I A. EVENING public rrr. .Si 'iTffrvT. '' v f.ivjn 'tK-iV'tt'' .'"' ffijyf'iM&Tmw 4 5. A'"-"t ' IpnPp LEDGm-HILADELPItl THUBSDAY. DECEMBER , li 1022 WAN IS VICTIM OF GASOLINE FIRE 1 Fatally Burned While Cleaning an Evening Gewn in Dress maker's Shep SHOPPERS GIVE HUMOROUS TOUCH TO HARASSED CLERKS "Can Fall Be Hem?" Readily Translated Inte "If Winter Cemes'' Santa Told lie Needs a Shave Frem the erten, siinnnv nlr of n litttr: December day, u wemnn with innny Clirlstrans bundles nml p. perplexed ex pressien ventured into n rezy boe: Hlien nnd fet tled . hernelf in mi In -vitlntf wicker vlinlr. "I wnnt," the begun, "I want n hook, I don't knew the name of It, nnd for the life of me 1 I'liuiinl think who wrote H, hut," nnd "die dropped h e r in ii it y bundles that elm mluht i lnenmire the nlze with her hnnds. "U'h he injjii and te wide nnu it tins n green cover." Consternation! All the Riven -covered bocks in the hhep were duly examined t.tid turned down. "Ne, tlint'H net it cither. New. let ,ine think. "Ily way of proving thnt fihe really was thinking, the would-be purchaser put her bend in her bunds und remained silent n minute. "Ah, new I have it! 1 was 'lire I Would think of it MMitiev or later. U'h 'Can Fnll lie IlereV " Fer a moment the air hung heavy with filenre, and then then- wuh a sound of tinners heinc Kiuipprd. "Of course. Madame, I knew hut you Want." And with u Millie of satisfaction en her fnee, the woman left the shop, u neath wrapped copy of "If Winter Cemes," luelced secure ly under her arm. DEAF COUPLE IS SAVED Mkh nilMbeth Clark, of 210 Went Blttrnheusc street, flernunlewn. died in the reiyclime iiespnai la:,: niRiit ,nm btiniH fcustnined when pasollne become Ignited while she wa presln an cuninu' K"ii in (lie modi-de shop 'nt...i.. & Ce.. 2012 Walnut Hlreet. ilennnii and Sarah HnlUiky, both fcaf nml dumb. Hvlnr In an apart nt ever the Hecee Novelty Coin- Iveniie, vcrc carried down u ladder te ttfftv lnl "lel't when they hail been ..rniried in bv Annie. "7n the firit fire Mlm Chirk'K doth deth ln w.ik nlmevt entirely burned from I " j-,,l.r. She w.'is wrapped in a Minket anil sent te the hospital, whem rfi'e diiil four hetns later. Several Rirls, employed lu the medlHte bop became excited when they saw the 'inniM and leaped from u first-story trlndnw, a diMancc of nbeut ten feet, but ww unlnjund. Almet 100 girls are ennileM'd ln t,1L' establishment. Mrs, Anna ('. Meeley, proprietress of tie shop, was badly burned about the hamli iu ntfml'ting te sine Miss Clark bv beating out the flames. Shu was tfented bj n wrhv pliviclan." The rescue of Mr. und Mrs. Saltky wns effceted by l.addennnn Arneld, of tru"lw company Ne. 14, when the build In, cnlclilns lire from overheated Hues, wis iiwepl by tlnmcs. Willi all escape cut oft the couple rnthrd In the windows crjing for Iielp. ri'ri.meii of truck cempnin Ne. 1 1 iuIlKIv rim bidder up the side of - -- the bu'il.lln?. Severn! of the firelighter I AWITA DAMROSCH FOLLOWS mlid Arned stepped thnmsii the HHIIH UHinnueun ruuuue Endows Inte .the burning room und HER SISTER. UPON STAGE lifted the nun and wemiiu out te hit . W'uw liremci. ... ..... u.v -vulm.-A . GranddaualUcr of Blaine te J, t .1 II f..1.l 1... ..1.1.I..Y tl.A Hint II was mi rigor, ne i-iiniuru i- steps arid nl last u'oei! by Mm unce of the great man. A big hand swal lowed two little once, and the boy steed en tip-tee te whisper into the car bent se invitingly in his direction. Fer n minute, the boy's face was lest In n mn7c of white whtakera, nnd then in u thrill voice be s-ild, "C-re whiz, Santa, you Mire de need n shuve." MMWIN HIE F IALKSETODAY W. W. Husband Will Support Americanization Campaign in Philadelphia WILL DISCUSS NEW LAW The Americanization Committee of Chamber of Commerce will tml.iy iipm-al The Kmergency Aid of l'cnnsjlvauln ; die lirmls of leading industries of th" Is going te hniu Chri.stmaH cheer tei(.-t , , ,, cm)Iey ..,,, IIUI1,i,Pr f hundreds of families in Philadelphia ' , ' , ,., ,. nnd ether sections of IVnnsylvanln. it , "l'1''' '""' '" wl""" nr" rclgiien. i. aiiiieuncid by Mrs. llarclny II. Wnr- for sltppeit ill its comprehensive l,r" burten, president of that organization. i-nm. With the announcement Mrs. Varbur- f T, t.llipillV1.r), will be n-ked te give ten i'sued mi nppeul for donations of . . .' . . , ... I baskets containing Christmas dinners ! "'cir nssistnnee in eeucaiing nun im- for the innny destilute families and i lurnli.'.itis (lie foreigners who enc LAPLACE TO HONOR PASTEUR Philadelphia Surgeon te Speak at Georgetown University Washington, Dec. 11. Dr. Krnest T.aphice, of I'liiladelphlii. will mnlsr the principal address nt (ieorgctewn 1'nivcrslty Sunday night, the occnnleti hi lug the centennlnl of tlie birth of I Leuis Pasteur, the l'reneh scientist. l"r, Lnpluoe, the lirst Amerlcnn iiltpll of Pasteur, will speak of the for- mer master ns tlin "(JreaH-st llenefncter of Mnnklnd." There is in the posses- sien of Dr. I.uphice one of the tubes with which Pasteur made bis series of tests in which h proved the notion of i poiitiilleeus gciieintien te lie it chi mera J'i i.npiare weiir i i"i'- sheitlv after bis graduation from C,eoreten Celh'ge iii 1.V0 t study under the grcnt sclentl'-t. PHILA. PROFESSOR ADVANCED New Hnveii. Conn., Dec, If-;''1"', 'nlc ;orierntioii has iidvnnccd ( l.tr- encp 71, Ilurding. nsseclute professor f , history, te u full professorship, necord necerd ing te a Cniversitv repot t yesterday. Dr. Ilurding was born in Philadelphia in l-Vbriuiry, IKS."., und was gniduiilcd from Ilanard inlliO" and from Oxford as n Khedcs scholar ln 11)0!). 1 FfRST PENWll SAVINGS BANKfAy 7 1 Zl&Bembridge SiXTMiMJ 1343 Ciesinui Streefnterc In a Market Street store Santa Claus sits resplendent upon u red ptush throne and from ten o'clock in tie- morning listens te requests mnde In halting and faint lone. Eager te confer wllli the cre.it prieiiace. und yet hanging te i 'er his mother h coat tails timldb. n himil' J boy npprenclied tlie enininc which led i te t)i" high neat. UeasMM-ed b inethir also for toys and caudj for the children et these unfertuuates. Among, the hinny Christmas activities of tlie Emergency Aid will be te co-op-crate with the City Welfare Depart ment, of which Ilnrclay II. Wnriuirten is director, in providing bii'ltcis of feed for the familiis under the care et the city and toys for the children In the families nlil"d liy the city authorities. In addition te this dig undertaking, the Special Kelief Itureau is Making elferts te provide Christmas dinners for sixty-nine families uiid"r Its care this eur. ln these families there tr 210, children, who will be without toys and enndv fill Christmas Day tmles they me nided by the flonatieus of friends of the Kmergency Aid. Arrangements are bring made hj the Speci.il Kelief lliireau for the ClirisJmas eutei-iiilument te he held nt the head (iiiirters en Tuesdiiy nfteinnen, Decern- il. I'ir the cliildrcn iimler its fine. There will also he u Christmas party for ilisablcd fiddlers m Tlmrsd.iy nhdit, December 2s, in the aiiieinbly ' room. neither read nor write Lnglisb. Jlni. tin- cei'ninlttee feels, will make the ciu 10!) per cent American nnd wipe out the present illiteracy. The chief flpeukc- will be W. W. Husband. Chief Immigration C'eiumi- loner of the Cnited Stales, who will come from Washington te talk upon the effect of the operation fit ii - " per cut imniigraileu Jaw upon Imlii-.-try. Milten I), (iehris. vice in-esideiit e Jehn I!. Stetson Cetim.-iiiy. will be iln presiding etlicer, nnd the ethci- snenUi r--will be A. C. Ieiiu, David Kir'i Laum. K. K. I'.ach and Walter I Miller, chairmen of the Cliuinbe of Commerce Committee, which is .cm, , . luring tiiis weik. mtenJ i ijtnjwtiwrrTwaiWP I The Man Who Drives a Coach employ a tptcUliit te blew tlie horn Successful Executives Employ Advertising Agents te trumpet forth the mtriu of a buiincM Ofe Jehn Clark Sims COMPANY, LTD. Gtnttjl Ajrrrtisint Attntt & 210 Seuth 16th Street P11II.ADLLPHIA 'Cii-xsm P&m The radionceef the Peli'.hed Girdle Diamond will he mere fullu anercciated bv direct comparison vith ether diamendl 4etd only by this Eitixblithr THE ily by l GIFT -iment A necklace of Pearls of Perfect Orient THINK IT OVER f.nm tin. ladder te t-.ifetv. In the eeiir.se of the battle with the flames, which lasted mere limn two hours, rireinan William Tung was mtrrnnic. but later retivrd. Tlie tlnines swept threu"h tliree, lloera of the build Injj at -!'l- IMdge nvenue and burned out the tirt tlenr of 'Fix Ilrethers' meat market, adjoining. The less Is esti mated at nbeut 5J 10,000. RUM RUNNER DUMPS BIG CARGO IN OCEAN, Ship With Liquor Valued at $1,700, 000 Falls te Run Blockade New Yerk, Dec. 14. (By A. 1) V er-i't fif a liquor, cir'M vahml at $1,700,000, at bootleg prices, lias been inmpi'il f"te te ocean nt Freeti-irr I.. I accenllnc te a r-pert leeelved by Frnnk .1. Hnle nnd .Tames K. Kerrigan, chief intelligence efiieers for tlie pro hibition enforcement department. The w Iil-Uj . brought here from the Baliairnn. was thrown overboard Tues tla whnn members of tin' rum nin nin aer's en-w were angerei' at failure of the carpi's owners in New Yerfc either te gft wa'cr and feed t-upplied te the ship or te unload the liquor. llin e-sol lay lu the liquor camping rounds for s-evi-rnl days, according te the IVdfral agents, while Miiull bfintu, 0icrated by owners of the cargo, mnde J futile ilfeftH te inn tin Government i blce'ifiule and elitaln the liquor. I After iluniulug the lirpier the ship ! iterted mi tlie return trip te the Ua- htina'-. it was staled. U ln-n an Aumtf-nr l'lintficrnplier lnts title of our Impnrtcfl Ciinierus lie Ih-hIiim te irnUie tlm lilninurc In I'U-tnrc Tiiklii(. Tlicn- U a ri-iihun. Veiir rnmern Talicn in IImIiiuire Pliila. Camera Exchange 1420 Chcitnut St. ; rh Anether Granddaughter of Bl Be Actress New Yeih, Dee. 1-1. Te the length ening INt of young women of Nen Yerk society who have deciilul upon rrofest-lennl stage careers lm.-t been lidded the name of Miss Anita Illiiiue Dnmresclt, .vetiugesl, tlaugliter of Mr. and Mr. Walter )uinre-ch anil granddaughter of the late James !. I?hiinc. Yesterday Mis. Diimreseh continued n renert tli.it her daughter intended te become an actrc-s. nnd added that h'1 , iiresent ulie is only a htudeut of the J& drama. Miss, Damreseh jemtd the delmtante Rf-t of niclety last ear. She then entered the Americnn Academy of Dramatic .n--. aim win ruiiiiiiui- ner . - , . . , studies thern for another ear. Then ; SlOfl Ot yOUr DUSinCSS JUClg' it will tie ner nope 10 juui me ei.uiuiuc profession. Miss I'amre'eh is following in the fentsteps of her elder sister. MN: I 'oily Ilhilue Danireseii, who made It known hut summer thnt she wa-, t.repailng (,. 1ie Kinire Iii Setitembei" the hitter played the I'V:'11,'..'""!'1,11 LU' FMr.D!lIMP. Pn INC. the llln: CII'ICO lllll;iril liniris, ii,-r e iirt written bv h-r sister. Mrs. 'J he.Tias F LOR II C LHETNljTrT Knight linletter. .L.WK.II V. Vllt IHUI'I. liSfcal Make printer geed your jet a lmpres- ment by giving him our engrav- ' ings. They make a "geed im I pressien" en his press. I The Che'Tnjjt Street FINE STATIONERS Just Frem Europe Silk Ladies' Hand Bags Portmanteaus Card Cases Coin Cases ler Gentlemen (Kvening Wear) Letter Cases Card Cases Bill Felds Match Helders bound with geld 1121 Chestnut Street Smoking jackets that really fit fitting gifts for Christmas! Dressing gowns from the least expensive te the most luxurious. Silk scarfs, silk shirts, silk socks, silk mufflers, silk handkerchiefs, silk pajamas, silk umbrellas, silk - lined PttHt lire ad Street Yerk Walnut Strt RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL Important Sale of " DRESSES Reductions J4 anc Mere Afternoon and Evening Gowns of Canten Crepe, Chiffen, Georgette Taffeta, Lace and Net D D D resses at (Values te $75) resses at (Values in $lr) resses at (Vulues te $1.15) D D resses at (Yaliiat te $lKt resses at $35 $45 $65 $75 $95 (Values te Clever Santa Claus "Well, tiirj old saying-, 'Christmas comes but onee a year,' is gein te be upset at our house. 1 just bought a Moen for the whelf family aiul Christmas is going te last the whole vear with us." Prices !'. (). li. Factory Sll !)., Plfii.-i, SI7fc."5, S2I.S.J ss; n .MACK IN MOTORS, J J .V Rll' .h Ilrr. 1 f-t. Dun..- It -. INC. r rr.l. Pri- rhino rejlar 753v 'c 3i. k. r? JrdL Moter Cars The car of the Authorized Dealer : Kirkpatrick & Heyler famous ten proven unitt 1331 MarVff St. Sampinn & Helberj Sales Ce. l'.rmil & II in,i; 1H- .in Jehn Merriten .11 10 l nu-i n A Westmoreland Moter Sales 3522 Nerth Bread S' Arcade Meters Cerp. 4821 r-anklerrt Avn. United Meters Sales Ce. II.'! 'nri nur " Key ScbaeFer I3jIi Ave , Cvr.wy.i Main Line Moen Meters Eivn Man: K i r: j Moter Sales 1030 Chfijtnu. St. YOU PROBABLY ALREADY USE CRANE'S vr. gloves. Fer ever one hundred and twenty years Crane Mills have made paper at Dalten- thc -the Shopping list of ChriKtmeH hirscs hirscs tlenu, with prlceB malled en reciuvat Stere Hours 8:30 te G FERRO & COMPAMY Rogers Peat Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper Walter G. Becker Carefully Selected Gift Suggestions ARM BANDS BELTS. BATH ROBES BATH SLIPPERS COLLARS, CUFFS CAPS. CANE3, CLOTHING EVENING DRHS3 VESTS GLOVES AUTO. DRESS GARTERS. COLr COATS HATS, HANDKERCHIEFS HOSIERY, HOUSE COATS JEWELRY Ladlfl' Heilarr LOUNGING ROBES MUFrLERS NIGHT SHIRTS, NECKWEAR OFricr. coats, overcoats PAJAMAS SUSPENDERS. SWEATERS 8HIRTS READY TO WEAR SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE SCOTCH WOOL VESTS TOGARDS UNDERWEAR, UMBRELLAS UNION SUITS 6&!2 IfrflS Cerner of 11th & Chestnut llfVfL MiirwMJUr'0m -jcwjla 9fitf 0 Fellow the card-trail te & 910 Chestnut St. Ask-te examine L.B. Pacific cards an extraordinary value. Learn hew little you need pay for these cards made for temporary records, Except for the stock, Pacific cards are exactly like Library Bureau's mere expensive permanent-record cards. They have the same ruler-smooth edge. They are rotary cut te the same exact ing uniformity of size, which speeds up fingers. Slop in today at 910 Chestnut street, and ask us te quote quan tity prices. Library Bureau 910 Chestnut Street M. W. MONTGOMERY, Manager Phenos : Main 7394 and Walnut 3394 i( 1 1 v same family, in the same 'pet, with the same standards. One hundred and twenty years of effort de' voted te making paper just as geed as it can be made. There is no paper in the world today that has quite the interesting history of Crane's paper. And no paper has ever been put te se many remarkable and distinguished use?. The stocks and bends in your safe deposit box, your insurance policy, diploma, will, deed, lease, patent papers, pattern drawings, may all be Crane s. And many of the letters you receive from valued customers arc written en Crane's. ioe selected new mg sted iii years' experience Banknotes efii countries Paper money 0438,000,000 people Government bends of 18 nations Crane's BUSINESS l'APERS LINDE Furniture Gift Mere for Your Meney Than Any where Else Offering the largest assortments of gift novelties and standard, staple, gift Furniture and Rugs te be found in Philadelphia at prices guaranteed a full 25 per cent below all ether large stores carrying goods of similar high qUality. Everything from the smaller, inexpensive -tides, which add se much comfort and convenience te the home, all the way ay te the finest suits for Living Roem, Dining Roem and liedroem. Don't think of selecting your gifts un'il you see what you can save at the Untie Stere. csP-;a' Vv?;i-M - p 11 u'h-H-a ...-, . ',' ., ,..:'..m- ifeA1. ft " '.-.ij? a? 4 k 'i in-1, tr.i - J!.'.! '.. 11 if ui I.i lr.'j lu 1 i'-l ivi-'uli1 con i'y cii-him t.lI'--U,ll s ui Kcni. si, 1'. n,i vl-iiu'ii l)i.vt-i.if.ii. I' m;iti'iial aii.i (.niis-i-'ii tiun i. In lini' ir..'h:ii'-. S19.". A v 'lour iinuKhnur. S135 Gift Rugs at Guaranteed Lewest P 27x5 Much Wilten . . 36tC3-inch Wilten . 275'l-inch An'mitcr 36i63-nch A'minkter 7.69-fet Vtlet 5.7? te 8 50 6 75 tJ I0.S0 3 25 te 5.75 5.50 te 8.50 26.50 6x9.fctt Aimin.ltr 8 3rlOQ.net V.'.ltun. 0xl2-ffjt Brus.tU Gx9-feet Colonial IU lC7.Cftct Wilten. rices IS 00 te 23.00 59.03 ta 81 00 22 50 te 33.50 3.75 te 5.50 25.00 te35.C0 Frida v Cucm'ngt HENRY LINDE 23d Street, Columbia and Ridge Avenues WHITING-PATTERSON COMPANY, Inc. 314-322 North 13th Street 1 ," PAPERS OF ALL KINDS WMRffi EEWTM im ggi 1 njs Loek Everywhere and Compare "hwiS T &pf' WINTER SUITS AND OVERCOATS The tine, the finer, the finest at our Super-Value Prices s28 $33 38 $43 and up Perry & Ce. Kith and Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men 1 33113 The Lest thing nbeut Cen tiul Real Estate i that you never have te sit up nights and worry about it. It's sound, safe, stable an investment plus! We h.ive 3 particular places in mind that are rich in oertunity. Will j ou come in and cc us? HEYMANN & BRO. Real Estate Heymann Building 1 13-215 S. Bread St., Phila., P. .S r DOES your advertising suggest your personality? Can you be visualized he tween the le lines. Tk 'C-; THE HeLMEb PKEbS, I'rintrr. 131S.29 Cherrv Street Phll.JdrliU v MacDonald & Campbell The Best Christmas Gifts for Men Loek at the prices and see hew Utile it costs te send a man a trift whose Style, Quality and Usefulness are famous with all men of geed taste. s. Initial Handkerchiefs, 50c te $2.00 Knitted Silk Mufflers, U'.OO te $20.00 Weel Hnlf Vlese 75c te $4.50 Gloves $2.00 te $5.00 Silk Neckwear, $1.00 te $4.00 Knitted Neckwear, $2.00 te $4.50 Silk Shirts, $7.00 te Madras & Fibre Shirt3, $2.00 te Sill: Half Hese, 75c te Heuse Jackets, $10.00 te Bath Robes, $7.50 te Knitted Vests, $6.50 te $12.00 $7.00 $6.00 $32.50 $15.00 $15.00 mi-i:i3(i Chestnut Street 4 X i . .as, ViV y. mfa . ?w u ,rtf sa. A"S ,m J V A a & WW si J.K3 ! il? 1 w. ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers