THE, CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, May 201943. Page Four ~The Centre Mewocrat, Tart ve you notio erence | ' IE || eh & Nazis Face HAVO Sh Hlinis Glin Bm LOUISA’S FriceE § AT LETTER z RELLEFONTE, PENNA. I j : I" Pp ight of 1917 : | i on “A Little Nonsense Now snThen, . — , Ins Relished by the Winest 100” ——— Dear Louisa thie five can plant but it work th and all of band gets at nine in the Mmoming Of course, if 1 take thi that I ea alwa children nnd gel work will mean first part the afternoon off at the young oldest four in a defense that 1 have of the night My hw to work hn ve being teen 1 will probably I Nazi cam hs est fh Oe °Vi . Forethought sweetheart a package of flower seeds Wh thew 1 Ciet to A Beotehman tuation w direction Furomx IX and goes he it vou will have a nice bouquet for your Mihdaay * 4 0 In a Bad Way man lant these now and : will things . but it will WALKER BROTHERS......... Proprietors {sive, which woul he last bid Also little of my Tiptoeing A. 0. DERR ae Editor ami} i Nites en wh What's the matter Oy } i ‘14 . { i tn Hive omiortabily PAUL M. DUBBS crrreess Associate Editor "oe | in a Stale Tt have muy tomar No, T ain't lost JECIL A. WALKER fob It mean buy lots of we have n Msturbed the hridegnom wanted The of the beget worri tenance fH Mean seeing vers up Bike M4 Hi De Whispereo band Eras blurted ou m vo' all sees Business Manager ‘ne he Pe nih yy J . ve D: iairie | io, 1 1 Jo ng.» blurted ou MOTHER * 0 0 Last Installment the leadis “ LARS Kaiser Faced the Problem Histor reve i th K Issued weekly every Thursday morning. Renera nade the he m ble a v af Entered in the postofMce at Bellefonte, Pa. ae t nt § M second-class matter, L144 Same oer and tal AIM hom » ildren. No pavine TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ul a daention of making a Hving 10 how he be asked the f $1.50 per year if pald in advance : ! Query & Answer Column Hem, & you admit that your 1 ne,” said ne. He's geting $2.00 per year & 9 Golden Gloves t wa Fw n ent if not pald In advance — NN ————— Ww 1nhaerd Mainly printed dits are given The date vour mn the label bearly by a change the d of of each month. We send no receipts unless upon special re- guest. Watch date on ) you remit Matters must reach The Centre noct ce not Tuesday l week, Adver- * 0.9 tising copy received day morning must run | ir AVe-yent i Super Sudsy Pda chances \ Cat : the Sun : A ’ Hent i {i it { ro HOCK, act : nother CAre { voor will be rut & my bn ’ coved 5 viv of he All . Legal cents on | ue for publ advertising, later than i n I noon to ir Germans Must Settle With Hossain (*) are advertisements 10 reading not notice state advertisements, per line Bubscrit tying us All subscrip directed 8, and not no- unless otherwise NATIONAL €DITORIAL _ 4}- «ASSOCIATION - 0) lioe Hen A KR . CIRCULATION OVER 7,000 COPIES EACH WEEK * oo 0 Conversation "EDITORIAL * oo o Back to the Bug House pe was fishis He had s Alone Will Reve Plan af a food, his are the fourth.” ® & 9 Oh. Brother wr al : junatic, , his disposition summer, baby oes not need ale much 5 food can bw 1940 how M 155 ostrich utters hares mor bis P “ey rT and came ih : . men to moe . . A Ri She ap- A Frye y Now that it might the Victory oes more money ever Pre Riven Ir ee & 9» and Coffin it tn Restland for 3 4 : ie New Sentech York's have honor ut tr his the cathe Win the gath Nazghs Cannot ry YOU. my 200d That is to pury rica Yor its thorough- town who dies I, facDuffie burial one went home Chat- thirty-two Scotchmen The Mau nd people Ness personally He sat tering } WHY POTATOES ARE SCARCE Mans sew ive most y . : . Ther. : TO bx low normal 5 evers why ommitt silioentiv oiv. nr lig iy babies when they are Dotatos hel & MH » A Nothing in Stock before t hardware store a monti ‘ Ren field (Mae Mas (1 ng inte Clerk Man Clery baby's Wick, gis skin oF inn for ton ong One minute, sir” potaln supply entalied With demand fn potatoes thar y ‘ * . ibans Hard worke want rntot ert : \ y } 5 ! i J Ay SCTIPLio; ¥ ra The past striae Bp 4 wn ye ¥ hey f +) } $ fryer! 3 r | remeteries into the influx of crops hing Don't stand th have to catch a bus mg ere wasting time We waste few ninutes exposire 0 Pat] k Oh, sorry, sir that haven't a ®¢ oo 9» Big Orders man swinging & Co today enthusiastically 13 OY ap rect su gradually increased, it the potato 4 ay it shold be Anne Baby insects Bummer i= a pre ~~ vee of mkne wolddiers should be protected from all Pranee? yey in by a netting Well Cot reported t ton orders he new sales muntily into the home healthful time for others these office from Hardit But soldiers contain Unknowy early . a bien. some benefited the American Soldie; bal t A Fine, fine.” said the sales manager one to get * & » Out Our Way walching the milkman performing his duties). py § : : are over.exposnd y iy he tate aft " Froth $e 4 § i f ’ p ¥ SEY ELF ’ thie wials i A » hee relieved vid * § a p 4 erm py WwW t 1 ! 5 wa’ DO YOU KNOW in ’ ' f ’ Bmalinox, which 150 vears ago mankind, is exten Russia the Logical Target said the salesman out and the other to stay nEge ahold other «tats of wk 4H ie Defense w greatest seoturge of 3 enitirely eradicated in mans Visitor Milking the attieahip? Cow Milkman give areas Arthritis, or ints, ARMY PLANES WITHOUT Army was © ‘ GAS £ by y 1 OH : i ak ti he wooden deck a } unch a gv ‘ ' ART we N it 3 it approximately 2% which The Under 8 grounded for This, it of Washington in ‘he Patterson mens gas but the purele The Depart are taken in Lime an ry 8 { i Be a she g Of v age of 100-octane gasolis nel “ther ' Et d vol il has been followed Wen \ RA { the whole 1 doy ould fensive will be mat H alenrseed } hstsinst rel ’ , vi bani Fran. Ties wi moment might 3 Whether th y omg al h ! 1 lv ranzlated from fant than any the rubber « production mid to show up marked] Program was i 1 gasoline program parently he joins those who believe that fers, in his des a record. has taker machin needed both {or ’ hin gasoline : inches it = made of Mat i inflammation of the cripples more than 6.500 000 in the United Slates and more dave from work than industrial accidents Naw, just feeling her pulse * © o Help, Please The calendar says today is Thursday. But pesterdar, today was tomor. row. Tomorrow iz Friday If today is tomorrow, and tomorrow is Friday, today is Friday. Aw. heck! cretary of War Patter Wires Shas $i on b wricls wear Yo Decks Upon the 15 years lanes were ¥ lark teakwood ast about DETRONS roms Lo 1 ' t seriotie chine it Niza the (Germa y open uy Ie yellow pine or Do ir last from eight to 10 years rane 1st in Afrion? - wl native to any part of Africa ——— if the lines from Goethe's Faust used in the EXTENSION AIDS WITH dren FARM LABOR PROBLEM wient rr * 4 9 “Give me 48 points and you can have my asperated delicatessen man today * & » Most people nowadays have more respect for oid “BOAT” San with a store.” moaned our ex- so Tair Act 5 On free sol] stand Linger awhile, 538 to 541 in consumption of milk? ffuld milk was 178 7-10 By action of Congress the agricul- “ay tural extension service of the Penn- nes That's all, folks age if it's bottled per capita signed the responsibility for the re. cruitment, training, and placement of Iabor for farm work in the State J. E McCord has been named State supervisor of emergency farm Iabor tn head the program Emergency farm labor committees are being organized in every county, and county placement centers are | being established where farmers may register for needed labor and where persons who desire to work on farms! may enroll rive Hes by developing a ita eonsumpplion of Be ion of the alliance at home capita ¥ imption of Aerial Aftacks Damaging sftarks the Chapter was visited hy Miss Jeanette Vrome, nursing consultant from the National Headquarters, and Donald Clinrk, field representative also from the National Chapter RED CROSS NURSE SUBMITS REPORT FOR TWO MONTHS Has wes name of Davida mother mentioned anyehere in un Aering rors CX ore rivid was the son of Jesse the name of nowhere recorded in the Scriptures not mentioned to make ombal re " ‘ re damage tn Amie gent At a meeting of the Red Cross Nursing Activities Committee, held in the nursing room in Petrikin Hall | Inst Thursday afternoon, at which | Mrs. B. J. Beezer presided in the ab. sence of Mrs George B. Thompson, [who is a patient in the Philtpshurg State Hospital, Miss Bertha Rimmey, chapter nurse. gave a report for the months of March and April i A total of 251 visits were made, and the loan closet was recondition. | ed by the members of the Bible class of the Presbyterian Sunday school, supervised by Mrs. Otto Cor- Iman; the Associated Charities fur. inished glasses for two children of | school age. and the State Council of | “w ir 1. W.--What ia is renewed like the eagle's?” Ana This eagie soars into the mouiting its MK A Ans been de nnd « have ¥ oy agin : jean bombers +b inte: ‘re STOLE ; i meant in the Bible by the expression “Thy youth Rig pounding excite pppreciation nrodue refers to the ancient superstition that every ten years the fiery region” and plunges thence into the sea, where it acquires new life the geographic center of of mean German slow munitions, hye ow tion STALIN FOR “UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER” Because Joseph Stalin Pre soldiers In January the boundaries of m ation of the Soviet Moravia, Karelia, some the war when the Nazi been expelled from Soviet soll The idea should be exploded, if anvthing explode it. by the statement of the Pemier on Mav Ist, when he stressed the contribution that the United States and Great Britain making defeat of Germany and endorsed “unconditional surrender” in the following words: “Ia it not clear tha’ only the complete rout of the Hitlerite armies and the unconditional surrender of Hitlerite Germans can bring Europe to peace?” ¥ ws bore aT recur miler of Russia sted Br centers he i Corman invaders in February promised the liber sia, Lithuania, Estonia, Lat insisted that Russia would quit order ta Nn : feathers, «Where 8 The position of the geographic center of the termined by the United County, in Northern ‘ ap send ard sion of the -_ irmament and WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windvisem Polley Protects You From Financial Loss. See | John F. Gray & Son General loser One of the ways to begin beating | the Jape in the Bouthwest Pacific Fou involve the recapture of all of New Guinea. Why not? _ menn glow de irmies in the field f the nerial of to redouble itably ¢ Reich importanes o should our efforts to make it effective. The significance of opening a two-fromt war, in complete stride, ix to be found in the doubtinl ability of the Nazis to stand such a strain. The length of the struggle ‘with Germany | lL {will depend. in large degree, UPON! A sn per cent increase in the nim. tniokl which i the United States? United States States Coast and Ceodetic Survey as Kansas, in Intitude 38° 50°, Jongitude weyinn fre ! font of th The fensive Ukraine, White via commentators hax Smith #8" 35 lead us to Hine vil » fon — PENN STATE SELECTED AS MULES| SPERCL-TRAINING CENTER | The quickest way to lose our wars | is to put civilian desire above mili- tary as. IV needs Aare fo the EXPECTS GREATER USE OF HORSES AND As part of the government's re. | The public acceptance of the unesnditional surrender policy of the Anglo-Americans by the Russian dictator ought to end the fears of timid souls in this country-who have suggested the possibility of a str prise peace between Germany and Russia which would jesve the United States and Great Britain to finish the war alone If this is insufficient the fact is that Stalin referred to reports in- dicating that “the Germans would to conclude peace with Creat Britain and the United States of America under conditions of their separation from the Soviet fon, or, ¥ versa, they would like to make peace with the Soviet Union under conditions of a separation from England and the United States’ of America” and added “The German Imperialists have their own vardstick, presuming that one of them would fall into the trap.” Pe like fey s 13 iC : " iy cert. the magnitude of the pressure CXPT "ber of horses and mules may be ed by the Anglo-British forces dur necessary to win the war. ing the next six months, | C. A. Burge, livestock extension specialist at the Pennsylvania State 1% College, says that some authorities worth more money than character pps 4 continuation of the war for in professional life there is OMe 4, years will require at least 18.- thing wrong with the profession. 000.000 horses and mules to work on - ———— farms in producing the fod Deed. 4 Whenever a racketebring idea - Let's not put is over: what the job requires 12000000 horses and mules ieitigens of wounded veterans, habilitation program to make useful the | Pennsylvania State Ooliege has been | selected as a speech-training center for service men with facial or head | too much faith in ed. At present the farm power re-| [plans to keep the peace, when this sources in this country Include aboit | WRr i ‘ sid l= (injuries have been surgically repair. | |is power and the readiness to use it. | 500,000 tractors. ! injuries, According to Dr. Herbert Koepp- Baker, the College will train instruc. | tors for speech work in hospitals, | and may also conduct classes ospec- | ally for the service men after their | LAZY LIVER Mar sanes uneasiness which results in Pilimeness, Bick Headaches and Avis Istoxicntion, Luebert’s Laxative Tablets Are a purely vegetable combination, which A. G. Luebert, P.D,, Coatesville, Pa, 3 ite : i the Blind refitted one child wien | Phone 91.0 Reliatonte, Pa. glasses During the two months’ period the | ———— J. M. KEICHLINE INSURANCE AGENCY One of the Oldest Agencies in Centre County EDW. L. KEICHLINE Phone 2521 — | Temple Court
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