m y3F f fa W ' THE ESTHER WIGHT PUBLIC LEDGER Itrterally fnlr (enlfiht iiinl 8ntttrn J about ,25 ZjSrAg. fresh westerly wlm "".MATKtl? at r.AD li... tn tin huh. EXTRA I IKIt'R .Z. EVENING VOL. IX. NO. 80 ss - ; 61 RUNNER SHOT, $10,000 Bandits Wound Darby First Na tional Bank Empleye en Way te Fels & Ce. Plant ROBBERS TRAIL VICTIM'S SEDAN IN TOURING CAR Bleck Its Path, Attack Messen ger and Seize Fels & Ce. Pay roll in Busy Street MEN ON SIDEWALK AID Pull Revolvers as Passersby Rush te Scene of Held-Up While Thieves Flee bullet lit iM by one of wi n bandits it'Thlnl nnil Miii" streets. D.iiliy. lit 111-nO e'i'IihI, tnilnv. grazed tli( -nip d( Hnrn McKee, n bunk runner, the robber- V-ciping with !?li).(lll(i pa,v- MrKce lives in Cliften Heights nnil Iseiiiplnveil In I In I'li-I Niittiuml IJimU of D.iiIij Hi- vvns in n -cdnn mill vv.m inking i'i'1 pavrnll '' '' I" & '" M,!,1' maker-", el Sevcntj -thitd t-t 1 fct mid IVneilkiiid avenue. The snretneiilnr lield-iip, entiled out In full view "f :i dez.cn p'ls.cr.by. was tlmrtl I" tin- minute, four of the bandits In n touting nir suddenly blocking I lie path "I III'" sedan. The bullet wns lired In eil'1 "l" I In ''I' robber en I lie dilrvvnlk. McKee. who Is twent -three . en rs old, received llm p.. tell nlieiit (l:'J."i u'tle, k .mil Inn rli cl mil fiem tin- bnnk st Xlnlli i.inl Mtt In sheets te the sedan vl.lch un. diivcn In- W. 11. Snell, n gamgr owner of Dnrb.v. Itantllts Tmll VUtlm An cxpctis, ive loin in; :ir i niiiiiliiinsr four voting men wiii parked i'.'i-t of tlie Unk." Am Sncll sinned the sedan In the illriTtieii of I'liilmh Iphlu In' mid MrKce noted tin- turning nir, which trtrd slewl.v ferwaid lit tin- .satin1 moment. TIip muring car kept a dozen .Minis in ndrnnec nnd had gene tir:il blocks, whfu it begun 7.i;:.:r.".:iiiK nernss the street. "Tlint leeks Mispteieiis." reniarked McKee. "We eiitjlit te turn back, but vc are late new." He and Snell weie nrmed and bulb fell for their revolver". - but did net diiiw IliOn. His Cur ICiirbs Sed.in On the sblewalk near Third street tbree Jeans men. nil wenrim; enps, iere loitering. A the .edap npi'eaehed. die tmiriui; cur In advaiire Middeuly wung illieelly nere". its path. At the niiii" aieicieiil the three loit leit Ters run tewanl the s'dan. All whipped out rcvelwrn. "fllien that deer, qulelt," commanded en. "We'll kneek jeu oft If jeu move," snarled another. Itullet Cir.ues Head McKee leaehed bark for bis revolver find a bandit lired threiiKh the winil vhleld nt biw bead. The steel -jaeketed bullet smashed the glass ami ploughed along the run ner's stnlp Weed Mewed ever his face. Thrce of the men in the touring ear had diuwn lewdvera and were pre pared te .sheet ail one who interfered. JIcKee and Hnell niibeil their hands nnd two robbers anked open the. Hiilnn deer. A third lifted the heed and cut v the ipfnltien wiies. One of tint lubbers then seized the money-filled sntchel. MeKee nnd Snell were ordered te keep Mill under pen ilty of death. The three men in tbe ftrcet then tumbled into the touring ar whlrb speeded toward Philadelphia. Victim' Car Disabled By the time the teuriir; car had gene i dozen nrds it was racing nt feriy or hfty miles an hour. Tim of the ban dits peered f i (he rear with revel- ers rend in the event of pursuit. The robbers' car was seen out of bight. Snell tried te stmt the sed.in but xmld net .MiKee was assisted te a ''awry wagon which took him te Sixt -nftb street ami Woodland incline. In ne meanwhile. Snell teb phoned te bis jarajfn and n machine driven by Frank pnell, bis son. was waiting at the "oedliind lupmip lulersi clien. The slighilj weundeil runner was transferred there fiein the wngen te 'he motorcar nnd taken te the .lheri 'nrdin Hospital The bh r Snell was 'jit by gins- when the bullets smashed Hie sednn window. His injuries weie net seileus. After his scalp wound hnd been 'IrrtMd McKee returined te the bank md repeited the holdup. "I wouldn't want te go through that 'hlng ngnlii," lie said. "Sncll and I vjw the touring car. but we didn't !nlnk nn, one would start an thing there In biead dm light. When the ''r Ftnrted :'i.agging I suspected the meant te block us. when we reached jhe pe'nt when, the elbeis were wait mi en in. Nelewulk it was loe late te l't up it li'jhr. MiKee tin excused himself, e plaining he hail te telephone hi bis "Hl bet that In was all tight. file llllill,!- j.,Uc puller ,c , 1 1 .I tell ' the leliliu-, ii ii 1 1 the moteicin, and Hiers mi,. M. hieadcam. . '" I '-I i ii liri I the car "Oned. It ,; iake-l if Ineuse ali'iu lag. N. J. "FOLLIES' GIRL BRIDE Football Star Chicago University Weds Natalie Brown ChlMRO. Dec I,",. TIj." leniaild of ne educated le.w e-' I'miliC. I e.nhn. '"n nnd N.iinlic Urewn has I'lilmiiiated PPll.v se far. The pietti linl,. ,.. r i, .."'ll.' U" ,'"'""leh V,,u ...iiii-k mihi ine no ei L'l loot nan h' ir ,J1 aiiMise I uUersIt Swterdm. weie miirned rim . s ,,iih ,,iie .ibsnii le in ih, ,,. '' ai.l All- l.eallieu.ia.i. w hec ,S ," ," ' '"I"1"'! er 'imllhi : HI. nts Iiummi'i I, Informed. Thei'i i tern.g , n,i,i v.i,),,.,. ,,,,,,. N. ,T l',,ll",l"ll"'Ki "I M.iplcttoed. ' ir. I I .... I,. u . """""I" "I'I leave i ie hMvtc, !: "iseiin i nniieunceil and live with IC Is III 1- "11-1 I OI I I age, wheiii I "cut. 1EN 1 un. Entered no Scteml-CIn"! Vnltrr n! unuer me aci Seriously 111 ,i. m t'vfitrirdr!.H'l $$?'(. 4'y?v.'i .',: & neKAci: i re(JKii Tlie widely liiievvn sports writer and former president and manager of tlie Phillies was stricken with paralysis jestrrdny and Is In a critical condition. ' FOGEL,EX-PHILILOT, IS AT DEATH'S DOOR Famous Baseball Man of Other Daye. Stricken With Paralysis Herace Pegel. fermerlv one of the best -known baseball men in the I nited Stntes, was stricken with pnral.viiis nl his Ionic, L'Odl North Twcnly-seiend stiect, .ve-terdny, nnd hopes for his te te ceveiy nre very slim. I'egel started his career as a tele graph opciater. and graduated from that pest te baseball writer en the Phil adelphia Press, His newspaper ev periem e incllidid service with the live ning Times and as sporting editor of tile livening Teleginph. As manager of the New Yetk (iiants he dcvclepi d a number of players who later became famous, Later hi: hnmllcd the Phillies, nnd eventually became president of that club. When he re tlied hein active participaticji in the game In- became publisher of a mentlil ningiiziiie en baseball. He was aNe well known as n political lender In Dem ocratic circles. 'COAL PRESCRIPTION' FILLS EMPTY BINS Doctors Write Out Fuel Orders and Dealers Hener Them "Prescriptions for coal" are the Intest development of the coal shortage prescriptions given by physicians in flie regular way, because there Is sick ness in a family. Dealers have reported they nre re ceiving and houeiing such prescrip tions. A few have turned out te be fraudulent, but the mlr.er abuse has net diminished the usefulness of the Inno vation, aeceiding te the coal men. Ai'eeiding te leperts In West Phila delphia, where theVnal shortage is un usually acute, some of the doctors are charging a fee for tlie i eal picsenptlen just ns tbev would for any ether. Public schools have pnssed their crisis and will be warm ur.til the 'ft'hrlstmns holidays begin. Police sta tions me feeling the shnrtnge keenly. Hospitals are reported te be well sup plied. COLLEGE GIRLS SWINDLED BY GLIB "SOLICITOR" "Magazine Agent" Escapes Bryn Mawr Girls When Nearly Cornered i Students of Jlryn Mawr College, and nlse these of a number of private I nchoels for pirls in that section, weie swindled our of smnll sums of menej I ilurlng t tie Inst few weeks by u well dressed youth of lluetit tongue, who ob tained subscriptions for magazines which were never delivered. The aggressive solicitor, wdie said he wns tr.vlng te rnlse mene te continue Ilia ctiwliiu n ll,n.nif.,r.l '.,llAnA ... .i.i... . ,,, 1.IIM Itllll, 1.1,,-.-, I, up found jestVrday lifter it hnd been learned that he was an Imposter, mid although several fair llryn Mawr students tried te lerncr him in Denbigh Hull, he managed te escape. HURLED LAMP AT HER IN QUARREL, WIFE SAYS Falrvlew Weman Badly Hurt Al leges Husband Toek $2000 Gems At the climax of an argument Inst night ever jewels she accused him of taking. David Itiitehehler, l.r.S Col Cel Hugh read, Fnirview, bulled an elec tric lamp at his wife, Alice, striking her en the bend, it was testillcd In Camden today. Mrs. Iliitcbelder Is In a serious con dition in Cooper Hospital. Her bus baud was held without bail by Re corder Stackhouse en a i barge of as sault and batter. In a statement te detectives, Mrs. Ilatihelder said her i'nst husband had left her a small fortune In cash nnd jewels. Hutchclder made repeated ef forts te get the mene.i, hhe asserted. Kecentlv, while she was III in a hes. pitar, It Is charged, he took .siL'tKM) worth of Jewels and either sold or pawned them. HIS "TON" 1640 POUNDS Camden Ceal Dealer Fined for Glv Ing Short Weight In Coke "A "ren" of uike sold bv ,e-cpi Ien ski, a dcalci, of ll,.i LeiiIn Micct.l l aiiulen. le iicnrge Meveii-, ,,j (,,. liimbia iivcnue, that citv, was ,'ii( pounds slum, according te testiuieuv Inilil befeie Iteceider StackhetiM1. ,a' niski wai lined Sill and le-tic, Stivins MiM-ecled that .loreski had net delivered a "iMlii.-peuud lop ami enlisted the aid of llarrj K. Ilcddliig. Seal if Weight nnd McmuiicN. who delci mined tie euct aiueuut of the Mhmtage. NEW CASTLE MAYOR QUITS Leng Illness Forces Executive te Resign Position New rustle. Pa.. Dec. IS. Miner S. A. II. lines villi resign an Majer of this ill .ll the I'llV Council meeting teilll, The leslgualien becomes elTeetlve Jaii. uar 1 Selection of the .Majer le nerve out the remaining vear of Ihe teim will fall le Council, Ma.ver I '.nines him been biik for eight nienlliH following u utreke. When Tey Tlilak et thlntt nflVrllln. WIUTlNi -Adv. MtyMUxfifYMbi. jr. ,'.' .: 'i?. w ' , Pal ei aiarcn d, inn SNAKE CHARMER SWEARS MOHR SAID HE'D 'GET' BRUNEN Mary Miles Miller Turns en For Fer mer Friend at Mount Helly Murder Trial FOOTPRINT OF WOMAN FOUND UNDER WINDOW Bleed-Stained Bill Taken Frem Slain Man Traced te Prisoner Mar .Miles Miller. pi ell charmer with the "Alight Shew." testified at Mount Mell sunk. Der!- today that Harry, C. Mebr, her ferm,,r de friend, had told her he feared either Mrs. Deris Itrunen or her husband, "Honest Jehn" llrunen, would kill life ether, and he "didn't want this te Imp pen. I want te get him lirst." 'I'lin knrilfe plineeiec n ultt.nuu I'm1 the Commonwealth at the (rlnl of Mrs. ! llrunen and Mebr for the murder of, llrunen. were n brown clout; and a ! blnck bat trimmed with wings. She Is small and attiactlve and does net leek like ii woman used te circus life. She was one of several impm tiini w it ucbses of the morning. Chief of Pelne Voshell. of Illverslde. where P.rum u vvns murdered March 1(1 last. tetlbed he hnd found the print of a woman' shoe outside (lie window through whhli the shot was tired. Ilnrlc lidge. of Uiverside, (estlliid lie had passed the llrunen heiie nl 7:!!l o'clock the night of the minder and had seen no automobile nearby. Ills testimony was important, because . lean -than Kelse.v . Count Prosecutor, uio uie duccd another witness, Clifferd Cain, assistant count detective, who testified Mr.s. Hi uuen hud told him she bad Ten an automobile speeding awn. The trial, which began last Memlii.i nt Mount Helly, is being conducted bv Supreme Court Justice Kulisih mid Judge Wells at Mount Helly. Defendants Are Cheerful Today's session began quietly, the coitrtieoiu well tilled. Mrs. Hrtiiien and Mebr ucm .nep. cheerful "I, !"' :n"Kl '!::j;.'r:r1:f!r.;1 They nodded nnd .smiled te acquaint ances en their vvn from the jail te the courthouse. Postmaster Arthur Steelier. 0f Illv erslde, In response te questions asked by Prosecutor Kelse.v. told of the blood stained S."0 bill whiili hnd been offered In payment fer'a money order. "Did Hnrr.v Mebr enme te the post pest office alter the klllln;?" nsked Mr. Kel sty. "Yes," replied the pestmastet. "Did lie hand any mencv te yeuV" "Yes, be purchased srver.il money outers, ami gave me two Sel) is. ( n wns a geld note, the ether a bank r-'l tillente. One was bloodstained. Chief Voshell was the next witness. Widow (iet Meney "De inn knew who it was that searched Mr. llrunen's body?" "Yes. It wns Dr. Maul. He took two fifty dollar notes from his pe ket together with some ethers and banded them te Afru lltMlfmn Onn nf ll,n tuilnc . .m...i.l ....... , .,-.. "ii n'.uivii in lini' n nmnll sunt nf litr.iwl t,n..., Ii l V '.'.. .'1 ...":.'' '""", 1 1UIUMM -4I lll'l. IM'r 11 IKTlirm ir r'mmmra it rimadelp'ala, ns I wns looking ever the doctor's '""'"" consul te tlie nlted Stntes, to te shoulder when he unfolded the bills and!, "J' "ns, wr",! ' eve this mun'iv apread them out." before the morning of December 'JO bv At this point (lie window, taken ,'. '"Vsterieus letter writer who signed bodily from the house, with its broken ""'.''.. "l"-H.v. IrMi leiublican sash when1 the clmrge of heavy shot nrm .... , had tern ilueugh. was taken into the ,,,"',, .',', "I'11"0,'1 '" em,uenl en courtroom. Chief Voshell Identified it. ,7" Tim "" ",I,,111V1,,;I ,l"" ""- "What time .11,1 . re. , , I h '"P '"' c I,i .n.'M'iWllilP for the exe- day?" "Kail in the morning ... . . . .... .... ....... I "What did ou tlndV" "I Wracks lending across tbe field ! the vlclnit.v of the Itruiicn home te tin Cambridge station I "What diil jeu see ncir the window 1 en the ground':" a-ked Mr. Keown ! en iToss-cMimlnntien 'I could see the tracks of a man near the window, and one imprint of u woman's feet near the cellar deer undei the window ." At this point Mi. llrunen leaned fnivvnnl veij intcii l.v. concentrating all her attention en the witness. Sa.vs Mnhr Paid Iteum ltenl ; Mrs. Walter Farnst, wife of Hie owner of the pi open v where the Powells' lived in Camden, was taken te Ml.! Ilellv In an nuiomebile and with great consideration hi the Commonwealth, lie- cause she i- in i lit te health. She' was put en the witness stand te testifv te mene paid for Powell's loom rent ' by Mebr The sum paid was !?."., "it I. she said. On all ether occasions, Mrs. Kanist te tided, either Powell or his wife had paid the rent". Mebr visited the house often, she said, both before and after the minder. Powell, she said, was home the nmhi of ihe murder when her husband cam,' home fiem work, hut bile (nlllil net n Hie e.iet time. Then canm Mt- Kllabeth Jae.sebk ei v uicjie, -rii'i u Miiiei'ii, wee we- the tcclpient ei the famous letter writ- ten hv the ciim owner lieteie Ins ...!.; i .... t i . ....... rA... t ..i n .... ..t .!.' ,.t 1. I ' v'hiiiiiiii ii mi i ,, ......I. ,uii. . (iii, inn nut, -- ... M...n. I a Dtrrimcr ou de WA A anANbrlA , $11,000 Offered Admiral Stark Take His Charges Away t Shanghai. Dec le.- I IS A. P. l- I'lle l.'us inn let lue" Heel et feuileeii nhips. leaded wiih the desllliile rem nants of the While (illiird leici'h of Vkidivosiek. vvluih m rived here it few llavs age out el luci nnu imovimeiis, Mill Is Ivin' at anchor 111 the liver unable te priced further and barred bv the Chlnc-ic Imui landing its human freight. , , , In the meantime different local or ganizations have iiuitilbiited funds for the telief for tin mere iinliiedl.ile need of tlie homeless v mulct ers, who aie hunlm: hemciluiic will 'turn up" m thai tbev ma iiniiluue llitir ve.vagi le I lloiigkeng. Manila or nunc ethet waiiiiir and mm, he-idlahle pett I Chinese miciiiI oigatiialiens htive of- fried Admlial Sunk, leader of the e. , pi'dltien, S'.'tl.tlllli iMi'v. aiirelniutcl,v KlllitlOll in Ihe i uuen niaies) ami the Chinese Kcd I'iesm .Illlil iMia.i If he will s.iil itiitiv with his charges nnd agree net le attempt te hind at any ether Chinese point. lilt AtlKNTim N s.inisetn. tliri; .lf,(.ri Ivi. Ww I'lillmlHlpiila iUII n Ml I". M rtaicr- vutlciim apply lulli Clieat. St. l.ec. (lull, Aiiv, PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBKIl 1", 19JU TAX-EXEMPT BOND QUESTION IN HOUSE Privileged Status Given Resolution te Amend Constitution Washington, Dec. lfi. ( !$ A. P.I - The Meuse Uillcs Committee voted today te give privileged status te the tlrcen resolution proposing un amend ment te the Constitution under which further Issuance of tut-exeinpt seem I tics would be prohibited. Card of Madeira, Hill Company Sales Manager Found en His Bedy MEMBER OF UNION LEAGUE A inn ii believed te be Jehn P.. lidinetiiN, general snlesinitiinKer of Mi'delin, Hill & Ce., coal operator-, and ft member of the t'uien League, fell dead en Spruce street, between Itmnd null Fifteenth streets, at Hi o'clock this "1,,ln"";- Al Icllcrseii Hospital, vvheie tin body . was taken by Mounted Pelici man I.angatt who saw the man teif ever en tbe sidewalk, a I moil League membership card bearing the naine ,,l Mr. Kdinetids. together with several cheeks and .S."(K) in cash, was found. The body was taken te the nieigue al ll:e(l o'clock, bur no one bad ap peared fe Idenlif it up te P ::!(! o'clock. At Mr. Edmonds' office, en the ninth fleer of the North American lltiildiiig. it was said .Mr. Kdmenils had left about II) o'clock ami no word had I n received from' hlin since that time. The tinidentilied man was found about 111 -HO o'clock. Xnr had any nntifn atlen been re reived from the polite nt his home in the Murllt.gten Apartments. i:',e Spruce street. Mrs. Kdinetids ,-ald -he had rcicivetl no word and did net hi -lieve the many was her husband, lie left t Ihiiiic she snl. nl his usiml time at 8 o'clock this morning ami was up piirentl feeling well. Pntielman Lnngan wns en Spruce street at the time the mm. fell te the sidewalk and bailed an automobile, in The man d ed V , r i ,g ,1 ," n- "". , d.,e , heart ,ns." vviiicn tie wns ruslieil te I be be.iiitn . His AMUNDSEN AT NOME Head of Pelar Expedition Arrives by Deg Team Neme. Alaska. Dee. 1,". t By A. Captain Itaeid Amundsen, head P.I if a i"our c., iimiuii uini it'll Scuttle in June, arrived here late yesterdav bv deg tenm. Captain Amundsen enme finin Wn'in wright. near Point Ma new. where he s wintering with the plane in which be Hopes in tin, spring te tlj ever tin North Pele. EX-DAIL EIREANN CONSUL ORDERED TO LEAVE U. S. D. J McGrath Says He Received Warning by Letter . . .'CW 1 Ont Dec. l.V-llh A P.i Daniel J. MetJr.nh formerly Da II PI """"",' I'.lt DIES IN STREET ft. BEJOHNB EDMONDS , ", ' ." ""."'. ."' 'kei.v iiitiiiner found "S-" I,'r,,;,l",r ItihIi Itepulilii'.in aimv le- 'officers. He tefused te give out a copy I illlil nf flu. I..I I .... .....I ... i iii i niML. int.! it. ii .1 i . . i tt . i , .miiiiu mi- srate wbellMr It contained :i threat of death If 1,. 'I'I m t inmplv with its demand, the letter was addressed t,. "Hen. erable James Met. rath. Irish Censul." It was t.vpewrltten en a nhiin lm... ",.r paper and bem no marks te identifv the writer. "I am net James M.t.'tath." .Mcdiatli said, "and I am net new the consul. I n-igned the office the daj Her.i O'Connor and the ether Iiisli H,.'. publican etlicei- were executed. I re signed bj cnble. the resignation te take eurci iiiimeiiiaic upon it receipt," Belfast. Dec. 1.V iu v !!.. I Itailuaj communication belivetn l!el- last and Dublin was cut off teila.v as a result of the wrecking f ),, suppesedl b.v Iteimblieati bunds ni j l.reniln. Count Leuth. Telephone communication ale was ct oil'. WOMAN AND SON STABBED TO DEATH: HOUSE SET AFIRE Police Seek Husband of Island Victim Ceney I New Yerk. I IS. tltj . p. , .ii. .mini ' ,i i -.i I..4 uini nir ii nc-vcni' iie nun ii, ,i.t- niiiiiuii id ucarii an 1 .their home in Ceney Island was set mi lire tedn.v In an effort, m hide the crimi 'Firemen discovered the bodies in tbe t.t. i '" "O n .1 ...... I."..... ....... U....I....I . uitcueu, Switch was -t.nteil i..i,i.. .i, i,,,.i,,,,i for Adam ("a. Firemen found all the floors and win- : " ' ,'..' '" ",1'N imnniin close te the bodies. WOMAN HURT BY TROLLEY Mrs. C. M. Reiner Knocked Down While Cressing Arch Street Mrs. C. M Heiiirr. ,f 70-, Xl)lM Nilietecuth -ireet. was ; l,r, il.,w, bv a wes -b.11.1d Anh street ,.,, ,lt lilitbth st.-cit ledn.v and injuieii pair, fully. 'After an e.iM. bound car bad p.iss,), Mrs. Uelner 1 n-hed aciess j, m,,,,,, and did net -ie the inr n,m.. ,. , ; opposite direction. She was pnked up b.v Patrolman 1 Kreiter and sen te the .leffeiv,.,, 11." pital. 25 I. W. W.'S RIOT IN JAIL Shotgun Squads Called te Subdue Prisoners In Les Angeles Cells Les Angeles. Dee. IS. Twentv -live Industrial Wet ken. of the Weild ,'lPl in the KtiBtside .fail eMerda" ,.01... Rilbdued mil after Hlmtgun t-e ,uh had jjcen llsiiatclied from the cental police The I. W. W. men heittted red lla"s ever their tnnk eclfe and heat upon icll doers until the police arrived. HARVEY SUMMONED HOME TO DISCUSS CRISIS ABROAD; NO ADEQUATE U. S. POLICY America May Evolve Plan Merely ie Tide Over Seri ous Situation i NO INTERNATIONAL LOAN I TO 'GERMANY POSSIBLE Administration at Sea Mer- gan Made Voluntary Call en Harding l!v CI.INT.'N . (ilMIKKI stud ( inri-tieiiiliiit I i eiiler I'iiIiU- 1'ilrir III nil, ' II", hi I'i Mir l.illw i 'i Washington. D, . I." Tin Li 'e 1 penn -iluatiei engagid the t.ibui-i's attention nt H- meciing leda t ml Piesidnii Ilmding will liavc an op- perlllllit le discuss it Willi Tlieodel, K. liutleli. of the Deb! l'lindill,' t'elii-, mlssldii. iliiung the da. ' Hut I can sa.v with n geed ,l al of ass inn that theie I- no pehcy in -ight adequate te meet the crisis abroad I Thi1 best hope is thai tumble mav In I tided ev"i for another fi w month- as lit wa- in Match. ItiL'l. .in, I as ,i he'll .11 Intervals ever -itiic Perhaps tbe dillicultics (,f Km one in tee griive for any one te solve. 'e one call sa.v even the i uncellatieii ,, in, nllii'd debt would work lh mlimle thru has often been piemi-ed fiem it. Ami ; in an event the Administration's Immls aie tied b.v its mn nun, mi 1 mm-, cnnccllntlen peliej and b.v tin law fei . bidding cancellation. i And. mererver. linnnr l.iw's m . I tieiincenient that (iieat Ctitam anmit j pnv us unless the Allies mid Cermnuv pr.v her disposes of the ihier.v ihnl s,,ine , nci oinnieiiat ion might be eMemjci) jeintl) by Cnal Hriin"! and t In' Culted States te the ether Allies efnr iinange. rents hnd been made fei tim pajiiicm of Knglish het rewings fiem us. Ne Lean fe fJcrmany I can definitely discredit tin- repoit repeit Iiiihllshed In inanv papers that an Inter national lean of .1..Vlll.iiflO.(lOl) te Ger ninny is in prn-pect. which would start payments te France and thus- tempo tempe rarll lelleve the crisi. Ne such lean is possible. fn ,d ministration ilrrles it Is spoken of as "philanthropy." Well-informed bank ers have heard nothing nf the project. Moreover, thrv point out tlm' the Gov -eminent uiiild net make -uch a lean Thnt would be merelv adding le (his bad debt which it lefu-is te cancel. Besides the treasury hns a largei Heating debt about Sli Odd, OOll. 0(10 te fund in the near futiire-.-nnd It hn just been fei ceil te pay D, jier cent for menej which it hoped te obtain nt 4. Fer a private international lean Ih bankers sa.v there would be no market That is what Mr. Morgan told the bankers of Kuiepe one vear age. And the situation i- m.nlc wmse In I'enar lliw's miueiiuceiueiit thai (Jieat 1 lliitnlu lannel iay nnless i,, ,,ih,'i allied nations pa.v In1'. j 'flic rumor of n lean was flatted upon Mr. Met gan's uiiep. ctcd v i-.it te the ' Stale Department en Wednesda.v t Whin I believe te be the tine explana tien el Mr. Morgans visit i- as fol fel lows j 1 he I, ankers n New eri vwicawatv of tlij seiietisness of the Kurepcaii cm-is T'icj were at ia a- te wha' wa- being done about ti ami what should he done about it. Mi, Morgan, tn eeiilinglv . le obtain itifei matieii laiin1 1 1 1-1 1' un his own initiative te lcaiu what was meant b.v tin While Heuse it ii ix . ni'. incut thai tin "Ad'iiini-tin tieti wa- doing all il could " lie found the Administration as mm Ii m sea as the internalienal bankets of New tn-K were ever the crl-i- hi Kuriqic and was unable te s.-u what ciuld In done in aveit a -innsli abteail. The Administration is ib eply con i ei ned evir the situation. The cri-ls. win, h is just a recurrence of the i risis which has arisen at ttiteiv.ils -line i he -tuning of the Vcisallle. Tieilv is ineie grave llllill ever before Tbe en immediate ebju't of diile- mini I- " I'levcni ine i rencii eccilpa- In n la-k P.CI the Kiln II is tin - iiue old ti.iit tin ed Mr Hughe- in Match, t risis smc (n Itecur I' i,,c 1 "1 cm ll sele the (lelman coil III Ids new 1 111 of economic ilislinh time h, 41ns lu Hum, 1 f wbuli n,, ,,ii,. 1 can ,, the oiitieine. If ihe I'rciii h aie ii-tiaineil some 1 euipmiuisi1 w, ,e p.iii lied up en which Kuinpc mu worn along for ,1 few in, null- (r a vear ni.ue until the 1 ri-is icciiis in plelcinh 11 m, ne severe fnrm than ll has 1 .,1 , 1 iipleiuai 1 in i In- situation doc- net leek I,, wind temporal expedient-. It bus i a done se sin,,, it assembled at Pin 1, ! make penn, full of sounding plnii-e- and tine pietemh n- i; ,i-liiiigleii ami I ,,11,!,, 11 liml ih,. icmpeiuv espcdiciil ihi- lime us tbev have in 1 Ik- p.i-i tbev will Imu done nil thin 1- ."iiap- hiiuiaiil.v pes-tble. the wn'1 1 h ti bv the war being ,1 gicat Ihe Ailiniiii-limmu mi, 'ht tinn te Concuss ami tell it that tim foreign debt- tin elleetable ami ak for aiitheiiiv le deal with tin in in a blond blend .r spnit This 1- the, 1 nurse which the linnkei- hope will be taken. , t,,. moral ami seutiiueutal ieas,,ns mi. 'vniii'ed I nneelliig Ihe debts tun lie dl-mi'si il a- sheer bunl;. I If tliere I- anv geed ic-isen it is tu. mie baal.eis adv. line that ,1 cauielln. lien of 1 In debts would ,-eive our own tiuteiisi-. p rviii' our bc-i ci. 1 tinner. 1'unipe. luuu ruin. Kvm of Ibis theic is -.mie ihmht I lint ihete N un -i.,'n 1 lm 1 ihe Admin- jstralieli win innuess inngle-x In Ibis hpiril Nnd mil nf the ptchcnt di-. erganiiil Cnngiess il i- doubtful if auvthiiiu would mine from such a move except maneuvers ler political advan tage. Meanwhile the Adininistmtlen s giavelj concerned about the old hicc Ici lud I" i-iii. 111 Ceiu 1 1 1 v If Piailie i hi .l.v I. Cem' nt Stitula lithi wi'i A.MHASSMIOK If A!t KV HARDING'S SECRETARY ILL Wasllillgteil. Dei l,"l -Geeige P.. Christian. Jr. sirrct.irr te President Ilaidiug. i- I'lill'ieil in h'- home uit.i II -eVi'lt' (old II, Will lint be Illllc te lesiime iii. iluli. s f,,i several ditv-. 1 Uin ic LAST-MINUTE NEWS JOHN B. EDMONDS FAILS DEAD ON STREET The man who fell dead en Spruce street neai- Brend at 10 o'clock thl& uierning was identified in the Morgue at 1.T0 c'cleck this afternoon as. Jehn B. 3mend. a, Tfrether of rrank lin Spfiics-i Edmonds, nnd gen:al faTf"? manigar of Ma'livi. HiU ft Ce . coal operator. FAKE MOVIE PROMOTERS SENTENCED HERE Irwin A. Whitman, y,rometei m the Animated Studies of Ainurkn." was sentenced te three te five years in the Eastern l'enitcmiciiy and his two seub, v'mcent ana Bcrr.aul, te tu yea: nnd six months te five years, by Judge Davis this, attemoei.. They j hanged their plea, te guilty en charges thnt they hud .vis filed inveateis out of $'33,000 in pio-.ne'-ir.g a :nei-n-pictuie vciituic te intake aniniated tsitecn&. $20,1,1 PLAN TO WIN STREETS Mayer Sends Council Message en Project for 7th and Other Thoroughfares Sl,,',: ,Imiii,i: wliel, mav ,,,-t :,- high a- sjn mi i ii n tin, re .and w lib b weull , n i' i.i 'iintn 'incertnut pub'ii hiilhliug- Iiinl.- lnisine- In iii-i-s. ami seme- of ,.in of privale iiii'perty ale nrope-i,"! in i , -.it,' winch Maver M111 1 i ni ,i i ii I Minicil ibi- .iflet . llei'U. "A- the l- 1 under the uu-m, ' planned t" v nir, 1 Spring ( in 1 den ! ; t Ien of Prank Squill es fiem a I feet tu l'Jil fi ei 1 f ei.ti rein c- held of 'he Maver, it i- .sevinili -trcet from , 11 1 It through a per- ii nil Washington e-elll width of tiftv ltidt avenue from Vine itteet t,' 1' 11 11 a pre-eiil v nt' I ' feel, and el n ti 1 te tl P irkw ,v fecu Vllie I lei 1 - a wldl Ii and the in w 1 ! P.'ll feel Mail Ituibllm The inlal 1--. --1 il H" 1 I' I'liite. II0111 t , I e 1U''I ., I .. s",,l a w idlli et Hill ,l VM tills I, el mid make II11 ted 1 , 1111 10 ,t tl the ll- prepei'l v llelllllCll cording vvhe b s about 11'. ,1 I 1,1 e le su, nun nun. hut te p.l-l ihe 1 ti xn 1 n ,,, ,nl 11, . the uctiml ibeilt twice aveiiue, for i" P. It T incline ami . In am h nf Itid.'e and lieKl l.el- , in1 ce-t 1 that sum The w lileini g example, vi 1 11I0 liewer hen-e ., 01 K , i,t mi ll. . I I Unige -in el . 'I Mount erne 1 -the Mi, Ml, I'm Spring lm di n runic 111 I'm, 1,1 P. ml. ,1,1, i HASKELL TO DIRECT RELIEF Russian Mission Head te Have Charge in Greece Wasldngleii. De- IS il'.v A P i Admnusti.iti' n ,f Nun rienn lied t resn relief ni Iii ' hit - been placed III tlie tin nil- nt Wi'Pnm s ll'isl.ell, Who will supervise n t . x 1 1 1 - tticte tn addition le ceutiniing n- diiectei nt llic Itiissiau uilsRiii'i ei ihe nictnin Itelicf Adiiiniisiiiitieii In am. uincim: ihe tnipeiniineut , . -dav Cliaitiiian l'.ivne of 1 1 , lied Cnms -lid Mr lliiskcll. a. empaiiicd l, Majer Kilmuml 1. I'ib I S A who will serve .is an .issisiani, vvmibl sail fni Athens .laiiu.ni '' Mt lias, kell, who will have tin di Hamilton nl led Ctess cemmissiniici te.i liiccic, has agieed tn iiil'ii In ceinph lien ndief work ill 'iicece ami en Aegean Island".. Irv i-Rnt,rr lV llH"f , is ,i L.ltanr i Sai, e w Itti I e fu .Stilmcrlptlen V Ic Jr, n Year by II J II. ny I'ulillt l'Jier Company. Hughes Calls Ambassador Frem Londen for Consultation at Washington VISITlJfiL COINCIDE WITH THAT OF BRITISH GROUP Tangle Over Reparations and Debts te' Be Canvassed nt Conferences I l t in' intriJ 'i.n ; l.llldllll. lie, IS.- Ambassador Hi vcv has been tieti, it was culled home for ionult.i ienult.i stnteil at the Au.'Mic.iti Kmbassv this afternoon. , He will -ail en the lierengai ia De- ' ceinber "'!. Hi' will net be nccnninnn , led hv viis,. linrvey. who win leave the pieceding djjv for a visit le Ma deira Tl.i ni'ture of the consultation for wlm h the Ambassador vvns siimmene was net known at the embassv , hnn It wns said the message ra'l.ng him te Washington merely said it wns "fe a consultation." It is presumed v In discussions with Secretary of State lliigheii will cover the whole tango et Kuiepenn affairs, including M,e :, II i I delils. repnrntletis and kindred sub jects. Ambassador Ilnrvci has been con. fined te his led viilh ,i mid for two m three da'-, but bis cimltten is net sufficiently serie.is te prevent him fnun making delitnte tihui- fv s.nli'ig Mis Ilarvej who ha I , ei j u 1 1 ill re- C'entlmirH en I'ntce I ueiin-fiiui ( elunin five BAILEY ESTATE LEFT TO DAUGHTER Majer Made Trust Fund for Mrs E. B. Knowles Value $125, 000 and Upward CHARITIES TO BENEFIT The i ti W. I!, . Man's ,v -el aside Kmilie ii t. f-l.ile of Mump t'hnr'es I'I' I'b in et 'i,e Pi.ii'ev ' !' ''i'. I 'mti.it, . has Icci ' n a ''i,-i Inn, I with Mi- r, v lx ie.v ies, tlir major - tlaiteliler. as A stnteiiien 1 In iiiief beii. fn mrv , n'd w Mi tlie will w hii h 1 f value ' unwanl ' of the i.eiki ,. 010- 1 " . .-1 .'.. .. ii a Ce It Is gener.ilij beitced i,c n 'u.'il va'ue ' i P miil'eti , Is very mm I, hi;.i,n, pes. t hf - .1 M il 'le'ints or mom Mrs Ixnev'e s Prank Cie-ci r ..n' -11-- Spriiie nre, t oilier dMlUltc,. th, veii Wu.letstniii , I'.HM v it. Dr V -I I III. of I!ln'e' - lle'ltl ., - pi" llibi I . P., 1 nuillliennl l,e, I s. '. .1 t . ' nth and I I I'dle.l' .' l.i ' Ii' i state till I'd bv e' urtin ii s esn' Ibnnbridae stieei .. .,,,' I '." tl,.. .-.isiieie Heme at t will iilitinati h d.vi'de till ( ill, , ii H- Ixnow'es 'hildn a Is Ma Continue tiisn,.,s i lie wi.i names Will,,,,,, ami Harviv Unurlev !1K ,.x, II Ila " Ufeis IIIH I III I,,', ,,l I "" " "te III.' dnecteil in- iiivt'siineii's ,, tlie 1 un hiding Maier li.nlcv Jewell- leuipiiuv '1 I,', istaic hi ii,s. nii.-ii si hi th, ' upnvv. re I 1 I" IIIIIM- lllllllll.il mil inv -i ,,i nts ... 1 1,, I iiiisnn -s i , i i ipiiwen , tin v "" fi' 'I h. ine ills,, ntltlliu it,,. i,...,,!,.. miuiiifiii luring b isim.ss 'I ' s'taiui a- long ,is it "'fs I 'I "I, ' 11,1 iiiiouei: vi i s Knew I. - in till v of 1 1 lis eln' pie "u-t fund. vide fort Ih, W'lcs riirtjier ,,.u kl(. hv .blldrcn ibev ,., IO n,,.ll(, ,J II V III I. Inn ,.. .1 . . , " '"' 'U " ' 'ii'U U III" e.tnle f te i, .... ,... -enivnig clilldieii l luiid income, afte.. ii... ,i..'., t I US' Mr- Kmivv le Is ... i... . i , . " limtlier .' '",'" '""" V Hie mnjei . lO-ell I Plew hri.ln., ll...... Vev .. ..M, 1. . -.---.. i. ,fc- it: ii,.. i ,r f 1 .! ... .". " ' " " I Ol , US slsl ..i Al .. 1 !m i . and s, i - muiicv .xv man of New , 'l.ll ether n Inlives I pun the death , r ihe heii. the principal f t is le be ilividul .n jf, tlllll I lie seashore ,, ,V ul ' i m e-t.t, I'.'i n' lie t, M!.I Mrs. Anne New Yiuk. dis. Anne .Vdiiderbllt I)'.' IS , ! Fined 51 v P ' imleibilt W lili i. .. . ciecr vv ix v amieiinit. has en lm il l III Xeil.ville celli t fn, , owing bi'i neg te go unmuzzled, sh wiin one f eleven deg evvi.ets suiuinencil te i'i. court ve.ferdiy tl,., wns preband t,l.n t.'-ired tie value'''"""" '" '' P l11'1"-' 'I'""1- and because bullet plead, i 11 nel pair ib. "Iiillj for Mis V llldeil PRICE TWO CENTS WITNESSES TEU HOWHERRINMO ED VICTIMS Saw Bodies of Strike-Breaker Lying in Read With Heads t Tied Together RIOTERS CONDUCTED MEN TO DEATH AT CEMETERY! Defense Attempts te Dscredit Alleged Identification of the Defendants UNWILLING WITNESS HEARD Finally Testifies He Heard Pris ener Say "These Men Ought te Be Shet" :' 1 A'; a Staff Cem npnvd'nt f tin' Ifi-rvlxj Public Ledger -Marien. III.. Dee. 1." - 1'ullr JWfJ pciseim ciewded the htt'e courtreoin Ine in.l'iv wnb hundreds mere out side vainly 1 Inmeriir; for admission '- tl.e State 11 nimcd its difii -nit task of nillg 11,1 (le i,. ilefetidatlts in thi first of the H-irin massacre trials with the den ll. of Unwind lleffin 11 Kail this iiiiiriiini th,. i.nn" men women and ihildien. even babies In arms -in ini'i' model mofercirs and In crenky carts drawn b.v tired fnrnj horses, plowing thteiigh ,11 1 n I knei' deeji I'i places and in the face of .1 driving rain-lerin Vehicles of mam de-i riptienj, alt crusted with mud. are pirked eutsid tlie brick cnurtlieuse where the defend"' ants, backed b.v the Illinois mine work ers' union, are pitted against the forces of the Atternev Ceneinl's office. The State I- attempting te show that? tlie murder of Heffmnn and his asso ciate? vvns the lesnlt of a censplrRCJf nnd premeditated .Tudc.- !T.-,,-i .veil per n.itted evident e jestcrdnv te be admit ted which did net di.-"tiy concern, either the five defendants or Heward Heffman. "We Ought te Kill 'I hem" William (leduinn, tir-i witness feri llm Stnle tedav, said lie s.-m litis Clark,' epe of the defei. dants. at .Crenshaw Cressing witti a sbeit gun m his band.. "Otis Clink." aid (loedman. "called mt. 'We ought te take these men eus and 1:111 them.' "' T'm State Is attempting te prevfl that Otis Claik vvns ,,n,. ,, the Ieadct'H of the ften.ied mob. It was .'ippaieni that (Inmlmnn wnn lelui-iai.t or .ifiaul te testifv When Stat"'- Annum Dutv a led him whether be bad recognized anv body in tie mob. (ioedmaii Mammeted. "De t 1 ave te nnswer'-" .ludge Ilmtwell. irritated v the wit , s' fn'iti'MesI hesttancv te reply tiJ iiinct qiisttnns, iutei ruiited with, "cs. veii have te atewei .mil tllick.' "I -aw (itis CI. irk llnie I veinem bei he had 1 pistol. I've known Otil ter t went -liv e vein -." 'ioedmaii testiiied there were ,"00 ei! i!i 11 1 men with .a number of prisenere. I he nut 1 eh wa- halted inn 11 -reed up in front nf them," aid (niiilman. "and cried If we kll 'hise people it will be pnttv bad feii hi iii'eu .iml f..r i.nlen-, all ever thH lit rx ' " 'nlmrii 1. nl net recognize thitj 1 . nl.er 11,1 cress-, xnmiTiatinn, rSnedmin nd '. nieil be di in knew whether Ot i Curl, was a neict r a spectator. "Te the best ..f mi judgment, ClnrH hi s si mdi'ig 0 1, a bank at the side nf tlie nci, I lioedmiu u -i,ni 1 luiwver, thai i Clark bad 11 g ni in In- I, an I Ilefeiise eiined ih,- iniiti te strike mil lioedman's te.inue' bi.'itsi he ap I tiearcil befete the Cirnn,l .1 irv nnd wan Mie'.V II til tie pre- tuesci utieti di.i no 1 tunsci utleli ill.! lm- s I,,, ni Ins name te ,'efense ns witiichs utml I'ecan. .ludge llnrtvve'l motion tiftei ib trial v t-ruled th' ieerge Harrison pre sub nt nnd farmer, In tliat be saw a ttb guns take two I e lead in flout of lm ii lb rt in bnnW ii -titled yester- iiiiinbi r of men pr sunt rs dew ti tn rm . II.- henril -het". moment later he i, the tnnd two men with snw commit apeilfl. ' I Ice had 'i pl-tnl, tlie i s.i. I I I:i i-i i-nii ' 1 did . ti en Sill, e t hen I i iier a gun. mt recognize ve identllieil f'ei a brisk verbal sctap be ween i v ' c "int live .1 lt'irnseu was pei milted tij u Heii M (Since, en.- of thu eudant- Cnu'c smiled nl till ueiiii nt nncd Willi Kevelvrrs lie bad i tevnlver II get Inte rn n.ien ebi'i w i h f or eilers ,im went; 'll.l- leenlh '1 the legeil t , 'lien who hv tiftv te t,,n a ent in in ll,.,.',. ' II, oil W II f Thu h leads III Is Hi-" w ItuesHp '"t, setim Ii which I, .lie h, W II 1 d 'I Inn men i , i -1, u tl , 'l 11 1 I enlllilli ll cu r I iiriin niie ' "1 11 III 11 SJCTtU CURED LEPERS FEAR WORLD Want te Occupy Land Near Hm wailan Colony When Discharged Honolulu, 1 e I," i Hv , p.i I eper patients !M l hr. ,, au,i,'pn nt. llentent oil the I I. mil of Molekal, '""V ii ni f'liin vuii'H a- ih, Lonely l-e vvhn aie llllieipaini,. i,.,.H,) iit . i rob in lull de., liargi ,h a icsnlt nj III. 'Illillltnniii., Ilelltlueil f,.. il,,, plunge il in tl iit'ide wuih ,m deslfu in le pcimiM.d lu (al ,, ,111( 0 Mulukai a,l un em m tin- , p, , colony i.oveinei- Walla, e It. rm-rliigten. vim jusj has leinnicd fiem i, i,rj ii.ei ..I i in. w.,11,. i . .' ' I . eiueui , OUS ieii inal.er Illlli ll'l- ceusiiieriilliii,. 1B(H ST v,;i , Mr,,(f., H I1!IISI..A lu ii m.i.i i... i"""'"' "T lli!lSt,..kl I, Mil-I. ' I en moral ni nilnmi.: I Inn. vv . fia.i . ,7 H i m IL'S iimiI I -1 ." Will MTU -,"ii t S t ML ff ' r ' m) M s paL. ?Tf L r - eiiwj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers