Page Six = THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, May 20, 1943. FARM CALENDAR i ——————— — | RECENT |e wowsicn vim eres. | CENTRE COUNTY HOSPITAL Fo B [TUARY WEDDINGS || poms IN THE WEEK'S NEWS SEE 5. H. POORMAN ————— i ty Rotenone Is Avallable-Rotenone ik I LL -.e:r MRS. ELLEN P. COTTLE Philipsburg postoftce, died Wedries- ihaectie'ces uckofed ii quantities Monday of Last Week harged the sa yy: Mrs, John ™ io i ’ We 3 E day evening. May 13th. ot the PHE Haupt—McKivison of on bound on less dust Or pow. : a ” yop J h ae ’ } y , in : o ottle, 81, of Lock der or 1 pint or k Hguid), are Admitted Maury Jan Webster Haven, died at the Lock Haven Hos- sburg State Hospital, from a kid Miss Mary Julia McKivison, “a now more readily available exten | Bellefonte, Robert RR. Cox, Pleasant Admitted Thursday and pital Wednesday, May 12. She had ney allment, He was born at Cur- daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jumes Mc- gion entomologists of the Pennsyle Gap: Roy Ripka, Pennsylvania Fur wrecd Frida Loy Witine: wensville, August 12; 1917, a son of | Kivison, of Spring Mills, R. D., and | yunia State College report, A recent | nace, R. D J James H. and Agnes M. Ballute Am- | Robert Haupt, son of Mr. and Mn merman, Coming with his parents to | Albert Haupt, of Bellefonte, R. D. 2 — been ill since Tuesday with pneu- monia. Born in Marsh Creek, she had resdied in Lock Haven for the amendment to War Production Discharged Miss Freda Weaver ’ Board's Conservation Order M-133 Pleasant Gan Ammon Young, of past 15 years. She was a member Philip Ary in carly manhood, he at Were married In Virginia on May 7 provides for the removys: of restric Spring Mills: John Mowery, Centre of the Methodist church at Beeck tended the Philipsburg public schools | Wi h Rev. John Straub performing tions on the use and ertfication of Hall, RB. D.: Lewis Ripka, Btate Col Creek Surviving are three sons hd W graduated from the High tie ig Feretuony Mir : Hau WOre | this Insecticide in small quantities lege: Jean Lorraine Tate, Bellefonte Friday . ; 5 yal. Priox ) SSL ! si- fa de : 58 with lght blue ac- d A hast it and a daughter, Elbridge of Logan- | “*hool. brior to assuming his posi. 14 ¢ark biue cress w Promote Chick Comf: Prover R. D. 3 Admitted : Robert Wi n ASEl . , i the oon ha ow '8801 jos "Suon 7} " . Vai ' Le 1c omfort roner 4 ton, Freeman, and Mrs. Sylvester pan in i i : ro e_Ywac. beth Sg he iy Dye : SON Hy, ventilation of the brooder house Admitted Monday Kennelley of Lock Haven, and Alvie | MPOYed at thi Mattern meat mar- (the Sylvania Company at MIl Balu "to prevent possible trouble the following of Beech Creek: als dght gr ket and the Weber Furniture store, (and will continue her work, Mr nd ! ! HOwIny eecn reek; also eight grand- | , from crowding, according w poultry Millhetm children; a sister, Mrs. Harry Kitch- | He was a member of Trinity Meth- | Mrs. Haupt expect y #0 to hou Millheim g Q 2 specinlists at the Pennsylvania Stat Admitted Mo en, Beech Creek: two half brothers | dist church. Surviving, along with [keeping in Bellefonte _ renti) ti ‘4 [ sclul rr, p ‘ oy RYG are t\ . ' olieg nillalon 1 pecially Im- priday: Manuel § Harry and Andrew Watkins, Wool | his parents, are two brothers and #4 1t warm wea ny becatss 1 A cd . a4 ben | A 1 rie di \ | y siste uneral rv | N Vin Waitin had dad Wu Admitted Monda nd d har i $i ! _ A rich, and a half sister, Mrs. Han- [hee o .. ’ ] HA on eryiIce | Whiteeraft—Pletcher hel y rem Y wat from the gat ver State Bat Rom | ! Flea t .E, » nahi Chub, of Lock Haven. Puneral| U6 Caturtay 4 ero ha Miss Beatri letcher, daugh- | bullding. ©} vill crowd fron services were held at the Helt Pun- | *YY home, with the Rd r of ’ rs y Loot wa) fre y eral Hame, Sunday, with the Rev, |®Y Of Tyrone, and Res Ht of Howard | Pvt \ wie aie Poi Tuesday of Last Week oft i { i i ! ¥ » | 10 : Sefiurn L. Fi oki iy : poi ny in Philipst rg cem I ida y ol ” id ” 4 oi “ranula durelly- 0 pre \ ) 4 ya a Ih " oy 5 y I to keep your car Beech Creek A JOHN H. MAYES au r of Mr. and Mi: am May 1 oy Sos HOUWIIE & the Evangelical church of Howard, oats col men the y ' Ritsiabitmls BA Ws ‘ Tg a : IF YOU OWN A CAR, one of your wartime respon. Not Pasture 4 ’ : u | M ! vi al : ! vi y 4 ¥ sibilities 1s 0 keep it a wp notch condition : ’ ’ 1 : d 1 1 f D ist Week If you bring that car to us, our job is to belp you climbed i ir t { ’ ot aa “ i i H vil HH, ® H" f 2 an d Pils ) : ' . and res d tl ttle wi 3 M Nt i f J ‘ itinu ! i ress ' — : : . y Sia Olle N | ¥ Tad 1 by KIVINE you top-notw h, economical service, tained t ‘ 2 ew : d. Si \ ten to 4, Ly . Et a months of a pastu p dil ; ihn ber Sak ' And that's a job we know how to do! the hospita] | efforts t i , Shi i Phil } 4 Watkins A Sih ; : lefon i Plea i her life failed : ny . op | AlSO survivin LI ine ndchild 11 uth watki : Provide Emergen id y ats J EK ' {rs fant : - parents she tar. lm giv mid , ndchildren. t Mv and Ray V ati ol A. M Emi Dhisct Ledbetis f is M aye y Let our ODT approved mechanics give your car a Car i Wo 1 i ef 11 ‘ " i il wifnl | } alee y . Tr h tou ‘ § Shore, Monday aft the Rev! 7 i HeGULLE, MAE, 44 followed | oo muel ‘rabt of State? Rk Etim ae ! 3 } patient par, they know how to keep it in good runniog w 31; ! | ne [ { Lear 3 : 1 } with i! ‘ { 44) A viit ts 3 ¢ thse i { J ’ complete “car health” check, If it's a little below order Random Items mation Like the Titan Male Choru FLASH! If you need a mew car, and can qualify, we “ fe 0 o y y Ring wild bad | 1 : a fe b d ry - pp Tr RICHARD R. AMMERMAN (Continned from pege ome) iS SDen ol Il have a few brand-new "42 Packard Clippers in LJ \ stock — as well as a fine selection of low-mileage Wy , #9 A 8 War be |g A | : : used cars on which there are no sales restrictions, HEALTH AND iven a chan Hk WHATS BEAUTY ject 10 1his movie rev: tu hy there t We're ready w start serving you today! * Historian Tells of Colby Gap Murder INWARD BEAUTY S. H. Poorman Garage South Water Street Bellefonte, Pa. EATIONING y, i mo tr me that of revenge Colby i the far: Year in hel WOODWARD ¥ § Penns thr wou 44 & : OU t am —mEtoooos CE CREAM CONES are book open ie ruins of the Colby cabin, but he ran =~ wi dre BN w " \ aie i Rl oa © 5 % bois Qed : wg ate ; ras - go fast they k ; hy dpi ae b HOS v iS iu : i ard + shooting im ¥] cooler counsel Aaa sh ? S 4 re gad 80 soy '" ; h a . gl da iy 3 as ha Ww that ne never 1 iced hel py . " . . ’ prevailed. lest the stranger be some “0000 BL 's giving him a greal deal of LOUbIE, jack of beauty, Katherine hy Enjoy a cone toda mn one poor simpleton fror ttle Bugar! MIS! 3 eh Seward ns ArevEmrmsbasl ty h Bhat rsdn Sith Been Bini ' Valley, fascinated by the details of the past weck with relatiy i Pao Due. prize lor her petiormahces. iS of these delicious flavors — the crime it reh ? y J ‘ .: wide ¢ iy al uty hd "Proch ligt . rede ia ptismal ¥ » Ww » held here UNG 4 ¥ former's gre § er histroni ye : ) : : . Preah ght ny toe nue: on Sunday afternoon, there being 11 50n and daughter-in-law, Mr. and forgets to lock for perfect features or take some home tonight it by Altoon i gir . " nck 3x3 1} ri. Morr at Mifllin sutiful hal historian-arti MIS ari : ’ wi, ’ a o vi we ) of am. . 5 f base 2 gow! lod Jones-8nyder, whose husbar well bn yal Dita © EE | uw . Wesketic Ruet ££ h ry ak 1 " for th at la . by the ra M . " . . $+ heir regular nanth 1 weting P “ ’ 5 ph EDS ' 6 2g £ UD itv 4] MCR Y 0 i © ak arm 1) wali et 1 p me of r ard Lomisor \ : ' and Mrs. Roy Bower. development of good qualities. Good Cealles} . BULK ICE CREAM 2r'4 ungrn'ow al Lue poin fio Friday night : =: OX § ife and infant daught iste in dress should be cultivated. Cn —eucia tattt swash § BE ompanied him to his place of em- ¥ Wh : ic, dainty and by the Mr. and Mrs. John Sementelil and | Aompanied lis to his place of em. she can be chic, dainty and by. the VANILLA-PEANUT ROYALE Momm f wk aven, visite Po . : . ‘3 hols daar I Ty he Nore | day afternoon: overcome her physical faults Sealtest Flavor-of-the-Month Lad | (4 $i i 13 Ef 1 5 ee Mr and Mrs A D Mingle their By cultiva it Ey Confer home. Other i visitors at faughter Phyvlils. and grafdchildr ié . api sciat oo hiah Confer home were Mr. and Mrs. |of moarine Boring. were Sunday | recht o ate, io a Tig VANILLA-STRAWBERRY ROYALE MIE sou Rn of Rearing 8pring, were Sund degree, beautiful Tings. It “ pos OV 3 ' guests of his mother Mrs Lydia gible for her to have a beautiful wil- Mingle. Mrs. Mingle is scarcely able | yolce She can develop a grace of CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW ; to be about and is suffering from a movement. a beautiful carriage that Mi erna Shan pent the week- complication of ailments due to ad- will be the envy of her more beauti- VANILLA-BUTTERSCOTCH ROYALE end with he rents, Mr. and Mrs. vanced age. being past 88 years. Am- | ful sisters M. Shan mon always tries to make it as com- And, above all, the plain girl or » Stauffer of Binghamton, fortable and cheerful for his mother woman can cultivate a beautiful preached a trial sermon at ag possible and thereby obeys the spirit which will cause her to stand Orviston at 11 o'clock, and at the commandment of the Bible which out among her friends as a delight- Romola church at 2:30, and Monu- (says, “Honor thy father and moth- | ful person to be with at all times ment at 8 o'clock. He is a very able er that it may be well with thee and Let's not bemoan our plainness, but peaker. While here he was enter- | that thoy mayest live long on the let it be a challenge to us to make a tained at the Clair Butler home land which the Lord thy God giveth ourselves beautiful within and our Sealles? HOSTESS BRICKS BULK SHERBETS {3 Layer Combinatrons) AND ICES Mr. and Mrs. Roland Leitch and thee.” There are other children who exteriors will take care of them- PINT PACKAGES Mis. 1 Lee Dorman of Howara, visited should do this to get this Bible selves (2-Flavor Combin strony) Teo give vieunal and Stting supreacten *''1 11000 daughter and family. Mr. plessing Sa Vanilla Ice Cream and our and ard medium | id Mrs. Foster Walker, on Sun- he first trees are of use wit a RB Ik . i lave dig the day Wow fo DE Te fuse H KENNEDY Black Raspberry Sherbet the form must be chosen with “97 blossoms in this jocality at this writ. b oars. Comforting assurance of » Mis Joe Heichel, Mr. and Mrs. ng Mrs. Harry Lucas and sons, also Chocolate Marshmallow Ice Cream duty well performed will be yours if | Oscar Leitch, son and daughter! The arrival of the humming bird | Mrs. J. F. McCartney, were Belle- | and Orange Ice thooss a genuine Rock of Ages Were Sunday afternoon guests at the wag first noticed in this locality on | fonte shoppers Saturday orial te stand ss pour reseed VV Alter Shank home. Tuesday of last week. | Lavern Runkle is much improved Butter Pecan ice Cream and for the yours te coma Paul Lomison, who has been con-| Steward Elsenhuth and his bro |. 11. writing Cherry Ice fined to his home for two weeks, Is ther, John, were home for their us-| _ : . HOWARD able to be about again ual weekend visit | Mr. and Mrs. “Skinny” Hassley | Vanilla Ice Cream and — —————— a | and baby visited Sunday p. m. at the | Red Raspberry Ice There is nothing much wrong { Phil McCartney home. ] —. . i" 3 GRANITE WORKS with a national motto that says SNYDERTOWN | Mrs. Milford Lucas returned home Red Raspberry Ice (Simgle Flavor) FRANK WALLACE. Pres. | “Work, farm, serve or fight.” | David Dorman, son Howard, and| Sunday after spending a few days granddaughter Jane, of Aaronsburg, | with friends and parents at Tyrone. {and Mrs. Annie Lutz and Katie Dor-| Mr. and Mrs. George Dolan and | man of town, were Sunday afternooy, | children was in our village Sunday | visitors at the Ed Dorman home.) p. m. ! Evening callers at the same home’ (Callers at the J. F. McCartne J. P . 4 were Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hinds and home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. | : son Kenneth. | John Smith and daughter of Miles. | Miss Jean Deitrick of Mingoville, burg, Mr. and Mrs TE McCartney | Your Sealtest Dealer has . spent Priday night with her friend, and Mr. and Mrs. Phi] McCartney | i of the Miss Jean Walizer. g | and family. | a good Selection Mrs. Mas Heaton, son Orvis and| wee 1 Alkey, who has spent the | above flavors ready for you daughter Beulah, granddaughter ‘ winter in Bellefonte, came home to i : Patsy, and Mrs, Ed Dorman, spent! he. oun house 8 few days last week. | now. So see him tonight, Sunday afternoon with relatives Wt! The farmers are being held back ot F Ww rin r Beech Creek. 1 ood g S Flo al Ga 0 [=] 1 0 | "MF. and Mrs. John Kissell of Xl ad are Inte in getting their plant- | 127 E. How Telge BY Bellefon te Pn | Haven, were Monday evening supper | _Miss Dorothy and Louis Runkle THURSDAYS, 9:50 P.M. ho! - ’ . Fuente rth “CROTre HursHeTTer! were Bellefonte shoppers on Batur- DONT MISS THESHETEST PROGRAM; NBC Red Network. | home. | dag. - Chocolate Marshmallow Ice Cream Red Raspberry Ice Vanilla Ice Cream Cherry Ice Vanilla Ice Cream + Cherry Ice Red Raspberry Ice Butter Pecan Ice Cream Orange Ice Vanilla Ice Cream + Black Raspberry Sherbet + Vanilla Ice Cream Black Raspberry Sherbet es ms em i tf Division of National Dairy Products Corporation
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