aNsai.eJ M 9ti& CUf Mtr at Ml 1 Mgatea rnM)a. The Carbon Advocate LEHiailTOX, FBlTOf A. Bates tw Legal Advertising i Mutter Notices I IN Aadlter's Notices 1 00 feminist loner's Mttlets - - I Ot Vlvoroa Notices 4 no Administrator's rfotleet - - 1 00 executor's Notleos IM SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1891. Baaa Fide Clrculntloa I.arcer than that at aay Weakly Newspaper la ths Cetmty. THE PHOTOCRAPH ALBUM RETIRED. the PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Permanently loeated new VHy Depot, fr Short Important Ad's Oabtneta ami Family Qreupt. led a&donlarted. 014 picture cop augt.y t Jjor jjine riating All advertlMmegu under tbu heart iueb as lost, Found, simyea, stolen, wanteu, lorsaie and an minor notices not exceeding six line, mil be Inserted at tbe rate ot one cent a word for tee first Insertion, and one bait cent a word tor each subsequent Insertion, provldln;.how erer, that no adrertlsement be chanted less than 3Scu tor a tingle Insertion, and that they Be pain ror casn in aavance. Wo would call the atten tion of the public to our facili tipB for executing any kind of job printing, from the Btnallest card to the largest poster, very thin g executed with neatness VUlt ItKN 1 Store room and residence on Franklin St.. v elssoort. next to Fort Allen House. Apply to Henry Ohrlstman, Weissport. ITOtt 8AI.K Two black horses, one 8 years old, L welchl lioo. rood worker; one rears old. weight a, Due driver. Doth In good condition. Oscar Christmnn, Weissport, l'a. MW tour roomed dwelling, with kitchen attached, near the Bowmanstown Hotel, offered tor sale. I'rlceisoo. Apply to Mrs. Kiua stettier, on me premises. To Whom It May Concern Fancy Boxes and Folding-Frames Fopnlar Receptacle for Prints. The plush-covered and leather-bound photograph album has boon banished, not only from tiee, but from Uie house. Thoro was a good deal of romance about d di8patch, and at remarkably the book acd nomo of us may lay It aside . . ' with regret, but the fact remains that It lOW prices. has had Its day, and that Bottles the mat EnvelODOB In this line tor. In the bonbonnlore, In tuo enamel I, vllorir Kornnins nnrl business men will tind it as cheap, and much more business like, to order their supplies lrom us. We can lurnish the enve ope with business address print' ed thereon as low as the plain o-a I . . . -r, - leaving their influence on our lives, envelope can be bougnt. .rivery thoro are foldlng-oases bound in leathor 6houl(l have his business or artist's Bilks, Wltn capacity oiirom ino ttirn in ih rfw nhnfmrranhil. Thmn honk HIIIWU UII alio cuiuuuv, frames can bo hung up, as panels along ettUSC if it miscames in the mails a door or flreplaoo, or put on a shelf or nn i, rntiirnprl tt him. Trv a.,i rrh mf nnnin, . howeVor. In a box. You nan net a chest an Ordor Ol 250, 500 Or a 1000 made after the style of a olgar box of Book PrintlllC OOCieuCS anyo a0Bireu,auuu0Coro , DT and others desiring anything in vnnr l(LAt or the Rurroundlns room. A "u uiuub uw. B j 0 Hnlna of satin or velvet 1b easily applied this line Will find the Very iOYT with mucilage, and If at all skilled in est prices ruunj? here, bend Ul or a maBk of Folly will onhanco 4t ;uu' beauty. A tin box, such as water crack. All persons are hereby cautioned not to med ia with the saw mill machinery or other articles In the hands ot August Foil, of Franklin .town- sMn. Carbon County. Fa., as the um mm uunuE WILLIAM LIU property and loaned Franklin twp. broooh, in the card-caso and In tho back of the tablot thoro is a space for the sweet face and tho memories it calls up, whilo the man with sentiment In his soul and a socret looked up in his heart can got a leather caso with room for the wifo, mother or ohlld. For the card and cabinet ptoturos ot the mon and women who oomo and go, At Private Sale ! A VALUADM HOTEL PROPERTY, LOCATED IN HAHON1NQ VALLEY. The underslened oilers his Hotel Pronertr. 21 Acres ot Hood Farming Land, located at PLEASANT UOIlNKlt.CAltBON COONTY.l'A.. for sale. The Hotel Uuitdlnn- Is located on the road leading from Lehtghton to Tamaqua, four uirs rrom Lenunion in a ncn rartnitiK country, he building Is two-and-a-halt stories high, with T laigehall; other lmproremrnts Include a large shed and barn, and necessary outbuildings This Is K tare opportunity tor a person desiring 10 go into mo noici uusiness, For further particulars call on or address. J. T. McDANIEL, Not. 13-we Pleasant Corner, fa Printing Any and every thincr cominer under this head a - - .. weddme stationery, atate menU. taes. weich bills, order books, etc., can be had here. Particular attention paid to all mail orders. Give us a trial Note and Letter Heads -These we can furnish m any thing like a lady's work table, with quantities desired 250, 500 or 1 AHH,nnni I U I V. I , I - .... . 0,0Iu1Uul,ulDu,,u , tw- ui i000 lots, at wonderlully low to show up photographs Is to sproatl figures. Nicely printed them ovor a small table two, throo or paper is as neccessary as printed four deep for gonoral Inspection. This i , . ri mm .hnnA la an easy way to get at them. To ba c,1,c,ul,cf sure they will become soiled and dust worn but that is the fato of all things material. rs come in, Is not bad, smoared with lustro paints, but an oak box Is hotter, alnco it Borvca as a soat when not open, ar,d a palm or malacca box is bost If a sweet odor is doslrod. These are for the floor. For ths table something more ornamental is required, and after the ono-hundrod-dollar Dresden chlnlas thoro are ttlo boxes, porcolaln boxes, and still others made of llmogoa. Thoro are llttlo bamboo stands, eomo- any quantity at lowest prices CARBON ADVUCAIt Itohighton, Carbon oounty.Pau have both. BillHeada Every carpen ter, blacksmith, mason, builder. A Case of Disrespect. nninror in fflP.t. RVRTV man en A coioreu man at; Augusta, ua., caving , .' , . " l ,t,,,M KlrnH n Hrla ft nnrt, f Vaw Ynrl EaCed in Contact WOtK. StlOUld and Boston gentiemon out to a pianta- have a nicely printed supply of ...u w. o.-. m,, hi nnne vv p tit nr l em 11 Tvnll nnnnrrtlno f. Mnir Tvnv nut IhA I road was somewhat obstructed by an ox cart which had broken down. Thero was plenty of room to pass, but ths colored Jehu saw a favorablo opportun. ity to show off, so he drew rein and xclalmed " Yo' pusson dar I" "Whatyo want?" replied the other man. ' What yo' destruotln' dla road fur?" i "I hain't. Pass on." ' Yo' move dat oaht I " MVUttUWUl JliUDOS, UUU3 J U to desist me ?" uem'ien," said Closes as no como nearer and removed his hat, " I wouldn't dun desist nobody, but I leab It to yo' If dar hain't sagaolty nutf to rotate' dla keeridgo past dat ocstruckshun ?" The party decided that thero was, and ordered tho driver to drive on. He obeyed, but turned to explain i "lknowed dar was, gem'Ion, but If yo' doan' disrespect some o'dose country niggers aoy won't disrespect yo'." Opera House LEHIGKTON, PA. ONE NIGHT ONLY Mionday, Jan. 5th. Fifth Annual Toub, Barlow Bro's Minstrels Ur.der the manasement of Mr. J. H. ARTHUR, 25 TriMDliuiit TrontoJonrs. 25 IN GRAND Carnival Minstrelsy The Kose. Tho nose must be considered the un fortunates member ot the countenance. It is bound to grow in any shnpo which ploases a capricious fato, subjoot to no rule or possibility ot restriction. Its prominence has often to be deplored, tspocially wnen tne contour is some thing that one wlshos to have hidden: for thero it stands, in the centra ot tho faco, more prominent than a light-house oft a rocky coast, the first to catch tho eye of a friend, the last to arrest tho attention ot a casual acquaintance. Unlike some ot its fellow-members, It has no expression of its own, worth peaking of ; and what it has Is of tbe roverso oraer. mo plain moutn may break Into a smile to touch the ooldest heart with a gleam of sympathetic joy; tne dullest eye may Hglit up with gleam ot radlanoe wholly unjookod for i but any such attempt on the part of this awkward attachment only ends In dis tortion. The " expression " of tho noso is best In 1U natural stata and Its nor mal aondltlon. SpectacularOperatic FISST PAET! A scene that rivals In splendor the regal magnificence of an Aladdin-a Falace, American, European and Austral ian Novelties. Street Parade at 12 M. on day of perform ance, weather permitting. Regular prices. S5 and 60 cents. Re served Seats at Kroer's Drug Store. 11 La Se0OO.Dn yw U ticlnr mad bj John R. (laaflwIn.lfOt.X.Ylt WOlk fur B.. ItCtd,,. ,ou lunjr nut tnakt t, mch, but w can fuel, .minulrklv how to from fa t IU a dar at tba alan, aba mora aa yoa r oo. Botn aaaaa, all area, in muj pan ,1 Am.rtca. von can MDUDtBtl at llMlia. liir all your lltua,or ara niraruta onlr la lUo work. Jill la nan. Oraal 1 ? el Kk ft ...r4il,lna. EASILY. BI'LLILY laankK 1'AltrltlJi.AUS FUEB. Addraaa at onea, eiuuii tu., luunuii, uui, , OItIdst Shape to Feet. Every one, especially children, should wear properly-lltting shoos, no matter how common their material. They snouiu te neltner too large nor too small, and should have low, flat heels mat must do promptly "rignted" as soon as they begin to wear to one side. It the toes of tho foot show a tendeuoy to overlap they should be rubbed with the bands once or twlco each day; and It this care be given when the curving commences it will, as a rule, prove aufll- eent to correot any irregularities ot this nature. It a nail is wayward in its growth, trim It only lightly at the ailing cornor, but fully at the opposite corner. If both corners grow too deeply Into tho flesh, clip them carefully and lightly, and then scrapo tho centro ot nail from tho Up to near the root until It is thin and flexible. This process seldom falls to oorrect retiaotory nails provided, of courso, they aro not neglected too long. THE PHILADELPHIA l'ltEBH lias won the foremo.t place amonc Pennsylvania newspapers by the liberality, enterprise, and fairness with wnlcli It conducts lu business, reports grea events, and tne completeness wttn wtilcn It re cords, day by day, the Uteot the city, State and UUIbl J. Its field Is world-wide, and Us staff, Its special correspondents, so many and well-organized, Its source of news so numerous that It appeals to a wider constituency than any oilier news- naner ever uuuiisneu in rennsvivama. jitr niLwii. kiiu unc di iuo juaaaKcrs 01 Union TcleeniDh ConiDanv. now more ttriccntpuie news mun an me the Western receives mnr other rblladelDhla news ariers combined.' 1 his statement Is autborallve and conclusive. and THE l'ltESS presents as dally wltnesser to Its truth. Its twelve to twenty-four bright and liuercsiiuu paKca But It Is not only by Its news enterprise bv the zeal, enervy. and Integrity of Its reporters and corre8pondeiidets that THE 1'ltESH has won una neiu lue counuence 01 us many luous ands of readers, representing every age and every condition of life, very trade and every ruofesslun. every laltli and every Dolltlcal opinion. It Is the excellence and varied Interest of THE PltESS as a eeneral family Journal, appealing to women as well as to men. which have made for It so many friends at home, aud extended its reputation UiruuKUout the country. ry important event ot the world's it points every nrnci-AM. - r , , i . . . . , XHB pnitunK ui news always lis nrsi Duswess, but Iti oolumns are also enriched bv contrlbU' It Was Taxes. A young woman wltn an unusually pretty face, a stylish dross and no osoort boarded a Hudson Itlver train reoently. i ne only unoooupiea Beat in tne car was a short one near the door and sho sat down in it, pulled a copy ot " Ctosar'a Column" from her bag and began to read. Only two very narrow-minded persons or a desperately spoony couple could have oooupled the seat comfortably, but a young man witn a uussie" bat and a braided ring on his scarf thought ho saw a chanoa tor distinction. Ila paused, and, pointing to the foot ot the vaoant seat beside the young woman, Inquired in bis most winning tone i " Is this seat engagod ?" Tbe young woman read her book with out reply. "Is this seat taken?" persisted the youtn. Tbe girl looked squarely in the face of her queaUontr before she said, In a volee audible half the length ot the can " Xes, sir i bull will get up and let yoxi have it If you wish." The young man found a seat In another tions from the most gifted sneclal writers, the most famous novellHts, and some ot the most eminent punue men 01 me umc. too literary engagements aireauy maue tor levi, probsDIi suruass in uuinuer uuu varieiv.ana neanv eaua In cost, any contemporary magazine, for the field mid resorces o such a newspaper as THE ritEhs maae not ouiy a aauy nistorlan, but aauy luruin auu u uauy inuuue. same is my my pleasure. LUKJU It, SWEENY'S "Corner Store" A Few of Many Things Wc Have : Oranges, Lemons, Bananns, Ap ples, Dates," Figs, Italian Chestnuts, H i o k o r y Nuts, Peanuts, GRAPES, All kinds of Fancy Groceries and a choice line of Confections. For Holiday Trcsents we have An Elegant Line of Glas3 and Chinaware at lowest prices. We ask you to call before mak ing your purchases elsewhere. EEMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. For Sale. A yaWle Hotel Propertj In Lehighton. Ths Mansion House, on North First street. Lehtghton, Pa., Is for sale. The Mansion Is large, commodious and roomy having forty sleeping apartments, elegant parlors, large din ing hall, sample room and bar. It is nicely furnished throughout with water and light im- irovements and is a vaiuanie notei property. e ot lunaer particulars can on or anurcss. U. si. Xftum. i Jut ., Leblgbten, la. Lehigh Valley R, R. Co. Arrangement of Fassxger Tratas. Ik Effect Not. 16th, 1890. LKAYX tanlQHTOK For IUhwaY.Ellisbcth. Newark and Mew Tork 2. T.30, M, and 11.12 a.m. t a M, &2 a (.01 p.m. for sianunaa uouna ana ueivmere im, v.w, m.ilJ.Upm. For Lambertvllle and Trenton f.22, l.e and ll.u a.m.: ana ii p.m. fcvtr Hintinfftnn. riAtasanaua. Allentown. Beth' lebem, and liaston, o.a, 7.07, 7.30, t.'jQ. I2.t2and i.i'iA.m 1 z.uu. Dliudu s.ui u in. For Philadelphia ana points soma aw in, ija, ,00 and 11.13 a. in.: MX, s.2 aud 8.01 p. m. ForIteadlngandIlarnsburgU2, andU.12a.rn . m.: 1.06, o.w ana s.ui p.m. 11 White Hall, Coplay, and lloxendauqua 4.J2, 7.07, B.o .B7 1 1.1a a. m. i ana p. ni cor jnaucuwiiura 0.0. i.v,v.d auu ii. a.ui., 1.22. 2.15. 6JZ5. 73. t.U and 8.38 D. m For Maucb Chunk Lit. 9SA.U.23 a.ta.: im J.I5, 0.13 ana 9.3a p.m. tror itfiui'iin ai b.u a. in., auu a.oa d. ill. For Yeatherly and Hazleton 0.53. 7.U t.U and ll.a.m.: .15, 6.M. 7.23. 10.M p.m. For Mafianoy city, ahenandoah and Ashland 6.02, 7.13, si and 11.48 a.m. ; S.1S, 6.23 & 7.23 p.m For Mt. uarmei ana DiiamoKins.s i.uana ti.ft R- m.? s.2S n. m. For l'ottSTllie ti.02. i jo, t.u, jo 11,13 ana a. ni 12.42. J.oo, 3.15, and 7.23, 1.01 p.m. For White Ilaren, Wllkesbarre and Plttston 6.52,7.43,9.34 and 11.48 a.m.; 3.1S, 6.25, 7.23 and IU.28, Knr Keranton S.62. 7.43. S.S4. and 11.44 a.le. st nw m 01 anrt 1(1 n m klaaitf, .Ml nuw sviau KS , For TungnannocK 11.4s a. rn.; o. 7. ana 1S.2S n.m. ForOwego, Auburn, Ithaca and Genera 11.48 a.m.; p.m. trur ljicevviiie. Auwauua. oarrc. ivaTcny. n-i inlra, Itocbester, ISultalo, M'agara Falls and the west u.ts a.m; anu uuu iu.o p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Ttmw Tone 1.11. a.42 and IS 07 mm. t IM n For l'huJl plil i.i m,- lu.i j.oinuu o.Xj p. ra. For Easton and Intermediate Stations 6.42. 8.02, it.07 a.m.; 12 62, 2M. 6.23 and s.34 n m. ior iiazieion u.ou a.m.t ia aaa oi iu.2s l For Mabanoy City and bbenandoab 12 and 3.16 p.m. cor rons vine at 3.ojTJ.rn. For White Haren. Wllkes-Barre. Plttston. lunauauuma, lunaiiun, Dujic, iiuaui, ucuota, AUDurn, cunira, iwcnesier, isuaaio, niagara Falls and ths West 1028 p.m. afor lunaer nmrHCOiars inquire oi Agenuior a. u. iisinuxun, Time Tables. StoeH.' ani Pass. Aitent. etbtebeai, Penaa. Public Sale Of a Very Valuable Farm. The underslrned offer at Publle Sale the Valuable Farm of Ueorge Walck, located be tween Millport and Little Gap, In Lower Towa- mensing aownsnip, uarDou county, ra on Thursday, January 1st, 1890, at ONE o'clock in the afternoon. The farm Is one ot the most valuable In Carbon county and eontalus.Two-Uundred Acres, more or less. Tbe Improvements thereon are a Dwelling House, and all necessary outbuildings. At the same time and place a lot ot llay. Buckwheat and Corn will be sold. Terms and conditions will Dt made kuewn at time ana place ot sale by nana w . t'tt i.i, i , . .1 , , A l.V.IV, VI KIT A C03TUNDADKR. Holiday Goods TOYS, GAMES, BOOKS Fine Stationery AND LEATHER GOODS and an endless Torietyof Nic Nacs. BIG BARGAINS IN 5c AND 10c GOODS t Encyclopedia Brittanica at 1.50 per volume, E.F.Luckenbach Ho. 61 ErcaflwaT HancH Clmiit. Pa. EHDOBSED BY CEHTIST3A3 Uiiitrnitflils Over BOO Beautiful Oeetsnss Its steadily growing nronts and Its steadfast onsiuuencv noi ouiv uemanu. dui insure nro. gress. The greatest ambers, as well as tbe . lightest news cor respondents, find thetrlsrgest proms derived lrom any l'enuslvanla news paper, as v. ell us their best Pennsylvania audl enee, lu DAILY tJUNDAY, aud WEEKLY I In politics THE TltESS Is Republican, but It ffilCTICilLY IrnAin ha alli.r inml.r than Ihn iuumiI. uhiu. t " mil. rlirlits ueitirntlnna Alirt II fllunv. A1rtm I It has no enemies to uuulsh, no individual polit ical ambitions to foster or promote, and Is sub servient to no politician or clique. Faithful to tbe great uooy os readers ana voters, whom It truly represents, It promotes Its own Interest and Influence by talthHully upholding theirs. Its editorial opinions are fearless and frank never captious. Us news Is alwavs impartial. In Its pages the worklngrnen finds as ready audieuce aa the capitalist. To all commercial and Indus trial prninve, w uie ua uiuugna uuu uesi action 111 every sphere of human enterprise, It accords aaaneroosandeinlelitened hospitality. In the columns or Tl IK PHILADELPHIA l'ltEfla Jus tice rinds "all seasons Hummer." Terms of The Press, l)y mall, postage fre in the United States aad Canada. Dally (except Sunday), one year, - 18.00 (Including Sunday), one year, - 7. BO ' 44 onemoDtlii - ,Ofi Sunday, one year, - .ol WBUULI riioaa, one year, - - i.ixj Drafts. U bee sand other Beiulttaneea should be Haute parable to the order of The Press Company, Limited i immm aHaaaaH aaHBaialalalaB " BETTER M IIV1 MrA MI'S tbf) liHrlUfrlHTHHW mot! CHRISTMAS -AT- 60 jaj-Ws Hi-,.1! fi V 3 I HOLMiMOKlS They Comblno Quality First. Variety Second. Cheapness Third. And embraces noyettles In all thai Is neat, nnvr, nice, fashionable and durable In the line of J B W 13 Jb Bft 7 . Gold Watcbes, Rings, Gold Tens and l'cnclls, Brace lets, Toothnlcks, Silverware, Kar-rlngs, So ciety Pins, Chains, Gold Studs, Srarf Fins, and everything elso in this line at prices Less every time Uian you can buy cocxls of thn same style, quality and workmanship at any other jewelry or general store In this county, lleforn raaUlng pur chase clsewhero don't you fail to pav a visit to D. S. BOCK'S Jewelry Store, - Opp Carbon House, Leliighton- Oar assortment of Hie new, iiIm anil stylish effeota in Fall and Winter sorpaeeei all previous yeara in complete neae. Tbe piioea to, are anob at to b) a great Induemrnt to buyers, for as oar elegant Hue of lints, BooneU, eta, snr prists com pell torn, so the low price aa- innlab otir lady patrons. We also have Coats and Wraps In tho newest and prettiest styles. In all qnalltlee and prices. We invl'e tba Indies or Wets port, Leblgliton and tbs vicinity enrroundliig to call and tee onr handsome. Assortment of seasonable mill locrv goods before pnrohatlno elsewhere. In Notions and Fancy (Ml we carry tbe Usual novelties at alljprioea. oriogtbo Fall tnd Winter sea- on we Imve eliRHRprt the servient of a FASHIONABLE CITY MILLINER, rs.MI WEISSPORT. tMBlftW KrVWfWWW JakaVVavlBBlkVm l ' -sF - THE POSITIVE CURE. I ELY BROTHERS. K Worron BU New Tork. Price CO cta.1 1 MOUTH riSST ETEEET, LEHIQHTOfT. 13 TOE PLACE FOR FiHB Snitinp ad Pantaloonings at tbe lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per cent, lower than elsewhere. A perfect fit and bttt workmanship guaranteed in every Ins'ance. Before purchasing elsewhere call and tee ut. -3 1-1 y TpRANKLlN 110CSE, EAST WEISSPORT, TENITA. This bouse otters first-class accommodations to he permanent boarder and transient guest. Panic prices, only One Dollar per day. ftuffMy Joiin KKititia, Proprietor. Livery Stables Oscar Christman, WEISSPORT, PA. Livery and Exchange Stables. easy riding carriages and safe drlvina horses. Best accommodations to agents and travellers. Hall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. Give me a trial. mav2l-ly D. J. KISTLER Itesectfully announces to the publlo that he has opened a NEW LIVERY STAULE, and that he is OW urrpareu LU luruum xcnius iur ruiiciis, Weddinss or Business Trips on the shortest no- ice and most liberal terms. Orders left at tbe Caroou House" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET. oextthenotel.Lehlghton. tannu- We have In stock an elegant assortment of tbe most fashionable styles In Coats, Wraps & Jackets, In seasonable, weights, colors, &c. Don't Buy Unless You O Them, Dress-Making. In this Department we have tbe services of a first-class City Experienced Lad v and can guarantee onr lady patrons tbe lateit styles ana best work in tnis line. B. H. SNYDER, First Street, Lehighton, Penna A NEW PRINCIPLE, We Positively guarantee Dr JBoyd's Little Giant Nerve and Liver Pills, To Cure Constipstlon, Indigestion, Bilious ness, Torpid Liver, Tain In the Btcn, Piles Headache, Bad Taste In the Mouth arising from Indigestion, by strengthening tue nerves and regulating tbe action of the Stomach Liver end Kidn.yi. Do not be deceived, Dr. Boyd's LI II le uiant nerve and Liver fills act on a new mlncinal. Thev act on the nt-rve. nl th stomach, liver and kidney riving them health and Tigur, what Is more evioent of their cura tive qualitirs, than the fact that the longer la tea me less requires, msi is more than van be ssld ot any other pill on the market, a trial will convince the most skeptical mind, that what we claim. Is true, tbese ere a few ol the many testimonials we have received Tirmi, Oi., Aug., 20th 1890. Dear Sin The Pills received, they are Ibe best I ever used, T. W. Clark Liii Cststil Mtsa., My 14,1890. Dear Bin I bay taken Fills sent me, inclosed find SOc, tend me more 1 hve been troubled for years with ludifesuon, constipstlon acd nervousness, since I take Dr. Boyd's Pills leel good, have taken many others with no relief, yours respectfully. Ansii Bsikks, For sale by all dealers In medicine at 25c per box, sent by nisil on receipt of price samples iree, agents wanted everywhere. T D. THOMAS, Druggist. Lehighton, Pa, THAT BOY AND GIRL OFOUBS What shall we havt them taugbt and where Peirce College OF BUSINESS and SHORTHAND BECOBD BUILDINO, 017-910 Chestnut St., Flillada., Fa. Second, Third and Fourth Floors. Morra Afleroooa and Night Sessions. Our students uniformly bear testimony In favor ot tbe utility and practicability of the course of Instruction, tbe skill and devotion ot the Karultv and the earnestness ot effort and f:eneral success attending the same lu pro ng tbelr Interests after leaving College. Notioubleand no charge made to anyone ior suppi) tug jiooK-Kerpers, uasiuers, ixiiusmen, rltenograpblc Clerks or Qeueral Assistants In it Htandard of Uraduatlon has been liaised. the Count Inir House. more ot graduates this year than before, Business men may expect as me Send for Prloo List A ClrcutaraJ X KONUMEMfTu eWzCQMPAIaY. I MMTTWHypna. aTfy,,-- , JAMES Gr. HilUOH, Agtnl for White Bronte Monumeats. Op posite Oeatral depot, Lehighton. Far specimen of work tee aUtasi BsMBMeat VMVMitWllak. Felree College WrltlmrrSllDs and Real Bust. ness forms, by Prof. A. I. Itoot, for Uotue I'racuce, one uouar a set, postage prepaio. Afternoon and Night Classes In French and tlfrman. Frenchmen and Oermans taught Twentrilxtb (M)Colleire Annual. Qrartua ting Exercises Including address by rrealdeut Keen, oi uictiuson coiieue. and lilsuop Foss, etc., sebt aaartst. wben requested. I'lease call or DB. max peirce, Vrlaelpal and Founder. First National Bank, OF X.KHIOHTON, FA. Tbs Anneal neetlon for Btvea Dlrecters et this Bank will be held at the Banking House, oa TUZSDAY, J MM BY HHi. ll. betwaaatlM JOHN T. tMLlKfJj. OuUtr Weissport Business JJirectory. The - Weissport - Bakery, C. V. LAURY. FKOFRIETOU. Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes In Weissport, ixnignwn anu vicinities every aay. In the store I have a Fine Line of Confectionery or tuo iiounay i riiue. ntinoay scnoois aim ies' vals supplied at lowest prices. dect-om. Over Canal Brifte E. Weissprt. oseph F. Rex UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITES, . BET) ROOM SUITES, i c. Prices the very lowest. Quality of goods the best. Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. Caskbts, Coffins and Shrouds, Wr have n full line which we will furnish a the lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, &c, tbe choicest Quality at very reasonable prloes, Call and be convinced. " JOSEPH P. REX, AprM-ly EAST -WEISSrORT. Sale bills printed at this office at lowest prices. , J.Saege JSCS East Weissport, Pa. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Green Groceries.Fruits Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Pea nuts, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Confections, Cigars, &c., &c. Our prices on all goods are as low as, city prices and you save the lreisht. G'nll at our store before buying elsewhere. 1ALESME1 S WANTED. J) LOCAL OR TRAVELING. To ! onr Nursery Stock, satanr. Expenses u u auk utJJirAn r. H .2m Itocli ester, K. Y AX.. CAMPBELL, Jeweler anil Vatctiibsr, Sank Street, Lehighton, inna Kesnecttnlly Invites tbe attention of bis friends andtlie citizens geuemliy In nis immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition. It will pay you o call and Inspect my sloe It before purchasing eutwnert. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest chares, and all work guaranteed, Don't Forget the Place. SIGN OP THE BIG WATOH Sank St Lehighton. DttlflttT IN ALL ITS BRANCHES The undersigned would respect lully announce that he is prepared now to do all kinds of work in the above line at short notice, a 1 1 in tne oest manner and at the most rea sonable prices. Esti mates will be cheer fully furnished. A full line of all the necessary articles, namely, water spig ots, urinals, etc., al way in stock. share of the public patronage . is solicit ed. aatisiaction si uaranteed. W. S. KUHNS: North Tirst St., Lehighton. Hmj Miller,, WEISSPORT PLANING - MXLJj. MANUFACTURER OV Window and Door Frames, V Doors,, window rashes, Mouldings, Brackets AND DEALER IN All KMs of Dresssi LBnta yhingles, Pailings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices -AT TniC Ion A Large line of Goods suitable for Holi- day Presents are now on exhibition at our popular Furniture Establish ment on north First Street. We in vite the public to call. Kemerer &c Swartz, NORTH FIRST STREET, FOR A SMOOTn EAST - SHAVE, AMD A Stylish IIaiu Cut, oo TO FRANK HEKMXN THE DAJlBKIt, Over the Oanal Bridge. U. S. KRESGII, In ths Old Post Office Bulldlag. Fins and Medium Shoes for Ladles, Maaas4 Children at the very lowest prices. New ltubbert inserted In Gaiters at from it to to cents. AU kindt of Repairing Neatly, Cheaply aad and Promptly attended to. HAHD-M&DX 2U0TI R0II M. O- Kuntz. Enai end Lf liltliuiu- Welssport Bridge Dealer In SoleLraih er. Finished Calf skins, Kip anil Up per Leatlier,liarnest I.eatlier, etc. Highest prices paid for Hides, Skins & Tallow. HAIR . UUTTINO WD SMOOTH SH AY1NQ In tbe very highest Style ot Tousorlal Art. At nOHN'U Snivmo . . 8ALooa. Try Him I M. FIsORY, Uaaafetttirsr ef and Dealer In WHIPS, FLY-HKTB, &C, Ac, Ac. WHITE -o- STREET. IT LB ADS THE U ALL IN NBWS. Tie ADVOCAfE." BatlQHT, fJIiKAZI, I1TDSPBHDEST. Read Iti R. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Builder. Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Dons et Very Reasonable Prices. General Agent for the Ollbarth Patent Adjust able Carriage Pole, and Dealer In Buggies and Carts. SPOT Cask Bayers Aad bay roar Organs, Planos.SswlBS Uaehbtea. VTrinxsrs, Washing Uaehlntt. Inplemtnts, Pumps ot til kinds. It will pay you otttprleea I froa ma before buylnc I anus aare yea tstoser GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. Sea Central Drug Store, OPP. THE PUBLIC SQUAIIK Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa ' IS IIEADQUAKTEH 3 FOB Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, choice Wines and Liquors, W'all Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! men you buy a pair ot bhoes you want a good fit. Out II you need HPBCTACLU8 It is mush more Important that' the EYE should be accommodated with correct lenae and a proper ly nitlng frame which will linn the leiisea di rectly before the centre of tbe eye. If vou buy 1 our spectacles at Dr. Horn's vnu will Dud tbs above point properly attended to. PERSCRIPTIONS CaeMy CfliroMeil OctlWW HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, sonable 600 Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c., &c. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in being perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this particular we invariably more than please our patrons. Our stock beinjr large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice ot goods desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks lar more eloquently than woTd. Call on us for l-ALLnnd WINTER GAUMENTS, or parts of Suits. We guarantee per fect fits aad finest workmanship. Olaiiss Bros., THE TAILORS Bank Street, Lehighton, Ra. U. S. MAIL COACH BETWEEN ' Broadhcadsyille and Lehighton, 18 RUN PVEEK DAY. Pastenzars Batwcet. aud to all Points aleog tba blue, will be OnrrlKl at Ibe yery LOWEST RATES. Freight and Baggage Safety serried at lowest nrleee. The patronage ol the public I repelfully solicited. Orders I. It with the Pom Offices along the Mae or at tte EiobsBie UoMI, Lehlghtoe, will reeeiys prompt tttsBtloa. Meepeetlully, W H KQEEER, P Jt G ABEL'S IS HEADUUARTER8 FOR GENERAL HARDWARE; Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KINDS OP COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa American Business College, Second National Bank, Centre Square, Allentown. Penna. One ottbeLareeit. Most Tnoroufti, Ttest BeiruUted and Finest Equipped Tratalaj UohooU fa? Uorntng-f Afternoon aad Zveafns Betalaas. Xe Yaeatlon. t3B-Slx ele tantly furnished departmenls with all tbe most modern eouvenlences. Full corps of ooiuiwterit, prBctical ana txpeneuced Instructors, ambbicak Buixfss KMPiJYMsiiTBt'iaBaW eoniieeted witU the Colie.e tlirouKh which good rWsi Uoo. are leJdred lot "mi Stei f "eVoS stiarEe. For caulosues.ttrculars, ic. address, O SoSSsx. JaolpaU DENTISTRY. Dr. eJ. A. Mayer & Sen TJr. OEOHGB H. MAYER, a Qradaate from tbe Dental Department ot Uis ' University at Feaasylvaala. bMOMoedaaoaiee In tbe aame btilUluwUli bit father, seeoad floor to tbs Day Wlntew, (6 VIROADWAY. MAUCH OUUKS I"A,, is now urMr to ruHN asenr aas la AdmtnlBtratrixNotloe. Estate of Adsitst P. RiCEXHOoar. late ot tha borough of Ltblghton. Carbon eouaty, Fa. Utters of administration oa ths abova btratl ,?.ul'J,."nJ)?D JtranUd to ;hs anderslgned, all parties ladebteif to ths said ettaw are rS quested to make Immediate payment and those bavloit elalms acainst tbs said eelat will pre. sent tbelr asosuats, duly authenticated trss aisratrs XLUCM HSCiO!NDOJf. Atlatlt. Utiaate, ?a Oat 11, Itscw La(( Vtf 4Ms a4bsl sltf .6. PHILABELPMIA, FA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers