who, after communion and 'n vision, should take with him the [inspiration of the vision into the {world » bout him the burdens of humanity, so sharp. ly in contrast to th: glory of Cod fecently left upon the mountain heights. The lads father had re- [quested some of the disciples to cure his son of the ailment but they had failed. When Jesus came back he that any portion of a body would be disciples of the diety of Jesus Christ, made the request of him, and as ale released from the Institution except but it may also be sald that it served ways Jesus effectively remedied the upon the request of relatives who might want such portions for bur- ial. Philipsburg Ohlef of Police Dan- ie} Brink, after conducting an inves. tigation, had the hand burned. | as a means of comfort and assur. ance to Jesus himsell in the midst of so and his m he {road from Madisonburg to the June. ne Jesus had close fellowship with Cod. receives | s 8. Three aeres adjoining lands now or formerly of Michael Carls, John | Klinefelter and MH. J. Limbert. James and Coming down the mountain Jesus| 0. Three acres adjoining land now the trans- found a child suffefing from one of jor formerly of Michael Carls, Jacob Kern and George Shaffer, Terms of Sale: Household goods Cash. Real Estate-25% at time of | sale and balance wu delivery of deed, on or before 15, 1944. | The Executor reserves the right to reject any and all bids, WALTER R. YEARICR, | Exeettor U/W of Della J. Lingle, deceased. E. E. HUBLER, Auet. Johnston & Johnston, Attys. What is it? To the chemist—potassium oxide. To the farmer—potash, one of the three plant foods which plants must have in order to live. It comes from mines in New Mexico and a brine from Searles Lake, California, The potash in 100 pounds of mixed fertilizer is expressed in the last of the three figures printed on every fertilizer bag. ' Make sure that the fertilizer you buy contains the K.O being recommended by your official agricultural advisers foe good yields of the crops you intend to grow. Only when enough potash is supplied, can full benefit of the other plant fuods in the mixture be obtained. Write us for free information and litera. ture on the practical fertilization of crops.’ se BR.” i —————— AMERICAN POTASH INSTITUTE ' Incorporated hy : . 6D. C pe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers