V rf'Wt$ "ij t " "" lfe3' i EVENING PUBLIC TFirxiER-PHIAELPHlA, - .WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 3.3, 19, 1922. - X.fj Z ...i ..,- T ' ' T '.IV ' ' ' ' I - ffSRGENC.Y RAILS '. CIRCLING WRECK f o-aiiner Reopens Traffic After h Fatal Smash Jams Track at Pert Clinten f 2 KILLED, 15 INJURED Emnrency tracks eyer which trains ire being operated were laid this morn mern lnr around the Philadelphia and Read- Ing Railway wrec m ion v......., which two women were killed and flf (Mq ether persons en a train filled vth Christmas shoppers returning hemu from Thlladclphlr were Injured last " The wreck, caused by derailment of a trpln of leaded coal cars, which crashed Inte the side of a passenger train jtandlns en an adjoining track at the Tort Clinten station, burled the tracks under n mass of wreckage requiring many hours te remove. Wrecking crews begin work at 11 o'clock last night, nnd It Is said the tracks will net be cleared until some time tonight. Victims of Crash - Thoc killed In the wreck were:,. Sirs. Jesse Stevenson, of Fettsvllle. Miss Helen Jennings, of Pettsvllle.. The Injured : Mrs. C. 0. Patterson, Pottstown, bruised. Mrs Ma Nagle, Pert Carben, Pa., left hand cuti Mrs. Kate Hughes, New. Philadelphia, l'a., back Injured. in McCaffrey. Pettsvllle, arm squeezed. II, 0. Fahl, Auburn t eye and knee cut. Mhs Kate Fitch, Auburn ; back cut. " Mrs. Harry JenUlns, PettsvlJIe ; head rut. Mrs. Christian Millet, St. Clair, Pa. ; both hands nnd left eye cut. Mrs. Otte ,1. Miller, St. Clair. Pa. ; both knees rut. Arthur Zimmerman, Weedhaven ; both bands rut. William Ievan, Pettsvllle; both hands nnd left leg cut. Charles Neece, Pettsvllle: left hand ami knee rut. L. Hcnselmclr, Philadelphia ; left leg and hand cuti 0. D. Smith, Pettsvllle; left hnnd II. Schartel, Schuylkill llaen; left feet cut. In addition te bodily Injuries, nil nrc buffering from severe shock. 1 Steel Cars Ripped Open The heavy coal cars swept the side of the passenger train, which left Phil adelphia nt I!:fi0 P. M., with great force nnd ripped open long holes in the steel passenger coaches. The last two coaches and a chair-car were overturned. Many of the passengers In the over turned cais were knocked unconscious. Others tried te swing themselves through the windows nnd efforts werp made te help the Injured out te the station platform. The injured were carried en special trains te Pettsvllle, a short distance aw a), nnd work trains were rushed from Heading nnd Shamokin te open the tracks te traffic. Many tens of coal, destined for Philadelphia, were plied high en the tracks and station platform. In response te telephone calls for laedical aid, all ambulances and most of the plijMclans in Pettsvllle were rushed te the fecene, while another rmercencv train was dispatched from Heading with physicians and surgical I dressings. The firt relief te nrrive was from Hamburg, which nt once sent Its am lulances nnd phjHicIniiH te the tcene cf the wreck. Kirst-nid treatment weh iiien li the Ilnuiliurg physicians. In ndditien te these treated at hos hes nltiiis, many ether persons were in jured by bruises nnd shocks, but pro ceeded te their homes ns seen as they feuld be transferred te another train. S70,000'F1RE IN NORTHEAST Destruction "of" Business Section of Erie Ce. Town Narrowly Averted Erie, Pa., Dec. 13. (Hy A. P.) lrc, which, for a time, threatened the destruction of the business section of Northeast, sixteen miles east of here, early this morning, caused $70,000 dadiage te two buildings nnd four business places. Apparatus from Erie was detailed te the town te aid In stepping the flames. The A. P. Cushman dry goods store was destrbyed with Its Christmas stock, entailing a less of $35,000. Twe explosions of gasoline' in the Dlchl Plumbing Shep, adjoining the store, blew out the entire front of the build ing. 'The N. P. Begulshutz furlture store, te the south of the Cushman place, was damaged by smoke and wntcr te the extent of $5000. The buildings were 'owned by Whltchlll mothers, whose less Is estimated at $23,000. 30 Days In Jail for Ten-Cent Theft Pittsburgh. Dec. 13. (By A. P.) Mrs. Lizzie McElaney was sentenced in police court here today by Magistrate B. L. Succep te pay a fine of $00 or spend thirty days In jail for the theft of n ten-cent stove lifter. The man ager of a five and ten cent store tes tified the woman walked out of the establishment with the stove lifter without paying for It. POSTOFFICE THIEVES FOILED Arrival of Janitor Prevents Loot ing of Carlisle Office Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 18. (By A. Pi) Robbers broke into the Carlisle Post Pest office early today through a back win dow and blew off the combination te the vault, but were frightened off before they vcemplctcd their weik of looting the place. Whether the robbers had gained en trance te ihe vault Is net known, as the postefllce empleyes were unable te open the deer. , The peslmnstcr snld he did net believe anything wns taken. The Janitor came en duty nt 3 A. M., nnd his arrival Is believed! te have scared off the robbers. Water Famine Closes Laundry' Shamokin, Pa., Dec. 13. On ac count of It he water shertnge, the Mon arch Laundry here will be , forced te close down, ( zfe&cte& often neglect their own precious eyesight while teaching children the value of geed vtiten. Wife teachers "SEE SPEAKB TO HER RIGHT," at the FIRST INDI CATION OF EYE TROUBLE. GLASSES AT MODERATE COST TORIC Carved Ltnitt with tf CA finger-piece mesnl- PaJU ing at low at Loek Through SPEARE'S Invisible Bifocals Ne cement, (f ipjpja A A pue.UV no I e d sing plnce for dirt. AS LOW AS mm OPTICAL 5.E.Cer.lOh, 'COMRAHYjX ! y ixn, tlCSili bflfblLriTI j I fJ ft! HI 8sJ FlAX sL WHERE ECONOMY RULES Lighting Fixtures Manufacturing Ce., Inc. JftJSsy 33 NORTH 11TH STREET One Doer Above Filbert . The, greatest reduction sale lu lighting Fixture, ever held In Phil., will take place at our, brunch itere for one week starting Friday, Dec. 8th. This will be, without a doubt, a money-saving eale, and te' these who, are, or wilt be, In need of fixture, we advise quick action for your own benefit. fur til d solid Ur.is LUht Fixture with 24-inch jOrie. " .m EVEJCY FIXTURE GUARANTEED COME EARtVT This S-Ltcht fixture complete Oennln. Tuniritea Iiulh. for Xnia Tree. &g, rrtet IJ.76 Mssr' jet WW Mill I'M w v,JL,,,' vn wwr. . . v U --. OHM n V K K last VvIaa X A i. aTlRII. B V I ?!": $n htf" I Sft. $1.23 1 ' " S2.95 yk Sal. Price i-i w we. Wr 1 a r7 il i Thif mtt lift BTgiintEvny On. The Wmpi6QTCj!L " nVCer"' llall Order. Require IBe Additional en Each Item a North 11th q SU IIONEHHAV, UKL'KMIlKIt 18, 1UU. Hf.ri' Oneim 0 A. M. .Vtmvn 0 V. M. M M nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK- MdRKET re 12 STREETS J SEABOARD AIR LINE F L O R I RAILWAY-, D A FOLLOW THE SUMMER TftBOUOH, BLEEPIKO OiE HEBVICB X. Cff.eti. J.l. 1. U tv. W. PhlU. F. B. S. " 'wiinungie. Ar. Wa.huuttea Lt. W.thlart.a " Stehniesd Ar. Kat.tgk 11 Beuth.ra Mem Ar. Pin.kun Ax. O.md.n " CelumW. " Bavautli Ar. Brun.wiek Ar. J.ektsuvllle " T.mft " Btll.iir . .. fBell.vu. HrM) " St. FeteriDurg Ar. BraAentewa " Striteta Lt, Jcktenlll. At. St. Aucu.tlae " O.Ttcn.taeasretN) Palm B.aeh " Mltml H:4T PU 8:25 " 13.01 AM, 11:23 AUJ S:4S " 1 5:80 Pit- 8:00 FU 8:40 PM-S 0:1BAU TH8 7:65 Till All T!4(l " 10:00 PM B 00 TJI it no te in " 1:4)1 AU 13 AT AM B:1B " B'lS 11:80 " 11:20 Winter Teurlit Tlekrts at Btdaetd Bate. I.'ew en Sal. AUawleg Btoperen. Itetnrn Limit June ifttta, 1PM. Ne. 1 Flarida Cuba Spl. S-BflFU S-SS 8:an 0:4S I'M 1:18 AM 4-03 PM 7:15 I'M 7:1S 7:85 7. VA1 i:a Ne. 6 Mid-Seuth Special 4:17 PU 4-M " T:2S " 7:41 FM 11:20 " 4:15 AU B:18 " 7:45 All 10:11 AM 11:29 j E .3 r a a M s.s g a w Q Ne. 8 Boaheftrd Fait stall S-80 AM 4:14 " 7:10 " Ijiimmertlm. all Inter leir aiur. fxie. anil alwa.Y aun.hlne. All out.ilrer .perta In the rare cltmata ' the Carolina, and Flerida. 8:10 All 12 88 PM fi-24 PU 7 M " 8:20 Pit 10-88 PU 11 85 " 4:ie AM 1100 AM 8:40 AM 8:10 X'Ji 7:B " 8:40 " 888 Pit 8.00 ' 8:80 AM 10-40 " 1:29 PM 8:10 " U:.vj ' Fiatkerit, N. C. Sesthern Pinei, N. C. CamdcD, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Brcuwick, Gi. Palm Beach, Miami and Tampa, Belleair, Saraieta, St. Petersburg Writ, new for rtterra. tiens nnd authentle In. fermatle-i. Alse book book let, "Wintering In th. Beutb." J. C. Jchnioe, D.P.A. 1585 Cbeitnut St., Phil... Pa. Waiblnnten, D. 0., offleo. 714 ltth St., M. W. Raisins are the most healthful fruit one can ent. When we tell you that in our generous leaf of Victer Raisin Bread they are sprinkled aplenty, you will readily grasp Ita feed value. 4 ; THE PHILADELPHIA SAVING FUND SOCIETY 700 WALNUT ST. West Philadelphia Office, IS Se. 52nd St. Interest Rate te Depositors 4 FROM JANUARY 1, 1923 ! 10c leaf (n all ear Stores M . l TROLLEY-'ROUN AND KNOW YOUR TOWfl Oeaxxzxuzzn Frem Market Street Wharf EVERY SUNDAY Atlantic City Wildwood .50 SUNDAY -1 OUTINGS ; i i I tl - Ba lala City """ Coraena Inlet Trl' StonaHmrber Pe.rmem i... Avatlen ytu82ZS?$f CareUaa Av. ) 7 804 r all ether reaert. T.iefl Anuleaea Andrew. Ar.nu. Oc.an City uape May Sea lata Cil FneM bread street station J3.SO WASHINGTON J3.00 BALTIMORE Round Trip SUNDAYS ,.. Jan. 7,21 1 F.h. 4,18 B'0i Street 7.60 W est Plilla. 7 MM JtQ.0l)0NEW YORK pCJrt;u.Yii; SUNDAYS, Dec. 17, 3I Jan. 14,2S Breid Street . .,.....! 7.40W nest I'h.la. 7.J(A Vnril. Phil. 1 sZ Pennsylvania System ruh.. . -.. . .. oreadwajr umiiea ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS Admia.len Fr. except durief .pecl.l advertised exhlbitiena Bread A Cherry Sta. Reut.. I 2-3-e-20.24-33-4-4B-53 neautirnl palnttnn and sculpture. Own weekday. 0 A. M. te S I. 11 . Bandar. 1 te S I. M. Hundai. and Frlilai. .Iwsts trte. lt ACADEMY' OF NATURAL SCIENCES AdmlHlea Fr. 10th Race St.. Routes t 9.16.21-33-44 World f.raeu. museum of stuffed ani mal, and birds, shells, fossil., minerals, ete. Open weekday. B A. M. te 5 P. M Sunder. 1 te G V. M. C) AQUARIUM Admission Free Falrmeunt Paik 20th at Spring Cardan Sta. Reuteai 43-44-48 Lane nd showy rilselay of fresh and sea-water Sab and reptiles. Open .T.rr day In tb year, I A. M te B V. II. (3) BETSY ROSS HOUSE Admission Free 23t Arch St. Routed 8-2B-33-44-48 "Blrthplar. of Old Glory." Tlere. In 1778. under the direction of Oeorce Wash Irj.ten, wss made the tlrst American ri.K- Oren dally, etcept bunday., 0 A, II te S.30 V. M. (tl CART'ENTCRS1 hall Admission Free 320 Chestnut St Reutc.l D-0-13-18.25-30-42-50-r.l-C5 Meeting: plaie uf the First Continental Congress. Orlalna) arm rlislrs, historic record, and relics ar. shown. Open dally, eic.pt Sunday., 0 A, if. te 4 P. U. CITY HALL TOWER Admission Free Bread & Market Sts. Reuteai 2.10.1 1.1C-17-20-21.24-31.32 34-37-38-41-53-Market.Fronklerd Elevated Tep M8 feet al ere the sidewalk. Kle T.tnr .errlce Apnlr fnr milile, Ilur.ai of Information, ground fleer, rite Hull 0:en weekdejs (I A. M te 0 V. M . Saturday. 0 te 11.30 A M. (0) COMMERCIAL MUSEUM Admission Fre. 34th bele Spruce St. Reute.l 11-13-34-37-40 Functional rolldt'ena of raw and inAiiufnctured nredm t of the weilil Al) referenre lllirsry nnd fore Bn trerte Inf irnintlen tmreuii ,, (il.fii weekda 0 A M. te 5 T, M . MiuJsvpi 1 te 0 I' M. ( I HORTICUl.TUnAL HALL Admloilen Frce Falrmeunt Park Ruut.i 33-38-40-43 Collection of palms nnd plant, with special flower shows perledlc.lly. Open daily. Including Huud.y.. A, M, t b V. M. l INDEPENDENCE HALL CROUP Admission Free Chestnut St.. 8th te Oth St.. Reute. I 4.0-13.18.I0-36-12.80-S1-O3 Hern, of Liberty r.ell, Congress Hall, scene of Hushing! n'i Inauguration, Philadelphia', first i Ity llall. Opm weeldnye V 11 tj 4 1. II.. Hiinda). 1 te 1 l" SI "' PENNSYLVANIA MUSEUM MEMORIAL HALL Admission Fre. ralrmeunt Park Reute.l 33-38-40.43 arled (ellecllnnt pulntlng. .llrer, El.sa, pettere, purnlaln teytllea, period furniture, Amrliun .iilliultlf". Oiwn dally It A U. te .unset, except Uenday., Bundsjs 1 te 3 I', M. (101 UNITED STATFS MINT Admission I'rcc 10th & Spring Garden Sts. Reute.l 2-21-24-43-43 TarnreHt mint In the nrhl Precesse. of mining geld. sller, hrunr and nlikel lelnH are shown Open weeUi only. 0 A. M te 3 V St., Baturdiy. 0 te 11 00 A. II. Ill) U. S. NAVY YARD Adrr..'.alen Fra. l.eafue Island Reut. 20 mar I e P. II. L'suallr some nf the hnttleshlpe ma Tlslted between 10 M nnd 3 Oreunds ejen iikdTi 0 A. M. te P. M Ter Information shout Runder I'rrmlts telepleue On con 0300- eiti'iiilen S3. (12) UNIVERSITY Or PENNSYLVANIA Reute.l 11-13-31-37-40-42 Campus and building',. 34th A Weel land Franklin PMd and .Stadium ll.ld A Spruce. t'nhersltv Durnitterlrs and llet.nlc.l (i.nlpns, 3llth A WneJInnd. Open erery day, sunrise te .unset. (13) UNIVERSITY MUSEUM Admission Free 33d A Spruce Sts. Reuteei 1 1-13-34-37-40-42 Inter, atlnar rel'c. of ani-lent dynaetles. Including Jewie, iitterv, tastrles, tenihs, templi snl minimlis, Krne Illustrated lectures Patiinlay. and h in- dcys, Nevenil er t te Sprll 1. 3,30 r M, .ii'seum op n w iM.idiyu a te 6 V It 10 A M, te 5 I'.M , (HI ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS Admlsoletit Adult. 3S-. Chllclren 15c 34t!i & Clirrcl Ave, Reut. IS rtuiwndetis collection nf lira animal, hlrds .nd reptiles Principal fed'ng henrs 10 te 11 A M. aud 3 te 4,30 P. SI, Open .very day In tb. year, 8 A. SI, te .unset. (IB) PHILADELPHIA RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY Wonderful Holiday Selections of Exquisite Imported Hand Embroidered Lingerie Tremendously Underpriced Unusually lovely gift-lingerie direct from Paris, Brussels, the Philippines and Perte Rice all of finest nainsoek, hand embroidered in charming designs. $3.50 Garments, Each. . . . C1 OQ Hand embroidered French PXW gowns, envelope chemises, straight chemises and step-in bloomers. 54.00 and $4.50 Garments, $2.65 Gowns, envelope chemisps, straight chemises, vests and step-ins te match. $5.00 te $6.00 Garments, gQ g Gowns, envelope chemises, step-in bloomers and vests te match. $6.50 te $8.00 Gowns and QA QK f Envelene Chemises P.0J u $1.95 Perte Rican Gowns Hand made nnd hand embroidered in lovely clTecls. Jr 'i "' rVT V oes5saTHi- vamswr bNEtlFrJBUROS Second Fleer Beautiful Upholsteries Fer Gifts or te Decorate Your Own Heme at Extremely Lew Prices Wonderful Sale of Chinese and Japanese Table Runners, Wall Panels, Mandarin Skirts, Pillow Tops, Victrela Cevers, Priest Robes, Etc. 25 te 40 Savings Make wonderful Xmas gifts and beautify the home. $3.00 Table Scarfs, $1.48 Each $5.00 Table Scarfs, $1.98 Each $6.98 Table Scarfs, $2.98 Each All these beautiful pieces of art make the most wonderful decorations for your home or the embroideries can be used for dress trimming, for making lamp shades. Just the thing te put that little bit of color in the right place. $3.98 Pretty Vcleur (gi QO Cushions, Each '. : $3.00 Cushions, $1.50 Make Very Prctiii Ad vantage of yiis .'.v-traerdi-naru Offer! Made of high-grade veleurs combined with beautiful damask or tapestry trimmed with a galleen, round in shape. Well filled. Aromatic Red Cedar Chests gmmMM At lSSH Greatly fcnE.-gAsBAaiSf jga.r, jll ta liCaUCCii & 9 -sW Prices S13.98 Cedar Chests, $9.98 $19.98 Cedar Chests, $11.98 $21.98 Cedar Chests, $14.98 $26.98 Cedar Chests, $17.18 $3(5.98 Cedar Chests, $28.98 $ 15.00 Cedar Chests, $3.3.98 Many ether styles te select fieni. All marked low. Made of genuine red cedar. Tongue and groove const! uctien. Iland i ubbed finish. All equipped with Yale locks brass hinges, rnsteri and handles. $S.98 te $19.98 Marie Antoinette Curtains, Pair $5.98 t0 $16.98 In white and ecru. Excellent quality double thread net heavily appliqued. 'Yi yawls leii . Heautiful designs. X-rM,yTMyTf.jM..yM- Wonderful Stocks of I j Levely & Inexpensive J Silk Dresses l Fer Larger Women That Are Decidedly Big Values at Thzse Popular , Prices $19.75, $25.00, t $29.75 & $32.75 .' P Dressy, stylish frocks in a host of i smarty mid-winter styles the very type r dress one needs this busy holiday season and particularly choice for gifts. iMatle up in soft, fine qualities of Crepe de Chine and Canten Crepe, featuring the nciccst of style points and ' trimmings. Sizes 42li te 5fi2. STlEI U NBLfRGS Second Fleer ajtVrW5a'?S! F y-TzpTH&zriPt n Give Her the Makings, of a Levely New Silk Freck! Cheese It Tomorrow Frem These Five Wonderful One-Day Specials in Holiday Gift Silks Silks Boxed Upen Request S3.00 Satin Chanueuse, Yard 40 inclKs wide a'l )iire silk firel. wecn ewelle-t 'hade of navy blue an' bin.. s5.00 Silk Duvetvnc, Yard 10 inches wide all pure silk reversible. Cemes in black and a geed tango of street colors. $3.00 Black Crepe de Chine, Yard 10 inches, wide all puie silk--ery fine weave geed body and excclluit I. la 1. $4.00 Canten Crepe, Yard 10 inches wide heavy qu. it all puie silk comes in b'ack and a go. d arge of (.olers. $1.75 Black Taffeta, 1 O Yard PXi ::." inches wide all silk geed body am, m ri tinish. s,s J - Swen.l Fleer $1.98 $2.98 ilk reversible, nge of street Ik- - cry fine il l.la 1 . $2.98 it al ji cl a i $1, T.INEtfiliti,? i A.,n4he Wonderful OmrtUMtfl ,"""' . e . ... f tA. svsaA4 ti: in Sharp, in uur acmc wjtfwjM - .- v- Yaras or men - $4 Pure Irish Lii Satin Damask at $2.85 yd. Very heavy quality, cxtra-flne weave, with , 4 MntlAIII lllniltt . 2 yards wide, in spot, wreath, stripe, Aatien and stripe nnd rese patterns. car- 400 Boxed Hemstitched Pure Linen Damask Dinner Sets Levely for Giving and Greatly Underpriced! Snowy bleach pure linen dnmnsk sets, consisting of one large-slze hemstitched dinner cloth and half-dozen large-size nap kins te match. Choice of several beautiful patterns. These are four representative values-: !'?;50 $7.84 ," $15.00 oie. . . ST! 8H-50 Sets, in $i8-50 Pure Linen Guest Towels $1.00 Towels, fiec Each $1.25 Towels, 85c Each $1.50 Towels, $1.00 Each Snowy blench, fine pure Irish linen huck towels with deep damask borders. $7.00 Pure Linen Dinner 5K Aft Napkins, Dezen J5J.VV Fine heavy quality pure Irish linen sntin damask napkin, large size. Pretty patterns. Lace-Trimmed Scarfs and Squares Trimmed with deep torchen lace and fin ished with filet medallions. Make beautiful Xmas gifts. $2.00 Scarfs, 18x45 Inches, tf- Of? at, Each pJLaWJ $2.50 Scarfs, 18x34 Inches, (J "I fTA at, Each viJJLfJJ $2.50 Squares, 30x30 Inches, at, Each $1.50 S Second Fleer THIS SMART NEW Tuxedo Sweater Makes a Splendid Christmas Gift Geed Leeking, Practical and Inexpensive at $3.95 A m c d i u m-weight model of pure wool, designed en excellent lines, with belt and pockets. Ju-t the right weight for wear under coat or cape, or around the home. Decidedly "gifty" in its fancy weave and pretty colorings Flame, Huff, Orchid, Fawn, Orange, Gray, Navy, Brown and Copen. Sizes 36 te 16. One sketched. - " Second Fleer Real Walrus Traveling Bags As Fine a Gift as You'd Want te Give a Man Positively Can't Be Purchased Outside Snellenburg's for as Lew as $13.65 ea. Leather lined -solid brass locks and catches. 18 and 20 inch size i n brown and, black. They hae the quality, finish and workmanship ei Hags usually selline: for douhle Ihis nriec. Snfi i nh "RC'S Fn&t Fletr S3.50 50-Inch Velour, (g-J fety X tl i i ...... ............ Itich, lu&tieus velour in three fchades ca'i l)t .plit for draperies. Mill run, spot cah liuu'li.ihe. .i .a?. cW .fawSi.. ir,ftiWjP:T W2 MMw cxcel'cnt uWiS3iSsS WIllt0' v" ' $3.9S Lace Ks,.$2.75 Very pretty lace panels. 45 inches wide and 2A yaids lone. rade nnd ems, id eciu. Uwther Shipment of the Witnlcrtul $1.25 Terry Cleth, Yard Beautiful pntterns; lovely coleis; exceptional quality; reversible. Hequircs no lining. 65 c Tomorrow Mrs. Prime, of Ihc Oneida Community ; Ltd., Will Again Demonstrate the Merits of Community Plate Silverware Fer the purpose of introducing te every familv of Philadelphia and vicinity this exquisite Table Siherware and te answer questions concerning its u.sage and care. Community Plate Silverware Is the Last Werd in Beauty of Design and Service A Christmas Gift de Luxe WWtVr you rhoese a single piec" e'- a IkmhI--emc Cenimim'tv (Mic-t, remmunity P!ae is sure te receie a delighted welcome, either in veur own home or from your friend. It is a reil'v worth while juft. excellent in quality and splendidly dur able. Come in today and see it demonstrated ! All Fancy Pieces in Velvet-Lined Gift Bexes fep Teaspoons. Set of 6 $3.7,-) De"pr Spoons. Set of (5 $7.25 Table Srnns, Set of 6 $7.50 Dinner krme ., Hellew Handle, Set of (i $10.50 Salad Ferks, Set of 6 $7.00 Dinner Ferks, Flat Handle, Setoff).., $7.50 Butter Spreaders, Set of G. Dinner Knives, Modeled Handle, Set of (i Bouillon S( eens, Set of (i.. Celd M(nt FerU, Each Butter Knife, Each Gravy Ladle, Each Sugar Speen, Each Berry Speen, Each... $6.00 $7.00 $7.00 $2.25 $1.25 $2.50 $1.25 $3.25 bNCLLENUURGS Fourth Fleer Alse a Complete Assortment of Community Chests Containing' Frem 26 te ' 200 Pieces STlCLLtmlURaS First Fleer LB V w x-ai m N. SNEIJENBURG & CO. N. SNELLENBURG & CO. kaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .. J-l 1-liL-i.'. - . r i.Jv JiMiA.&Jiif' ' , 'iJsaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers