Cage Four February 10, 1044. COLEVILLE COUPLE HONORED ON WEDDING ANNIVERSARY | Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert G. of Coleville, were guests of honor at a surprise supper held last Thurs- «day night at their home in honor of thelr 85th wedding anniversary, Wilbert GG. Rhoads, son of the late George and Esther Purdue Rhoads of Coleville, and the former Madeline Downing, daughter of the late Frank Downing and Carrie Rote Downing, who lives on South Potter street, Bellefonte, were married Feb. ruary 8, 1909 in the United Breth- ren parsonage at Bellefonte, Rev. W. C. Winey, then pastor of the church, officiated. Mr. Rhoads has been employed by the Sutton En- gineering Company for about two years and before that was associated with his late brothers in operating a concrete manufacturing business in Bellefonte, They are the parents of the fol- lowing children: George, of Valley view: Franklin, Mrs. Philip McGov- ern, and Mrs. Edward Kern, of Bellefonte; Mrs. Paul McKinley, of Howard: Sgt. Robert Rhoads, of Ft. Sill, Okla.; Sarah Dale, Madeline, and Alma, all at home. They have nine grandchildren, The following were present at the dinner; Mr. and Mrs. George Rhoads and children, Paul and Shirley; Mr and Mrs. Franklin Rhoads and chil- dren, Mary Jane, Donald and Carol Jean; Mrs. Philip McGovern and children, Glenn, Paul, Jinny, and Frederick: Mr. and Mrs, Pau] Mc- Ginley, Mrs. Edward Kern, Mr Margaret McKinley, Mr. and Mrs Wilbert Rhoads and children, Sarah, Dale, Madeline and Alma. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads were presented with gifts, Game: were played. >. Nursing Activities Committee in Meeting The Nursing Activities committee of Bellefonte Chapter Red Cross met last Thursday afternoon in the nursing room in Petriken Hall with Mrs. George B. Thompson, com- mittee chairman, president Miss Rimmey, chapter nurse, ported 111 visits for the month January, indicating 66 children test. ed for sight and hearing defects in Howard and Hublercburg school Medical inspection of these schools will come later. Miss Rimmey is teaching a class of 19 senior and junior girls in home nursing at the Bellefonte High School Following Miss Rimmey’s report an educational discussion on vener eal. diseasés was held by committee members, and Miss Rimmey read an informative article on syphilis, out- Hing the danger incurred in neg- Jioting to have treatment, how it tan be elred if treated properly and how it has incapacitated the service men. She reported that a large per- centage af cripples and insape in ofir Institutions today are at tribu- table to the diseases, either through contact or inheritance The loan closet committee Miss Alice Pox, chairman, Mrs. Dave Washburn, Mrs. John Lambert and Mrs. C. Y. Wagner, reported they had rearranged and marked all lin- ens in the loan closet, > Linen Iron linen when it & dsmp and fron until perfectly dry. 1f on both sides, esneclally and tablecloths the best finish Mg re- vf 4 ppearance Rhoads : ironed in HOWARD Mr. and Mrs. J. H Turner of Julian, spent Sunday at the home of [called Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Irvin. The “Win One” class of the Evan- gelical Reformed church will be en-1 tertained at the home of Mrs. Liovd Lomison Mr, and Mrs. Robert Yearick are the proud parents of a baby girl born in the Lock Haven hospital on Thursday. The little lady has been named Nancy Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Helbley and son Robert, of Flemington, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Bowes Robert Helbley celebrated his ninth birthday Sun- day. Other guests to help celebrate his birthday were Miss Eleanor Leathers, Mr. John H. Wagner, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Deitrich Mr. and Mrs. Preston Robb and daughter of Detroit, Mich., arrived in our vicinity this past week, They will move on the Mrs. Maude Robb place this month. The Roy Sheas- ley family who have lived on the Robb farm for several vears, will move to the Shmick farm near Blanchard Miss Eleanor Leathers, of St. Al- bans, L. 1I., has been home for the past week, recuperating from Scarlet Fever The Civic Club met Friday night in the I. O, O. F. rooms. After an entertainment, refreshments were served Lt. Josephine Masden, erick, Md., and Mrs lough, of Harrisburg end with LITTLE NITTANY Jennie Moore and Lock Haven, were Orvis Clark of Fred Robert McCul- spent the week their parents Probst of guest Sunda were Mi Je ipper home last at the some place and Mrs, Lester Moore and Mi. an Mrs. Stanley Moore of Flemington E. L.. Yearick visited at the . lan Sunday Mrs. Edward Bartley visited at ©} Orvis Clark Henry Von homes Monday afternoon A birthday supper was Earl Harteg honor which guest Ishler and Miss Geraldine and Mr Other call 1 Mr Mrs town, and Young and burg Mrs. Wi brated her uary, was qu the I's Calle “r Dr home and held at t home Sunday cvening Harter's birthd Saturday 8 Mr. and Mr family { Hublersburg Sev] Mill Ha M1 lard Harter the were Earl Lewis- Mr Calvin son Hublers- in ian wa 1Pper were QO er of wil evening Ulsh and Mrs Glenn of and and of who cele. » 20th of Jan- lite surprised when many packages in three day Relatives and mai] shower many Harter, th § lard hday " bir st 1 received 4 the for 1 A a O80 ; mail frien She useful gifts Visitors at the Sunday Eck and Mr. and and two Bho Pharma Jose Pic and Gloria calo of Wil Mann, Mary Lock Haven Fran Dullen of Howard visited mother, Mrs. Annie Dullen, Sun- Other isitors were Dempsey for her received and Margaret Dullen were: Mr. and Mrs two children of Mrs. Robert Lau- children of Jersey Mate and Mi two children Dullen and Frank Pic- lamsport, and Melvin and Dempsey Dullen of home on Pheras Nesbit bach IY h alo and rhe hi 111m en nation should mment take of war propagan ———— JUST ARRIVED! All Silk Lamp Shades for Floor and Table Lamps $4. 19 Sizes 10 x 16 and 15 x 19. These shades are all beautifully hand tailored ‘fabrics, on all hardwood frames, in neutral, harmonizing colors. They are also fully lined with decorated scalloped finish. BRACHBILL’S Spring Street Bellefonte, Pa. one ' Mrs SCHENCKVILLE Mrs. Herbert Schenck to see Mrs, Mary Winslow | and Mr, and Mrs, Milo Leiteh at] Blanchard, Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chatman transacted business In Lock Haven day last week Mrs. Roy Bullock, who was oper- ated on In the Centre County Hose pital, {5s not improving as fast as her friends would like Mr. and Mrs. Franklin are rejoleing over the arrival of a baby girl born Feb. §, named Mary Catharine. Both mother and baby are doing fine The ladies of the Fairview church met Wednesday, all day, at the home of Mr Howard Boone, to quilt Mr Mr. and Bullock and Mrs, Christ Heaton and family visited last Sunday with Mr Heaton's parents at Mill Hall The Woman's Society of Chri lan Service met all day at the home of Mrs, Mary Schenck to help her celebrate her 88th birthday, Feb, 3 At noon a very delicious dinner was served. After dinner a meeting was held by the Im of Mr Schenck’'s advanced years she is abl to be around and enjoys company very much and enjoy good health, Those present Mrs Herbert Schenck Mrs Con- fer, Mrs, Rose Schenck, Mi Chas Mayes, Mi Maude Dechdel Mrs Ear] Conley Mrs Laird Schenck Mr Ruth Kline, Rev. Roy Go Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pletcher Mr West Peters ang doug and son Ells, Mi Ellen two sons, Harold and Harry Masden Perry Kline Ruth Bowes son Jimmie Mary Schenck and son Charles Schenck received three vers flowers « All wish My birth Dapp al {- society ite fairly were Harry Connie Berkbile Richard nite Ald M1 Mrs Mrs and nice r plant reported a very Schenck day and the nice day and many more Lieut Ma Josephine Army } den Mc Ralph , nt Sunday. He d boy munity on wh Hownar — —————— PLEASANT VALLEY (Boggs Twp) Clair Richner and baby ¢ the hospital. Both good new er me MTs home from doing fine, which is 10 her many friends Pfc. Harold Richner Col.. returned to camp on day Joseph MeCartney spent last week at Clearfield with h it, Ruth Meliit Thomas Peese in Bellefonte last Mr. and Mrs and daughter, Mrs LuVera Ruchy and Mrs. Rudy, called at the Lock Haven hospital to see Lawrence Best who was serfously hurt at Woolrich in an accident on 8 motorcycle. We all wish him a speedy recovery Mr. and Mrs and family pers last week Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hockenberrs Bellefonte, spent Saturday night Theodore Eminhiser's Mr. and Mrs Orvis Lucas nell, were Sunday vis Richner's place Clair Richner were Bellefonte day. Both girls KENNEDY and Mrs. Roy children and Mrs. Jo Moose Run, called on “illage recently Nr. and Mrs Harry sons and Josephine Bu Top, called on home Mr. E. H. Runkle spent a at Niagara Falls, N. Y PYL. Lewis Bickle, who is in train. ing at California, is spendin fon days with home folks Mrs. Estella Nelson brother it Wind R county Mrs. J FP day with Mr and family at Miles Mn: Ben Confer of Orviston, spent Saturday at the 8 R. McCart- ney home Mr. and are Yers of Denver pA Wednes- 5 A spent a few day week Harvey Lock Haven shoy were at of Yar- itor it Clair and two daughters hoppers on Satur- visited the dentist Mr Leathers seph Butler friend Lucas folks few days Ea dge Greene McCartney and Mrs Fri- John Smith spent burg M Milford Lucas and family and Miss Evelyn McCartney attended church at Howard, Sun- day mormning Mr. and Mrs. Milford Lucas at- tended the golden wedding celebra- tion for Mrs. Lucas’ parents Mr and Mr: Henty Gault of Tyrone nl nm — Tea Stains i said that if a lump of sugar is placed In She teapot before tea 5 made, it will prevent it staining the cloth if spilled It i from LE EE EE EE EE EEN J (an You Drive a (ar! HEN YOU were a kid, did you always pester 0 “go along” on every ride? And now, do you get = kick ont of hand ling the wheel like a man? Women with mechanical abfl. ity are needed In the WAC at James A. Fox Eminhizer the C4400000000 00 Atom for the THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Succumbs Here {Continued from page one) and Science and with the class of member of Zeta nity Following graduation he Associated with the Blair Drug Store wis 1014 Delta graduated He was Chi frater- Mis 18 was {CDA PLANS BAKE Court Daughter ung vith gent, n p Plans aml Le 1] in Philadelphia until he enlisted in * the United States Army in 1018. After preliminary training the Medical Department at Pt. Ogle thorpe, Georgia, he served on a hos- pital train with the American force overseas 18 month He was | harged from the Army 1919 After completion of military ser- vice, he returned to Eellefonte and became associated with his brothers inlaw, the late C. M. Parri the Parrish Drug Store death of Mr. Parrish Fox purchased continued th In April interest in the April, with for a period of wonorably dis December 11, n store 1933 he commen Reta of Be HOLTS HOLLOW N : # | He was a caller home, Sat Mrs. James at Wesley and daughter of Clearfield, Mrs. Al Franc daughter spent a day with Mi Mrs. Orvis Watson and family Herbert Chapman ! Legal Notices ogg! ENR rors NOTICR of MRS ELIZABETH REI mon Towmahip, Oe te tanned ary te : of Perg OUD P Letters tentam te on arms i stale media © aa e \ 1a } tats resent tar setileme LAAMS, 1810 21 1 A REIS 1 Bx 40a, tein 't wil Pa Pa NOTICY dA THOMAS EXECUTORS Ertate of CORRVII ¥ il is visiting a ¢ same wit eitiement to 8 HUNTER Executor, RD. 2. Belle W. HARRISON WAI KER for the state ent " delay for THOMAS fonte, Pa attorney FAXECUTRIN'S NOTCH Fetate of DARLINOTON H inte of Half Moon Township County Ma deceased Letters testamentary estate having deen gran mndersigned ail : ald satate immediate paymnt a : aim demands against sald estale 0 present Lhe sane wilthou delay for setliement 10 INA A WAY Eexecutrix, Port Matilda, Pa. R. D R PAUL OCAMPRELL. attorney fo the estate an —————— ORPHANS’ cov RT SALE oF PFERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned Executors of the estate of Kate M. Huyett late of Centre Hall Borough Centre Coline tye Pa. deceased, will offer at public sale on the late premises of the de- cedent In Centre Hall Borough on BATURDAY., MARCH 4. 1944, at ten o'clock A. M.. numerous items of household furtiture and personal property as dollows Three piece maple bedroom site, three - piece mahogany bedroom suite, four-piece curly maple bed. room suite, one Hoover elettric sweeper, sewing machine, rugs, all |slzes, chairs, beds, curtains, bed. | spreads, lamps, tables, blankets, mirrors, books, linens, desk und bookcase combined, china closet, sideboard, dining room suite, eight. day clock, dishes, cooking utensils, Columbian coal range, two oll staves, General Electric refrigerator, Thor washer, wood stove, twelve-foot and [twenly+fool ladders, pore furniture, and many other tema too numerous to mention, Terms of Bale—~Cash, BELLEFONTE TRUST COMPANY, WAY centre on t above ad to the indebied requested 10 make nd those have DeTEOLnN Are or Committee Ii 173] in as Sick commit nd Ell; B Nee) W ! ILA M1 SALE LATE IN MARCH BOALSBURG (Continued from page three) Dela Mr. and Delarco CAR bake M1 y family Fuary Mi Gearhart and family moved to vacated by the Bradiords Mr i F Glndfeitey Paul, spent Bur John Kiinger Recent me Ww HERE Patrick M tholic of America, held its reg- ting h Monday night Mary J Gray grand re- ding Ardle Ca reo, the six-months-old Mir J. J. Delays former Gls ere was the dys Ie Curl re Wi A and Bradford tan Mrs were completed « be held by Mareh with chalrman TRA innlzation Ruth Cag- oved to own tht Mr 18) nouse ana wey oy “I ng M1 + Howl mpi U'Y BONDS BELLEFONTE NW ! on ol BUY BONDS Mrs, 8. F Wed rend a J. Raup p Mrs, St Hams rit n 1 i ri jt Mrs Ia und Feb Cha rie: 1 81) BOYS DOWN — BUY 4th TO YOUR FULL LIMIT! THE BONDS DON'T LET WAR LOAN \ A ELLEFONTE § SHOwn, Ace HAROLD O. ALEXANDER, Executors of {the Estate of Kate M. | Lt. RM SMITH, Auct. PAUL RANPBEET Estate. T HURSDAY - FRIDAY and SATURDAY £ Youn favorites on the E+ radio or oun favorite 7, with ALAN MOW ROGER CLARK MILDRED COLES BRAY MICKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND RED SKELTON GENE KELLY KATHRYN GRAYSON ANN SOTHERN ELEANOR POWELL FRANK MORGAN MARY ASTOR JOHN BOLES JOSE ITURBI MARSHA HUNT VIRGINIA O'BRIEN DONNA REED MARGARET O'BRIEN A Jamboree MONDAY & TUESDAY — Blazes on the Man Action! lange War —he TEX FUZZY RITTER KNIGHT ARIZONA TRAIL With Dennis Moore Love-in-Bloom{ul Fun! Tuneful of GRACE McDONALD DAVID BRUCY SHE'S FOR ME Fddie LeBaron Orch KAY KYSER'S ORCHESTRA B08 CROSBY'S BAND LENA HORN with BEN CARTERS BAND 2 2 2 RRR RRR SR RRR RRR RRR Rd HAROLD THURSDAY - FRIDAY Barrage of Laughter Proves a Sucker Slickers and a Cinch for a Wench With a Wink! PEARY BILLIE BURKS FRED MERCER GILDERSLEEVE ON BROADWAY ALSO Rosemary WEDNESDAY Radio's Balloon For City Downs Lane Radio Rogues HARVEST MELODY With Eddie LeBaron's Johnny Smash Song Hits Band’ — TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — ACTION! SUSPENSE! THRILLS! EXCITEMENT, EDWARD G. " ™ FR BL w Ld ae a a EEE EE ES Ee * » - . SPECIAL BE —————— —— THE FOURTH WAR LOAN IS ENT THE FRONT WILL FRAERRA ARREARS PREMIERE? ATTRACTION! The thritling fove story of the most grciting wiman of out time! ALL OR POST : * 3 > i : A - BUY YOU . > » » » » > » ¥ » - » - » -» » MA » v M -» - » | BE WATCHING FOR THE RESULTS! ALA WAR BOND A PREMIERE EXCHANGE TICKET OF ADMISSION, ttt caer EE EE EEE EEE ht hh DAYS — THE BOYS AT BUY MORE BONDS! ERING ITS LAST FIVE PREMIERE SUNDAY EVENING FEB. 13-9:00 P. M. A ! ADMISSION BY WAR BOND PURCHASE ONLY ; WAR BONDS PURCHASED AT THE LOCAL BANKS OFFICE UP TO SATURDAY ENTITLES YOU TO Ke EE En R 4th WAR LOAN BONDS NOW! REMEMBER -— PREMIERE ADMISSIONS ARE AVAILABLE ONLY AS LONG AS SEATS LAST — NO “STANDING ROOM” COURTESIES! DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL PROGRAM PUT THE BOND DRIVE OVER THE TOP !
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