r!?T!ww,ww TV "" 'nsv rr-i.'Jiiv iV$ W- "Vfe-MSSUVJi Vr-i'vlV J EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER U' 1022' Mffi " I , , UJ ft . - ii i ii f' ' H! r 14 iy-iuicri,i HOLD-UP IN ME CLERK'S MS F UNO ll jLft UGLA ESI CT Twe Werk Calmly in Drug Stere While Scores Pass By en Street The Following Pianos Have Been Taken in Ex change for Our Match less Cunningham Grands, Uprights, Players and Reproducing Pianos, and Are New en Sale "With Many Others. Payments Will Be Accepted te Suit the Purchaser UPRIGHTS S325 Blake & Ce.. $ f-in rlar iKben.v) IfelLtV VUP "M JLJJ.SLK $567& SHOES JS&SSn W.LJ)euglas shoes are actually demanded year after year by mere people than any ether shoe m the world BECAUSE w' T" reBlns 7ms been nmiviiiK' MirtMisHiiifriy $4000 IN CLOTHING STOLEN U'oed shoes ler ftirty-slv yours. TUU I experlenee of nearly half n century in mahliiK shoes suitable for Men and Tc. i.U.rs m1Ke.1 ..ilinh Info Ir-1 -vemeii In all walks of lifts .should win'- iliiirinne. "ii lie hw-y wr ' mean Mimt-tliitii; te yen when you rr.u.Lfnril nvi'inie "1 Si'l'm Mr"r ' tired shoes anl are looking for the. lavt nlslit -md ln'1.1 the i1tU' at th- be.st slioe tiiluch ler your m eucy. point i.f n pi-tul wluli' Ui' iiii'M " 85 $325 Chase Bres., $ (llfism-uetl) 95 S3iOHallct& :ivis. Sn "' 'Baa (Mahogany)" $340 Weaver Piane, S (Maheanj) $400 Chick erintr, & Sen. 31 9 H $125Sche- macker Piane Ce., S- (Mahegitr 150 i7j7j7HH? $450 J. & C. Fischer, $ (Mahesar er, $1 7C $450 Wegman Piane, $1 OA (MaheKan)AV,V QEg $175Bellak Piane, $5?AA (Mahnzany) 8500 Sterling Piane, $?JC Mltp Sen UsUiXj (Mahejrant ) $500 Sterv & s240 (Mahogure) $525 Lester Piane, S9CC I ke Nr- LJJ (Mn!iegan ) $525 Lindeman & Sen, S' l.lkr Sen (Mahegan) !275 Ued E8-Nete Player Pianos $750 Decker & SSfltt Sens, V)'7C SeMSi '" Lit O (Mahegan) ) Ml $750 W. Y. SS35SA Kimball. S 90C mum - -N- 60 J f Mahejfiiti ) mgm lifTM! $750 Heward Piane, SQt: 1 t.. f 9stJ (Mahnijain ) SS0O Siery & Clark, $7C; (Mahegan; ) SS25 Sluj ve 'ant Piane Ce., SO 7C 1 'I .. (i' J i J (Mahupam ) $$50 fice. Steck & Ce., $971; (Malieganj) . t 1. . 1... civil resMiT ii"'' """ i'"""" "" ' I'lTip! i'"i' pei'K" '. l'r-im niii" ilf'it. Hern, in Si'ia'ii litKkt'l. Il.m lim !("!. Ins l',i Minis mnni'. .mil iriitn 'h- nthiM. I mt'l. M' rm. !.(!. tl..n u t T. 'Ill- Mi t(V i.ter MclMi',1 then mintiHT .U0. Ni. . ii'titnrr win In tlie en- at tiic timi- of tlie ri'l'bi-y. lmi iniiin ppieii were 1 .iiii.' en tin- -tf"' '1'1" '"! " i '.t- tun willxlr" i I M-nni: nicn. itK- 1 111 .nlll M(W of tl. 'l'(Vf!ll"l .111" ..cnrcl f. li" in it" I"1" !" "" ' ',"'' juli in ll pmtv lut of 'li In t!i" pn'" i.ail Ih-pii fmiiin. , TIipu tlirv linMiMiul te uti .1 1. n ! it inline r.n S.'ll.r .tr.-.t iin.l - I i.w.mi. 't'li i lblii r invuircil .it 1" " ' e". ler '.;, IlciMiers ri- T(.iitiM()ilv Wl .mi In- inhl.tT-i .mi'e in 1 wrt ..ut f unit en Ui. 'in. M" t'ei-nil' '. -"I tin in-irmnK. " - T vilUe.l ' ' " t iii-iii e'lr l.)cl Ins pMel iikiitiM i ' , rn'leii..'li aii.l '-I me te lifi K up M."ui -' tin. w ill IV' :i iiiet.i'-nt I tli-'iu'l 1 .a -mi.r K'nd of a l"l ' "T'ii- li Hew who wiv -..'ukiIiiii: i mi : til-- etii. p en- t" ci t tin- i-.i'i ' i tle- pi.'s. vieluin il--p.il .in "it. .ni.l ,v I i w.is scin" tlii' tn- win) w i I ir. fel.l in -. luili'l ii r i i v i. I lui.l. I I itin.'.l lilln litt.-M . .nt- 'l nt t r te k'.l it c' 1 -1 I 'i I'M j i ii in - .ni tull or li.i-l. Il.iml iv nil i' ism.' II. Ui. n Ihrhm ;eiiiu tln-iiiu'i in iiii-l,.'-, nil tin- inn.- ' iil.ii, ij: tin- n -iC.iin-r inv stdjiin.'li wit'i en- I. .md lip S". ". tint m rlii '.:i-.I n leli u I l :i I In iitKill-pt p. 1-ct II- hud in. l,n'liP. n-;,imt tin1 ill n tl.p ti-nit nf tin- i-t p. will'!'.- .in. - lmi' i-..nlil l,,i" s -..i i , ri,,. tl 'it'' II -pi moil in ii Inir.-j iiinl i II-i-d .i t'p- ..in- in tl . hi.-'; te ln'i-i-v n . M'-. v1i.iiiIi.i. i. i . v i.. .i in il I. -ll) i-'ll nmtn. IukI j i-i lmi' te i. ' ink .in.l lut 1 ilinwn ei.t M(ii. I . . ii n-ll tli" nidi), r th it if Ii. -. ii ' 1 ui i:i l.i- gun lii .vii.nl makp . pr- .iu i' r bin. Cut e wii- i, In. at tli it . I.p(, n-p i ii'li. i- id ',1 ii. 1. I'.ii'l .sl". mi. p. c I i i in. m-. -lrnwn out of ("In-- i-hi-i '.i n--"'iiiii Hut I'- lift t'.ii .it Jinm 'n ii h" tut tn Mipprr I ni( lis anil Clnlliiti!; stolen I'.'.i'V of flip I'nil .ir.il I ;.i:i,--r" !--til le" .r. re'.tn.l In :- It a 1 1 . i. r md M. t 'eriiurU -in.l t ici s .1. M rilnns ll ni. ilit- "-.Mir te nil jm'ip,. (Iistt-I. t- imp "f the lelilipi-i :i)ip,m-i n I" i'b ii tiineti-i'ii ji-.n- old, -lUlrlv eii-r ith" fni fill, .mil wen- ii L'm own . -.itnl i ii 'I'iip etlii-i w.im alient U' .it two ; irs ..Id. II. w.ii.' n brown m-.-r -it. .ml :t fi-'t lint, it ml win ale'' 'ivp fi'pf pIpm n nw ln-s t i'I Teh.- liim.liP.I iliri of itipii -i f r. ,.ml two mi. ks wr- -lel.-i ti tl . l..t'. in-; f.nt.-n .11 liil.t i I' I.. ' uiiu' '.. II I n . ') ..(!- 7J.I M 111 ft -tri rt. l.l-t iiIl'I I I'ip treu iTt w rp Imih'p.I i, ii i - i pfp f-'ter tn loin; bteii,:l te t lir ii - di-p!" i -en- in i' 's i n I US ''"lipei'll llll-l IIP.' of ill. i ,t- 'In t1 i'ii". ilrmp tli" iii.-.i 'inn . j", TllC le'lilllj li Mllll-.l 111 silMlll n i i, t-i. .- nt .," me pin !i TWO V(II"- pi .1i' 11- -,- , lltn - reblnd -.(cr.ll I eii-i j ji il,, s. t rrti i an ei liu-iin diiilti. tin- l.--i i. ll.' I .III I ll ll HW.'ll. III,. I I itl'.'l Milind ill '1' ,i;r .Ml" at met-. !l in ."(' i. On nrriw.s .i liei.-i- t. t. ,!,; t' ten i tit t' m lnid l..' ti -out l.i in.iUi i-p-p.i r- te tli" i.ief i." tin iij -tan- me n A- tin- i'in v nt.- ..' M' id- mi I iii li i ir- III .'I kit "f tools tin sin Jlli ,e'i , II- .'11 1-1(1. L.ir, i " i . t i . mi "loon i. i n Ifl lit tin li .. i t' Mi M M il ,i Ii -.-n, l'.i.i" W'uite-i --..i. i-. I i i tip li.id . ..iii" i 'i ,i', . i. -mis en t, . ill. I lloer. lt.i- tin- i ii-ji li.nl ;iii' Ul-tiuri Mrs. U.i.ii i.iid no titth i .itt.-i.tteii ti llii-h' V, li. ii tip y li-.'r tin- Inn-.- sin- liiip.' !Iiv a I r -let! :u iiiln.il .r s"nO. tiu-(l : i-i n- I '! b- fii ran-.' . ip .1 ' ( i l.ith:ic ii'id i"-Pii . miiPil .it -sui M ... . i... r i t ... , :i .a- -i i. -n ir.-in -ii-- n. ui. p ei i.eiiiin.' f i. iii. ill", C.'!n '-nth t'.-nlisl. -trn't, h I'm ii i" i wlin lerpul entri-.i. tl r. sh ,t tp.-n- w . nlew . 1'" i. uis et liiiluu,; wrr" s"e!p-i f' il'l til" 'III eW of till- Sliii-P 111 .l'H.i i' -pn. nun w i-t i.iiiini ,i. a i ii if i!ip t!u-t liad s'lia-lu'd jt w.'li ., In h. ' 1 1 " i 'uidr. n -f 'I 1 1 li.i s. i i, Jsiti i mil Mini I,, 'i i ni- I - p- t I i'I -P-Sll ll '-t- ill lit. IP ,1 " t--'.- i i e.n 1.1 1. : n.; t. Mi . , I; .! iiit-e-t ,t f e ' 1 1 WL.DOUGLAS 8c S' style.qual ' lty, materinl nnd Averkiniinshin are better than ever before; only by cvainininff them can j ou aintreelate their .superior qualities. W.L.DOUGLAS !" re put inle ii of our HO .stores at factory cost. AVe de net nialce one eent of jirefll until the ithees tire sold te you. Tt is worth dollars for you te Knew that when you buy shoes at our .stores , . ., -.. Ne Matter Where Yen Live YOU PAY ONLY ONE PROFIT, shoe dcalcrwenn supply you with "V.L. Douglas hhee.s. lnet con venient teesill atone of our Hteres ask your dealer forV.L.13oti(f ferV.L.13oti(f forV.L.13eti(f las Nhees. Protection against unreasonable profits is guaran teed by the name anil price stamped en the sole of every pair before the shoes leave the fac tory. Itefuse substitute." . The lrleesare the name everywhere. IK NOT FOfl OALE IN YOUR VICINITY, WRITE FOR CATAI.OO. Mm . WiWuK I My iv' :,"-') JR illllll I f LmrA' llSSL-i :.VM rf ! TrTfft H M iL 'T'li&Wjll w-iKNsSt PWisdPi boys v XlJ IwSwiW SHOES Wp' $4.00 & $4.S0 I Egjli!lMBiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiim t.m.itiinnMi; hi i 1 F- d I I VJ'i AUCUST sS Trni ML -zz&ss ' ua m l . jjth t&3 W.L.DOUGLAS PEGGING-SHOES AT 7 YEARS OF ACE. A?b EtfLitjL ,W!-DoutU.C3heCo, COr fUiGitfeTMteA 210 Spark atr..t. - ? Orockten, Mui. A delicious drink with all the feed value left in - "v y v rHOCOLATE Made by Makers eflfhitmitn's ChoceUttl Finix i ... i. - rAIIP.llIITP.l J..r.. ... . n..v Iaii.i. HHi.'.. ' 'HMtCl MLi'l lw liLtlur: 1PIO ." nu uci. ti i- fcvwi i.t.i r.i,,H,r j Tl I H IV.L.UOtigltUI filCfS, l.r U-Tearrt rorcieini, ngntw eiM te Ignite Uutqulch wlllii, iimcH ftm-evtr line. W. L. DOUGLAS STOS5SS HW P3iiLA2fLLPHIA : 117 North Eighth Street 4050 Lancmter Ave. (sear Prciten St.) 1117 Market Street (Rtidinj Tcr.) 2254 North Frent Street 33 6. 60th St.. below Ludlow St. 132 Seuth 52tS Street WiImingten 701 KarJtet St., cer. 7tb TRENTON, N, J. 23 East Statt 5t. Dts-'i maUcd wdh i MiH fir r'c'p Mhpm of W T. Pi 'nr'ni 5.-ps fnt- Women - OPEM SATURDAY EVEJSWGS &y SIXTZ-FHE YEARS A LEADER Htrr.g ebiticitj, eonfefras te the figure. Ne binding, no crsrapisg. vletuures full sue. ginng the freedom required. MADK IN Pit Knit Sarins Need!, I'inr Woeh n iri wl;1! cotton. A t'rorerflon i;jliut CeIJa and Stvddau CtallUea et the CeJy. Gu.rntei4 NOT le Shrteh Msht. Medium and Winter Welshta tJdlit Quilitiu CI. 75 te tfSMO per Garment At e'lt Ucilsr Glsstcnbury Knitting Ce. Iii ihte llmr. ( milt i-it hi , I M ,. I1- . Jt)l I I1AII.Y i)U1S CO. i)'!i:ui uiii.s co. U li U-- ill- lU-trlbuleri EnasaaE3EE2SJSJ5 m m The Heshinsman fferi Suggests Gifts for the Heme Sectional Boek Cases in great variety of period styles and finiblirs. m ffj-aaaAjvpcafagigisr JjBJlJl Fer practical pifts ice stipqest Peaks, Fleer and Ucadini Lamps, Itvdnidc Tables, Fold Feld inn Card Tables, Heme Safes, Waterman's Fountain Pens, Wahl "Evcr8linrp" Pencils. "Weir Mitchell" Calendars for 102:1. an exclusive lleskins product, 50c. ffKSvy O0M106 Chestnut Street Te Be Closed Out Tomorrow and Saturday Smart Street Dresses That Formerly Sold Up Te $49.50 $18 and $25 Included are Peiret Twills, Velvets, Canten Crepes, and satin-back Cantens, in a wide variety of models, and in all the desirable colors. thikd mjem Misses' Spert Coats Plain and Fur Trimmed A number of attractive models in all the desirable materials and colors, some with Raccoon cellars. They formerly sold up te $55.00 $18 and $25 nnsT FLOOR Fur Trimmed Coats In navy, black and brown, with squirrel, beaver and wolf. They are most unusual at these prices. They formerly sold up te $125 $55 and $75 1220-22-24 Walnut Street gli!illlIll!llliJiL-L.!M!!!llJl'li11 'i ! Mi!1!1 I nnsT fleer Alias jmaac&gnXnZsnKnasgigaaaaGS Yi join iu paying tribute iv, the memory ei' a great man, a wise merchant and a true philan thropist JOHN WANAMAKER HARDW1CK & MAGEE CO. 1220 MRMT ST Used Miniature (I rand Pimies, Ranging in Price Frem $125.00 Upwards ALL MKIvS OP TVLKIN't; .MACHINES VI' CHKATl.Y KKDIVK!) 1'HICKS IT PAYS TO THINK imlwwft I-ft.NC) C3e. I itfTH AND CHKSTNUT ecun i:vi:.M.N(iJ Factory,, 50th A Parkitde) BAZAAR IN MISSION HOUSE v Ita'iR"! Grocery and Rsjtaurin t-) Be Feature of Chrcn Affair i i 1.1 ip i i i ii- ; 1 1 i i i i t ' i . i i i . . Ml -!. ' -.. i I . i , , v "-1 ll I . ' t !i I ! . I , i 'i.. i t'ii. M.-- 'i ;;. i 'I !' IIH"I" t I . ' ' 1 llll , -li. Dun I! .i.i I- ii , i Aui" i, i' -" " 'i" i! - i i f irs" in- Ml l ir.-.- . ' i; ,-. , - . .1 .' i On i '! -- , Id! M i I .i i i i M - i.ti t , M - -ii it I ih .. I,. V. i-i ..i l I',.,- i,' - I'l' ' f i ... . ,,, Iii ui sr i 'nun . , ,, !- -llll -I I lit 11!.' I- .- u in -, .1, f , iii i . ' 1 U i ii, i . i, . . ! - i i' BEQUESTS TO CHARITY Three Catholic Institutions Rcmem bered in Catherine Sweeney's Will 'I I ll'l- I Il'l"1!- I-I- 'It ll ' - u 1,1 H I . ,M 1(111 ti II tli I 1 t "I'tll , l ,,, if (.ah riti. mu i ! 'jjj , (, ,, , tri". t . iliu-'- il w it ,'i-u1 it. I i ,.i i '1 i.' nriiii u.itim tl. i- in in-ti i-i mi '111- ,',,1 I t,l till' till I'ti.'.imitl H , I j, I'.ill1'. M "li.i rU -. limn. md, iiii, ,-'t .I,i-.i'ili ' Hii'i-i ! i- I lij, .ill -, iij.J In-(l't-t null' llnv tti it v.iiu in ini ti-f iin.-i i.r ,r ... m I.iniNii' . '.'.'HI i i li ( liii, hi stni-i .Vi H 7 it'i'l .l-iiiiii I' I'h.-I ni, v i . ilii-.l it. i. Alt'.'- Il-il'i' "i.iiiti I .M-iilurn- i i "I I in ilii , i - tliTi ni tiO. (,- ! I ililnili y'J", 7l.l, II- ir I luilil " U'i ."i'i I ml, in I I- -, i .',: i.i:, -jr. . .i ji. , i n ,i, ,!",7l ' 7"'. itnl tin lii'i . .Inlin I (il.i'l.ltil. Sltil'J "I IH'Mi'MtlA ril.Mll I. IIS KKIII'.le f-lMrlal il.t.u i-r.i-i freri s iu riot th rapturu i.' ' i"rilt-l i i I r un, tlenury uttlu'lei rhu ij. n i ut Hit Pt in i iKi.ttii'n let .'i n ' lt . nieUns v.irlv iiubllcatlflii of mj nlii, u Hji- rlhlllti- i;ail the FeralKii Ncv. fags of 1 th 1'ISUO LCiQlU. "iliU Jt Habit,". jf?rTgl7JJ.)JL'rJ,.v'V'lafWJEgZaggal taw" "- ' "- - -.--- -. i i ' -j- .. . 'Simen's for Diamonds' 6 Se. lStl St. O! CN EVERY EVENING TILL XMAS ?27?& ,AW,ls 'S-KSSS SZ imtst ' ' 1'V Be Sure e 6 Se. 15th St.' Mew Market) j Be Sure of s ens why you 9 IJ buy a Columbia IrkfS gfl 9 w I "r ri vow XJOmBSDfi -ff 13 Tt3 $ mwimsi a ui M :jjsmiM, " bZ V?.' wrfJks A superb selection of l"m"st iiu.ilit' i P'fylly diainenit in the latest at it rl met beautiful meuntincs. I riceit 'i-ilhin enr juirin- Buy a Diamond for Xmas "The Gift Everlasting" Ak te ace uur i,p, cbl Illuc-Wtnti' ubielulcly perfect dian-end, IS-ht. white reIU muuntintf, $100 OV.". i r I IIjT- VTI.I. ft J-,. , LA-j ejvf .; . uiA. pet' tt ) a-j: VA' i ) tStt Xhl (OVVT-. IrJt Oi I ASsY rA"Mr.,1S y iU TT ei r.y .. OSEPH B. Q II DIAMONDS ft cJEWELRV kJl SeCfc.A S2 sd- w K s JAW P1U11 6 SOUTH 15TH STREET (BU.OW MARKET) TEN rea should COLUMBIA CABINETS -Streamline Cnbinat Harroenlica delljhtlully with 7001 remc lurnialilDEV All finlehct ; beautiful er.d cailly kept cleaa. .Automatic Recerd Ejector Eliminate the aetrch ter the fe alrtd record. An ideal place (or ycur choice aelectiem Autetaatl-txW-i rleatia them beete inc. 3Tene Control lrea lxiud or aeft music as you chet-ae cjeratea en aarae principle at pipa trean coittel. 4One.lmnd Tep V.ity te r!:e tni lower mtbcmt ('jfijcr eS damase or breikice. COLUMBIA TONE 5 UniTcranl Reproducer wh ih iWri natural accuracy of ten; lie aute it ia constructed te reproduce the proper balance be ineen overtones and fundamental toner ( Straight Tene Arm which allewa the aeund wavta ta Develop fully and ntturally un impeded by joints and reflections Irera the time Uiey arc picked oil tlia ic:erd till they emerge through that tone arm. 7 Tene Amplifier waii.li aasurea free and nnuiial am am phficatien SUe and dciin ere the retjlt of 10 yean' constant crpcti crpcti mentatien. COLUMBIA MOTOR 8 Ditplny Moter Drake (te step record) eperatea la the inster ret en tutn-tablt IJelie-le-5 Rears. Gjarataeed lijjy te oil or clean. 9 Haae of Handlins J'iMjdUa Thiee curi for different typ'i. ll.td needles dropped in'.a ipeciil receptacle. F.Mra cencu.enca 01 lucd.e insertion. 10 Nen-Stt Automatic Step It c'.epa the meter, without human nld, wlin the record tun fuuibcd pijyias. Bi nstmas bum TF you ve been putting off buying yenr Columbia Grafonela till X you can spare the price-step stepping, at once! Everywhere, Columbia Dealer arc forming Community Christmas Clubs. Yeu pay a dollar membership fee and this gees te your credit at once your Columbia is sent home the same day or, as many wish it will be delivered en Christmas Eve. The rest of it can be arranged between you and the Columbia man en most any terms you like. Ge te the Columbia Dealer in your vicinity and leek at his display of Columbia strcara-line models. It him demonstrate Columbia tone. Let him explain the ten points of superiority that have lifted the Columbia out of the mechanical phonegrapH class. Let him tell you the new low prices that make the Columbia the most inexpensive, worth-while phonograph en the market. Then think! Heme and Christmas. Heme and music and Christ mas. Hew music ties the two ideas closer together. Of all the year, Christmas is the ideal time te own a Celurabia-tlie dear old songs, the stcppy.peppy dances, the droll comedians. A Columbia is the one great gift for Christmas. Ge sec the Columbia COLUMBIA GKAPHOPHONE CO., NW Yerk m TC ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers