tfavhon jf GET HUM Carbon Advocate I AU tho Ne-nr- 3 1 52 WkHBKy $1.00. y (job printi'Mg Lowest Price I , SBB us. Jr $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT?' Live and Let Live." $1.28 when not paid in Advance. VOL. XIX.. No Lohighton, Oaxbon Conrity. Ppnna., Decembet 20, 1890. Single Copies 5 Gent FRENCH AU kiuds of Rough Material arc hero aRaiu. They will bo found pfedorainating amorfjj almost ev6ry style of DressStuffsforAufumn&Winfer wear. Among the Plain Rough Goods there is nothing more serviceable than handsome Camel's Hair. Wo call particular at tntiontoour 15c per yard goods. Four other grades, 1.00 $1.85, $1.50 and 2.50 per.yard. mm 634 Hamilton Lehigh Goal & Hardware Go., (LIMITED) Bcilex'B orner, North First Street. Would Make this Special Announcement Of the fact that they have bought the finest and most complete Una of Guns, Revolvers, Cartridges, Shells, both blank and loaded. Gun Covers, Game Bags and all Implements and Tools used by the Sporting Fraternity ever ihowjiin Carbon county, and that they have marked them at prices that will defy ompetition. We extend an earnest invitation to all to mbm and inspect them whether you want to buy at present or uot. We also have n line of Dr. Horner's Cattle and Horse Powders, THK FIRST KOCH & S FIRST PREMI1 and display o Sure m&Ia awarded tbe FIK3T PREMIUM Men's Boys' and Children's CLOTHING, 941 taffleltnt eyldenie that the Arm ol Koch ft asiaes In lb IhUrn Valley. 1 neir siock and Is by far the largest ever Working Suits. Business Suits and ties, and of every Saeklag Jackets, House Coats, m great variety. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS ! ! Tntzsanai to select from, la all the ntneet shades. Kersey takes the lead, Ws hv Uisai tn yort4s Dltsrtnt Shades. Boy's and Children's Clothing. of eitr are piled full. We will make any mother proud of her boy. It Is astonishing tarn taste Butts are sold. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. As Y see ByTIRHT FREUIUM we bad the die ta al all these points I nu we sutnwuu ursi ciaii. maierini. auu. aiperituuni. jrdV iMAottrtmmtngs 4th. All skilled niecnanica to mane tne garments, cm, uH tux ssjtosasrs alwiys pleased. flRTTT'S FURWISHIUG SOODS. Valorwaar, Xilt Jaoksts. Hosiery. Suspenders. ' Drlflng GloToa, Collars, tm'Xtt miki it a nolnt to lead the trade in' these atSUl 1TVSU 1IUU Ul OHUHV.4.iai w, w "J . 1 - . . . l. - ...n.rar (II. n.u.all Koch & Shankweiler, ffle baibE aul Laraest ClotMni Hotel Allen Building. ALLENTOWN, PA., mm K2OPPOSITE L IRST STREET, - Haa just opened an LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! CoratmBinK all the very latest styleB in White Goods. Sa tan. Prints, e-inffiaams, Fancy iDress Jratterns 01 ino low nrices. n. ' aa. - . W fill Csrocaries, Provisions, ?7ood and Willowware . , Cloths Oassimors. Hats, made Clothing in great variety and at prices with the reacli of nil TiurchaMM nrices fuliv as low as the same goods can be Kroght for at any other general Carpets, Oil-oiotns, ijaxnps ana ixturos in great wrietv and of best quality at Rock Bottom Prices." ... tf ? Beat duality ot Jt lour ana ' , .hoBaA A cur load of coarse m . m . 1 v been marttea aown uj me All coods of the very best quality and are being sold at prices usually as low as .the same goods is this section. Call and be convinced. July 823-71 JOBWORK of all at For Brissels, Ingrain and Good "Rag CarDets. Saxony, uermantown and Stocking Yarns, Brufih Mats, call Excelsior Carpet Works, WOKXM rixaw9 B W PJ IWpIwriw a St., Allentown. PBBMnr. at the Lehigh county Fair lor tho manufacture Shanlcweller sun taice tne leaa in me uioiuing ior mis r an nas ueeu earciuuj nwi-Mu, shown In this section, Dress Suits in Large.Quantv Description. Offlce Coats, Bath Robes, &c, trade tn style, quality, make and finish and In Perfects fits Dress and Flannel Shirts, Dress, Street and Culls. Neckwear, && lines and are the first to show all the new de- ..,, mum .,v ..... . " V ' anrf urn ulll t.vtn ntduu vrvt. House In lbs MB YalleyJ Centre.Spuare. LEHIGHTON, Pa entire new line of murstJllIbS. oeersuoKers ana me very oesi qualities at oxceeti 1 a. .1 orocieiyware,wasBwaie, of the best makes at low figures. 1 1 - Ml Boots. Shoes and Ready- store in this vicinity. mm -m . , . 1 eea ai prices iuuy as low as me oloavohovn has just been received-the price t j. a. very lowest.notcu. can bought at any goneral stoie &M0S REIfHUL. kinds nicely executed this office, rices low. Carpet Wool, and at AMI alJO JL , JbUnJCiUTOrJ, o l he bmquJMum 9tpt HANKW & S. DEPOT,Sf Professional k Business Cards. W. M. Rapshor, A.TTORNET asd COUNSELLOR AT I.A.W, Flrtt door abovo the Mansion Itome, MaUCH CHUNK, .... PENN'A. Ileal Estate and Collection Agency, will Buy ilid Sell Ileal tiitato. nnnYuvminlnir niuitlv rinnn. Collections promptly made. Settling Estates of uecjaems specially. iay do consulted. In English and German nor. 23-yl W. O. tVT. Soiple, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTH STREET, . . - LEIIIOHTON. Hay bo consulted la English and German. Special attention glrcn to Gynecology. orriCK Ho mis; From M. to a r. M..and from o to 0 1. M mar. 31-vl PACKERTON HOTEL, Midway between Mauch Chunk & Lenlghton, Z. 11. 0. HOM, Proprietor. PACKERTON, - - - Plan, l hls well-known Hotel Is admirablyreOttod, and has the best accommodations for permanent and anient boardors. Excellent Tablet and the e.Liry best Liquors. BtablosattaeUed. lah- MANSION HOUSE Opposllo LAS. Depot, BANK STREET, LEIIIOHTON, 0. H. nOM, PROPRIKTOK tills house otTera first-lass accommodations tor transient and permanent boarders. It haa been newly reSttcdln all Its departments, and Is locat ed In one of tho most pIcturosque"pcrt!orn of the borough. Terms modoratc. or Tho b Alt Is uppiica wiui 'jie choicest wines, Liquors ana Jlgars. Frcah u)ter on Tap, aprlT-yl O. A. CLAUSS, omce wlth Clauss llros., First street, Xehlghton Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE. Only Frat-class Companies are represented Information cheerfullyturnlslied. 4-1; Ex-Sheriff Rabenold. N. Stb St.. - - . AIXKNTOWN. DENTISTRY, in alt its branches. Fresh gas always on band. Tbe patronage of the people la solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4-6-00 DR. J. P. BROWN, . Slatington, Penna. Special Treatment given in Diseases of Women. Specialist In Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Catarrh Permanently Cured. Fine Frameless Eye Glasses and Spectacles ad- Justed my own patent. augfrly DR. G. T. FOX, 172 Main Street, Bath, Pa. at Bangor, Hboadwav iiocsk, Mondays, at kabtok, swan iiotkl, tuksdats.-,- AT liRTlILEIlKM. SUN IIOTKL. WKDNKBDAYB. AT ALLKN'TOWN, KAOLK HOTEL, TUUnSDAf S.T UATU, r HID AYS AND SATURDAYS, Offlce Hours' From 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. Practice limited to diseases of tbe Eve.Ear, Nose &. Throat fay-Also, Refractlonof the Byes or the adjust ment uixi&sses. F. I. SMITH, D. D. $.-, 0!3cft opposite the Opera House. Bank Street, Xehlghton, Pa. DENTISTRY IN ALL IT8 BRANCHES. Filling and making artificial dentures a special' ty. Local anesthetics used. Has administered and Teeth Fxtracted WITH' OUT PAIN. OFFICE HOURS : From S . m., to IS m from l p. ra., io d p. m., irom 7 p. m.. 10 a p. m Consultations In English or German Office Hours at Hazleton Everv Saturday. Oct 15-87 IV W.IT. DA.NZER. imm i i m. ii.njuij no. xo Hortu YVyomlne St., HAZLETON, PENNA. Specialist In Diseases of the YE. NOSE AND' THROAT Or. Dan:er will be at the Exchange Hotel, Lehigfcton, on FKIDA.Y of every weak betweenftbe hours vi v a. iu., nuu u. ni. Spectacles and Eye Glasses accurately fitted at iDwuuama firices. t3y-Consultatlon In German and Enxlish. aiigusiie-sotrn s von OrriOB : Over J. W. IlauiabusU' uwuor tstore, BANK BTKEUT. LEIIIOHTON. uentlstry In all Its branches. Teeth Extracted llhout Pain. Gas administered when reruestod. uraca uays wsuaioiuai oreacn wees. P.O.addiess, ALLKNTOWN, s-yi iniga cwrair. ra. IggfSubscribe lor and read Ono this paper. Purely local. , dollar a year. Jndigestioa I k ... . . is not-oniy a aisnessmg compiami, ot 1 Itself, but, by causlne tho blood to beoome denrarud and the system en feebled, Is the parent ot innumerable maladies. That Aycr'a Sorsoparllla is the best cute for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, Is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Jlioh.: "Liver complaint and Indigestion made my life a burden and came near ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, waa reduoed almost to a skeleton, and hardly had suenjEth to drag myself about All kind of food distressed me, and only the most delicate could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re lief Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the Be of Ayer's Saraaparllla, which Las produced wonderfnl results. Boon after corainenHtig to take the Sarsapa tllla I oould "-e an Improvement in my condition. M v appetite be (ran to return end with It oaiu be ability to digest all the food taken, a; strength ia proved fri day. and after a few iBODtus of faltlifql attention to your dlrtothms. I found jnytfU well womsB. able to attend to all household daUaa. TU vedtolna has lren raa 6 Bewlaasaef Hl." AyBr's SarsaparilU, ftsaa sr. ttr. J, . Ayer A Oo., UweH, Maw. yt,i; tUHHW.ti- VTaf a . &. S. Rabonold, D. D till? Cll I.T ANM HK I.IT.T. tnnomnt nlitla and snow-whlta flewr! Well are ye paired la yoiir opening houri Thus i' ouI I tit pare and the Klr ro, BtalnlMa with suinleu. and we wihwt, frhlt. m thos lMirea Just bknra iMrs, Are tas pliant (oldest thy own youtff'i-srti Ontl.y pauloa and caat'rliic oars Hererbave 1.M ihelr trtees tt. Artlna h( Shout h IIvhi cMl bow O'er x whit btotsom with rarneM MK Boon wllltt tire thy ehtldUb ey, ralr aa It Is, thou irUt thro U fey. Throw It aside In thy weary hour, ' Throw It tn tbe ground, tie fair whtt wf t Tat, aa thy trader yeara dapars, Kp that white and lanoeaatnaatv Jif "NEra SAY DIE" ' Hello lM esolalmed Charlie Allen, "Grlf-'s In trouble again 1" " ttounds ilka It," l ejaculated. This was our third day in the Sierras. Orit,-our protege, had narrowly osoaped death twice during this short time, and now tho groat snarling growling and crackling of underbrush, arising: trout k glen In the direction h4uvd jdst token for firewood, "beopoke, another . ndTn, ture. Belting our rifles we started on run toward the sounds' whloh grsw louder every moment. Heavens I" ezolalmed Tjharlle. m we n eared the side ot the glen from welch the pandemonium arose : " look ill I uttered an ojaculstlpn ot horrors I gozod down lnlb tho glan, end mybeart seemed to stop betting. There, on a mossy plot, rolling about. now this way, now that, was Grit In the embraoe ot a grizzly bear, Jabbing at th animal's heart with a diminutive leak knife, with might and main. The bundle of firewood Grit went for was scattered about on all sides and his coat wad torn Into shrods. Ills hat and one boot, which he had kicked off In hi fight, lay among the faggote. He was too much engaged with the bear to notice our approach, and kept picking away at Its aide with tbe little knife In a manner which demonstrated the appropriateness ot his queer nick name. To attempt a shot at tne bear from where we stood would huve been mad nees, so we bounded down Into the glen and placing our rlSos against Its bo-ly, pulled trigger, being careful that unr bullets would not pierce our friend. There were two muffled re porta, and, as Charlie's bullet lodged In the beowt's eplnal oolumn the battle waa quickly endod. Freeing htmsolt from the beast's claws, Grit put his fqot victoriously on the car cass, In true Bowery dramatic style, his bloody Jaokknlte rained In hl rUfht hand. Strange to say, ha was not Vdry seriously hurt. Well, you are a caee," exclaimed Charlie s&rcasUoally. Why didn't you run when you saw It, and get us to coma with the rIOosr "Frald he'd get erway," returned Grit, looking down proudly at the pear. And yeu you tackled hie with thatl" gassed Charlie, reterriotf to ths Insignificant pockot-knsfe. Yep,"-said arltrwipisg the blood from It on the bear's hid. ''I heard ar kind er funny sniff and snort when I wm getting the wood, and wbsn I looked up, there was htm grinning at me from be- hind er bush. I says ter nijvlf, ' Jlr. Bear, yer my meat,' and soils in." Charlie looked at me and I looked at htm. It was plain to us that, had wo not arrived as speedily as we did. In. stead of " Mr. Bear" belnj Grit's meat, Grit would have been an .1dltlou to Mr. Bear's "larder. Kot a taar-Ilghter in that region would have tackled Grit's bear With such weapon as Grit used. It would have been certain suloide. It was madness for Grit to do what he did. We'vo got to let him have a gun. said Charlie, aa we returned to cams " but I hate to. for the Lord knows what wraps he'll be getting Into with It. Bo, from tuat time on, Urlfc stalked about with a rifle, longer Uian himself, over his shoulder, and, as la usual when a gun is near, no more bears appeared. A week passed and still oar luck was against us. We prospected further and further luto the heart ot tne wild region without success. Thtt was dls. appointing. One nlcht we had camped at the base ot an unusually gratioj mountain a torri flo rainstorm flooded" the camp and farced us to take shelter beneath an ovcr-bt log rook. While we waited there a great rumbling sound suddenly filled the air and the whole mountain seemed to trem ble beneath us. The storm had started a land slide. Luoklly, It was not above us or we would have been crushed and bruised beneath It on Its downward picnge. We could hear the crash ot Umber and grinding pf rocks, and knew that It was not far off. "What makes you feller look so happy 7" asked Grit,, when the noise had oeased. " You're smiling like er basket ot chips." When Charlie had told him how these slides often disclose great flndt ot geld which would otherwise have to be mined tor, and that we stood a splendid chisoe ot being abte to vjck up all the gold wo could carry back East without having to use onr picks and shovels. This pleased Grjt immensely. Re did not sleep another wink that rilght, and was at a high pitch ot excitement la the morning. The slide waa a large one. X rugged ridge, whloh had attraated our attention the day before by its bold ploturesque ness bad parted from the mountain-side and lay at the bottom ef a deep ravine, some seven hundred teet below Its. former position. IU path had the appear, anoe of a newly.ploughed field with here and there, a scraggy root or Jagji, ugly looking rook protruding. "Do you see thatr said Charlie to Grit, by the way of warning, a a Urge emergencies. Confident that the ""'''""wo.ldbe carried out and would ' You ikeep with us, d don't go 1 rutory, he ordered his bear further than the edge of tnU.eJUfi Uin to be spread on the ground and in a oneotthoee wiUetrlkeyoa and, plft M a was tn dP asleep. He slept ad io your day." ... forTvyenty rolnutw and his etsff began el'ViS' mV& FLKtlt -'W. b waking he issued not trust ht sol determined to k e further others without asking any que- , miM am him ..... . -wr- I . . 1 I 11 I PiaSBiaacMaSa))aBaBajassa High of all in Iarff w,t!. & Gov't Report, A. 11. tZ mi This I did for a time, as we searched tor whatever the slide might have lntd bare tor us. As the search was signally sueoessfa! I booome absorbed In It, how ever, and soon forgot all about Grit. The search had lasted tor, perhape, two hours, when It had an awful Inter ruption. Looking up, at a great vraeh souuded above on the mountain. side, I beheld a monstrous body ot earth, rooks, and trees oome tumbling, crashing down the path the slide had takon and direct ly beneath it, little Grit- Charles and I gazed at him In horror. He bad not heeded Charlie's warning. In his hands was something which looked from where we stood, like a small bould er. As the mass, from above, bore down upon him, we saw him close up on this object like a Jacknlfe and, then he disappeared from our sight. Bluntly, Charlie and I descended the great mountain. AU the enthusiasm Which our luck had caused wee gone. Willingly would we have given un.the gold It that would have prevented tho tad .accident. Finally, we reaohedthe mountalbsbose waa confusion there. Great trees, two feet lu diameter wore broken in in, while the trunks ot other, with their many roots, stood high above the ground, their limbs being burled tn mine. We hardly hoped to find Orlt-'s body there In the contusod mass. But we searched carefully and were finally sue eeosful. By the side ot a monotor boul der he lay, drawn up In rt wad around the same dark lump we bad soon htm clutch as the slide had slruok him. A corner of It was knocked off and showed it to-bo an Immense nugget) the largest by far I had ever seen. Badly I, put my hand over his heart, I oould not feel a slightest throb. Dead." I murmurwl, looking up at Charlie. For a moment he waa si leu I. "IUmember (he bear," he said grimly. I felt Urlfs heart axaln, more care fully than before Oould I liellevo itf Yea I there was the elichtejt, faintest movement, Grit lived I Miraculous ae it seemed, tlio little raaoal survived. " We don't give you a ohance to dis play yourself again," scowled Charlie, when Grit had regained oousalousnpss. ' We'll get out ot this country with htm Juat ee quick a we can, hey, 0)4 man," ha added. Jnst aa aulck ae good money will take us," I returned. At this Grit painfully raised himself up s his elbow, and winking one eye, otiaraeterlsuoauy exolalmed, 'never say die, boys." A California Uro. Twonty-flve years ago, when tho Jose phine quicksilver mine lu Ban Louis, Obispo, was being worked, tho owners hired aiexioans .mostly, and thoy woro a set of out-throats who would kill a per- son, for a dime. An old fellow named Humphreys moved Into the district and opened a saloon about a mile from the utlne, In a guloh near the main road. lie kifpt money en hand, moro or less, and ui jueusaus asienniuea 10 rou 111m. uno mgni wnsn ne was em na ajone in his saloon five of them entered and called for drinks. They paid the money and stood up at the bar. Then, when Humpereys sat down at tho end ot the room, near the stove, one of them locked the door and all five surrounded him, the leader drew a knife, and told him to give up quietly and he would not be hurt. Humphreys, rising to (he emer gency, seised this leader and throw him out ot the closed doors into the gulch. The door was aa ordinary .paneled one ot white pine, halt-lnoh panels eel In Inch frame. Humphreys at once soleed the next Mexican by the head and tUrnw him against two ot the others, flooring therai he then began throwing the men out of the broken door, and in a few minutes the last of his assailants lay bruised and defeated in the guloh below. For weeks the front doorot the saloon remained a mere frame, with a hole In 1U middle three feet across,, and the Mexican miners as they passed would cross them selves and pray to be delivered from that "Diablo Don Miguel Humphreys." I was Interested In tbe story, and a tew yeara later picked up what I oould about the hero of this little frontier episode. Ha waa a, born about 1703, end therefore alxty-eoven year old when he whipped his Mexicans, Bnt he took no pride in the affair, tor It was infinitely less than soma of his earlier feats. He had been a " fighter an' 'raetler" all his days, and no one bad ever mastered him, either In strength or in skill. Rude, uneducated fellow though he was, the old man was' always " square on the deal." One cannot but think that this fight ing man ot the backwoods whs worthy ot larger Held. In him, as In the other men I have desert bad, one was Instantly bapreseed by a total Indifference to all standards except Ms own. He was like a California grlasly he would not go an iooh out ot his way to start a fight. ".Never dared a man In my 1 !f '' was hU own terse phrase. " Never tailed sr wblp what 'dared iue."-PItibtirg Sp Wiatt Maps. Borne ot the great Generals whose names are familiar to i have a wonder ful power of sleeping tor jt tew moments, sveaon the battle-fled. The Duke ot Wellington, Just before the attack'on 8t Sebastian, In Spain found that tbe breaching batteries would not b ready to open the attack for two hours. " The best thing we can do," he said, " Is to sleep," and slipping off his horse lata a trench, ha was asleep in an Instant. Kapoleon, at tbe very crisis of the Im portant battle ot Wagr am, ordered his pmih. w 1 U a nnv.r AlA ..Mnt tn hobs, aa ir Be nasi noi eiorc. it Mtv tt V - D&King ftwder GSZ. ECONOMY IN SHOES. rjfi3 A I.tttl. rhUoaophy mi m tluhjart ol Valvaraat IntTet. .Almost every one trie to be roonomU eat at one time or another, but there are very few people who economize wisely. Clothing Is one of the easiest things to be foolishly economical about. Thle la particularly true about shoes. Shoes ar essential to comfort, though perhaps not to happiness. A man who has tight shoes on, or whose shoes wabble around on his feet, oannot be really comfort, able, neither oan ha be comfortable It his shoes are crooked or twisted, or do not look well. If he ha to wear the same pair ot ahoes every day, they wear at the same places on his feet, end detract from his comfort. It Is also bod business polloy. Shoe cost from $1.2$ up to $14 a pair. Fourteen dollars Is as much ae any pair of ordinary walking shoes cost In New York city. Beoond-hand ahoen can be bought aa low as B cents a pair. There la a wide margin between these extremes. A man who wants to be eoonamloal us ually buy neither ono kind ot shoes nor the other. He doe not buy $14 shoes because, they cost too much ) bo does not buy second-hand shoes because he does not like the Idea ot having second-hand things. Usually he gets an Imitation ot the beet grade ot shoes. This Is tho most ooetly thing he can do. A real 914 shoe will- outwear two $7 Imitations of It. It will not outwear two $7 pairs ot shoes that are $7 pairs ot shoes mid do not pretend to bo anything olso. But that is not so muoh what the economical man buys. Instead of going to tbo choapcr shoe stores and getting their beet shoes, he goes to one ot the oostly shoe stores and gets their ohoapost shoes. This Is one ot the petty econo mies whloh a man thlnka sarea hltn $10 or $18 a year and whlah does not. The way to clothe one's foot cheaply la to buy several pairs ot shoes at a time and never to wear any of them out. Shoes worn twice a week will lost tor years, while a pair of shoos worn every day will not last more tbann few months. When a man wears the same pair of shoos every day the strain cornea on the eatne plooos in the shoes and the some parts ot hie feet t the shoes get damp, and tho tension Is not relax od except at night. When a man stops Into a mud puddle or gets 111 shoe rained on one day, the leather by the next day Is not in a condition to be worn, while If the shoes were put away end let stand for a few days, they would be all right again, and might even be better for having been wot. Thon tho style does not change In shoes aa in hat and olothos, eo thero is no trouble In preserving them Indofl nltoly. Two pairs of patent lonlher low shoee will do tor summer wear for five years, tf properly treated. Three pairs ot walking shoe will last tor two years without needing half soling. They will always look wall, only all the ahoes must be bought at one and kept tor some time before being worn. Among Ua Ants. The reeembleno .between ants and human being Is not striking to a casual observer, although a writer le able to adduce quite a number ot points upon which aupfi a resemblance may bo main talned. In Jtaot, be says that I heir ex traordinary likeness In many respects to human beings la perhaps the mojt won derful thing about them. To login with, they live In large oltle of their own building t they have a queon in each oommunlty to whom they show most loyal respeef hod devotion ; they have an army ot soldiers to protect the busy workers : they keep slaves ; they make use ot a certain Insect called the aphis, muoh as we make use ot oowe: tbey are fond of their homos, and are ready to fight vigorously all Invaders ; they are careful and tender tn oheriehlng their young ; they lsy up stores for the win ter: they ere most particular rocloar away rubbish from their dwelling; they even, seem to have certain ceremonies on occasions suoh ae a formal funeral. We dhould not be surprised to learn that although the ante are said to resemble human being in theee pttrtleulArs, they aec matter ot fact far excel them In thoroughness of execution. The neate whloh they build for themselves are de scribed as houses full ot rutesages and rooms, or as oltle tall of etroots and houses, always partly below and partly above ground. Perhaps such a neet bears most resemblance to some huge, rambling, old-taehloned caotte, with countless passages, rooms, collars and dungeons, occupied by a large com munity ot soldiers and civilians ; being also a royal Beat, In whloh the king and queen reside with any number of fol. lowers, Theee thing refer more to ante ot tropical ollmates than to any others, but they all have their special sharao- tertstioe. no matter where they live. Tlia United Slat. td tn Physicians. There Is certainly no mora curious social p'.enomenon than that ot .the ex traordinary popularity of the medical calling In thle vuntry as a means of securing a llvellhol. The subject Is one that Is often dwelt upon, but we doubt If many yet realize the grotesque mlsproportlon which medl. cine In the United State holds to other bread winning occupations, Here are some of tbe naked facte In the matter t France has 88,000,000 ot population, 11,989 doctors, while It graduates 631 modloel etudents In one year. Germany hat 49,000,000 ot population, about thirty thousand dootors, and gtad. uates 035 student In one yeu. The United Btates ha about sixty millions of population, nearly one hun, dred thousand dootors, 18,001 medical students.end graduate 9,740 etudents in one year, Germany, which has relatively lees than halt a many dootors a Ametlca, Is already groaning over He surplus. When one compares France with thla 00 u arty, the excess ot medical men here deems most astonishing. A comparison ot the United State with European countries, in whatever way it I made, .oads one to think that there Is some thing almost morbid in our medical fecundity. . A ttarret f tti Scullery, Mistress" Why, Brlggltte, how could you think of buying Rover a sausage r You might find something better to do with your monyl" Cook" Pleas, ma'am, th dog de serves a reward 1 think bow oltecuhe has helped me to elaan the plates Tfca BartTa fiamla. A lady, about &tl!y forth last New Year's Dy, holdout Jwhaad to If It was attlX raining. At that is mast aa erreAA-bey, who oam whittling fews tb street, leek hold of th b4, Mtd S,v it hrtjTike 14 : " Happy aw Twlc ir An Batlnf Dean Hi For prtmltlvenese, tbla re!wi-ot could scarcely be outdone. The dining table consisted ot a log In which eishtaen cavities appeared at regular Interval. Each cavity was about tho size of large soup bowl, and fastonod near every oa waa a big iron spoon attaohed to th lojf by an Iron chain. Tbe mothod ot dining was neither complicated nor prolonged. A tablt d'hote dinner ooriatated of one course, whloh, by tbe way, was ttM only dinner served In the house, 6x five pfennigs about one ont and a quarter ot our coin. The diner on ton cod de posits his money before taking hi) Thon bo chooses one ot the broad savl ties, seizes the Iron spoon, and wait for the waiter. That functionary Is usually a sort ot Pooh-Bab, combining in blmelf the duties ot cashtor, proprietor, head waiter, end bounoor-ln-chlst. After tbe guest Is eeatod the waiter walk up to him bearing two b teaming oan and asks shortly: "Thick or oloar onpr Th diner usually, after sniffing th fume of the cans and giving tbo matter weighty consideration, makes hi decision, and thon the factotum fills np tit n direct cavity with soup, turns on hi beel, and waslios his hand ot all further eoturider- atlon. I did not gain the Impression from a oaaual Inspection that tb welter had evor washed hi hands In any other than a figurative eons. The diner scoops the soup out ot the hole tn th log with his iron epoon, and having thus dined wisely and well, la promptly ordered out by the bounoer-in-chlst. There Is no lingering over o after- dinner cigar, nuts, raisins, fruit or poffee. The expedition ot the meal 1 it most striking charaoteristlo, except, perhaps. It elmplloity. Far the l4Ullee. Tbe lights in dressing rooms are many tlmos so arranged that a lady can get fine vlew'ot her face, but Is unable to distinguish the top of her head. One evening at a party I wanted to rearrange my front hair, and I found it very dim. cult to get a good light on the subject. 1 suoaomy picRea up the oover of a large pasteboard box that lay upon the talilo and hold It with my left band back ot my head. I was delighted. Every little curl woe distinctly seen against this white background. A light-colored fan against dark hair, and a dark on bock of a blonde, would answer the cnas purpose. Every lady should poosees a toilet bag, made according to taste and shirred with a ellk cord. Ineldo should be pooVeta for comb, button-hook, glove-bnttonor, uumDie, powaer oiotii ana a scrap ot a needle book on which are etuok threaded needles. A tiny pair ot scissors nd on extra handkerohlef may bu rddsd. Slip pers and the fan In Its box eo i the bottom. I have one, which I Mil sty party bag. If you want a lovely odor In your rooms, break off broncho of the Norway sprvtoo and arrange them In a Inrg Jag well filled with water. In few lay tender, pale green branches feather ont, eolt and cool to the touch, and gttrisa the delightful, health-giving odor w all eo dearly love. My library smell of the foroBt. I am very proud ot tk Hwg' groon plumes In tbe corner. The Unitey'. Lot tot Watwmeioa. It would be Intercetlng to know whether there Is any tstsas for th theory that negroes have a poastOMt and almost Irresistible love for water melons. There Is no cewepper Jok more thoroughly popular and more wid ly oxplotted than that which aHrtbate to the average citizen of African descent In this country a yearning for th water, melon whloh passes alt rosabl grounds. The loss ot that parttenUr Joke to the maker ot machine humor in the newspapers would be an almost' Ir reparable one, and yet no on oema to know exactly what gave rise to the Joke. Negroes in the cities bavo a violent and Irresistible yearning for hot corn and hot potatoes In the winter. They psteoalse the etreet venders of corn and potatoes with their lost pennies, and In summer the negro quarters of New York are re plete with rod lemonade and cheap-eigdra. Tbure io also a fair sale of- peanuts in Thompson street, but watermelon stands there are unknown. If the fondness of the American negro for melon b 00 great, a speculator ought to be able to do a brisk business In the quarter ot the town where the colored man flourishes. Don't Bub the By. When you get a olnder or epeek of duat or other offensive particle In your eye, don't rub It Don't touoh It Don't pull down tho lid. Don't put your hand near It. Lot It alone. This I very hard advice to follow, and In nine case out of ten you will find yourself rubbing your eye before you know It. But It you can refrain from touching your eye at all the aotion ot that organ will Itself cast out the offending mote In muoh quicker time, and with far less Irrita tion, while your efforts would only hinder It and perhaps fasten the In truder no that It will stay a long .time. Ot course It tt is a partlole ot metal you will consult a surgeon or oculist at pnoe ; but ordinary substances are best treated aa above indicated. Some peo ple Bay, " rub the other eye," but this is of no use. Nevada's Boiling Lak. Recently an Item has been going the rounds In regards to a boiling lak near j Laeeen's Peak. California. It la not I generally known, but we have In Nevada ia similar boiling lake. It is situated s,t the eastern base ot the first large moun J tain range east of tho Sink ot the Carson, 1 It liee on tho edge ot an immense daaert i n desert eo large and soorchlng that I in Huminor tbe Indians never attempt to I roe it except at night, and even then- ! they always go provided with a large 1 nippl' of water. On three sides ot the ! lake ore rooks two or three hundred teet nlfib. wh'trh are perfectly bare and which are hqtned to a deep brick-red. The ira of the lake Is about two acres; I Though steam Is constantly rising from the water the whole surface ot the lak ' doea not boll. I Tbe ugltatton boiling Is oonftaed to the great springs which burst up at seveial points. These spring force , eolumiis ot water from a foot to two or j three feet In diameter to a height ot over ' 30 lnphee,above the general surface of the : lake, causing a loud rippling aooad and 4 oonsldnrfrbla local oomraattoo. The j water ot the whole lake Is doubtless I boiling hot, though not teen to boll, for a ijrook flowing from it down into ttk sands of tie desert W)d np a otoud, ot ataaw for a dlstanee ot eveI nun dial sWs. About s Ball tee the lake' U a gteat deposit of solphar, rMbaijag Ui rough wblott are stream 01 pur ibm rrciaiwQ yMXlt)f TJW w Swellings in the neck and alt Other' tart 0 scrofula, salt rheum, tc, ar siirci Uf Hood's Sarsaparllla. Th heart cf a an gnillolhui k Franc reotntly continued to bMt tlx mla- ate after lb head was vrd. Ws hav a sneedv and Positive Cats tar Catarrh, Dipthtria. Canker Mouth llead-Ache, in HlilLUU'B OATAB&H. BEMEDY. A NsssI Injector ttM 'wltV. each bottle. Us It if yon dsir 'afk and tweet breath. Prle M taatt. 0eH t Bitry's or Thomas' Drujitor. Praise everybody for vrytbitg tiisy do to mak tb world bspplsr ot bstlar. Tf. aaa safely assert that nothing aglets V. Ball's (Jonah Syrnp, for all sats ef Mr tkrtat, Douahi, tolAj, ic. Fries only Ila. a settle. "Let observation with, extended vttr,"iarve jowl things from Ohlnate rer'' and.kt.wtll oat find any thla ol men eitoaUhlna; ' asm 1 hllUcg- all the pains that nun Is h.lj to, a K will know li la Balvatlaa Otl, wba ks kas Btvea It Mr trial. Praise yonr brother end risWrs fr evatythlcg tbey do well. Dyspepsia and Liver VonjtMei I It not worth the small price f 75 i to tree yourself of very symptom pt At distressing complaints, if you think f'dA at our store and get a bottle ef IhUesV Vltaliier. Every boitle hss ariatsfl Suarantee on it, us ccordiBgly, a, a? oe vnu no good it will cost ya Ksthuiaj, Bold at Blary'aor Thomas' drug, . Frals people yon mblv ta every thing they do well. Be Yelled Knar's 1 I veil "Take Kamn's Balsam, the basil nre." I alwavs de when 1 ktar m nu e and I ean't help It. It savsd no aaa It will 4 roa. 1 was threatened with cneaaioal ! winter and It broke It sp. it helps Ue skUar ont when their threats are sore, ecra sM eoasEj. and tastes so goal. Tk first t ksMi yon. bo writes A. It. Arnold, a salBOer Wft Weat Skore Ky at Oaoajoharle, K. S. Seven varieties of flsbe mmlntd by nalnraltsts of the GhaUssgtr tzpeultic ar found totally blind In th dssp , bst Have eye when inhabiting shallow water, Ai Miles Kerve end Llrw Meat An important discovery. Thv th liver, stomach and bowel Ibrocxh m nerves, A new principle. They tpaa vnr biliousness, bad taste, torpid Hv3 pUm and constipation Splendid for nan, ) and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. m-' dose for 25 cents. Samples fr at' V, Tkoroai snd W. F. Bltrv Drue Ssms. " It Is stated on good anthorlly tbattt taotorlss or England, Franc, Gsilaaoy 1 Bollsnd produce about 7700,OCK alas daily. But wher do tbey all go y? fa Io and dread attend the aaa ef aaaat catarrh remedies. Liquids and nils M( unpleasint a well a dscurcn. Us Creara Balm Is safe, plewsaaV easily la. plied into th nostrils, and a ssr nr. If- cieasjos me nasai passsgr ana nassa muwra lu.ui 'tuuc, giTaaT iwh w r tia CO. Thar are abont 40,000XJO patta tingle reatber of an eagl, It it stattB -8,000 rami, 6,600,000 radii sad 14,00, 000 ehilla snd hooklel. Aak Tour Trteads AtMtj jb. Tonr distreeeinc couuh can "be rt"trB know it becasse Kemp' Balsam wlth(i'Wt " past few year has cored so mifiy and cold in this commnnity. It rtBitW i ai nas oeen won entirely ty its. fjmtn P merit. Ask tome friend who hs Bffft 1 1 what lie thinks of Kemp's Balsaal The. Is no meUicin so pnre, none 'to ffHva. Urea bottle 60c snd f 1.00 at odreafeaV sample bottle free. Experiments by en Italian nhvelelaa Indicate that tnheunlosia of fewtl I diffas-. nf from that of man, and l traat ta altted to the latter. A Great Battle le aonstanllyeolnE on In the hunts r when you sutter with consumption, eonsbs -colds; they strive to rain health and dra Tier tiros to the grave. Take timely warning a4 use PanTtna Cough and Ocnsnmptlo- ecu. Prise 2 and co cents. Dr. Lee's Liver Iteeulator Is a sore aw tar dyspepsia, biliousness, hesrtbnrn. tnduwsle and all kidney complaint. Trtl tH)a On. Thomaa' Drug Store. - K yonng wpman wh ha a. dress making establishment ia Mew York dry, makes ber rent by storing fur, wrap and winter dresses lor her easterner dcring tb warm weatber. A Scrap Df Fa pax Savee Bv U. It was lust an ordinary scrap ef iiiaiiau paper, but It saved her life. She Vas la ttYSB stages of cenDtunptlon, told by hystelaaSa she was Incurable and eonld lire only a e&C tlmsi she wdyhed less than srrssty pzstjfc. n a slip of wrapping paper she liai t Wi Etna's New Discovery, and eot a ean 1 bcM It helped her, she bought a large bottle. ihmX ed ber more, boncht another and rv ar fast, eontlnned its nse and Is new MteaA hoalthy, roey, plump, welching lis pound . 7S fuller partleuDirs send stamp to V. sI7 (Ml Drncefit, Fort Bmlth. Trial battles at this WStT darral flisoovery free at Itebsr's Drug Btoro. Norwegian women ar said by travel? always to look sad and pent ovr. Tbef have low foreheads ana high ehtek bon, and walk apout with their y ectt th ground. Ii four Own Dertat, It won't cost yon one-half as muck. Se not delay. Sent three two-cent tUacp 'fjr postage, ahd w will send yon Dr. Keskf man's great work, fin colored plat rrea life, on diseases, its causes and lioka cet. Address, A. V. Ordway A O., Sosk, Mas. Mis Minerva Parker, or Philadelphia ho Is not yet twenty fonr year old, f th architect commissioned to erect th pavil ion for .the Issb.lU -Exhibition at tie World' Fir. An Important Matter. Tha iStlninir 1la t iwh. U. W , Thomson, of-Colombus, Wi., is paecliarV protrtlon by three doctor in nJKITK;' iwo ia boicago, one ini'niladaIphl7iiBt Cincinnati, and at tha larg laititatrfi uiuiaio ior 10 luonius, mey all ftlIOi But on bottle of Dr. Mile' Rtetomlr, Nrvio faelnerl her wonilertullr " TMf shoold be used in all beadachts, baektihtlr chsBge of life, nervon dltarbance, flt. and W. F. Biery's dreg stor for a fraa trial boltl anil Tir. lflW -'Kv t.'a.' Ktrva and Heart Mr. Sarah Flower Adams, thUr. rees 01 "Xearvr My God p Tb," waa aa Englishwoman. She lived in 0mb?i"i England, nd d)td in IS40. No rtmdy for blood dlsonJtti eaHual ATer1 Ssrtaparllla. Wougli .eoqeealnt! and newarfnl. tKU RillAlni. -...i e 1 ' -...... niiicn; ww, Mad way be, taken by children ss vtll.a I . j n T.i 1 ... 4, jeeoaaeBena 11 1 pieter. aine to any olht, Prks 1. Wrth 9 . Ki,1a t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers