tm PVwi p'fJW ?tr; (. i EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PtaliABELPHlA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER Ul 1022 yjsffiii 2WJ y. WHARTON SENIORS BUSY RESEARCH (.ess Industrious Students May Have te Werk Through Holi days te Catch Up PARTY BY HOBOHEMIANS ScnierH In tlie Wlnrten Scheel of lhi tnlvcr?lt.v of Pennsjlvniiln have ether An?, te worry litem besides swinging dumbbell in tlie cymnuslum twice n ilt They have research papers Hint III Lc iltin parly '" "1C "PriiiR. Tlieie rrnuire lieurH nnd Leurs of palnstnklm: itmly and accurate inves The morn eDlelent nnd methodical member of tlie clitss chese their Bubjec. for research early In tlie term and itnrtcl out In iiuesr of statistics nnd charts tinned with n portable card index lilltifi fysti-in. They new have their inn crini un kumiiti-ii, unci mey mwpIv have te present It In acceutablc form. I-a yMl' 0" senior turned In 105 rWH nf inaiiiifcrlpt and another geme seiiiert, however, are just lie rlnninc te rcalUc that the lieliduvsi urn nlmnst here, and they linve net vnt ilarted en their research. Seme of them liiiu-n t even consulted tliu onru enru index In tlie University Library. These icniers are piaiuiniB in ie incir ru warcbinjf during tlie Christmas lioll liell days. Cynical observers are Inclined te believe that the same men will post pest post peno their research until the Eabtcr holidays. llcre are some of the subjects for re H'arcb: "I'arm Leans in Iowa," "Building and Lean Associations.'' "Americanization in West Philadel phia." As n prelude te their annual Christ Bis party, the Tlobehcinlnii Knights of tht I' Literary Society will visit the Italian tablelands tomorrow n!bt In quest of spaghetti and "attnos "attnes jhere." Twenty-live members hove elfnlfletl their intention of accompany ing this officially conducted tour of in faction. The Hobehcmlnns will then return te H!r hendquarters in the garret of College Hall, where they will present, S rarely for their own amusement, n bur csque of L'ngene O'Xeill's "ISeund ;t for Cardiff." entitled "Hound East ftr the Philippines," or "Oeneral Weed Declared Ineligible." They will also give a parody called "The Czar-dlna." I)r. Edn-ard Chlera, nssistnnt profes sor of Assyrinlesy ut the University of Pnnsyhaniu. gics n public lecture'thl" afternoon In Housten Hnll en "The Full tf Mnn In Babylonian Literature." This dlscuwlen will be based upon original HiMrcli. Dr. Chiera recently de ciphered a Siimerinn tablet from the Nippur collections of the University Museum, which contained the Haby Ionian account of the Garden of Eden, dated at least 1000 yeurs before the llbllcal version of it. "COLONEL" TO AID SEALS Cortelyou's Police Deg en Program at Headquarters Today "Colonel." Director Cortelyou's J dice deg. is again en the program te e "stunts" and help sell Christmas "!' at lied CresH seal headquarters, 10 Seuth Eighteenth street, this after noon at 2 o'clock. "Colenel'' h a veteran of the 'World war and saw active sen ice in Ilel tmtm. He was te have made bin pre. bit peifermance in the aid of Christ mas seal tales yesterday, but arrived tee late. The war spirit was net entirely rtUternted, In him by the signing of the nrmistice and while en his way te Headquarters jesterday he met n canii'e wmy. I)y the time he had fully gratl W his natural instinct for battle, It vts tee late te appear en the program. Political Writers Dined . .iiiii.i jimtrr. I'liiiirniiin r tti. Bepublican Slate Committee, last night I tntcrtnlned at dinner at the Hcllevue Hcllevue R'tatferd political writer who toured I eiam wmi cnnumaics in tlie last State campaign. NEW RECORD FOR RIVER Frehjhter Made Run Frem Break water In 5 Hours, 45 Minutes Tlin T.1!ntfrn1inr1i Mfnnml.ln rA.MMnM claims n record passage of n fre'lglitcr iifuvccn uosien nnu tnm city, 'in rani Lncltcnbnch, new nt I'ler 78, Seuth Wharves, made the voyage in thirty three hours. Tim trln iin etin .t,.AN am 1. rk1. nware Ureakwater te her berth was made in live hours and forty-five min utes, or nn average of mere than Of- lint mllAu nn limit ,.l.l.i. in !. na. serteu te be a record for the river. SYMPHONY SEASON'qN " Leps Will Be Quest Conductor for Frankford Organization Thft SvmnliATir Srttr.fv ..P V-antfAM.1 under lleddn van den Heemt, will give in the Frank evening This is the fifteenth n concert this ford llleli Scheel KonEen of the symnheny. Chnrlotte Loeben, soprano, will be the solelst.y nnd Wnsslll Leps guest conductor. LOWERS fnt Funerals Yeu Pay Le$ ttnM. i. .... we ret bttr pric-M m uu urem wierfey. I r3 JXDSS 1327 Wctt Cirtrd Art. 212 Esit CirarJ Ave. TMt flams? 13 S. 60H St. 136 S. S2nd St A inuilll iif Celumliut Santa Maria, U'JI Thf resenbach Galleries THIRTEEN TWENTY WALNUT STREET Ship Medels COLLECTION of Ship Medels, genuine antiques and modem reproductions, is new displayed in our galleries. Ship models are becoming in creasingly popular for decorative purposes. A distinctive gift. Frem $35 upward r j ?-'s vJsiBPy Mi Nothing Smarter than Gored Tongue Pumps WHEN they are correctly made like these te held their shape and con form te the pretty instep line. WITH high heels for dress or medium Spanish heel for the afternoon, in satin and suede and every beautiful combination Or with straight walking heels in Black Calf and Patent Leather for shopping. s9 no 'ii Quality Gift Stockings and Boudoir Slippers In beautiful assortments, moderately priced, attractively boxed and ready for the giving. Harpers mm market mi uacirq&r !022 CHIftTNUt OHOF3 tf 3 : Stere Opens 9 A. M. Closes C P. M. Daily IMPOJtTKItS, DUMGXERS AXD MAKERS OF WOilES'8 A!W CniLDJIEN'B APPAIiBU OF TUB 111QUEST CHARACTER FOll MORE TiM.V TWEXTY'SDYBl? YEARS -if 1 'I V U I i' i i'f .i fl$ Chestnut Cerner Twelfth . The Later Closing as a Convenience te Busy Shepper Dresses An Unprecedented Sale Fermer Prices te 39.50 ) 1 X.00 Fer Women and Misses J These dresses, numbering the season's newest styles, have been taken straight from regular stock Harris selections. Se desirable that they have sold down te a few of u kind, though the aggregate is wonderful In every aspect, Materials are: Satin-faced Crepes Velvets Hence Crepes Matelassc A style range of such beauty that, at this reduced price, is worth any effort you may make te share. Ne Exchanges, Ne C. O. D. Ne Credits Chiffen Silk Hosiery Envelope Chemises Corduroy Itebes 1.95; Reyulartu 2M 2.95, Special Special, 5.95 All perfect, nnd wonderful at Of heavy crcpe de chine and .. , . . - . . , , . fi,i,. i,.. -'j.. ni ..i,i oil. rm nm iinfr ,,n,,.,i nn.i iSew urcaUf ust coat 'and rebe "' w jjiiwi. v B"i ": !",""". "" -"'- . e. j ...,... vor, gunmetal, brenze anu inmmcu seme witu real -". uuun quauvy l.lT. InIn tviaI Peiret Twill Canten Crepe In black. lace motifs. cherry, rose, purple, Cepcn. Others te 60 Others te 16.50 Others te 27.50 zWe Specialize in Apparel ?kat Slenderize the Larger. Veiium Ii SRAWBRDGE t CHEISTIAS STOE CLMHIEIfS-FRO E IN IERCHA HANDKERCHIEFS Always a welcome remembrance. Handkerchiefs are as varied as one's tasta, and the selection here is se varied that one may cheese the plainest of fine linen Hand kerchiefs or the gayest of sports styles. Women's Handkerchiefs Of mull, hand-printed colored centres with colored hems; whit centrss with colored borders 16c Of Irish linen, with embroidered Initial 28c Of fine Irish linen, hand-embroidered comers er plain fl for $2.00. Of French linen, plain colon and white, with nerelty colored hems 50c. Of solid-color linen, hand-embroidered, with drawn cords In colors 50c. Of Irish linen, with colored hems and hand embroidered corners 75c. Of fine linen, with speke-3titched corners, hand-embroidered 75c. Very fine linen Handkerchiefs, Appenzell embroidered and scalloped $1.00 -v These are unusually attractive: Men's Handkerchiefs Of flne cambric, hemstitched, nnd with an em broidered perforated initinl in corner G for 75c. Of Hnen, plain or initialed 0 for $1.50. Of fine cambric, with colored hem and colored woven cord border 3 for $1.00. Of Irish linen, initialed or plain J feT $2.00, Lurgan linen, with hem in blue, brown or French srray 6 for $3.00. Of fine Ballymena linen, hand-drawn, ham stitched, spoke-stitched or initialed 4 for $3.00. Of silk pongee, spoke-stitched, and with drawn colored threads $1.00. BOYS' Cambric Handkerchiefs, with colored hems 0 for 75c. CHILDREN'S colored Handkerchiefs, em broidered with novel figures 6 for 75c. CHILDREN'S Linen Handkerchiefs, in fascinating designs 25c each. Btitwbrl&r a Clothier Alfle 5. CaW: and Aid 13. Mirkit Stmt SPORTING GOODS The Gift That Almest Everybody Will Welcome Nowadays! The devotees of outdoor sports are numberless these days. Almest everybody young or old, masculine or feminine ha his or her favorite pastime, and a gift of eme accessory thereto will be sure te please: Give Ranger Bicycles Motorbike", with electric Hcrht, stand, horn, "Pathfinder Motorbike", with stand, tools emrrter, tank and set of tools $49.50. and carrier $39.00. "Scout" model, with horn, earner, tool bag Dd tools $44.60. "Superb" model, equipped with electrie, light, hem, tool bag and tools $44.00. "Arch Frame", with tool bag nnd tools $42. Medel for women and girls $45.00. "Ranger, Junier", for small boys and girls. quipped $86.00. "Pathfinder Camel-back", popular model $37. "Pathfinder Racer", very light $37.00. "Pathfinder" for women and girls $89.00. All medals except the "Racer" are equipped with coaster-brake and thoroughly well con structed. May be purchased en the Deferred Payment Plan, if desired. Fer the Strenuous Life Rugby Feet Balls of tough cowhide, in rogu regu rogu ktlen size $3.50; pebble-grain sheepskin $1.50. Beys' Boxing Gloves $3.00, $4.50, $5.50 up te $15.00 a pair. Rowing Machines, friction type $25.00. Equipment for home gymnasium, consisting at? rings, trapeze, stirrups and owing $12.00. Adjustable Trapeze, of sturdy quality $7JS0. Adjustable Swinging Rings $7.50. "Biff," an excellent game for groups taking physical exercises $15.00. Punching Bags, of many sorts, range from $3.50 te $15.00. Stfhft 4 CUkUr-AUl U. Omtn TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES Santa Claus, Toe, with a Boek for Each Bey and Girl The happiest place in town for boys and girls is the Christmas Tey Stere, where the Games and Dells and Toys of one's heart's desire are waiting te go te their nw owners Christmas morning. These are the Toys youngsters like, and the kinds that parents like te see Santa Claus bring them, well-made Toys of superior duality, and a great stock from which te cheese. Walking and Talking Dellop undressed, urasunl value 18.90. Sewing Machines little girls can really use $1.00 te $8.60. Desks, half price. Chiefly roll-top style, for boys and girls of 4 te 12 years $6.00 te $18.00. Bowling Alleys $1.76. Priscilla Dell Cradles $1.60 and $2.00. Lionel Electric Trains, special. Outfits at $6.25, $10.75, $14.60, $20.75 and $89.50. Christmas Tree Ornaments, 5c each, 60c a dezen: 10r. nnrVi m en a rirvrn Every Hebby Herse Reduced new $6.90 te $45,00 Btrnrtriat 4 Clethier-Dmmsnt. Wtw Large-sue Dell Coaches, worth one i alf mere $10.00. China Tea Sets, prettily decorated, 18 jfeceB special, $1.85. Electric Light Outfits for Tree $1.85 te S5.00. PIANOS THE FAMILY GIFT Sohmer Pianos Pianos $650.00 and $700.00. Player-Pianos $1000.00, Grands $1150 and $1260. Reproducing Uprights $1500. Reproducing Grands $3000. Easy terms of gradual pa VMirea. Hazelton Bres. Pianos Upright PianeB at $300.00. Upright Player-Pianos $750. Reproducing Uprights, $1200. Reproducing Grands $2000, Francis Bacen Pianos Pianos $3f)0, $37C nnd $400 Player-Pianos $550 te JrtOO. Baby Grand Pianos $700.00. Reproducing Uprights $900. nepreuueing Grands $1000. yments can be arranged for the purchase of any of these Pinnes, If SB. Btrawbrldr ClethUr Fifth Fleer. VTmt 1PI5 EASEIEMT TO ROOF-A L SEE? ICE AND SPIRIT (Eljristmas Mxtmt Concert by the Chorus 9.30 Te-morrow Morning SECOND FLOOR MARKET STREET Program for Te-morrow NAZARETH Gounod. Arr by W. W. Gilchrist THE FIRST CHRISTMAS Gcrrit Smith THE NEW-BORN KING Percy E. Fletcher SAY, WHERE IS HE BORN Mendelssohn GLORIA, FROM MASS NO. 12 Mozart KISIH LYONS COOK Seprano MAROUKRITU CROWELL BAUR Ce He ISAAC H. CLOTHIER, JR. ..Rader HERBERT J. TIL5T Conductor William S. Thunder t the Sohmer Grand I'lane Inc!intM Tableaux by memburn of th Stere faintly (Tlie abeve program will be breadcasted through W V I Radie Station) M Linens for Gifts Four giftlike groups from the Linen Stere, every one an exceptional value: Hemstitched Linen Damask Dinner Cleths, figured in circular design, 6Gx6G $5.00. Round Linen Centrepieces, 18-inch; embroidered and scal loped $1.00. Bleached Turkish Towels, of two-ply yarn, colerud medallion border 50c. Six yards of Linen Kitchen Toweling, neatly boxed $2. A!1m 11 and 12 Centra Gloves Special Women's Gloves, Includ ing mocha, and white and black kid; ether geed shades In the let greatly under price $1.65. Children's Gloves cape, French kid and chamois; about one thousand pairs special at $1.00. XimUm 13 and 13 Mart Strt Fitted Suit Cases 8 P E C I A Ll Women's Suit Cases with removable tray for carrying toilet arti cles. Of cobra-grained cow hide, silk lining, anchor han dle, 20 and 22-inch sizes, fit ted with handsome toilet arti cles in shell effect special at $27.50. A,i, , etatr Imported Bags Imported Velvet and SilTc Hand Begs many highly artistic, individual pieces. This is our own Importation every Bag selected abroad by our own representative. Unusual frames, ornamental catches, distinctive shapes and patterns beautiful variety $4.50 te $50.00. aa,, 8 c New Gift Counters On the Second Fleer, West Stere, an excellent as sortment of Hand Bags. Hand Bags of leather, velvet, silk and duvetine, in a great variety of styles and shapes, and in all desirabla shades $2.05. Party Bexes in black and colors, attractively fitted many different kinds for selection $2.95. Children's Bags little girls adore these. An assort ment of styles and colors, and many have vanity mirror just like mother's 35e te S1.00. Scen3 Fleer, Wwt Fine Brassieres A veriety of these inti mate gifts for women some in a holly box. Plain and striped effects, bandeau typa, also the longer kind te wesr with topless corsets. Jessica, Pansy, De Bevoise. and the Neme Circlet Brassieres 75e te $15.00. Third F1et. Martut ltrwt. ft Ml Down Quilts, $12.50 Seft Down Quilts, fine aatine covering in Oriental designs and colorings, with solld-celor satine border, An excellent gift item. All is. rtnr1 titrmt Pencils- Special Imported Enameled Starling Silver Pencils with silk cord, special at 75c. B'.ue. purple, lavender, gray, jade nnd Nile green, some deco rated. Mere than one thousand in the let, but at Sfip thii 1,-u in a trice. Alii 10. Ontr ipine Toilet Articles J. Dainty gift articles in attractive boxes th2 boxes are gifts in themselves. Three-Flowers Twe-piece Sets Toilet Water and Face Powder $2.50. Three - piece Rese Sets, Toilet Water, Perfume and Talcum $3.00. Five-piece Violet Sec Sets, In Colonial box, Perfume, Sachet, Seap, Face Powder and Toilet Water $1.50. Five-piece Three Flowers Sets, Toilet Water, Perfume, Compact Talcum and Powder $7.50. Five-piece DuBarry Sets, very handsome; Large Toilet Water, Small Toilet Water, Perfume, Sachet and Face Powder $15.00. Alii a. Ctatr Christmas Candy New is the time te order Candy for the Christmas treat. Candy Canes, 5c, 10c each, and small Canes, 60l a pound. Clear Candy Toys 35c lb. Satin finish Candy, 60c and 60c a pound. S. & C. Chocolates and Bon bons $1.00. Novelty Candy Bexes 10c te $10.85. Novelties and Favers 35c te $3.25. HOLIDAY SPECIALS Bonbons, Fruits and Choco lates, asserted 1-pound box es, 50c; 2 pounds, $1.00; 5 pounds, $2.00. Five-pound Bexes of Choco lates $2.50. Five-pound Bexes of Christmas Mixtures $2.00. Duimtet Silk Umbrellas Handsome Umbrellas of taffeta with satin border; blue, gTeen, purple, brown and black, finished with amber ferrule and tips, some full length, amber-color bakelite handles, ethers trimmed with bakelite; finished with ring3, leather straps or cords a wonderful value at $5.00. AUl T. Urkt Stmt Children's Sweaters Weel Sweaters, $3.50 te 58.50. Sweater Suits of Brushed Weel at $12.50. Jersey Cleth Drawer Leg gings, part-wool, at $2.00 and $2.50 Jersey Cleth Drawer Leggings, all-wool, at $3.26 te 55.C0, according te site. Leather Leggings at $3.50, $5.00 and $P00. Corduroy Leggings at $2.50. Jtlilt . Sitrtat atrt Lingerie Sets, Special All our Seta of Vesta and Step-in Drawers of batiste, voile and novelty llngeris cot tons are new $2.00. Many were twice this price and mere. White models trimmed with colored piping or fancy stitching are lovely. And jus' as dainty and gift-like. Incomplete line of sizes. Just the thing for intimate gifts $2.00 a set. TblrO Fleer. wt Apparel for the Bev's Gift That new Suit, a Mackinaw, a Raincoat there's many a boy hoping that Santa Cleus can read his thoughts and that he'll flaJ clothing among his gifts. All-wool Twe-Trouser Suits, Special $10.75 Anether shipment in time for gift selection. Fabrics, color Ings and styles are smart nnd te the boy's liking. Of all-wool cheviot, with mehnir-lmed coat and two pairs of lined Knicker bockers. Sizes 7 te 17 years $10.7.-. All-wool Mackinaw Coats, Special $9.75 Blanket Cleth Mackinaws in geed-looking patterns, with th kind of deep convertible cellar that turns right up te the edn of the cap, and with muff pockets. Sizei 8 te 17 years $0 75 Small Beys' Tub Suits, Special--$1.95 ' Sturdy Tub Suits in tan, green, blue or gray, in styles meet becoming te little boys. Sizes 3 te 8 years $1.95. Htrawbrlai Cltliiti--SB Flew, rufewt iff ,. i. V
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