Ma 20, 1943. Modern Etiquette 1. How can one avold appearing call attention to the fact that one | clumsy when introducing sons? 2. Is it correct States of America preceded by “Tht”? 3. Is it in good form for wear costume jewelry in where she works? 4. Where is the proper place for the bride's mother and family to be seated in the church? 6. How should a wife ask to speak to her husband when she telephones to his office? 6. When eating a baked where should the peelings be placed ; hostess to nn two per- 'of her guests 1s eating but very tle? 8 When call Lo Ol say “United should It making & Sunday a Hoon how long should stay? be a girl to 9. Where should the ash tray the office placed on the dinner table? 10. Is It for a bride-t to call her by telephon that serve proper friends request they as maids? 11. Should the man or the wo make the move to stop for sation when they meet each « fon the street? When buffet ta potato hould candles be ble? 7 Is it all tht for a - Answers to Modern Etiquette 1. The rienced | Black.” in making in two strangerts conversation. “Mr. Morgan moved to our city from St Is only when awkward pauses low an introduction that barrassment felt P 2. The correct form States of America 3. No: a only office 4. The bride's moth PIACES person Louis i wt feeling well . ' er WO SAS comments nothing any ems on it is rom fifteen wrist jewelry Lessons In English Words Often Misused le Words Often Misspelled Do ne t ) We chance for Succe Po not office SEY Do not SLOries his ia Words for thi PROLIFIC; servi Words Often, Mispronounced tise especially Eczema, Pronout y BS fA Dre met, se DISCRIMINATE e as In stressed lable, ne I Abdome: ciation place Coyote kite, 0 as } lable: or, kKi-0-t unstressed and acc lable Appall. Pronounce a-nol in at, second a as in all, acce syllable Archives Pronounce in ah, 1 & five, accel L¥ rege 3 TRUCULENCE: suvageness, i manners: ferociousness rst syllable as truck) features seemed of her ar-kive harsh truculence "Mrs ¢ irst syl-, Ward Hum Il Jive u lit- ter one 8 be o-be ¢ to brides man convers- ther used late nest v het. # as Of (Pronounce Every curve to XPress _..hhage should stand 20 to 24 inches . wv phnry . » World of Religion (Continged from page two) over and the military clique nc er n power viction that again be o “The tional in the Harknes tute, Evanston ta 4 there is 1 Hes a grea cht Orga woria of Europe 1 have desert bloom church 1 of a new where there is a and a spirit of frien The church great respons in bringing abo ship undergirding i ual world community peace become lasting this world.” At » Civilian Wall Paper Cleaning y be gone with a Crud Otherwise rv « : ' — t ui brush « paper wilin o 8 rubber cleaning paste but strokes with Thus can reality in the Isang tO 8 dirt sponge Be sure n porous ot NYeLsT Pi Bervice | light remove he Public of the wa To over i Waller ean rT a Some poy with (~ We Have Just Added Another Carload of Memorials to our already large stock of finished work, If inter- ested m placing a memorial before May 30 we invite you to call at our yards in Lemont and inspect the ma- terial and workmanship of our line of work. — It will be a pleasure to assist you in making a se- lection of a memorial for your lot. A visit to our yard will place you under no obligation whatever to place an order, We Specialize in Rock of Ages Barre Granite ! 3) _____THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five "FARM AND HOME ——————— i CULTURAL PRACTICES weed, thin, or | when the follage 1s | wet, says County Agent R. C. Blaney, ! I'he tiny microscopic plants called fungl, which cause plant leaf spots, pod spots, and frult rots, are spread from plant to plant much more rap- idly when the foliage 18 wet than when ft Is dry Therefore, to cut down the spread of diseases in the garden, it ls advisable to keep ont it when the plants are wet | Twq years ago, in a field of celery | which had spinach planted between | the celery rows, a worker dragged his jacket over a row of celery which was wet with The row was left untouched had dried off Jacket was dragged over it wt time the plants from which was untouched while nrge as Do not cultivate pick vegetables | of adjoining until after | and then the | At the we dew the dew Ame ’ were more than twice a those in the ind thelr Thi inced the grower it {8 unwise to cu POW ac joining row quality was much better onstration cony tween oeler foliage complet Many other bean antl cucumber teht apart 1 i ney may stand 18 to 4 the row. Pephers, apart in and inches egepiants should and cucumbers at least | apart } inche apart in the row f three plant Ml AI spart MULCHING garden straw time render y which the garg mav have on hand. A mulch or lawn trimmings between the re not only eontrol the snil tire other mater atnee will of tomatoes will weeds ONSOTVE mols during the driest part of the summer £11 Few x Teuit " # he will keep the Ifrul up off th thus resulting in more even of th ] om and and but ground rivening damage {r e tomatoes abd ie rot and insect GARDEN BEANS are important mgvivania and importance foods of meat and cheese are other fools high In likely to be Scarce R. C. Blaney Beans of garden crop they attain t than usual that protein iy the form miioned and vitamins are County Agent that at least some bush beans if possible some other types, she be included in all gardens this year Beang are not exacting in their soil requirements but do best on a warm, well-drained, and thor- oughly prepared soil. A stiff clay soll fe less desirable, partly becatise of the difficulty the plants have in get- ting through the ground. Beans do not require nearly the amount of fertility that is necessary for the leafy crops. such as lettuce and ol lerv. Too much nitrogen tends to produce excessive growth. Manure, or a complete fertilizer, is most de-| sirable and if the latter is used, good results may be secured by placing {the fertilizer in a little furrow about 12 inches away from the row of bean | needs i | Manv gardeners plant beans thick- | lv to insure a stand and then neg- leet to thin the plants properiv. A poor crop is likely to result. Bush | snap beans should stand 2 to 4 inch- | oq anart in the row and the rows iehould be ftom 2 to 3 feet avart | [Pendererene is a good greenpodded, | and Brittle Wax a yellow-podded | variety of bush bedns for home gar- | deners to use | 11 pole beans are desired, the var-| wlieves and iid very | INR rolled, frie ir boldled It can in cornmeal Or other cereal stand | dotted {daughter Faye, and Mrs plan to compact the sol) slightly after planting. Frequent but shallow cultivation is desirable until after blooming. It is important that gar- leners do not harvest otherwise disturb the bean plants when re with dew rain THREE BONES homemuake; for or they wet ul The bones needs three stul keeping of 10Me wecount According to Miss Helen 8. Butler, home economics xtension representative of Centre ounty, these three bones are: wish- ane vision; a backbone whieh Carrying on in spite of and a funny bone that from worrying and spend- Loo many precious minutes look- for missing pennie her a if Oun is sucee for keeps het IiMiculties teeps her ing in homemak ue Wincom mcome and 1" » bw salted, dippe in mik, then rolled the top tmked in the mince with and VEE Leftover fish ¢ into 1 Ix FL ¢ ' RUNVILLE ted leston, W. Va Runk Harrisburg, and Milllard Hancock of Philipsburg ited at the John Purl home on afternoon. Edward Ham en of Sun- % wk as day been around My family Richard Cun Mrs. Sallie F bi i able writing very K again at and M were Frank Bennett and dinner gu A Hl the on Sunday with TUS OMe irl visiteg Bessie iay visiting Walker Dovie Fetlier- Myrtle slater Miss Watson Is with her Mrs Grace Mrs. Richard Furl and visited with home Jolks at town on Sunday The Children’s Day program coms- mittee have commenced to praciiee for that service which will be held some time in June Bunday school next Sunday mormn- ing at §:30 Preaching service at 10:30. Everybody welcome Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Walker returned home last week from Houston, Texas, where they visited their son and wife, Cpl Ci. Harrison Walker a————— Mardhmallows When it Is desired to melt marsh ma'lows, place them in the top of a double boiler over hot water Wanted! Men And Women Whe Are Hard of Hearing To make this simple, no risk hear- son and | Housewives Can Use | Over Billion Food Jars Buve that empty pickle, mavon nalse, or coffee Jar! You can use it again in home canniog A lot of the 1.500,000000 re«usuable Jars that glass manufacturers making for commercial food pach this year will find thelr way your kitchen. They'll come in sl One with a mouth 63 (about 2% Inches) in diameter other with a mouth 70 mm 4% Inches) in diameter Maybe you've always jars from the store a thrifty housewife by doing the patriotic a ure ern into two min Liu tabout saved empty because you're This vei Just using commercial time economy Re-use Screw Caps Too Ev the with metal screw come the No Rubber Rings Needed i Ve ) Prepare Caps, Jars, Lids Use Any Canning Method Open-Kettle ¥ the ft Method a Cooking in the Jar K Us hot the top Wipe the top and screw thread { each jar 3 Beal f ] Te way » LEH Ld EEE ER Pa the ru i 0 WE Jai We th v enantio fa tee ly #47 Ar UTINeGIAIEeLY Remove Caps When Cool v the 7 y 1 Test for Leakage Mr. and Mrs. Miles Ken Stauffer and Claude of Ohio HOLTS HOLLOW P. 8taufler spent the weekend Mra. James of Clearfield Sunday Charles over Mire called at the Friday Recent visitors son home were George and Omvis Mr and Mr M ( Rerw daughter of Gum Stump, Mr. and Mra. William Howell and children of tunville, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wat- son and sons, Mr. and Mrs, William Rachau and O. V. 8hol Milesburg, Rev. Shuey, Mrs. Walle? Sweitzer and daughter of Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheesley and fam- ily of Howard, Mrs. Lee Johnson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burd, and Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Watson and family Mr. and Mrs Bd Heaton entertain. ied relatives from Bellefonte on Bune day Charles Poorman, Alice and Beckie Poorman, Lee Johnson and grand- {daughter called at the Boyd John- 1%0n home at Buffalo Run on Sunday Recent visitors at the Roy Leath- ers home were Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Leathers and two children of Mt ‘Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lucas] fand children of Moose Run. Our revival is in progress now with good interest. Everyone welcome tO {share in these services, i Laundering Quilts | Quilts should be laundered in Miller Arthw the J 71 Mrs Clair Sh Lucas of Yarnell al AWN ICY ang * SGT, oO: 1 i i : 3 : SPRING MILLS fu Nd guest Mit WHE 2 Mi Mr Hall Albrigi on of Milihel WL thee JHA Hhel Week Pau wna A Lion Public Sales Saturday, May 29 WILLIAM HAD LS H. L. HARPSTER AUCTIONEER Prompt attention given all sales PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLE, PA L FRANK MAYES Auctioneer General Real Estate Sales A SPECIALTY! CALL BTATE COLLEGE, 2842 Why not have the benefit of competitive bidding in the sale of your propery. Past experiences have proven that public sales of estate demand high i read A number of Farms and several Residences will be offered al public sale In the near future, Watch for Dates! fry 8B Helsey officiating Mr wt Millheim ¢ fie lady and had many mane Legal Notices SOTO ADMINISTRATOR'S Get More Out Of hat Jouve Go To Your CHEVROLET Dealer for will pre~ fror mettie Er, Clear 51 EXbot Fics NOTICE ray a { he Sw 7 ry WAGNER'S Quality Flour & Hurd Wheat Paul Flew WA Our Best Flour 4 Blend NERS WALNFEK'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat Scratch Ryvdes Cream Calf Meal Eshelmans Dog Feed All kinas of high protein feeds for mixing with yom own feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA. Get more mileage out of every gallon of gas! Get more mileage out of every Get more mileage out of part of your car! quart of oil! Get more mileage out of every single tire! every Jeties Kentucky Wonder wax pole it [5,103 3 agiue ing | warm, sudey water and rinsed thor an, or py ETECTL head noises due to hardened or coag- (oughly in clear, warm water, Hang nole beans, or the Dwarf or Prench | ulated wax (cerumen), try the Our lthem up to dry in a shady place. { Horticultural shell beans may be 8° Hoine Mothaa est han 40 mank i1f they are shaken several times { used again. You must hear better after while drying, they will not require] : {pressing. However, if you want to OUR MOTTO: “SATISFIED CUSTOMERS” Lemont Marble & Granite Works L. FRANK MAYES, Proprietor LEMONT, PA. ———— COUNTY CHEVROLET CO. Cor. Allegheny G Bishop Streets Bean seed should not be covered MARIE this pAunple at or Wag a: too deeply, an inch to an Inch and | Your mogey back at once. abou [press the quilts, do so lightly with a | a half being sufficient. Ii is a G000 Doss Sie Drove today at Parrish | warm iron on the wrong side, Bellefonte, Penna. —— —— a 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers