. 20, 1944. home last week were J. K. Hile- man of State College Warren Black and Miss Elizabeth Baek of Potter Mills, 8. J Cori AR January rt age Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. CENTRE HALL AND VICINITY ——— State College, George Rim iL the meet Norris Balrds i rs at the Houle tt aeryel Lieder lane Jee vige Mrs Wilbur Stitt brother Monday Ralph of Rock Boring: Harry Mus Nome y Gentzel of Rebersburg } Aburg Harry BUW, were 1 nt caller t ti Musser (Chari Freeby John A were or Goheen. | Johnson was (daughitcs Visit hame of Mis. Mary 8 . RU The members present were: Mrs, Ting G. Jones, Mrs, Geol Ishiler, Mri M1 Nell B. Fisher M1 Anna Ream, | daughter Mrs. H L. Wink, Mt: Virg M Mi Myers, Mrs. HM, Hosterman, and |fonte Mi Bein Fortne Mr Rose! Mi —————————— ————————— the {Are Coble and [Mr ailernom ( rie Mi pent Sunday Ethel Blove: i mig NOYmu nian {With Belle MANY VIOLATIONS IN Albert Dutrow, stationed at a U. daughter Harriet RECENT AIR ALERT |S. Army camp in Louisiana, was in called on Mr. and Mi an accident which his mey on Sunday ankle was thrown ont folnt and John Rimmey, J left ligament torn be inducted into the the attitude of negligence in Centre M1 Robert Rhoad entertained Alr Corp Hall during last week's alr raid] the Willing Workers Lutheran Sun- Mr ana ale t lay se 1 cla ¢ plan to in several home where rsday ¢ week to vere burning, the ith the Rev unable to contact the Some case person 11) h other away from home or retired and left were present: Mi rth lights burning Other y Mi prompt Lf )" ——————— a recently 'n Monga) U 8 Army I jlocal Defense Council and air | to rald wardens are concerned about! the Mrs, Frank M Fisher Wilkinsbarg thi he rest of the win and Mrs, Roy Cor 1 ee f \ leave for s al ia hg . 10 vening bend t ter w man i h Ann Mrs Wei Foss Mr. and Mi Robert on Danny, of ite C Sunday evenin wWitl Smit Mi: nig Ww were guests warden member Moma Clare M Ay in putting \ Homan The defense council reminds the len Miller d Lise citizens that all light ¢e to b Ralp Lise, and Mi Jamison out when t and kept ou all-clear blast In many cases in fines have St ties beer Ha I. Riegel last | M1 Frank P. Geary spent Sunday Roy Jami fonts Mir on and Smith CHURCH SERVICES Ww H Freshness 1s the secret of coffee flavor, so A&P Coffee comes to you in the freshly roasted bean. At the moment you buy, it's Custom Ground exactly right for your coffee maker... you get finer. fresher flavor. Pre-ground coffees, days or weeks old can't match the flavor of really fresh coffee. Change to A&P Coffee. Remember, flavor makes it America’s favorite! teacher Dana wily Meeting of a Tuesday evening | quciitorium LTS I ANN PAGE ELBOW MACARONI . . . .. SULTANA KIDNEY BEANS . . . . = SULTANA PEARUT BUTTER. . ANN PAGE OLIVES ~ .... ANN PAGE SALAD OIL... ... “NIBLETS" 7 d - make yoursel! 3 pus wit ORN Mss. Edwin boys in uniform BOALSBURG = i-inr |[COCO-WHEATS) : ir ; cp cb A es tn a, Bs hl © | Coton Cone | Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! 2 5 POTATOES: = 45 ORANGES =: -39 ~ 25¢| LETTUCE =. . 2 = 21¢ TURNIPS .. .. 4 - 950| TANGERINES = 2 = 3te ~ 29¢ PECANS ...... - 45 MARSH SEEDLES EXTRA LARGE LORIDA LOCALS AND PERSONALS 1 : 3 “SUNNYFIELD" = 13¢ FLOU Mi: and Drew Delicious Com OH the Cob Arg om M1 Emest A F Mrs Kenneth Frank } and = = I. E M “ 1) : 3 hn F 4 E. Kline atte with “the Clarencs Charle ng Mi ginia Pat! Re tle IDAHO BAKERS 10 1h. VEGETABLE SHORTENING Bag CRISCO 68¢ ——————— Ea a ie bt enn smi nt. | [CAMAY SOAP] wing Friday nmin at th hme) 5%, Soo circ of Lemon, wink im Tar ot pits Women 3 cies 19 SOAP POWDER | OXYDOL =: 23¢ Hoy B gini 150-176 SIZES Charlie Mrs 1 Helen gina Reis 110 and 248 Siar nr . Legal Notices ADMINISTRATRIN'S NOTCH EE au ta Batlate SHUEY wie ’ : Helle OC 0 AN ae : I "mr 1 on . MI 1 HEIM | 3 . above esiale having been granied tl " | Sunday Lied their the undemsigned. ak persons aged NEW SHOW TIME GU ard said estate are requested Show Time 7.10 and 2.00 p ————— ———— tise ad] : IVORY SOAP | . 99 44,1007, 29¢ Pute od 1! the nake we © munediate payment. am ving claims of deman . aid estate 0 present Rhee me without delay for setiieme PACHAEL E SHUEY, Adminis. M. reg) Admission lle and 30¢ samen 0 E.Lb. s a Bog pl $i THE $F FRIDAY i AND SATURDAY GRAPEFRUIT = 4 ORANGES . . . PORK LOIN LEMONS = . . FRESH 1 0 A ay T TENDER CRISP, SWEET PASCAL RIB ENDS . . - 25¢ LOIN ENDS .... + 30¢ CENTERS . . . + 38¢ FISH FEATURES! FRILSH ROE SHAD. . Res nN 2. M Estate Houte wi F yi K Jane Wyatt tory Letters tale ha MOO TE SUE Jum es Lee Mt M1 M Boh Margaret Dale, Grace Musser and nnet and - J Ciuest were M William Hess, My Mrs. John Pola street Mrs espectively, R. Pani Campbell. at ne for estate CL .. Hs FL 4 a o of the Luther Thursday evening at an Sune un hoo! met the WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY © 28h 4 home of Mn members who Mra. Riley Hunter, Mr WE Mrs FRESH DRESSED DRAWN-—HEAD AND FEET OFF Roasting CHICKENS .- 55¢ LARGE FOWL. . . .- 4% FRESH PICNICS =i» 25¢ iekeae + ire ol IFER RAM w. No. | SMELTS. '* 20e SLICED BACON . . . = 37¢ gen summer =~ 20 FRESH PORK SAUSAGE ovsvens'™ ~ eo w 7c: "0° 35¢ [vv woos (January The Madeap Musical Sensation’ Fun-Filled! Tune Filled! RED SKELTON, in “I DOOD IT” With Eleanor Powell, Harel Scott SPECIAL COLOR CARTOON and SELECTED SHORTS Hy sey FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY (January 28th) Dick Foran, the Singing Cowboy: “EMPTY HOLSTERS" Rn . Also — “THE MeGUERINS FROM Mae Booth Miller, Mrs. Leah Wright Ham Garman, Mrs. Ethel Baird, Mrs. CGuy Clark, Mrs. Frank Pow. ell ang Mrs. Bamuel Peta Mr. and Mrs visited thelr aunt A Rockey. Bunday Mr. and Mrs, George Mothers baukh spent Sunday Mothersba gh Mrs Mrs. Wil delay for settlement to BAMURL © IR Ess] or THOMAS M. TRESS. LER, Executors. Bellefonte, Pa. John son & Jobnsten. attorneys for tate ww Willis Grove of State Mrs. W NOTICE Notiee is hereby given that on the 18th day of Jenuary, 14, The Mil. at hein Lynn heim Water Company filed in the "w College Large tratrix, 301 East Bishop streel. Belle te. Pa. W. Harrison Walker at Cakes torney for estate WB Da Jal . - Mi Anna N—- Miss Al \ lS he last great atte Mi Fred EXECUTORS GH [ aii of the West! Lonheraer ie i. o JAR D HUY E11 ! e re H) ough nt ou Richard Dix D. J. Rau Pa. deceased SOAP POWDER Vietor Mi Edward testamentary on the abo ss M Ler . ng been granted 0 WB Large 23 ’" o p ed, all perso indebted : BUCKSKIN Rots the sald estate are requested to n f J = N Package (H ’" Mis immediste payment, and those hay FRONTIER ng einims or demands sgninst sale otate 10 present the sane without! at...) Gelay for «ettiement to THE DELLS tory FONTE TRUST COMPANY. Belle = AIVID tonte, Pa. and HH. O. ALEXANDER Glenshaw. Pa RD 2 The White 14¢ EXECUTORS NOTICE A Laundry Soap Bars Estate of WILLIAM TRESSLEN - ate of Bellefonte Borough. Pa. de Be, Cepaed Letters testamentary on the above BN A finale having been anted to the Waldo E. Homan. undersigned. ail toa indebted t ULTRA « REFINED attended were. the sald estate are requested to make of DB Thom. 'mmediste payment, and those hav Ot Bruce '™ ciaima or demands ageinst said . estate to present the same wWithou Bt. BLS HOLSUM PEANUT CRUNCH. . 30¢ EDUCATOR CRAX ..... ....' ' 24s ag Ro bom LIBBY'S BABY FOOD... ....... Te Milk y oun of Common Pleas of Centre » inty, its petition rreying for a - | Mr. and Mrs. John K Horner decree of dissolution. y and that a LARSEN'S VEG-ALL. rae ERY 13¢ [spent Sunday evening at the Ed- hearing on sa'd wp; tion for dis. | FTNTY ward Zerby home at Tusseyville. solution has been Op oir Rai PILLSBURY'S FLOUR meviened 50 1.31 Mrs. Nell B. Plsher is visiting her for the [Th day of Februar y. 1 her. son, 8 H. Pisher SUNNYFIELD BRAN FLAKES. 9% Huntingdon N.B.C. SHREDDED WHEAT... .. (2¢ Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Meyer, Mr and Mrs. George Fortney and Mr and family Ab of ten o'clock #. m.. when and where all persons interested may attend and show cause against the grant. ing of the prayer of the sald peti. BROOKLYN" William Bendix a ——————— ew ‘and Mrs. George E. Meyer were din- ner guests of Mr and Mrs NC |Neidigh at State College, Blnday r ge Emm Fliza Btuart ARG ee re. \ iam Garma? ! William Tracy and Joe Sawyer Spott EW * Ll o" ‘orl. | W. H Stuart FALL IN Corl. Mrs. W. W. Stuart, Mrs. John Packed with laughter ”m red Markle, Mr Prederic Dale, 0 tart to finish \ Riley Hunter and Misses Kath- LATEST FOX NEWS EVENTS ngrich, Marie Heps and Faye i Mr. and Mrs WwW. E Smith of tioner If they «0 desire C JEWETT HENRY. R PAUL CAMPBELL. Bsquires ANN PAGE MUSTARD. ..... San 12 SWEETHEART SOAP... .... 2" I3e *) INK OR COUNTRY STYLE 4 OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. +
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