ja4er Abralpm. INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE LANCASTER CITY, i•A BIDAY, MAY 28,1869. .enemy, Retrenchment, Faithful Collection tithe Revenue and Payment of the Public Debt—G RAD T. IMI. FATHER ABRAHAM! FOR THE CAMPAIGN MB GOVERNOR OF PENNSYLVANIA! PIT SCHWEITLEBRENNER,ESQ., READY FOR ACTION ! The popular illustrated Radical Republican Campaign paper, published with the most gratifying success during the memorable con test in 1868, will be especially devoted to the name cause in 1869, by a vigorous and cordial support of the Republican candidates for Go vernor and Judge of the Supreme Court. The popular and highly amusing letters of ?IT BCHWEIPPLEBRENNER will appear week ly au heretofore. The paper has been consid erably enlarged since 1868, as well as iru- proved in every respect. WOW IS THE TIME TO GET UP CLUBS, at the following terms of subscription : One copy, for six months 75 Ten copies, " " 6.00 Ptfteen copies, " " 8.00 Twenty copies, " " 10.00 And fifty cents for each additional copy over twenty, and an extra copy for getting up a club of twenty. [f' .All subscriptions must be paid in advance. Address, RAUCH & COCHRAN, Lancaster, Pa. THE DELEGATE ELECTION To-Monnow is the day for the election •f delegates to the State Convention. Let every , Republican who reads this be sure So attend and cast his vote for the best men. Let the vote be a full one, and let the voice of the OLD GUARD be potential. It is of the first importance that MEN - - mot tools—should represent our people at Philadelphia. The issue is important. Look over the list of candidates carefully, and you cannot fail to mark the men who ought to be selected. We give the list of the names printed on the tickets, six of whom are to be voted fir. Hon. John Strohm, Providence. Col. Emlen Franklin, City. Capt. John K. Rutter, do. Andrew J. Kauffman Columbia Theodore A. Kinser, East Earl. Jacob S. Shirk, East Lampeter. Andrew L. Lane, Manheim. Jacob F. Frey, Lancaster twp. Benj. F. Stauffer, Mount Joy. Fredl. Smith, Conoy. Stuart A. Wylie, City. P. S. Since writing the above we have seceived a communication on the subject from Strasburg township, which will be *nand in another column, to which we in vite attention. k LANCASTER CANDIDATE. The name of lion. ISAAC E. IItEsTER, of this city, has been prominently put forward as a candidate for the " Demo cratic" nomination for Governor. Well, we have only to say that the copperheads might "go further and fare worse," for a candidate. lie is intensely "Democratic," and during the war went his " last best" in aid of the rebels—consequently he is the very man to be beaten badly. Mr. Biester , s record is against him with the people, but very much in his favor with bis party. Trot him out, by all means. CAUTION ! We give timely notice to all concerned that we will expose any attempt to stuff the ballot-boxes, miscount the vote, or re port a false return of the primary elec tions to-morrow, without fear, favor or affection. So these clever politicians who have been in the habit of doing these things heretofore, may make up their minds that they will be held up to the in dignation and scorn of all honest men, should they attempt this thing to-morrow. There shall be no copying of tax lists in the Commissioners' office, cheating in the count, &c., without it being told. We don't care who it hits! We will find it oat, sure, and have "fixed things" to that end. MALL FAVORS! The Copperhead papers are trying " to crow" over the result of the late Judicial election in Michigan. This effort shows lc what low straits they are reduced, and bow thankful they are for " small favors. I+ The Republican majority in the State, on Supreme Judge was 30,819, the vote baying been: Cooley, Rep— Zughes, Dem Republican majority We submit, that polling a little over se-third of the total vote, does not con stitute good ground for a claim of a great wry! $Pw Off! "Has anybody heard of the bill to pun isb indecent advertisements? Candidates for the Legislature are offering huge re wasds for its recovery.”—State Guard. Why don't you say what you mean. Tell all you know. Speak out, or shut up. FATHER ABRAHAM. ENCOURAGING PROSPECTS. 48 we are approaching the time for the opening of the Gubernatorial campaign, clubs of new Subscribers are beginning to come in, and rapidly increasing from day to day. Our regular circulation, of yearly subscribers, is now between THurry-SIX and THIRTY-SEVEN HUN- DICED, and the clubs for the campaign— six months—already received, has in creased our total list to a fraction below FOUR THOUSAND. That we will have fully /he thousand by the first of July, when the campaign will be opened, and from eight to ten thousa»d by the first of August, we firmly believe. FATHER ABRAHAM, fortunately for ourselves, needs no introduction. Its efficiency dur- 1869. ing the memorable campaign of 1868, and its immense circulation and great popu larity then, cannot fail to assure its re cognition as the best and most powerful organ of the Republican masses during the great State contest now before us. Send in the names. COPPERHEAD LYING. The Lancaster Intelligence,. of last Tuesday contains an article headed " Geary as a Temperance Man," refer ring to a strong prohibitory resolution adopted "at a meeting of the Grand Lodge of the Good Templars the other day," and saying that "John W. Geary is one of the Chief Sachems in that fra ternity," that "we (the editor of the In telligeneer) remember hearing brother James Black publicly announce, in a tem perance convention, a couple of years ago, that the whole influence of the Order I would be used to secure his re-nomina tion." The article is designed to place j Governor Geary in a false position, by identifying him with a political temper ance movement, and at the same time accuses him of insincerity, and there fore not entitled to the confidence and support of the friends of temperance. To prove the falsity of this copperhead attack upon Governor Geary, we need only state that the Grand Lodge of Good Templars adopted no such resolution "the other day," and could not have done so, as that body meets only once a year, and that the last session was held at Williamsport in June, 1865. But no such resolution was adopted or even offered during that session, nor at the preceding session at Pittsburg, in June 1867. As to " Brother Black's" alleged public announcement, in a temperance Convention, a couple of years ago, that the whole influence of the Order would be used to secure his nomination," we ven ture to say is equally false, as neither "Brother Black" nor any other "Brother" has authority to speak for that organiza tion as its leader or representative. Nor is the numerous Order of Good Templars committed to any party, man or set of men politically. This attempt to arouse the supposed prejudices of the dealers in strong drink against Governor Geary, because he is, and always has been, a consistent total abstainer, and a member of the numerous and respectable society of Good Templars, is an old democratic game, in which cop perheads only are base enough to engage. THE NIGHER! Some of our fierce Democracy in Lan caster should visit Washington city just now, to learn how important their dread ed men and brethren of African descent haCe become to their Democratic friends in the Federal city. D. A. Buehler, esq., of the Gettysburg Star and Sentinel, has been spending a week there, and writes to his paper as follows: "Just at present the politicians are busily at work preparing for the municipal struggle in June. Manhood Suffrage is recognized here under Congressional en actment, and the colored vote is a power. It has been unanimously Republican, but the Democratic politicians are working hard to secure enough of it to control the election. They have succeeded in buying over some few active colored men, of easy virtue, who are put forward at the ward meetings as decoys for others. It would be a queer sight for one of our Adams county Democrats, thoroughly indoctri nated with the " shin-bone " philosophy, to step into one of the Democratic ward meetings, held nightly, and see these "niggers," black as the ace of s,des, taken cordially by the hand by Demo cratic politicians, and a motley audience of white and black Democrats sittinfg lov ingly together and listening patiently alike to white and black Democratic ora tors ! Verily, the war has been a won derful educator, and our Adams county Democracy had better see to it, for this kind of political heterodoxy will make short work of the dogma that " this is a white man's government." 00,705 .0,816 00ING SOIITIL .30,819 It is reported that hundreds of negroes are leaving Virginia for the South—not the North. They find labor scarce in the Old Dominion, and actually go South in search of work! They are neither lazy nor anxious to crowd their Northern friends! What has become of the Cop perhead prediction that we should be overrun with " lazy niggers" as the re sult of emancipation? Answer, Messrs. of the Lancaster Intelligencer. tatur 4,brahaneo thipo. ANNA Dtc.KiNsoN has accumulated nearly a hundred thousand dollars. Silt A w um; n lES sell in Augusta, Ga., for live cents per quart. A •,:l: - )0,00 DIAMOND hal,cen found the tape of Good Ilope. TIIE miners in the coal re-ions, lately on a strike, are resuming work. Tin: distance by railroad from Phila delphia to San 'Francisco is :; 167 miles. TILE /lomo:pathie Medical Society of Pennsylvania, was in session in Wilkes barre last week. Tut NG has reached three score years and ten by taking his Ten tieth wife. THE 4th of July coming on Sunday. the sth will be generally observed as a Na tional holiday. Two local reporters on the Montgom ery, Ala., NW, recently tOught a duel be cause they (thieved as to the color of au actress' eyes. THE fashionable hulks of the present day are wearing the same style of toilet articles as those worn by the Egyptian ladies in the days of the early Pharaohs. REV. HENRI' N. TURNER, the well known speaker, has been appointed post master at Macon, Ga., vire Washington, suspended. THE Annual State Sunday School Con vention will be held at Williamsport, Pennsylvania,beginn Mg on Tuesday, .1 une Ist, at ten o'clock a. m. GEN. HORATIO G. SICKEL has been appointed Collector of Internal Revenue for the Fourth (Judge Kelly's) Congres sional District of Pennsylvania vice Alex. Cummings, removed. Glad of it. SENATOR SPRAGUE has astonished nearly all of his new-made friends—the Democrats and Free Traders—who poured those letters in upon him at Washington, by making a powerful speech in favor of Protection at the Memphis Conventiow Tuz Boston Fire Department consists of the following apparatus: 20 engines, 1,130 men, 23 horse carriages, 6 1 005 feet of hose, 839 buckets, 144 feet suction hose, 1,465 feet of dry rope, 1,360 badges, 9(S caps and various other articles. (;ovEItNOR GEARY has pardoned the child murderess, Hester Vaughan, wi l l', it will be remembered, was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to be hanged in Philadelphia. GEo. W. (Jumps, Esq., publisher of the Philadelphia Ledger, has invited the employees of that office, and their families men, women and children--to an excur sion and dinner at Atlantic City, on the sth of July. A noble act of generosity. Tuts piece of cruelty is from the New York Herald: " The Dayton (Ohio) Ledger avers that ' what the Democratic party wants are brains and pluck.' Here is a chance for venders of calves' brains and sheep's pluck. , ' HENRY C. MeKok, csq., has been ap pointed chief clerk at the United States mint, Phiadelphia, underex-GovernorJas. Pollock. Mr. Hickok was Deputy Super intendent of Common Schools under Gov. Pollock's administration. Tn Uovernment of Cuba has bei'm definitely organized. Don Carlos Manuel Cespedes is President of the Republic, General Manuel Quesada Commander-in- Chief of the forces, and Don Francisco V. Aguilera Secretary of War. THE Richmond (Va.) Ladies' Holly wood Memorial Association, in making preparations for their celebration on the 31st, have also taken into consideration the best means of raising funds for the re moval of the Gettysburg rebel dead. THE Superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans has issued a circular directing the various schools under his charge as superintendent, to observe the National Memorial Day by participating in the decoration of the Soldiers' graves on Saturday next. Very appropriate. AN infamous attempt at wholesale poisoning of Government troops has been made at Louisville. Kentucky neutrality illy brooks the presence of " Boys in Blue." Such an exhibition of depravity is worthy a State that boasts of fifty thou sand Democratic majority. PRESIDENT GRANT'S proclamation de. daring the act of Congress fixing the hours of daily labor in the public service to mean that eight hours shall contitit l VW and be paid for as a full day's labor, meets with general approbation, and is undoubt edly the true construction of the act. TEE coal miners at Scranton, one• of the most important points in the anthracite region, held a meeting a day or two ago, and resolved not to strike, by a vote of to 869. The coal speculators have been pretty effectually foiled in their attempt to run up the price of the article, as they do t served to be. NEW YORK is terribly agitated in it* very bowels (Wall street) in reihrence Boutwell's policy of purchasing ,bon . They are bringing a heavy *ame bear upon him. The Secretary will n go amiss if he does just the opposite what these afflicted gentlemen dEvire. more their bowels yearn the more ce tainty can we feel of the wisdom of policy. THE Augusta Chronicle reports the foli lowing sale in that city on Thursday last " 375,000 in Confederate States bonds were sold to C. E. Muslin at $9.25 for the lot; $200,000 of Confederate States currency were sold to J. E. McDonald at $l2 for the lot; $2,200,000 in seven-thirty Confeder ate States bonds were sold to C. E. Mtki tin at $2l for the lot." THE Jeff. and Joe Davis plantati • thirty miles below Vicksburg, is leased an old negro at $lO,OOO a year. He 150 hands to work it. Not a white ma is to be seen about the place. The whole plantation of several thousand acres is planted in cotton, which appears very', promising, and from this one plantation cotton enough will •be produced to run a mill in Lowell for weeks. DR. D. K. SHOEMAKER has been chosen Senatorial delegate to represent Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne district in the Republican State Convention, and in structed to support General Wm. Lilly, of Mauch Chunk, for Governor. The Re presentative delegate from Carbon and Monroe district is also for General The delegates from Luzerne are for W. W. Ketchum,and those elected from Berks are not instructed. OUR PHILADELPHIA LETTER. Wary and Civic Parades—Grand Aridg of the Repuldio—The Committee of Ways and Means—Reading Hose Company— Thing.? Po litical—General News, etc. PHILADELPHIA, May 27,1869 DEAR ADIS: The most notable event during the past week has been the grand review of the First Division, Pennsylvania Militia, by Gov. Geary, on Monday afternoon last. Some 3000 uniformed men were iu line, and along the route the streets were a perfect jam of cit izens to witness the display, which was truly grand. Speaking of parades, we are getting plenty of them of late; last month the Odd Fellow's, this month the military, Grand Ar my of the Republic and Red Men, whilst on the ltith of June next, we are promised, by our Masonic friends, something that is to walk over them all, upou the occasion of the semi-centennial anniversary of St. John's Commandery, K. T. To any of your numer ous readers who anticipate a visit to the city, I would advise them to come upon that day, and witness what promises.to be the grandest parade ever held in any city of the Union. Every city throughout the United States will be represented, and arrangements are being made for a good time generally. Saturday and Sunday next have been ap propriated tiy the the Grand Army of the lie public for the purpose of decorating the graves of their fallen comrades. One Post, it is said, will decorate the graves of the Confederate as well as the Union dead. How near correct this is we are not prepared to say, though it way be to the liking of some folks. The Committee of Ways and Means of the present Congress are now setting at the Con tinental Hotel, looking after the sources of the Revenue. No changes will be made in the present rates of duty now, though the committee will again assemble in the fall with that object in view. The Reading Hose Company of your neigh boring village of Reading are now in the city, the guests of the Southwark Hose Company, No. 9. The boys are being well taken care of by the members of the Southwark. Dr. Worthington, the late Speaker of the Senate' and now Appraiser of the Port, has made a raid upon the crowd who have held possession of his department during the reign of Andrew Johnson. It is a noticeable fact, that in all the departments, those Republi cans who followed the lead of the apostate Johns(); are the first to pay the penalty of their crimes. That's right! The tactics Nye studied during the slaveholders' rebellion taught us to shoot the deserters first. The office-hunting mania has about fizzled out, and the politicians are now turning their attention to the task of " fixing things" for the fall campaign. It is conceded by all that Geary has carried a majority of the delegates throughout the city, which means, I suppose, that a greater proportion of the delegates elected are favorable to the renomination of our present Gnvernor. For the city conventions, button-holing and wire-pulling during the past week has commenced in dead earnest. There are hosts of candidates fur every city office, the Re corder of Deeds being the sweetest plum, however, judging from the number of candi dates in the bold--some fifteen in all. The Legislative fight goes bravely on, the people feeling inclined to keep our present members within the city limits, whilst on the other hand at least some of the old members are making desperate etliorts to secure a re nomination; tout my word for it, even should such a calamity befall us, the doings on the Hill at Harrisburg, last winter, are too fresh in the memory of all to warrant a re-election of any one who had a finger in the State pie during that memorable session. It is cur rently reported that the old members, one awl all, made considerable during their last term on "outside speculations," though how true this report is I am unable to say, as I for one can hardly believe a member of the last model Assembly could be induced to dabble iu anything that wasn't entirely legiti mate. Plenty of distinguished funce. in town, among whom I notice Cameron, Seward, Packer, Cass, Geary and many others whose names are historic—politically. Yours, WASHINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP. [CULLED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES.] A letter was received at the Treasury Department on the 19th inst. trom New ark, New Jersey, enclosing the sum of fifty-five dollars and twenty-five cents, conscience money. By direction of the President all the De partments will be closed on Saturday, the 29th of May, to enable the officers and em ployees to participate in the ceremonies of decorating the graves of Union soldiers and sailors at Arlington. The Third Auditor is looking into the accounts of officers of the army who are charged on his books with balances due the Government. Some forty-seven offi cers who deserted the service of the United States and joined the rebel armies, are re quested to advance the balance charged against them. The President's movements this sum mer have not been definitely settled, ex cepting that he will be absent from the Capital for nearly two months. In Juno he will attend the examination of the Cadets at West Point. and from there will probably go to Boston to remain two or three days and witness the Peace Jubi leee. He has determined to spend some time in the West after his return from Boston, but where he does not exactly know, although he says if time will per mit he may go_ to the Pacific coast. It is reported that General Rawlins will shortly resign the War Department port folio, and retire on account of failing health, and rumor says that in the event of his retirement Judge Holt will be ten dered the war office. This report conies from pretty high authority. Gen. I). E. Sickles on Saturday received his commission as minister to Spain. Ile has accepted the office, and is to enter on his duties on the first of July next. He proposes to leave this country in about three weeks, so as to reach Madrid at that time. William Griffith, who lost both arms while firing a salute in honor of President Grant, some time since, was on Monday appointed a watchman at the Treasury Department, at the request of the Presi dent. The card front the President re commending his aßpointment, was as follows: William Griffith:—lf possible, I wish the SecretarY of the Treasury would give the bearer a watchman's place. He met with a misfortune, from which he suffers, under my eyes, and I feel a sym pathy for him. (Sjgned,l U. S. IiBANT. The statement recently set afloat that the President is not in favor of a tariff for protection to American industry, is without the least foundation in fact. General Grant is thoroughly an Ameri can, and there is not a free trader in his Cabinet. Secretary Boutwell was always one of the strongest protectionists in the New England delegation, and Secretary Fish now openly declares that the check to our _present extravagant importations by high tariff, is the only means by which the country can be saved from a financial crash that will surely follow, if the balance of trade is kept running against us. Handbills, Cards, Bill Heads, Programmes, Posters, &c., &c., printed in the beet style and at reasonable rates, at the FATHER ARRA HAm Job Printing Office. Orders by mail promptly attended to. PrEms : George White, a soldier of 1812, aged 85 years, died at his home, in' West Hemptiold township, this county, on the 15th instant. It is estimated that over eleven thousand bodies have been buried in the grave-yard of Trinity Lutheran church, of this city. Mrs. Fanny Forrey, aged 95 years, is now living, at her home, in West Hemptield town ship. Her husband, John Forrey, Esq., a well known citizen in his time, died about thirty years ago. Mrs. F. is in excellent health ; attends to household duties every day; reads without spectacles, and her intellect is not at all impaired. A party of Lancaster county farmers, re presenting forty persons in their families, are prospecting in Missouri. looking for property, with the view of settling together in that State. Should they locate, it is expected that a number of families will follow. Jacob Illig, who was convicted a few years ago, in this county, for stealing a lot of cattle from G. Dawson Coleman, and pardoned by Gry. Geary in March last, is again in prison at Reading, for three years, for stealing a horse and buggy from Howard Boyce. His pardon was obtained from Gov. Geary, for the cattle stealing, on the ground of insanity, and the Reading Times says he is playing the same game now, in tho hope of being again released. In the Friends' meeting house at Enter prise, this county, is a stove still in use bear ing date 1761, which originally came from the iron works of Baron Bteigel, the founder of Manheim. Rev. Dr. Mombert, of this city, is about to establish an American School for Young Men in Dresden, Germany. The School will open on the 4th of October next, Dr. Mombert having made arrangements to leave Lancas ter on the Ist of August. The Episcopalian highly commends this enterprise, and says that the Rev, gentleman's birth and educa tion in Europe, and his thoroughly American ized character, resulting from long residence and citizenship in this country, render him a fitting person to superintend the education of youth committed to his charge. His classical, literary, and scholarly accomplishments are well attested and fully acknowledged by the extensive circle of his acquaintance. Col. M. D. Wickersham, formerly of this county, is Treasurer of the city of Mobile, Alabama. A !sheep, a little over fifteen months old, and belonging to Jos. H. Black, of Columbia, was sheared a few days ago, and yielded twenty-one pounds of wool. S. S. Detweiler, who, in company with sev eral other gentlemen, is travelling through some of the Southern States, in a letter writ ten to the Columbia Ilet ald, from Mobile, Alabama, says : We called upon Mr. Herr, formerly of Lancaster county, residing some two miles from Lexington, Kentucky, on the Nicholasville pike. He has the finest and largest stock of blooded horses in this section, with prices ranging from $l5OO to $20,000. The Diagnothian Literary Society of Frank lin and Ma:shall College, celebrated their thirty-fourth anniversary at Fulton Hall, this city, on Friday evening last. Notwithstand ing the rain, the ball was crowded, a large proportion of the audience being ladies, whose gay dresses and pleasant smiles added much to the interest of the occasion. The young gentlemen acquitted themselves well, and were enthusiastically greeted with applause, bouquets, &c. S. K. Landis, of East Lampeter township, has a cow which a short time ago gave birth to three calves. Ten months previous to this she had two at a birth, making five within ten months. The fire calves are alive and doing well. John A. Boyd, residing in Drumore town ship, this county, died suddenly at Fairfield, in that township, on Saturday night. He went to bed on Saturday night in good health, and on the following morning was found a corpse. WARWICK The town council of Columbia have passed a resolution to have three market days in each week, instead of two. The days will be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The new arrangement goes into effect the first week in June. The Friends of Sunday Schools held a meet ing in the Moravia' lecture room, in this city, on Tuesday evening last, Col. W. L. Bear pre siding. A committee was provided for to make arrangements for holding a County Sunday School Convention in this city at an early day. The General Eldership of the Church of God (Winebrennarlan) is now in session in the Union Bethel, of this city. The ceremony of decorating the graves of soldiers, who lost their lives in the War for the Union, will take place in this city, on Sunday next. The proceedings promise to be highly appropriate and solemn. Rev. Nevin will preach an appropriate sermon, in St. Paul's Reformed church, in the evening. The Court has appointed Hugh O'Neil Con stable of Drumore township, in place of Ed ward Gorsuch, resigned. The German Reformed Church of Conesto ga Centre, this county, which has been greatly improved repainting and the erection of a gallery, will be re-dedicated on Sunday, the 30th inst. The principal merchants of York have agreed with their clerks and employees to close their place* of business at 7 o'clock in the evenings during the months of June, July and August. The same thing is talked of in this city, and we hope it will not end in talk. The public schools of Columbia will make an excursion to the Litis Springs on the let of June. We commend this to the attention of the Lancaster teacheis and Board of Di rectors. Philip Dips, tkg unrivaled sacred song bter, of New York, who has a world-wide reputation, will give a concert in St. John's Lutheran Church, this city, on Monday eve ning next. See advertisement. 0*• - AN ADJOURNED COURT OF QUARTER 13Essicar8 met on Monday, with Judges Long and Libhart on the bench. Henry Snow, charged with robbery and assault and battery with intent to commit a rape on Bridget Harvey, was tried and found guilty of the latter part of the charjps. Snow met Bridget on the Columbia bridge, in March, in the afternoon, and attacked her, and her cries brought the watchman, when Snow varneosed, but was afterwards caught and put in prison. Bridget, as represented by witnesses, was not a very inviting subject, but still Snow was convicted, notwithstanding his counsel wanted to make it appear that his character before the transaction was good, but at the time he was attacked with benzine. The Court bold that drunkenness was no ex cuse, and would not admit the testimony. The Jury was out about two hours, and on the rendition of the verdict ofguilty, Snow was sentenced to four years In the county prison. Charlotte White alleged that her husband, Israel White, had duetted her. The Court, after bearing both parties, gave them some good advice, and directed them to go to house keeping, at which both parties seemed to be satisfied, and promised to comply with the direction of the Court. Same/ C. Hambright was convicted for stealing market. Frank Stahl, a grocer in butter at Oran/ree, porchseedl the tto or at least it was foun k d in his possessi on . b This practice of relieving our country friends of their baskets of bWr was guite C usual 00- curtenoe last winter, until t was caught. Seine people think that Hambright was only the tool of a greater scoundrel: The dehmse attempted to prove an alibi, by the father, mother and sister of Hambright. The sentence was deferred to enable his counsel -Xocal PIIENTLIMI. t.) !Tiotiou I . “r a new trial Olt Tl..Ni•ly Alfre.l Jfiiirr vrt+ trird for assault and battery on a un.o named Stoutzeuberger, a al another named David MeXalls, at Columbia, on Christmas, having struck the latter with a tumbler in the face, and destroying the sight of one eye. The jury found him not guilty, but ordered the prosecutor to pay one-third of tho costs, and the defendant two-thirds. Cheap for an eye! Isaac Daman and Henry Sheets were pro secuted for erecting fish-pots in the Susque hanna, below the dam at Columbia, contrary to law. They were acquitted, and a similar prosecution against Isaac Keeley was with drawn. Oscar S. Harnbright was prosecuted for stealing butter at market from Mrs. Warren, of Martic township, bat the evidence not being sufficient to convict, the suit was withdrawn. Jacob Marshall, who was convicted at April sessions of assisting his father and brother in stealing wheat from Eli Wenger, of Salisbury township, and who was sentenced to the House of Refuge, could not be admit ted, being over the age for inmates of that institution, was sentenced to the county prison for 14 days. His father and brother were sentenced to the prison, and are still there. On Wednesday John Weidle was indicted for stealing seven geese from H. F. Hinkley, of Safe Harbor, anti was acquitted. John McGuire, was found guilty of assault anti battery on Constable Flory, of the Sixth Ward, this city. Elizabeth Leidy withdrew the prosecution against. Mifflin Elliott, for adultery, and a verdict of not guilty was taken. County for costs, as prosecutor was unable to pay them, and it was thought cheaper for the county of pay the costs than to send her to prison. Judge Long gave notice that hereafter the person at whose instance proceedings of too trifling a nature to be tried are instituted, must pay the costs. A Goon HOTEL : During a recent sojeurn of a week at Washington, we were fortunate in being entertained at the "Ebbilt house," situated on the corner of F and Fourteenth streets, of which C. C. Willard, Esq. is the landlord. It is located within a square of the Treasury building, with the White House, War, Navy, Post-office and Patent-offices within convenient reach, and cars running from the depot to the hotel, along F street. We have never stopped at a better hotel any where, and while it is less pretentious than some on Pa. Avenue, it is behind none in all its appointments for the comfort and pleasure of its guests. Mr. Willard is a liberal, whole souled gentleman, and his stair of clerks and officials, including servants, are attentive and courteous. The table, chambers, beds, &c. are all that the most fastidious could desire. We recommend the "Ebhitt House" to any of our readers who may visit the Capital. A. D. LOC KAFEL LOW & BRO., have lately opened a store at No. 50, North Queen street, for the sale of Fruits, Nursery Plants and the like. See advertisement in another column. [COMMUNICATED.] EDITORS FATHER ABRAHAM: In our township we have been somewhat in a muddle as to who we shall vote for as del egates to the State Convention on Satur day. Some of my neighbors have been talking the matter over, and have conic to the conclusion that it would not be safe for the honor of the Old Guard, to send any body who is known to be under the control of the arch-demagogue, George Brubaker. We want honest men, who cannot be controlled by any body. There fore, at their suggestion, I write this, to say who we intend to go for on Saturday. Here they are: Hon. •John Strohm, Col. Emlen Franklin, Capt. John K. Rutter, Theodore A. Kinzer. Andrew J. Kauffman, Jacob S. Shirk Every body knows .John Strohm. His honesty, integrity and independence won't be doubted.• The other gentlemen are also well known, and can be trusted, I feel assured. Every body knows that Wylie, Ex-Sheriff Smith, Sheriff Frey, etc., are mere tools of Brubaker, and will do his bidding. I hope the men my neigh bors have agreed upon will be elected. STRASBURG TWP. STATE NEWS. BEaKS COUNTY.—A Lutheran Synod is in session in the Trinity Church of Reading A fine new barn belonging to John IJook, at Birdsboro, was destroyed by fire on Monday evening last week. A valuable horse and two cows perished A new City Hall has been agreed upon by the Councils of Reading A large barn belonging to Jacob Lenhart, near Leesport : was destroyed by fire on Wed nesday night last week A large force of workmen is now employed on the Top ton and Port Clinton Railroad. SCIIUYLKILL COUNTY.—They have an improved potato digger in Schuylkill Haven. As the county contains an im mense number of potato eaters, the digger ought to take well A saw mill belong ing to Mr. J. D. Coleman, at Heckla, on the Little Schuylkill, and a county bridge at the same place, were destroyed_ by fire en the 12th inst.... The Good Templar's County Convention met at St. Clair on Tuesday last Saturday before last there was general pay day in the neighborhood of Tamaqua and the roughs were out in full !force. Tho saloons were crowded, benzine was in great demand, and fights and battered heads were in perfect order all day. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY.—Robert H. Sayre, E. J. Wilbur and John Fritz, of Bethlehem, will sail on the second of June for Europe, where they will spend about three months, principally for the purpose of becoming more thoroughly acquainted with the manufacture of steel rails. They are about erecting extensive works in South Bethlehem, the foundation for which is already commenced A com pany has been formed for the erection of a bridge at Bethlehem, from the foot of d Broad street, across e Manockisy to the highlands on the south side. The bridge will be sixty-five feet high and about four hundred feet span. PIMAY OCATIKTY.-A little child be longing to Thomas Thompson, of Green wood, was drowned in a tub of water on Friday before last, whilst its parents were eating dinner. It is supposed the child was leaning over to dabble in the water, and lost its balance The corner stone of a new German Reformed Church was laid at Newport on Sunday last.... Daniel Bake, while peeling bark at Half Fall Mountain, was bitten by a copperhead snake a few days ago, but recovered after severely suffering for some time. Copper heads in this vicinity can't bite. They've lost their teeth. MONTOUR COUNTY.—The Montour Amerieon, published by Dr. IL B. Brower (the ugliest editor in Pennsylvania, by the way) is about to appear in an enlarged form, with new type, &c. The American
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