PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, RAUCH & COCHRAN, No. 13, South Queen Street, Lancaster. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION espy, one year, $ 1.50 coptee, (each tame addressed,) 7.00 10 copies " 41 18.00 15 cop* " 41 • • 1 18.00 20 copier " 14 22.00 And $l.lO for each additional subscriber. FOR CLUBS, IN PACICAONI6 5 copies, (to one address,) $ 6.50 10 copies " 46 12.00 lb copies " 14 16.50 20copies " II And $l.OO ibr each additional subscriber. iirAll subscriptions must invariably be paid in advance. JOU PRINTING Of every description, nesta and prooptly exe cuted, at short notic nd on the most reasonable ' PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. R The time of the arrival and departure of the trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Lan caster, has been changed, as follows : WIESTWAIRD. C1nein.Ex....12:07 a. m. Pittsburg Ex. 1:27 a. m Phila.Express4:o2 iPhila. Exp... 219 " Fast Line 6a5 44 , Mail 11:15 " Lane. Train.. 8:58 " IFat Line 2:85 p.m Day Express. 140 p.m. Columbia Ac. 2:45 " Harrishog Ac..5:54 " I Harrisblg Ac. 5:54 " Southern Ex..4:00 'Lane. Train.. 7:29 " Cinein. Ex.... 1018 " READING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, MONDAY, APRIL 2A, INA Great Trunk Linefronathe Northand North westfor Philadelphie, New York, Reael ing, Pottsville, Thniaqua, Ashland, Sha mokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton Eph rata, Litiz, Lanoaater, Columbia, a x. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as fol lows: At 2.85, 5.20, &lea. m.,12.93 noon 2.410 and 10.55 p. m., connecting wit h similar trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 9.46 a. m., 11.45 a. m., 3.50, GA, 9.80 p.m., and 6.00 a. m. respectively. Sleeping Can se company the 2.85,6.90 a. m. and 10.66 p.m. trains without chafric. Leave Ha burg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, inersyille, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown and Ph iladelphia, at v.lO a. in., 2410 iiud.4.lo m. swag pa bebop non and maMtpal Way allAlOnie the _4.40 p, train making connections for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. Por Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 8.80 p. m. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. in., 1200 noon, 6.05 and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.14 a. in. and 3.80 p. m.; sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 a. M., 5.05 and 8.00 p. m. trains from New York, without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. in. connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.80 p. xn., stopping at all stations; leave Potts villa at 7.30 8415 a. m., and 2.46 p. in.; Shamokin at 6.26 and 10.26 a.m.; Ashland at 7.00 a.m., and 12.30 noon, Tamaqua at 8.30 a. m.; and 2.24 p. in., for Philadelphia and New York. Leave Pottsville, via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 7.00 a. ut. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a. in. for Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 7:30 a. in., returning leaves Phila delphia at 3:16 p. in. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 6.25 a. m.; returning, leaves Phila delphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains lisive Reading at 7.00 a. m. and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lan caster, Columbia, An. Perkichnen Railroad Trains leave Perkiomen Junction at 3.00 a. in. and 6.00 p. in.; returning, leave bkimosek at 8.15 a. in. and 1.00 p m., con necting with similar trains on Reading Rail road. On Sundays: Leave New York at 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and 8.15 p. m., the 8.00 a. in. train running only to Reading; Potts ville 8.00 a. m.; Harrisburg 5.20 66 a. in., - 4.10 and and 10.55 p. and Reading_ at 12., midnight, 2.51 7:15 a. tn. For Rarrieburg, at 12.55 midnigh and 7.05 a. in. for New York; and at 9.40 a. m. and 4.25 p. m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Beason, School and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at educed rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger, G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. READING, PA., April :16, ls6B. [aprllllo.ltdam READING AND COLUMBIA R. R. ON AND AIMEE THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1889, PASSENGER TRAINS WILL BE RUN ON THIS ROAD, AS FOLLOWS: LIATI. Lanoaster.....B 4 / 5 s. m. Reading 10.49 a. m .....810 p. m. " 680 p.m Columbia .....8:00 q al. " a. in 61 890 pi ui. " 6:80 p. m RETURNING: LEAVE. •UZZVI. Beading 7AN) a. m. Lanoaster.....9:ls a. m 6:15 p. m. .. ...Bab p.m 700 a. m. Columbia a. in ..... 6:15 p. m. .....8:30 p. m Trains leaving Lancaster and Columbia as above, make close connection at Reading with Traini North and Boutin on Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and West on Lebanon Valley Road. Train leaving Laneastarat &06 A. M. and Columbia ate A. M. conneotadosely at Reading with Train for New York. Tickets can beobtained at the Ofeaes of the New Jersey Central Railroad, foot of Liberty mtreet, New Yorkpuid Philsdedphistanditerult Railroad, lath and CaHowhill Through tickets to New York and Philaitel phia sold at all thlianeipal Stations, and Bag gage Checked Th MrMileage TicicerVel oks for 300 or 1000 mils!, Season and Excursion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rules. Trains are run by Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Time, which is 10 minutes hurter than Pennsylvania Railroad Time. apl Ib4o-tt] GPO. F. GAGE. Supt. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. Trains leave York for Wrightsville and Co. lumbia, at 6:20 and 11:40 a. in., and 8:30 p. in. Leave Wrightsville for York, at Mu a. in., and 1:00 and 0:50 p. m. Leave York for Baltimore, at 6:00 and 7:16 a. m., 1:06 p. and 12 midnight. Leave York . for Harrisburg, at 1:39, 616 and 11:96 a. in., and 2:90 and 10:16 p. m. TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG. 001110 NORTE. At 3:25 a. m., and ida and 40 p. m. 0011.10 8017 TE. . At 3:45 and ISM a. tn., and 12:30 and 10:45 p. m deoll4fd Photographs, &v. GOLDEN GIFTS. l'arcids to Families, Father to Daughter, Mother to Son. GENTLEMEN TO LADIES. When the light has leftthe house, moment' such as these easspovriel their interest. • GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the WO ba:the city outd no superior in the State Cianotaittly lnegiNt demand and great expo. Mame In e rainAtture give us greater facilities and be ter results than any establish ment outside of large cities. STEREOGRAPiIti OF HOME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic Instruments. Lame Colored Work W some of the best Ar tists in Philadelphia andelsewhere, in the high, est style of the art. ludialnk, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at MMUS CITY GALLERY, Jan 1-Iyrj No. 90 East Kinpst. Hotels. U . 8. HOTEL, Orrostra PUNA. R. Dawn, HARIUSBUIIe, PA. W. H. EMMINGER & GO., tobl2-Iy] Proprietors. VoL. 11. ri;M Ina JAMES BLACK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MILITARY AND NAVAL. CLAIM AGENT, No. 56 East King-st., Lancaster, Pa. Being duly licensed as a Claim Agent, and having a large experieneemprompt attention will be given to the following classes of claims: BOUNTY and PAY due discharged Soldiers and Sailors. BOUNTY (additional) to Soldiers who enlisted for not lees than 2 or 3 years, or were honora bly discharged for wounds received. BOUNTY (additional) to Widows, Children, or Parents of Soldiers who died from wounds re ceived or disease contracted in said service. PENSIONS for invalid Soldiers and Sailors, or to their widows or children. PENSIONS for fathers and mothers, brothers or sisters of deceased soldiers, upon whom they were dependent. PENSIONS and GRATUITIES for Soldiers or their Widows from Pennsylvania, in the War of 1812. PAY due Teamsters, Artificers and Civil em ployees of the Government. PAY due for horses lost in the United States service. CHARGES...-Fees fair and moderate, and in no case will charges be made until the money is collected. [dee 21).lyr* THE OLD PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. ACCUMULATED CAPITAL, $2,000,000, After paying Losses to the amount of $1,110,000 All the Surplus Dividend amongst the Po/icy Holders every year. THE ONLY TRULY MUTUAL COMPANY For further information apply to JOHN J. COCHRAN, Agent, From "Father Abraham" Oillee_ l nololf] Lancaster, tn. WORLD MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. J. F. FRUEAUFF, 'General Agent for renn , a. NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Above J. F. Long & Son's Drug Store.) This Company offers more SOLID and REAL inducements than any other Life Insurance Company in the country. Send or call and get a Circular. Active solicitors, male or female, wanted in every township in the State. [Jan 14th• WE HAVE NO TRAVELING AGENTS. Farmers and Dealers who send their orders direct to us, can avail themlelvee of the LOWIOIT PRICES And save the Commission. Early orders will be udvantageons to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES , Manufacturers of IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, MED THE AMMONIATED FERTILIZER. PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. l—reoeived direct from the Government. FISH GUANO. A splendid Manure packed in barrels. We also otter for sale POUR LAND PLASTNIS, HYDRAULIC Csuswr sad a foil assortment Of OILS sad CARDIAC. A DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILAVA. ESTABLISHED IN 1803. GBO. M. STEINMAN & CO., febll2-3m Sole Agents at Lancaster. Hata, Caps, Furs, &c. 1868. 1868. SHULTZ & BROTHER, HATTERS, No. NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENNA. Latest style Fall and Winter HATS and CAPS in all qualities and colors. LADIES' FANCY FURS, We ar assortmentnow c n et " ad". laciest and ll7l compl ete FAlir FURS ever offered in inn marke t, at very low prices. ROBES! ROBES!! ROBES!!! Buffalo Robes, lined and unlined; Hudson Bay Wolf, Prairie Wolf, Fox, Coon, do. BLANKETS AND LAP RUGS Of all qualities, to which we would particularly invite the attautim of all persons in want of articles in *hat line. GLOVES, GAUNTLETS and . MITTS. OTTER, BRAVER, NUTRIA, SEAL, BUCKSKIN, FLEBHER, KID, do,, die Ladies , Foe Fur Trin and Hoodsneed ialoves, Gattatlets Nitta PULSE WARMERS and EAR MITTS. wackumx4l AKE RETAIL. si:10-tf CAUTION. Whereas my wife 0111.11.111 NE flu lott my home Without any Tut mines or provoca tion. ail persona are b by issummea nab to trust her co my semient. se I will 7 ,0 4 10.4 whieh she msy enotrast. _PAM Martin township, aprii OW, 111111-411* to see the right, let us strire on to finish we are in; to bind up the nations n' Insurance. CHARTER PERPETUAL. THE CITY OR STATE. OF NEW YORK, NO. 180 BROADWAY Fertilizers. FANCY AND FACT. Queer fellows are the sons of song! Not always literal truth they write; Often they catch a strange, wild thought, And chain it down in "black and white." To range at will o'er hill and dale, Unshackled must the poet be; Stern logic would confine his limbs: He must have elbow room, you see. Fancy and Fact, we've heard of both, Not quite alike, as all may know: Fanny mounts high on eagle.' wings; Fact plods along, quite sure—but slow! And though so much unlike, yet still They're linked by a mysterious chain: Each is one form of mighty truth, To gifted eyes, so bright awl plain. Shall Matter say to godlike Mind "I am the truth, and thou a lie?" The beauties of the arch of Heaven How can the sightless oyster spy" And yet the lark, fin soaring wing, Withjoyous heart, and flashing eye, Her plumage bathed in morning light, Flits meteor-like along the sky Let sober Matter hold his place ! Grave and " conservative " is he: But Mind may , range through boundless V F anc W, .0n y's pinion, bold and free! ptisallantows. FLORENCE'S BET. "And so you have really and truly eN Joyed this month iu the country, cousin Clive?" “I have indeed, Florence; and the only thing that takes the sting from regret at leaving the dear old place, is the thought that you are to return with me, and that I may try my utmost to make you enjoy the next month as I have done this.” "To introduce me into society, to bring me out, I suppose?" said Florence. "But don't you think I am rather old for that sort of thing? I have seen twenty, cousin Clive." "Without one season in London, said he; without one admirer save the clownish young men of the neighborhood, without a single offer of marriage, if I mistake not, Floy. It is really shocking to bury your beauty for so long in such a remote place as this." “As to offers of marriage, you are wrong,” replied the youn g lady, laughing ly. "I have been honored by two; one from Mr. Sam Gregory, who with a great deal of bashfulness and fidgeting about, asked my consent to be Mrs. Sam, and the other from the Reverend Westrop Deans, a poor curate, who couldn't sound his h's. I didn't wept eithet".. Mt. Olive Hardinge lifted his hand with a gesture of disgust, and shaking his head replied dolefully: "Which i 4 will eventu ally come to, perhaps, if you are not quick ly out of this mediocre class into that higher grade of society to which you are entitled by birth and position. I am very glad you are going to my mother for a little time; for although there is not, my dear cousin, a more perfect lady in all London than you,. yet the constant com panionship of this so-called upper clue village might in time cause you to forget that your superior birth precluded the possibility of your ever choosing ahusband from among the young men of the families you are in the habit of visiting; for it would ill beseem the blood of a Hardinge to mate with one beneath her." The hot blood flew up in a torrent to therPs face as her cousin uttered these words, for she knew that her mother had been so considered to demean herself, when, two and twenty years before, she dis obeyed the commands of a stern parent, and sterner brother, and proudly placing her hand in the strong, warm grasp of a man who had no sin against him but his poverty, his ambitious day dreams, and his love for her. she remembered how in his obscure spot, they had eked out his mea ger pittance; how the glorious productions of art, that his imagination had vivified into almost living creatures, had passed away, and left the noble face drawn and sad, the large, eloquent eyes that had fought so bravely for them, a closed vol ume of blindness and death. Then the struggle for life, for existence, the long years of su ff ering and sorrow of early life, And subsequently the two hundred pounds a year that some unknown relative dying, left them. She had never seen a single member of her mother's family, until a month before, when Clive Hardinge, son of that brother who had sealed up his fathers heart against his slater all the years of his life came suddenly upon them in their quiet country home, was struck with the refine ment that pervaded the atmosphere in which his aunt and cousin lived, and was charmed with the rare grace and fresh beauty of the young girl. He hastened to create an amiable understanding between his mother and Mrs. Lysle, which being easily effected, as Mrs. Hardinge enter tained no lbeling of resentment against a woman she bad never seen, he suddenly fancied that the cool breezes of Hillside might have a beneficial influence upon his town bred constitution; and therefore, without much circumlocution, he gave a broad hint to that effect. His aunt took the hint and invited him. During his stay he and Florence had been a great deal thrown together, and with a constant interchange of thought and opinions pass ing *tweet them, grew in a month pretty well to know and appteciate each other. Clive Hardin g° was neither handsome nor young; but he possessed that which End „ieh Pet and English women es- PecOlaY, W 3 more in men than correct- youth,--strength, Five and thirty years had rolled over his brown head, and left the wavy hair still brown, and the gray eyes undimmed in the lire of their boyhood. He considered himself a mid dle aged man now; and if any midsummer day dream had ever tinged with a transient brightness the even tenor of his life, it was long since rolled up in the forgotten past. He took an • interest in Florence, a deep interest by reason of her beauty, her in nocence and her unprotection. Man of the world as he was, thoroughly under standing all the ins and outs of society, he felt that his cousin was no common girl—that she was at once adapted to fill a higher position than thty, in which she had never yet moved. He took this in terest to heart and acted rather vaguely upon it. In the pause that succeeded his last re mark his keen discernment instantly de tected the insult he had unintentionally offered her, and with a slight embarrass ment in his face, be bent forward and said earnestly: "Forgive me 'Ploy, do not misunder stand my meaning. lam referring to youthelf; you will be engaged before you leave London. Mark my words." TtpOlush died out of her face, and a merry sparkle danced in her eyes as she said, gaily, "What, in one month! My good cousin, how quickly you are going to dispose of me. Make no such rash prophecy, thou oracle of evil." "But I do," said Clive. "Let we bet you a dozen pair of gloves that my pre diction comes true." "Against what?" she asked. "Against a kiss," he replied. "Sir, you surprise me!" said Florence. "But you would lose your bet." "If I lose I will pay," said he, "and if you lose you must pay." "But I shall not lose, cousin Clive," said Florence. "I am sure that none of the gentlemen to whom you introduce me will satisfy my fastidious taste." "'Wait until you see them, my dear child," said Clive. "You are very unso phisticated. I only fear they will find too easy ingress to that little untried heart of yours." She laughed a laugh that had a ring of scorn in it, which made him look up with a puzzled expression, as though he could not quite fathom her, as she left the room. Mrs. Ear'dale's saloons were crowded witerfashlon, beauty and wealth. It was her last *al of the season ;lad the most brilliant she had given. Amongst the as sembled ladies it was evident that one was the centre of attraction, the dazzling star around which the smaller stars ceased to shine. She was quite surrounded by gentlemen obtrusive in their attention and tiresome in their flattery. She seemed to feel it acutely, as she stood with heighten ed color and disdainfhl lips, mutely in their midst. She scareely lifted the curl ing lashes from her dark eyes, or gave the least movement to the hair that covered her white shoulders like a golden veil. She was perturbed and distressed, and wanted to get away from them. All the evening she had been herself merry and gay, but her most careless glance had been met by one almost passionate in its admir ation, her laughing tones answered by the mosefulsome flattery, that, angry with herself and them—having aptly learned in three short weeks to heartily despise the hollow mockery of what the world called pleasure—she now stood this last hour in the ball room in anything but a happy frame of mind. At last there was a breakin the circle, and the low tones of the vdtEries of fashion ceased for a mo ment, as a young man of quiet gentleman ly bearing made his way up to the young `Miss Lysle," said he, "permit me to conduct you to the conservatory. You were speaking of—" They had passed through the rooms, and she turned to thank him for bringing her away. But where is Clive?" she asked. "Are we not soon to go home? I am so tireVireWdillie?" of dancing, or of London dissi pation, which?" he asked. "Both," she replied. "I wouldn't live for worlds, if Iliad to be dragged about night after night like this." "Then such a life has no charms for you?" "No, indeed," was the reply. "lam disappointed in Clive Hardinge. I thought him superior to such frivolity. He seems to like it." " There you mistake, Ploy," said her companion. "It is society that courts him, not him that courts society. As you say, he is superior to it." "Than, why does he go into itso much?" she siskitd. " kl*ls performing a sort of penance," was , VCreply, "and mixing in gaiety, which he detests, for the sake of one whom he caresfor much, to see if the pure gold of spiritWity in her heart will stand the test of the scheming world." She looked up in the dark eyes of Clive's dearest frond, but beyond the smile upon the lips, and the slight pressure of her hand upon , his arm she could read nothing. I i am going home in five days," she said, as they passed through the rooms. " Are you sorry or glad?" he asked. " I shall be glad, to see my mother again, but shall be sorry to leasie aunt, she has been so kind to me—and cousin Clive." "He is rather old, don't you think, Floy? something the old bachelor about him—too old to marry, in tact." "Who—Clive?" she said. "He is not old, is he? I never noticed it. His hair is not gray 40 his rime is not wrinkled. Ile is very handsome, ie cousin Clive." itn who Shall have borne the bathe, and VON , and his orphan, to do all which may nd cherish a just and a lasting peace rselves and with till natiosit."—d. Z. , 1869. " Trolodeattle, Ploy? You style' have put on love's spectacles, surely; friend as he is, I could never call him handsome 3ret." "Don't talk nonsence, Willie," said Flo rence, pettishly. " I repeat, Clive Har dinge is handsome. ' he has more strength, might and majesty in his countenance than a dozen ordinary men. Here he comes, now judge for yourself." If a weary look and pale face denoted a handsome physique, Clive Hardinge cer tainly possessed it at that moment. He came forward to Florence. " Would you like to go now?" he said, kindly; " my mother is already cloaked, and waiting for the carriage." She quietly took his proffered arm, and extending her hand to Clive's friend bade him good night. * * * * * . Miss Lysle sat at her work in her aunts morning room, the day before her depar ture home. The blue cashmere robe she wore suited well the purity of her com plexion, and the rich curls of glittering hair. She looked marvelously pretty, and so thought Clive liardinge, as he mado it his special business to visit the room that morning. But her eyelashes were wet; she looked as if she bad been-shedding a tear or two, silently there to herself; and perhaps the softness and tenderness in her face made het appear more beautiful still. Clive carried a long narrow box in his hand, of blue enamel and gilt, and placed it under her eyes. " The bet, Florence," said he. " Have you forgotten it? You have won it quite fairly—or will have done so to-morrow, for there remains yet one more day before the month is completed. Now will you tell me why you have so coldly declined the two offers of marriage you have been honored with sines your stay with us?" " I did not feel myself honored," she replied. " One was from a spendthrift and dehauchee; the other from a brainless fop, who possessed but one idea in the world —that of admiring his own figum." " But you have repelled admiration so persistently," said Clive. " Others, who certainly admired you, would—" " Thank you, cousin Clive, for the bet." " May I look?" interrupted Florence, as she put out her hand for the box. "Certainly, not, until to-morrow, then you may weartheprettiest pair of gloves the box contains, i f you like; and when you are gone perhaps I shall be able to get back my rest again, and my appetite. You have robbed me of both since you have been here." " Cousin Clive!" “ I say you have robbed me of both,” repeated Clive. " Before I saw you I was able to eat like any other ordinary mortal; but now the dazzling things at the table are not the plate and crystal, but a pair of snowy hands that keep moving up and down and mesmerize my eyes to look at them. Before you came I could sleep soundly enough at night, and wake re freshed in the morning; but now my dreams are, wild and ftwerish, of bewilder ing eyes and glittering golden hair, and one ethereal form that comes between me and alumbe r. 11 “Please don't cousin Clive,” said Plo rffiCe. " But I will," said he. " Oh, you shall fairly win your bet, my little Floy. lam a cross old bachelor cousin; but for all that I mean to tell you that I love you with all my heart and soul." " Iler head dropped down suddenly, and the long hair fell over her hot cheeks, and her hands trembled and clasped themselves together on her lap. There was a painful pause, and when Florence dared to lift her eyes she saw Clive Harding's face buried in his folded arms, quiet and still. She rose hesitating ly, and then went up to him, placing one soft hand on his hair, while with the other she extended the unopened box. " I don't want your gloves, cousin Clive," she said. "Why not?" he asked with white lips. " Because I have lost my bet,” she re plied, turning away her shy face. " Florence—my darling Floy, have I won it?" rapturously starting up and catching her hand. "Yee, and me too," she murmered, as she lifted her blushing face to his, and his arms closed around her in a tight embrace. The Hon. Jacob. Thompson, of Missis sippi, recently made a speech to his neigh bors at Oxford, in that State, on his return from Europe. He took rather a hopeful and cheerful view of the situation. The people of the South had attempted by force of arms to set up and maintain a separate Government and had failed. It was now their duty to accept the result of that failure in good faith; to struggle with a hearty good will to build up the waste places, and thus secure prosperity and plenty to the people. Mr. Thompson said: In all ages the God of battles has made some curious and inexplicable decisions. But it is not for us to find out the reasons which controlled Him. It is ours only to obey the decision, because from it there is no appeal. In the late war the power of arms decided that we. should remain one people t now indihrover. The God of battles decided the case in favor of Union. Now the true Christian mast justify the ways of God to man ' ' and therefore he must say it was wisest and best that the case should be so decided. From this position a duty is devolved uport every man. Each individual is bound to con tribute his mite to make this people a great pee*, strong, happy, prosperous an glorious. No. 27. "RECONSTRUCTED." EXPW'M . ; • V . 1 EN FATHER •ABBAHAN. Ten lines of Nonpareil constitute a Square. GEM 1 week .... • 75 $l4O $ 2 10'$ 3 50.$ 600 8 weeks... I 1 83' 180 • 2.'1 4 Nil 8 3 weeks... 150 220 3,b sOO 10 WI 1 month... 175 2 $l9 390 7 12 00 2 months.. 275 400 000 10 20 8 mouths.. 400 Y'oo 112 a 6 months.. 700 11 410 144 M II 40 00 1 year 12 00 20 00 SO 00 40 60 00 Executors' Notice Administrators' Notice Assignees' Notice Auditors' Notice SPECIAL NOTICES—Ten cents a line for the first insertion, and Serer' cents a, line, for eaeb subsequent insertion. REAL ESTATE adverlasenteats t Tha 40■40 • line for the first insertion , and Fiva oents a bite for each additional insertion. WALL KINDS or JOB PRINTING execute& with neatness and deskatfh. • THE orriczazint. 'the following is from an old story by J. M. Paulding, the novelist, and - first went the rounds of the press • rs ago. It represehts a conversation ',Q. tween a member of the Cabinet and a hanger-on for office, and is suitable for the present time: The Secretary was called from his bed one told winter's morning, to attend to business of the "utmost consequence.” He found a queer, long-sided man, about six feet high, with a little apple head, as long queue, and a face critically round, as rosy as a ripe cherry; and the follow ing conversation ensued: " Well, my friend, what situation do you wish?" i " Why, I'm not very particular, but, somehow or other, I think I should like to be a Minister. I don't mean of the gospel, but one of them ministers to foreign parte." " I'm very sorry, very sorry, indeed, there is no vacancy just now. Would not some other place suit your " Why-y-y," answered the apple-bead ed man l "I wouldn't cam mush if 1,400& a situation in one of thadOlarkingda.. wouldn't much mind belly; a Comptroller, Auditor, or something.' "My dear sir, I'm very sorry, very sorry, indeed, but it happens, unikirtmsts -17, that all these situations are at presiltill Idled. Would you not take something. else?" My friend stroked his chin, and see thes struggling to keep down the scoriae of his high ambition to the present crisis. At length he answered— " Why-y-y yes; don't care it I get a good Collectorship, or Inspectorship, or Navy Agency, or anything of that sort:" 4 6 Really, my good sir," said the Sean- Lary, "I regret exceedingly that not oidy all these places, but every other place et consequence in the Government, is at present occupied. Pray, sir, think of. something else." lie then, after some hesitation, Milted for a clerkship, and finally the place of messenger of one of the public offices. Finding no vacancy here, he seemed in. vast perplexity, and looked all around the room, fixing his eyes at length on me and measuring my height from head tr i .; foot. At last, putting on One of the drollest looks that ever adorned the Ewe of man, he said: "Mister, you an I seem to be built pretty much alike; haven't you got some old clothes you could spare?" I 1. Lorenzo Dow is reported to have' stop ped persons from leaving his meeting iry requesting "all who had holes in the heels of their stockings to ,go then or stay through." A similar instancecthotwh more truthful, and in .better Aaatec i f gLven in the tilstory of Phineas Ake; a ithort , let Itinerant. 'While he was stationed in one of the New York 'churches, ba .found that many of the young people, of both sexes, were accustomed - : to leave church • before the close of the evening trvice. It annoyed him, and he Sete:MAW to stop it. The next Sabbath eingtig before he i g commenced his sermon he- Mg : "Some of iny , brethren have been gr y atilkinl that so many rung women leave ebuseliN before the service is through. lihin P tell • them they ought not to feel so, ikiit doubt, less most of those that Igo out are young women who live at service, and their Mis tresses require them to be at home at nine o'clock, and the your men have to go out to wait upon than ma; sa berAer when these young . women leave dwelt before the service is over you will under stand who they are, and not feel badly about it." The brother Who gave Me this fact said: "We were no more annoybd. after this; they either staid away, or staisk till the meeting was closed." JOKE ON WELL. We hear a good story about Grandfath er Welles, late of the Navy Department. When he retired from office, he was agood deal bothered about the expense of MOT ing his furniture and baggage back to Hartford. The franking privilege not be— ing quite elastic enough tocover his ease, he was permitted to take one of_the Gov— ernment vessels. Who permitted him we are not informed; but the vessel was load ed, and or the gallant old salt sailed kot the Connecticut river. When he got theme he found that vessels drawing more thaw six feet of water could not .get into tho Connecticut river, whereas his drew elev en! Mr. Welles had never been so me& astonished in his life, The result of was that Mr. Welles bad to go beating along the co st; Until he fan* water enough at New London to float his goods, and thence he sent them home by rail, at just double the cost of shipping them from 'Washington in the regular way. Mt. Welles always was a remarkable man. WOILUIPS DUNI Mrs. Stanton goes it in this style upon woman's dress, in the last Bengt/tuft "As to woman's dress, we think it super latively ridiculous, from her heels to he bead, a sheer invention of the deill to befool and belittle her, sad just as Wit as she seeks active work arid amusement* she will lay it aside. Already, at the. gymnasium and skating pond, g irls have donned a dress that leaves their lmiga and legs free. The idea that a WOMOSI is made like a churn on castors is fast paw ing away, and it will not be long ere go, too, will honor ttie bifurcated nts and find new health and vigor in breathing and freedom of looomOtion. it V 11 60 1800 1760 10 00 88 W MS IS 221: 01 fa 21* 1,21 t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers