'-..v-wiy.v.-Hv -- "s ii.,f hv fU.' S e '.. . I ' k m m I1 ;i u Hi ;f ! W !V, Si i 1 a 1 R t&! ; i. St.,. i".Tl"i . A ts e ptimjn trffenER nmkJiM 1 ',viWi.tDdl3H.COMl'ANY r-lrslilnl mid Treasurer! rotary! Charles II. I.iirtlnir- Jenn u. Williams. uri Finney. Directors. .Kdlter : MAnTty....Ofnfral Hilnaa Mtmitt rmdlshed dally at I'rnue T.crarn Iliilldlne tnrinndfnra Slautir. l'hllftdMnhlft. Atlantis Citt .. Pms-f'iifen nulMIni Nsw Yerk ...3(14 Madisen Ave. Omteir T01 ford milldlnlt Bt. Lech 013 alobe-Dtmetrat IlulMIng Olctae 1302 Tribune Building NIJWS DUPXAUS! WillllOTON niBSAU, V. IJ. Cor. renturlranta v. and Utli St. Kiw YeK ricmiA V Tlie Sim Jlullillna Londen bcmc Trafalgar Uulldlnir aunscnirTieN terms The ErsNIsa Pernie Ltwn in servM te aub erlbers In Philadelphia and surrounding- towns at the rat of twelve (12) cents wr week, rayabla te the carrier. Br mall te points eutade of Philadelphia In th United States, Canada, or United States ros res ros Msslenn, postage free, fifty (SO) rents per month, flit Oft) dollars per ear. payable In advance. Te all foreign countries one (11) dollar a month. Neticd Subscribers wishing- address, changed Biuat give old as well as new address. BELL. 1000 XTAI.M.T KEYSTONE. MAtV Hei KTAddrest nil rommunlMtffen te rvnie I'ublie Ledger. Independence Square. Philadelphia. Member of the Associated Press THE ASSOCIATED mKSS ttchisfvrti; M Utlrd te Ihe me for rrputUratUm of oil ruci iitpntchti trrdiled te it or net etjirrn (jc cillVJ f Ale paper, and nNe lha lernl urn s published therein. All right of rrpublloritleii of jpcrtal dilp-Ttrttes herein are also reamed PhlliJflphlj, Wfdn-.d.j, l)"mhtr 11, 192: THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL THIj appearance in this oily tomorrow of .e well-known, n mnn ns Sir Auckland Ceddes, the lJrltish Ambassador, te make the principal address nt the dedication of the J. Wi'llam White Surgical Pavilion of the rniversity Ile-idtnl will attract wide attention te the occasion. It also will serve te remind these .Vready familiar with the f.icts that the I'niversity Hospital la one of the greatest Institution" of the kind in the world and renew thrtr pride In It. Philadelphia was for years the center of medical education in the country, but the efforts of ether cities te improve their facili ties for the treatment of disease by endowing medical schools and the hospital, without ivhich such school cannot be oendui ted te the best advantage, hae lifted them from the low rank they once occupied. If ivp steed still here the city would be surpassed by 2Cew Yerk or llosten or f'hic.tge In the course of tltne. But we are net standing -till. 'I l.e trus tees of the University are alert te the needs of the city. While they are net seeking te rival any ether Institution as a center of medical education, they are devoting them selves te the task of keeping the I'niversity breast of the times. They are doing this net because the want te surpass anybody, but because they want te make the greatest contribution possible te the advance of medi cal knowledge for the general Reed. Sir Auckland was aware of the distin guished history of the University Hospital lind Medical Scheel when he accepted the Invitation te make the dedicatory address, and it doubtless gave him pleasure te have an onperttinity te pay a tribute te then in stitutions. WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN COURT TIE decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court en the State law passed In 1021, making women the equals of men before the law, deserves the attention of ivcry one In terested In the feminist movement. The decision was handed down in a case In which n man's wife had signed a note with her husband, and It is te the effect that the wife is liable fur p.:nunt of the nole if the husband defaults In sher:. it puts the wife ,,n the same I toting us iu ether citizen who becomes joint surety with a man for the paj merit of a debt. I'nder the old law the wife was nor he'd separate! liable in such u case, en the theory that a man and his wife are one. The wife fought the case en (he ground that the Equal Itlght.s Law had net repealed the e'd laws granting certain Immunities te women. The Court held that while they had net repealed the laws citing te the women special protection in the interest of health, morals nnd general welfare, it had repealed the statutes guing tliein immunities w!uli were net based prnnaril en their tei. The fulfillment of a linati'inl 'blig.tMiei la net n matter of -ex. hiw which pm, , a woman en an equality with a man natu rally qualities u woman, whether she be married or single, te incur financial obliga tion, and if she may incur it she can be compelled te meet it just as if -he were a man. The Court could net very well eeape from the logic of the situation. If the Wisconsin iremen de net like it they tan ask the Lefielature te change the law. PARADISE AND GASOLINE ' fTxIIE presence In New Yerk of three na- J. tive-bern Tahitians engaged in the ' effort te market a non-skidding device f,.r automobiles suggests the shocking neu 0f an ' Immediate organization of a njciety for the ' suppression of realities. ' , Iconoclasm in diverse fields , ,,,. t- fiJ , products of thib age, but tbrs far the i Iridescent Seuth Sea bubble in literature and lu art hns been deemed snfe 0,11,1 ' agencies of destruction. Polynesia it js true, never asked te be painted in terms of its own sunsets, but the volunteer rhap rhap edlsts, from Melville te Frederick (J'Hnen paid little or no heed te that reticence Gaugulu Ignored it in In limning pictorial fantasies. Stevenson, though with no oh eh oh tIeuh struggle, did his best te eempl.v in his "In the Seuth Seas" with the kaleidoscopic demands of Ins publishers. Maugham, Hupert llroeke, Charles Xordheff nnd harles Warren hteddiird succumbed n I Tarjlng degrees te the "lotus Isle" com- ! plex. When they did paint shndewH an 1 nmbresia-fed public was disappointed, clamoring for mere sunbursts, niether-uf. 'pearl, beach beauties and gloriously imprac tical Utopias. In defense of tlie three Tuhiti hustlers, who incidentally ure disclosing an authentic Stevenson manuscript left in the Island, ig. Herance of the magnitude of their effensij may be pleaded They seem te have find no notion that Tahiti, proud of im e.ifl motorcars circling its shores en the ad mirably constructed Itroem read, has ben ranked as the uirthlj paradise. Their thoughts are of Detieii and patent royalties If they hud censideied a moment perhaps they might net have neglected te stain their skins. Uut they nre white folk, these three energetic Tahltliins, and se n detail in the way of convincing verisimilitude was over looked. Thcre is thia much, however, te be said for the illusienists: Tahiti and Its em bowered little capital, Papeete, Hre net 11 verse te the creaturu comforts of what lias been held te be a discredited civilization, nor disposed le reject impulses (! improve modem nioteirnrs. Hut secletv in the Island It net entirely devoid of the Poly Pely nesian tinge. Lamented Levliiu, uncrowned ipiecn of the Seuth Seas, found no lncon lncen Uteney in unbinding her dusky locks, rearing 11 chnplet of UevverR, donning en appropriate occasions n "pareu," nnd an (swerlns the telephone, turning en the elec tric light or taking a spin In her own car. EVENING If the truth be known, the mixture of civilizations, primitive and sophisticated, but adds te the pltiunncjr of I'apectc life. Spain, It lias been nssertcd, Is essentially unchanged by railways. They nre languorous institutions, have bcconie Ilispntilzed nnd Indelibly part of the picture. There nre flavorful, intrinsic charms kft In the Seuth Seas In spite of gasoline, nnd notwithstanding the fact that Ferd jekea are cracked under the coco palms. DAYLIGHT ON THE PRISONS HAD THE DESIRED EFFECT Dr. Haldy, Haln Ordered Reforms Here, Should New Press His Investi gating Throughout the State TT IS peer sportsmanship te trample en the under deg. It Is poorer public policy. That tee familiar practice Isn't decent under nny circumstances nnd it Isn't necessary te any rational end. Yet the objections raised in these columns during the last ten days te secret and persistent abuses of the ad ministrative system at Ileltnesbtirg Prison were net prompted by the apparent brutality and stupidity of the prison management alone or by the knowledge that organized cruelty ulwayb was and always will be a force for destruction. The jnll system ns It has heen tolerated in this city and in many places throughout the State is net only cruel. It is unscien tific. The question was whether u com munity which professes te be enlightened should continue te maintain at great ejt penie institutions directed te bring about the complete deformation of the humnn spirit nnd te Intlict the utmost of physical nnd ment.tl degradation upon men and women guilty of lesser offenses; whether sturatien sheu'd be lowed m a tolerable method of punishment or discipline In a modern jail, and whether a prison should be a place from which, ,it intervals, men nre thrust out physical! broken, unfit for labor, desperate, hopeless, penniless after long periods of confinement, bewi'dcred with hatred and distrust of society and with the Implied injunction te starve or steal. There seemed te uh te be something wrong in ft system that manufactured hardened and hopeless criminals by the factory method and at the epense of a public that wonders why crime i se general while it is furred te meet the Increasing costs of ;i steadily expanding police fnrce. New it is a matter of the greatest grati fication te this newspaper that it has has tenedif it hasn't forced definite and sweeping corrective action by the state De partment of Public Wc'fare. Dr. lialdy's brusque order te the Heards of Prison In spectors is based uren a formal admission of the truth and justice of charge:, made In thee columns against the management "f the lle'mesbtirg ail and the Heard of Prison Tnsnecters. Moreover, since 't will be elec tive ever the entire State, it will compel reforms tn a system of ja.l management and organization that has tended during many tear of official complacency te become mere and mere degraded, destructive and debased. Dr. lteees, spokesman for the inspectors of Holmesburg Prison, said flatly a day or two age that no changes would be made at the county prisons here. Dr. Iia'dy needs neither the consent nor the co-operation of Dr. Ktetis. The Slate Department of Wei-far- has absolute authority in the matter. It un order blich reforms nnd improvements us it dcen s necessary. It might b" proper te w- why it hesitated until in,w le attempt tl.e correction of pek'eis and Ignorant thuses in the prison sjstem. That is aside. If the department newr did anything eKe it would have justified its existence b yester daj's order. The whole fcheme of prison management in this State is co'ered by beliefs Inherited from the Middle Ages. The impression per sists in the minds of jailers and keepers that once a man Is in a cell h- has lest all right te be viewed a a tnlnlitng and feeling human being. We haxe net ct adjusted ... .,!,...!. ..f t, -is.. n administration te the klmBledsn tjlt the inmates et jails are as various m dispositions and t.-n'.eneeS a the people of the outer world. As matters are new, first offenders, tin tin fertunites, women and even miners ever hlxt-en. who drift into miner troubles, are subjected in jails te the same lndiscrtmlnat ing process of standardization and subjected te a killing rrcmure of routine harsh enough for desperate outlaws or the violently Insane. At Holmesburg and nt ether prisons they have been starved for miner infractions of the rules nnd denied the right te fresh air or exercise and compelled te endure ether ser's of punishment which rnakf for swift phjs . eal deterioration. Tuberculosis Is one nf tl.e familiar prison dle.isis The h'pli.iU and Infirmaries take many di barged pr.-.iiers who were well enough wle-i tl.ej w.re r.-m. mltt'd. Seme count .tall- in this St&te are vermin-ridden. In ethers the jailer a lowed te pocket ill that he can sac fren lump appropriates preride,l f.r the feed ing of bis charge It seems new rh.it dungeons and the star vation system mat disappear Dr. Bftldy, having seen te that, t could press n further Investigation tn ether counties. And he should endeavor te chung- the barbarous rules under which C7n e prisoner who is permitted te labor during his c.,tiflnment it turned out penniless against (octet; te sliirt ... ... ... - ,-.....! t .... ns bef" lie (.'111 in ue i.iii i it ii'ji,, mm mi familiar world, te forget whatev'-r geed rese- lutiens he may have it ode and, under the pressure of hunger, te fight or rob in n remmuuit) which, as he is likely te see It after .j term in jail, did its very worst te him. SIGNS OF STEADIER NERVES BKIEF as the council of allied Premiers was nnd disquieting as is the adjourn ment of n session a'irest en the eels of its convocation, crumbs of comfort for a world wear of fruitless mnfirences are te he found in two results of the curtailed meet ing Se far ns can be learned, the delegates appear te have controlled rather successfully their tempers. Notwithstanding the Hrltlsh refusal te sanction n French move into the Huhr, there are evidences that lienar Law sought te be concl'l.itery in manner. Mr. Lloyd Geerge's Jovian tactics seem te have been rejected in favor of n courteous ad mission of the French rlfht of independent action. The much-ridiculed policy of "tranquil lity" may preve te have its advantages after all. since Its cinplejmcnt promptly prevents Ituymend Polneare from capitalizing the political attitude of defiance. French opinion has in the main supported his threats of wrecking the concord of the Western Powers In the effort te obtain terri torial guarantees te serve as a .basis et .a BUBLIC LEDGER- reparations program. The Instinct of bis. ceuntymen for drama was temporarily stim ulated by wtcli displays In the days when Lloyd Ocoige van his thief foreign an tagonist. Hut the TJrltlsIi Government new in effcOt declares that if It cannot be a partner It H1 nt least remain n friend. It Is net always easy, it Is certainly net convincing, te assume belligerent nttltudes In th face of conciliation nnd geed will. During the adjournment period the French will be enabled te consider seriously the con sequences of Invading the Iluhr, but the (Jevernment cannot count en bitter words from lteiuir I.nw ns a goad. There Is a rhanre that desperate ventures may lese their attraction new thnt the authority of France te de what she pleases hns been diplomatically admitted. Geed feeling Is also said te have been established by agreement upon the intimate relation of reparations nnd the lnter-nllicd European debts. Whether or net the Fnltcd States can be drawn into future discussion, nnd in spite of the fact that the chances nre still strongly against our participation, a gain In common sense nnd In a grasp of in ternational polity is te be registered. Debts and the German indemnities are indeed "cognate questions'," nnd the European Premiers cannot escape from fog until their financial program comprehends the connec tion between two monumental Mibjects. It is true in a sense that the disrupted Londen meeting, with its ominous echoes of that era of feeble conferences which marked the uftcrmath of the Napoleonic wins, sug gests a run te cover nt the first g'.lmpe of realities, lint the poise of the envejs and the absence of an utmesphcrc of panic must net be discounted. There is still an oppor tunity te build upon this progress, slight though It be, and for eleventh-hour rellcc rellcc tiens before the sessions are resumed In preparation fur the crisis dav of January 15, when the next German pajment l due OIL AND WATER WON'T MIX ASECUXD attempt U making te bring about u political coalition between farm nnd labor organizations. The first was In Chicnge last year and the ether was at the conference in Cle eland which has jtm closed. These efforts have their origin in the knowledge that if the fnrraers anil the mem bers of the labor unions could be consolidated in n sqHd political force they could tleet legislators wlie would pass nny luws which they demanded. Hut it is unlikely that there can be nny effective union brought about between these two large group of (itizens. There are two reasons for it. One is that the farmers are American Itizens before they are farmers. Thev are interested in a score of things which would net be included in the program of n part organized for securing class legislation. The ether is that the spe cial interests of the farmers and of the labor unions conflict. In arranging the votes of the lnber dele gates at the Cleveland conference thrrty nine were allowed te the railroad workers, twenty-six te the clothing workers, twenty te the machinists nnd ten te the electrical workers and smaller numbers te ether group. The railroad workers demand high wages, and !ii:,'h wages cannot be paid unWs freight rates are high. New. high freight rates nre the very thing against which the farmers are protesting-. They snv that when they send their products te market there Is nothing left for them after the freight bill is paid. Indeed, they bae been telling the story of a Western sheep grower who sent beveral carloads of sheep te Chicago and after lhe. were sold get a bill for n balance clue en the freight charges in excess of what the she, p sold for. The labor people may s.iv thai this condi tion would be remedied if tlie Government would take ever the railroads and carry farm proe ints. nt n Je.v Tate, while ir-paid high wngis te the men who operated the train'. This would produce a deficit which would have te he met out of general taxation, levitd. according te theory of the extreme lnber men. en the ver.v rich who have no rights thnt the Government is bound te respect. Hut there are both labor men nnd farmers who think elearlv enough te knew that thi.s remedv would be worse than the diseae It is intended te cure. ! The clothing workers likewise want high '; wages and cheap feed and the farmers want i te liuj clothing at low prices and te sell th"r product at lug.. pnc" It is difli cult I., s.e Iim, thee p..,, grnupM cm work tog, sher in im part, organized ' further tin speeial interests of cm li. Ii may eh. nee taaf tic,!, e.m he tempo rarily held together bj the b.inn- of n com mon resentmint against existing conditions, but the moment they seek a remedy which will sntl-fy one group thev will disceter thnt It is a remedy that is hateful te the ether. Out of the discussion, however, there may emerge u realization that a class party will I de mere harm than geed. Sidetracking subsidy D'S ISPI.ACF.MENT of the Ship-Subsidy ill by t'arm-i tedi measures en the senatorial program n troves all immediate prospect of consult ri' g n relief program for 1 the American mci.-h.ini 1 larlne sincerelj ! upon Its merits or die. t- i Politically, the u.ane i-.. nii obvious 1 triumph f"r the nril rpositlen, upon which the label 'pi' v ii. ),',, bcn se Inappropriately fa-ten,.,; fve ne-v Sena tors l'renkhart. ,.f .nii -ind Couzens, nf Michigan whose pcts.hle cr-iri-e I as been encn te some question nppenr te have been hignal factors in thr upset. Prem the former support of a mens, ire te revitalize American sea-borne commerce sai trarcely expected, hut Mr. Coitiens' r.uinrt '" ins'irgencv comes ns something of s firiirlse. I There I". of course, nothing new in slde ! tracking a bill into ob'lv'en. Fenoterlil j tactics of this kind a- as traditional ai the.v 1 are frequently effective )r.t the case ,,'f ' ship subsidies differs fr-rn fire r,f Its anee. ters in imikt" se in m,u . nns nrt tieen subjected fe I's iiu e.mrr of favorable or unfaverainc ceinm-n. The Heuse e shirked its responsibilities, bill with amendments and revN maneled the slens nnd turned It ever te the Senate. It wns expected thnt the current week would hring forth opposition arguments In nbun dance. Hut opportunity te attack it analt ically nnd piecemeal litis been rejected in favor of a policy of studied neglect. Indications that real objections te the bill nr net siimelenfir impressive for exploita tion nre thus confirmed The ship-subsidy nregrnin is, perhaps, leg.s'ntlve Dr. 1 VII. The Senate nourishes an animosity toward it ! without offering reasons, j.xplanatiena in politics arc tiresome when the machinery for Interment Hes conveniently nt hand. .6" crrer et Judgment en Inevitable the pan of an expert Errer aviator appears te have been the canee of the Laugley Field crash which cost the lives of six. Ne man. however expert however careful, is wholly exempt from e.-rer, but, happily, there are few businesses ike avla- tlen where error inevitably means death .. ., . 1 T. !','".' thllt """ "-Ufh Hull Luck shall be give,,. Charles M. Schwab. seei ma(r. nate. Invested ten cents in a raffle in Orante. N. J., and wen a $10,000 bull. It was a 115,000-te-l shot as there were that many tickets. Success comes te him ivhe bntlt ability, perseverance and uck. PHILADELPHIA -WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER AS ONE WOMAN SEES IT Seme Thoughts en Hew te Conduct A Committee; Meeting, With Side- lights en Leaders nnd Hew They Get Thnt Way Iy SAKAH I). LOWItIK IWAS present nt n committee meeting called for the purpose of debntlng n program of activity of u wide sort In which two organizations were very prnetlcnlty In terested. The question wns. Could they co-operate or would it be best te work separately? The points of difference seemed very marked j even the object te be ntinlned seemed nt times net altogether the sume as the nttgl6 from which one nnd another Hdc viewed the whole preposition gave a slant In one direction nnd then in nnethcr. At the end of an hour, although each one pres ent hnd endeavored te expresi herself, the feeling was pretty general that we were getting nowhere 1 QO.METIMES it is net se great u waste sJ of time ns It seems te have chaos or ap parent chaos in n welter of expressed ideas. There nre some games where it is nllewnble te place nil your curds en the (able ut ence and sort them nfterwaid. The sorting in this case brgan after the first hour of dealing out and nil the opinions hnd been made the most of. nnd the sertins procesji wna started bv the woman who, except the chairman, 'had snld the least during the cellrwj of the arguments. She wns u person who' hns mere and mere gained n position of State-wide responsibility be cause of her quiet poise of manner and ac curate and Just power of Mating facts. She gave n piece of advice, based en n recent experience thnt she had had of com mittee adjustment of differences, which im mediately appealed te these present nnd en abled the chairman te divert the stream of criss-cress opinions into n ch.mnel that began somewhere -nd led semcwheri and gave premise of ending somewhere; in short, she suggested a plan by which these who differed could find wheru they also agreed. She said that in n recent very momentous discussion en nnethcr committee there had been two voluminous reports, n majority and n minority report of recommendation?. These were tub.iected te n simplylng unices of elimination by a series of compromises wherever it xvas possible .e make two poi i of view unite or fuse into n third common point of view. She said it was remarkable hew two points of view apparently different could unite In n third point of view that had the salient characteristics uf both and scrapped the non-essentials which no one really cared te "bleed nnd die for." Of cuurse, at, she admitted, after nil the paring down and prunlnj; and accepting; ami elimi nating had been accomplished there was a jiemt where the difference of opinion was irrccem liable, se that the committee had te present a minority and majority report, but the uiinerit report was reduced in n mini mum. In short, they agreed about most of the matters that had bren dincusscil, and their recommendations, therefore, had just that much mere weight for the community at large. Fer fend as each of m Is about having her or his own way, wc nre upt te judge a committee -very harshly if It cahnet agree upon a general policy. A GOOD stand-up fight en a clean-cut issue does net discredit the lighters, hut bickering as te the way the light Is te be carried en bores the public and dulls en thusiasm. And the type of mind that will leek for points of agreement, instead of ac centing points of disagreement, is n rock el defense nnd n firm foundation and ii otep etep ping stone te peace and nny ether geed, metapherle been te amicable settlement that one may cheese te apply it te. I AM thinking of till' larly because in se Is just new pnrtieu- many wns that we weicmi have te be active under the changing londillens of church, government and peliti cal government ami sociological environ ment we can make an nvxful iupsh of things bv accenting our differenies ain bickering ever what should be non -essentials", in grasp ing the red tape and losing huld of the op portunity I think this is particularly a snare, te women, because we are loyal creatures and sometimes mistake partisanship for loyalty nnd because we are still accustom d te leek at things personally and le illustrate our reasons for our sentiments and even for our convictions by a perunnl application. We insist en trying en the shoe ourselves or having it tried en the person next us te prove that it pinches and K unbecoming. I 011 Mill sec the offended majesty of t.iy grandmother when a genileniun of her ac quaintance tapped her kme with his fore linger a order thnt he might emphasi'e h'.s adinirinu agreement of the Justice of tome remark that she had niadi ' sir." said she. "please (e net illustrate upon my person !" WE ILLUSTRATE tee much upon our own nnd the ether committee women's person by the mental pictures that we insist upon calling up. We provoke these wit' "'whom we differ by our perfectly tin ne.estary und often bv our perfectly uncon scious xxnys of voicing our statements. Jlefere wc even start te make our majority or minority reports or meet a second time te reumrle the uiuerences et tne two, 11 1 would he well if most f us could eliminat t,.tne nf the tones nf our voice ami niller tin ns nnd impntient Inleriei tieni and hnlf h.'iheil suggestions. Almest iihva.vs it is th. quiet woman who has mt said mm h that savs tlie thing which in the end counts most. "That Is where the 111 1 of being 11 geed chairman really li' She ma.v fail if -he is only n disclpiiirirlnii or a cracker nick ns a parliamentarian. She has get te feel the right moment for n cognizing the right suggestion and clinch the suggestion before it sinks back int the chaos of argu ment and counter-argument. I THINK another admirable trait in a committee woman Is a habitually pleas ant expression of face. The placid, be nicn faces of some fat, middle-aged women, where intelligence is inemienbl.v mind up with geed living and agreeable tircum stnnces, nre renlly se many resting places for the eye during n heated discusrlen. They ulwnys seem te w te take the place .1,.,, Mirientains or bread plnins or immense I KheetH of xvnter de in 11 landscape; they ' stand for the things that will Ian when our span of feverish activity is a thing of the There Is another type of face, however, that belongs te the born leader ; It generally gees, tee, with n certain tvpe of body. It is mobile, but Inscrutable. It throws off veur inquiring glnncc, friendly or angry, without n qualm. 1011 de net feel t.a much that n deer m i-uii nuu u ,our ince aa I that 110 0110 is at home te callers. There Is ' nothing flint-like or hard, generally. It is I n face with charm and 11 bed.v with grace, but it nees nei iwniui-t " unuauen ter the bvstander by any gesture of soliloquy nnd it Is nbeve all compewd and innocent of nny nervous reactions. I HAVE often amused in self when I was tired of arguments by watching neenle'fl feet for signs of agitation or the hnds of speakers when they held them "" 1 1 OiaIm n-nL-'t itnitti.r- ".'-.. l.tflnefl. ties of n leader new long deposed was the Ulicnnscieun '"i','"'', ; V '.'' "euer a nble Nowhere else did nhe at the moment eive livvny her gus of bad temper, which she K b " "", .,.,. i, ,-...,. bided her tune iu e. mui,- unnsereun T learned, however, te ieeei?nI-z means "" . i --.1 rn.,...i .. . 5 her danger sign"", ';""'iicii was tore armed. ' Generally speaking, of course, nervous signs of feeling are peculiar y out of place In a leader whose first requisite should be, I take it, aelf-contrel clasped nenmu i"- "..... s,n, ming timt thev tire unconscious of can be seen and nre " .. te the state of their evvner'a . mv first clue te the riemiiinrt. 1 ': "MOyEJ OVER!" ' . - , I iffiHii imiM -i mHBKmt mmumm iPiMM i Kv KEBmmSt&h iwM'j'iw niiaiulj JBHti ft siseMtft1! V 4 &E2ex K-BMHaiiiH istHH BM MVjt TT jfirS-tiiin it 1 ii rrX i. rfc'ili-!T--W 1 1 JHLfcV) VjB' JL s iisiisHQrU TrWlfmKk flHa BHiaiaiJ,,"'Ta:s:eir'-fa-I mUK'M Jlf aiaiaiaiaM I I jK'" KflO tA iiiiiMaiaiiii''ah. Isffwba'l'stiaiaiaiaiaVriiaiaiVaVl MSMKpitOjfSASsmStMtKL iiis99iisiisiisiisiisB8i..lllliEliaiii SSjn 1 w. -.. -. .-ssv, tzTxr - NOW MY IDEA IS THIS! Daily Talks With Thinking Philadclphians en Subjects They Knew Best no r'fIcc, t aim Arp On Pnstcur, the Founder of Modern Medicine and Surgery LOUIS PASTEUIl. the centenary of whose birth will be observed all ever the world en the U7th of the pres ent month, wns the foundation upon which rests the whole structure of modern medicine nnd Mirgery. according te Dr. Ernest Laplace, whe'.studied under the great French biological chemist nnd pathologist. "On the 7lh of December, 1822." naid Dr. Laplace, "I.enls Pasteur was horn in Northeastern France In the village of Dele. He wns the son of a tanner, xvhe served with distinction in the Napoleonic wars. Leuis showed 110 signs of especial distinc tion, except an unusual filial nttnehment and a reverence for the things elevating te Ihei mind nnd soul. As a schoolboy he showed no unusual nptitude, while in chem istry nnd the studies In which he wns later destined te become immortal he ranked below the average. Interested In Crystallography "At the University of Strnssbeiirg he became attracted te the stud of crystallog raphy, or the formation of crystals during chemical reaction. It was during the study nf crystals of pertnrtrate of niagnesin, a sol in ion of which he had subjected te fer mentation, thnt he noticed myriads of xvng elms germs under the microscope, while the irystals nlteied their shapes and bubbles el gas appeared. "The movements of these germs sug gested te him that they were nlive, and he wondered what would happen if he destroyed thia life by heat. Taking then a drop of the same mixture which he had previously heated, be examined the liquid under the microscope nnd found that the germs had been killed, but also noticed that the altera tion in the shape of tlie crystals had censed. Frem this he concluded that the life anil row th of the germs was the necessary cause of the formation nnd alteration of the crys tals. "This wiih the first time that It had ever ecciiried le the mind of mnn that there exists bout ii-. in the air and In the ground, .1 world of infinitely wnall beings xvhese dcve'iepmi nt might be connected with tne 1 ft airs f man. This was Ihe Celumbiix eu-g of Pasteur's whole, scientific life nnd the teed of that vast tree of knowledge whicn ns te result in n revolution of the science nnd art of medicine and surgery, se that nil we have ihme and nre new doing nre but the branches of that grent tree of which Pasteur Is the trunk nnd root. Fermentation the Secret "This experiment bore te him a strange analogy with the phenomenon usually observed in the formation of beer. Tne brewer puts a handful of .veast Inte the vveit nnd In a few hours there is ft plentiful production of vi aft, while the wert changes in character from a cvveet solution Inte n new Mibiitnnce. beer or alcohol, n toxlne or poison lrem which, should ene partake tee freely, intoxication is the result. "Likewise in the manufacture of wine, a delicate ferment or germ exists en the sur face of the grape, which, en being mixed xvith the grape juice In the wine-press, starts fermentation, changing the grape juice or nweet solution into n new suhstnncc, new known as claret or wine. Until then no one bad the slightest knowledge of hew or why gra.e juice fermented, although Neah experimented with it and experienced the results. "Liehig. the greatest chemist of( his day, In tllsrustng this with Pasteur, denied that jeast acted in any ether than n chemical way and that the principle of life nnd growth was net nt all involved. Te prove the contrary, Pasteur took yeast and pounded and triturated it in a mortar, thereby destroying the lift of the yeast mechanically. Pastenr's Contention Proved "Placing the pulverized yeast In wert, It failed te produce beer or te grew, demon demen titrating that, while the chemistry of the cnst was net altered, beer could net be produced except through the living growth of the jenst. 'Hut,' said Lleblg, 'hew about wine? We put no yeast lu the grape Juice nnd, therefore, life Is net concerned in the formation of wine.' "Nothing daunted, Pasteur washed the grapes in warm water until the delicate film en the surface, the natural ferment et the grape, had been removed and the grape Juice, being protected from air, remained grape juice and net wine, showing that the 13.-1922 .. . . ' " i - -''fl ferment of wine was carried en the grape itself. "These experiments attracted the atten tion of the French Government, which sought Pasteur s nld In cembnilng a violent epi demic among the silkworms of Southern France, se serious that the silk industry was menaced. The worms were dying of n vague disease, nnd en examining the entrails t astetir found them abounding in germs. On examining the mulberry leaves upon which (he worms fed. he found the same germs, thus establishing the relation of cause and effect between the feed und the disease. Combating tlie Kpidcmlc "Knewing it te he impossible te combat the epidemic in n direct way, Pasteur sug gested thai all the worms in that locality be destroyed and that winter would take care et the infected mulberry leaves. This vvn done, new worms were imported from Uunn and, the new feed being pure, tlie disease was eliminated and has never reap peared there. "This wns the first suggestion of the Cre? ,in , ''unrntlne, IK-irds of Health and all that characterizes modern preventive medicine. "Pasteur noticed llkewi-e an nnnle-v between frrmentntive processes iiil the odew arising from cesspools, characterized b,hquf faction and the .issl,itj r,f dead animal matter. On examining a drop of !n'.'lm'f,t.ir. from n 'Hel. he found it 1. mass of living germs. On boiling ,jt 0f this matter he found that there HH ,,,, further decomposition nnd no offensive odor nnd he concluded that the development of ..... ... ,-,, Hlllmai mnucr was anahigeus and trhT.h"0n f dead VrB,,"lM" ttfr and that the process would be checked If the germs of putrefaction be eliminated. Anether Great Experiment "In order te support that theory and nt the same time destroy the then generally accepted theory of spontn.ieeus generation nnd prove that all life must come em some pre-cx,btent life, he made this ..xp,!riment : "He tnek.tlL'hty llasks in which he placed ordinary b..,,, or jenl soup. These' "-ere henfc, beyond Ihe beB ,llt ,, ,r were then hermetically sealed. Thus, bv bell "g. he destroyed ,1,.. germs and bv se.,1 w .revet,,! , , ,css of KPrm.lm h" iwlwid thnt the bnullhm would remain pure indelin itely. Under the oWrntle J Jehn Tyndall. these flasks we,e ,u mountain top, where the tips of Vei .? were broken, allowing the ac. e,, ,T ? Mldwny down the mountain twentv mere i,Bp"(Jfcrf1bre,k'n ani twenty mere were opened en level ground near a stable. "In each inntnnce the access of nir caused decomposition, slowly at the te. ,7 ft. sr ,B,;np..u "na1;? wiri0 tl:' Hn One of the Flasks "The lemaluing twenty wete 1,".,, ,... he tips Mealed, te prove the cen.cn leu was. made In ip.iityyearV'aW hnv,ng been closely associated wit, Pasteur for rnore than n )esr nnd abenl .! 1 r the laboratory, I begged him te A lP8T0 one of the flasks. He grante th- h" nnd I have It today and consider ,ihtVwUMt valuable medical se"wi ? in u. ''r 'V.08,' States. 1, is s fresh" today . w "' was made sixty years age. lcn u "All modern medicine and surce,v 1. .1 outgrowth of this final TxVr'n ,sifc first direct nppllcat bn of it wis 1,, 1 . Lister, a young sclentis in ilm-Bew ,el,h noticed n similnrlt between fetdY.' "Ii0 und the pieccss f putre neUen t L "?","", by 1'm.teur. He l.nmed a" e ly ('r?'"'!".,i:d gcrnvi In .1 weilnd nnd their Vaul'1 1th0 with a weak notutien of carbeii t,ler? screened Ute wound by the fift gjg "This was the birth of the d.ui. ., system which has regenerated su?,WpH5 brought it te ita hlsbM ; "SeceMrKrTin,n'1 acknowledged his debt te !,,.."- .Lister wrote In 1874: 'Allew me te nddreTJ' my most cordial thanks for havC bv "Jm most brilliant reiearches de im, mJ ?,v most brilliant researches deinetiktrnt,i ,l truth of the theory of the Tern ,,?' .th faction and having thus glvn, me0h'",lr? principle which could bring 0 s,, '. ," ntiBeDtc system'" b "iKteit t .. J,r' '" litre litre enly antlucptlc sybtem :he Dr. Laplare will give nn Inter. u. "Faateur the M."lmaed Up5itt,,niJn mate aaaoclatien with the n?a? bu.LBl1; rJiemlst.. It will "PPear n ? -? 0i'caI of Ihe Kvacsxa Prnuc Kpr i-,M'8 SHORT CUTS Europe's one prayer appears 10 bt "Forgive us our debts." Existence te the European Entente li just one strain nftcr another. Communists don't appear te bj any mere popular in Cleveland than elsewhere. The conference of Governors will be in its way n icturn of the prohibition question; te the States. Great things are expected when farmers and labor unions get together. (The accent gees en "when.") Pomeroy, 0., man has insured 0 fiddli for $10,000. It will hjve te cash lu te. reach its highest notes. ' That Ship .Subsidy is still in harbor deei net satisfy the filibusters. 'They want her tied up at -the deck. One cannot expect nny great manifests tien of grief from the boys nnd girls If abort ngc of ceul closes the schools. ; - s Reparation conferences prove peepls object te using wnr's. ruthlcssness in neacs times. Then why held reparation con ferences: .Senater-elect Cepcland, of New Tork says people ought te eat fish every day. Still, thia m'ght be a llttle bard en this packers. Cape May expressman wounded n deer with his motertruck the ether day. It get into his path te quickly he wns unable te pass the buck, ns it were. , .Secretary Mellen favors n plan te nitki it easier for sick people te get whisky. Tbli will seethe these cool-shortage victims who put their faith In Quinine tc Ce. Just hew much Clemencean has accem-' pli&hed in the United States historians may tell; but assuredly Americans have added llttle affection te the respect they had for him. The increased activity of nhn-runner seems te imply that Jehn Parley-corn ij unxieus te give SHntn Clnus n warm vvel' (nine. Adding n bootleg te the Chrlstmii stocking, ns It were. Quick te sense commercial disaster wherever it may show Its nose, the Chronic Pessimist notes thnt light beer and wind might easily deal a serious blew te Quebec bootlegger border towns. The Uusslan Soviet Government is laM te be trying te recruit ROO steel workers In the Youngstown, O., district. Evidently take it for granted that the men knew nothing of Hill Haywood's experience. What De Yeu Knew? QUIZ 1 What is the first name of General I,u4a I,u4a derff.' 2. Wlwt Is meant by the Boanerges? ?" w.'n. w.as the AKe nt Pericles? t. Why Is bombazine se called? B. What Is the principal language spoken In Czechoslovakia? C. Who was the liberator of the southern - ...J)art of Seuth America? 7. Who was Vice President In the first McWnley administration? 8. When was the Battle of Eutaw Spring ,..wfeUBh,t nnd between whom? .5- .V.!11 k,nU et a animal la a tnteuay? 10. When did the long-agitated Dreyfus casa In France begin? Answers te Yesterday's Quiz 1. The nw Governer of Northern Ireland In the Duke of Abercorn. 3. Th; word font applied 10 type com. from the Latin "fumle," pour . e. A ewo l n, female sheep. A ewer I a vvlde-meuthed pitcher, sometimes with a lid. 4. Kroemen are membera of a Negro raee en the coast of Liberia. They af especially skillful as ueamen. B. Frlmates la an order of animals that ln eludes men and monkeys. 6. Erlnnft. a Greek poetess, who probably lived in the AlexitnArian period, w. celebrated for hr IvHm ,m oem parable With these of K-innlm. Ttl most famous of her poems, which "i I t,l?y.: ,IV)' ln fragments, was "Th Ulttaff. hhft died at tlu nge of nln ',. Manlteu, In American Indian foils ler. '. Pltlt or spiritual being; also ftlsh : an nmnle S. The original meaning of the IlebHe' WArri tMan l j.ti.1.1 . "w' -""ll la UrtlKIllt a J. Domenlee Uhlrlandaje was n celehrated; "'."r .painter or the iienaissso" iienaissse" iienaissso" peried. Ha wu the teacher of Michel' analn. IIIm Ha .. i.ia hoi 10, Ismet Pasha is the chief Turkish sate at the Lauwtnne Conference. aVJ'il.,'- i lafeT-' IX .1 .j , vJVmi'rt., t-i." V.S,.16-,Vsj,.il,l' AAv;.q li-MiUM'teAKslr-ilZtCll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers