tlllHvU JOB W0BE Will Be Found In - -r -. $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live. VOL. SIX., No 8 ....... K . ' , ., Lohighton, Carbon Ootmty, Ponna., January 3, 1891 $1.28 when not paid in Advance. Single Copies 5 Cents Professional & Business Cards. They will be W. M. Rapsher, ATTORNEY ako C0UN8ELL0R AT IiAW, First door above the Mansion House, MAU0U CHUNK, .... PENN'A. Kcal Estate and Collection Agoney. Will Buy nit ttell lien Kstate. Convevanclmi neatly done. ae. Bottling linawsoi Collections promptly made. Decadents a specialty. KnullHh and German May be consulted In IIUT. f-Yl All kluds of Rough Material are here ppain. ound predominating among almost every stylo of W. G. M. Soiple, 1-nTBICIAN ANb BUUOKON, sOUTIt STREET. - - - IiEHIOHTON. May bo consulted In English and Gorman, Among the Plain Bough Goods there is nothing more Offick noons i From 13 M. to 2 V. 21,, and serviceable than handsome Camera Hair. Ire call particular at tention to onr 75c per yard goods. Four other grades, $1.00 $1.85, $1.50 and 2.50 per yard. . wear. 'rom 6 to r. M mar. .n-vt "in a (both & SOGL PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lenlghton, Z. U. 0. UOM, Prbprletor. PACKERTON, - - Fmi. fhls well-known Hotel Is admlralilyrefltted, and ias the best accommodations for permanent and anslent boarders. Excellent Tables and the iMiry best Liquors. Stabtesattaehed. 1 tan 634 Hamilton St., Allentown. MANSION HOUSE Opposite Lao, Depot, DANK STREET, LEIII0UT0N, o. h. now, FRornnrroR. thlshouso oilers first-class accommodations for rannlent and bormanont boarders, it nat neen lewly reflttodln all Its departments, and Is locat ed In one ot tlio most picturesque portion of the lormich. Terms moderate, Mr The h A R Is upplled Willi 'be choicest Wines, Liquors and igars. rresn LoKeron inn. avrti-ji LIMITED) Scilci'E orner, North First Street. Would Make this Special Announcement Of the fact that they have bought the finest and most complete line of Guns, Revolvers, Cartridges, Shells, both blank ... jmd loaded. Gunners, Gnffle Bags and all . Implements and Tools used by tho Sporting Fraemity ever" shown in Carbon county, and that they have marked them at prices that will defy competition. , o extend an earnest invitation to all to eome and inspect them whether you want to buy at present or not. We also have n line of Dr; Horner's Cattle and Horse Powders. O. A. CLAUSS, Office with Claims Tiros., First street, Lchljhton Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE. Only Frst-class Companies are represented Information cheerfully tarnished. 4-1 y Ex-Sheriff Rabenold. 484 N. Oth St ALLENTOWN DENTISTRY, In all tts branches. Freih gas always on hand. The patronage of tbe peopls li solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4-3 CO Turn rnn tobr Tvjjtu Then tare the. volt I flo hence and rteemlraeeold. unmnred by rnnlun s nra or Ion's son lay t A bMttlu stare let ered with llnksot eo'M. a human presence, but anon or clay. Tblnk wbal tbnu wilt I But never ronf'st thou know , Tbe pant It too to frsme (be looks I, won. With carolMt toIco end tnlfn t bid th'ea go ah I voice, mlrn, benit, can ne'er t earelees morel Tbp (lowlilc fruit we read about In story Mar wall snnw rortn tbe srolilur tna l bora' Dlushlnir and glanolnf In th noontide glory. out dark within and rotten at lbs core! Yhen take my last farewell I tor thee alone My heart shall ever waks It sorrowthj; tens. OmCUMSTANTIALEVIDENGIJ I am a Btrong believer In otroumstin Hal evidence. Twenty years service aa a doteotlve has satisfied ma that li pun ishes a thousand guilty men wb,oro It wrongs one. Now and then there la newspaper balk about this or that person having boen sent to his death while.lnno. oent of tho crime, and young lawyers will shake their heads and declare that clroumstantlal evidence la, a dangerous weapon. It tho Innooent suffer no.. and then through this eause, they also tfhffor dercd tho Judge sentenoed tho prisoner through perjury of witnesses. to bo hangod. Tho day of execution The first, the last, and the only ease I was sot about olght weofee ahead. It and thoeo were too large for Talbot. Wo could not! Qtid that tlio body had boon carried la tli'oro on tho saddle, neither had It been il ragged over tin earth. It was a question that vexod mo many days and nights, and tho only way I could satisfy rnysolf was- by figuring that Talbot had a confederate. All things ooasldored, this did not seem likely. And again I reinemborod his words and hU conduct when arrested, lie was almost letrillod when ohitrged wtlh murdor, but-aa soon oa I snld that It was tho murder ot Katbau Chase he exhibited groat rellof. There was some. thing queer about that, and It bothered me. Talbot had a lawyor from Richmond. who defended him ably and well, but without hope of suoocss. The young man olalmcd' to him that ho found the money, aud that ho spont the day In the woods, l'urther he could not rir would not go. ProTlous good char aoter and. general reputation worn 'of course urged In dofense, but the lawyer might as well bare kept silence, Ilia Jury Was out only fltterri minutes. . and when n verdict Of ndllty hM been ren- THE HlSf PEEMIUM ! I .Imlted to diseases of the ( nd coat Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat .-'ivr tSTMso, Itefractlon of the Eyes or the adjust' OOse opposite the Opera House. Bank Street, Zeh ghton, Pa. Haye acaia been uwarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the Ihlgli county Fair for the manufacture """ Bnd display ot the finest lino of Men's Boys' and Children's CLOTHING. n.t. m.i.., .,u that the firm ot Koch & Rhankweller still take the lead In the Clothing ment of glasses. Ssluess In the Lehlih Valley. Their stock for . this I'M .has beer, i careiuiiy seiecioa. and ! by far the largest ever shown In this section. Working Suits, Business Suits and Dress Suits in LargeQuanti ' ties, and of every Description. Smoking Jacket?, House Coats, Office Coats, Bath Robes, &c, in great variety. OVERCOATS ! . OVERCOATS I ! - Thowanfls to select from, In all the newest shades. Kersey takes the lead. We have them In Pourteeon DWerent.)hades. Boy's and Children's Clothing. Out counters are piled full. We will make any mother proud ot her boy. It Is ostontshlnR bow cheap these Suits are sold. ' OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Srdl SSoftUmmliiSa " th. II skilled lueohanlcs to make the garraeuts. h. rerf.ets fits and our customers alw lya plea d. WrTrTHC WTTT3 TTTC WTTTtt ftfinTQ - Uuderwear, Knit Jsokdti. Hosiery. Suspenders. Dress and Flannel Shirts, Dress, Street and lilt. TY E 1 All Lk llili, nd she laughingly admitted that he .uriviiiu uiuica. i.uiuis t;u3. ovivh v -W make It a point to lead the trade In theso lines and nre the first to show all the new de-1 tlgos lrtsh from the manuiacturersi uio ms cmi,jiuu no nm .j i evor knew ot personally oeoured in Vlr. glnla soon after the olbse of the war. In eomo tontnrea It resembled ths Blrchall caso. A Khodo island soldier had re turned to Virginia after being mustered ont ot the sarrloo, and had Invested some money In -lands. lid had other money to Inyest, and made trips to. qlff. rent parte of the State, baring his head, quarters at Staunton. Near Charleston, tV. Va., lived a young lady with whom this Rhode Islander, Stephoa Chose "ty namo, fell In love. Tho girl had two or three other admirers, and there waeniore or less hard feelings betwoea the men. On one oocaslon, when all met at the house, there were some hot words between Chaso and a young man named Talbot. There would have bean a tight but for the girl's Interference. Both men hod something to say about getting even with each other, and their oxoregaledii had (treat weight a fow weefee afterward when related by witnesses In court. The unpleasantness o ecu rod on a Sunday afternoon. On the following Wednosday Chase started out from (Jharieeton on horseback-to again visit tho glrl This was the last ever seen of htm alive, Chose bad not reached the farmhouse that day. It was nearly a week before his body was found in a thloket ten rods off the road. He had been shot through the heart as he was riding along, and his body had been oarrttd into the woods and hidden. I cams Into the case the day the body was found. I was tbe one that found 11, It had been robbed of all. personal pro. erty, and coat, vest and shoes were miss. or three days 1 believed obleot ot the murder wai roMwrv. Then 1 learned what had passed between F I SMITH ni") S Olue to work on. Thlnjs turned out I , If VJ HI I I ill V. U. J.j rloual i f0UBd tw0 ra Wh0h!uj Been Talbot near the spa where the CiUrdor was committed, and at about the hour. I found others, who ha t seen him In possession of a large roll of bills. "There were yet others who said he had told contradictory stories. The young lady was a powerful witness against TaL txit. On the evening ot the murder he baa come to the house la an excited state DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS 11RAN0HK3. of mind. lie looked pale, and there was fllllmtaDdmaklngartlflclaldenturesa special- b fresh out on his cheek, which ho said .aSbaSb wrm. bd ot by a fall. He was 111 at ease. out PAIN. And when he rose to go, he said 0FFI0E noUR9:-From s . n to l m., from I "people about here suppose me to be DR. J. P. BROWN, Slatfngton, Penna. Special Treatment given In Diseases ot Women, Specialist In Diseases of Eye, Ear, Kose and Catarrh Permanently Cured. Fine Vrameless Eve Olasses and Spectacles ad- lusted my own patent. augs-ty DR. G. T. FOX, 172 Main Street, Bath, Pa. IT BAXQOB. llBOADWAY IIOC8H, MONDAYS. IT KAHTDH. SfA IIOTRL. TtTRSDAVS. r IlETHLKtlH.M, SUN HOTEL, WEDNESDAYS, VT ALbKTUnl IIUIKb, UUitBUAl Vt Bath, Fridays and Satuiidays, omce TJours From 0 n. m. to t n. m. Practice umueu w uiseases oi iub was plain aa day that the verdlot atal sontenoe were etunnlng eurprlss Jo. lalbot, though expootea by overybolly else. A guilty man conld not have zonnterhlted his amazement. He acted as one Just moused from sleep. I had worked up the eaeo for thn State cob ecientlously, and with n f&eling that Talbot was a red-handed murderor. lie had no Sooner been convlotod than I Ikv. ;an to doubt his (jtillt. His lawyer and his unoleand a great many others hud their doubts. If Talbot dldnt murder Ohae" who did y Having gone on the thoory tint Talbot did, all other oluna ho4 been left unworked. I flret began Inquiries us to who might have been in thu neighbor hood that day. After considerable time I found that a houseboat, In whloh wers several colored man, had Med up to the bank of the Kanawha about lialf a mite from where Chase was shut. It came the day before he wai shot and left the evening at the tragedy. Some, ot tho occupants of the boat had been aeon shaslng a bog In the woods. If thene people had done the killing there were enough ot them to curry the body to the tniokeu ine cost next gone nown the river, and I at once proceeded to Point .Pleasant, in hopes of hearing eomethlni. This was throe months after t :e murder, but almost Immediately I struok a due. The houseboat had stopped there, and In a fight on board a colored hoy nbout Blxteen yoars old had been ehot in the knee -and flung ovorboard. lie wns rescued by a passing skliT and given np to the authorities. Hie le;r had to coqie on hla back In Jail. I ascertained his name, learned that be was cool and oloeo mouthed, nnd thin went to see him. As I loaned over his cot, I said i. " Sam, I havo buggod.tho whnln crowd and got most ott' 4tweyr reigyarar going to swear th6 mnrdor on to you." UUMD OUT. Oinne ut of the dnaEy old paths year are uad- lug Oom. Into tha (ladaess and brtfbtitew of wblloyouaralooktnjtMfmtfallr baakwnrd, Ycu stumble on duty flan j in roar way. To-day's path ara Vflltiant wlta d.r,M blitfsoma. Wall yetterdara BAvws.ue mntlcS. atUI 'brown. Why long for thetu now that tholr btwuty has fadedt Tougrjtet their frnbDwa with naurbt bat a , (rows. 1 The friends who- urtvnud yon an lorior and tender, Aa friends that you lorod la tb errt" day t yore. TU wiser to bask In 'the love of ttia 'llTtng ThauoberlsU the phantoms el frlsads goat befer. ' - J dome mil ot th.dtuty old paths rm m tread tng, Th. tegs ot past pleasure a bliadlai your yea. Examine th row tl.atyoa knew In Ufa's mora, tng You;u nnd tba aam. tbnrn attll Ixnuth lb ' roUv. " Swar it on to me I" ho rxcXilmed, I sweetnese. WAS IT k pBE;VM? I am about to write the story i( tli ono great mystery of my life. I have told the- story to many people, but, 'with, one exception, ,Uiey all looked very in. creduloue:' MAny suook their head's, and not n tow acted as tt tbey thought me a trlfle.dementM. There Is one, how. ever, who la now si King near the tablo at whloh I am writing, that believes toy story Implicitly. Indeed. IMlona, my darling wife, knows fulf wall that tho story whloh I dm about to write Is tarns. I cannot tell when tbe knowledge that I loved Edlena "Wy Id mere was first re vealed to m. V woro children to gether, and ad we grow older we fcteraed like brother and sister. Erea taen she was all tha world 14 me, and ttowdoar I was to her, her own sweet ltns have told me a hundred times. Our Joye unit sor rows wero shared together. As hippy, thoughtless ohtldran, we romped and laughed,, and many a ttm wo mi ogled our tears In shtldlsh grief. A tlna years rolled away, our uffeotieB for each other grew steadily stronger uii deeper. At nine toon Bdlena was e4 fatr and pure as tho most spotless thlbg under the son. I almost worshipped bev tton, bot I was still young and eo thought of marriage had entered my head. So beautiful a maiden could not ling arotd attracting admiring suitors, and among those who flocked around her won oris Qyril Staythorne, the tall, proud, arlste cratto master of Staythorno Hall, which had been left him at the death ( hla wealthy father. I will not deny that I soon grew jeaU oils of many of taeee fawning and flatter, lng'sultors, and of Qyril Staythorne In particular. Jlost beautlfut younj Indies aro'naturnlly a trifle inclined t be fllrta, and Edlena Wyldmero wis no etosptionv Not but that she loved me a truly nd dearly as over, but never had toads a serious declaration ot my passion, and tor a time, she enjoyed the oVtAnJian bs smitten by her rare ousrras et Br and 1 p. m., to 6 p. m., f rom T p. ra., to 8 p. la. UOH9U1U110US lu ungusii or mrrnau Offlco Hours at Hazlcton Everr Saturday. 'Oct 15-87 JV Ko. S8 North Wyoming St., HAZLETON, PENNA. Koc3a & Shankweilek, ft -baibE ana Largest Clafkii Houss IntU Utlut Valley. Hotel Allen Building. ContrelSpuare. ALLENTOWN, PA., 7fl mm 9 Speeiallst In Diseases ot the NOSH ANDJ THROAT. Dr. Darner will be at the Exchange Hotel, Lehighton, on FRIDAY ot every week betweetthe hours of 9 a. m., and 4 p. m. Spectacles and Eye Olasses accurately fitted at reasonaDle prices. tdP-Consultatlon In German and English. FIRST STREET; -; - lias just opened Anrenlire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles in White Goods, 3a teens, Prints, Ginghams, MarSfilllBS, Seersuckers anc Fancy DreBS Patterns ?f the very best qualities at exceed ing low prices. . ' Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, Glassware ATood and Willowware of the best makes at low figures. Cloths Oassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoos and F.eady made Clothing in great variety and at prices with the read of alT purchasers prices fully ns low as the same goods can be horifrrit for at anvother General store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and of best quality at RqcK ottom Prices.' Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lully as low as the ,ame articles can be purchased elsewhere. A ottr load of coarse salt has lust been received tho price v Wn mnrked down to tho very"lowost notch. Ail irooda of the verv best duality and are being sold at prices equally as low as the same goods can bought at any general stoie in this section. tJau ana do convuicea. aiesij-uuuiiy, AMOS REIGEL. Saye Your.Hair July 823-71 I.CUIPUTnW Po DVu timely UBeofAyera Hair Vigor. L C li I V H' I U ll , id D This preparation has no equal as a dressing, tt keeps me scaipcicnu.twi, and healthy, and preserves th color, fullness, and beauty ot tho hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor jny hair grew thick ond glossy and the original color was restored." Melvln Aldrlch, Canaan Centre, N. II. "Some time ago I lost all my hair In consequence of measles. After duo waiting, no new growth appeared, I then used Ayer'a"Halr Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong:. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor la evidently a great aid to nature." J. n. Williams, Floresvllle, Texas. "I have used Ayer's nalr Vigor for the past tour or Ave years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, being harmless, cinslng the hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to arrange." Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, JXaverblU, Mass. " I have been using Ayer'a Hair Vigor for several yara, and believe that It has caused my hair to retain Its natural color." Mrs. II J. King, Dealsr im Dry Goods, &o., BlshopviUe, Md. Ayer's Hair Vigor, 'fcoor, but I am not. 1 saved several thousand dollars during the war, and I an keep a wife in luxury," He exhibited the roll ot bills to her, was ft good catch. Inelde of a week I bad sufficient evidence to warrant his arrest. Be bad gone to the home ot an.nncle on Elk Blvor, about ten miles away, and tt was titers I found and arrested him. He was sitting on she porcn alone when I drove up, and as soon as I announced my errand he nrew very white end gasped ont i " What am I charged with f " "Murder." ' Good God I But who who " "The murder ot Nathan Chaso." " But when where f " " On the afternoon ot the 10th. Ton know where the body was found." " And yon say I killed Chase t " " That's the charge.'' "Thank heaven I I'll go with you willingly. I had no more to do with his death than yon." He was lodged In Jail and everybody believed him guilty. He bad no parents, and was about twenty.nve years old. lie was trying to establish a real estate and Insurance business in Charleston, assist ed to .some extent by his uncle, but things were so disorganized that he mode but ioor headway, when arrested he bad over $3,000 la greenbacks on bis person. Chase was known to have hod about fchU turn with him. When questioned about this money by his Mends he could make no satisfactory answer. He finally olatmed to have found It on the highway. He had to admit that he was eeen near the Boot where Chaso was killed. When his cat came to trial we naa nothing but olronmstantlal evidence, but were well satisfied with that. What could bo stronct ' ? Known to be Jealous of Chase and bis enemy t seen near the spot, enddenly possessed ot considerable wealth i takes no part in me searoni steals awav from Charleston to let th matter blow overj furnishes every proof In his demeanor that he Is guilty i re fused to.acount far his time on tbe day of the murder j gives no satisfactory ac count of the money la his possession, Further than this I had discovers mat he spent nearly all that day In the wood Or. JOBWORK of all kinds nicely executed at tliV effice. rices low. O mrrARSD T J. C. Aver k Co., Lowell, Ma iu4Iit DnirvLtisDdrrfuaM. For Brussels, Ingram and Good Hag Carpets, Saxony, Germantown and Stocking Yarns, Carpet Wool, and Brush Mats, call at Excelsior Carpet Works, NORTH FIRST 8TB BUT, LEHIGHTON, &. S. Rabenold, D, D. S and on his return to town his olothei were torn and muddr. There was Just one point In th case where we were lame. Chose weighed 180 pounds, and Talbot was a dapper little fellow who didn't balance quit 128. He bad no mors muscle than a woman, and the question was how ha got the body from the road into the thleket There had been rain the day before, and the gronnd was soft.' We found the prists ot feet, rouging np lnn ltietant.' "Why, sir, I didn't ebon dun know about It till artur we had shoved oft." " How muoh money did you get f" " Not a two-bit piooe. eab. Ole Petitr an' dat man Hutchlns dun said. dey would keep it all delrselves, Dai's what de row was about." I had found who killed Chose. The boy In Jail, who answered to the name of Bam, said that two of tho men were attar pig, when Chase oamo in sight, nnd the plan to kill and rob him was formed In a moment. They despoiled the body, hid tt In the thicket, and got away uneven arid unsuspected, I followed down the river after the houseboat, but heard of It at Parkersburg, only to lose It forever. It had been run down by a 'oteamor Jtiet above that. town in the night, and it was believed that; all the crew wore drowned. Bam, Itowovor, was all tlws witness needed on the stand. I was now sure that Talbol did not murder Chose. Thoa where and how did be get that money, where was he on the day ot tho murder, and what crime had he -committed to betray such signs ot guilt It was ot no use to go to him for pointers. Even when I told ,him I oould clear him ot the charge ot mur dering Chase he would give mo nothing to work on. I therefore sent out one day over tho rood where he had been seon. I entered tho woods, beat them up tor two mlloa on each side ot the road and was about giving Up tho searobi when my dog mado a discovery. In thlokot to the lett ot a hog path which lod oft the highway, and on broken and stony ground, 1 found a lot ot human bones. They had somewhat being pulled about but the skeleton of a man was there. There where shreds and patches of clothing, a doten buttons, re mains of a pair of boots, ana tbe iron trameof a satchel was close at hand. The hogs and the bnzsards bad eaten up everything whloh they oould swallow. Who was the man. No one was miss. Ing. No one hod gone out from the ho tol and toiled to return. In those -oar-pet bag days there were many strangers coming and going, and It wan no one's business to watoh over them. Whether this poor fellow was gotn f Into Charles. or leaving tt oould not bo told, It might have been that Talbot had decoyed blm out there on pretense ot selling him land, or he might have aotdentally mot blm. The prisoner awaiting exeoutiod showed by his demeanor that be was the murderer ot the man whose Jionos i had found, but be would not lot fall a word in admission. Here was a curious Stat ot affairs. I had worked up evi denoe to prove him guilty of murder he did not commit, and for a murder be was sou etrros -Ovsr J. W. Baulenbnsh' moor Store, WASH STIlEltT. LEHIOHTON. .xnttilrv In all its branahes. Teeth Eitraeted iri&DUt Pain. OMSdmlHlstsredwnen wowwn. OelM lya-wi r. n. add , s-yt fKIl VIWBiY of eeh week. mrecWv.ra. tgfSubscribe for and read this papr. Purely IsosL Obc really and truly guilty of, I oould furnish no proof whatever. The Governor had to interfere and the court nan io bos Mm a liberty. The end of tbe affair was no less tragic Within two woeks alUsrward Talbot had regained his liberty be started to leave the county, but had uot proceded down the river five mll" when the boat blew up. and he was numbered with the lost N- V. Sun, I.was poor, a carpenter's eun, end this fact alone In the eyes of "her parent die. qualified me as a non-ln-hiw. Our Bar. lour waa a carpenters son, nqc tais iao? has not caused the oalllog te deemed more lofty than It was ninMeea years ago. Edlena's paresis were n tu out look for a "good' match" for thatr daughter and they looked wltb 'favor on Cyril Btaythorns. Thsy were too wise to come out openly ana .request jxiien to have nothing farther to de with the poor carpenter's son, but h divers' ways they did everything they euM to sepa rate us and to install BUytlir la Iter lavor. I shall never forget the fellies; ef rags and despair that seized me as one day I saw Edlena pass, eoated in Cyril fltsy- thorns's handsome carrlsgo, wltb Stay. thorn himself by her side I oannt describe our next meeting. How much I was to blame for what foilewsd I new know, but I then thought that I had Just cause for whRt I did. Hot words were uttered and tor tha first ttras we parted In anger. The next day I laft the quiet N England town. whew ',twenty-oae years of my life had been spent. A passenger train ..bore" mo away,out Into the orld, I was going anywhere that I might get away from the hateful spot that I had always known as home, where so etany happy days had been spent with the, one from whom i, thought w nan. separated me forever. I sought and obtained employment in a great city, u crowaeo: Btresrs ana hurrying rush of which seamed very Strang and. unnatural to me. I-trlod to forget my old- borne ana jsaiena, put eoon found tt Impossible to do eo. Strive as I might to tear hex Image from my bosom, her fair, sweet face was almost always before me. Sternly 1 fought egalm the power that seemed to be drawing tun book to her. Many a night did I awaken tfnd alt bolt upright In tbe darkness ot my 1 v ie room, with her plaintive cry sounding In my ears. Oh, Jasper come book to me I" " It alwaye seemed very real out 1 re a. soned myself Into thinking that It was all Imagination. 1 now Know mat many, many times she uttered that very ory. One day an accident happened to me. I was passing along beneath the spot where rdnalni wore being mads on building when a falling board struck me senseless. I was picked up ana oamea to a hospital, but when I recovered con Bclousnoes 1 did nor, Know my own name. My mind did not seem deranged, I oould remember events and people, but I oould not recall -the nam ol a single perso? whom 1 knew: They told m that I had been severely Injured &! that doubtleed as I 'Improved my memory wrmld 6erva me better. For several days I lay there gradually growing better physically, but In no way lmprovjhg mentally. Try as I might, I could not recall names. I remembered my home, Edlena, Cyril. Btaytlicfrpe evervthlnir. but I oould .not speak thi name of a single place or person, standing no an old Srldg wntbtt spanned a winding stream bot tar from my boy hood home, Suddenly a flash of light ning showed m ISdleaa hurrying along the brldg. atoxtlsd and amazed that sbs should be thoro at such a time, I was about to make my presenoe known, when anothsr flash showed a second person on the bridge. Plainly I saw bis dark mous tache, ersnly handsom f aoe. and plainly I heard Edlana'a ory ot surprise and fear as h ooBtrbnted her midway on th trestle. Thon through th darkness floated his triumphant exalsmatlon. "Au-ahl Edlsn Wyldemsrs, I havs yon nowr Twice I bav askod you to b my wlfs oaly to mt with refusal end scorn. To-night I swear you shall consent to marry me, or you meet your death In th waters of the Crooked Blvrt" Thn'esm another flash of tight that showed my darling straggling In his vile olssp. To toy ears earns a cry that stirred every drop pf blood la my reins i "Oh, Jasper 1 Bsvsmtt save ma 1" In an Instant I Uapsd forward and tore hr from hi arms i at th sam tint I dealt hbrj a, terrific Mow that sent htm reeling, agalust th railing of the brldg. Th rotton guard gay way, and flinging up his arms, with the look of unutter. abls horror on hla face plainly rvaled by the vivid glare, h nttrd on wild ory and plunged downward into th dark water. Bdleaa tittered obs Joyful cry, "Jasper I Jasper V Then she sank unconscious at ioy test from that moment I knew no mere nntll I awoke In the morning to find myself In th hospital. And la the morning my memory we fully rtoT3 to It natural eondttlon. I remained la- the elty a week, and daring th entire tiro my Strang dream Ut : dream It was worried m oon- tMUy, TTatSidicna In t4f did shs need my pretention f As a anal result, aa night I boarded swift feraln, and In th norntng I stood by my darling's bsdsld. Bh was Just rovrlng from a brief but sever Ill ness1. As sfcs flung to my band and shad War ef Joy, sh sobbed rprcahfully " Oh, Jasper t Why did yon lear m krs on that brldg after HKMitg a from Cyril Bts,ytnorn hsndsT 'What do yon msanf" I hoarsely gasped aearosiy able to credit my mm. Then she described a on Just si I ked - witnessed and tsJs pert W sty dream. She finally sold, I Was ovsr to Uabls Gray's, wher I tflttudsd ped th night, whn the thundtrstora same np. I don't know why I did It, but I Msolvad ts return horn, and I started out despite th pro tests of both Habl and hr mother. I metis hay thorn on the brldg. Hesslstd as la his vtl grasp, and I sailed forhtlp. Then yon tszn and raatchd me from his hands, at th cams Mm a hurllnff him eh the' bflda-s. I eaught eo glimps ot your too as ft was revsaltd by h light. lngf and then I tainted. wbn I reeov. erdOBsotausnMs, It was ratalng'tnd I was alone cn th brldg." Was found the following day 9oaas, a eorjws en Orosksd Hlvr.'' My stary ends her, I har already told yon that Edlsss ta my wtfs. I can not explain the saystsry ef ray drsam. I an only writ th question that I kars skd sayslf a thousand times t Was It a 4 ream 7 ? toxee Hiaoa. Mistake ot lifetime The man who mar ries and boesn't dlroroe. Hleh- of all !n Loaventnj Power tT. S. Gov't Roport, Aur. iv, 18B9. Wk have a tneedv nnd poailtvo Curs io Catarrh, Dintlieria, Canker Mouth and Head-Achc, in SIlILOII'S CATAUBll BE11EDY. A Nasal Injector freb with each botlle Use It if vou desire health nd sweet breath. Price 60 cents, Mold al Tilery's or Thomas' Drugstore. A ehalr 130 yuirs old is In us in an offlo. In Spring Olty, t'enu., and it is said do jail as good as when tt was bought. Drsvtpsla and Hver Jnni!n!n. Is ll not worth the small price of 76 Cents to I te." Tout self of everv srmutoni Of theea distressing complalrite, if you think to call at our store and tret n bottle of SMtOh's Vltalizer. Every bottle has n printed guarantee on ll, us accordingly, and If it does yon no good it will cost you noiitlng. Sold t Blcry's or Thomas' drug, store. Ths IbT.ntor aud founder of th ram! IsngntR Volspak is Ilev. Jobann ,Uattin Bobeyler. Be Tailed Kemp's Italians. I jell"Tslte Kemp's Baitnin, th bttt court enre." I always do when lhtar a Wan coup. snd I ean't help It. It tared me and It will ear yon. 1 was threatened with pneumonia winter and It trolte It np. it helps the chlldrea Ul when tnelr throats are lore, cures their coughs, aad tastes io good, The flrtt doa helps yon, no write, a, ,u. Ainoia, engineer en tti Shor. lty., alVansJobarle, N. r. -Tb St. Gotbard tunnel, in th Alp, Is twlo aa long ss tb Uocsacorer nra mil. Miles' Nerro and Uver I'llN. An important discovery, Thev act ea the liver, stomach and bowels through life nerves. A new principle. They epeedly cur bihonerleee, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation Splendid for men, womm and children. Smallest, mildest, u'ureet. 6a doses for 25 cents. Samples free at T, J). Thomas and W. F, Bicrts Druu' Store. prsis do well. Am Tonr IfrUndl About It. Tenr (listreeeing coueh can b cured. W know it because Kemp's Balaam within tna past few years has cured so many cough u toius in inis conimuuuj. ill, rcinart.n- I. sal lies been won entirely by Us genu ine merit. Ask some friend who has used t what ha thinks of Kemp's Balsam. There s no medicine so pure, none so effective. I.arc. bottles fiOonnd f l.(0 at nil druscliiU. Sample bottle free Experiment by an Italian physician tndicst that tnberonlciis of fowls is differ st frcm that of man, aud is trans- ten mUesdto the latter. Hot a BXnBrkv Jnat after Andrew Johueen bad vs. rcUd fch Presldnttal esat, he mans. grs of th Blmpsoa County (Ky.) Agri soitursl and Mchanll Assootatlen deoidd ltat .lt would b a great adrsr. tJaermtnt to t th ld gntlman attend ths ftlct " W don't oar tor htm on BarnrdAy," told th mnogsr, " tor on that day w shall bars a prstty big crowd anyhow. WednesOay 'will b thedsfr. J will writs the ax-prssiaent.-" Ths fallowing Vat tar wa sent to Mr, Johncoai "Great Bin Ths peopls of ths "wonderful ounty ot Simpson, leal- tag a great lutsrest is one ot America's STsatest sons, har' decided ho Invite yon. to b prsseat at ottr fair grounds on Wednesday, th etn ol uotcnar, wnre they wish to shake your hand, riaass let a know by return mall." il let tbkm'know by return me.Il. Th old gen tleman turned the Hitter over and wrote the following t "lam no managed. A. Johnson." Buffalo Express. A rVMittt-r Metal. A metal has been produced that will melt at a tempo rata re ot 160 degrees. It U an alloy ot loan, tin, bismuth and oadhnum, and In weight, hardnoes on color resembles typo metal. It melt so easily that, placed on a comparative! oool part of th store with a plooe o paper under it, it will men wituout ta papvr being soorchod, TravUlB Stone. Scientists ore puzzled over th famous travelling stones ot Australia. Blmllar curiosities have recently been touna in Nevada, which are described aa almost perfectly round, the majority of them as large as a walnut ana ot an iron nature. Wheu distributed about, upon tns uoor, table or other level surface within two or three feet of. each other, they lnunodi ntoly begin travelling toward a common oentr. and there lie huddled up In a bunch Uko a lot ot eggs In a nest. I hey are found In a region that Is oom para. tlvely level, and Is" nothing but a bam rook. The cause ot these stones rolling together Is doubtless to be found In the material ot which they are composed which appears to be loadstone or mag. cottc or. Popularlr called tho king of medicines Ilootrs Barsaparilla. It conquers scrofula, salt rheum aud nil other blood disease. unt-Dr. your wif for everything she A Ureatliattle Ienstantlv kolna- on In the human svsteat when vou sutler wlih consumDtlon. couims or colds j they strrte to ruin health and drKTl tlmsto the crave. Take timely warning ana use Tan-Tina Cough and Consumption Cur. friee it and 60 cents. nQttTTdut r tomiilatuti. Trial battles fre at Thooas' Drug Btorc. .Tb material known to Ameroans' as eanton flannel Is to England oalled swan's down, and American muslin Is known tn Bngland as calico. A fvrap of Taper Baves Ilev Mfts n nu Inst an ordinary scran ot wram; tMinr. tint tt suved hep lite. Kha as In the 1 STflEes OI conBUUipuuu, iuiu uy viO"" she was Incurable and could live only a short time,- she welrbed less thin seventy pounds, slip of wrapplna paper silo read of Dt. King's New Discovery, and cot a sample' bottle; H neipea ner,sne uoukiu a jufeu uuiliu, ii, mi-jit ed her more, boutht another and grew bettor fast, continued Its use and Is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds for fuller particulars seed stamp to w. If. Cole, UruCKlfll, run DIQUU. jrim uuiut-n ua iuib derNl dlaooTery free et Iieber's Urus btcre. -Ths word boss comes from lbs low Dnleb, aad ha th same meaning aa in English. y Vonr Own Doctor. It won't cost you one-hnlf na much, Da pot delay. Bent threo two-cent stamps for pottage, and we will seud vou Dr. Kanf- man great worK, nne coioreu piatca irom life, on diseases, its causes nnd home cure. Adtirees, A. P. Otdway & Co., Boston, Pralr yonr husband for evtrrthing h dots well. Mtny an otherwise handsome face is dis figured with pimples and blotches, caused by a humor In th Mood, which may l thoroughly eradinted by the uso oAyef s Sartsparilla. It Is th safest blood msdi- cine In th market, being entirely free from arret) le or any delelerions drug. TU remark, "Yonr mine for the next set," Is relieved to have orgmatodjn Hays's bnu.ry. Th 'best remedy for the complaints ef early childhood, such as colic, flatuletloy, Ac , Is Dr. Bnll s Baby Byrup. Price US oent. It dosen'l seem to us that courtship and catarrh can go together:' catarrh Is so oflen eWe yon know. Old Saul's Catarrh Cur, only 26 cent, It a speciCc for this miter sbl uilm.m. Mma. Diss Debar can now be Used as a horrible uxarnpl" by temperance lecturers. An oTerlodaicenosrin spirit I tb oaus ot ii 8 ntr wo. ABSOUJTEClf PURE al. thouch soorss of times I seemed eo tha point of doing so. Finally I had so far recovered that I. was Informed that on the follottlng day thai was to be discharged from .the hps. pltal The last night of ray stay In tfie hospital arrived, and tt a very early hour I sought my eoeh and was ooon fast asleep. " I am net naturally dreamer,-but am a verVuSdoad sleeper. It did not. Seem that I dreamed that night, out 1 found mvselMh'n'faalllar spots v- night, and a thunder storm was rapidly "eomlnir on. Ths blivik" heavens wero with Ore, asa deep wunaer lik aa enraeed monstw. I was Ortfln of a ramon. rtnnior. Argand, a poor Swiss, Invented a lamp with a wick fitted into a hollow cylinder, tip which a current of air was permitted to pass, thus giving a supply of oxygen to ttie Interior as well as the exterior of the wick. At first he ueod tt without a g)ss chimney, bot one night while sit. ting by It, his little brother was amusing himself by placing a bottomless oil flask oa'direrentartloles. Suddenly he placed it on the flame ot tbe lamp, which In. Mflntly shot up the long circular neck wltb Increased brilliancy, and at the e&iue time Hashed' Into Argand's mind the Idea of the circular chimney, by which hie Invention was perfected. On Bid of th Hons. " In my opinion," said tho tloket-selleri " one sld ot the theatre Is as good aa an other, but the average patron doesn't ' think 60. If I wero to let people have fust what they called for, the house , would always look lop-sided, for the rea-; son that nearly overy on selects or wants seats on the right side ot tbe housa- I suDDosefl this arises from the habit, tn , lvUlaed towns, ot always turning to fch sUht cn a crowded tberotighfar." A Fortup.te Woniau. Mre. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich, has reaivn Io be very thankful. She was a great sufferer from heart disease for years. Was short of breath, had hungry spell J, pain in side, fluttering, faintness, etc. After taking two bottles of Dr. Mile' New Heart Cure, she seys. "I am batter than for SOyears. My mind and eyesight have im proved wonderfully. I advUe all person thusuflheted to use this remedy T. D.Thomas and W- F. BisryJdruEgists.rn commends and guarantees it. Dr. Milo't work cn Heart Dlseare, containing tnarv ous tettltnoniali, free. If you want to take tbe grimp ont ot a tsao, ruletake him for tbe conduo tor and offer him your fare as he come slont. Th most ebslinste casesfdatarrh are cured by tbe use of EljrtefljJBfcJUiBji th only agreeable remeey.!tlWBftjl Jj1ud or snuff, 1 easily sprafaf 'mmplrafliis For cold In the peed it it oUfieat. It jrlve relief at once. Price 50& w ll tbir Is luytblDi; in. a parof, we sup pose that an uptown apartment boos as called the Orseent teeause it is r.t-vir fall. The railway officials now call Ha 'pet bit' iofteadcfa 'pass.' und it s jest tboat as bard to gel. lUr ft ym
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers