February 10, 1944, YHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. "PUBLIC SALE REGISTER M il offe rood FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11 » H. Watson, administrator, w at public sale the household of the late Mrs. Henrietta Wat at her late résidence under 1. 0. O. F. Hall in Snow Shoe Bor- ough. Terms cash, Sale at 12:30 noon. Mayes & Stover THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Korman will offer at public sale on the William Witmer farm, loca ted three miles west of Bellefonte along the Buffalo Run Valley road Hyestock and farm implements Sale at 12 noon. Term Harpster, auct FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Breon will offer at his farm located livestock only noon Geo. E FRIDAY, FEBRU Charles i ROY w Gene Lee 23 auct FEBRUARY w Smuliton, ments and Sale at 10 a. m Wise & Hubler SATURDAY, FE Buck will offe residence some AUCLS 1 W his Pa., including 1 p.m SATURDAY, Shultz will 1 11 al line of househol ome tiques H. L. Harpste: ) ARY 20--W public sale ull burg, Il ments, Bale Hubler, auct, WEDNESDAY MARCH THURSDAY, MARCH 2-H THURSDAY MARCH ¥ oy MARCH C Confe Hubler, au SATURDAY MARCH Huye! BATURDAY will of two mo Block and o'clock auct MONDAY SATURDAY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8A. E Whit. j 11 offer at public sale Oi mile WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 merman will offer at on his { : of Beliefon livestock Sale at 10 a WEDNESDAY Brother will m \t i the Br mpleme Bale at 9 M. Smit ! THURSDAY, MARCE Nixon will offer hig farm 2 ville, lv and some act Ge est THURSDAY, Struble will his MARCH offer at luocated fast Lemon al ng leading to Bellefonte view penitentiar of livestock an ments. This is a will begin at 10 auct FRIDAY, MARCH will offer at pubil farm at Roopsburg fonte, livestock anc ments Sale at 10 and Stover, aucts FRIDAY, MARCH IC will offer at pub Bisenhuth form, mn ward, Pa. livestock piementa ‘lean-up 10 a E M. Sm BATURDAY, MARCH Poorman will a at his farm located two mile of Howard, livestock and farm plements. This Is A clean-up Sale at noon Roy Qyler, ATURDAY, MARCH 1 Tuseey will offer at pul Boalsburg, Pa \ full house hold Mayes atots, SATURDAY, MARCH Ream will offer at what is known ’ ia of wr n vy m offer gOoOds 11dawis OG public sale on as the Relish farm at Rebershurg. livestock, farm Ln - plements and some household 5. Sale at #30 a. Mm BE FE ubler, auet x10 BATURDAY, MARCH 11 — Edward Hottz will offer at public sale on the Kerstetter farm in Buffalo Run Valley, livestock and farm mple- ments, Sale at 1030 a. in. BEM Smith, auet, Real Estate Soles A SPECIALTY CALL STATE COLLEGE, 3048 Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale > TUBSDAY TUESDAY THUR TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY HURSDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY, ONDAY, MARCH 13--Ceorge Moth- ersbaugh will offer at public sale his farm, one«~fourth mile east Boalsburg, livestock and farm mplements, Bale at 10:30 E M Smith, suct MARCH 4 vill ‘offer t public farm Guernsey farm implement H. LL Harpater, 14 yu bie MARL offer a X miles ea the Jac farm wise hold Of E. M. Smith EDNESDAY, MARC H. Owm will offer H Ksony tOCk on Bel ve EDNESDAY, MARCI Ho vi Te A EDNESDAY, MARC Cracke offer farm, 3! H. L. Harpst SHAY, MARCH 16 offer at Hubli y \ MARCH If offer t pu BM : MARCH will offer at publ Everhart farm Pranklinviile r Sprure Creel, 10 Head of hogrees 2 milk convw: 20 heifers; 2 stock pulls: 40 head of hogs: 1% be sony 20 hewn plements Harpator ATURDAY, Beeger wil Dis farm at | fouts a full goods Bale at |) Stover wt ONDAY, MARCH 20 Mulbarger will offer at 3 the N in Pleasa Hesston k molements some hou Bales at ™ rm E spt WwW Grnrn] types on Lewty AVA Ber p or 8 of 8 8 as MARCH der linea Mayes and Samus W mle Cap and 10 C subd ~ far “hol M re MARCH Ter af m Hou 45 Is and Spruse s ful iplemenis m 1 ponds amith 11 + Oscar yie Ghnid- pine Creak, at line of farm stock nciading 4 hors OWS 25 registersd egintered Holstein Dood «tented herd 20 sheep. 400 chiek- a of farm mashinery poods. Sale at 9 » th, apd H. I. Farp- C. Morrow, clerk MARCH 22 - © McCormick will offer nt public We John and Anna Meoy farm, at Potters Mills, Hysatosk and farm Implements Clean-up anle. Bale at 0 a.m. BEB M. Bmith wed and will o farm, on Route etween Orove M 4 ps HES yin Also 50 hogs ens: a Mall | and household m E M 8m fucts, WwW n gentle Ht 0 MARCH offer at 22 - PB J public sale } mirth ® west along improved road d Implements Terma 0 noon Mavea Coakley will On his farm, one-f of Yarnell livestock an Q m ver AlN EDNESBDAY, MARCH 22--J. Frank sale, three wburg on his Highway, a yi Btate me hold Wise & Hu bler, aucts James sale Oo lea MARCH Hoover will fe 3 the H. A. Myery | east of Rebs ? farm Implemes auct ree Nn eatock and Hubler MARCH 28-€ O. Wal- will offer at public sale on farm on the Jacksonville road enat of Bellefonte, a full line of farm stock and implements. Sale at 0am E M Smith suct MARCH A Paul 8S Spesrly will offer at ube male ot his farm In Buffalo Run Valley, Hvetock and farming implementa Sale at 10 m 4 Smith, anet, tery his n MARCH WM John C Ordo will offer at public sale on he Mrs. lda Stover farm, 2% miles southwest of Millheim, ob Paradise road, livestock and farm implements. Clean-up sale. At the same time and place thers will Alo be offered for sale, 2) acres of farm land located in Haines Sown- Mp, 1 miles west of Woodward, along whe Pine Creek road, Sale At 10 a. mm. Mayes and Staver, anets sATURDAY, MARCH 25 «« Brown kote will offer at public sale on the Alexander farm at Old Port, Centre Hall, a full line of livestock and farming implements and some household This is a cleans up mle nning at 10 a.m. Terma of sale cash, KE. M. Bmith, suet, EE —— FEE fii An m——— H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 379 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA | SATURDAY, MAROH 28~~ Mary Rankin will offer at public Wt her residence, 185 East Curt treet Bellafonte, full Une of household goods Bale at 12:80 oon aharp., Mayes Stover, aucts P. M, Dubbx clerk SATURDAY, MARCH 256--W, C. Wit. mer, attor in fact, will offer at gale on the former WW. W, farm, between Hunter's Park and Fillmore, in Buffalo Run Valley ivestock and farm imple ments. This is a clean-up sale, ] wt 10 o'clock E. E. Hubler, bare Budd sale on east of im i. M & ov ye Witmer MONDAY, MARCH 27 w Mrs public utd at Arm, Ao MELOCK nt TUESDAY, MARCH 28--Clalr Smith " offer public sale on Creek, Huntingdon ine of livestock and An exceptional ¢ t 9:30 a. Mm ith, suct Saturday, Feb. 12 MRS, ANNA SHOWERS ni nis EM 8m Te t public sale at e on East Beaver HOUSEHOLD GOODS e: 2 beds her res. street, Belle- 3.plece oak three-quarter hest yuble cot YOOROHse radio antique todo tables drop- bench table; 4 wood chal cis! ockers 3 Liee ibrar Ware odd electric nereolator wove electric hose, 16 bench Wednesday, Feb. 16 ROY STROUSE ANI tate the State and ase POY pro; poabii on Coliege HL 1 wr personal rty f the Inte M John Stross HOUSEHOLD GOODS Othelt Pl LEY & hot water front gersto the at o : ! revsde 12 hal throw r Yery good good kitehen Love In oak Vic. On. ab. » good Li IgA record ishoard peso) Thursday, Feb. 17 ROY KORMAN Ww rms, three miles slone the Buf the follds [MOCK ~~8orrel any 18046 fol weight etx et and any person dah v } mic Ow owt al oe ngs 4 Youn poung bull; this herd |) entirely of Molstediiis and Aly some White Pork horse. 9 re mare, 8 yéa™ wre oil ye ree) it TO8 LY fron eifers my psed Char naa Oulieta PAM IMPLEMENTS -Qonkin . y ET _ grain arn A yorker wpe ike-anath wa. bel TY Fev 3 DE -Lowy harrow; Hyras MEiny plow, corn ashelier. har aol litre singles Crees and trees, and many other art numerous jo mention 13 o'clock noon, Terms « #iil he sfrved by the , ash Ladies Hary xf Br Meyers oh Friday, Feb. 18 TOUN NH. KLINGER miblic sale on Nis 1 of Boalsbusg. alos to-Sen Mighway, the ! personal property: horses, 1 a black 15800 and 1 a4 bay 1800: 30 head of cat of 18 head of mich mostly young, 5 heifers rang Age from | year to 18 months 4 cown will be fresh bY time of sale Mime Are Close springers and some dre fall cows; 8 helfers and 3 steers ess than a year old; #tock dull joars old in March; al}! cattle are T B and blood testad with Accred. ted Ferd Catificsts for 20 years THis is a mixed herd of Holstein and Guerngy osmtie, 5 rood sows, will arrow In March: Poland-China stock boar. B ahoats weighing 180 pout or more. IR shoats weighing Between BM and TO pounds each FARM IMPLEMENTS... TdHoot cut MoCormick-Deering grain binder In good nditisr 6.foot MeCormick Deering mower, MeCormick-Deering corn 1 ier: Superior grain drill I MoCorm rader n good Utivator; tor, 2 Syracuse Ato digger Hor at * sant AK rl ng LIVESTOCK ee reighing elghing 2 an tie Oonaieting fOYWs ne K«Dwerin oondition MoCormick. ne«horse CW- plows, shovel 18<t00th hare AT Kevitone hay ide very rake; dump ted fanning mill; land sheller; double disk. 4- wagon: low-wheel wagon adder 1 bobealeds, milk wagon corn pianter corn brooder stove: 120 feet hay rope, fork and pulieys; 33-foot dou. i* ladder; block and tackle: grain adie; 1 viover seeders: 8 horsepow. Witte gasoline engine on truck: cutting box: 2 hay ven do; ube treen: single trees; lot of good Jog chaing and couplers: 2 Herm, set tug barmess, sot chain harness: 2 seta double driving harness: 2 sels single harness; eollars: army saddle formerly owned by Col. Dr. Christ: 2 dinner bella; anvil; vise: 5 pai lee tongs and los saw; some corn and Onta By the bushel: some seed corn potatos by the bushel, fence wire second-hand iron and water pipe; hog feeder: milk house equipment V. T. flurieas Lookout botler, 11, NOrFseOWer; washer with . ter Howmepow motor; double laun- Ary Subs: stearn stetiliger; bettie Miler; 2 bottle LI milk oooler Mowe ream rar 8 dan milk Bottles un a ! Coclerator joe [refrigerator] MIke Sates: milk oans; [ITE buckets; wits streteher; Butoh. {ring tools condlsiing of lard pres {and Bat stuffer combined; sau- [fage grinder FF fron kettles: 8 hog hangers; 3 kettle rings; lard strain. 2 de y der AY 2 Rie spring en AROT pe n jor ier ar or er; wire holder; snout hogks; 2 cops | per kottlow, HOUSEROLD Porch Ma er. antique inning wheel, settee, 3 stoves, ; Wardrobes: chairs; large malvanised tub; 2 hirays, inather couch; 3 ™m; Wing; trols; Ld } H bells: @rain ahtirns. antigue arvelon ord; many other 100 numerios to mention. Hale at 10 a. m. Tershs eanh. Lunch wi be served by a church organi. ation, M.| sale | EM Smith, suet Les and +. "Kennet, Walker, cierie LB Saturday, Feb. 19 | MRS, MIRIAM HARDY will offer at public £1¢ at her located four miles northeast of Matilda, the following items of ronal property LIVESTOCK 1 black mare, 12 vears old; 1 Holstein cow, 1 Guern sey cow: 1 brood sow: 1 boar, shont 40 Hamopahire Red chicken FARM ™™MPLEMENTS Wagon {8-1To0t MeCormiock mower, MoCor- mick-Deoring hay loader, new ype; International rake; tedder; 2-horee cultivator; cultipacker; 2-horse weed. er, good as new; 2-horse John Deere sulky plow; corn planter, good as new; 2 Hamburg walking Jrows; 2 International harrows, sing ti- vator; New Idea manure used 2 vears: 2<horse bobgled in good condition; 2 low-ladder wagons, 20 ing_cultivator; one-horse cultivator; [feet lon with 42net drew low box plows; spring harrow; corn planter; bods. windmill Aged 9 years . q Ont dump rake; set of tug harness; large | C0 a { milk pA AT a copper kettle; iron kebttlées and ring copay ope Waging Wo in Und, " and mony other articles numer. | Years Hindman milking machine " tah 4 | good new: milk cans, platform OUN to mention at} «'l calles: electric olf sper; land Sale at 1:30 p cash. XV | parma tractor, No. 14, on in good condition: No, 12 tional plow; set of Jo Deere gas engine whieelba STERGIAKIS rew lime sprayer, some bute LOO also some household nd many other articles Mig to mention This Is a ale Sale at erved by Lutheran refrigerator, practically | kK? far m Port ner e oul spreade rid 4 LOY hn roller rubber Interna narnes m Terma Saturday, Feb. 19. ALEN JAD ale on Diamond, Bellefor ent and i tractor n hering BOOS mer the wo n ciean equinpn up DIAM( foot Norge the IND RESTAUR . eleciric mdit 10 the hurct aay laineh w indies of St Terms will be made f sale E.E Hub AL x Friday, March 9 CLYDE I. STRUBLE fer public sale midway botw L State College Ing perscnal property LIVESTOCK —~ Iro: old, welghing e! mare, 4 years old 1450; dark ing about ANT m conllent "i Own on a Norge OOling ORD ine making 10-galion w yee eleetric : wr An f ~ ‘ oona coffee onsisting and two 4 mounted on meta made jor estan Mer tank a ' Hon t roy el mad grey YeAr about welg ol PH aw mare Ad YOANN 1450 to | pounds FARM IMPLEMENTS tire wagon Med ing manure spreader, used 8 1 dwectian lever biackamith 300 capacity hay loader; King machine ® DOW, oAn DE BT y «at 580 p. no Le cans and dyckev about 10 tons of 1 set of Sag harness Har ] Dua ne.a m certified bushels Katahdin certified ee clover seed Ta new orm OW; forge MeCorn rac Uae how LrOOa ck «Deer Boy elect) rubber, work» working pF stove ng Chare | on LEY nd ool Saturday, Feb. 26 W. E. SHULTZ ie the Via or 15 bal] Neg sonal o LIVESTOCK Bay IMPLEM ENTS H PACA oA Wednesday, Mar. 15 JOSEPH. HH. OWENS E ee Owe four m : Pie Car Jifye and an follows LIVESTOCK TT" y veary old, weight : wes, Holsteln fresh sale ime. othe and GOW Hols old oe ahoau H Deering McCorn Cn V full nis 174 ; mp.er an slice de Deerin Fol TA} me Lal 4 by fall a spreader Pea YORTA Boo «Seated N PARM IMPLEMEF EIDE POWs * adtor 2 Perry harrows. | 4 3 Vi ’ HDAFTOW, pood orale 80-900 barrow, 1 ot nnd roller John Detfe « ¢ 2 Latte Willie ridits CLR ae Cuvee, LRG lorme Rabin ad As new. J Bobeleds sled: T1008 MoOor- badder: | John Deere §- Dee ; dim ag BLipack LOO oO aIivi iri cuit vations Gugs, sic. Butehering fools Eetlion, sausage grinder, lard meal benches tri-pods: 10x14 FOO use. Some A Hoe mick grain f Po en fool mower, good as new, 1 Massey 10 ‘ Harris E84001% mower FO0d shape 1 { Massey Harris aide delivery hay ft dump rake. hay tedaer: Massey Bay loader. MoOBrmick « ' Friday, March 3 [fies pocais aise choot potato raiser, scoop. | . Wood saw i LEE and CHARLES CLAIR CONFER Mietghic plank iw Wl mr Ha Bind Win rack Lon aed Ww Team grain cradie hand fakes: 2 hand sseders. 1 palr soale 1000 potinds pair stiliard soles $60 pounds: | palr milk scales. em ory wheel: vise, binder twine. 1 palr Steward electric clippers (cattle): | Westinghouse elactrie comm milk cooler, used less than 2 yes 14 good milk cans; milk buckets and trainers. milk cart. 1 electric ohly oder, 500 chix capacity ux feed. 1 corn sheller: 1 corn Cracker mnlvaniaed double hog feeder: | new 10-foot galvanized water trough 4 water trough stoves, new. 1 large ck. a fence; 1 homse-saddier: | grindstone 1 oon grader milk 0 barrels 1 hog gallows; 1 nick-Deegng bi ' : widing trough ron kettles; meat 1 a8 1 i benoh Sopper kettle bag track clover seed: Vac-A-Way seed Sloan or. omne-dourth, horsepower electr) motor; 3 hay opes. hay forks: pul loys: 1 grain sheaf devator: when. barrow, 4 sels double work harness tools: forks, ete Some sprayed po. a toes, HOUSEHOLD GOODS — Charm Sunshine kitchen mnge Hoowler Faithful cook stove, Torrid Sunshine ratrola: kitchen extension other cupboard; sink; 2 steel wooden beds: 2 Aressers chairs; clothe tree mower edge Cutter. chum; crooks: and other ar ie too NUMerOuUs to mention This is a clean-up sale. Bale starts ol § am. Terns cash Lanch will be served by Ladies Ald of Logan Orange EE M Smith, auct ant KH. R. Williams LIVESTOCK 8 ack HOT Ow MACHINERY ray cabinet tahlies beds chifforobe tedder iinoieum. lawn 2 Osborne 10- seta Down East sleds wraper; McCormick plow; Little Oeniu plow: Oliver walking beam: Wiard walk 88-81 with steel beam hill plow, tractor har- sections 2 spring harrow soike harrow, 80-tooth LE 50 feet snow fence; pled. potato ralser. 2 Brookville a on, new Ure with beds: 2 44-inch tire wagons with ladders; 2 seta stone boards, new MoCormick-Deéring +4 Biographical Sketches roll corn husker on rubber, new John | of Members of the Bar Deere manure spreader, model H — ruber; new Van Burnt John Deere | lime spreader on robber. new 6.inch 75 feet canvas belt, é.inch BO fee! canvas belt, Boopire CY, S.unit electric milk cooler sompiete; 2 sels double work harness; collars; bri dies and linea; spring wagon! root cutter, set of platform scales, 400. pound capacity; stilliards; block and fox Ltom Ng Pow Syracuse few 3 170m Lee Smeltper clerks x10 | i (Continued from page one) {returned to Bellefonte to his prace ties, but died in 1000, at the early {age of 32 verve the AN, Lune will be Yd Hubler, auct, T. A Pletcher cley i of Philipsburg, admitted 1937 milk osm: bDuekets and strainer, Fordson tractor pulley: JAMES ADDAMS BEAVER chains, 700-20; 2 coal chutes, | foot lone and’ahe 10 tant long: gs |ferson College, he came to Belle | dq , In | 1880. He at once formed a partner | Fencibles,” of which Andrew ©. i {ing, War as their first Heutenant. Re-en. KR FRED NIXON wit nal DAVID LAWSHE BAIRD wmckie; 2 grain cradles; 8 ten-gallon J. SMITH BARNHART side hill hiteh for F-20 Parmall trace | Admitted 1871, probably “ad ltem™ 000-98 chaina for P+20 Farm - 140 six -aylinder rord rack, ong | Born 18, at Millerstown, Mat ] base, stake ‘rack; | Completing his education at Jef. | | fone, read law with HM. N. MoAllis- | ter, and wag gdmitted to our Bar In | . (Ship with his preceptor, He also be | [came a member of the “Bellefonte | [Curtin was the captain, where he | {got his first taste of military tain. a 4 Jas enlisted with the “Fencibles” a very outbreak of 1 Thursday, March 9 / Arle Bs [Will ofter at public sale on hia farm mon |B miles east of Mackeyville, 0 : Lav [tario arill, 11<hoe, In good condtion; hiege, and for the remainder of his) life wa t For one vear of the instit mental Bullding & the Bellefor stockholder of Bank of Belelonl the Penne Centre Hall the Centre Cou Bellefont He rentral National Lhe strike ly there Ha one of | Or Led He bie tion forming Loan ts Fi nei was a ana an county inee of Governor by the politi time Bellefon along S Alexanager Doom 10 ciation an Bank of 0 ere if Ir M NUMENT ner Wis He i Hefonte a Jgimm He & kiy I wd 10 Co aamiilied WOMEN NEED APPLIANCES THAT FACTORIES CAN'T MAKE. BUT IN EVERY HOME THERE ARE GOOD OR REPAIRABLE APPLIANCES NOT BEING USED. THESE WILL FILL THE NEED. Here's the Need... Mothers, war workers, servicemen's brides are finding life harder because they have no laborsaving devices . . . no hope of getting them, because they are no longer being pro- duced. Here's what You can do You are the only one who ean help . . . yon and other patriotic women, Hunt up vour idle electric appliances . . . search your cup- hoards, your atties, vour cellars, You'll find one or two, Get them out and help others, Here's how You do it... See your electric dealer. He'll pay you in War Stamps for every idle appliance you can’ dig up. Restored, the now usable appliance will be sold to others who cannot get them any other way . But remember, we can do nothing without your help! Swap them today! WEST Look for this Sign at Your Dealers He'll be glad to per- form this service for others..for his country, PENN POWER dents Page Five called but test, He Paul Miller falled to pass the pk in Lock Haver MOSHANNON was reside There Vere resent at hoo the Chambers Saturday vin Bor- Lert the Ir Albert FL {ve some writing Mike ts Bkripex made ) Beliefonte who is employ- petit Wednesday Culver home er Quick of Jer- veekeng with and Mr: WY } Cartwright shury Baturday aughter, Miss A Miller of Iatler’s par- nd Mrs. John » Random Items Continged rom pape one) Squire Harold D. him in official of the Peace, 2s an he Central District Fire- Bellefonte Councilman, as Rey and ] nag any» st respect for began life with few but he was sound judge. Wiis aE Hltear IDICADNL ChOAU'man, never Vanlages good and well. more than ication he lacked wn efforts 1, then rinse a OTT ue DOC COMPANY
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