Cm ET Papelte ooo oo THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Feliraary 10, 1944. R88 — —_ m= at the Home of Mrs. John Compiell, [8t. John's Evangelical and Refory red | a1) ning he report & very fi . with the Rev. william Shope, Bap- AU AES Rev. C. Nevin Stamm PORT MATILDA 5 ig ney rt fined to hat home with an attack 1p A\ | {tist minister, in charge. Inte t § ’ anid Ww pratt ang \n Ing servi erippe the past week 5 J " § pr yd } * was made in eh Re. a nen | a i { Church school, 8:30 a, m., Ralph , d wa y ; M1 J awit | 4 v David Confer is much improved at R5 MAC e Bap st cemetery. ; Owens and Glenn Aumiller, SBupts, C8Wa 0 & ini ner in A daughis rolin ere Saturday this writing Worship service and sermon, 10:45 bama, i nai h BEV at vey ip gu with { Mr. and Yaz , Bra , . fs ; Mrs. McDowell Walker | m Crawls Through Advent Church a. m, Vesper servize, 7:30 p. m A NL 2 a hiveYd 9 hm wensel of Milesbur and sons and Paul Lomison spent i — v 4 Rev. L. F. Sheets, pastor - - 83. Wiltain M 1 ch \ ry He } weekend with relatives at Falre MRS. LEWIS R. KRYDER MRS, JENNIE SHOPE Blazing Inferno! Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morn- Pleasant View Union Chapel ; ‘ : . i wi he oy ’ v Mrs. Anna Fritz Kryder, 57, of Stricken suddenly with a heart w——— ing worship at 11 a. m, when the’ Rev, L. F. Bheetz, pastor pal. wes A atl 30 I 1 i whi {11 wr S—— White Deer Valley, wife of Lewis attack last Thursday morning, Mrs. | (Continued from page oné) | sermon will be delivered by the pas- | Sunday school 2:30 p. m.; Christ- wim wed inion td to } ' No state or section ean advance R. Kryder, formerly of Nittany Val- Jennie Shope, 77, died at the home| Mr, Geis, who is a miner, was not tor, Subject: Neglecting Our Great- | jan endeavor 6:30 p, m.; evening = ' ~~ hd . he backs of underpaid labor- ley, died Monday, January 31, at the of her son, Lee W. Shope, of Mill home when the fire broke out, Three | €5t Asset worship at 7:30, when the sermon ! ory OV ' Geisinger Hospital, Danville, after Hall, where she was visiting, Mrs, of the children are of school age | wn aenrp— ‘will be given by Willlam Rachau A month's illness. Surviving in ad- Shope was a member of Trinity and each had changed to play| St John's Lutheran, Bellefonte Thursday evening Bible study 7:30 a dition to her husband are four Methodist church, Lock Haven, and clothes. The fire being in the chil- | Rev. Clarence E. Arnold, pastor. p— ip p x. ry Wan a TT A daughters: Mrs. Boneida Beaver, had been making her home with a dren's bedroom consumed every! Sexagesima Sunday, February 13.) Nittany Valley Lutheran Pastorate Mrs. J. H i { 0 Milton: Mrs, Martha Zerby, Mrs. daughter, Kathryn at Williamsport. stitch they have with the exception 9:30 a. m., Sunday school; 10:45 a,| Rev, David E. Straesser, pastor I er LW Jean Garman and Miss Helen Kry- Other survivors are three sons and of what they wore. m., the service and sermon, “The! gion Ohureh school 9:30 ; : WwW E N E E o Cc A 14 S der, of Sunbury: five grandchildren, lone daughter: Clay, of Avis, Dean! Mr, Boring was the only male res- Christian a Servant.” 2:00 p. m., the Mornir o Worahiv 10 30. 81 M RM bap n I and a brother and sister, Joe Fritz, of Bellefonte, Blair E. of Mill Hall, ident within Several homes on each Catechetical class: 6:30 p. m., the cy." oo B30 nM: evening Naps ol 1927 to 1942 MODELS of Philadelphia, nd Mrs, Kathryn and Miss Mildred of Ithaca, N, Y.; fiche of the burning houses, who was Luther League: 7:30 p,m, Vespers worship 7:30. 81 Paul's— C1 enn BN A ¢ ‘ Wo Kitchen, of Allenwood. Funeral ser- also a sister, Mrs. Harry Stover of home at the time it was discovered and sermon, “The Extending King« hon! 6:20 . 4 pd Ey vices were held at Sunbury Friday Pleasant Gap the little boy was missing, Mrs. dom of God.” en00l, 4540 8. m Bob : : PRICE IS NO OBJ ECT ! noon and interment made in Mt. | —— Gels, who is an expectant mother, —— q Pp Bethel cemetery, Nittany Valley, at OSCAR R. RIGGLE {would not have been able to rescue Bellefonte United Brethren ip m Oscar Raymond Riggle, bd-year James without aid, neighbors sald. ! (i. E. Householder, pastor, ————— old Julian. R. D. resident. died Wed- It is believed that the little fel- Sunday school 9:30 a. m., Wilson A Soexagesima Bunda; 8 a m, Hol mio! A WwW. B. COOK MAX HERR nesday, Feb. 3, at the Philipsburg low went Jo the bedroom on hear- Rn. Shope, supt.; worship with ser- Hn uno v 945 , v H 2th 2 Poy i 54 6 A ' IT on Vv P Max Herr, well known Centre Hall State Hospital. His death resulted ing his older brother tell his mo- mon at 10:46 a. m.; Christian En. *Chool 11 a. m., prayer hing, Hampi 1 i sa MICK HAVEX, PA. ther that the ace w ire and ator f+ ARP Monday evening at 7 wholesale iron and metal dealer and after an illness of a week, Mr. Rig- win : th he pl on? a On an deavor 6:30 p, m Prayer and Bible ° axillary mantis bein vs ’ . 5 veteran of World War 1, died at gle is survived by his widow, Sarah cing the flames became frighten- study Wednesday evening at 7:30 pxiiary meetin wh 0 EM i 3 0 ERIE SR ITI DABS IET SRA LID 'd and crawled unde: d Senior 6 shea IE : Geisinger Memorial Hospital, Dan-'Jane, and by five brothers. The bodv \nd crawled unde: the be Senior choir rehearsal following the John's Episconal, Bellefonte IMMEDIATE (AS) h : 4 Francis P. Davi rector H NO WAITING! ¢ wl es— praver meeting Junior choir re- Milesburg Presbyterian Charge M; . . " | . - EE - \ States in his vouth and first settled people attended the Port Matilda 9:30: morning worshin, 10:35--Ract Methodist, Bellefonte ville. Wednesday night, February 2, Was taken to Vandergrift where fu- at Boston, Mass. More than 30 year High School home talent play last Relations Sunday. Sermon, “The Fu- Rev. H. ©. Stenger, Jr, mini 1044, after a brief illness. Mr, Herr neral services were held Sunday af- MARTHA hearsal Thursday evening. Hymn Howard E. Oakwood, minister had not been in the best of health ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the fu- fing and special ‘music at the Sun Port Matilda: Bible school at 10 ~ < hs " Wy 1 yg ivi w N 1 ning "rv M . . for some time, and on Monday of neral home with the Rev, Michael , * gt. and Mrs. Melvin Stiver of day evening service m.; morning worship 11 a. m last week was admitted to the hos- B. Goldner, pastor of the St, Paul's ryrone, visited at the home of Mr a Unionville: evening worship pital. His death was attributed to a Lutheran church at Vundergrift, of- ad Mrs. N. R. Stiver on Sunday, Warriors Marks Methodist Charge Bible study class Monda: : y ' ‘IN . KEEN week a port that it was one of 4, , udioe * f ” : eb hi % v Join | ago he came to Pennsylvania and MRS. ANNA W. KEEN a ang ref " ’ th ht “ Mein one of ture of Race Prejudice Methodist Church sche 10 a | arold Thon BE urpees—Seeds that Grow after locating for a time in Lock| Mis. Anna W. Keen died sudden- the best plays ever presented in this youth Fellowship, 7:00. A film en- A Wior t ¢ Wor 4 i Es an ) 4 ‘a 4 . : . strict n ver { mith tin . foot Tribiite™ wit y I Lam y y d | Haven moved to Centre Hall where ly at her home in Altoona, Satur- ivioned D ol wh rs a ot U1 titled “The Perfect Tribute” wili H¢ 19-45. Sermon by _ a .} n ¥ | a he resided until entering the service dev night at 6:30 o'clock. She wa Ih et Rave lor 3 i eR Bent hown. The public invited, Feb. 20, ping Short Youll lowship. 8:30 " " PU p i A LS CY in World War 1. After the war he born at Millheim, Centre county,’ he community was greatly sad- rayman’s Day, E. H. Rohrbeck of aiss Alice Barn : - p Ole " ned N » ow ¢f the ¢ ay ir Rd 1 . al returned to Centre Hall and re- September 22, 1874, the daughter of dened by the news of the death of gtate College, speaker. Dungarvin— pine worship, 7:30. Sermon by . native ficlating. Interment wae made in the afternoon R. Roland Ritter minis p. m. at home announced sumed his residence at the Centre Benjamin F. and Julin (Swanger) Raymond Riggle. Raymond was & Church school, 1:30: preaching, 2:30 eart condition. Mr. Herr, ; \ heart conditi Mr. ¥ : Quite a number of the Martha Lh . {| i 8 iden f 1 " pastor, “Modern Denial he mid Savant r wr She Mar i mes ~ very popliar citizen ang eave NN i } i B otel 1is business interest Welser, She married James ( Keen ’ I'he Nece it Of i ae) TAY er . In ' Arie WwW ! e S Hall hote } y 4 : many friends. His influence in the weiss ner ab sh ’ Childres 0 cr 4 C of Lithuania, came to the United cemetery there . } ; Lh Warrior Mark-—Chureh school ——— took him to all parts of Centre coun- in Millheim. Mrs, Keen went to Al- day 8 iv and to a number of nearby coun- toona from Millheim in 1902. Sur. COMMURNIty will be greatly missed.| pory Matilda Methodist Charge § o000 | day es hi ties. On July 6. 1942, he was united Vviving are her husband and the fol- We wish 0 extend our sympathie O. L. Gordon, pastor ning X rs. 8 GT ap % I DI1QCK \night pec Yellow Bountiful : nn atte te bbe > af 3 y vhildr Mila ’ 1. to the family and relatives iin 4 : vi ne t f in marriage with Kathryn Adler, of lowing children: Willlam WwW. Al- “ Port Matilda: church school 9:30; Supt ms 4 y , , Lo apy Re Jersey, who survive Other toona; Mrs. Fred H. Lowder, Holly- Boyd Gensamer visited at the worship service 10:35: Youth PFel- % 3 poi many of their pPop- . ’ : wn : . . : od 3 ‘ . x? y 5 ’ nr } yi H a survivors include a brother, living wood, Calif.; Ralph nN Mrs oie of Mud ia i Theaas Wale {lowship 6:30 p. m.; prayer service Methodist— Half Moon ( harge : whesville two sisters we Walter Smith “hicago; Mrs, (RCE Over I 3 i { at 17 3 £ in Hughesville, and two sisters, one Walter J mith, bY, A “ : | Thursday at 7:30 p. m Rev, Henry H. SBhiasle living in Brooklyn, N Y. and the James W. Gibboney, Altoona; 15 Mrs. N. R Stiver and daughters. | “wy, ha: crurch ed 10 a. m } Verna 8 ather in Boston, Mass. Mr. Herr was grandchildren, and one brother, Mona, Wanda, and Helen Spack- | Julian: church school 10. &..m 2, natows ; : hij 45 y ha ghar I : | ; prob hortage of some seeds, we are glad a member of Brooks-Doll Post Am- William P. Weiser, Juniata. A son, Man visited the home of Esther), pi service 7:30 p. m.; Youth j ray. Bust. Rol \ay Shand Ao annhann hat our stock of seeds new on display, erican Legion. Bellefonte, Funeral Eugene, died in 1912. She was a life Sone on Sunday afternoon Fellowship 6:30 p. m " hast ' , A$ Oh FAR 4 However, replacement of many services were held Friday in Lock member of the Pirst Evangelical We are glad to hear that Walter Hannah: church school 10 a. m.: ! ’ i : 4 Haven and interment was made in church and the Delphia chapter No Heaton hag WIE ftom ius L- Youth Fellowship 6.30 p. m Old ' te roy on y ® ness t wxtent that he was able " bo ARE ! wr i . y x Jewis emetery in that city 65, Order of Eastern Star: B.L } € 0 the ex hin a wy , 4 a . . . " : " i ’ ’ - ~~ the Jewish cer ; nd E. Ladies’ Auxiliary, No. 91 to return to his Naval base this fashion revival servieds at 7:30 p. m a a Bb hi ; a ho 4 Glin ~ ’ HA ur 1 ck I complete lf. — and Adi ixili : 4 week each night e xoept Saturday Nir : MY o K onriet) 4 Ronald Spackman visited at the . : » , he Yorcradn Howard Methodist Charge JOHN H. FRAVEL home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roy A. Goss, minister in H. Fravel, 79, of Bl anc hard Smith of Port Matilda, over the . nt a on Tuesda weekend Curtin: church school 9:30 a. m ul ” : ww Co fy _ «rr a0 ¢ following a “he art at- Mayor Robinson and Commis- Kennedy, church ichool 9.30 a m unday pravel who had eaten sup- sioner Weller called ut official meet- Howard « hurch school 9:30 a. m.: a L. Morr ite Fels wit ) : 3 (3 p : p WV All h S ial at the home of Mrs. ing Friday evening of last week to worship 7:30 p. m. Monday. Junior jowshi ible cl nee } i rua be { ’ 4 N €g eny ft. : y "5 a eA dR ie "8 gy e shin 6:3 4 win Pole ny 1 3 11 ) $ 1! Campbell where he resided, discu co mm unity betterment Fein Wp s “0 p. m.; Jenior Fel g ! . 3 3 u [ ) Wednesday raver gone to the store managed by Many of the citizens will be re- yi P.: - oH ene ¥ STaye Campbell to remain in charge quired to ald in supporting pave- in el ng : ‘30 & Lag MAR 3 War 1 the late supper-hour. He be- ments and street lighting in the fu- hearsal 7:30 p. m el mnter Rt ‘orship 8:30 ¢ J ame ill at 6:30 Pp. D., Was uncon. uN aah htes Run 0 np am . . cious when his doctor arrived, and Many people are tg be congratl- gi Cre % oh Mor «athool 9:30 ; y re or died at 7:20 p. m. Mr. Fravel was ulated on their investments in the eh Loree: CUIICD *aChiuy d- * . . : ™ : g. m.: worship 11 a. m., youth fel born June 26 54. while his fath- safest and most protected enterprise »- A . Ix June 26, 1864 ile h % Lo i I lowship 6:30 p. m. Choir practice er. Michael! Fravel, was still in Civil —The Good Old U. 8. A. Keep up "°F ris at War service. At the age of 16 he bé- the good work and we will haw no, Bunday afternoon at 2:30 h y 1 came a woodsman and followed this trouble in exceeding our goal . h } * eT ly 54 ul ha tiie First Evangelical, Bellefonte S weupation until 1800 when he turmn- anion: aan H. RHalbert Jacobs, pastor A) 4 % 4 [Y h * ed to brick yard work, continuing Gilt Frames Unified rv) 2:3 ta 10:16 To give visual and fitting expression in this trade until 1922 when his To clegn gilt frames rub lightly he Unified service, f ) 5. Lge love and AE medium wife died. Later he was a farmer wilh a cloth dipped in an unbeaten the serivos of worship. Observance and the form must be chosen with for a number of yesrs. Surviving egg. Into which a small lump of of The Lord's Bupper. Reception of ¢ e Comforting assurance of a are two sons, Irvin, of Pottstown. washing sods has been dissolved members, Briel Comhunion Medita- duty well performed will be yours if and Charles, of Monument; two Then polish with a dry cloth, Do not Hon. 10:20 to 11, the chur h at you choose a genuine Rock of Ages step-sons, John Williams, of Blan- use water tidy, Mr. E. J Teaman, Supt in Memorial to stand as your record chard, and Edward Williams, of Mc- -. charge. 630 p.m, the Crusader for the years to come. Kees Rocks: 17 grandehildren; a (ranberries Gladys Campbell president. 7:30 p. : rother. Irvin. of Beech Creek, dnd Cranberries will keep all winter m., worship with continuation ol HOWARD , sister. Mrs. J. I. DeHaas, of Blan- if they are sorted carefully, throw- the Lord's Supper, Message by the hard He attended the Baptist jing away any that are bruised or pastor The Young Prople’s Mis GRANITE WORKS hurch at Blanchard. Puberal set- soft, and placing them in a crock or signary Circle Fan meet ob Mon- } vices were held Friday ot 3:30 m. keg of water day evening Ayer meeling on FRANK WALLACE. Pron vices. wer id Frice pom. keg wird Foote gM oar Te — - The government is in business'study in the Book ol The Acts of 1 whenever it grants exclusive licenses the Apostles The Woman's Mis- to anv business and when it pastes sionary Society will meet on Thurs- legislation designed to protect in-lday evening, Feb. 17 We welcome dustrial activities {the public to worship with us TO THE HONORABLE IVAN WALKER, JUDGE OF THE SEVERAL COURTS OF CENTRE COUNTY : The undersigned Auditor appointed by the said Court to audit the ac- counts of the Prothonotary, Clerk of the Courts of Common Pleas, Quar- ter Sessions of the Peace, Over and Terminer, and Orphans’ Court, the Register of Wills, and the Recorder of Deeds, pursuant to his appointment secured from the various officials whose accounts were to be audited, sworn tatements of their accounts which sald accounts Were checked and audited by me with the following results Account of HARRY A. CORMAN, Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court for 1942 Gross receipts from fees for 1043 $6366 85 Announcement! | Poo Paid to Commonwealth of Penna. Tax on writs, advertising, etc Salary of Deputy Register Paid to extra help in office Deducted for costs collected in adv ance which will Hugh M. Quigley regrets to announce the resig- be payable to Centre County for 1044... 3200.5 0 a = “Tell ioning board ation of Miss Mary M. Rankin as. his agent i nt a ‘ i : » hd i or ad altoriwy hidict ; Miss Rankin's resignation Amount. due Centre County for 1943... LL ¢ you 1 a on I ng roar H wossitate hv ’ mi ® e ime [ is necessitated by the demands on her time of Account of LEAMER R. WOODRING, Recorder of Deeds for 1943: her own agency, which she conducts in Crider’s Net returns 1728 Writs WEWPRET IH “050 you ad Ie Cll ting pulpwood » Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. Hugh M. Quigley Sherifl’s Returns .. oo : 12.75 | TE eT K ! | 17 Justice of the Peace Commissions # $450....... 750 ' expresses his appreciation to Miss Rankin and 380 Mortgages Satisfied # 8 30 Sieve wn dandy 114.00 to his clients for their cooperation during this foes. Slom Lents Oounty, |. VE TR ; R.woon cutting has been listed as an essential ocen- «hould report the fact to your local rationing board, giv- period, Harry A. Corman, Bonds and Commissions. . ..... ) pation and those engaged in it should now include such ing full information as to the number of cords to be cut Bond C, White, Bonds and Commissions. .. . ss ia : h oi Cid . . John Galaida, Bonds and Commissions... .... ...... | activities in connection with any application for supple and the distance it must be trucked. Miss Mary L. lovine, Mr. Quigley's capable of- Shries Shiskiter, Talis uli Cuin Suan. mentary gasoline, tire, or automotive rations, “Ceiling prices for pulpwood have been set by this office fice assistant for the past four years, has been | “If you are using gasoline-powered equipment in saw- and are available upon application to your nearest OPA designated as agent and attorney-in-fact to eon- ing, drawing or trucking pulpwood and it is absolutely District Office. Pulpwood prices are now at a peak. ‘+ Mr. igley’s ins » business at hi . tad : : : :.a duet Ir. Quigle y's insurance business at hia of 75 necessary for you to have an additional allowance, you is no present intention of revising these prices.” fice in Temple Court, where the same efficient Surety Bonds . ®t ol T i and prompt service is available to hig clients on E Supplies... oe ; | c a ¥ - : —_—. tn 4 dbus holding tax evi 1" kK a Ur wisely an ar srimare bow all forms of insurance and surety bonds, | Now is the time the remaining Diy many cords you : to ent or thin § BR trees will grow ” eh can oot. Then : Amount due Centre County for 1943. ... None HE. your timber while faster and bigger. JAR ‘ 4 Jo eh Seth wif Your continued patronage and cooperation dur- —— prices are high \ fl Your forester or . : : ’ Account ', WHITE ing this emergency are earnestly requested, ide ES pe ld Terminer [ and pulpwood . county agent will * { wd is badly needed help you select Court of Oyer and Termingr | trees for cutting, In ih epi ad HUGH M. QUIGLEY |. ames ey Approved by Office of Price Administration ants een costes ibarenstsinhint oe Sponsored by EE EE EEE EE ALL. FORMS OF pe WEST VIRGINIA PULP & PAPER CO. INSURANCE age 12 ahi wen (Contact our mills at Tyrone or Williamsburg, Pa.) $a Phone 2123 Bellefonte [| [AT due Centre County for 100. ..... cocci J E. S. BENNETT A. C. CONFER Pebridry 9rd, 104. ae” iy Na | WR Spring Mills, Pa. Wi
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