February 10, 1944. YHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five ! Miss Dorothy L. Kline, daugh- Gregg Contributes | 2 em EE iii == RE Ry ter of Mr, and Mrs, Harrison Kline, T p F - . r spent the weekend at Cornell Uni ' LO EE To vari Fund | CLASSTFIED ADVERTISEMENTS p = = —_— socizl activities, A tot] of $68.15 was collected In : Miss Della Cross, who for some Gregg township in the infantile par- </ time has been in Reading, has re- glcis fund drive ended the past week POR SALE--Holetein bull, 16 months mil north of College cosnpins. F. D LJ 1" ‘turned to Bellefonte and has resum- This mon Is In excess of formes Over Thirty Thousand Persons 5. I. Richard Beszer, Beliefonte, RB. Ourdner, 310. Second Ave, NX, St --Rev. Harry C. Stenger, Jr, pas- Carl Fisher, with Sea-Bees . ' . : ’ ' ’ ed her position as assistant to State amount lecte 1 cars ‘The (Valentine farm). Dial 06684. x6 Pelersinmg, otida : R . " y deury. V , Ww } : wo its collected in past years, The ” tor of the Methodist church, spent at Camp Peary, Va, is visiting his ny Miss Mary Schlegel. dhaimbag.: “Hurry A. Corrou - of i ——————————————— | “ the latter part of last week on a parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fish- Read These Columns POR SALE-16 suckling pis Pye : Kiln fo ¥ rb i a { | + . 1 4 a 3 " 5 J : Lg Paden, i business mission to York er, of Bast Bishop street thas ean ay heene 3, a ro Loc Via A oo ov k. Tt hy The © t's classified advertising d Tie Oonman Reh Bank. | Bote Lime Kiln ' Rent Pornie 3 § arrived safely overseas, accord- citizens who s0 generougly contirib- every week. That's why The Centre Democrat's class adv ng de- ed. Kyle Comnan, Kigh Bank. Phous =~ wm ————————— wl » 9 { ¢ \ ¢ . . Ww » Y ~ 4 ’ Joseph Farpicola, stationed at Lt. James Hoffer, af Camp Polk, ing to a message received from the uted to this worthy ceuse, as well as partment has become so amazingly popular, Considering its low cost and 6375 $ FOR RENT-A 3-fushace lime kiln Sampson, N. Y, spent the weekend La, arrived in Bellefonte early last > var ” ¥ W ' wo . ales ‘ ' ‘ 7 : . . - 20 ton capatity per week. 88 per with his parents. Mr. ond Mrs. Cs wit Yor { nh wit. ox War Department this week by his the following persons who so ably the benefits derived from its use, it is undisputably Centre County's Com- : . cent linestone Home marke. Boe OF n o For ficol . and 1 hy, " H f- Mr Sa y hr Si HIS i He hn wife, residing In Lock Haven. BSen- assisted in making the collections munity Bargain Counter oR . ALL = ih pg To a cull. Phone 3RIY Bpriz \ ‘nicola ¢ a ', of Half- Mrs. Sara offer, of As gh pp n . y ae old, Wii have Digs Tor sal tc fleas Fh. moon Terrace i treet ! man Bauer, son of Mrs. Bertha Spring Mills schools as follows: RATES—Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for ,ow on al throuen fell, Inguize o ® tects “Ep mg Mis, boos Se SS a Wrisht ' 3 Bauer of Bellefonte, recently com- 94) and 8th grades, 85; 5th and 6th first issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where ad¥ertise- | Geo, Narehood, Pine Clen, Ps 14 -Pfe. Ira Wright, Jr, of Chanute Firemen were called to the Bee- pleted his basic training at Samp- grades, $450; 9rd and 4th grades, ments contain more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged. '° TEN . : For Sale or Rent Field, Ill, is spending a 15-day fur- zer-Witcraft home on East Bishop son, N. Y., Training Station $6.30; 1st and 2nd grades, $56.70; 8th REAL ESTATE—A straight one cent a word 1s charged for real estate FOR BALE-Thre vit odes TERS © we a a —_— lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. street about 9:30 p. m. Saturday be- Pvt. George A. Gardner, son of and 10th boys, $7.70; 0th and 10th ®dvertising—sale or rent. ' a gn Lh. Zimmer. TOR SALE OR RENT-¥arm in Pens Ira Ww Wright and family, of Wil- cause of a burning flue. No damage ars Dora Gardner, of Bush Addi- girls, $2.70: 11th and 12th boys, $4; KEYED ADS-All advertisements that request replies to be mafled un, 5. D. 2, Bellefonte, Pa. Alport RaROHLS a Bae Sona puiiach lowbank street. resulted tion has returned from the South 11th and 12th girls $3: Tharp's % this office, must be complied with by those answering the advertise- round 3 acres far land, 20 acre good tim. ~-Mary Teaman, seaman 1/c, last, Zane Carey, seaman second Pacific area of war, He has served store, $1.50; 8. 1. Condo, $1: Flor- ments. Please do not call at the office for information concerning such " . nnd: Robd “Buildings approved Thursday returned to her duties in!class, in training at Sampson, N. Y.. in Ammunition Ordnance for over a ence Condo, $2; Eungard's Bervice advertisements, as the publishers are not permitted to divulge the name a alr. of Ny gry alry tn m. lng dre of W. C. or 8B w Washington, D. C., after spending a arrived here during the weekend for year and in that zone. At present $4: Sheffield Farms, $2; Herbster Of the advertiser. 3100. with 6 months oid co Leon Amiey. Mitipuim. Pa xe 48-hour leave with her parents, Mr. a visit with his mother, Mrs, Joyce he is stationed at the Brooke Gen- 9: Clover Farm store, $1.75; SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE-—Every subscriber to The Centre Dem- yd Rud ) mi of ry ! Mill, $2; . : and Mrs. George Teaman of East Rine, of Willowbank street eral Hospital, Texas, where he Is Prdlev estaurant 82 Movers Ocrat whose subscription is paid up to date, is entitled to a 25-word ad. Hall ou M os} Erdley's Restaurant, $2 a ; . i. a Howarq street. Piftéen members of the Belle- recuperating from a condition re- garage, $2; Leona Dutwiler, $4. B vertisement in these columns one time, free of charge, Otherwise the 4 A. ———— a —M. M. Cobb, of West High street, | fonte Kiwanis Club were guests of sulting from overseas duty CG. Myers store, $4: Mrs. Pauline Subsdsiver a be charged the Tegular advertising rate. This privilege eR Re y 1 Par honed Sou y ood 1+ » . " nd 2 bs A VE "OT rida y one bull; thre milck ' 3 J chief clerk at Rockview penitentiary, the Lock Haven Club at the latte: The Milesburg Woman's Club Rossman, $2; cash, $2 an ised SIX times a year at different intervals vill freshen motith al d f Carrying hp Py. 4 low is reported to be recuperating nicely organization's weekly luncheon at will meet Monday evening, Febru- A coshiler's check for th vein Mu M. Beightol Co. Svtner Discount Co. Earl M. Bitnher, from the effects of an operation he the Fallon Hotel, last Thursday ary 14, in the Milesburg school sum of $6815 has been se FARMERS — The Clinwn AucHon, FOR SALE ww pn Hy hee Bid pt underwent Monday at the Centre Miss Vera Scitti daughter of building. A special Red Cross pro- county chairman, thu sing thi hn hom Pa offers you an op- tates. Bi ri 87.50 i . WRT hits Shits m——— County Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Scitti, of Spring gram has been prepared with Miss year's campaign [01 : Jo of | JOIVHILY orien Dr oa Ios | Bellefonte 207 x BA PARMERS — Wier you noe --W. Harter Vonada, with the Mills, has accepted a part-time pos- Margaret Brockerhof!, of State Col Dimes drive bidding, every Monday 't : " Bo . Ie t dams v BOG» lat Fy Aly OU i" sir ood Sea-Bees at Camp Peary, Va, ar- ition in the Hugh M. Quigley in- lege, and Mrs Fred Warner, of Belle. - check fs soon aa sale J “ 0 Yunto iarols: Aaa Ri ’ 1 nog Le yar, N clatiol 1ncuite of Goo Mothesss rived in Bellefonte during the week- surance offices in Temple Cour: fonte, in charge. Motion pictures will . H mig, No. commision ret | fot R 2. Phone 6378 ¢ . baud, Bowisburg, Milton E. Stover, end for a visit with his wife, the building be in charge of Poster Piper, of Council Pays onor Coburn, or ountect Production Crodft ullding Assocaion, AS B Hin Bt. Beliefonts, former Elizabeth Smith, at her : Milesburg. This will be an open ‘ H * Al Dou bed i ea . Smith, at h Mrs. Richard Heverly, of Blan- Mu ies Fei % spring mo Phone 2085 if apartment on East Curtin street chard street, Friday went to Aber. Meeting and the public is invited to To Squire Cowher Articles for ale Borde bn go WiFi Pin gp nf * : —Pfe. James Haupt, of Camp Me-' deen, Md., to spend a week with ber Attend We ” vy gly a 5 xg FOR BA Bour whit Ms . “ re nl indy pr lt Bit gli ah by _ : . The followin resolution on Liu SOR SALE--A barn P by 3 via lain ni 3 5 fart Cain, Miss, is here for a visit with son. Cpl. Richard Heverly, who & Mrs. Joseph Tressel last Thurs- dar 1 oO a Iman Harold D : = Mrs. Ena Holt , ’ ; por oP Hutehers Repairing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James stationed at the Aberdeen Proving day returned to her home in Phila Cot her. was adopted Monday night po. Rr Coil | CODLTE Lu " wo . yon Maytag Haupt, of South Allegheny street, Grounds delphia after having spent several at a "N wala op oti Hey Bellefonte | ov was — . of BR EB. Meeker. 3 anim Pa. Fito mit of Sap hal A és working. Genuine Darts and ser- angi with his fiancee, Miss Helen W. C. Manchester, Jr. of Chi- days at her home on East Bishop Con oil" int gba ? FOR BALE : on . : ‘ d i : Elarpnlie ’ Awe de ioe. We service al. makes of AES. Jenkins, of North Allegheny street . ge Th tL ene Street. Bellefonte. The Earl Dague nei Shearmaste tad d de eLeionte - ‘ . an . n Sf > 3 yal ers an rweeners. Sweeper brushes cago, Il. was here Ia week for p toms . brated Tres WHEREAS: Almighty God, in His Pa g RAL i gC mah sn . re Ae R KEK Owes Eegiric ~Mrs. Lois Weaver and daugh- gq brief visit with his son, Hugh family last week vecated the Tressel a i arian. had lied to hi RCS TRE. BR od Adding machine an ws we re Produce Swore 8. Allegheny street. Dial 2038. ter, Jeannie Weaver, of Cincinnati, yManchester { the Heverly apart- Property and moved to one of the Allwise Providence, has callec . FOR SBALE--All ¢ of : fri DR HINA ¥e OWN . 2 i-u Ohio Were worker . uest t q M RE Mig dag the wh hey Ko mgh Schad houses on North Spring street last reward Harold D Cowher. one oad. W } hs. 3 ow CG. need only ol ] fn Re- Fas Mill Hal ). Phone Mi Jehan Serra uo, re eKkend ruests of Miss ments, who departed Saturday to iv 0 hb Lelie ong HA ettizen niall : ih da Std ! rg, P Hall 821 2 MACHINE WORK Mary Beaver at the home of her enter arms Vion : sh they are sub-renting from of Bellefont plendid citizen wn, Pa. : . . aharoansd OB. y o y os a a andi ry y «Yop oO) . ' y "AR : served the Collie = —— NOE RAT : : . grey on ams father Thomas eaver on East i - w rs. Paul Beardslee, Mrs. Beardsles WHEREAS: He served th u ‘ Red oyna : FOR BALE com; wor for 1 Sa of all Xinds. We also ) i RN B. B , on Ea Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Franks g,.4 two daughters have gone to cil of the Borough of Bellefonte for FOR SALE—Potatoe : un ROTIEDOW Er THOM r Jarger - Real Estate for le cold roli steel set poTOWS, Bishop street Miss Beaver and during the weekend moved from the AIK a we daugliers A gon cil of the Borough ol ti Mi seed Fred Cor I eile. y yl ‘ Woodrufl keys key stock. elo. Swnris > ring Wn £ 1 ovea irom Se 16) 8 f wlefinite v -r a and ys that ser- . i i. dAdnden “il tre - . : Bey EF BOC EWC, Mrs. Weaver are roommates at Penn po. f the latter parents Mr Fl rida or an indefinite visit with 5 period of years, and in that eT tonmte. Pa aii RD i ; - : : achine Bbop. Bellefonte. Pa. Phone State. MRE § ee a oh her husband who is in a military vice proved himsel{ competent, cen a fo FOR SALE-~Two bulid hoy 2041 1-48 y : and Mrs. Joseph Novosel, on Hall- training camp there {aithful, cooperative, always mani- POR SALE-Eight ton e concrete highway, xe =James Gordon, son of Mr. and moon Terrace, to.one of the Thomas Garden Spot Post Veterans of festing a sincere interest in the gen- _ hy hay ori Foon Mi I Mrs. Clarence Gordon, of East Lamb apartments on Thomas street mraen op , ans oi oe i Phone 68375 [| isce laneous street, recently enlisted in the Navy y " ————— - Wig : vi The Drama Section and left early last week burgh. From there he was He 1 Foreign Wars and the Auxiliary, of - . oi Lancaster, were hosts at the Third iy the Fir mpel nOVIE pOR SALE--JHome grown clove ’ ny viel ie " | UBAD BTOCK » ol 140 Tosmen's “Yes «Q % 5 - > vi iv i Bellefonte Women's Club 1s §] District meeting held in Lancaster wt C. E. Yarnell, Bellefor . the Great Lakes Naval soring the Pulitzer Prize play, “Our on gunday, February 6. Members of THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED Phone G95 . dk ET TL Town t be given next month 1 RY Mkt : 18 xi} + that we. as member f the Conincil Station at Great Laks Ii th a hi veal or Mbtebis He A I No. 1600 Auxiliary wat { ; ; hy p 3 i at MIE DCW ARIA hoo, Al paar y attended the meeting were: shall misc his spiendid seis : —The Bellefonte Mother AUD Watch f not ident. Mrs. Lena Garis: senjor pleasing fellowshi) t ir-m oN .. Phone 62 ! . — ~ swt at the home iden hob i ar ! I Dean A ahi} Fa Hn ‘od ¥ ie { WAL Ww i, 5 7 : : 3elieton Rd OF lien will meet a Ae nom of Mrs ice president, Mrs. Gertrude Young; and : ; R4 Maan ¥. On st urtin street " 3 Be 11 : _ ' $ . 3 RATS ve Wop East Curtin street, at 8 yn... pear] Royer, of Niagara Falls, treasurer, Mrs. Beverly, Bathgate: B 3 FOR BAL} nia " : ‘ —— : — - 0 ock ursaay 4 ning, Februal ¥ arrived in Bellefonte last week and trustee. Mr Barbara L. Kline, and copy of woluiion , n ig Oak vanity yi 4 Rosa 1 at. a i SAL 4 5 one how DREAD STOCK Removed promotly. 10. Mrs. A. C. Cloetingh, of State , " in ' ' u " ri y 3 . X ne pat | : id a Call anviime st my expense. Phone Colleg will DI val : st at the Carson- Auxiliary member Mrs. Mary Loulse upor - - 676-J-3 Bellefonte Lioyd L. Sl i 1 W hi 2 EC y anak km ** Gingher home on East Bishop stree mpana. Philip Compana served as cll and be ol n i * POR SALE Ouk Miiesbure Pa ad De — a memira-are urged Mrs. Fargey is a niece of A. Kline chauffeur for the group Pa pes : boroug jength. Wi deliver noe Mille § {rw TP wm —— : - . nd : “a reo ! <3 4 « Madisonbur ¥ " ‘ > 3t 1 v y 4 A LAD N . : AT TO TREAT —Cad Elwood 8 " and Mrs. Carson Pvt. Howard Hancock, member espectfully submitted of bellefor RD f : Rabe Ao l wr «Wood Sager and Jam Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Walizer and of the State Motor Police, last week W. W. SIEG, President POR SALE--Fine ATH Ain and pcs ALE ‘ ML We CAiIF 2D Miller, of Brigham Young Univer- gon Glenn. Jr. of East Bisho » i -~ ‘ ) Farms For Sale thing pertaibing to We ty wr Ttals sent . N 4 3 . % , i " : 3 shy TE » | ! sti Saturday night atten he Pleasant Gap sub-station and : Tiough os hon witht Wer T= slay at Millersville State Teachers is now on duty there. He and Mrs. aarie Doll, Secretar; FOR SALE —« New . y spective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harty college, their daughter, Kay, a stu- Hancock, the former Jean Eckley ammermill with two-way bagee _— ¢ xiiand. ; paints, athlelm ! . ¥ 1 q nn Terrace a ne . $54 True # ’ he y : . » iz ¢ « i - Vey - rl | fhe Sub - rv Sager, of Hallmoon Terrace 3 dent gt the school, playing the of Bellefonte, and their child expect James J. Markie, Sta ie CR 8 Wht nes : . ¥ Dro ving ; , . 1 binders, chiTopodists } {rs tin J Miller of , > " . . n't Neglect SHppin . ; ee ery nll oi JR, wig. ' pat al as and & 1 Mr. and Mrs, Martin J. Miller, c leading role in the play to move to Pleasant Gap as soon as bon eglec pping v i aby 4 5 food « lity fe dg od g u a . po Lg Vr gti red ot POR BALE-Two-inch mill shaft, ‘ , . . he h d of ct a : EL my Scent Pvt. David Love, of Camp Lee Miitable lving quarters have been FALSE TEETH feet Jotig Inquire of HOU. sor Mrs. Hotold RR. Gummo, Rout e. Gon r ching lest. heel balencers and pro. Miss Virginia Sol’. daughter of expects to return to his duties Obtained. Pvt. Hancock was station- false teeth drop. slip or Port Matilda. P Di. Box 30. xt Beliefonte, Pa, | pabarg gency. D le College 2004. 3 as gr Ft Se Jar and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Solt, of South hare today at Pleasant Gap for some UUme chen vou talk. laugh Times i . - - te 0" Toy hr Fst roi Spring street, will leave next week rlough 1 sellefonte with his wife fore being sent wher Motor on nn i and er BALE " ul . FR 3 i “Loot J wa SALE-—Far i 22 ht . arch. &8 3 deeit to the Soot Removed promptly POR BALE--Bale timothy hay. 1 RD 3 g . : wis . A wa Wig wv’ Migs b A po i A ——————————— fiovd La Milesburs : i Lon . er re Kt vs igh furng DEAD STOCK lems VERDE: t - ( { 3. ¥ Aid - Deliae 4): Deel 8 gue t } 0 P was transferred from Hollidaysburg Bellefonte Borough Council te Box 6 ¥ Write Box 84. Boalsbur; HEAT FOI SALE belween oe \ wn | svivania. the most recent of them Dopp sireet Clyde G. Swartz, of East Logan street, Bellefonte machinist, yester- day went to Detroit for Harrisburg, where she will en- 3. worn. Plorence Volynch, at the Police substations in Central Penn- wel andicape. PAST nr in. Route 23 am Holt of Whe Bonsai rad nat am oD pe Pg Rial iis i iat Dut net least a 50 ter the Harrisburg General Hospital astipn " arid) poyaet o> prin. ery els eh dias : ; —” . r remedy. Costs more. worth 2 aparimen ie On ¥ EL kee : ; : £00 ! i i : | X 1 : — e314 v of > school of nursing. Miss Solt Is 8 pe} Volvnech, West Bi being Hollidaysburg . L CH¥Ps confident FOR SALE-3ara coal. ail sizes. A ger, Pleasant Cap, P: 7 © rh, Poult : npie Le Sharan nd po isnch wm ! E. . ' rihopedi thera ie 3 graduate of ithe Bellefonte High Staff Set. Charles Oreninger. ing « rity and added mio w Cannel and soft coul. Phone 708 Si i h shed : SERTY OU : ne uding whe School and for some time has been son of Mrs Katie OCreninger, of NO guming pasty last C FPF ipks, So. Water 8 Beliofor ve ’ i A r OTH Foes Bakldioes . ! v a Tr Doctor 1 Shoe and oth . Sl } MT : : Skeres £3 . Sodas at af 2 Whe and wond Saw. mounte it trie Pr ad 10 i. Ingu H } 3 employed as a cashier aj the A & P Pleasant Gap, is now a member of ro o% et FASTEETH today at Pa ard ay Phe Whe A . : AD g : Sint pd ring your prescriptions and Super Market funeral the famous Timberwolf Division - FOR SALE Milking machines In JT Peming : Colleve. Pa x ropfily pr Bh ded By ghee ~Miss Gertrude Thal and Miss pT ig commanded by Major General Terr . limited guantity are now avallabie mile east of Wublersburg ; pe pie. A full . af the steel Abd 4 ht 1 i al uy F irl Swartz : Med His HTUNe Gey ¥ aa 00 rEDETRG i] * " chin 0 Jetee BS — . peop. fa sane Annabelle Walker both of Belle- home it _ . Bias "Aller Sgt. Greninger attended the In Memoriam Pa Loven Machinery C« aaey Oh tr FOR SALE Fordson tractor. fulls Houses for Rent eg Crug and medicines oblaln- fonte, were “capped” at ceremonte neral or , 4 8 relat ov. Walker Township High School where HOLTER » - go Fe equinped with 1 han Re —— " yo vl pgp tor Ls or It A h . ir _, heral wil ( aay oui . UTERR 11 Wing remembrance ge SA et ui bortaene ‘ Over x mil ley +50 : \ ENT. Salt of ' ' ‘ ~ BP dos held at the Germantown Hospital | he was a member of the school { ons dear sife and mother, Beth § a if “ ey gE A Re o wots of 3 Re. A REN Al aT ie hon ae lange stock from which 0 Nurses’ Behoo] on Friday, havi ’ poceer team. Prior to his entry into . art this life A ont " g . am , Eire _Milesburs ¢ raw and eveyiiing brand splinter Mr. and Mrs. Verle Householder Holter Centre Hall. Pa. we : 0 date, 1 completed thelr six months - and Mir Fig DOUSEROIGET: she serviee he 9 rmploved the LY n. 31, 194} $ BATS 4 4 oe 3 Y " I . B ’ bu Taaad BE na 10 date Trusses Htied pieted their six month . . \ i was employed by th ed an. # pi FER X \ | an, Axe i I t "3 tonite. P i THE TIS tion perfod as student of South: Water street, and Mr. and M r Daity of Plataamt His po rds RRMRAS. im , i i Bellelont Dia . - sinwiet ahd double f den Mrakle Dairy of Pleasant Gap BINS PHARMACY. Beech Creek's ’ At _— by ’ sil ba 11 p F a hh . SEELE A+ rae A Thal is & daughter ~f Mr. anc : Mrs Denny Heim f Willowbank Co. ihe former Geraldine Lucas a of you ¢ vet POR SALE-—Men's and ia ii- BURIAL VAULTS y sure it 1 Enciuite Jus Stone 100 Lawrence Ths street, spent the weekend in R sadly miss yo! wool suite and lopooais Dur reine a daughter of Ww: TH ewer/N. Y. wir, apa Mm. 5 Deliefonts. fs now retiding with f dawns another yea up, W. P. Semith, 31 W. Biabo; jnlap Nintorced Soncieie burial | Apartments for Rent B a GE a au alker. all Of _ im's son-in-law and deughter, Sheil soh hear Flensant Gap. A Husband and sol Beilefonte, Ps 6 Made by Duniag others for ii Announcements Bellefonte M y Mss. G B : brother-in-law, Plc. Nelson Lucas te _. ” . —— Dast twenty years ahd sold af FOR RENT " tn ; : MT. ang mr Hi Mrine; n : —— - . . ¥ ns — . , ; . : . - — - re slo Wea vor - of * ing his courftry POR SALE Two bhushe Ome -grow you Delivered anywhere Nn { ya rEITeY ¥ “ - - ' Sansuben . Mrs. Helen Weaver Byrne, of fans ng his courftry overseas Card of Thanks MR BAL. T wo bushels Lhomé-4 Deliversd anywhere in Centre = apart ICE —Toe Junior Secon of the i na rt uchter o Ty aed . A i OA Je . bell dry a ! Williamsport, dau hter of M anc i. lan ‘McClellan. of Phila- Yi a! Mrs. Leroy Resides. of el. Inguite of J. lee Ve s RD 2 M2 VIE 114 ho my Oth Hi 3 Mrs. Merrill Weaver, of near the Mrs. Allan McClellan, of Phila East High street, have ant cord HBOKMAN We wish to thas i Spring Mills, Pa . . AP ey P Sade 4, Bellefonte Airport, last week went to Gelphia. who spent the weekend In 181 street, have ARROUNCEY our friends and neighbots fo ein MERE RR — PERMANENT WAVE Mo you arage vor ent rh Curtin strep}, Reraayy Amarillo. Texas. to loin her hus- Belle*onte as the guest of Mrs. Harry e engagement of their daughter, naness extended duribg ow Pho POR SALE atiinet Ohta § own Permanent with Oharm-Kur x han d I Wand nh Pulmer and family. on East i ! } band, Pvt. Wiillam Byrne whe is L. Johnson. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. cs yd for the floral tribut Inquire of re a | " il ¢ couriers and an poo. Ea ) GO Mrs. D. A. Grove, E Lion St, Df Ww How - Martha Jane, to Tech Cpl Elwood pereavement Alo for the wu ‘ pood ¢ Lions vith record in OmpIiete oC 2} it Mling i RENT--Garage. North Penn § BAKE SALE — A 1 the y ard street, is completing plans to 4 / . alaeolt ’ | filling undergoing training at a military " : CHIN LIS Pid a Elwood Johnson. Sr. of West Howard ed Mabel Heckman a On sirees (Tea big TY " dl 2 ere ir will hold Workers Clase "n enlist in the WAVES. Mrs. McClel- RL ena, 20 ha ogg i aS . satids including Pas i } camp near Amarillo. Mrs. Byrne is treet Bellefont Miss Tesi : nd W. B. Heckman and lading y " " rs Eaismime Fl . " . a thi rian pt lans husband, well known Belle. “°F defonte. Miss Resides Is o_o. FOR SALE-~ 1839 Buick Special 4- orous vie star. Mo Cpt BR wr nt gi | Ti Tae employed ny the i . of the. Bd onte native, died recenth in Phil- senjor at the Bellefonte HIBH i senses door sedan. In very good condi Dot satisfied. Parrish Wanted to Rent ldo ican Headquarter aghatl wards Bus Company in Willlams- wdelphia after an ilness School I'-Cpl. Johnson volunteered L b d F d tion. Will accept trade. Bilerly Gat ——— - 3 -. ; ‘ port, and expects to remain in the “0% CCU yr service in the Army early in 1943 ost an oun age, Robersburg. Pa Phone 20R6Mill- POR SAI ed potat {atahdin WANTED--To re SQUARE DANCE public square south for about a month Mrs. Car] Young, who sir De and was called for trainis g in March x uw . yon halth - ty year POI iti Belietont Fit ; ‘ r Wu —Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Chopp, of , Christmas had been visiting from the on, 3 } iso Kats 1 Mice Bg iy ta : her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CC. Hunter > . " : " or . " : gy A Bedford, were in Bellefonte last MELT She fonte High School In 13 After in mistake at t Rebekah . Chevrolet 4-d00r sedan good! y i 9 un ies 1 D0 per bu Wednesday for an o ernight visgy Knisely, of N ith Spring street, de- ooeering the service he was assigned quet please leave at this office bet uf 0d mechanical Sonditior : eyo ; ners. Ray 1 Farms For Rent. $1 tor i 0 bein t parted last Thursday fon Brown- , " " _ - — - ———— 1eriy's arage rerun » } } n Sunset Parnas Slate — a - on ends. i wy M Deine FANS= wood, Texas, to be with her hus s ooh Polk La dig Division at | oer large 8: Barnard dog. nine Phone 2606 Miliheim Xf 1758. Farm Dea OR RENT-About 3 ad to ord, Mr Chopp wa: RE vad BEE HEE Camp Polk, La, where he is station. notiths old © OFange With White ss e———— w—— > oe ta tan \29 ; So abt i 4 Ww. wii 8 1 : . mG HE ei . n < ershurg y farm a — ne omen stationed at the Rockview sub-sta- aie. M1 Young, w a re ng ed at this time. He recently was face. Anawers to name of “Bruce” POR SALE--Eectric oliick broodem lable § ’ $s bu : CRTC PEITY ia the tion of the State Police. He has 84 * K gs ol ¥ { Bell : he [OrmMeT Lome on a furlough George Hall, Snow Shoe, Pa. Phone just received. Trumbull brooders nd running water Contact Bdward ho Mursday evening, Pebrualy \ 0 1 : . Dara Knisely, o efonte a 281 26 complete, and broodrator kits. First . Reber shure 1" Bridge ani 500 be played passed examination for military ser : ’ ' . — a —. MA - ——— gti, frst served. Hostearman & Want d to Bu - . —— ADA Prizes " gh sootes. Adil. vice and this week is scheduled to A meeting of the American H LOST-8ix ration books No. 3. Is Stover Hawe, K M i x15 e y FOR RENT 1 08a airs : sion 35 cent report to Pt. George Meade Md. to Home department of the Bellefonte onor Roll Howard AUAd ID the TOIWRIE DAISS: THAT: eeet————————— u TT Ty N = 198~act y fa ih _- / wi 1 ’ fiiiiam ut AT 15 . y bn . ? «To buy ear oor Please | tens b . - rr -" ait begin training. Mrs. Chopp former- Woman's Club will be held at the id. Marie, Don, William Ruth and POR SALE-15 ton good mized hay \NTED To b 00 Please qyree from eto: " NOTICE—The Bast Penns Valley ly was a member of rd Centre home of Mrs. Harry Meyer, South Borough Schools CM. Walk, Julian, Pa. Finder please baled. 3 ton baled straw. Kstahdin = S00 r po a gr " . Pe rhwa ] ° 4 url Association of Akron, Ohlo, will hold ) ’ staff Spring street at 2:30 p. m. Monda - - notify the above owners x7 potatoes #1.00-841 50-8175 per bushe ng or Ra so. haat Armasts Zi so Station Phone thelr annual Get-to-Gether (Baskit County Hospital nursing staff Pabrither’ 14 Mite Yatwe Solon Following is ‘ ——— : . at cellar, G. H. MoCormick, R. D. 1. B.D. Box 9 X6 oon 1811 sats Dinner) at the W. B. A. Hall, 507 —When Pic. Malcolm Gordon, son Feb ¥ 14. Miss Janet Solsson ollowing is a list of honor sti EXCHANOB--If the party thet eX gSoring Mills. Pa. Phone Oentre Hall WAN ye Gi — Re West Market Street. Saturday evens of Mr nd He a “Crabby” will talk on the use of ov beans. The dents for the first semester of the changed overcoats at the C C sand or al TED To iY a Ry 1d +1 uy | POR RENT : R_ Ye ng February 19, aL 845 p. m. The X . 7 } : 3 vill 1 4 32 -volt ects AWeepPeT Riso d- . . be . 'S d O : ee trans Hostess will be Mrs. Harry Meyer, 500] year 1943-¢4 Shuey funeral will call 2842 Blate ——————————— ———— a ———— volt pe i Rl Ta PE: AN mm. ops Of Sou h , " association comprises former eRe Gordon, of North Thomas street and cohastess. Mis. R. 1. Mallors Grade 1 Jean Leathers. Wynn College. hie can get a coat that will pen SALE New Orleans barrel mo 1 Pa, PL land in good st of 18 dents of Hulnes and Pean Townshi Bellefonte, stepped off a transport © EE be la MAOFS Pletcher 8 - 1 A 3 to JIN wear longer and At him better Insets, 35¢ quart; bring container Yoh, ‘L4nse, Ta he -— 0 ACTOS PETMAN astur lace und Millheim borough. thelr famit ship in a North African port early Miss Anne Montgomery, daugh- pit er. Su aylor James Wel (Brown topooat bought at Bob vie Large and small onjons Potatons, WANTED-To buy a 6 or 7 horse. | timber. Limestor ol aildin and friends. Since there are mail) in January, practically the first per. ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hassall oh ; . ’ stare). Majoe, 83.95 hundred. Penna. $3.50 power A. C. single-phase, electric Sequate and include Ban Ith newcomers 0 Akron during the last ‘ ; : Grade 2 Nancy elle} Mig! J y u = 4 ban " . a stantions for 18 cows New i yea ts the desire of the odmminit. aw WHS " ‘ Montgomery. of East Linn street 2: Nai Kelley, Christy wr Hurry Stiver, BD. Julian, Pa. Clos | potar Also locust posts. C. F. Beck gn he saw was his brother, Opl. 7 ' " a] Wallace Hel od Thursday afternoons and OVeNs wooo ares Pa Phone GRIT. Gy House, motwe-prool orb, good « toe that the reader of this item ine Phillp Gordon, who had been In and Miss Agnes Kellerman, daughter : Pp 8 arriors Man 20TH i . shed. Seven-room house i form thelr kin and friends of this North Africa for everal months. of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kellerman — - 'w . LOST The party who picked : a _ esEiocc - wis graduated from the Belle- shite silk scar! with sateer POR BALE 1940 Specie! Deluxe als. Ww 3 round EON LC ————— Wanted he Grade 3. Robert Leathers rye |. cuttin —————— a Rn . ) { East Bishop ste both student Bet Pletcher is; to tut white pine B— A double-tow. porn | WANTED. We need logs for snctly | =~ ustmiidmgs. _ Lacition " 334 ‘wnt anf Malcolm and Philip Cordon have OF Fast shop street, both studen . i a . a " m- 1 : ! defense lumber; any kind of wood another brother in the service Cpl. nurses at Providence Hospital Grade 4: Ruth Howes, Shirley PABE we itr platter; two-horse cUINVAKE. (On truck landing or delivered. Mill : I'ressler Donald Lomison, Lois co fa ra & one-horse spring wagon. walking oo moward. Phone 131, Howard, Pa y : . « Washington, D. C.. are taking spec- Ie tate Coll on Fred Gardon, who has been station } g Spe Stewart, Shirley Strunk. Connie ._Phorte State College, __- w. brooder ofl Mave, 200 x ed In England for the past two al one-month courses in psychiatry co - - \ : years. Pred is in the medical corps at St Elizabeth's Hospital also In Wallace 1 | 7 with m amily yey WANTED-To buy one-half-ton ver. " it Washingtos Qrade 5: Frank Schoonover, Jo- ith sma a 71 tional feed mixer; stale condition and recently received a medal for Hnglon " Good job to right person. W. Ralph good conduct Tommy Bickett n of Mr, and anne Shay, Peggy Wolf Rel . and Pine. Tombont number Ry ) il , d on Of § an Grade rating " ' : . P. any. John N. Yoder, Reedsville, Fa Mrs. Philip Bickett, of East Bishop irade 6: Dawn Wallace ters Park). Dial 0548 1 | Jooaved tn Mow town. xo treet, was guest of honor at a party — — Smith was held at the home of Miss ! ¥ Gardner, Janice Mapes i g sday 3 ' farm rom Be WANTED For war effort: regs, pa- Randel n " _ . Rosaline Bower in Aaronsburg last hed gl The ay K kapon in Grade 8: Miriam Aley. Patricia’ sions hu} tn oo a or | per scrap Aron and and invite our old as well as new customers to eat a Wednesday evening, Feb. 2nd. The § , Schenck, Ralph Shultz, Shirley And farm. Possession at onoe. Apply . i Hoberman's Coal most delicious following persons « njoyed 0 very Shultz | to Geo. Narshood, Pine Glen, Pa. x k Juni Va Min 5 pleasant evening: Misses Betty Roft, [reshments were served. The follow: | ~ crg, o. Ann Press, Harold Holt, wa |strest, Lock Haven, Pa. Fhone [Nal | here under the most appetizing environment, urge them io attend Announcement ! Grade 7: Edwin Confer, Dorothy oe nr ) rn EM We have just finished renovating our Dairy Store, A stork shower for Mrs. Esther — 4 ANTERD-A good farmer 0 manage of o Ing were present Bobby Rhine " ’ Ane Witmer, Virgina Eloter. EXO umn, Charles Widmann, adie Me. Src 110: Joanie Wagner, Patrice | iaing Johnson, Mrs. Kathryn Hartman, Bride. Dickie Allerio, Bobby Badger. | grade 10: Ear Beightol Mrs, Esther Smith, all of Bellefonte: Jon Polliard and Jeanie Brown. |g,n¢ep Virginia Haynes of Snow Shoe Win. A regular meeting of the Will! Grade 11: Edna Gordon, Eleanor ifred Musick of Spring Mills, Betty ing Workers class of 8t. John's Lu- Reimel, Mildred Snavely, Bearson of Centre Hall, and Rosa- theran church was held in the form Grade 12: Robert Day, line Bower of Aaronsburg. Mrs of & tureen dinner in the church In order to get on the honor roll, ¥ £38%¢ i 2 TRY OUR i 1 & Smith was presented with lovely gifts. The evening was spent play- ing cards and efreshments were served, ~Rev. and Mrs, H. Halbert Jac- obs, of Willowbank street, Monday went to Hughesville where Rev, Jacobs, pastor of the local Evangel feal church, attended the quarterly meeting of Evangelical ministers in| this district. From Hughesville Rev. and Mrs. Jacobs went to Wilkes Barre for a visit with their daugh- ter«in<law, Mrs. Jay B. Jacoby and child. Their son, Pvt, Jay Jacobs, who is in England wrote recently ted some of his and had social rooms, Tuesday night, Guests of honor included the young men and boys of the Order of Bt. John's, Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Hoffmels- ter, Rev. Clarence E. Arnold, and Rev, E. E. Korte, student pastor from Penn State. The Rev, Mr Korte gave an inspirational message on the subject of prayer. ~Donald Coder, young son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Coder, of South Allegheny street, was discharged from the Oentre County Hospital, Monday, and is now the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mentzer, on Burn street, The youngster had been a student must have B or better in all grades and a OG for Good In Citizenship, Basketball at Howard Friday, Feb. | 4 Mowurd va. Centre Hall ————— —— MARRIAGE LICENSES Harold R. Henry Penna, Furnace [Jane Louise Barto. Pine Grove Mills Charles A. Bloom. Pine Grove Mills Joyce M. Bloom... Bellefonte RD Clalr H. Kreamer......... Woodward Mabel Anna Wolf... Woodward t Granville J. Wyatt, Jr. Crowley, La, Anng K. Brennan... Stoneboro, Pa, |eak for Joseph J. E. Elliott. Bombay, N. ¥Y. Marion Charette. Bombay, N.Y. Albert W. Dreibelbis.. Pa. Furnace M. BAY smn Watertown, N. (Virginia Snyder. Copenhagen, N.Y. : « * HOMEMADE PIES AND ROLLS * HOMEMADE ICE CREAM * SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS ®* REFRESHING DRINKS Lunches here for busy people can be quick—nutritious. Enjoy our food daily for well balanced eating and for the strength you need to do your job well, The Dutch Dairy Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers