' '- i 4U-, .p..p-, i' -v''wviiimipjIJJIUittt , J MtMl-.vJffw!? EVE PUBLIC LEDGBBPHIEADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, M IEB 13, 1922 k ' 'h 1 'A. M. te 6 P. M. Philadelphia, Wednesday, December 13 1922 t The Stere of a MUlien Gifts ?. .'yi.tl 'l Gimbel Brethers Nevtr had a better Christina Candy Special! 8 lbs. of Gimbel Candy for $2. Delivered free anywhere east of the Mississippi. " Fer Thursday m Shep In the forenoon mere elbow room. There'g a Convenience Desk (rear of Stere) for addressing letters and parcels. WV& L.fJC1 K r7i MARKET CHESTNUT EIGHTH i NINTH r? -m i In the Tep e the World Tey Stere All the World of Games Fer rainy dny or any day! Gamc3 tl'at sharpen wits and develop i sportsman-like spirit. Games that teach. Billy Whiskers, Uncle Wiggly, Flaps, Aute Race, Pat Mernn baseball game, For ward Pass football frame, geographical lotto helps out these school le'sensl Over the hurdle horse-racing game exciting I All Games Carefully Demonstrated Gnmes at 25c, 35c te $1.50. Bur Bur rewes Peel Tables at $55 and $60. Soldiers at 05c Regularly $1.50. Infantry troops or a whole little "navy" with two battleships. Qlr.'.bcli, Tep e' the World, Tey Stere, Fourth fleer, ' I Holiday Sale of Men's New Heuse Coats 1 1 00 at Special Prices Boxed for Gifts Began preparing for this sale back in September had the country's best makers of men's house coats interested in quoting lowest possible prices. Newest styles, freshly new from the makers. fela)kik. $4.95 Jrxrrtnl 45 Coats, trimmed with erd and silk frogs ; tlirce peckta. OxferJ trvaj'. tiretm, heather, green and a few Mr.e3. Sizes 34 te 43 chat. $5.95 Kprll 375 Cett3. douhln deuhln fnced cloth, strlppc! hick forming trimming for cellar, cufl and 'r vi e." pockete : f Ilk cord : frees. Oxford cray. lu - ti r.i il v !ne. Slses 34 te 43. $7.50 Npeeln! 110 Coats, douMo deuMo douMe faced cloth, brown, grny. green; Btrlped shawl cellar and cuffs; bound throughout with cord and braid. $10 Ppeclnl 78 Coats. TUTiile one-button model, trimmed with hrald nnd rerd : r.eft-ftn-Ishcd cloth In plain dark gray, navy or grcn. Sizes 20 te 44. $12 flpeetri W Coats, double deuble f.ice cloth with plaid back forming trimming for cellar, cuffs and top of pockets; bound with silk braid J silk 'fresi. Sizes 30 te 44. $14.75 BjwcUl 60 Coats, soft wor sted, shawl cellar, silk frogs, three pockets; light and dark gray, navy, brown and wlne; contrastingly trimmed. Sizes 86 te 44. Olmbeli, Flnt fleer, aTUth Btnat. Se Many Customers Have Asked for A Sale of Women's Business Shoes Comfortably Smart Shoes for the active woman "en her feet a great deal." We get busy with a large manufacturer with resultaf 1082 Pain of Fine $9 AC $7 Black Kid Oxfords Cuban Heel : Medium Tee t Built-in Arch Feet-resting shoes that are most sightly! Fine Quality Broadcloth Spats Regular $4 styles, smart shades. $1.35 Olmbeli, Boeond fleer. I Fine Linen Centerpieces, But Mostly Lace! Venise-pattem borders with even the little Cupids! 24 inches round at $3.75 30 inches at $5.75 36 inches at $3.75 Ovals at $1.25 and $2 Oblong. 14x20 at $2.75 Spanish Lace-Trimmed Linens All Imported In all popular sizes from 6-in. round doilies at 18c te 54-in. lunch eon cloths at $12.50. 10x14 oval as pictured at 75c. Turkish Bath Tewel Sets With blue and rose or orchid or geldy orange borders. Three-piece set at $1.50 big towel, lit tle towel and wash-cloth. Four-piece Sets at $1.75 nnd $2.25 gen erously big towel, small towel and two wash cloths. Ohnbels, Soexmd fleer. sHfPiBsH sKffirTwiSn Just Fifty Women's Squirrel-Fur-Cellared Belivia Coats Perfectly Wonderful d Q "T C Values at $&. O Splendid-grade bellvia in clear, "quality shades" of navy and black. Clear blue-gray squirrel fur cellar" mighty rare en coats at this price 1 All silk-lined. All warmly interlined. "Ye May Faire" Ulsters, Tep Coats and Sports Coats at $29.75, $39.75, $45 and $55 Bilk-lined or the smart double-face fabrics that are loveliest unlined. Made of the finest coatings the world knows Denegals, Irish friezes, Calcdens, and Yorkshires. Olxoeeli, BtJeas of D, TMrd fleer. New Satin Ceatees $2.95 Special at Duplicates of $5 Medels Navy, brown, black, cocoa embroidered all ever with heavy white thread very effective contrast. OlmVela, Btleei of Dmi, TMrd fleer. - 6200 Pairs of Women's 2-Clasp Imported Kid Gloves $1.58 Regularly $2.50 Bought aBrbad for Gfimftels a bit of belated geed f ertune-r-rushed across te be in time for holiday selling Readyl Fall pique-sewn. White. Black. Whlte with - black. Black - with white. Tan, brown, mode, gray. $1.58 value $2.50. Will be boxed for giving. Please Her With a Gift of Leather Goods As Suggestions Three Excellent Values Fashionable Matinee Bags, $1.65 Black or brown grain leather or I shiny black patent leatherette. Daintily lined and h a v e mirror and purse inside. The wide opening kind that's be desirable. fcr ' ' ' ' 4 B Smart Vanity Bexes, $2.95 Black auto leather (enameled duck), with dainty fittings, as pic tured. A great big lid mirror and card-attached i purse. Deuble strap handles and spring lock. Geed-Looking Overnight Bags at $5.95 Contains five dainty ivory tinted toilet accessories, as pictured. Leng grain black cetex, block bottom, cover ed frame, and two elide catches, N aimbtli, Tint fleer. Vpi wGimb!, Tint fleer. - Women's 14-kt White Geld Wrist Watches At $16.95 Value $30 Tiny tenneau shapes size 9 Hgne beautifully engraved. 15 jewel, cut - balance, adjusted lever movements. Men's 14-kt. Solid Geld Waltham Watches 12 Size, Open Face 15-iewel Value $40; Bale-price, $27.95 17-iewel Value 865 Bale-price, $33.95 Qlmbeli, Flnt fleer. Just in Time Just Barely in Time! Changeable Satin Negligees St $10.95 exact duplicates same quality, a am e dainty careful making, name rich daintiness of color-tones' as were featured in a recent sale as wonderful values at $12.95. They were, tee only these are mere sol Smartly ruffled the picture shows hew. But eh, the colors f Tea-rose tints tur tur tur cjuoise beauty. Copenhagen blue-with-geld, rose, orchid with pink, blue with dawn-pink. "Batik" Ratine Kimonos Frem Paris B9ttl $7.95 Geld rose or Copenhagen blue, with the Batik designs stenciled en. Perfectly beautiful 1 OimMs, tossed fleer. Silk Jersey and Messaline Petticoats at $2.95 $3.95 $5.95 Levely one-color tones but a glance nt the wonderful looking new two-color effects and you'll cheese an accordion-flounced soft gTay with roae reae tipped edge or a brilliant ecarlet with deepest blue "peacock eyea"! In the $2.95 group are some with serviceable tussah silk tops and corded messaline flounces. 01mb.la, RMxmA fleer. Subway Stere Sale of 2000 Beys' Overcoats and Mackinaws at Lewest Prices in Town Mi! Handsome All-Silk n , i te Ge in Her CantOn CrepeS Christmas Stocking at $1.95 Instead of $3.50 And no skimping en quality or beauty and variety of shades! Shades for her evening gown, her smart day dress, her suit blouses. Firm, heavy quality. Fine Black Silks in all fashionable weaves. Regular S3.50 and $4.50 grades, $2.95. 4HaMs, BtQi Btlea, floe4 fleer, Women's English Imported Fine All-Weel Stockings Special at $1.45 Light-weight, close weaves that leek "dressy" te heavy "breguish," wide-rib sports hose. Beautiful heather mixture colorings grays, greens browns, reddish tones. Sizes 8 te 10. Olmbeli, lint tarn. Silk Umbrellas at $6.50 Te Give Man or Weman These for milady have wide satin borders and unusual handles cheese a colored or a black one; for her escort, distinctively handled all black ones. $8.50. With Imported Handles, $6.50 te $12 Queer, or quaint, or beautiful, but always very, very unusual and very, very smart. Mostly fine weed with ivory-tinted carving perhaps a cameo head's appliqued, perhaps a squirrel or Chinese idol tops it. Perhaps tne handle's entirely ivory tinted, Oriental carving! Suits A great value-giving event in which mothers can save considerable money. Beys' Junier Suits AH-wool serges, cheviets, tweeds and corduroys; Oliver Twist, middy and nor folk styles; 3 te 8 years, at $3.95 and $4.95 Beys' Ail-Weel Mackinaws $7.50 and $9.75 With convenient muff pockets and pleat ed back; 7 te 17 years. Beys' All-Weel Norfolk Suits $7.95 and $10 With Extra Pair of Full-lined Treusera, at $9.75 and $12.50 Sizes for youths of 7 te 18 years. Beys' Raincoats at $3.75 Ages 0 te 18 years. Fine for school war! Olmtais, BW&r DtenT In the Subway Stere Only Three (3) g.fdt,y 88-Nete Player Pianos V- Olmbtlj, Vint fleer. Te Be Sold Tomorrow at $215 Werth Deuble if New And yem can pay as little as $10 down balance en easy payments. Each one of the three pianos Is a I hich-jrrade instrument guaran teed te be in first class playing condition. All are mahogany cases. Bench and 6 mosle roll with each piano. Remember, Just three 215, OtaWlJ, tiYwsr Star. Subway Stere Pre-Christmas Sale 375 Men's Warm Winter Overcoats $18.75 Te Sell at Our Regular $25 and $27.50 Coats A timely opportunity for 875 men or young men te buy a brand new correct-style overcoat at a price that is surprisingly low. cn.nJra and serviceable materials in rich browns, conservative grays, quiet ojtferds, popular heather mixtures and two-teno effects. Any style you want Ulster Ulsterette Raglan trasSg clrbacSs" half-bcUCd' Attraet,va P'"i(i b"8 or ""' Sizes from 35 te 42. Tomorrow at $18.76. OlaibeU, Subwiy Store. l" - " -- ':kk tei -v t'ctii-t. il. . (i'T,'i.'VV kw-Jy -., s'tV.-T
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