is a live paper and deserves prosperity Ground has been broken for a new M. E. Church in Danville Bands of Gypsies are encamped near Danville. They spend their time in telling fortunes, trading horses, stealing chickens and drinking whiskey. PERIODICALS. linnal II AND Henn continues to hold its place as one of our best illustrated weeklies. The number lior May 22d containsthe beginning of a tine story by H. Efison, entitled "Marrying Well." Address Hearth and Home 37 Park Row, New York. Tea LADY'S FRIRAD von JeNE.—The Steel Plate for this number is the beautiful, saintly face of Isabella t one of Shakspeare's characters. The colored 1 &shim Plato gives a rich and tasteful bridal dress, and others of the latest style; and a number of well-executed wool cuts illustrate the most picturesque varieties of the present mode. The musical and literal y departments are attractive. Published by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Phila. dolphin, at +3 50 a year. PETKRSOIS'S MACIAZINN for June, is bright and a tt rael ive with handsome illustrations and excellent reading. "On the Terrace," is abe Al. tiful engraving, and there are others of an ex cellent character. The colored fashion plate will please the ladies, as well a7so the patterns, &c. Published by C. J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. HA Re wa's MAoAZINE for.Jtme sustains its high character, as the best monthly of Sts class. The contents are exceedingly interesting, and the handsome engravings aro attractive and well executed. Money Invested in HARPER is well invested. Published by Harper k Bros., New York. ARTHUR'S MAGAZINE, ONCE•A-MONTH AND Cri DREW HOUR for June are on hand, with their bright and charming engravings, and reading matter for old and young. There ls no discount on Arthurs , publications, and they are univer sal favorites. Address T. S. Arthur & son, 809 and Ell Cnestnut-st., Philadelphia. 4_, 4_ ; 4 4 . . To THE WORK ISO CLASS : am now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profi table. Fifty cents to t,i per evening, is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business; and, that every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for them selves, I make the following unparalelled otter : To all who are not well satisfied with the busi. ness I will send to pay for the trouble of writing to me. Full particulars, directions, &c., sent free. Samples sent by mail for 10 cis. Ad dress E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. [mlll2-3111 CANDIDATES. Announcements of candidates fur office MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. This , ”/C is imperative. 121111 M tirwe are authorized to announce Capt. CHARLES DENUES, of Millersville, as a candidate for STATIC SENATOR, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lan caster county, at the nominating election. * tVr" We are authorized to announce On. B. BOWMAN, of NetTaville, Manheim twp., as a candidate for the STATE SENATE, sub ject to the Republican nomination by the people at the primary elections. l'1201'110NOTVI:1 , C-43' We are authorized to announce Capt. W. D. STAUFFER, for PIZOTHONOTARY, late of the Ist Prima. Reserves, and of the 195th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary, of Lancaster City, formerly of Earl township, subject to the nomination at the Republican primary election. * cl,l4:Rli OF QUAIcTER sEs:-loNs tlr We are authorized to announce BEN JAMIN F. ItOWE, of Providence tap., as a candidate for CLERK OF QUARTER SES worts, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary election. CLERK OF ORPHAN,' COURT LAirWe are authorized to announce CAP TAIN JOHN Q. MERCRR, late of Sadsbury twp., now of the city of Lancaster, as a can didate for CLERK. OF ORPHANS' COURT, subject to the decision of the Republican vo ters at the primary elections. LEGISLATURE ro - We are authorized to announce Dr. E. B. HERR, of Indiantown District, as a can didate for the ROUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES, subject to the nomination of the Re publican people at the primary election. * COUNTY TREASURER Vir We are authorized to announce JESSE PANNABECKER, of Clay township, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the Republican nomination at the coming primary elections. Fir We are authorized to announce H. K. STONER, of West Lampeter township, (manufacturer of agricultural implements) as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary election. tar We are authorized to announce that WM. ROBERTS, of W. Mempfleld twp., will be a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER, sub ject to the decision of the Republican voters at the ensuing primary elections. REGISTER OF WILLS Er" We are authorized to announce JERE MIAH ROHRER, of Lancaster city, late Major 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, 2d Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Po tomac, as a candidate for REGISTER OP WILLS, subject to the decision of the Repub lican voters at the primary election. rirWe are authorized to announce JA COB W. BEAR, of Marietta Furnaces, East Donegal township, as a candidate for REGIS- Tint, subject to the decision of the Republi can voters at the primary elections. Pir We are authorized to announce MAR TIN S. FRY, of Ephrata township, as a can didate for Rzoismss, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of Lancaster coun ty, at the nominating election. t We are authorized to announce DR. WM. M. WHITESIDE, late Lieutenant of Company E, 10th Regiment first three months' service, and Captain of Company I, 79th Re giment P. V., of Lancaster city, as a candi date for the office of REGISTZE, subject to the decision of the Union Republican party at the primary election. We are authorized to announce Lieut. A. C. HERR, of West Lampeter township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the nomination by the Republican voters at the primary elections. lam We are authorized to announce GEO. W. COMPTON, of Caernarvon township, as a candidate for REGISTER, subject to the rules of the Republican party. = or We are authorized to announce JOHN HILDEBRAND, of Mount Joy, as a candi date for SHERIFF, subject to the decision of the Republican party, at the primary elec tion. tir We are authorized to announce AMOS GROFF, of Martic township, as a candidate for Snnairr, subject to the nominatinn: by the people at the Republican primary elec tion. Mir We are authorised to announce JOHN M. JACOBY, of (Bay township, as a candi dateAPT Ennitlirr, subject to the rules of the BeigraWn 'party. • e are authorized to announce ISAAC KIMILER, of 'Ammeter city, (late of East Coonlice township,) as a candidate for the °Moe of Sasauta, subject to the rules of the Republican party. COUNTY CONDIUBSIONNR. kr Wit are authorized to announce PETER JOHNS, of Bast Lampeter township, for COUNTY 0011111IIIIIIONE11,111111100t to the rulee of the Republican party. MARRIED. BINOAMAN-KULLBIL On the 20th inst., byJanob Reinhold, George A. Itingaman, of Ephrata, to Elizabeth Keller, of East Cocal -1 MELLoccER—EBERLY. On the same day, by the same, David Mellinger, of Ephrata township, to Barbara E. Eberly, of Clay twp. SKILES—GREENWALD. In this city, On the 20th inst., by Rev. Dr. Greenwald, John K. Skiles to Addle L. Greenwald, both of Lancaster. JONES—WRINDoLD. On the 20th inst., by Rev. J. J. Striae ' Thomas Jones to Mary A. Weinhold, both of Ephrata. STEWART—MTJSSELMAN. On the same day, by the same, J. S. Stewart, of East Bempfield, to M. Mussehuan, of Rapho, EvANs—LANtotts. On the 16th inst., by Rev. J. V. Eckert, Martin Van Buren Evans to Sophia Lanious, both of Eden township. RUSH—BURKHOLDER. On the 20th inst., by the same, Harry G. Rush to Kate Burk- holder, both of Pequea township. LONG—ARNDT. On the 19th inst., by Rev. T. 0. Stem, Daniel W. Long to Sue Arndt, all of the borough of Manheim. BADGER—EISEN BEWIER. On the 18th inst., at Columbia, by Rev. W. 11. Steck, George Badger, of Columbia, to Mollie Eisen longer, of Manheim. DIED. SHREW.. On the 21st inst., in this city, Wm. Sheet; late of the 79th Reg't P. V., in the 43d year of his age. McCom.olo. On the 21st inst., in this city, John McCollom, in the 62d year of his age. KETTERER. On the 21st inst., suddenly, George Ketterer, in the 57th year of his age. SPONG. On the 21st inst., in this city, Elizabeth Spong, aged 55 years, 8 months and 7 days. Bitaltzusx. On the lath inst., at Rein holdsville, this county, N. W. Breneman, aged la years, 2 months and 10 days. CoATES. sth month, Pith, Levi Coates, late of Christiana, Lancaster county, in the 88th year of his age. CURTIS. On the 17th inst., Barbara Cur tis, in the 91st year of her age. KREADY. On the 14th inst., in Rapho twp., George Kready, aged 71 years, 9 months and 3 days. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANCASTSR, May 26. 2g) (v 10 20 0/, 12 !hitter, 191 It ... Lard, lit lb Eggs, 11 doz. yeal,by the quarter, Dressed Chickens, Live springchickens ift pair Potatoes, 3w bus do.half pk l'otatoes rom the South (per B. R.)11 half peck Green Gooseberries and Currant .1 with stems, I #l quart Currants without stems 1,3 quart Strawberries per pint.. Corn hit he ear, 11 Int Oats, 14 bag of 3 bus .......... Shad pair ....... Herring It clot Herring 'to 100 Fresh Mackerel Porgies la 3 pounds Philadelphia Produce Markel. A DELP ar .1, May•24.—The depression in the flour niarket is almost beyond precedent and in some Instances holders were compelled to accept low prices. There Is great anxiety to realize, and some holders are forcing off their stocks. 00) bbls. spring wheat and R 0 bbis, choice Ohio winter wheat were taken for ship ment on secret terms. The sales for home con sumption foot up 1,000 bids., including super fine at $5105 50; extras *5.75W.25; lowa, Wiscon sin and Minnesota extra family at S6(W; Penn. d o. do., at *6 9507.2,5; Ohio , 4,7.50@s 75; and fancy brands at +9@11.50, according to quality. Hyo flour ranges from V. 7507 per bbl. Nothing doing in corn meal. 'I here is not much activity in wheat market, and prices favor buyers. Sales of red at *1.500 1.55; umber at *1.60@1.05; and 3,000 bus. California on private terms. Rye ranges from $1.40 to $1.43. Corn is active, :lets. per bus. higher. Sales of 1,200 bus. yellow at 92 cts. 2,000 bus. western do. on secret terms. 2,500 bus. western mixed at 84 GiC; and 10,000 bus. damaged do., at 45105. Oats 2 ors. per bits. lower. 3,000 bus. western sold at 80 ets. . _ . . . Whisky sells in a small 'hay at +l.otl@l.lo per gallon, tax paid. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Mow DAY, May 24.—The market for Beet Cattle was again extremely inactive to-day, and prices were a fraction off. The closing quotations were for choice, 10c.; fair to good, 9 to 93ic.; prime, 7to Bc., and common, sto 6c. 39 gross. Receipts, 1,470 bead. The following sales were reported : 90 head, Owen Smith, Western 8 0 9 1 ,4' 60 " A. Christy k Bro., Lanc'r co. 8 1 ,4475 9 1 / 2 29 " Den gler & MoCleese, Lanc. co 8 el 9 07 " P. McFillen, Western 8 1 ,4@10 75 " P. Hathaway, Lanc'r co. 8 1 1 9 1 4 100 " -James S. Kirk, Lanc'r co 8 OX 100 " James Melcillen, Western.... 8 9N 130 " Martin, Fuller & Co.. Western 8 9y 4 140 " Mooney & Smith, Western & Lancaster county 8 §lO 60 " T. Mooney & Bro., Penna.... 8 1 4 9 20 " IL Chain, Western 13 1 /, 5-3 " J. &L. Frank, Western........ 8 9 1 4 76 " Frank & Schomberg,Western. 8 9 1 /, 1.0 " Hope & Co., Lanc'r county... 8 9 5 / ! , 17 " M. Dryfeos & Co., Penna 9 37 " L. Frank, Penns 8 1 i ,Z_ 79 " J. Clemson, Lanc'r co 8 9 1 ,4 41 " Chandler & Alexander, Lan co 8 9g 23 " L. Horn, Delaware 5 7 Cows and calves were in fair request at $45675; and springers at 835(560. Receipts, ISO heal. Sheep _were not much in request, but prices generally were well maintained; sales at the Park and Avenue yards, at 5;418Ne. 39 gross. Receipts, 15,000 head. There was no urgency in the demand for Hogs and prices again depreciated ; sales at the Union and Avenue yards at 412.50013 for slop, and $13014 for corn fed. Receipts, 4,000 head. New Advertisements. AN EVENING OF SACRED SONG ! With the popular author and Binger, PHILIP PHILLIPS OF NEW YORK, AT 6T. JOHN'S LUTHZRAN CHURCH, West Orange St., this city, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 31ST, 1869. TICKETS OF ADMISSION 85 CENTS, To be had at J. E. Barra and D. 13are , a Book Stores, and at the Church on the evening of the Wooer*. 8. D. & H. R. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGAN WILL BE USED Proceeds for the benefit of the Mission Sunday School of St. John's Lutheran Church. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Entertainment to commence at 74: THOS. J. WENTZ, NO. ei EAST KING STREET, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now °Oen a full assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS. WHITE GOODS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, FLOOR & TABLE OIL CLOTHS, GLASS AND QUERNSWARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING PRICES. Kind attention paid to all. special care taken to show our stock, WENTZ BEE HIVE, mylatti No. S East King street .New Advertisements. A D. RocKA FELLOW Sc BRO., W1D , 1.E.4.11.E AND IZETAIT Fltt - IT AND NUIt'El - tY PLANTS, STORE-N, 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET, my2*-11, I RAKER'.; ELASTIC' STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORE 1:30 EsTNUT STREET, PIULADELPRIA POINTS OF EXCELLIENVZ Beauty and Elasticity" of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicityp of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. - Wide range of application without change of ad j ustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing , Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. S4' The Highest Premiums at all the Fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. ?The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF TILE LEGION 01 HONOR, was conferred on the reesentative of the Grover & Baker Sew ing Mac pr hines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris,lll67, thus attesting their great superiority over all other Sewing Machines. For sale by _ _ _ my.ll-Iyl SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS of the LAKE SUPERIOR, AND MISSIS. SIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY. (ii) 75 Co 01.f0 60 0) 80 0) 12 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bonds, Free of United States 'faxes. secured by 1,632,000 ACREs OF CHOICE LANDS, and by the Railroad, its rolling stock, and franchises ; and yielding In currency near ly Ten per cent. per annum. Holders of :1.20 Bonds can exchange them for these desirable securities, at a profit of nearly 20 per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by DAVID G. SWARTZ, No. 73 North Duke-st., Lancaster, Pa. THE LANCASTER CEMMEI 1.25 01.s0 1.54 (1.73 25 6'6 1.110 2.00 rn v7-t au g:4' j Sash Support and Lock. Has neither Springs, Weights, Ropes or Pulleys. Can be put into any window. llotos THH SASH AT ANY lIEIOHTH, AND IS SELF-LOCKING; is very simple, cheap and durable. Rights for sale on liberal terms. - - For further particulars, call on or address SASH LOCK, at :he Lanca.ter, Pa., Post Unice. inhl2-1m DAVID BAII BAIR SHENK BANKERS. NORTHEAST ANGLE OF CENTRE St./ CARE, nolo-13 - 1 -- ----- MECHANICS' BANK, NO. 36 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (INQUIRER BUILDING,) Deals In UNITED STATES BONDS, STOCKS, GOLD, Drafts given on all the principal Cities Collections made promptly. Interest paid on Deposits JOHN M. ST EH MAN, SAMUEL SLOKOM, JOSEPH CLARKSON. Bankers as STEHMAN. CLARKSON & CO mh26-6ni Musical Instruments, &c. T B. KEVINSKI, t , • DEALER IN SHEET MUSIC, PIANOS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, Awl Musical Instruments Generally. Solo Agent for STEINWAY & SONS' WORLD RENOWNED PIANOS. Also Agent for PRINCE & CO.'S ORGANS and MELODEONS. gerMusio sent by Mail Free of Postage. No. 3 NORTH PRINCE STREET, Lancaster, Pa. GOOK AMOHL DOH! Root aw im 3. B. KEVINSKI SEIM MUSIC SHTORE. KLOMBRA, ORYILLA, MELODIIOIII, nn silo aorta music Inshtrumentai Der Kevinski is agent for de bereenkty Stein wehr Pianos—bUoffeera beast mer se of deitsh. Der plats is No. 3 NORD PRINCE STREET, LANCASTER. N. B. For a first raty gooty °mg, odder an Accordeon, odder a Tswoerriob.Petf, odder en. Mob onners musical Inshtrument, lea odder gross,_sbtept yusht ni one Kovinaki ' s, No. 3 Nord Prince Shtrose, Lancaster. EncriC.lly Coal, .Lumber, EHLER, BRENEDIAN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN - COAL, OF THE BEST QUALITY. YARD—CUR. WATER ST. AND PA. R. R. Ospzoß—NO. 2 EAST ORANGE ST., LANCASTER PA. [deo 18.17 B. B. MARTIN, lIRRHEMT THOMAS, JOHN 8. MASON 5,000,000 FEET OF DRY LUMBER. MARTIN, THOMAS & CO., COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA., Manufsettirere At LOCK HAVEN, CLINTON COUNTY, PA., AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK, L POPLA O R, WALNUDING, T, ASH, FOR IN G, SI WEATHER BOARDS, PICKETS, LATH, 021212,4 y) BOX BOARDS, &c., &o. =1 wan NI; li!T F LA ND N UR,F.:RIES t.R ES. IN SEASON LANCASTER, PA FiRiT PREMIUM GEORGE SPURRIER, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa Miseellmteous. Banking. =Ell LANCASTER, PENNA SILVER, AND COUPONS 1)17/ Goods. JOHN D. SKILES, AT MS NEW STORE, NO. 24 EAST NINO sThEET, flas jnat opettod THE MUST ELE(iANT STOcK -OF SPRING AND ;it.TMM ER DRY GOODS Ever offered to the CITIZENS OF LANCASTER LADIES' DRESS GOODS Of every description 500 Pa. CALICOES from 9 to 12', 2e. per yard SITAWL.S A Ilse assortment of SQUARE SHAWLS of every description. BLEACHED MIJSLINS! All the Best and Popular Makes GENTLEMEN'S WEAR k tine a.,3ort went of FRENCH, ENGLISH & AMERICAN C LOTIIq, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Which we will make ergo orderat short notice, best style, low prices HEADY-MADE CLOTHING A large assortment of our own ?tlanufacture for MEN AND BOYS WEAR, AT LOW PRICES CARPETS!!! CARPETS!!! bO ps. BRUSSELS THREE-PLY, INGRAIN, RAG AND HEMP CARPETS, -ALSO OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, &c WINDOW SHADES! A fine assortment of Window Shades at very Low Prices. [my7-ly SPRING, 1869. SPRING, 1869 HAGER & BROS. Have now open a full stock of Goods fog Spring sales, which will be found complete in every department, and will be Gobi at POPULAR PRICES ! A choice selection of DRESS GOODS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN, In new styles of Bilk, PoplinsUs, Poplins, Mo hairs, Delaines, Peronls and Chintzes. ENGLISH & GERMAN HOSIERY, JUGLA & EMPRESS KID GLOVES, THOMPSON'S CORSETS & SKIRTS. MOURNING GOODS. Black Bombazine, Tamtese, Poplins, Delaines, Alpacas, in all qualities, or LUPIN'S Manu facture. Black Thibet, Long and Square Shawls English and French Crapes and Crape Veils. HOUSE FURNISHING LINENS & COTTONS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, English Brussels, Crossley's Tapestry Brussels, Lowell & Hartford Three-Ply and Venetian, Wool Dutch, Hemp and List Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths--all widths. COCOA AND CHINA MATTINGS. 25 PACKAGES, PLAIN AND EMBOSSED ENGLISH GRANITE WARE, Of Superior Quality. PITTSBURG AND BOSTON GLASSWARE AT Low Pncas. WALL PAPERS ! WALL PAPERS t I WALL PAPERS I! PLAIN AND DECORATIVE. 20,000 Pleoes, new styles for Spring sales, the largest assortment over offered in Lancaster. WINDOW SHADES, BOLLARDS ANI► FIXTURES. Si-We invite an examination. HAGER tc BROTHERS. CLOTHS CASSIMERES &c. We have now open a larg e ltnd choicepelee t M ion of fine and medium FOREIGN AND DO ESTIC COATINGS, CLOTHS, & MELTONS, In new Shades of Blue, Dahlia, Olive, Green, slum and Brown. BLACK CLOTHS AND DOESKINS, from the lowest to finest qualities. LIPPIT, E. HARRIS. BROADBROOK SE GRAVES, BLACKINGTON, MIDDLESEX, and other best makes CASSIMERES, In 8-4 and 3.4 widths, with and without side bands, in all the new styles and oolors suited to MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER by experi ence(' Cutters, and satisfaction guaranteed. A full stock of out own manufactured READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS of eves, de scription. .16r PRICES LOW. arfitfl HAGER A BROTHERS. JACOB HANNIBII, NI. 11. MANNISH, JOHN L. MILLNII. HAIINISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., L (NCASTER, PA., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, • GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds Lindseys, Flannels, Ticking*, Qhgeks, Plaids, Alpacas, Dress Goods,• Ginghaids, Calicoes, Muslims and Drills, White Goods, Notions, & No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND BOYS , WEAR, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. wow and examine our stock before pur 'basing elsewhere. ( Periodicals. - THE DAILY EVENING EXPRESS, FURNISHES ITS READERS REGULARLY WITH THE LATEST NEWS BY MAIL AND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, And all Important Local and General In telligence. TWINS: $6.00 A YEAR; $1.26 FOR 3 MONTHS. THE WEEKLY EXPRESS, A SATURDAY PAPER OF THE FIRST CLASS, Contains all the news of the week up to Friday night and gives mere fresh reading than can be hut elsewhere for the same amount of money. Twist 011.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Address PEARSOL A GEIST, Publishers, deo 138m1 L ancaster, its. Groceries. GROCERIES, FRUITS, AND CONFECT tONS FOIL TII E II 01,II) A Y S LAYER,sEi;pLESS AND VALENCIA RAISIN NEW CURRANTS, NEW CITRON, TURKISH PRUNEs, GREEN APP LEs, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACH Es, HOMIN Y, SHAKER CORN, GREEN PEAS, sPLIT PEAs, CHOICE CRANBERRIES. CHOICE GREEN TEA, CHOICE BLACK TEA. LA(iUntA AND JAVA COFFEES, SUCARS AND SYRUPS A VARIETY OF CONFECTIONS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. LAMP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All the above of the best quality and cheaper than the cheapest. At D. S. &J. S. HU MK'S, nov 20-Iyrj No. 18 East King street, Lane. Jewelry. ZAHM & JACKSON, DEALER IN WATCHE, , 4, CLOCK,‘;, JEWELRY, SILVER AND sit.vmu-pLATHD WARP, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 15 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. airREPATRFNG ATTENDED TO. WATCHES! WATCHES! WATCHES' I CLOCK", CLOCKS, CLOCKS. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand a large and full assortment of the GENUINE AMERICAN WATCIIEQ, of different weight and finish, to suit all, which are sold upon the most reasonable terms, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Keeps also on band a good assortment of CLOCKS. Call and examine the goods before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ante of the same. HENRY F. ANDREW 6, Jan l-am*) strasburg, Lancaster co., Pa. Dentistry. LANOASTILRy June 25th, ins. EDITORS Exerusss: Dr. Wm.Whiteside, the enterprising Dentist, has purchased from me a large stock of teeth and all the fixtures, the in struments formerly belonging to me, and also those used by my father, Dr. Parry, in his prac tice. In the purchase, the doctor bag provided himself with some of the most valuable and ex pensive instruments used in dental practice, and has beyond doubt one of the best and lar gest collections of teeth and instruments in the State. l'ersons visiting the commodious offices of Dr. Whiteside, cannot fail to be fully accom modated. The Doctor loses no opportunity of furnishing himself with every late scientific improvement in his line of business. TIT M. WHITESIDE, DENTIST. OFFICE AND RESIDENEE, EAST KING STREET, Next door to the Court House, over Fahues toek's Dry Good:4 Store, LANCASTER, PENNA Teeth _Extracted without pain by the 2< ,Ye of (Nitrous ae,ble) Gas. nolo4f J Sewing Machines. T HE PLACE TO GO FOR GOOD SEWING MACHINES Ili Al W. F. DUNCAN'S, 65 NORTH QUEEN STREET We have the popular FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES, And the Celebrated AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE AND SEWING MACHINES These machines are made in the BEST STYLE, By the BEST WORKMEN., Of the BEST MATERIALS, And fur sewing purposes cannot be surpassed by any machines of Whatever name now In the market. They are warranted to execute In the best man ner every kind or STITCHING, HICIIIIINO, FELLING, BRAIDING, CORDING, TUCKING, RI/FLING, BIND. ING, OATRRIAING, &0., &c ., and will also 'slake BUT TON HOLM, EYKLIT HOLIGI and OVRILSRAMO. They are not complleated, but SIMPLE AND EASY TO LEARN, and within the capacity of all air Don't forget the W. F. DUNCAN'S, ORIEVE6' OLD STAND, 05 NORTH QUEEN STREET, myl4-Im] LANCASTER, PA. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE, FOB EVERYBODY! As a Holiday Gift to a Sister, Wife or Friend they are unsurpassed. The Farmer wants it for his Family. The Dress and Cloak Maker prefers it. The Seamstress wants it, because its work is sure to give satisfaction. The Tailor has long ago decided it to be the boat for his business. The Carriage Trimmer cannot do without it; and the Shoe Fitter finds that, after all, the BOWE la the machine for him. HO Soo WE nerMA or IaCHLNE. ter, everybody will have the Every Machine is warranted. Every ono may be the possessor of one of these unrivalled machines, as we endeavor to make the terms of sale snit all our customers. We earnestly invite all, whether they purpose purchasing or not, to call and get specimens of the work executed by us on the HOWE MA CHINE, and compare it with the work done by other tnachines. We are willing to abide by the result. doe lit C. FATE, Agent, 255 i North Queen street Cloth i asg. FREE EXHIBITION! MV.ERS &"; RATHFON, MYERS So RATFIVON keep the largest as4ortment of READY-MADE CLOTIfING, All our own manufacturv. We guarantee the goods us represented or money refunded. We have just returned from the cast Whits full and oomplete stock of CLOTHS, TRICOTS, I'l WES AND COATINW, CASSIMERES in great varieties which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stock of GENTLE3IEN's FURNISHING GOODS iS full Zir Thankful for past patronage we hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of public patronage. aplG-Iy] JUST OPENED BEAU MONDE HALL! 543 PENN SQUARE, 543 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, BOY'S CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN' FURNISHING GOODS! no::0 t 1 =lll3=l MARSHALL SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—Cava Us A CALL. The only place for good and substantial work s at Where can be seen the largest and best assort ment of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Balmorala and Buttoned Gaiters. air Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling eon• dtlent that we can warrant all to no 20-1)] REINHOLD & STUBBS, No. 1041 North Queen St., k Square above the R. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the city with a large and elegant stock of Boots and Shoes, Gaiters, etc., superior to any ever before brought to this market, which are offered a 4 the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Men s Calf Boots ♦3.00 to $7.00 " Box-toe Congress Gaiters.... 3.00 to 4.00 " Congress Gaiters 2.50 to 3.00 " Balmorals 2.00 to 3.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 8.00 to 3.75 " Oxford Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 3.00 " Calf Balmorals 1.50 to 2.00 Youths Calf Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.50d0 3.25 " Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 1.50 to 2.0) " fine Glove Kid Button Boot.. 3.25 to 4.00 " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.60 to 3.23 " " Morocco Button 800 t.... 2.0 to 3.00 " " Goat Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 3.00 to 3.75 " " Kid Heel 51ipper5......... 1.25 to 1.75 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.25 Bliss°, Goat high-polish ~.. 1.73 to 2.50 " Lasting high-polish 2.00 to 2.23 Children's shoes of all kinds 50 to 1.00 air An inspection of the stock is solicited. .118TOnr work is all warranted. Mr All kinds of custom work manufactured in the very best style at short notice, at the lowest oath prices. may7-61n] HEADQUARTERS -FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AT FULTON ROW, WEST KING STREET. AU the latest helps for Superintendents Teach ers and Bible Students, new Charts with Ob ject Leeson ., a new System of Rewards, mak ing M every oot. Scholar a worker in the interest of the & ALL THE LATEST SUNDAY SCHOOL MUSIC BOOKS, LIBRARY BOOKS, RECORD BOOKS, CLASS BOOKS, &o. Common School & Miscellaneous Books, STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS, HITCHCOCK'S HALF DIME SHEET MUSIC, BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS, AT PHILADELPHIA WHOLESALE PRICES. SP Call and see for yourselves. my 14411 D. 8. BARE. -- - REMOVAL. -OF BOOKS and STATIONERY, FOUR DOORS NORTH OF ORANGE-STRIRT sO4f) LANCASTBR, PA. Everybody Buys their Clothing -OF AND :A\ EA MONEY, 13671 MEN, YOUTIN AND BOYS, In all colors 111YEIN & RATEIFON, Southeast Corner of Centro Square, Lancaster, Penn'a PORTICO ROW, READING, PENNA., A LA11.012 LOT OF BEAVERS, VESTINGS, &c., CHM WINTER WEAR A! NO, ERE LEN I 6. COLEMAN, Cutter & BRO., Boots card Shoes. MARSHALL'S, WEAR WELL REINHOLD & STUBBS Books and Stationery. J. K SHE. AFt'ER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Has removed his large stock Ml= NO. 52 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Opposite Shobees Hotel, PROPRIETOW,
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