.. ."-W' Err "'. I ; ' f&'iii"vv ". r-SBtw T V .Vff .n.W jW ,t. wljipi,U rs?wssw SV"W I- M I ': I I I WD JURY HEARS OF JAIL BRUTALITY l FROM EX-GONVICTS lack of Proper Feed and Exer cise nt Holmesburg Prison '! - Described STATEMENTS BACKED UP BY FACTS AND FIGURES Fermer Prisoner Asserts He Was Crippled for Life by Severe Punishment Tales blwt'iliM l.-i, 1. III iplT fend, and PMiii'linieni fel tin slislm offense were uumlded l,i teiimr . i- !pts of tl .linn PM-...II -it Helm. - burs vhe ipp.ui.-d this ntteiiioeti be- fore tlie t.iiiinl luii whl'li is tnnl.ni,' nn lnpstii..itie i m ih- niitiiuttnii Scvpral et in" wnni.ie' te-t iti d. 'here weip bm permcis w in n .,11 tin pem lets vi ii ilenriMil et am f -l .n nf n.ii-,iL.i SIi .iimniit -.1 ti.ml rl thp wllni'sspv wi.ji I'.n Ui.l ni 'i I dntps and tuun-s Jpirti Si'eti a ti ! mi.ie.IhI ' ii'n-h-'i Indian. li- lelt tl pn-m N .muiupi S's. alti i Miinii a iniii -i iln-e md -i I lit JOIH -11 I til It '- I'll' H -ll'l ' ' the immiliiiii m nitlnieil t in ' i viPtPil iiiinni- it tl si zu' "ii ' kicper li" iv ili Ii- a ' nppb mi ' i l.prt Witli'iut ttiiiliini "Mi rich' s mldir wis i-nki n li n hlnrkpiik w n.r bi en- et tl -n- t 1 V'PtH, ."sielL )i -lll-l te lillM li-llinn "and 1 W'i tl town Mitu l -i t and hit l ine th-t- --r tlin- wi.t witlnnt nirilli il alt- nt ion iittenlmii nn wen. hi d tien ili it tin 'I '1 Wlien I did I i'i I'll ' s w iti- m i'i- h - "ii ii .t. t.iM.in, -. -h- tie.itiui nt I ri en - w t v ' i t ' I -ni'l ' was of . i p. -i n i ill' I i nuil ' lllPtlOls ui-r-l I ! kl'I'l 'I i-.lltllM lOlltilll-llll in "Tliei - nl I it I i i i N-cr.i -1 plnp.'d me in wlui i- known . - 'l.ln.'l. it, wlnie Ne; - pri'iHi is are milliard I tnslilisl ''ill I whs an lndiiiii liilr the refn-i il te In-1 - ie in I ii-'i's. -I tlii piitiuti .'i tl ki."..i In.. lisp d mi objection i. tin iiliittu' .mil tin-ti-eubb' t ir'ni imiiieiii itch tt r I teft piisnii I ..in pi i in-1 ' tl" tre.it u.mt te tli" I sin U"i ii Otlni i. Ill lets l.'siitiel tlilil it .a.' tinir tlin" nn- n sii,(. ii ,.t "I j la nm In lli pn-ei, d n iiB win. Ii '.in. i ' pxonise . n im lin.l w i- iiiiui'ti !. nip nn' stiaiien Mi" iiinml Jun i n .lKilie wis niore i ii nn j" .Mi'i'-ii-i riPll iflel this III PI. I'l' "l.s. Instil nrmisll the stuten.etits .1 f..rtn i i- riots hew nn iren-Iii'i ml i s i lim w i IH'il te ctnsll rat ili' ni'i Isleim'i In'iRlrei .itnetn: tin ir pi sone.l nn n '1 he md .liti .aid tin' c-'.i ml i.r' fei it.s iiips( sit.e-i "ilnrsd.ii b- '.' most iti.n in" "i I -pan h mi; 'ni'i'ii pipr in eh r 'h" prison n . ,mr ,nire Tip jurets is.,,vl tn url: . 1 1 nud thP Minn is I'lnth- Ne '. M'O-1 or tin ners wen pern iiti"! te h" in'iutn wlnn cenicts v i r fpii'silenpil in their ."II Tlie nnwrs us'ei"d in tin interi eauspil a doeision i snmnei. ' itmiti'i ' of POini" IS Il'll HI til' I'tlHfX P i- n te Itie 111 m I luri . i in l Mi 111 ' Thpsp ni'ii .t is uniWt'i. '. n't (he-e priins selititv poii'metiii'iit, and i runnei- 'IiikIivm who out es'.n,iv ifteiroen ii d 1 ist nuhi I n-r'ns fmn. - inmates, win 1 11 lie"!! slll'peine, Hrtter r.irn is Assured Ml the dieenirei n ml" of lull- ',' tleiiB in t' IlnlniPHhiiri: I'rl-m wte spieiuled iii t inmtsMi r I'.nili, ' the Slai" Wi'fare l'epnitire' ' who co - i prist th' Heard of I ris..i lnsi.st i te e'niu'e ihi rubs -e tint, e'siiiinn .latiunri 1 a '''itk ''- "ill be a1'.! f hed. nml ili" iin-n nm l.ni" i dui". and nn "in niore libera! a r-p ii tli one .inn' i 1 1.11 toil b'li of f.t- be I'l 01 I'l"'. The "1 1 iiii"sl ,i z ' tl p jdn -n il r- -iilts I'lmsures ipplnd i IllPIl in the e''s - ' after lim r ' m tin Ccnnn.isMem r 1! ,. the InMii "ters t pr epn-sp in t! " open iinti as of tl" l. ji I e tun nip II low sice's M he ln.r ii ir n i h ti '.stni miii i'i" i eni r.t ts i I !! i u i hmn i dull and suii'I'i M I.i i a r the i .i i.i net 1 r. nilewecl te ii t. isp place et i i am im s an i ' i-oediij; in npliMti ni rir'tm i ! TIipip WHS in 'mln 'itie i fiej i mem l'Prs of 111" '."ir.; -1 1 i r the .per il letllif sn-i; I, In lit',, 'i.i,, be held In f . iti i n i 1 r.i i , i r i Hie hn-sli trt-atimnl .f . .n-i. is bel tien i dti.is and di-u th" muni j ii l'.ildi itt.t i tlie instit'lti.iti ( .limn I i .Inlin till sif.ti.-ii of l-it)li,i 1. . ens ,is pnnisblneni .It was or i red In In, pi ri 'Hal n sp. .-tlm e' 1 le or loud tin- rei" ri 1 .1 m'.'i wh i li di . pt lie pt i-.'ii. r frapti.uis nu, .. te iiiinni- tl . pn liege .1 .en -t fend fi i miii' l ethers unli h 1,-t- Il loll l I O i 'I'lU.lll' Il llr Itci Ms .Still Mb ni Dr Jt -0 i I iji r i Spruce -In . i - i.jt ii 1 1 , M-Steid.ii in ' Mini '. the -,i assuined u. nn I i iia (us lit In. Ii ildi i i t- 'inns Hi i i he I' 4 f -f Trunk M Ki' i e i n . n i f the beard si ' h .t -ugl i , t, . telved no i i if i nitii'g li..f.m the tegular ' tie s, , ,i,' d ' ' ui '.i j ii'l Mendu in I inu ifi . It W.li 'I'ln lited ' I'i lvetlld be il I h 'fei" tin before Us I lesiig.'inii , f III ll'.l'S irtind -I'. v vi'il '.ei it UrdniPsbnr. mis i .inp te The Il.i i - s u 1 m,i n the i i t n ins and t m igh n tin it'"' n ei 'i- telllllg It In" li I plls.net-. s e piestieaeil li i p. . i i'i I tilling 't tf0' ini't i will mil' 'i he miii i nt ! neit nits I hi - pent Of luilg' l ib-ul ml "Iln n'. I .1 the nil I'-lignl ieii ii i- li'lii nil ii i net lP le.ldv in lore l,il W eilln -il I i or TliiirsdBi ' . Que nf the witltissc. ii-teini i. i Frank ibl oeie, m I'.U nth I ' 'h Wreet, who was gassel i ml w i en the A ' e f f r h - diiel jirg' ir. m the ;irr. 1 and whip In w.l . - f feriug ttmu I i- iniip Im vi -,n lented t" s i I nilbs li. tin .(ii'i tall for ,'i,!t;i i.iiiil -ault aid bnt ien He slid 1.- ifteti-e wa- dm l,uel te his illtu i at the tune, Im Unit t lit (I Court would in' i eiisidi i that purl of bin defense. "I npint fri in piil te Sepleuibi'i el afiL'J In the Ilnin ...imr,' jail, ' Ins mid "nml l'ie been uiulir the earn of a phytib'Iail iwei sinii. Tlie feed nt tin ' prison was until te cat. I In nun" slel i nt niiiiv u dish Win ii I first renchii the jail I nas ill ami run dewi.. 1 iilffereil peittiti'l.tlli with Indlgi 'tien and hretlihltirt lueuglit atsut by the gassing 1 it'eehcil in 1'r.ine". I nied for c anil ejitcIih1, but ui ipciupst' wn piitirt'l.v dlsrvKiirilfd Tin iloeter ili'd ret Men take tin lemppraturp wh'n he rninc. no asheci mn wnat tnp.nlns in m nonere i niui i imre .trouble was nnd bp nm t-eran pills 7nil.swi, the end or ir, t'Whei Derter llenves entered ene tiy I tried te tell him (he pain I iviih Iti. lint he only putlTeil t lie tilr fur I races of tobacco .meld nml left, t ivns u (ievernniptif ppnulntipr thi'ii. Htif lifter tlml I unit hi training uinl nm new i.i tin1 (me of tin hi iii doctor 'ill 1 would rutin r In' In muni a (lei- ninti ptlvin camp I Knew of than lu ll 111)' plIH'C ill tlles.1' lliH'l beggars Willi :ire Kept nt iuuiiu Minru as l was 'Clw lii.'t .witness, of tin dni vn 'iinti Ciiiuii. who us paielcd iiCtci j riiu eight liteiiiiui of ii ji'irs -fn-1 im.cu. no was inu jmim'ii inuncr, ii" it-sertPil lie wm ili-prlli'd nl feed i iwent -fnur hours because ln lalked ' in ntuitliei Inmate. i Tln Inw" ipimlrlr,!; nil priseupr" fn tin' pnuntv jnil te utidplge tliPlr im hi ieiim nl in -elilii (ntifinptiient M rthel.1l- Mill 111 IS-IIC.lltll flt Pill dllll? 1 it Ptcnintnln K. iieMn. 11 uietnbet of th" 1 eirtslntiup. Mr. tSehier is prii'itlt in draft ii lull te in-. oil t 1 sn.i - incri pup tli lift "I lle t.Ut W'llPVe til I 1 til.ltl i DM til niltti'd te prl-elt for ii crime lieiild hi spid en i H'Mc " sal'l M. i.eld"t. "but I alie Ie net bcller" tliiit !. should In leiAnl up m a ''H '"! lpll HiP-e t.i lir"el ttvp him i li.iiu'K it -nniPthi. g il .nid " 1 !' 'P f" ' di'i'lll 111 in "' SAY SHAREHOLDERS i llllll nf nnnTTOTm IAI III UL UUI U HI VU ) fill I III I U JIIUU l-U I I W fc.Vr i - , wintnian Did Net Shew Carteen KAM..lAfl Ernnt-inrv IrlAn Arilllrl ! Movies, Fearing; Idea Would Be Stelen IS ACCUSED OF FRAUD iiwin Whitinnn it i Ii " tn s.e , im i nt and lietti.ud. who iti" en t: ul liiiiRi'd with piimiDtitirf a trr.ud l'i'iii Heik fempiini culled tli" Anitiiiitu u I stlldleH "I Atlietlill tistih. d t "lui I" tore .Indue II'ims lli.lt the -tn Ul.ehli is in re lieinc prnfi" t' d It is 1 1 mired thnt tin Wli.ttailis nil1 iiimie sfetk than ti iiipnm "as utltd t. sell nnd thnt uiiitis shop-' I.eimis in th. Mi'inltv of 1 IfM-se.'iii.ll and Marliit Htivi.t, win re tin' "line of (tli" i"inpiii was In. iitH.I, sint then imc-stiiient 'lln tot il less 11 and ti b" about s,r.i i.i mm i Pie . hi. r Wliitiniu said that in n 1 ."st.rij. hud bem ' ellreted mid t hut lie 1 I Im I l!i...s.te,l S.'ilKM) liimi.df lie Hid 'thnt "".'I'.tiOti had b. en used te pp-mt tin- sjii.i.il uiaehine wh' Ii 1." son had inieiiti'l it innkiiu; tunniated iiuf""U nieM.'s nnd tint the rest hml li ti pa.i out tot viiiat.cs. etli'-e i ti' and snndti . '.pen-' I niler ipiostieiuiu b WiM it. 1 'I ti it Alti.ni" luniiel Si'helb'il. H hit - i in in sa. i tl" pi'liln- bid net "'"i nn m . llii.i.l.'t i.s ash. te ue ! It tin i did t lie mi 'iln n i owl 1 be stolen, bur M i liidi.ies 1 .id a-ttl.ilh bin n predui i II" iss,.rti. tl .t d-pit. th" .line's I str clilii.Ub fs w.nild 1" ulv.'ii c jrc et anu ti(1H "tin. -its nreti. te I. MURDERPL0J DENIED Mrs Ferd. Accused of Attempt te Kill Husband. Get Hearing Today Iflriil. He-' 1' ' !' I' ' l,H ( r. C id was sland lei i I I ; reliliilirif e uniiuiuei unrn .m i "hnrj" it liniim: piett.-i te ..in nei t-iaifil huband N'f ' Tord ' icnlrl'i A lib" Count farmei n i.fler e W.'sW was ni.'.de te t.stiM Mini !-seii ns i 1,'inn an he slijliirf el lord t WHS lllecul M- " Void enfred a plot m' n' " liilti when H.-rnure.l i.e Innn.- re ) ml lieei 'frnuied b. hoi 1 isli.md ilid fb'IPPtivp-. in lu emplm Mr. Kerd t attorney ailtisl tlie en it' ri iqiiir' l'erd te ihImiii'i- .'.MfifiO fei n. s mil's de'eii-ie deeiiie'i en till petition was .'xineed te b' hnnd"'! I A.. ,. i K Hie nn I iiniretn in In I 'lis ir .lit '2 ll.irii MAN POISONED BY CANDY . Antheny Smith Dying in Trenten After Eating Sv.ects He Found intlieni Smith, iwnt -eight jeni id. ssix'i'i irli "fieet nl ! ratrriietin' aven le, is in a si rmus mliiiuii in M -Knile llespi'nl, Trent, n, V. .1., i- n renilt' et jei-mnm: In in 'a'u- he lei.' d nnd atn in rdni . Mil. ill win ti and ill n the tteps ..; the Mecinniii itleiiul IJink. Tri-u- ten, bj a peln en an, and was ru-hel i te 'In' hospital. Up mid jilirsti'inus he had seen tin- c.imli mi 1 bent 11 m 'he re.'renti'in.il pntk ard nte it f.t't'p h"P" i hell ei't tm hi reeoTeri . i'nliet b.,(iit ,t riarilii" mm l.iire pin. e.l tlm .amir en ihe hem h t" poison Il ldrei n i i "'' nhmi rriiiem the '.ilk LAYS DEFEAT TO RADICALS Mits Robertsen "Trembles" f"r . Future of Okla'iemn New etU. I'i'. 1" M'ss s . llober'sel nngieif,.iiiiiil Itepri'-ei)' i . i'i .. i-"tii I il Inti. ni.i. ii-'tPnlav de. lar'i" 1 lif.rt the New Yer'' llnt.Ui I ! h r'uit p ! Ki Kb, K'nn nnl th" s 'rami i int. del. iit-i her in Ins uicntl i p. tn ii ( ik'n'ieii n di I'' L ' ''"' ' it." i i' went linliial M!"d lleli rt-c i -,ik! I tieinl.'e t' I U'nlietn.l M'll'.-" nie' '"rv hut ' time- shefid V nf m 'ike fr' 'e n tltngi "Ith re-peer 1m i,r en-tit'itmu nnl Mnrmw 'iistni.timis lire sllbie.t tn vtli" bl l.lill'ilts ( nt women it t in s Miss Il"ht r soil s i .1 11 P 1- g 1 ir ' s .11 11 T We suifrng" gatie ji " W. n U'e bi'l- i, LEGION GETS $54,000 FUND Onie Court Rul-R Organization Has, Legal Right te War Centribut nns Indian ipili- 1 n I '. 1 1 i i I p e'i r I ( i as i'i . g HI, i i . "ri'mi I 'gjert a- e ( tlt il'. in i- i" 'e'.di'r iTfb'iita'itiv a tiii 1 ns i.d'itH I ini'd i'T 'e tne I.eg'i-t ' pesin of iln Mn tin i'i ine pal ' . W ir ( ' t fund innming N."i ii-i(i Thp 'leeislen I y tlip f)l m n ti ir the third wen i. tlm irmui I'gien tablishin,' preeedents fcr a in i it, n nli return te the I ' glen nf -up ief die of pel PI a llilllllj'l dell US .n e. l'(J J, uriens irg inuaneiic ii.' ng tn. ,' let the In net ' ' - b r ,i 'i j i.n'i.rs GANNA OWNS THEATRE ...IX- A P.l"nn.ll. lls n t ' ncnc Ul I.IS.WW. iii. wis rial, rui midget Champa Elyiees I' ii is, Ui le 'iini i W'alshn grind oppie snigi-r and np't- nt HnruU McCermbk. ' hiiugn nn lli-iiiiilmnaiie boa puichiM"l 'Im CtiHinpi Ilsep-. Tlip.itrii t nn aaiietuind lesti-rila Mrs. M ( irmick reeeiitli mud' I, ei open d' but it l'ltris N. Y. GIRL WEDS ABROAD I'arls. He' 13 t Hi A J' i I'lir lu.irulgii "t Mien (innn s istcinbniKCi) et 'i w eik, daughtpi- et Mrs. IM- ward Stctnbrugjii, nni Count -Iphi 'de lanigier- VllUnrs teelc jilapp li-t eV I' de ae w.wr ion? Tni-nK AHt, plniiti et itinn sclverilit-i In thi Ifnip Wmited celiunnt Ici1 en win 31? irul U Jell. ) KVJL4JKJLX& PUBLIC WANAMAKER'S SON 10 HEAO BUSINESS Redman Expected te Succeed Father as President of Stores Corporations ORGANIZATION THE SAME Itediniii mi mull , i is i'm'i ti'ii i" In eliii' tin- r it nl ii In'iiil et tlin lelm Wiinani.il.1 1 i orpei.itions, 1111 imeiIiiiK It i v tather lelm Wiiiiiiiii.ikci nu lui'slilnit of ilii' I mi i orpeinlUiti-. known nt .Inliii Wnii.iiniiltii l'lill.ulid pliln, unit Jehn mi im.iki v. Vi'w Yerk Heiliiinu W.iiiuiiirikiM us tirt ln' prcsldi-iit nf llie i i nr.ittili lm lit- hUhI te nil tin' ill tn. Is "' iniiiulgcliii nl i' i t'lal n,v 'i'M nff 1 i liitlnr '" f' intfn st lui silt n -n. Ii mil s.ill' lu.itti 1 s is lii drill id fll' lills il' till Wllll'lll 1." elltllll- 'nm sid tedni tlml (Mr iih rnptieii nt '-"title ei p,,sl.ii In lb. hum Waua '"k.i was:, Inri. .11 u. Iu-i.ui ,nd that tl... nignnbni.e,, of tl, t..r-s both Jn lK ( M at(1 V( ik -mmiIumiI' se i etupli ti as te innk" an- unpm i nit ' . 1 nnji s minis esni i UrK.inl.ltluu (he Nune Wlnie the two Mures luii" In en ki' urate!' liii'olpetati d, tin iitln"is in in h erg in, it en are tin- Miiue, .ml thu.li tlie bial in inajti'tui'i'i is in minimi i I in ds iln- p m ml peln ' is thri lid ' he nrp.i' lfl'Mi ltselt Wlllinrn I Nmii, who is i -i ml ii ii.snli'iit and rhi ltpil ad urn s r i it. i would net disuiss ihe tt.atti i Kin itlii is ill this i It. M lie tin nn ml in innj,etni nt el the orpei'iti.ni i" in the hands nt J.ispph I). illi.iui", ticas up t. in th" I'lul.nb IpliUl stni" the cvpcii tiii i i niaip nn nt is under I ruuklin 1" I'.nwir IMii' .Niw Yerk -imi' h.is im i '.e atiii' iiiaiiaxei I'li'stii i l. I Mm ni-i,iiid t' ,.. mcr. liamlisp uiaiui).'! i liihu '. 1 h 111" aiPnui. nt in Im m W 1.1' nn 1 111 I " lll.lkel '" Mil - i .i in tin pf-sidi in i ,i In. si n c pti will Undines Vilie siiipitli Miss 1.1 of i iltllell 111 I i'1'l "I lp- 1 1 1 lal nm "I the i Inn it hi nnd nil-1 ii. et .I..I n W in iii nki'i "it' 'im" te ( j our into 'In U'.ni'ini ikt r li"n " . ' , W.ilm i tiepi. i einlnc fr' i i in.-ii nnl j im nie i i' i limit in " in -i 1 wa!k t lie t I i l li.l U1 ' !1 - !' I II idol. -- 1 l I'l - I Ml- Unr- n 11. W nl "tl. i Mr Wan nn ik i i. t . His te tiltcnpl I si up Itlll In tlie I III . 11 i 'i.i Mi - II mil f I'n s'iIi nt' mi ssiijji. . m ' 1 1 'I'l II:. h- II ii'iiup J 'ins me in -i i l. iciir. t at the 1 i-sin - of i in ji nc it i nd l"i ible tilth I I'.llll lhel.ll li 1 '. n 1- -m: nnd full i.f n-h ' i n nt. i i. .,'tili hliiellt i i- ill the id let ', ii -mil 'i. ill -ine th" t.iliti,: I r'nt i.iss ll -s wpip ni'iini limn Imiliihii spiei ' (.en ml lelm -I 1'irsliii,,- Mr-. I : nj.Liu.it llarrism, wule, ! l'ti'l .im lliiriseti unlet w nom Mi W.imi nml. t - r . I a- r.e.tinn'ti'1 tininil. .leliti ! linehilelb r limu'litn I'.i'eth lie.cl t te" Mil it en Aiin. 1'iiiniss ( mil i m .t iiuld lugliti r nt iietn-n', i .r mi nnd I inlin il I i ! i. ) i , n l.preislet S n sinipllllv fl"t b ad . r- of 'letin i"' i-r; u ' i r ! I - a.-., w re I'd ,ed teinhin.' l--.it lie .1 tl." t.ii. i i M'teldt.l n s 'In' 'I llll.i i t" ' ml t'Tiiii t ipfiiini'i" ' tli Ii nl ui ii i'i n In 'iti" n "i tli" Wi 'n it s'p t ii- u- u i. i 1 1HU1' d 111 ' 'iln "f el si lis l .il' ' ilk of lif" II te w. til ," M. tl ni t.'hant 'I sIHMt C. II I Smnl "I vi bed' iliietij tin- im li is Mi-. I or in I.- in I. Tn' n'l --I .-nt d s nit ir f I ;iiinm.ik ' Imnit f al i n "or ' i In'. -, I i pe md w i ' Mill the ..t it I tl- i mi the i,i i ft tun i 'i's Mi I i nl. i bl n k " il I nn ml' nil. i w t k t"l tin nn an old ltiuid DEVELIN FIGHTS BONUS Will Ask Cit Solicitor te Rule Against Sstem i e .i un in 1 1 . 1 n i e-l. "i! t an- .'Mil Oil I' 11"U I It'pP.ll 1" tl.. ( t, ttollei t. it'll SI t . ii i ' . ,i , in -mlejjni .nn "'.nl."-' pn ' ,i .' 1 l 'il" I 'VisI in Mi Iie-ilni - diss-it.slied with tli. nj i I of the I ti seln 'tot i ' ' eus (id -ihe'i r.-ult'd ti the ,m U' it Z t'e i II I'ipil i mis oiile-,- , Ml I'-i-l 11 i I. 'ilds the tlllti.- f I . Im. sik.r n liistiki! .le I . f I . i;'s i'n.' im i pnl , r "il I'l.sms ' n s 11 ' Mr I un i lis , i".ii nOii -nm J! ' ill s tin rlun.t , in WOMAN HURLED FROM AUTO Old Yerk Read Traffic Tied Ud Aftr Crash With Trelley il t re . in ni Ien obi', i . . t d lil-lii d llit" n m tin. j I1 Im t- -i inr .ii O.l erk nnd net ,. II nit ug '" i alb i Cnuntti 'I i'i,. i 'i' Ms Mini 1 1 di' im i . t.'i s "I, snt strict wiii l.ikiu tli nii.ti i li'-iril with iniiiri- nl..,t t'- 1 . sfi M-gniiigi. ii' tli- s,ujif ,,, It- "is In lug the . nil lj. if ied njuri Trnflb n I'd il 1 i 'i is I . i p tm II til I 1 II JOSEPH WENT A-HUNTING But Forget His Llcengc and Tren His Luck Changed inigi ' will tm ' i . Mi ign l'l'.'J . ' I iti i held n , I 1 1 ii i i nt n.: ith ii till .'I , Hi t Ills'' I g - i ' tret' i w is in ni n Se' HI ha, ! 1' I ' nil g nit' I h i h n mi bl Jtihti .. Pt .d M pt- ii tl l. ii gn n nl (in Willow I. tow Winn p. i s. nri In d Ills a It un I i i -In i f in i rural sipnirels win irn,n' a ' ittnl haling shot He u i- iinerl i'.n IM Will I'mbati'd I . i ill iirnlmtt d t ... i i . I'lter I'.n. a nurid ninii .1 ii nm i I I'd Dlameiid -iri. t , . i i, ' a b ! His i -i it ' Ml I II II S,"H OlH i ii n ippett a li I nt UK I i- ' h.ldri I Mis I i.i iiiiii- Mum I 1 Mrs Hi Ien I'n I'urrnr Mrs Wiliiim 1" Hi sn rt, Mr. Itlamhi High ami Hewnnl I . I'.n M'he will of Annie ni'nl llfi Smith "ieiiteenth strei' di)iesn ,,f t.l iSli) istnie in pirseiini ijiiui.ts. I liuentet.PH were tiled fir tin intntis of 1 izl" Hilt 'sli TO! 10 WllUain II, In r nn, .-!" 007 i:i Je (li ti I Una-. bt!"l :(" - ' ' Mlniiil. I s I ",7 s;i 1 il'J nml Will' in T IJuwiP , 'S IM'.l.etll I fiteri. el iiifiniuiurn' n. 11 ic grant . for tin' '"!' "f Imi I' Mglll.i TJlitl Me.MiliiensIng an line t i- i,1 in I nr SI 1,"00 l.At'C.II AMI vnnieNn I.IrT Dip innn who nfier lauahn I am 1 1 lunerii . Hut It In an,ti) a mm u n k innn h nover eiri tU tiv imh oil itr 10ml ctlen of the Sundaj Prmn. Lkikj, rnr no one en It n'l fil te liuie nr no one en' I' n "UtWt It lliblt." irfv LEDGEK rillLADELrHlA, FRIDAY. , GLOUCESTER COUNTY JUDGE INDORSED FOR FULL TERM W. T. Perch, Incumbent, Wins In , Pactienal Fight In Committee riini.'iii, x. .1.. l in', te. .iiiiiku nillls Tullls IVueIi l)i-imrrat. of l'il iimn, ti vinjj nn ml inti'iliu iiiipelnt- J incut en the tilnttri'idrr (!elliitj bcneli. win iinleisi'il last night for tin' full li'Vin nppeliitincnt of flvr ycnr-i b the i (ileucislir Count 1'xecutlrr Cemmltti-e nt n -pi'rial iuitUiir nt Woodbury. IiiiIbp rerdi leil by u reiisldi'tnble mm uln feitiici .JuiIbe Aiiittu H. Swaelt h iiniiii'r. of Wemlbiii, bis iiv.il ter ilic nppeiiitiiicnt. I In- IiPiuei intii' t'omniillce inr i tniit' thruitciH'd te be tent bj n bitter lnitbui.il ltut 1 1 m it tbf hidui'ship and puiii'i'iil sup. State 'enimltti iiaaii l.dwiiid .1 t'rUl and ('mint ('oiinnll ('eiinnll In la in Willl.iu Allen MHtitht te r "PIM' tin' pi i ili u" of mnkltii: the Imluri' mints pi'isnuall , but feuui-r County ( 'i.minlttf'i'iu in .lelm II. Ilebdny. who lid tin' Imlit ter 1'uicb. en In n Mitr te linn thi i eininittiv mnUe th lnilerii' inents .lesi'ldi .1. Suiuincilll, li,, of Vtinil'nili . wiin iiiderii'd for the jirep. i uterslitp without opposition. S. 1. 'I'l'ialili'm!' of Meiinii' 'ririimhip, wen en i lliirn l,.ifli'it lei Inder-i'iiirnt tin ri ipiinii(iin'iit as a nii'inber i.t tin1 iiiiiiiu ii. it'iue iieiiiiav witauri'W iiii.iMti te- jun pemiais enn iiuiteii leiuipr Miner illlam n et s.wulrlii.re, who defi'iitrd ( iiuili-ll nt l.iblistewn ,''"' '" f",' I '"r'1' ,, E TRIAL FOR WEEK Criminal Action in Abeyance Pending Outcome of $75,000 Civil Suit Being Heard BANK ACCOUNT HINTED I I UllMlll 111 I I ' ."I c pi.iu mi i nl the dm ti.il itnatiititi Credit Cor- I potat.eti who ii id, Iiip tlnr ib'feiid.ints fa -i ii nle. n nuiiii I I ... ii .- 1 1 nl ij liiients Srewilu; nut et 'in all"si'l obtained a p"st m un nt until next 1'ridu it i 1 .rudS" 1 1 Hi- ti'din Ti I il of Sim se i'd I i stei k fraud, nt his tiinl nlnj before o-delend- ants was sihuuilid le l.nk.iu ibis tnuiii tllL. hilt llllll .1 .Si tilt lollll-el ,,,r spli'e. i .plaiutd ''it I i lull had an nurii unlit Mtli th. lit' lmlti llefc'eiH ill it tl uiiniil t i. .idiiiKs in (he .I'liKid Hani 1' Inld .u ilniaii'" until I lie ii '1 pre pi'ditiBs iMillllli: snlne nlMlli: sump "s.. M) nsserlul te I e bi dlsp d et hi i nun Trl'il ! ihe i ii il )ire ii nc en ted iv bptei' In Ic lili ditets. d t es . kii- I!ui itt in I Olllll Oil I'll' Is I "oil I t .sllsi s lOUtlsil s , I tll.lt ! 'I'M li til- uirririiii'iit Ii" hid nm -tiidnd tin iTi.Ii. f ii tits ,md wa nm pn pined te sn . 1 id With til" else lie b! id he bill im ebjietnin, hewiier ! limliK mtn ...in with the lllstibt Atteiti"! ami ' nf i mi, a pb a of inn cmlti AssiMnnt IMstrh t Atietupi .Maiiret who rpiue. -enleil tlie I elllllinuw enltli onjeeti'd "Il the 'imiiiis that he wniii.-.l all tin 1' ! ml. inn in peiiri il eilieinli of tin. tridii tijietu en iniied in th- iiiilictiiietits will- in imirt te-Ill. 1 lie indietnuntM i ImiK" i mln (nn nt, i etispli.u tn clniit and ! -liinl ni .1 i lit'iutuitc ni'inei uinb r filse Ii'.'t'iisi I linlei ii itnrilinc. ce'iiisel -i 'In- et potation, aim deelin d h" had 'in an icniiupiii i ith l!i" I'lstrlet tmnc elFne that the entl in tint -1 ibi tir-t b" ti rm iti.ii 'il befme (.'mnr ili in' villi tlie i rill till! I I in edllliis 1 wis 1 Id that the i rinnniil piept'ul- 'i.s . , jld In. lugih 'ifleeied I'i I tie llelerillllllltlnn nf tin llRlll 1 l-t II Pl.ll- tii t l-etwe. a tin- i r. dtt i m-pnr it Ien md Woith .. I ... brek'ts, and cf whuh Mm -i was j i "Md' lit Iiiiiim: ht.uitn.'s n the ciiil niiim it mis dlst Instil tint !-pte-" Im- en ile-pn-l' llleljl s'JV. nun ,n I Is II his wit. - iiitn" iiliii li the lad .1 nig" lingers i i'UiiI Miii in i i.i n .!.! : tin leeeiier--hip. It i- i.ndei -t- ml thnt Sp'' - ii-nirii.i I'i.. enn i nnd later an it t.n li' ii nt ii is is-ui d for linn, but lif b tt tin 'Hi atni n tin in il f M the tifst liini elfll Tl e . i'i. r di f i dan's in It Spit se ah f win in win ili.unrs et th" liiun at tei Ciedtf t 'oipei itn.n, ire Wilbani II Iluhbiuil n id a in the enrpma- , il ei ndreii M rinn ignu, fhnrlt 1" (iilui I md rr.nik li'iiireft. t a t -i "ni i diuuii i n wliieh i',v ni ib n I In ii i em i s ,.f 'In- deft) in t cm - i or i it was in ii. . 1 i i nt an 'ffer 'hi. criminal rl.. Ij"r.,i)llii s mining te df lipid ml ti l s p.n I Imh I pi i COSGRAVE REFUSES TO ASK PEACE WITH IRISH REBELS Dail President D sclares He Will Re- sign Before He WIII Compromise Dublin. l'rldem 1.- r. il'.i A. I'.' Cfisgui i , if the Dnll I! r- lanti top ii ig last i pi ing te i bp pp.iPi--csel jtinna l i I nrk Harber tuii i.uisi iiipis in ni , j, the iinil was uig'd te .'pi'iint i nm I'tee te nn el tl.i ".-i.ate I'c.iii i niuittft sals. If l.e.n f t I i f .f.lbl'll oil II i'l" f linn g in.n'r te i einiiuiiiilet r 1111" 1 i7-i i and Iireau solemn tit in 1 J.- 1 1 nnetiu r nation in r I 1 !!,! tim'U tlial I le th ii . ' ti.p""-f (.ub'li epin'cin 1, p better im i"t pritnreii n reiiinrnpiid tla? I Im g 1 1 iri'p iliaii it alien !y h is S"' I 11 tl 1 nin ei 1 e'u bi twi ( 11 the I.Ttieii- n Irtiund l.'n In eu h nril lis Clnstui s 1; 'i ..11. hi-., M Iip in timi taken li tie no 1 Si tin'" nl the I'rPe Mate 'in i. 1 1 iii'.iig 1 1 mini ittic- te wml: fn 1' t ri iiiP'itntt "ss'iiien et buNtllitlei ', I I- den' . e 1 . i .. mln ItieilS tint : "ii- 'bribe c tim nt the rcpubliciin pi ' 1 i' illmg 10 Ten tm pea' p ami 11 'no 1 ink 1 nl n't 1- nun ng ill that lir. ,' 11 Id - . -ji 1 s . 1 1 l.u lmdies In .rig 1 pi- e. n tav. r ' in n'i are instnneed I is )'id" ai 1 g tl n 1 iibl ns 1 hg i tend ling ti tiiinr 11 nm ilia'i.'ii between the line puiiis in tin- stiite of affairs tlm Si mil I'fine I enililltti'P hopes te inti in e hi . m iblisl ing lelutlens with .lien in lmn h "ith the I endn of tlm ir. ri-gulurs Mltri s im indication, hew i" er that tlm I tee State CiOVirilllient will ennsenl In permit the existence of nm irtind fireis in Inland cippiif (ha I u.ilii nnl irn ips 1 Mrs V E. B. Pennypacker i I l.p ti.mral nf Mis Vlrgiim Karl Iiri.niiil renin pneher widow et liei-mi.- s.iiat.il W rennjpaclier, leek plin this afteriicieu fieni hi'r Ionic, lithlii .M'Cftlluin s-tiei't. fiernianliiwii. rs riniupnekrr died M'uiilaj . A simple fun ml sernp'i was lendiiPted nt tin' reiini p icl.t r home. rn'enn"nt WIS ptll.ll" Camden Man Falls Dead flifirlisC I'niid, sitj -two vais obi. 11 bank 11.1I1 iitiuni tell dead nl " i In. s ibis 11 niiiliig in his hemillng lieun. 7L"-' Smith 1'iglith btieet. Cum uli lie was einpliiitil by the l'nik- n't I'iusI 1 mi pain of Camden. Ai'Mimr-NT. Tn mil r.vr.nv rrnsi: Hni nit -ifri ifatiir-nitiit mxY be fnund 'lul'Uij t cpnmlt nif di- spirtiiunt reliunn en l'3C '! ti POSIPlt PIES BJ! BARN BLAZE BLAMEDONFIREBUG Heuse, Stere and Farm Build- ings of William Barrows at Elam Set Afire FAMILY BARELY ESCAPES, iinilni In i' of in ili nuns eiipn. ihenalit te he tar work el l'uehugrf who hnip tei nn ized faitnnn of Uelnwntc. CliMtrr and MontKemri Ceinitirn for two tnenthN. di'ftrejpij tln Imiisp. bain and slim. ()f William Marrow, nt lllnai. Icbiwnic Count t, eajh this nieinlliR, Htntp pelnv and nipniliPiH of t he tlelil fnup of Hip Htatp lliiri'Dii of rirp I'rt" vontien. Merhine uiulir Majer t1. M. Wlllichn. bpjtan .in tm estimation nt oneo. s in mnii ether rpepnt llrei HieiirIiI in IriM- lien of iin'endinry nt ti? In in Iti.. itii.i . ..tiiitit.u mi ihiin ,llUl. l0l f,iU11,i. ph,. ,.ntir- Held fen-p , f t, s!lnt(. nre.,u ,iml m,uiv State troeppts bnie bepu sriuihinc for the I lirrhiiRi for two peks. This t the tweiiti -ninth bain te be buriipd in tinee months Mis. Tianli HmiliiiKS iihe lives Here's" the stiiet trem tin' lliiirewh henip, was awakened by a man I mining past the heil'e. She linked out of n window nml saw Lie 'ide el' the Har rows lieiil" IIDin." .-sillie pinii i- iiini'iUi,,,,,!.,. I I.I.. ... 1 1... ...,.l,.rl,.,wlB'nl"1111 l ' II IIIO. I'll I" I". Il' I t. ...,...'..'. limner III" hi 'lei e 1 in ium : i" hiii the III" eiltsn e knew niiiethiiii; m iln npp.mnth -tail house. which of the d mi t In- Ml. and Mis limnws bneli cs-l ivipcd from the limi-i m time te s.ive e i, heir lues. Tie sfiuv.ai from the second limn wis unpinned in liitui s t a moment nj two alter thin passed I dmul tJieui, ilirhhini; a tlie went t , Smelie AmiUuils Wiiiii.iii i Thp lire wa-. disi-eM te.1 b Mrj I'm- rewi-. who wis awnkeiiid bi smoke 1 iieurtne into tie inem Nethiiu: in the 1 lietme was sieil i mi pi iln. small anintint et chitliinn thci ii .iiiiirciI tei()lp while liPibstinms wet : .1. .. .i.i . .1... i i.ii.... fi-iAi- as ine ii"n iiimii in" iiiiiiuiiiv, ''I'heir stele ind butt wi te n'm huined te the uieiind. lie stele wis thpi larKest entiiuiisiiiuPiit hi it Kinil lie- twi en West C'livtei in,d WlltuiliKteil and eaitied a lame umi of pentral nn r hnndisp. ('inns bat iisted durinc I tln sutnnier and full and steied in the nam ihie ut.rn.ii leirciuer wiiii nrm Implenii'tits Time wa- no linsteck 111 the b'irn. heweiet Seietal sltllll eutbuildiiiKs mn- diitiey. d. I Mho lire atii.'ietilli simteil in the ,,,,., , ,., :,.,.-, ;i i........ j. ...,-', I'm -....... i... n,,i ... itlti- Htnre and bam The lnuise and , stele wpie destreied iiilhin tlllrt Ill 1 1 1 it li "( Tweuly-ninth Itlar of liiml riicmt'n trem West (hestpi. Mpdin nml Wilinlucteii mtii te th" stem, but eubl de nothing; l -hip the properl. They deiuted limn- efterts In prerent the flames spieinlin,: t.. adjeinintt (muses, The levs te i'i" Millions i ' Placed nt . i.ihiu paif e, wlinli jr. ' i eien d ! iusui.iii.k I his iiHiiiung s in, a 'in- iiwnt nlu'h In in i ur in ni" tlupe immties since curb .Meb. r MMie hist fn,- nt I linn ii inipiidinn origin was tune dm ign when iIip b irn en tlm cstitp nf I ir. I ninlr Sppiii'Pi . at b1hiii. Chi's ier Count , wns luntnil -iltev tlm tup bugs had taken the j rceiulien te cut ill tclppheup wiri's lending fpnn tin- Male. Mm e llint lire thought mi origin, ilimji eight i " inn llti" t nn trem tin mobile nnd tlliif I here h.is in en hup te Inn p 1 eon t un piuli lu I.ntu'asti i- County, ini'es from the i hester I Wn nie'l ' it" fn '11 te binning lmn te nu nutn tp'nl a mi and it is that thin ' ere tiie -ninii thought tletn tinb'igs who liai- Imi tc n. riing I Inslir. Ilelnwire and IntitgntuiT ( unit fat no i. DR. AND MRS. DERBY SAIL Embark at Cherbourg en Last Leg of Tour Around World ( hrrlHiurg. 1ip Im It. and .Mrs. Uiehnnl 1 terb" s.,,n -m-n -in. ilnugli li ret tin lati 1 heoilere Knesi ,.t s'ill(i) list night mi tlm i.i urge W asliliigtiiii i Ihry an- en tin last lip et ,t nage nteiinu tin- weriii III I'lilliri tlip;. Mstr tl," (ninii of QltPIltlll IlOemvelf Then- jujt i,er' nepurted at the innn t tne thp 1'ipmh patieliibip eunrditig ib- tlshprlcs was renamed i.ti entln !lei.ii It ."' I Among etlmra M'll'ig war ljpnrr.it Chiretici Miller et tin C.encrnl Mnft et the Aimfnii Auni et (ei iipntien. ' MOUNTBATTEN IN NAVY Aangned te Flagship en Return Frem Honeymoon In U. S. trillion, 1'n' 1" 1 "rd I.euM Mntint. ' ittei who lin ni-i iPtinind freia an (teiiden li'ine.i ii 'n n in Aiuerieu, liai btell -ippeltlleil I' tlllt lllltllishlp ;,.. wnge, iftectii" .1 iruary Id Tin l.eicns' tin flag'lup ' t ,. lir-t bittb s,,ii,,;,nI1( no ; ,, Meillti rtnnent.. I he appointment pre! iittli v ill mean thnt Lord Me intliHtten will bin i little i ere tl in i i nth n'l or net nir Had Plenty of "Undies" 1 amdi pen e .Inlllls.ill ' ' 'I'll il il 11 v as it i . j .lined tinni 1! 1 Mliliillr .1 in I iiiiuli n 11 ' rd muring i 1 "'1 1 its of weniei ue.'II is in rs liiml inmate nl 1 under 1 In I or, i' 1 r th" fn N .1. He UtUtilT.. minded at New 1 -J ill bin I. t l.lubeli tin n- Deaths of a Day Mr I 1 11 1. 1 - F.ninia Lewie - wpip 1 I .1 s I'llllllll I ' w I,. IM, of I'll! ,11 1 I'rris : 1 f t ..liini 1 11 llllll nl . dn d ' 1 Mi 1 Mrs J 1 w is Paris ter I ft, e mother of Hi' ir ul em she lui 1 11 rii"i a 1. t g lUiiei ' bi'iii .1 r- s 11 nt of, ,ieai.s ,u d win ib,. j - C (i. I.ell Wli j I lie linili w is er milted et IV t.nch.'iite Cmnij lll-AUIS nu,"i n 'Il-Afiis 1 t iv ,, lii irl '"" ' '' arrn t' i.n 1 1 - .. n, .-i r hit It. Im ep ti tr iel. , lite ' ' rt ti('-r tiir'lni irn i ..r 1 II.C i iel t i i i r lir Ihi'1 A I rt.i ten , ii.ik .i ' i I'"..' II - ' l LI. I'hl.TOS . if lis'rj Mrtll. r i ii ! llHirl-t Hi 111- I'litin iisd HJ II u "n nn. i f rKi ir- ni, I ul"i I fait- a h riri siiikIr' p , l l iMimr .f Mm, Me'u Mnh-vi IV 'ten, lnl '1 11. r rl nlre, Intprm'i.t I St ttnnut M"hi li.t lips' i.l ilruinth I I.' Kl..s s,.iif,,, !, I, j. B.S i ItAUl.LS 1, i.miii. luitbai il ' n ri I, 11 1 u!n .-it ui ai Muni is ufn.rnn n ut g ,c clod at tils, ir i. iPKlJenes lagii y ,. I r.amre nt li i-rin-M niliflt" HIT Is -in l'ii,itil.iplilii l'a .1 e II. ItiJ. I'f.IAHKllI MACK! IS WATJsJ Hei"vle nni t u i n.iMt 111 'Iri'unniiint I H-n tirj Psl n te JPl ct V. r,' i i. ,r am- ipi IVMIsns. s 1 1 in!i e li I tii liAVIli liiinrni if His lit S.i .iti ltj.ii" I finilK'ir lsilati , nml fi u l,i Hrs m julel te Mi r v nn Sltur'iH nfi.trr.vi ti -i " clc K m im. lum icit.ileii- 4,11 s I'tli hi lr 1. re n' printie iiefi; en !) ii, ti..'. 1 tan i nt r. ji 1 frluntli. k 1. li.iitfd te Hie en h, ,., t Mnnai aflcri n.,ti ni n . ... 1. ... .... i.i. leitWiMiee . N .Icitii Kx Jut'iraipnt iirinu IUUl''2'JJil'fM'fsiiiKNT I'fllLA, I'Oll r'AnM tif3pU,""vre-nikr rnt, Jdtrhfn linm r.irrr l.-iineta l.'jj I'lre nl DECEMBER , 15, 1022 ISTANDARD CO. ONLY INTERESTED IN OIL Head of Corporation Declares It Has Ne Affiliation With Unrelated Business i, REVEALS STORAGE STOCKS Ill I'(C(' 'i.n UaslllllKten, Ipi . I.". W.nli'i' C. M'ennle. piPsidi'iit of the Htmnlard 'il Ceinpntn of New .lerne , dicl.ned to day at the Semite oil imisilpaliiiti that Velitrar te tltp Heuipwliat KPtieral be lief." IiIm coiperatlon had no inteiest, llnancial or otherwise. In banks, tail tail reads, poiper or Milpliur inities, tin1 Childs ii -tnurnnts. clinin gloies or any ether tiiirelntpil lniltir.. "It .should net be hppi'ssiim te s,i, but 1 wish the neon! te idiew ileal 1 In ilw of Senater llnrreld's teeetit spppch lipfen- tlie Senate, "' Mi. 'ti:lf added, "thnt we ac nbsebilel He interest in or coiiiiei'lien with tlie ) Teiim Cempaii. flip (lull' eiiip.wilei l or tlie se-i nihil Uehenv or Sinclair reiiipaiilp-i." Appearinc for thp :irend dn befnrii the Senate tunnutai tureiv' siibeotiimiL siibeetiimiL siibeotiimiL tee. which is I'enilui'tini, the inipllry. Mr. TpokIe iiKnlu wns subjeeted te clone iiK'stleniii.' b, (tilbcrt 1! It"". the committee nttei ne. . P'lrtiiiilath ins te tlm ferelan subsnllniits nf liie of '.p .Illsl'l mil the nmeuut el bu-ines,. dmie In tliein , M'he wit ii'"s pii'M'ilin iisd li.ntis !IH te illllle nil sei,s, .tinwili thai IthiK leiiitmni had in steini,c list .lanu- fu-i 1 a total el I.i. e.l i.iiiti Inn ids nl nidi. ..il ns ienium il with .i'l 'il.llflO nils en De. euilici .". CROWD WAS DISCREET Accepted Better Part of Valer When It Saw Rebber's Gun A rebhei who lipid up Meri is Koe,-, a i iuar denlpr at li.. North Wnineek i.lti'i'1. lull' lust nislit. made his i's- preM'iiieii f -i lilRV i rum lnleiterluj, nl it;iii tdsfed he i in I'd. . . - . . . M'lie lehbei enti icd Ite.ni tine and netiti.citl.iil fin. tittmt n-tnr te f-li the wall while- h" took -s'-'O limn .1 null drawer. Mrs. Kemi followed hint inlii the street and sheunsl te Instanders (e Mop him. but no mi" ititufcred. MRS." EDITH LEAMING DIES Wife of New Jerseys Vice Chancel lor Succumbs After Operation Mis Kdlth I.i lining of Mei.resii.wn. wife nf iip Cliitui'lbii' l.ilmittul ' l.paniiug. of New .Ici-n. died at i ! ii'i'lecU this mm mug in the 1 niui-if, Hospital ,fter a pretr.n ted illness. Mm underuenr nn epeiatii'ti " month age Yre Chinc'ller l.enniiug 1 olds rhniupri seisimis in Caniileii. Itei'iitji Im el rmriiPi l lit rt llliriiill.i limn nnti tied that lili wife's .oiidlliett a turn Im the inns' laid taken SPEER ELECTED BY Y. M. C. A. .laniis M. Veil Vei'U. Dec- 1. s.. ...... ..t M.mtrii. n . . I., was plot ted eliiiirmnn of the IntPrnalleiiiil Commit - top of thP doling ten s i iin-nn-i .' clntieiH of North Atiipru a lestPidii' sin in ding Allnsl 1'.. Martins, wli" Im imp'l ns ihairmnn sIikp 1!H0. Camden Heme Robbed Mis. Atim I.O'CiJ. Jiili M.1 t ee'. tiflir '.iniclen. repeitcd tn the iinti lint buifrlais bteke into her home Inst nicht and s'ele i geld wnteh. a stic'ii, and eth't ait files et iineln FK IT's. t sni r- ' At KIMllllll.f. . ic .".: a .ii. lt; i I Sapphires for finger WALK-OVER l'WX BdKVVHunnMnH Big Six Stitched At a New Lew Price $7 for Walk-Over Quality Ruby Red Calfskin solid leather throughout bevel-edge soles, new French ripple-stitched tips. A remarkable value and but one of a long line of young men's fashions at this popular price. Harper's ,22e market 1022 chestnut Sheps 1 FRANCE AND CANAftA MAKE ' NEW COMMERCIAL TREATY ; French Experts Allewet). Inte Do minion Under IntsrmcdlJte' Tariff 1'nrls. Hee. I.". My ''' A. peminrrrlal treat between l.tnce and Cnnada was (.Igm-'l lir."'. tm,1,,V,.. , ,. Vreiicli epnrts w in p in iiu'i ." Canada en what Is called tV Intel medlat.. tariff, uhlrh n f fnMirnble ppept that plven KiiRland. Cntiadliin expertii te fiance will be admitted en n nntnbly belter In Ms than that formerly prcwillinir. One hundred nnd tweuti -pluht Citnnilliin nrtichs ine neeerded the Pieiieli nilnlntuni tniitt nnd ".'-'ii mi' ;!u,', 'I"1 iiitiiii's'llniP taiifi. . , Jlllel mediate tsilfl nitules -lie allowed te enter Triune mi the siune basis an oieiti. tletn the I'liltiil Stales under the rraiice-Anierli'flti eni laeriin acieeniPH ei n.-i. u i If t hi' Aiuericaii iiKriuiienr Riimuu rersp te eppiatp, it is previdul that Caundi en thpss' iiiterinedliilp nttldes bp plven n 2." per cent ircltirtien from tin- Ireticli niiuunuiii innn. The tnat in u permanent et,". but nun be denounced upon -U months' notice. SUICIDE'S WILL STANDS Register Refuses te Set Aelde Pro Pre visions of Haberdaeher HeRlslpr Camphell lias ordered Ini prebntp of thp will et William Gress, the validity of which was questioned b a brother and a siitev, '.Mr. tiress. proirleter of a haber d.isheii mi ilermaiitewn avenue, com mitted suicide en April -tl list. It was suppii-cd he was wmlb !?.'!. I Mil , but seen alliiwatd it wa- found In- had lieirh SlilO. llllll .uldit.eiial in i.itlnis banks. Mho will bl' ''" p"i i eni et bis 'staie te tlie lidei.itimi nl .IriM-li ( liaiilit". Ill per flit te th" l'euimhnnin Hes I mtnl. 1" lPI ' ellt le the .Itwisli Miel ternn; lleni" ler llmiti'les and Aged. i 10 per nt te I niiiiy Miapiie ami m jier cut te Annip II. Abrams, n nipie. I 'Hip allegations advanced by tlie-- ceiiti tilnjr the will wi-c thai at the time the will was pven'tpd Mr. (Jre's was net el sound mind and thnt "lliu paper win pieiuiul b limine Inliii em. p." ESTATE GOES TO KIN Mrs. Snellenburg te Receive "$50.- 000 Frem Grandmother Tin. will of Mii Clnri ll'iy'.er. will ow of Simen W. t.liziei. i-iik tiled fel . prebntp In New nrk icsterdny, giiing i tn nlatiips anil ihautns neirlv f-l.'O.- 000. U'we grandd iiightiis, dime 1!. Mill , lenlfure. of the Jlit.-Catlten. I'lul.nlel- ! tdiln, nnd Alui It tjinihcl, of New ' Ycuk. file tn iPtehe R.".(I,(I0II each. melln MitPtisp, of San Frannsui;! llesii Man use, of MuriHiille, Cnlit. ; 'Ida Cehen, of San I'laiuiiie. and ', I Carrie I.erie, of Kansas Cit , -ist is ' will get stlMM.il) i ip'ii IT'S NOW OR NEVER Mere Than $14,000,000 of Incems Taxes Still Due Hem Mere than .$14.11(10.000 i.s due in this i district nu the Inst iustallimut 0f tlie nceiiie tav. let IPL'l Mills is the till 1 1 l.ii top painiPiit of the s'lv.OUO.OUO ' dtlP jeitPidi, y.l.r.OO.lHMI liui been I pn nl in at th" ilese. of buiinc!s last night Ciilleeliil MrCiiishll Ins sent iieticpi 'c. ineie than !!. 0') I innnii'n ''''icre is i ppnnlt; fpr ilelniinicnts of ."; ppr iint en i ln amount of tax due and an nlditieinl 1 per tent fei em U month tbat p.i.impnt i.s iipglu'tpd ' CANADIAN WOMCN ON JURIES AlclerlP. P. (".. Pec 1... (Itj- ,, I P i- A law lequtiing women te .ien, ni juries in British Celuinbii haa bem passed hi tlm preiinciil Iig'slatuie i adornment of rings, breeches, women s bar pins, wrist watches nnd bracelets. Fer men's signet rings, fingei lings, scaif pins and cuff links J ECaldwell & Ce. CHESTNUT STREET BELOW BROAD H PHILA. ROTARIANS GOING TO JERSE Will Attend Granting of Charter te New Pitman Club 4Thi9 Evening WILL MAKE TRIP BY AUTO It's nil aheiiid for l'ltiuin. N, ,j tmiiElit for membeiH of the Iniarj f.'lul) of I'liilnili'ti'liin, who are ceirs () . . . . .. . ..p.,...,. . . --' m- Dolaware Kliei- te sec the Uetar Cltii there letelvu its charter. Tin tinnier will be uiicii b (', j ltohcrtseu. soM'i'tier for the Tlurtr fifth Itetnry Dlntrlct. Mr Unbertiei Hies in Sliiuunltitl nnd is reliiK te tt. man te sep that the babj orgaiu-atlei Kits u pieper M'l.il-nff. TheiP .lie enh nb ut tv.enti ilnrttr tpember.s. antl .1. Heward M irris, ( Imnker of l'ituinn. is tin firt prc-l. dent. Mr. Itebeitsnu pxplalneil tli,it it was the lustem te slait tlie uch ilubs with small but unthuslnsin. in(.ln. bership lints. The riiilndelphia dub has been eikel te send u ilelofrntieii of nt least twcr.tr mrmbim te the pprpmeule.s nnd mest'ef them will re b niitomebilp, nariv will take pla-p in (lie Until I'ltm.tii. antl nlxiut, -00 ineinber an nests will be present. ()ihii' tmr. that ine mepeetpd te send delecdtior delecdtier delecdtior le tin ii.it ty iiielude Cuiiidpn. AYuei' btiii. S'lletn, ltililgi'leit and Vnielani Catholic Institutions Benefit SI. Je cpb'ft Heuse for llniiielesi Ii . diistrieus Ile.is, the Seminar of Charle- Hen omen and the Secietj fa the I'lopncatien of the Tniih rerchn MOO e.iili in the will nf Catherltp -i"v ...in i. .."- -en in -.timeriLe s"petu of 2"X" Manten street, pre iilpil .icstirdn). Mrs. Swecnp lc " le s-n 30(1. tti: av ioekino ten ni:i.r.( rri- linns tli" i'n persiin inu inint In r.ve lalri: unilct Sltui inna en pace .17 M . NOTABLE CREATIONS ira. FFNE SCARFS iat t3, 33.50 ai 4 At i'-l. Italian Grenadines. A preminpnt anil appcallnK attraction. Wonderful in their texture, coloring ami appearance. They are in .'-tiipis, figures, dots and combination patterns in a host of beautiful colerlitRS. At 6.I.-1O. Kxcccdinply hand some Meires and Meire t-tript'sj en satin preunds; f-emp iith neutral color j a r k K r ii u tt d illuminated with bright utriprs and figures. Alse at S:i..'0. "Mural" Designs in Scarfs which are reproductions of motifs taken from noted tapestries in Kurepe. The silks are inidp in figured ideas woven into btiipes leriniug quite unusual effects. At Si. "Guarda Dcntres," or double Grenadine. A reslly ttnique nerlevcar fab ric. It is actually a double weave cluth. jgiving color effects in lights and slit-des that arc ctitdir.gly beau tiful. JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-1426 Chestnut St. Real Etate may be either a Speculation or an Invest ment. With the former we lie no intereit. But if the Invcitment in Real Eitatp appeals te you, wn have, right new, everul oppertunitie" which v. e knew will be of intereit. HEYMANN & BR0. Real Estate ll.jinnn Daililin; 213-215 S. DmeJ 5t , I'hili., I'i. I SONS ! I 1424-1426 Chestnut St. , 1 is.j Ml V ; tin "&tMJiiii,1d &.. Ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers