ix:-zi-:-.: . :. V fie lirhtftt iwtit. Ml Th Hews Will Be Found In JOB WC&l I-J""U nmgnton, uartion County, Penna., Decembe, 27, 1890. Singlo QopiCB 5 0eata ' .&EMPU PAMEIKf ilMD f I ProWenall Basiiiiss Cards. I ., .ZITT L " H - rw n at a, m n u u . u. at is dun ai aa m -m m & M m n iwi w a i I i i n w i i mk , nun nnnm nu. n .. ' u'iii'iw A ill I I nil I if nil i iiifTn K II M It n n C i Q n i PI ffl 111 m SB DUrilll - 1 ' 'Ml" i . i ---.-rrru-rr ,.H iasl H W U B W II III) H N IS IBB W ) Ul IU ( U H 1 Jygr All kiuds of Rough Material are hero again. They will be ound predominating among alinjost every styld of Dpessitoffsff Autumn&Winte near. Among the Plain Rough serviceable than handsome Gnmel's Hair. We call particular'at tehtion to our 75c jcr yard goods. $1.35, $1.50 and 2.50 per"ynrd. 634 Hamilton Lehigh Goal & Hardware Co,, LIMITED) Scilci't orner, North First Street. Would Make this Special Announcement Of the fact that they have bought , line of Guns, Revolvers, Cartridges, Shells, both-blank - and loaded. Gun Covers, Game Bags and all Implements and Tools used by tho , Sporting Fraternity ever ' shoVvn in Carbon county, and iat Jjiey have ma.ked them at prices that will dfy competition. We extend an earnest invitation. t6 all to omo and inspect them whether you wafjt to buy affpresent or not. We also hnve n line of Dr. Horner's Cattle ond Horse Powders. Til FUST Bart again been awarded tho FllMT rRKUIVM nt tlie.r.ehli;h county Fair for the manufacture and display of tho flnebt line ot Men's Boys' and Children's CLOTHING. S31 ll snOclent evidence that tho firm nl Koch & Sliankweller still take the lead In the Clothing Uusluejs In the Lehlith V.tlloy. Their stonU for thin Kill I has been o.trelully selected,' and U by far the l.irtfest ovrr shown lu Mils suction. Working Suits, Business Suits and Dress .-inits in LargcQuanti ties, and of every Description. Bmirig' Jackets, House Coats, Office Coats, Bath liobes, &c, in great variety. OVERCOATS I 0VEEC0AT3 !! '" t Thousands tonelft Trom.tn all thonewctt hades. Kersey takos tho lead. Wo hayo them In Boy's and Children Clothing. OwunUrsar piled full. We will make any aw tavajp inesa ouiw are siu. OUR CUSTOM A Ttra seo by riKST PnuMIUMwo had tho trade iu style, (liiallty. mlKe and flnNh ahd In rd.r to gain nil these (Mints : "1st. We sU-irt wltti first 'chm iiiaturlal. aid. Kxpart onUem. erd. Best of trlmmliiK 4lh. II skllleJ mechanics to Inako tUa enrraeuts. 6tJi. i'erlucts lit. and our cutomer alw iya pleaded, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. ffudtrrrear, Knit Jackets, Hosiery. Smiwnders, Dre.13 and Flminel Shirts, Dress, StrcSt and Uric lua QlQves, Cpllnrs, Culls, Neckwear, Sx. RWe make it a point to lead the trade lu these Unas and lire the first tn show all the new de kvs Irtnh from the manufacturers. Ulve uj u call, and we will try to please you, Koch & Shankweiler, fie, Mil anil Largest Mil House ia tli3 Lslilr Valley, Hotel Allen Building. ContreSpuare. ALLENTOWN, PA., mm - f SOPPOSITE L. FIRST STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, Pa Has just opened an entire new line of v . LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! Comprising all the very latest styles 5n White Goods, S. teens, Prints, Ginghams, MarSfilllCS, Seersuckers anc Fancy Dress Patterns of the yery best qualities nt exceed ing low prices. Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, Glassware Jvood and Willowware of the best makes at;tow riguree. Cloths Oassimers, Hats, Boots, Shoes and ready made Clothing in great variety and at prices with the read, of all purchasers prices fully as low as. the same goods can be bought for at any other general store in thk vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great variety and f best quality at Rock Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and Feed at prices lutty as low as the eame;articles can be purchased elsewhere. A car load of coarse salt has just been received tho price y been marked down to the very lowest notch. All goods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices equally as lqw as the same goods can bought at any general sluie in this section. Call and be convinced. Respectfully, July 823-71 kMOS REIGEL. WflDIf a UnFa at JFor Brussels, Ingrain and G-oodllaff Carpets, Saxony, Gerniantown and Stocking Yarns, Carpet Wool, and Brush Miats, call at Excelsior Carpet Works, - NORTH FIRST STKXET, IEOJJON', W "fOf yutMtox ttotoa k tho uMtnw&okirs of B CHipat $1.00 a Year in Advance. I ' " wi m , - . . -- mi i. , ,. . TTAT "5TTv TrT3 IT - 1 -- ' r Goods there is nothing more Four other gm'les, $1.00 St., Allentown; the finest and most complete PftBMIII. mother proud ot her toy. It Is astonl$hlnjr DEPARTMENT. i it n & S. DEPOT, 'n('s ncey executed ili (ffice. rices low. Rapshor, ATTORNEY a OOONSKI.IXHl AT !jKV), First door above the Mansion House, MAUOil CllffNK, .... PEN-A. eal Estate and t'vllprtl.m Ae-ncv. Will Ihiv Ml Sell Ileal Estate. l.llinavailf'tnfr naallv ilnnn ollectinns nnmu.th made.' odiita a specialty. May be coi-wiltcd in Buallsli ana (ierman nov. it2-n Hewing hM.ii.ps of W. O. rrl. Seiple, eHTBrrtAS Ajrn srnor.oN. SOUTtt STREET. . . . LHinrtftrnw May B-engnltml In Kneluh and Qerman. ne'falatlntlon tlven to (ivnocotmrv. Ornish Iloimsi Krmn Jii jr. to 2 P. M.,and rom u to u r. m mar.st.vi ffACKERTON HOTEL, Mjlway between Maueti Chunk & Lenlghton Z. 11. C. HOM, Proprietor. PAOltKRTON, - . . rami. lhl wB-lnowh Hotel 1 admirallyr!ltted, and 'us the bt kecomtnadatlnn) for permanent aid niulent horderi. gseellont Tables and the jir)testWMor. at?)leiattahd. j 1 tan &ANSIOM HOUSE uppoatte L. fc 8. Depot, .B.IKK STIlEIST, . . LKHIGHTON, 0. it. Host. nioFiiinrnm. 1'filsliotMe afMrarst-olass iieeoinmodation for tolentjHoennnent boarders. It baa been "".wui u iw. upni Hiienw. unu is moat ffl In i flf flifi indat ptcturesqite iortlop of the upiflleU jWtl; iji olcom'Viue8, Liquors a'nd 'B-"" tKvi vu inn. pri(-yi 'O.'A.CLAUSS, OJOee with Claim Bros., Flint street, Lehlghton i1 ire, Life axd Accident IrJSTTPATVflEI. Only Frst-claas Compttnles are represented .Information cheerfully rurl9ltcd. 4-iy Ex-Sheriff Rabenold. K,0th St AIXEJfTOWN. DENTISTRY, In nil In brandies. Fresb cas alwavs on liaml. Tho iiavmnase of the people Is suliriteil balltfacllonguaronieil.4-e 90 DR. J. P. BROWN, , Slatington, Penna, Sprctal Treatment given In niseaea of Women. Specialist in DIsbmps of liye. Ear, Nose and Catarrh Permanently Cured. Finn Vraititfa Rvn 2)m Jbtal-my own pfttnt. uuitO'ty m.a -fnii. UUKV DR..G.T, tfOXT 172 Main Street. Bath. Pa. ... .. "V'i"i . UIWUA at ArUETHUCIHEM, StfK (lOTKf, WRDXnSDATS. V4 Vill, r HUM YS-A.NU aATUUDAY. . nffirntlniira Pi-nm ft .1 t,, 1 u fi i... Utnltcil to UUeases of tho Eye.Ear, Nose & Throat tncutoiiclAues. .tv F. I. SMITH, 0. D. S, OOoe opposlfe the Onera Uotue. Bank Street, Z,eh trtoh, Pa. DUNTIBTKY IN ALL 1TB UltANnuns. filling and making artlnctal dentures a special- ty. Local u aesthetics used. Ua administered and 1'ueth Fxtracted WITU- QFl'ICE HOURS i-l'rom H '. in., to 12 m from j p. in., to 6 p. m., 110m 7 n. m., 10 8 p. in. Cousultatlous In CiurUsuw (iernmu DctiW7-Tv -t,u.u,r. DR. W.F.DANZBR, No. SO North Wypmlng St, HAZLETON, PENNA. r Specialist In Diseases of tim Q -, NOSE3 AND, THROAT. Or. D.inrnr will ii i lim -Exchange Hotel, Lehighton, rftIOA.V or every week betweetlthe hours of 9 a. in., and A n m 4petaole a"nd Kye Ol uses aeourately fitted at ruiiiin iiila ...... EirDonsuHttiin In UernMii and Bnellsh. " anuiisiiHVHr. 18 complaint from which many Buffer nnd few are entirely free. Its cause islnillgestlon and a sluggish lirer, the cure for which Is readily found in tho use ot Ayor's l'llls. " I have foil ml that for sick hoadacho, ojtusd Uy a UiaonUu-ed condition of tho stoinacli, Ayer's Pills are the moat re liable remedy. "Samuel C. BraUburn, Wortlilngton, Maes. "Alter tlie use ot Ayer's Pills for many years, In my practice and family, I aw liistlliad ifi aayinu that they are an exoHlIent cathai tlv ami liver medicine siistuliilng all the clalins made for them." W. A, Weatfall, M. D., V. P. Austin tt, V. If. Railway Co., Burnet, Teias. "Ayer's Pills are the best medicine Known toKie for regulating the bowels, aitd lot t)X iliseasaa caused by a dis ordered gtoniai h aud Hver. I surjered for over three yean from beaitache. In digestion, and constipation. I had no appetite and was weak and nervous most of tlie time. By using three boxes of Ayer's Pills, ami at the same time dletlue myself, I was rompletely cured." Philip LockwQori, Topekn, Kansas. "I was troubled for years with Indi gestion, constipation, and headaobe. A fur boxes of Ayei'a Pills, used in suiaU dally doses, restored uie to health. They are prompt and effective." W. H. Strout, Meadvillu, Pa. Ayer's Pills, rnarjuuD bt Or. J. O. Ayer tt Co., Lowofl, Mass. Sold by all Sniggltu sad D4lws to Uedlsuis. A. S. Ralienold, D. D. S 9T0K OrriOB : Over J. v uaiideBOash' uimt nun, BVSK BTKK15T, I.EH I'i'lTOH iMnttstrytn all tt brsnrhes. u.thExtn tl houtPiun. CJadiiililicrcl v i-nrii tMUis IMys-Wfcu.VNlnY "( -h weel ;h Extroetul -i-iiiiHi.toa week. P. O. add ess IIUVIl , VI s-vl 1 n' ! :n ciiuidv. 1"n Subscribe ibr and this uaper. Purely local, dolkr a year reai Out Sick Headache ' INDEPENDENT How gTwtly I thought or t an . i"n tn rt'Uon' And lon (1 forth di li my lnve would When I'd qu t the great n'ty. Its nolno aad Two. t un It turmoil and troublo,-tl h nod expenes, P.ilr visions would romxnf thei toratrauttei 1 th n could tnloy H .y fmlrst dPllgbV Wl li flan!- g a id driving- my wliftlo itatly tfuUi.s rr m gloi ions morn tb datkaeaa of night. It "'iciit tf ran-iim if t-oimtngatt-tMlre. O'er iIhIi Cad mcailgws, whom ,een wa, Hhg Ot picking ure. lp fruit at my sw will and pleas. OI tan ng fnwli butter, milk. nggs, ohUiEeoi and But alas for my fa ry I Ermllly tamht mo ' ........ juiuij sn,.f " lia their stings from ray lwart rush adaue. Whila flshln? I s iimlj'ed and MI In the Hrer. lad I know that my tramiWltb now herrord'd yiivor Whin a girdan snake crawled up tbe leg et tor pants, Th- d lrlng ws rare, and t e fruit it wae nrnri Theohlokens wsmeoaroeas Were butter n&i egs: And I tni .k that the oowmlght have acted much f.ilrt-r By yMiing some .milk without cballi In Its drazsl The beat-Was lnten-o and prices alarinlnir 8n mnrh so indued thatl had tobmiplalni 80 I've madsatwalins for tbe city eoehann lng. And here In tho future I mean to remain, - John $rpy. THE LITTLE WAITS IT0IE. She was orHv n wen hit. rr TTr,r,(o girl, unci ynt she looked for all tho world UKO a little Wltoh as she fllttud in t.h stinshlne hither and thither about 'tho old InMlnntt farm. Ifmw tho only home that Pen had ever known and .tight woll eha jl know It. ovorv nook and the tlino she oould walk alouo, until sho was ton years old, Pejf, In hor enoWy pinafore and big mnboitnut, hnd oarrlod dad's morning lunch to him, and found, tlie uow.lald eggs for tnothor on her way back. ' TIow the child onlovod tho llttlo lmm hou0 with Its whlto walls and rriWn blinds, and the monster barn with ihn great haymows! How isho revelled in tho orchard and the nasturn 1 TInw h Joved tho woods, with tholr wealth of ferns and wild Bowers! Yob, her young affections woro all centered In tho nlrt farm, of which tlie hoy and the horsos, tho honsjtud tho flowons, wore to hor ns necessary to ' make It lovable as wore mother and dad. And alwavs in hor llttlo I Peg carried aweot flotvdrs, until tho neishbora considured tlio rinlatr blossom and mignonette as'muoh a- part and parcel of the child, as hor own. long, wavy golden hair. JUut ono day thPre oamo a olonri. nnrt sudden end to Pea'a haonv nhlld.IlfB. Dad died, aud then ltwai found-th.it. owing to business reverses und -tlm irit dorsement of Ti false frlcpd'e npte, tjtib 01a nom-'Btoati was heavily mortgaged. ' .stonier and l'eg had to leave tho farm to those who were almost almm-ora While they went out Irtto the great heart less and busy world to earn a living. They drifted to Cbicaeo. wharo made scant enough wajres with the' needle, which she could ply so skilfully. But poor mother, althotiah Rhn trl,t to work and be cheerful for tho sake of her llttlo daughter, was nlok at heart. Sho yearned ft r the old homo, tho old times, and the old faces. By the time Pea was twelve vm nM the girl had to seek work in a TNtnnr.liriT faotorv. to oke out 'fhn llvlni wmmi grewjscantior na mother's health bocame Iiooror i nua in anotner year little re was the breadwinner for two. When Pec was fifteen she felt like old woman old in trouble, and dlsai. polntmuut. and heartaches. Prh, in. If she had not been a slraplo country girl, she might have made somo friend among 1110 neignoors 1 out neither she normoth. er thought the mora resnentnhle fnlbn very neiahborlv. whllo those who willing to visit them wero oortalnly not deslrablo acquaintances. So when, flvo venru nftar th Chicago, mother's tired and broken heart stopped oeoung. l'eg was quite alopo amid the thoumnds of the big and bust ling olfcy. And Peer was not vnrv otrnnw nithor Bho was such a llttlo bit of a thing ond she found It hard work tn the stout and healthy girls who worked beside her at the faotory. When mother died she felt worse, aud grew homesick for the old Indiana farm. Tbe factory work seemed harder than ever. One Saturday afternoon, when tlie hands wero paid, the foreman told Peg that they would require her geryloes no longer. ' " I'm sorry, my girl," he said, " but you can't do the work. Veu ought to take a rest." Peg lookod at the meagre sum of monny In her hand, and wondered boxy long, she oould rest with, sueh a reserve fund, and so work in view. Poor Peg I All through the following week the weary child wandered up and down the etrenta of the great Wee tern city, seeking work and finding none. By Suturday evening her money wae 11 gone, and there waa no .more coming to her. Sue ha4o't felt like going book to her dingy room. She wandered aim lessly about, up one street and down another. It was late in the spring, and It wm nearly night o'olook before tt grew dark. About that time she saw lights In a small oh u rob It was a Saturday night prayer-meeting, and the singing caught Peg' ear. She wandered Into the veaUbule, and Boaroely knowing what she did, thrsw herself into the one chair which she foupU there. The people (not many) were alaglor, and Peg recognized the hymn oc an aUl favorite which tbey used vp sing at the croaa-roads church in Indiana. Every word of Uie hymn, and each u it the tune went to the girls' heart. " I beard the voto. of Jesus say, ' Oobm unto sa aad res 1 Lay clown, tfeeu. weary oaai lay ttewa,' " HigJ" of all in Leavening Power.- RoYaI AB&GUUTEVX PURE " Live and Let Live." - u . wu... 1, j ...v.O. Tho tears wore flowing fast, aud sho foil i-oor l'osr i Nhn mmm h. n -.11 um unene ueerae M10 chair, whllo she uunm ir inee in ner nanus ana sobbed, and eoblied. and sobbed. &oou dn -elderly lady, leaving tho moot. Irur fnrllnr limn IIia' ' -a w '.rail) wuiu mill LUO vestibule, and was surprised to discover vts Kueuuugana crying. " Poor ohlld," she said kindly, what IB the trouble? Had you not bettor go But thagontle words only mado Peg ery the morofbut she managed to utter - uuttvuari ner soos, " I havoinn linmn." Something touched the good woman's ausoepttblo heart, and ralsinc Peer tn hftr fe6t sho took tho worn-out'glrl to her loivn ngmo not iar away. - She did not weary Peg with words She asked no questions but herself un. drossed tho llttlo thin form, nnd helped her into a bed whoso linen was os whlto s Peg's plnarore used td be in tho old days on tho farm. Ami soon Peg was pweping, a llttlo restlessly pothaps, but Still-Bleeping-, while ner unknovn frlond Mn'lttu. . , I .... ... ... . on ujr uiu uuusiuo watching this child Wfio had been Irtendleee so long. The worm tears coursed down the good wo map's cheek as Peg, fh her dreams, mufc terod llnua from ono of - her old Sunday, eohdol hynins Uiat had always, 'Somehow muuiiuou nio girt 01 nor earlyilfe In tho ' "Where everlasting spring abides, AndnoTer.wttherlngnniTOrs." She murmured. Aud Boon afterwards, "gweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed In living-green." - When POO WOke from thai drat ulnnn she woe-in a fover. Sho grew rapidly Worse; and for mnnv rbiva ahn- b-iian. nothing about whoro she was or who was wring tor nor. ijut sno was tondoriy ""8od, and tho motherly soul who was PeH'S'Q'Ood ntlfrnl frrnllllAlIv nfima fA ln,.rt - .J II V J . v. 1 J 1 1 uiu ivuu sne go strangely plokod up in .the church vostlbule. Quo summer evening, when Peg was mucu ooitor, nor gooa Hostess said : " My danr, I om goini? to take vou to my son's place in the country. John is a farmer and has a delightful farm. I think that down thoro we can bring baok the roses to. your cheeks. . We shall start to-morrow." Peg was still, weak, aud unablo to stand, or even sit up. So she was taken to tho depot iu a haolr, and then placod in uie snug mtle stato room of a Pullman car. The ride was not a Jong ono; for tnoy .ioic umcago after broakfaet, and Were at tholr destination bnfnrn n. A roomy .spring .wagon, with plonty .01 pmowa ana rugs mot tnom at tho country station, and Pog was made very comfortable. As they drovo along tho roadway, betwoon the. Holds ot golden wheat nnd- tho green waving corn, og seemed to recognize many objeots. Little by little the truth dawned .upon her, though sho could hardly hSHovo her own senses' Vhen tho wagon halted in front ot her old home. Yet it was really true, though oven her kind friend did not know it, and the room reserved lor .Peg was tho identical bedroom which she had oc cupied la tho davs of tho llttlo whltn nln. aforo and tho bier Bun bonnet. 'the good lady's son was the man who had bought tho farm from Dad, and ho ana nis wuo proveu to possoss as kindly hearts as dill tholr mnthnr At all events althouo-h It In nlmnat. a 7Ani alniu she returned bo unozpootcdly to her .old uome, j-eg strong ana neaithy again) Is Still a visitor at tho Indiana farm. And sho Is so quietly happy that I believe it wouiu quite oroaic ner uoart to leavo It 1 . ... , aguiu. 1 anKee 5iaao. UP. MONT BLANO ON A SLEDGE, AIaitio nnd llliirrly Man MaVus the Jonr- nry w.iu sonio uegrree orvotntort. A lame man,- about sixty years of ago, has lust mado tho annent nf Mnnfc Ttlnnn Jn his day Mr. Janssen has been a great mountain oumuor. no is the i'resldont of thePrenoh Alpine Club, nnd an astron omer, ne nau a two-ioiu pur,.oso in view In tho ascent ho has Just made un der suh disadvantageous circumstances. IIo wished In tho first place to ascertain whethor it was possible for snientlQc men to reach the regions of eternal snow without becoming so fatigued us to lm pair tho value of tholr observations Ills second purpose was scientific. He deelrod to find whether tho outer atmos ph'ere of the sun contains oxygen In the state In whloh the gas is f ormod In the atmosphere of the earth. The soleutlQo results of Mr. Japssen's Journey have not been announced. He ascertained, bowevor, that though old and lame he was able to reach tho top of that terribly fatiguing mountain In com. paraUvo oomfort. In fact, the astrono mer waa taken up on a slodgo whioh was drawn and pdsheil by twenty-two guides, and while UfSy had a rather hard time of it In some psofirff the ascent, the old gentleman sat Inoritnfort on his sledge and let them tug away, and flounder in the snow. When dear tho top of tho mountain, at the Bldgo of tho Bosses,- tho asoent was almost vertical, and on both Hlihw n-nrn beds of spow, apparently ready to fall in anuaaoaai ut uie Migateet tiiouoo. 1 no twantptwo guides, who wero up to their watste la tho enow, begged'tiio old gen. tleman to try walking for a little variety, and assured hln4hat-a'.very short pull would land him on the top of the moun tain, lie -finally consented to try It, got off hie sledge, took six or seven stepe, when he tumbled down in the snow. lie said the work was rauoh too hard for his strength and they must get him up on the sledge somehow. Another hour's bard work and the astronomer was on top ot the mountain, the first time that any one bae ever taken a sledge Journey up Mont Blane. It took him two days to make the ateent, but only one day to return to the hotel near the foot of the mountain! and durlnct the manv honrs ttie onldaa ware puffing away up-the dlfSoult slopes, two ladle, tho wife and daughter ot the Alpine sledge traveller, were on the veranda, ot the hotel watching every movement at their relative through a UleMope. ti. S. Gov't Report, Auk. 17, 1889. B&king Powder THEY ARE PRE-EMINENTLY THE VEC ETABLE OF THE PEOPLE. Raperslttlona a to Time of riant I tig Tho Many Way of l'raparlng Them for tho Tnbl-To Dump or too Warm an Atmosphere Itulns Th.in. tlko many another prosalo thing In .this mixed world ot ours, that most prosalo of tubers, the sturdy potato, which contributes rnoro of brawn to mankind than any other vegetable, is not without a tbuoh of sontiniont. It may even bo mentioned in the samo breath with tho stare for there lsaTou tonlo bollof that " ono must bo careful not to plant It during tho ascendenoy of PIsoos, lest It be watory, but In .tliat of Gemini, that It may be full."- Tho Lithuanian farmer has no luolf unless ho plants It on Maundy Thursday f ho also bolleves that If he soils potato aeodllngs before W'Jmui planted somd himself, ho must retain1 threo ot them, otherwiso his own potivtooa will produce no fruits. In Voigtland, a sUDorstltlon of lh ,v,n,mn folks 18 that when tho top-shoots of tho potato droop n visit is betokoned 1 and England a small notnto la nnrrimi in tho pocket to -ward off rheumatism.. Tho potato Is pre-eminently tho vege table Ot tho Iieonlo. and iinrinnhfnrllv If n bird'S-OVO View Of tho mlrtdmr mo'nla r.t tlio civilized world oould be taken, this esculent would bo seen to enter moro largely Into tholr cnfjinnnltlnn ti,n .r, - - ' ...j other vogotablo s from tho potato cake and stow ot the Irish peasapt, tho potato broth of tho Scotch, Uie potato nnd salt otthe American nnnr. tn tlm rial,,!,, im bit prepared by the French coolt. In ioiK-iore its language Is "stout blood but bad luok j" which has reforenoo to Its often being tho only nrtiolo of diet Among tho unfortunately poor, who somehow Boom to thrive upon It, and often show a nhvaiouo and to bo envied by those whoso nppetitos are. only temptod by an olabornto msjiu. Naturally the potato likes moist, dark, moderately warm winter quarters : too damp, or too warm un atmosphere will induce an exoessivo crowth nf mmnfai Whioh, of course, sans the vltallt.-v nf tho tuber and renders it soggy and innu. trmous wnen cooked. Cobbott quaintly advises regarding Its preservation 1 ii you can oscortaln tlio doirrnu nf warmth neoessary to keep a baby from perishing, you know preolsoly the pre caution required to presorvo a potato." 1 o enter upon tho Held tho potato oo IlipICS ill the kitchen and dlnlnff.rnnn. Is unturlnir a broad nrnnn. It flrt sltioii is undoniably to be washed and i.Ati..,i . . . . uuuuu ( y new, to De.piacou without par ing, in boillne water In which A nlnoh nf salt has boon thrown. Old potatoes should be pooled nnd thrown In a pan ot cold-water to prevent thorn from turn ing block, then dralued from It nu,l ,..if to cook in boiling water and a triflo of salt. Always cook olthor now or qld as aulcklv as nonnlhlo. nnH ,vh,.n ,!.,.. drain off the wator immediately, romor uiu stiver unu placing tin tho back of the stovo to dry off, that thoy may bo light and mealy. New potatoes will cook In M minutes, old onoa rnnulm mmrii, an hour ot courao this refers to liVun ormoderato elze. How Women Applnud. Tho Chioairo woman annlauda with llm palms of her hands, and in no half hearted nionnorrolther. You "can flrt boo approval In her face. It glows lilio a bed Ot Coals. It pathm-a nnH hn,l. into laughter and then It reaches h )r nnnae, und sho doesn't ston to thlnic whether It pleasos anvbodv or not. At tho Bamo tlmo tha Chicago plav-rolni; .woman Is not emotional. Sho docau't cry with ease. The NOW York Womail'a nnnnar nf approval at a theatre reminds mo of the siroKos or a ooat club. Sho applauds not, apparently, because she thinks it la npprovol, but os a matter of exerclea. A'Now York girl told mo one day thut Bho had Etrenathoued the milRnlft.4 nf hi., arms by applauding. She fairly awing her arms when she applauds. la ilOStOn the StvlO of annlRllrlln? la by hitting tho back of the hand with the fan. It tliero Is no fan the is rolled up and used. The Philadelphia woman shies her haudkerohief. I'll 8 St. Louis woman uses her font The roault of this is that ovory theatw in tlie town has to havo a new floor I l every year, so soya a ChloaRo wiseacre. Why the Trains Walt. It haa nrobablv nuzzled slier, who, flitting Impatiently in a train, uiw iraueo ior tne araw ol a bridge to close which had boon opened to allow some snall-llko boat to crann im t), ourrent, why tho rapidly moving train waa not given .the pruoedemse, as It oould swiftly burrv awav. It la not dun tn ti. exouse that the boat caunot hold itself against the sti .am, for it oan and does do tills frenueuL,-. It is slmnlv thn application of the old .'omruon-law prin ciple 01 casement. The imnts had the use of navigable streams long before the railroads wero Invented, and whnn the latter brldgod rivers they did bo sub. joes io me lonnere interest therein, and for this reason railroad trains ore to-day obliged to stand book while- tho boata pass ahead. All modorn condition would Indicate that the locomotive Should llASTA nmwivlanrta nf fhn t.. ... - - " f. i.u ,uy R.muiia , and the fact that It does not show tn'o tenacious grip of custom. To LKcat Torpedoes. The use of the eleotro-magnet for in. ' dIeUng the preeenoe of submerged tor-1 dedoea or lost anohnra haa' hn-a,,J pedoee or lost anchors has' beeasuir gee ted. The magnet in connection with a delicate strain dynamometer, is lower. oa into we water ana excited by a bat. terj'- The metal will attract the mag net and the dynamometer will reveal the fact. A Utile Draft for a Cent. The amalleat draft nvnr I nan cut h. ti,. Treasury Department was reoentlydrawn. It wa tor tne magnificent sum of 1 cent and wm to pay for. property worth, at tbe lowest sect ma to. $40,000- Bzaraiaa tn Ilnn.ahslit Tlntfaa. TTmiaawnrb la hnaliliv nnrl manw nhv. elolans reoorhaaend it to women who need axeroUe. Walking is not enough ; it ox- ere lees oply the lege, while dusting and sweeping bring an entirely different set of muaoiee into nlav. Mav olrla talcs more Internet In tbeir homes if encour aged to aoelst in tbe eavre of them. Household duties, it properly planned, need tsdte but little time out ol a long day. To be ayateeaatle In tbe dleobsuge I of snob duties i tbe only way to prop. 1 erly aoaipUh tbe right amount oi JsSsa $L28 when not paid in Advance. FATALITY OF TICHT LACING, Heart Failure and Bed Noses cud Hands ISntalled br tlm r?ll. ' Although the Bubjoot of tight laolns is worn uireouDare, the ovll has not boon ovoroomo. The suddon death recently m uim 01 mo actressos in a iioriin thoatro was attributed to extreme and habitual tight lacing. At the beginning of tho evening performance tlm lmW mn,.,i perfectly woll, and mado hor appearance on uie stage with her usual vivacltv Before tho third art rn nniaV,,i i, was obiltrod to retire to hr Hroool,,,. . ......... v... 01, v room and died betoro morning of systole, a contraction of thn ftrfaFlnn nf h caused br tho intense nrasmrn nf nhnu ouuo. u uat wnv womon or liiim n . win n danger life and ruin health h n.hf clothes Is a mystery. Previous fashion Justin :d in a measure this foolish habit, but now that It is no longer tho stylo to be wasp-walstod It la lmnoslble to Ond an oxouse. livery flften-vear-old olrl flflrnn nr. .nhnA , I. n . t. , . 1 , Ttacltv Of the hnnrt In- t-oHnor.fl .,1 fi, circulation , of the blood Impeded hv - . . . . . ... .1 MIU , 1 i. . , ... ... - - iigut uanuago, wnotner in the form of a oorsot, bodice or waist. And etlll tho lacing goes on 1 comfort. In neaith injured, not only by the corset, our. tne dressmaker bb woll, who, to fit a basnue. will make a vlrm nf If ttr have roaohod a point In tho history of iBBnion wnoro u is not posslblo to have a nlCO fit Without miffnrlnrr fni- If It the Savarln cafo In New York there 'are from ten to flf ty ladies who go into tho retiring-room aftor lunch ostensibly to powder but in realltv - rf vv Hj,uu vmwi uiuoo waists to assist digestion and relieve tho ewuin 01 tno system. These aro all womon of wealth, tasto, oulture and su porlor education. Remonstrate with any of them and sho will dismiss tho BUblOCt With some such remark no 'tTn,.n to Stand it or wear a misfit." nnrt an tlinv maim n as long as tnoy are on parade The stout woman who tightens her or wears a-tin-nr. nrnna mnirA. . fatal mistake, for aside from giving- her me appearance 01 an apple dumpling bho is ronaerea not only awkward but helpless. Bho could not Jump two foot to save hor life and In a moving oar or a jolting Btago Bho has to depend on the conductor oc the kindness ot a male traveller for her equilibrium: Another result, of this tight dressing is the in- tense redness of tho nose and hands, tho imprisonment of the vital lorcing the blood to tho extremities. - - r - A Watch Bracelet. Tho settlor; of a small wntnh In hn,..' let whioh Is of a morn nr lona t.nl,nKi ana ornamental description Is. of cournn. no longer a novelty, but tho Introduc tion of a watch ot thls doacrlptlon, which positively requires no winding, la a pioco of marvellous lntronnltv. uuiuuuib inmost to tne mystery of magio. imagino tne comfort of being able to carry about with you a tiny timepiece which is absolutely solf-wlndlng, and which can novcr by any possibility got out of ordor. Tho simple fact of nnmir. ing tho bracelet on vour wrlsta nn,l tntr- u ti, uu ayuiu, winas tno watch for Ifc , . ... ... more than thirty hours, ond although mis movement la. entirely efllcacious. thb watch may yot bo taken oft -and on as frequently as the wearer wishes with out mo Biigniess inconvenience or any danger of doing harm to the watoh by overwinning it. . Tho mechanism Is ot tho simplest de scription possible, and tha onnnlncy nr shutting of tho bracelet Is as easy a matter as tho turning of a key In any oruinary 1001c. JNO kind Of OlaSD or fnstnnlnir la via. a.,. ... . .. .: . luio iu me wristiot itself, so that no sudden Jar will cause It to unfaoten, ond once it has been clansnd rnnnH thn n-Di It Is perfootly and absolutely Bate, no ono ooing amo to open It who Is not already initiated Into tho mystery of its Invisible lastemug. 111 many oases tne watch Is set in a handsome olrclot of dlamnndn. thn uiima precious stones belntr also nand tn mn. port tho arabesque designs in gold on lj ..... ...... uuuur oiue 01 tne waton itself. IuiprovIiiE a Gas .It. An cfllciont little apparatus has Just been designed to Improve tho light from a gas Jet without increasing tho consumo- tlou of gas. It claims, and not without- roason, to burn with perfoot combustion, to produoe a brilliant, steady white llamo. with considerable savlna Tho apparatus consists ot a polished tiroes or uiOKOl-pIated- vessel, provided with a wick tube, whloh protrudos In an upn-aru mailt, iiko a straight apout of a kettle j this Is filled with oil, lighted and flxod to any burner bo that tho oil flame minifies with thn ma Damn n.nJ.,.in Immediately a really Vfonderfpl result. ah oruinary jot, oonsummg three feet of gas per hour and rlvlnr? thn llrri.f nf threo candles, will, provldod with the now apparatus and consuming tbo aame quantity oi gas, give a light of eighteen uiuuiee. The Can that rhMra. I Itnhnn. la fhn nnmA nf 11. a l.m. . China, among whloh that tea is grown j Fokoe means " white hair," in reterenoe " HUU.U W. .U UlllO 111 to the downv anneamnnn nf (mrlu. leaves i Ilvsons means " bafnrn thn ml,. i or "flourishing spring ;" Souchong is smaii piant ; uongo misspolt Congou means labor, and la oxpresslvo of tho extra care taken in tho preparation, of that kind of tea. Tbero are two princi pal varieties of tho tea plant. Thea bohea 1b that whioh la aultivatul in thn block tea oountry, the district -adjacent . ' lUB "'"""aajaoent to nton- ,T8 v,rldU 18 8wn In the northern, of what is called tho green tea dlatrieta of China. The differenoo In the color and flavor In teas arises from dry. ing ana manipulation. flmtof rnphlng lira p. of Water. An instrument has recently been ex. hlbltod In London by which a photograph can be takers ot drone ot water In the course of their formation. It oonelete of a lantern and lensee by which a water trough, Uie fcouroo ot the drops can bo u-oui,-:y iiiuminateu, togetuer with a lightning oauera having a revolving dtek wiw one perioraHon. Itad for tbe Husloal Pi and.. In Carlarulie, the official capital pi the Grand Duul.y of Baden, pianoforte play, log apiead ao mi to excite a decided movement agali et It Flret, tbo oity paeentl a law fining any one who played with tha window open. That offered lit tle help, though, to th house next door, and the next step was Uie formation of I -j..fl Miu-iuuaiuau 0VWy, BWUtU ! not tu inurrv alrlfl who nlavail tlm nlann The hocloiy at laet aooounts numbered over ($00, but the Cwlsruhe girls had mua ot tbem token to ttts fiddle $ai tbe Treasit bom. Aft Ills li Ufa la Itllnrr. To thousand of neonio wlio hv tb ilmi, of Eotofula In Iheir caused py tho dreadfnl rnoniog rptn aid other manifestations of this ...w. yond descrlplloe. Thera is no oiktr re medy tqnal to Hood's Satsanartlla for srt. tola, salt rhsnm and vry f. roefblo.fi ditease. It is reaionaMy nor to brn.fil all who give il a fair trial. B9 Bt( t0 2,s nood's. Thoticcnllar Oder of Russia UatJier I. ptoduccd by birch bark tar, the uis which 1l a professional sperot Catarrh, Diptlieria, Canker MeuU tnM Hestl-Anlm. tn eitTTntiia nt-Mvi?f REMEDY. A Nsssl Injeeior fr.s wi& each bottle. Use it If tan Wiu. and sneet lr.th. P.;.. Krt ..i. aJm at Biary's er Thomas' Drucstora. Somo people are bo timid thatthw holt ! at the approach of a storm, and then the thunder boltstoo. Burns or wounds should be attended ta otrefaily, especially in cold woatksr. waald recommend Sslratiorj Oil for snek oises. All dealera sell it for only E oonll a bottle. Iilfo is full of sorrows nnd disaDDoiBl- menls, but too most Bsnjnlno" hopM of all these who try Dr. Boll's Conch Bvrnn. ara always realized. It never dirippolnts. it all stealers. Price 36 cents. Stealiug cegs Is nb creat crime aftar all. The man who does it is simply gettlae tho lay of tbo land. Dyspepsia and diver Uoinnlnlnt. Is It not worth tha to ireo rourfidr nf pwnrT- EVmnih e di8tressingcoiuplainlsJ.fyou think spoilt At OUT fitnrn ant) nrt Ismi!. oli,.i.i. :Vita1icr. Every botila'hsa gunrantee on it. use accordingly, and If ft does you no good it will cost yu Bavhe. Sold at Biery's or Thomas' drug, sum. To the best of our knowladn-o ..-1,1 k. Hat. Jawg, tho trl-elckle-lst is a si.ort nf amateur lawn-mower. Ho Tolled ICoTnn'B xi.t.-- l,I,.T"nVTfkKJBP ,.B,I,"1 th sVe"S id I san't help it. It uved m. and It w!lK - cur nd I can't heln I jyu. 1 mrtaiened with nnnt.iii. I.V. ghi!tar"1 .t""s Th. first dttt h.lM -It doesn't nccessarllv follow man Is a slovenly writer that tha wlald. a pis pen. aIII.i' Nerve and Unr pill.. - All lmnorinnt rllcrnrAv Tk .i 1,. 11 :. : ; .5 ... iuci, Biuujucii Hiiu uoweis iiirnnh.fi.A inertes. A new principle. They spiedly llrAll lr.i.cnAcu 1 1 ....... . ,,1, r nd iii6lipat!on Splendid for men, woraei uu LiuiuiLu. omauest, mildest, surest. doses for 25 cents. Samples free at T. B. inumas anu v. tr. JJicfys Drue Slorc, -To be candid with yoa.CIara." wa thtnlr wardrobes aro rather to heavy for spring wear. Gambetta's heart Is not tho nnlv . rxlio a great man that French people would like to find. Search ts now baiua mado for Ifir- abeau's remains. AsU Your Friends Ahhn. I Yftar ilifttrAoulno. nr-l. .... I. - 3 w. know it becauea Kemp's Balsam wiiMh the Past few venrs hn nirol en-man i I and ctdds in this community. Ils toraarka- i t.iie uoi ueen won entirely by its geno ms merit, Ask some friend who tins uses! it wbathe thinks of Kemp's Balsam. Thera is no medicine so pure, none so cflectire, Lurce bottles BOr? nnd t,1 .On nf nil J.....I.I. Sample bottle free. A society has been lucoiuotated In New- York to protect theyounj; FroncU sowing women of that city. A Ureatllattla IS riMl.tnilllV CTOlnrr An in .V.. . when you surfer with rbn.,.mMlonrcisb,'r colds; they strive to ruin health and drur tinisto the siave. Take timely wamlnjand vls- r7u, T and M cents." "u 0"rs, H -;;, -, ,,v'v ,vfc'"ivt ia a .or rnraisr dyspepsia, bllionsness, heaitbtirn, lndn.-ts.tlca. At Trafton, Colo., a man cot causht In one of bla on n boar traps and nearly starred to asatu. A Scrap of Paper Saves Ur Ufa. It WAR Inst an Ardlnnn .a-d,. r.f ...... paper, but ft sayed her Die. Hlie lu lU iJR stages of consumption, told by phj'i-'i-nswHt she was Incurable and could IUe .m.) u shirt time; she nehhed less thin seventv nauaja. tua tllp of wrapping paper sno mad f r. It helped her, she bouKI)t u l.-.io ti.,uit. It ha ed her more, benght aiiOlhci ,,ikI;h w ketiar healthy, rosy, plump, wela-hlng no l ounds Ftt fuller particulars send stamp to v. u. col. derful discovery free at Itebei ' li un bwis. Women are exclusively eiuuloved in tba hand wearing of Turkey carpets. Bo Vour Own Doctor. It won't nut von nna halt a. mm,!, not delay. Sent three two-tent stamp far postage, ana we win frond ou i)i. t.jj man's great, work, fine colored plal'se fi.n lie, mi uiaxasssi, lis causss anu lion i- mi Add r.s, A. P. Ordwar & Co.. W'i Aiass, London has 00,000 families that Uvo in oellsrs. An Important Matter, Th foll'iwino lattm fr, fr V7 I Tbi-mtnn, of Cuiiiaibus, Wis., ia irniliarty interesting: "My wife,'' sy he, "I ip txm treated for her Bead, .tnmarh .n.l nrw,Ma prostration by three docion in .;w Yerk, two in Chicago, one in f iniadeiphia, t.ne ia Cincinnati, and at the .nMlu.te ia Uuflilo for If) months. Thsv ail Miled. liut one bottla ni Dr. Mil..' !:.:, .tl.a Nervine helped her WonilnfullT ' Thjs should be used in all headacho, I sckstkas, ckanafi of life, nervnn. dint. rin, rc tita rheainsttsra, etc. Alt at T. h 'll.on-as' and W. F. Bierv's druj sti.rc icr an irial bottle and Dr. Miles' new rx.sk on Uie ?rvts and Heart. Sermons shouk1 be put unoa the list et text style fabrics. , Nearly all ooldn are tllum, nt fi bat thsir tendency is to ao lower tb.. fvstf la that tbe sanVrer b'd mes a ready vietiat te any iin valsnt deh i. Tl use of Ayer'. Cherry l'aetor.l, to tbe Wgiui.mg of a tjld, voald goari againat this durgt r. You are mistaken ( b.r'y, ( editorials are never writ ten h.'L i,:i k eccaaioualiy on rural papers the i. n6 li i. done wilb tbe abears. Pralss people ys- satblv (t .v., til las tksf 4t wiL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers