THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. February 10, 1944, BITUARY GEORGE GREEN Funeral services jor George Green, son of WHlam Green, of the Penn Belle Hotel, Bellefonte, were held SAMUEL E. CARSON Funeral services were held last Thursday afternoon at Kylertown for Samuel Edward Carson, 62-year- A old former resident. Services were Brooklyn, N. Y.. Monday. Mr. held in the Presbyterian church and Green died there Wednesday, Feb- burial was made in the Kylertown ruary 2. 1044. He was born in Belle- cemetery. He was the son of the fonte October 15, 1885, a son of Wil- late William and Charity Carson liam H. and the late Elizabeth Kline. He was born in Philipsburg, Green. Surviving brothers are Ward, October 4, 1881. He died Sunday, of Philadelphia, and Merlin, of January 30, at his home at Lincoln Washinglon, D. C. Mr. Green has Place. Pa. He was a member of the lived in Brooklyn for approximately Homestead Lodge, Free and Accept- 12 years He formerly was employed ed Masons, and of the Railroad at the Bush House, now the Penn Brotherhood, 1 Belle Hotel, In Bellefonte GEORGE C. RACHAU GUY EARL SWARTZ George C. Rachau, of Sunbury, a Guy Earl Swartz, of Detroit, Mich native of Madisonburg, died at 10:30 died at 12 p. m. Monday, February p. m. Sunday, February 6, 1944, of ’ 1944, at St. Petersburg, Florida complications resulting from an ill- Born October 20, 1882, at Hublers- ness which began in December, Mr burg, Mr. Swartz Waa " ig of the Rachau, who was employed as an 2 Leslie a a Mary Markle Swartz engineer by the Pennsylvania Rail- He 1s windy by his widow, Mrs, road Company, had lived in Sun- Mae Walkes watts; yo biotic: bury for the past few vears, An ac- ~~ 4€ LU. DWAILE OL pie ' tive Ashermul the deceased was R&ph M. Swartz, of Dearborn, well known in Centre county. Sur- Mich. and one sister, Mrs. D. F vivors include his the former Womer of Williamsport Funeral Annie Wolfe, and the following will be late children: Victor, mbury: Walter 18425 Bretton Berwick; Mr m. Saturda) Mrs. Betty Bole home. Five vive. Funeral at his late home Sunbury, at 2 p. m. Thursday and wile, held at his Drive Detroit service JOHN E. RIPKA i . E. Ripka " Ple Gap carpenter o'clock Sunday morning 6. 1044 at the home HARRY ATCHERSON lyde W. Ripka, at Zion m * his home. Death re Harry Atcherson of Penn stre an ln with a complication of Bellefonte, guard at Rockview peni \ tentiary and veteran of World Wat 1, died at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday after- noon, February 8. John ) tired asant died at 5 February of his well known re yo l son, where he uited aft ©1 wa a son of pp Ripka and al Spring ills on Novem- 2, making hi 9 mM 1944, at the Vet- erans Hospital in Aspinwall, where he had been a patient since January 189. He was a son of Charles and Ella Whitney Atcherson and was born in Montana January 15 1892. making his age at time of death 52 vears and 24 days. He is urvived by his wife, the former Ann Heaton, and one Charles, at home. Funeral services will be held _ °° + UI vice at {he Christian and Missionary Al- + 1. waetordec atteennne ob lance Church, East Howard street ey Ay STAHL 9 at 2:30 o'clock Friday alternoot with Rev. Kenneth Troutman ciating. Interment will be made In the Meyer cemetery, Buffalo Run Valley 18 age at time mths and 4 is wife the 72 71 years Surviving are 1} former Elizabeth Iminel of Spring Mills; three sons, Clarence F. Ripka, Bellefonte: Clyde, of Zion, and Le- roy. of ) ville 1 brother and of Spring Sweet - on son, and seven were the home Centre Mr. Freas of Interment wa the Millheim cemetery ADDITIONAL DEATHS ON PAOR si X -8ECOND SECTION ners Rev YL; oifi- PE ating Bathgate, Mr Harry HOWARD ame Civie Club Fellows hall following program Allegian ¢ 0 i Star Spangled , itled, “The Old , the following ¢ Mrs. K. R Ebenezer Whitestone Mrs. Lewis Dorman: Abraham Deoo- little, Mrs. W, K. McDowell; Belinda Bassett, Mrs. Frank Wa Josiah Barlebones, Mi Dick Tem- perance Whitestone, Mrs. Malcolm Pifer; Dorcas Skinner, Mrs. Arthur Irvin. Piano duet, “Poet and Peas- ant Overture,” Suppe by Mrs. D. A Holter and Mrs. Rex Herlinger monologue, “Matilda's First Trip to the City.” piano duet, “The Count: Band,” Johnson, by Mrs. Holter and Mrs. Herlinger ‘ard the Ames were pl freshment Mrs. T. G. Leath- Butler, Mrs. Lulu ghthamer Miss Alma Pletcher, Edith Shank, Games were play- wd refreshment were served 1 departed at a late hour wishing Betz many birth- annual n the Odd the Pledge 3a rit Pare At the held | Friday night Was given: our Flag. song Banuer.” kit Village School.” characters Wolf, pupils } ’ 3 app On Feb. 3rd Mrs. Jumes Bathgate had a birthday party. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bathgate from Jacksonville, Mrs. K Confer and daughter, Mr. and Mr Red Tress. ler and daughter, Mrs. Louis Dor- man Mu T. G. Leathers, Mrs Edith Shank, Miss Alma Pietcher, Mrs. Lighthamer, Mrs. Harry But- ler and grandson, Mrs, Art Wensel and daughter, Mrs. Ruth Betz and two children and Mr. and Mr James Bathgate I. Hace; Wolf; na Rats, Lizzards, Japs, Annoy the Marines eli R. Nefi vans, Alice Pletcher Mi Leathers, Mrs. Gus Ekdahl, Mi J. N. Welkert, Mrs, Gregg Wensel Mrs. Harold Amick, Mrs. W. K. Mc- Dowell and Mrs. Malcolm Piler one) tually Liv iI5- and Ma- natives to riorm } wl form of er a rise. Those payment Is beads, neckiad or other were: Mrs. Art Wensel, Mi NOW or NEVER! This Can't Go On Forever! 1 village frequently emplos held Jan ast lothin and re other wien he It's the One Offer of the Month — and it will End Tuesday, February 15th ! 10% REFUND IN WAR BONDS OR STAMPS ON EVERY PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR OVER Buy Here and Help the 4th War Loan! THIS OFFER DOES NOT APPLY TO SERVICE WORK. DeHass Electric Co. North Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa. il a rT lthat is shiny, or which has bright colors Is an object of value to the her had been active in Political cir- | cles. At the time of his death he was + Nights natives,” Hartranft said “But the prize object ls a smok« ing pipe,” the 19-year-old Marine went on, “A native will do practi- cally anything for a pipe.” Pvt, Hartranft was assigned to Justice of the Peace of the south and west wards, having been res elected Inst November to another four-year term in that office, He had been precinet chairman of the south word for a number of vears 2n¢ on ground duty in the Air Corps dur- March 12, 1943 was elected chalr- ing his stay there and It was his Job man of the Centre County Republi- to help keep the fighters and bomb- can committee, suc ceeding the late ers in trim for thelr forays against George Yarnell, of Mingo lle, In Jap positions on Bougainville, Mun- that post da, and other bases. | Mr. Cowher resign d Japanese bombers coming in over chalrmansiip on July Guadalcanal usually fly at great pecome a candidate fo heights, so high that ack-ack fire County Treasure: will not reach them. Their approach | I 1940 he elected to Belle is usually spotted beforehand and fone Borough Council] and served fighter planes are sent up tognter- capably In that office as chalrman cept. Hartranft witnessed part of of the fire ind police committee one spectacular air battle in whith past fall he was re-elected to an- approximately 70 planes of a Jap other four-year term which began formation of about 100 planes were in January this veal knocked down. The bombers like to! ‘Squire Cowher pay thelr calls on bright moonlight getive member of company. the county 29, 1843, to the office of was was a faithful and the Undine Fire wis president of the Cen tro] Pennsylvania District Piremen’s Association when injzation held Its annua] in 1 1941 and was member of the Subsequent board of contro} Bell to New River, N. C., and then fire department wad Cherry Point, N. C. From there he number of offices in Was ransieired Ww Camp Kearny, company Cal, where he was assigned to an! puring operating squadron, He departed for slature in overse service In January 1943 ery I'he ship on which be was a has- senger touched at Numea, New Cul- edonia, and the New Hebrides continuing on to Guadalcanal Conquest of the island had been completed when he arrived there engaged In some mop- activities Alter ervice on Guadalcanal, he the New Hebrides and from t was sent back to the tates, arriving here 'n January March 3. at the conclusion of ; day furlough, Hartranft will to San Diego, Californ for § wssignment Speaking ranft expressed Hartranft was gradueted from the Bellefonte High School in June 1942 and the following month went to Parris Island, 8. C., to ent2r Marine training ly he was sent the org convention here fonte held a the session of | i“ Harrisburg, Mr. Cowl d as secreinry to A. H, Let enator Irom this district Funer held Sa tlernoon from the home of Thomas Cowher, on Rey iT tale 1 services wert nag be - the East Harry C pastor of Methodist Interment eter I f fOr nrowner Logan Stenger, Jr, church, officiating made in the Unlon cen font street wit] but he was ping-up montis returned four : ad members of Fire Cor honor Uniformed nd Undine as a4 guard of Floral tribute Were 1 merous ang completely filled ¢ truck With Aditi here the eled nal Spray being piled iy ompart - home, Hart- ant amazement that ) Among those who attended his former friends are NO funeral were Senator A. H. Letzler here Some I ought Asgemblyman Jack Wallin meme verything would De same WOEN pers of Bellefonte Borough Council the 6«foot youth de- ry . and of his visit the nany of onger » the got home lared Even though most of age group have entered vice Marine declaied home ell the fel i about ! 1 1 L 1 ( inent pf tl bey the anywa lows and hoping Lantz Price of Wo ——— George Finkoeine: County Bond Sales Raymond, both of One Million Short preent All ji merly Oontinsed from page ong) made purchases during Lhe campaign ’ Of the purchases by industrial employes, workers at the Titan Met. al plant here lead Ly a substantial majority with total sales of $41.675 he McFeely Brick Company em- ployes at Port Matilda are second with a total of 810625. Third in or- der are Warmer Company employes Bellefonte, with a total of $9263 Industrial purchasers so far are led by the National Gypsum Com- pany with a total of $50.000 Second in line is the West Penn Power Company with $40000, while third Is the Warner Company with $30. 000 . Total purchases by industrial ~m- and industries are listed Lime current O48 RECENT WEDDINGS Plummer —Hartswick Miss Elzabeth Ann Hartswick daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J M Hartawick, of Reynolds avenue Bellefonte, became the bride of Plc Walter Lee Plummer, son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter D. Plummer, of Frost. burg. Md. at a ceremony solemnized at 8 Pp. m. Wednesday. February 2. in the Bellef Reformed church with bridegroom's Rev Kenneth Plummer Clarksburg West Virginia, officiating Attend- Company ants for the couple were bride's $30,000.00 Mis Suzanne 200.00 Bellefonte. and PI mer. of Frostburg. After a short ding trip Pvt. and Mrs 10,000 00 returned to Bellefonte, retumning to his duties as assistant chaplain aboard a shiv out of New 50,000.00 Orleans. La. Mrs. Plummer will con- 40,000.00 tinue her work as music instructor 0.00000 in the State College public schools 1000000; The bride. a graduate of the Belle L590 fonte High School in the class of 2,156.25 11936. was graduated from Penn State 450.00 in 1040 and for a time taught musi 1331.25 lin the Frostburg, Md 1,550.00 More recently she has held a similar ——— | position at State College. Pfc. Plum. $77,188.00 $167,500.00 mer is a graduate of Frostburg High The Valley View Lime Company School and employed in that purchases include partici- City prior to SETV-0H pation by 100 per cent of the plant's| Among those from o it-of-town 1 ho workers, the commitiee reported |attended wedding last Wednes.- The house-to-house canvass of [day Were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Plum. in Bellefonte bv block lead. |mer and daughter Wanda Pvt and and thelr organizations is in {Mrs Francis lummer, all of Prost. swing, but no report of sal burg ind Rev. and Mr Kenneth ) vesterdar Schoo! chil. Phuomumer and on Kennet of actively engaged in | Clarksburg and bonds and a - 4 ted in the near wore | 3 Defendants Plead Guilty in Court Here Mr. Alkens, expressing the hope that the county is not to go down as having falled for the first time] (Continued from page one) to meet its War Bond quotas, yes-! Former Judge M. Ward Fleming, terday appealed to sverybody to do|representing the Shinfelts, said the Jl in thelr power to buy extra bonds | ill feeling between the two families during the coming week. arose two Years when Parks The war is not won, There are son, who is now in the service, was long months ahead. The men in the driver of a coal truck which struck artied forces are going to stay 10 and killed the Shinfeit's 6'4-year- see it through, no matter how much old daughter. A Coroner's inguest, they'd like to be home, It's up to us the attorney declared found the to keep them provided with all they driver guilty of negligence but no need, and to keep the country from further action resulted. A civil ace [the inflation which marked the clos- | tion arising from the fatal accident [ing months of World War 1.” Mr. is now pending in the courts. Judge Alkens declared. | Fleming added that he has known | “War Bonds are the solution to/Mr. Parks for a number of years the home front problem! Invest and Knows that he is not of a bel every penny you possibly can |ligerent nature NOW!" the chairman concluded. After hearing both sides of the | controversy, Judge Walker told the ‘Harold rt PRERE the brother ployes follow Employe the $ 8.363.00 10335 .00 HX) 00 750.00 1425.90 1925.00 650.00 1.77500 1312.50 Warner McFeely Brick Whiterock Valley View L Cen. Refrac Harbison walk Pa. Railroad Natl Gypsum West Penn Federal Match Bell Telephone Titan Metal Sutton Eng Millheim Hoe Wingate Found Clasters fmt ot aintet weds Plummet the formet | | f chools of Total Was entering the ry * emo thie LB Ls : was avallable dren also are elling stamy port is expe ree ARO defendants that while he realized what must be their feelings In the matter, no person can take the law Dies Suddenly ito his own hands. Such a pro- I — cedure if followed generally would fOontinued from pase one) result in a condition of chaos, the (in Bellefonte on August 14, 1896, Court pointed out, After sentencing {making his age at time of death 47 Mr and Mrs. Shinfelt to undergo {years, 5 months and 19 days. Sur-probation for a year and to the vivors include a brother, Thomas costy of the case, Judge W ad. Cowher, of Bellefonte; and a Sister, vised both parties in (he controversy Margaret, of Niagara Palls, N. Y. He (0 try to forget the ontire matter, Cowher YOung rouse the emotions of the bereaved Inte parents. Carl E. Markle, who in a court fled last week Jost an ap- 1 from a deciion of a justice of in court for was directed to pay or in lieu of JACKSONVILLE George Ciarrett is home for furlough, He will return to thu base at Great Lakes, 1 Mr. and Mrs, Richard vonada and family called at the Willlam Poor- man home Sunday evening Mr. and Mr Leva and son, Cpl. Dorse. spent Monday at the home of Mi and Mrs. Charles C. Chronister M1 und Mi Frank Eisenhauer and Mrs. George Bwone visited In Milesbhurg vicini on Bund alternoon Mi uid Mi Chiurle M €] Lamar, spent Sunday evening at the Aley honu Mr, and Mr Harry Baird son called at the Willlam Watkin home on Sunday to soc Mr. Watkin who | Mrs day Hav) Oon Butterbaugh Butterbaugh and LG in bad health Roy MceGlhies Martha and Raymond, of tilda spent Wednesday sister, Mrs. Sumner Noll McGhee transacted ev Bhore, Other home during th Eleanor Moore of Mrs. Ri w of B Belle children Port Ma- with her Roy Jer. und while ines hy mond Neld eorae Mr. and id Billy Swoop Mrs. Leot pent family of Mingovilie Miss Betty Ales s t the K end st her home hie Mrs Mervin H Bur were caller Weight home all day Cla Hartswick, of 9 Francis Plam- "0 Clarence gard of Wibaux Cecil Herr and George Rogers and and fami My Cone Shi Mary John car Brumgard were ning guest it the home Clarence gard, M Mor the anc Wi and aes Goon —— ——— Paper Collection Here, Tuesday Continued from pape one) All material { et. out along th Tin cans must the wrappers minded Because of the shortage of paper the company to wi Bellefonte car iu to x consigned i 400 000 cases behing on orders to the armed forces. The matter Is a most one and you can help by tur in all waste paper In Tuesday s lection Hen the in. WS —— Prison Fugitives Caught, Sentenced | (Conif med from page one) [But while they were working, thelr {guard walked across » clearing to inspect the work of several other prisoners. When the guard returned Mennettl, who was serving 10 to years, and Andreyko, doing 3 to 6 years for armed robbery, were gone | Bloodhounds Put on Tradl | An alarm was spread and blood hounds were set on their trail ennettl and Andrevko confessed Monday following thelr capture in the cinema that they walked blindly | into the woods, detoured the prison- | owned timberland, and made their | way through the Nittany mountains There they hopped a freight, They told a hard luck story to a brake. ‘man who loaned them 75 cents, And with that for capital they arrived In Philadelphia Monday morning | They planned to go immediately to the home of Mennpetti's sister on Front street near South. Instead, they hung around the waterfront several hours. At 1:10 p. m., fearful of capture, they entered the movie, paying 18 cents for his admis. More than an hour later, the four ves arrived at the theatre immediat In Racket for Thrill’ COME TAKE IT AWA AT BARGAIN PRICES THAT NAY NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN Going Out of Business| ALE] Entire stock of this store must and w ll be sold on or before next Wednes- day. Better grade, famous label me chandise will be offered and snapped up by the wise and thrifty. Merchan lise of the highest quality AT NEAR GIVE-AWAY FOR THE LAST DAYS SELLING. JOIN THE CROWDS TOMORROW. Va Price Costume Jewelry Go A All Sewing Thread 5 Price | we ! / : F. $4 Vif eT ! : 10c & 15¢ Hair Nets je Mesld 6 for 5 Tc $1.00 Ladies’ Gloves Hand Mads Be ¢ Ne 3c 19¢ Durable, Sanitar $1.06¢ Ladies’ Hose » One Bin Merchandise ‘ sale Tomorrow Regare Cost, Lo 79¢ el. Skyglo cach Vall Newest | Je “olor Rica Sm Camm One Bin Merchandise 10c¢ R raie of Cost. 14 r True Worth $1-81 .50 Ladies’ Gloves 49¢ } 5 § mane Fall. M $1.75 Ladies’ Hose 50c¢ 59c¢ Infant Diaper Pants 29¢ etier Siok Up—a onl le RR a tine” Not. irettatins . Sp Nyl All Siex RIRS( H PRE-WAR DRAPERY AND Stetson Felt Hats Curtain Rods Va Price 95 to $1095 Values. at 3.95 37.95 Pre-War Window Shades | HELP the 4th Sete Ol 3 atts oh Rupes wide | MNARLORN Reduced to Actual Cost! Reduce st Time PARTY DRESSES 3 ALL YARD GOODS Marked Low for Fast Selling! PARTY DRESSES BUY WAR BONDS NOW Entire Stock of Dresses rosin mse. AND ALL WINTER COATS ¢° Juniors’. Misses’, Women's and Hall Sizes We still have a selection of Pamous Label Dresses to choose from. Every one a style hit. Tatlored and Dressy Dresses WINTER COATS Many of Them Lavishly Furred! Choice 100° wool fabrics. Every one a style hit. Junjors'-—Women's-—Misses ! Choice of the Store, NOW THE KATZ STORE “BELLEFONTE'S LEADER IN WOMEN'S WEAR" , 21 South Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Penna, \” moe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers