ETI IL De ETC I TO HEN HR GAT IN DER ITN THE CENTRE DEMGCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. January 27, 1944. CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY CHURCH SERVICES Me Rev wvangelical an, pastor. Centre Hall- 10:30: Church school Church 2:00 we--Church chool, 9:30 SErvice ran Centre 9:00 Church HOIR HEARD IN SPECIAL P { LOCALS AND PERSONALS { a MUNIGIPA MILLHEIM = NEW SHOW TIME Shaw Time—7:10 and 9.90 P and 38¢ Teme) Se L Mm Admission 11 at i FRIDAY NIGHT ONIY Jan. IR Bat hie thw ail “EMPTY HOLSTERS” i Pat: 5 MeGUERINS FROM BROOKLYN a i a tt EY SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY (Jan. 28) The ALL STAR Show of the Year Bogart . Cantor « Davis - Flynn Ciarfield . Sheridan “THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS” FINEST. SELECTED SHORTS a WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY (Feb, 2) It's The Musical Bweethenst of the Nation! “SWEET ROSIE O'GRADY” (All Technicolor) Betty Grable, Robert Young, Adolphe Menjou WwW. K. Hos- Church | 9:30 Lo ES SNR SIE I at IRB OB en Ot A ———— i. Mi Elsie iting hey and My Mr. and sons Robert of ROU husband Delbley ang Kreb Charle | ister Leroy Mr Whiteman Jami Mi E on P PROGRAM —— oT I'he Varsity ( Hall-Potter High SO 8 SguUare ymnasium on February I'he gelical Sunday s« with Mrs. George Haves Ralston a Mrs. Mazie Lee Wert ang two sons fd at I'u he Lutheran met last W Rn the will the school enn up of School dange We Cer Pon n anesday ey Cleaner cla af the Eval met last eve Ralston and hostesse Kathryn the week om O01 } DINE M Mr nent Liu Claude Wer Senior Service clas anes € Eimer 1 ening at Roy } attendance M! Ollie AM F. K rb Mr Mi Wels Frank Kathryn wil trip to Was i fin Hanna Lewistown | mpanied vith Mrs. Hann Pleasant View Union Chanel Re 1 FP Sheet waste n [# Hublersburg-Zion Reformed Charge Methodist, Rellefonte Advent Church Warriog Mark Methodist ( harge Port Matilda Methodist Charge Postpone Nursing Course at Lemont e Bom Lemont future 1 esterday NIENE clans al ned Al Lhe womer n Joi asked 0 register thelr hioecx leader lao invited to pict LG be present onomics class ar wit] Are at nd attend motion ed In the han auditorium al Penn Sate College on Thursday, January 27 a 730 pm. Women from the Belle- fonte area also are invited to at'end the movie program -» Long Public Service H. O. Wren of Loganton, bas a record of 24 years of service to the people of Sugar Valley, having been appointed as Justice of the Peace iby Governor Sproul Dec. 16, 1910, and successively appointed to two |Six<year terms by Gov. Gifford Pin | ichot, a term by Cov George H.| {Earle and on Dec 17. 1043, by Gov. | Edward Martin. He has also served (as tax collector in Loganton borough [about the same length of time, and was re-elected to that office at the November, 1043, election, once res | {then ran to retrieve it Yermont's 1943 Auto License Plates Army Show Becomes Hit Hey Rookie’ is pulling itself ug own houlsiraps ola the T Army cla of funny Naw 0 thara a Las Angeles Belasco. the all soldier lal ent-show originating at Fort Ma Arthur, Calif, has passed the $7.800 and continues to pile by jth : : » « mes Mmaners is werk Ark om Dead Hog on His Hands An Alabama farmer, with a 654 pourrd dead hog on bis hands, re mambered the (als salvage can paign and ielephoned the state ra toning officer, who made arrange ments W have the animal rendered down lor use Again! the Axis «es Coat Marks the Spat Out hunting, Grover Dunn of Are kansas City, Kan, shot a bird and He put his coat down to mark the approximate spot where the bird fell and then began a careful search of the brush He had no luck. Civing up in dis- gust, he picked up hin ont a | under (L-lay the bird —— > Snakes in Pipe When a plumber, called by Mrs | Adelisa Ward of Belgrade, Neb, to open a clogged drain pipe, investi. | gated, he found that sixty garter! and bull snakes had used the pipe for thelr winter quarters, tre Ans ton Lime tact | wine plained local 0 thes one of district representative MMe Musie Club beth Bartholomew Jamison as hostess i IMI Dein R. Keene bridge Friday « tholomew home Fliza. [34 | Mrs Harold Albert | Wert Mrs. Emery, Mr Ron Jamison David 1 raybill, Mi rs o . Dr. and Mr Kirk Harry Mr? club presented Mrs parting gift of diestick Keener with a compote and ean Fostoria glass These others present: Mrs, J. Wil liam Bradford Mrs William P Campbell Mr Harry F. Cooper a J Yr the farm materinls progri farmey nthe § Hi Harry Hes Cooper mont of were tertalned Lhe Mr Yernins At You'll ut find lots ALP dunuary of grand values for Murket But 29th! So circle As you know Brown RST stamps 29th date are Samps A&P Meat Markets Feature your Super remember those that January your calendar ratlon-peint values but prices do differ AY down-to-earth! for for Sour expire on on the same everywhere, derfully well and why i" prices are foods “hop wan That's rationed to ns ns ut non-rationed ALP foods, really pays and save” “Super”! SUNNYFIELD—PREMIUM CERTIFIED NORFOLK WHOLE or SHANK END Ready To Eat| Smoked Skinned SMOKED PICNICS - 28¢ ( 1b.. 2 Ib. 4 Ib, Pkgs | | LARD 17¢ Fresh Frui Is 8 LARGE CRISP HEADS, LETTUCE PURPLE TOP TURNIPS DANISH CABBAGE . . 2 TEXAS and FLORIDA SEEDLESS POTATOES GRAPEFRUIT FULL FLAVOR, CHOCKFUL OF JUICE, FLORIDA SOAP POWDER 33. ORANGES:2-53° LIFEBUOY 150 and 176 Sizes 2 »-67c 3--19¢ | sUNBRITE SWAN IcIEANSER | TISSUE 5c | |6 28 "4 230 Se Cor ya EGGS RIO las Tarn KEYKO OLEO MARGARINE - PRESERVES . ANN PAGE SPAGHETTI 25¢ Skyflake Wafers Borax . Boraxo 29c ASSORTED CEREALS sw ::::19¢ WHITE HOUSE MILK . . 10:2 85¢ coms 3 ~ 25 BAKING POWDER =». . . :=12¢ Bauiton Cubes... ~ 70 A-PENN SPOT REMOVER . . := 19 Macaroni Dinner 11c Gravy Master... "~ 14c UNRATIONED BAKED GOODS.- Oven-Fresh From A&P Bakers To You : ORANGE PINEAPPLE BREAD TWO LAYER Beacon Zero . . . »~ 15¢ COFFEE CAKE . 25¢| := = 1 Oc (WHITE CAKE. . 39¢ Owned and Ope rated Great Atlantic Pacific NEB FRESH LAKE MULLETS DRESSED BUTTERFISH SEA HERRING LARGSY SMELTS By The Tea Co, FRESH PORK FRESH DRESSED SAUSAGE || FOWL mary ! ad and Fi -47¢ GROUND | BEEF DOE Vegetables “irae SWEET AS SUGAR, PASCAL CELERY :: GREEN, SHELLED PEANUTS PENNA BLUE LABEL — Womans Day ON SALE NOW! FEB. ISSUE WOMAN'S DAY SPRY VEGETABLE SHORTENING 3: 68¢ A» LUX TOILET SOAP 3-19 RINSO "A i ICEBERG 2... 23¢ 2: 27¢ 4 + 25¢ 25¢ 11c Large b Package NORTHERN TOILET GAUZE | TOILET | TISSUE | 6 - 24¢ WOODBURY SOAP 3... 23¢ 30c 23¢ 23¢ Regular Cake Cen Y-Lb, Pkg 31c 33c 24c 15c¢ 11h Pkg 2D rv Pky Son Pkg SULTANA SIX FLAVORS Ten Individual Packages 1200 Shredded Wheat »~ 10c Staley’s Starch .. 19¢ Laundry Gems 3 25c¢ or Spaghetti Sauce i 14c Enriched Loaf Silver Cream . . . . . 19¢ FAMILY BF EAD i, Kellogg's All Bran «+ 11c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers