Where the Fuel Goes A HEAYY BOMBER cruising at a speed of 250 mph. may use 200 gal- lons of gasoline an hour, @he Cenire Democral WHERE THE FUEL GOES An Army Trans. port burns 33,000 gallons of fuel oll a day. VOLUME 63. NUMBER 3. BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1944. — SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR. oard No. 2 Calls 39 Couvaty Men TT vA Ee > . 19 Accepted for Army, 1918 Navy, 1 for Air Corps: Army Group Will . 6 ave February 5 for New Cumberland Thirty-nine Cent: county men will leave for the re nm center from the area over v \ New Cumberland Saturday Draft Board No. 2, Bellefonte y February 5: nineteen were accepted jurisdiction, have been the Navy and are scheduled to military serv the Board Pittsburgh tomorrow, January wary quota, it wa ANNOUNCE nd one man was accepted into terday he Air Corps Of the grot Harbor fathe: cepled for eplic on accep HL na the require- who passed } the Arn service Thost ments for follow in 1 Aare SOrvice us TALOR SHOP HERE MAY BE 1 (Geo. Sunday Contemplates) Retirement After Over | 10 Years in Business John Frederick Shannon, Philips- burg William Howard yor ie Hoffer, Philips- 0 Richard Allan Wilson Ke {burg Donal Mills I! Patri ip but b+ George Tuskovich, Tyrone, R. D. 3 willlamm Svivester Snyder, Mo- hannon | | Kenneth Walter Robinson, Belle-| lfonte, R. D. 3 Mac Allen Bryan, Bellefonte Robert Jules Delong, Howard Paul Wayne Parsons, Julian Hugh T. Manchester, Bellefonte Gerald Willlam Sunday, Belle- fonte, R. D Carl Isaiah Boob, Milesburg willlam Boyd Grafmyre, fonte Edward d Sharple ceola | Jame kK Louis Gianopoulos, Phil. » AS Alter more than 40 years In U tatloring business in Bellefonte George A. Sunday, of Pine preparing to close hi in Crider’s Exchange b The move made cause Mr. Sunday some the vision bicod clot nerve. He underwont treatment at the Veterans’ at Aspinwall, and eral health has improved not been H¢ Aspinwall on Januar reopen his tatlorin day this weel i street tall : uid 2 Necessary weeks whe al Belle~ | near lost of e} lodged t opti deshell, Howard, R. D Har mont Hosy | "Le “ Mi 1ithough 9 Thomas Michael Evock, Bellefonte ALi Roy 1 Men ow Ww Monument Howard, Alers Hanley, Malcolm Young R restored restored | $4 D ; 1 J accepted for the Navy . of U Surgeon there | may move return, but is only probabilit SE TRUST COMPANY = ANNUAL NEETAG A native . All Officers and Directors Re-elected; Earnings In- crease, Report Shows N. E. Robb, president of the Belle. | ) Trust Company, announces | tie ane t held eex Have Blaze Zanella, Clarence (Continued on Page Three) - liam em ) the » ince ' is 6 "Promoted w of H A. 1 Robb C wal meeting of Tuesday all director Franci w. J Emerick G. E. McClellan, N. E Sommerville, J. H Turner d M. LL Wetzler stockholder the present Crawford Franci J. 8 Y. Wagne« we re-elected At Lhe ing of the board held the same day, all the officer; bank were re-elected They are E. Robb, president; C Y. Wagner, vice MK Robb and tr E. 8. Orr, secretary- OO. Witmer, assistant rer; H. R. Williams rer assistant an 4 reorganization meet of the “r I] 0 nt p n to the esident side assisian officer treasurer. F secretary-Lreas assistant trea trust officer {| In the annual stockholders, the the activities 19043. Total deposit reached an all time high for (Continged on page Siz) a pgp — SCRAP COLLECTION HERE TOMORROW Paper, Tin, Metal, Rubber, Rags to be Gathered by Boro Trucks ust et St made to the officers reviewed the bank during during the year a total repors Gale C. Palmer Busy sewing new stripes on he: sleeve Is Miss Gayle C. Palmer, for merly of Spring Mills, R. D. 1_who is now stationed at the Second AC Training Center, Daytona Beach. ' Florida. She was recently promoted from the grade of Private First Clas to Technical Fifth Grad Bellefonte Man Is Missing In Action of Staff Sergeant William ton, 22. of Bellefonte, has been mi ing in action Januar AC» cording to a War Department mes- sage received by local relatives tl week Sgt. Edmiston, radio gunner a- board a Flying Fortress stationed in England believed to have been lost on a bombing miscion «over en- emy territory He entered the service in August 1042 and received training in Flor. ida, South Dakota, California, Utah Tennessee, Texas and Illinols before being sent to England He arrived In that country on October 26, 1043 Sgt. Edmiston, who was employed by the Tian Metal Company here before entering the servige, Is the husband of the former Anna Marke Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Edmis- since nee [| : : A townwide salvage collection is be held In Bellefonte Friday of week, Karl E. Kusse, chairman of the local salvage and waste com- mittee announced vesterday Borough trucks will begin making the rounds of town at § a. m. and rap materials must be on the curbs to be collected. i Items to be collected: include pa {per of all kinds, magaines stied nn! | separate bundles, newspaperf in sep- | larate bundles, and corrugated boxes, which should be folded flat and tied | in bundles i £4) Wh thi PAROLEE IS i ine | sentenced iwere driving toward Bellefonte along ‘driver as a parolee, so they turne Thrown Off Improvised made Mr. and Mrs. Harry Badger | Observe 50th Anniversary Bellefonte couple, My yadeer was [ormerly Harry Badger, of East Eberhart, daughter of Tuesda celebrated Elzabeth Witmer Eber their golden wedding anniversar t fonte, a family dinne the Penn Belle Hotel Mr. and ried on | A well known Mr, and Mt Bishop street Myrtle | Daniel and] of Belles ' 41 14 art, SENTENCED ned a family consists of the following children: Mrs. Edgar Lutz - of Zion; Mrs. Robert Willard, Mrs E. Elmer Eby, Wilbur Badg:r Ann i Badger, all Bellefonte, and Jo- The Badger Mrs, Bad January 18 Lo} 1604 Dy ' were ma Hey of and W" of n Of On located on the N iN treet here B Mi mn Edgar residence 1905 w stands § on of Sam: el Mifflinbw began in that Inter gence no wa or Of street! 14 ent at evening of Yen! * tind pre Tus nd at / MATING uny VEeRrs ne 10 enter T. Twitmire Twiumls 1030 when be os own sb the rear idence East Bishop has ucted that alion ne em 1 thie re ang mnt M1 cary F Hoshour, pastor the eph Badge! Arollo, Pa. There sonage which then wa * AJ ing Car Here In March Mr. Badger Bishop the Uinsmith Jie and Mrs, Joseph Abt -i ' . : ploy of inte W Jail on Charges of ames. Paul and Bobb tablished hig a E Paul E. Ripka Arrested Bellefonte Lutheran church, The i : p \ ceremony was performed at the par~jare eleven grandchildren and 10 Minutes After Steal- gréat-grandehild East High w e— Spangler re ger purchased . v their present ADMITS SEVERAL and. Mary: Buds lahop styee OTHER OFFENSES 24d at the ag Bhon — t . community, Several Bellefonte Man Sent To came 0 Belictont E. Eby and son, Harry Mrs. Wilbur Badger maining with Mi J kes tr the part of Rabert T. Willard Striking Sister all of Bellefonte “ty at Vit — ¥ gar Lutz and four children Olive. Earl and James, of Zion Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wetzler an (Dean, of Milesb ’ his re Apprenended hy State Police {rom He Rock vie tihettat 1 Thirds ¢ tockview sub-station uk Thursday We . 4 i tabiisnmen wieTRoOONn, oniy ten minutes alter .. . i he had stolen a car that tm 5 the theft SE MN CLELAN BOADS TO SEED DES INHISPTAL RECASSFCATION reported Grove Mills, } 18, ol rem State Industrial School at White Hill last July, appeared be Ivan Walker at a . Former Well Known Lo- cal Man Succumbs; Fu- neral Here Friday f{ J | sig court Monday morning, and street ' wor i nd fore Was Ripka paroled ’ 81) fore Judge CRNI0ON w to serve from 2': UL irs in the Western Penitentiary Pittsburgh Pvis. John Barnie, of Eisenhooth Rockview and | : sub-sta Dependency Status Ex- pected to Disappear From Records tio the way Bellefonte-State College high- when they noticed a car ap- proaching at considerable speed from the opposite direction As the other machine passed Allan Peter McClellan, native « . officers thought they recognized the Centre county, and former welll «1 known resident of Bellefonte, died at the Presbyterian hospital, Phila delphia, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afters! ” noon, January 18, 1844, of uremi ification a, » poisoning. He was 47 last September records AW men wit; ie pan 1ihe Dasls availability My or by occupation. Men had _ hoped that high umber oma would defer them indefinitely, now will fing themselves 1-A pool or In [1-A, 1I-B 1ni-o classification Bervice Headquarter 1 Local Boards lo ir un reclassifving married men expected that in three or weeks the 3-A. or dependency HE o= {rom ' 3 Ive thie a 1M f 1) peed Lhe four their The 75 mile car final- Machine machine and ga“e chase two cars streaked along at an hour before the ly halted the other Lemont Out of the ca mpanion, Jesse E. Main (Continued on Puge Four) amiss GI ———— BOYS INRED COASTING MISHAP clans disappear the police classified on : neal of for ser - : wi McClellan 4 Darby had a resident of Up- not been in good health for some months and was under observation at a Philladeiphin hospital from December 13 to 23. He returned home for Caristmas and ado the following day war stricken il Delerments ar 4 He had been at (he Presbyterian Desk of the Occupational Porm hospital since that time jor 42 A Employers . required Deceased, who was employed submit these forma they hope federal government as a have employe: Each conservation agent in a district com. | CVerY deferment — prising eleven slates, was a graduate the Bellefonte High School and | of Penn State College. He later ob- tained his Master's Degree at Penn | Btate, ! i For some years he was County Farm Agent for Montgomery coun- Wy and resided at Norristown Sev- | eral years ago he became interested n soll conservation work and enter ed the employ the federal gove-| ernment {nounces the M: Volkan son of Mi dates when and Mrs. George McClellan and be available wis born near Milesburg on Septem. Centre cou ber 22. 1896. His mother died when of their Income he Was three years old and he be- [Jear 1043 stepped Ripka and 16, of @ araer 4 £48 4 th in i 11-C or the 42 to to ¢ made only on ne i deferred mu (Continued on Page Four) = ———— hy 1 WO anc Hw ba : be rec wer - f of Assistance to Be Given Taxpayers Compiling Income Toboggan on Hill at Point McCoy Coleville youlhs were injured Sunday afternoon when the improvised corrugated iron tobog- gan which they were sliding down steep hill on Point McCoy throwing them into a Two early Department following places deputy collector amidst taxpayer with the preparatios fax relurms th The Treasurs Rs ana 1 il ’ of on ’ ne ned A wa overt aitel Richard Malbne son of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Mubne, of Cole- ville, was admitied to the Centre County Hospital for treatment of a ured ankle, while William Tate, on of Mrs. Cora Tate, also of Cole ville, received treatment at the dis- pensary for lacerations of the hands The boys were members of a group of five coasting on the steep hill leading down from the beacon light atop Point McCoy, on the mountain west of Bellefonte, They were rid- ing a large piece of the metal roofing when the accident happen- It is believed the toboggan struck ditch, causing the boys to be own 0 \ 't nty for ay | building pd 12. 19, 26 tre Hall 28, Port Matikiag Ho- Moshanpon buildin 26, 28, 29. March on 1 i ed a House, Feb thi off Several successful wips had been earlier in the afternoon but on the ride which ended in the mis. hap they started further up the hill and were traveling at greater speed (Continued on Page Four) Pp 21 to 25 inclusive College, Jan 19 “Swap” Campaign Now In Progress to — Competition Open For Postmastership ior An open competitive examination to fill the vacancy in the position of postmaster in Bellefonte( held tem- porarily by Ebon B. Bower) has been announced by the United States Civil Service Commission Applicants will not be required to assemble in an examination room for written tests, but wili be rated on their education, business or pro- fessional experience, general quali. fications and suitability, Both men and women are eligible, The annual salary is $3200 with an additional $300 per year authorized by Congress | as a temporary increase, i Full Information and application forms may be obtained at the Belle fonte postoffice, or from the United States Civil Service Commission, (Continued on page Pour) March 1 to 15 inclusive ————— First National Bank 16 21. 1 Miliheim hilipsburg 17. 18. 19 Yr . to PUC Orders College Au-| |23, 24, 25 State College The Public Utility Commission al’ ag 9 Harrisburg on Friday directed 1! charge services rendered to all waler consumers outside the bor. {total $1414.55 and that refunds are|ruir swing under the sponsorship of to be made within 30 days after west Penn Power Company, is ©0- cess charges and notification to theior domestic electric appliances Commission, the proceedings willl whose manufacture has been re- The order is the result of a com-| gatistics on piaint filed with the Commission by alleg'ng | yours prove that there must be a (Continged on Page Four) vast storehouse of out-of-use ap- {and garages. If these appliances | were brought to Heht, Mrs. Nancy Pryberger, of Philips jes can't make burg, has announced her candidacy oa YI" 80 1b just remains came the foster son of Mr. an Bellefonte Postoflice Mrs. Harry Polmar, of East Howard Jan. 17, 18, 2 Ped Fe Matilda Farmers National Bank & Trust Co. Jan. 24 to 28 Inclusive Feb. 14, 1D | Peb 15 inclusive Snow Shoe: New Fire thority to Pay Back |= S1LA14.50 8.0 10. 11 wo | State College e | State College Borough Authority refund without interest eXOess ough . The Commission sald the charges! Tne “Swap” Campaign, Dow In service of the order. Upon full PaY«loperating with the national war ef- ment to all consumers of such X= | fort to bridge the gap In the supply terminate, the PUC sa'd. There willl giricted because of wartime condi- be 192 refunds tions the manufacture of electric appliances over the past 15 out-of -borough consumers, (pllances in the nation’s attics, store- Mrs. Fryber er Seeks rooms, cellars, closets, basements County G.0.P. Post help replace equipment that home- {makers so sorely feed-that factor- {for the Republican vice-chairman. for patriotic ship of Centre county. Mrs, Fryber- Americans B. Building, Feb. | to dig them out and! GlRL B EAT Two Younger Saved in Fire at Niagara ISTO Council to Join HWHILE Boro. Association PARENTS WORK Centre-Clearfield Organization Seen as Aid to Borough Government; Council Makes Move to Enter Refuse Collection Business Children Falls, Yesterday FAMILY FORMERLY LIVED AT CLARENCE All A 12- Year ~0ld Was bur Possessions ed; Parents Employed in Defense Plants former well Known Clarence family, ned to death about morning inn Niagara Falls parent fire while the work in defer Mary Louls ROO LIN id Mr Hs of M! wi sleeping when the fire broke out coraing ww It hildren escape position being ried them wo sa Mr Buller | Benjamin Alke Milesburg, Mrs the former ’ iat of the ial ner I. £ Shoo Th Claren Fall Alkey C 3 Snow G00 Niagara « Robert Bellefon th LAL) £ Rea Reopening of Ore Mines Rumored Harry M responGent ’ rumor going vicina 7 tivity mines The claims eration mining compas of the work The may in the rumor [ew the of WAS Qu blast mines ty But wo Ot information believed the injury that Q jai } ) Monday Council + Imembes jzed a Boroughs The Clearfield completed 19 nearer fonts OCIatlion Destroy- borough (Continued on page Four) Centre FARMERS, UVES ) have Co 1 | Foul UM rou I, daughter { « Congres ri 1 3 o'clk Eo SISNET Lim when in N wer yr oF ier “mn vous youl wer : - Enjoy Talks, Moving Pic- ¢ Buller tures, Refreshments at Pleasant Gap “31 J)! LW neighbor fety ad A Marian David Butler Ce and they familie Thompson tr ye iy correspondent, that. the news will be welcome 0), farmer, some ) ais BgO Wes & ‘many former Scotialtes and others. | nemocratic candidate for the leg- looks forward to the day when he Persons now Scotia vicinity will be awakened by 8 5 o'clock whistle the case in former years were working cams— 181 TONS SCRAP COLLECTED IN "43 County Serap Chairman R. J. Kennard Submits Yearly Report qu liter Cents having Midlam Chambers 4 SHER HEE Mills Citizen Victim of Heart Ailment of i ike al before § family 4 Scotia Willian reports th rounds the effect that begin near futur Mo that the mine and that an tthe f Williams will be In « experienced will be charge aieg atl Lh ital al inter L§ pital vy Hos day January month's lines: | tion indicating | aa. w= ™™ ners mn wild oon a heart 0 reported had been Me E.G. FP gave the financial re Bslion’s work Continged om that Ham Miller, prominent Pine Grove elected ] erretar port y i Pp ¥ Pope Biz) % thee se isiature. He was a past president of the Pennsylvania FParmers' Cooper- Pederation and was inve tigator for the Pet Control Commission was icEen bog £1 residing in the - alive LS Theatres to Aid March of Dimes 1 8 when steadily sty wit} ving Farm Sex Miller was Mary Am born Fergu 19 making his time of death 68 4 and 27 days. He i hi education the ship schools wa County Mr fand mimittee of David W Miller am township o ARC ¢ Cooper wa ab August 1875 PERT months ™r eves Ferguson all OWT = £4 Central Normal Sch Lock Ha- ven. He was a graduate Dickin- son Law School After spending somes ivears in the west he Pine Grove Mills in 1917 and ha sided there oy sinee in and later ended Ak ba xn Au of 0 returned TT" - A sleel scrap VYagve {Committee County Boy and Girl Scouts « {lected this type of salvage merchants who furnished trucks the collection drives, the report Total collections of copper and bronee salvage the same method during were S87.235 pounds The salvage setup in Centre col ty is headed by the 12-man county committee, of Which Miss Margaret Stere of Fleming is The 36 borough and ‘ownship com- mittees which work under the par- ent body have a total of 720 mem- | tinues | brass bers Scrap paper collections made dur- ing the year totalled 742 tons drives were Scouts using hired were paid out of the proceeds. The paper salvage committee, headed by John Henssey of State College, pro- Imoted collections during they would!y) oe menths of the year only (Continued on Pape Pour) for Victory: Buy Bohda. lection total of 3.281 ton were in Centre county according to a report released by R iJ. Kennard of State College, chair- man of the Centre County In 1917 he was un with former survives. There ors ig the immediate family Miller was a member of College Presbyterian church Funeral services were held Koch Funeral Home, State College yesterday afternoon, with Rev. Wil. liam N. Blair officiating. Interment Was made In Pine Grove Mil cemetery ited in marr Helen Shaw are i of ron and the collected for sal- ye no other 19483 Curing the Balvage at 19044 camnaigr re in "4!" and the $3000000 mark an MP — “March of Dimes” Campaign to Open alded . for . the oon — on WB ———— Former County Pastor Called to Baltimore Rev. Dr. John § ane time pastor of formed for the past 19 Years pastor of the Manchester, Md Evangelical and Reformed charg: ms been elected pastor of Christ ichurch of the same denomination Baltimore, Md. Dr. Hollenbach assume his new duties Pebruary Dr. Hollenbach has recently requested to submi* a blographical sketch for inclusion in the forth- | coming Who's Who in the West. em Hemisphere.” which will include as | blographies of representatives of the various professions, industries and {politics In the several countries of {North and South America i made by the Year B Kaniaed Dimes iefonte schools have for the annual ‘March to ald ‘the nationwide bat infantile paralysis The campaign in conducted from January M4 January 28, with Earl K Stock as supervisor in the public nischools and Mother Sux harge of the Parochial school Committee chairmen lous schools are: junio high school, Miss Verna Spring street school and Dale ing, Mrs. Martha Wagner: Bishop street school, Mrs. Elinor McDow ell, and St. John's Parochial sthool Mother Superior. Coin boxes are to be placed In stores, clubs and other public places been of 8. Hollenbach. at Aaronsburg Re- ihe vice president church and ¢ W will be or Col- by Boy which will made trucks the var and seni Ardery bui'd- : ¥ : a . i been the last LA — Jones, of West Logan street, fonte, and there Is a daughter, aged about one year, In the family. He Is a son of Mrs. Nellie Edmiston, of South Bpring street, and a nephew of Mrs. Barl K Stock, of East Bishop street Listed as Survivor of Air Crash Victim Among the survivors of Sgt. Dore | sey PF. Decker, 24, son of Mrs. Grant Corbin, of Geltysburk, Who Was' Thome, Beaver of Bellefonte, was killed In an airplane crash at Port Worth, Texas, Friday, was a brojher, Kenneth Decker of Bellefonte, ace cording to news dispatches, The brothdr Kenneth Decker ap- tly Is unknown in this locality, i Belle- 1, ds. rubber, and mgs tied in bun- | Processed tin cans, metals of all {All Items must be set on the curb, {or out along the street In full view of the truck crews. If weather is such that the col- {lection Is impractical tomorrow, | Kusse sald, the work will be post. | poned until Monday : i ‘Name Beaver Head of Republican Club | elected president of the Centre | County Republican Club at a meet- ing held in the club reoms here Fri. day night. Harry Burd, of Aarons burg, is the retiring president, Other officers chosen are: Roy Chambers, Snow Shoe, vice presi- dent; Tom Miller, Bellefonte, re- elected secretary-treasurer, Mems- bers of the house committee are Hunter Knisely, Bellefonte; Gilbert Alkey, Curtin, and Walter Schenck, Bellefonte. dies will be collected by the trucks. | i : | ] | ! | Washington, D, C. ! , wit Competition will close February 8, ger, wife of George Fryberger, Is N newcomer in Centre county politics, | ibut has served the party as district [vice chairman in Philipsburg and | South Philipsburg , and! Worth township in the South, East, jand West precincts of Rush towne {ship Bhe also had been active In| | tne Republican womens’ organiza- i ‘ — i gp Training Plane In Emergency Landing One of the training planes of the New-Way Flying Bellefonte airport Ml miles west of Bellefonte in Buffalo | OY" : % FH i if H £28 . | ; I : £ g§ § 2 - & § i 5 I I o swap them for War Stamps at their! electric dealers, appliances will be tagged with the “Victory place appliances beyond repair, pro- vide labor-saving devices for new [family units and war workers, and will take the place of human labor that ls needed elsewhere Meets Former Local ~ Rector in No. Africa ‘ tel Ap-| ite gEegeh : i fH i 7 g i County : z E 3 Launches 4th War Loan D a ———— rive C. Stenger, Jr. in charge. All solic- [be allocated #0 that’ this county re- flors who served in previous drives colves a portion of such credit as well as any others who wish to] War Bond booths will be opened take part are asked non-protective part of stare to be staffed by mem- Civilian Defense workers are espec- ‘bors of the American Legion Aux fally urged to attend this meeting. (iliary. Booth will be open Tuesdays Grover Corman, president of the and Thursdays from 1 to 5:30 p. m Bellefonte Chamber of Commerce, and on Saturday from a.m. to 9 and Ward Fisher, chairman of the'!p m retail dividion, announced that the | Fi i : 5 f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers