Rfceru.. Auditor's . Commissioner's 'Wotte Win Adx Executor's Notices oon Advocate a tgai Advertising i ;s .ee nvoree notices admialitrator's notices n Mi- '. 'ty " " " 1 ; ',. " 1 . " T "i "J!...1; L!'J""',' "", ""' ', " wmiimi n nwi iiiumiii m' :m AliniAl1!! M 41 ' Hfw3R A - lb a 'JLV - Oor aMortment of the new, bKm m! j I lIUuV 1 mi ft l fjC. )3gU JH J X t OAfQM stylish effeou Id Fsll and Wlnis , J. UUHMMA5 mTAAJklW i&miu lg my wjMR,BspaMLw , Tbft.. ii. v .ueh be MM MEW r II IIMMIMl tHase Wittier nt tfc. L- .an This re-apportlonment bill eggreed upon 6Uff I m nnrta nt Ad's by the Bepubllean members of the CenusPn0rt I mpOridlU MU & committee Is based upon representation ot SOS members of tbe House, an increase of 24 In all. There Is to be member tor each 173.001 of population. Kacb Statel t oo trill retain It present representation, and 4 oo the gains by various States are as follows : All advertisements wider this head such as lost, leund, strayea, stolen, wroreu, -ior mio i ana Ml minor nouses noi weeming w uto mil bs Inserted at the rate or ode cent a word for the nrst Insertion, and one h&it cent wora ier A.rh .uiiniint insertion, nrovldlmr.now. erer, imw no auveru.emeufc wo tuniKtu iw than ct for a single Insertion, and that Ibex ne paia lor casu in aavanco. . M I a t a . a - 4 . ftf.l. 4 . i ,00 fr, .'n .T tin 7 KUHX-Store room and residence on i m PnlAriule. 1: Qeorcla. 1: Illinois. 2: Kansas, A' imnkiin t wrionnrt. next to Fort Allen Massachusetts, 1; Michigan, 1, Mlnneso- a?lWr. SWEENY'S "Corner Store" ZrJlli. .7.7 1 , T - t-rr I 1 Tl IHtT mi."- TTT. Tu I SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1800. u. MlM0Ur, a K.b.ta.S; Wew Jersey. Fi MW.'SS A M U H llllMS M JlfJVtJ . I . ' i.i. a. nr.... o. I vr.lrht 050. finn drlrer. Both In irood condition Bona Fid. ClraiUaUoa larger than that of i,uregou,i, x uu.y"'. Oscar Chrlstman, Welssport, I'a. any- Weekly H.wspaper in t Connty. Ubtobb Judge Bucher ot TKllllmsport courit,a,fewdajs ago, a leading merchant tailor of that city was convicted on the charges ot maintaining a lottery. Home time ago this merchant Introduced In con section with his business what are known as salt clubs, each club comprising seventy Or mombers, who pay Into a club f onnd one A NKW four roomed dwelling, with kltebea attached, near the Ilowmanstown Hotel, Bowmans.own. Is offered for sale. Trice jooo. apply to Mrs. miia nieiiier, on mo iremuc. - To Whom It May Concern lihed Ihelr report of receipts and expendi ture of the Commonwealth for the year Collar per week. At tbe end ot each week endlnsj.NoTembsr 80 as follows: The total drawing occurs, mo incny person secnrmK ,Dtl ta.625.01D. and a balance of $4, a suit of clothes. The schema became pop 1 120,045 in tbe Treasury.an lacrease of $100, tiiar ana in a snort lime a numDer 01 uuos 1 R20 . . r.inu. were lormea. ine otner tanors orougiu me action, clalmlmg that thtlr colleague was maintaining a lottery In violation of tbe statutes. The defendant claimed that as no man ran rlskot not getting his money's worth it could not be ft lottery. It now goes to the Supreme Court. Its deliverance Is waited with Interest as the decision will Washington, 1; and Wisconsin, 1. Had there been an honest or fair enumeration in the Southern States their number of Rep resenatlyes would have been largely Increased. All nunnn, urn hftrfthv ffmttoned not 10 med- Tub State financial officers, the State Ul -with th AW"i"ne78rnR?i1! All kinds of Fancv Groceries Treasurer and Auditor General, have An- iMp. Carbon coun ft o;,,,, linn of Confectioned tO III 111 UUI11IK IJH I Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap ples, Dates, ligs, Italian Chestnuts, li i c k o r y Nuts, Peanuts, , GRAPES, HOLIDAY GOODS! property and loaned to him rturl Franklin twp. emv nle WILLIAM LKIORKL. St. For Holiday Fresents we have ItAlXUOAD MOTES. TTT-irr-,-lT A tJTT I A Tlonnnf l ino P f31noa .anA I IJillCl GALLERY Clunaware at lowest pnees.. PermanentlT located near Valley Depot, for Wo ask VOU to Call before mak ing your purchases elsewhere. Cabinets and Family Groups. I led andenlareed. Old pictures cop augt-'y I At Private Sale ! A VALUABLE define logally what at lottery Is, and will establish ft precedent Inactions of this kind Such ctnbs are common in other lines ot traffic, and are looked upon by those who take interest in them in the light of an In surance, It will be Well to know according to law whether inch Investments aralnvlo' latlon ot public morals. At the annual convention of the Nation al Brothorhood of Railway Trainmen, held in Los Angles, Oal., the treasurer's report showed that $275,000 had been paid ont for disability and death claims during the year. Railroad brakemen are the tads who get the fall benefit of the cold weather. While Tha undt-rtlcned oilers bis Hotel Property, crisp an dfrosty air Is very pleasant to ftAr8ciNT open on 0hfistlrfas! lOrSaiO. xn9 IIOIPI ItunuillK l luvutei uu mo miui lenrtinir frnm Tthichton to Tumaaua. four miles from LelilKtiton In a rich farming country. HOTEL PROPERTY, LOCATED" IN MAHONING VALLEY. pedestrians moving about the streets of a town, thtnirt are verv different on tOD of fr.lnlit nrmal train that Uhnwllnp alone I The DUliaiDff is iwo-ana-ariiau siuriuj nisu.wui a freight orcoai train tna Dowiing aiong . . improvements include a large ..4 . M . M - l.ll M- I . U " i v. r.l . m.H.illlillnnll ai mt rate ox iwcniy-uyo or vuiriy mw au REMEMBER THE . COBNER StORE LEHIGHT0N PA, Sweeny's 7orner Store will They Cembino Quality First. Variety Second. Cheapness Third. And Embraces novelties In all that Is neat, new, nice, fashionable and durable In the line of iiwiLm, Qold Watches, Rings, Gold Fens and Pencils, Brace lets, Toothnlcks, Silverware, Ear-rings, So ciety Pins, Chains, Qold Studs, Scarf Pins, and everything else In this line at prices Less eyery time than you can buy goods of the same style, quality and workmanship at any other jewelry or general store In this county. Before maklDg pur chase elsewhere don't jou fall to pay a visit to D.' S. BOCK'S Jewelry Store, . Opp. Carbon House, Lahighton- To trira many readers of this paper, we wish a Merry, Merry Christmas. Anew bologna factory Is being estab lished at Lebanon. Will Lehlghton ever Inmblef Tan Allentown Critic, the best little dally In the Valley, will publish eight pages during the holiday season. Tnnras for Council to consider: Electric lights 1 J?w ordinances 1 Hue and Market House I hour, and the cutting wind finds its way through tbe heaviest clothing. The new Easton depot of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Is almost finished and will be occupied for the first time on the 22d. Abridge across the Lehigh at its Junc tion with the Delaware, to connect tbe Easton and Notbern with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, will be erected In the near future. The Lehigh Valley R. It, Co. has declar ed a quarterly dividend ofl 1-4 per cent., payable Jan. 15th. The Pardee car and machine works of TVatsontown has secured a contract to build COO box cars for the Lehigh Valley railroad, .hul nnA tinrn. ttnri npreAn.H'V outbdlldlnes. This Is a rare opportunity for a person desiring I 10 CO iniO 1110 UUKl UUS1UC33. For further particulars call on or aaares9, J. T. McDANIEL, Nov. ls-we Pleasant Corner, ra For Sale. A Valiiatile Hotel Property In Lehigkton. The Mansion House on North First street, Lehigbton, PfU. Is for sale; The Mansion is large, commodious and roomy having forty Sleeping apaniueoui, cicuuul uauuia. , ill, BlMlipiu ruuiu niiu uuii .,7 J, ' I proTcments. ana ro Lrvs unv to fill the various local offices, to be voted tor at the spring election, will be.oneway of .helping Lehlghton along. Daring the next few years there are many Important Improvements necessary and we must have live men. 4. Tirsu a Irusn cause has been greatly damaged by Parnell's persistency to retain the leadership of the Irish Parliamentary Party; Men as great in a country's history as he Is have done as bad, or worse, but they bay had the sense to drop Into tbe 1 Christmas, fcfth when it opened for tbem Parnell, it asms, roust be dumped in. ., 1 Old English Christmas Saws. After Christmas comes Lent. A warm Christmas, a cold Easter. Now's now, but Yule's in winter. A light Christmas, a heavy sheaf. A Tula feast may be quit at Pasch, A green Christmas, a white Easter. He bath eaten many a Christmas pie. Tbey keep Christmas all the year. A green Christmas makes a fat grays yard. It smells of Muscadel, like an English f nv hull furnished throughout with water and light lm- roTements. ana is a vaiuams noiei uiujichj. ror further particulars can on or naaress. Lehlghton, Pa. AT PRIVATE SALE. A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT. The, iitirternlirnni offers at nrlvate sale a valu able bouse and lot on North (Second street, the property ot the lato Mathlas Schwerer, deceas ed. The lot is 33 feet front, on which is erected A v5 -: Eatfi j I r I, 7i XT H Is 1 " tHE POSITIVE CURE. SLY EUOTIlEns. at YfKIia BU Hew Tortt ril63c NOETH PIEST STEEET, LEHlOHTOff. IS THE PLACE FOR Fine Suitinas anft Paiitalooninas at the lowest prices which are 10 to 20 pet I Weissport Business jJirectory. -fJIUAHKLIH HOUSE, ' - EAST WEISSFORT, PENN'A. This bouse 'otters flrst-elass accommodations to I he permanent boarder and transient guest. Panic prices, -only One Dollar per day. augT-iy " John Ekhbio. Proprietor. Oscar Christman, -WEISS POET, PA. . f-ntnA riiultlnrv liinA tSvOJ. With , kitchen attached. ThisiaaBargainforanyone cent, lower than elaowhere. A perfect fit I T.ivpri) and Itixchanae Stabler I U 1.l.l ,A l l " rinvlrine n. nlftO&A.nt home. Not.8,'Mw Adm. Est. Mathlas Schwerer. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OP VEItY VALUABLE RE AI ESTATE! and best workmanship guaranteed in overv l lns'ance. Jlelore purchasing elsewhere call and seo us. -3 1-1 y Etebt lotal man believes in pension ins the deserving soldiers of the Republic, but a demand of the most empathlcchaact- rwiU'sooit go tip all over the land for such an amendment of the (pension laws as will deprivethe whole theiylng board of pension Attorney of their occupation. There Is no reason why a pension attorney shonld como in between any honait claimant and his government Piim-iant to an Order ot the Orphans' Court ot Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, the under- Liverv Stables. V Cbrisimas, leng looked for, comes at last. A wind on Christmas day, trees will brine much frnlt. " i -. m . . . . - . . -. . . . . . . i ifpKpf-.niiuv annci mrp ui inn miniin itixe nn luu ISL Andrew the King, three weeks and WW. fflwrirthi?aiSi? t83 opened aEWUyfillYBTAliLE.andthatheis three days before Christmas comes In. ilowmanstown Hotel. In Ilowmanstown, Carbon SfniSnii01 cuuuty, i iv.i vu Saturday, Dec. 2Q, 1890, commencing at l :M o'clock p. m., the following described Ileal Estate, to-wlt : No. 1 4 All that certain tract or piece oi lana suuatea Detween Ir FStaarrso to so express ourselves, we see no reason why H. V. Morthlmer, Sr., wonld not make the Tery best Mercan tile AriDraiser-an old resident familiar with tbe business Interests of tbe connty, we believe his appointment wonld meet tbe hearty .approval of all tha cltlxens of Carbon. Fackerton Cor. Democrat. Thanks! ' If Christmas finds a bridge he'll break it; If he finds none he'll make one. The devil makes his Christmas pis of lawyers' tongues and clerks' fingers. If ice will bear a man before Christmas it will not bear him afterward. Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Arrangement or Fatteng.r Trains. In Effect NoV. 16in, 1890. LEAVE IEHICmTON Forltahwav.Ullzabetli.Newark and New York 132. T.S0, 9.67, and 11.12 a.m. ; 3.00, B.29 & 8.01 p.m. For Manunka Chunk and Uelvidere 7.30, 9.00, a.m.; 12.42 p.m. , For LaniDertTiua ana irenton wa, v.uu ana 11.12 a.m.; ana u.u p.m. Vor BlatlDUton, catasa lehem. abd Easton, 5.2!. li.i a.m.: ajn.o.wauus.uiu For Phlladelnhlaana nomts south at 7 07. 7.30. 9.00 and 11.12 a. in.; 3.00. 6.29 and 8.01 p. m. For Itesdlngand UamsDurg 6.22, and 11.12a, ra in.; s.o6. fifi) and 8.01 n.m. For llowmans. Lcnigu uan, vnerryrorn, Lau- Wnlnut and Cherry streets in the borough of I Blatlngton, county of Lehigh, and mate of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-1 D. J. KISTLER Itesecttully announces to tbe public that he has Weddings or Business Trips on trie shortest no- iceanci jnosi iiDerat terms, uruers ie at ine Caroou House" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next the notel, Lehlghton. lan22M' ' tSasy riding carriages and safe drlvlna horses. Best accommodations to agents and travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. Glremea trial. mav21-ly The - Weiasport - Bakery, . C. W. LATJUY, PKOPIIIETOII. DellVers Fresh Bread and Cakes In Weiuport, lehlghton and vicinities every day, in. the storo I have a Fine Line ot Confectionery ar the Holiday Trade. Sunday schools and f es- 1UMBIN u b b Coats and "Wraps in tbe Iteweit and prettiest styles, la all qualltlealanfl prices. We invite the ladiesSUYetteport, Lehlghton and the viclnlTybrrSnndlng to call and sea our handsome assortment ot seasonable mill. inorv Roods before purchasing elsewhere. In Notions anl Fancy (Mb. wo carry tbe nsnal novelties at all prices. a.Dnrlng the Pall and Winter iu. nou we have engaged the servlees of a FASHIONABLE OlTY MILLINER. MrsJ.Gulfon WEISSPORT. A Large line of Goods suitable for Holi day Fresents are now on exhibition, at our popular Furniture Establish ment on north First Street. W in vite the public to call. - " Kemerer &c mkti NORTH FIRST STREET, vals supplied at lowest prices. dec3-em. ; Over Canal Bfte E. feissprt. wit; Beginning at thenortbwest corner of a lot it Ma feet to a cost: thence a one liaco allev. including the same, north 8m degrees, east 342 leel to a post; inence uiuni; iiiiurry uucy, uiciuii Ing the same, 409 feet to apo3t; thence south sni degrees, west 204 feet to a post) thence SffltettW dwnt assorsment Coats, Wraps & Jackets, in seasonable weights, colors, &c Don't Buy Unless You 0 Them. Joseph F. Rex, eouard Kern, north 1GH degrees, west vnson the nl beginning', containing three acres and ninety- Ins- i.i ip.ei la li ixisLi uienets ur iui 01 vtiisuu tverb south 73H degrees, west ISO feet to the place of MCnXT SOCIETY NOTEB. The order ot the K. O. E., is now In sue- eetsful operaUon in thirty state, in the i.MiaWSS United States and also in Canada, asfol- ForMauchChuplt6JBj.43.9.Mandll.4Sa.m.i lows: Maryland. Pennsylvania, Massachu- 'VSumWiffJSfiS a-m.j 12.20. Ohio, Hew York, Iowa, Georgia, Connect!-1 For Weatherly and Hazleton c.62, f.o M cnt, west Virginia. Indiana, Michigan, Aflsiouri. Colorado, Illinois, Virginia, Ala- 02,7.43, m and i.4sa.m.i s,i6,6.2a -MraaLDItrIct ot Colambla, Louisiana. 11KlSr1B"mlJ" along purpart No. 10 and lot of wound belong' to Lieounn feet to th73H Innlni No. ai- All that certain tract or niece of land situate in EastPenn township. Carbon county, in 6 7 07 7 9M land "et. Stephen Balllet, George Lynn. John Auge, 8'2BMd sVdib i 1 George Kehrlg and John Balliet. containing JNO. a All iimi fenaio inu:ij ur jueco ui mnu UNDERTAKER AND DEALEE IN FURNITUtlE PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, Prices, the very lowest. Quality ot Kebraska, KewHampsblre, Kentucky,Wls- onsln, Kansu, 2Tcw Mexico, Korth Caro lina, 2alne, Oregon.Montana and Ontario. Efforts are being made to introduce It into several other states. From Jan, 1, 18S4, tbe progress of the order, particularly In Pennsylvania, has been remarkable, Dur ing that period iQi castles were instituted, the membership-increased over 41,000 and tho order was Introduced into twanty-seyen states. and 11.48 a.m. ; 3.16, 6.26, 7.23, 10.28 p.m. For Mananoy city, bnenanaoan ana juniana s p.m f.uuna (. nnl,..llu II rn M n ,1, n M I, 14 ami . . ID x u, A ii. w W.V-. , I auu ...iu a. m. i.w, ana i.at ..ui p.m. For White Haven. Wllkesbarre and Plttston A62, 7.43, 9.34 and 11.18 a.m.j s.16, 66, 7.23 and lu.w p. in. For Scranton M. 7.4s. 9.S8. and 11.43 a.n.: S.1S. 5.2.1. T.23 and 10.2S v. in. ror xunananuocK ii.ts a. ra.: oj i.a nou 10.28 p.m. iForOwego, Auburn, Ithaca and Genera 11.48 a.m.i 10.23 p.m. For LaceyvllIe.Towanda.Sayre, Waverly, El ralra, Kochester, Buffalo, N'agara Falls ana the vvesi li... -iu.i nan quu iu.z. p.iu. SUHDAY TRAINS. For New York 4.11. 6.42 and 10.07 a.m. 1 629 P.m. For Philadelphia 4.11, 8.02 a. m.; 3J2 and 6.28 Dress-Makjng. In this Department wo liavo the services of a first-class City Experienced Ladvand can situate In East Penn township, Carbon countv, guarantee our lady, patrons tho latest sty les -goods the best, Satisfaction guaranteed In Pennsylvania, designated as No. 29 In the inqui- and best work In this lino, .tii., eltion upon the real estate of Stephen Balliet, 11111 De" "orK ln llno' I every particular. E. H. SNYDER, First Street, Lehigkton, Penna. A NEW PRINCIPLE. Wo -Positively guarantee Dr. JBoyd's Little Giant Nerve and Liver Pills, To Cure Constfnatlon. Indigestion. Bllloui- rrv ! .1 T I H I i .... -n--.. Tl-1 . ucso, ur(Jiu uircr, iftiu iu hue nici, flic I .1, . . j . , 1 . jr Headache, Bad Taste In the Mouth arising OHie XJU1S pruiteu Ub HUB U1UCC irom inmgPBuou, uy eireugineaiuK ine n.rves deceased, bounded by No. 28 and hums of John IHUliet. containing eleven auu une-uau ncres. Nn..sa All that certain tract or niece of land iiniata In East Penn tonushtu. Carbon county. rfplirnatpd :n No. 28 In the Inoulsltlon unon tbe real estate of Htenhen Balllet. deo'd. bounded I by lands otJobn Miller, Nos. 29, 30 and 27, and lands oi unnsuan trecuj, couuinung iwcniy- mrce acres nua iv,u purciies. Tin. inAll that certain lot or Dlece of Ground situate In East Penn township. Carbon county, designated as No. 34 In the Inquisition upon tbe . . - - 1 . . -. tn1lt ......I.I V. . . .1 .1 rpiii H.iiim ui aLiiuiiuii iniiicb. ulu u. uuuiiucii by lands of Wm. Horn, O. Musselman, Jacob ltehrlg and Thos. Ururabore, containing thirty acres ana lorcy peruuea. . ... lio. 60 All mat certain tract or piece oi iana situate In East Penn township, Carbon county, designated as No. 20 -amone a number of tracts ot land ot the lete Stephen Balllet, dee d, bounded by No. 17 aud lands of George Andreas, containing six acres and ninety perches, strict measure. , , , Ho. zt au mat certain iraci or piece oi iana situate In East Penn township. Carbon county, bounded by lands late of Iteuoen Dinkey and Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds, We have a full line which we will furnish ft the lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, &c, the choicest quality at very reasonable price. Call and;be convinced. JOSEPH P. REX. . Aprlt-ly SAST WEISSPORT. and regulating the action of the Stomach Liver and Kidneys. Do not be deceived, Dr. Boyd's Little Giant Nervo and Liver Pills act on a ham niln,lntl Tli. ..I .in 1Y. ...... ll. . hAiinrii.fl liv latins late or Heuuen Dlnkev and I v '.. "v "v "w 1 Stephen Balllet, containing sevcuty-tour acres stomach, liver and kidney giving them health at lowest prices. and one hundred aua seven percnes, strict measure. No. 23 All that certain'tract or niece ot land situate In East Penn township. Carbon county, bounded by lands of Jacob Frltzloger, George and vigor, what is more evident of their cura tive qualities, than the fact that the longer I uiten me less requireu, mat is more man can be said or any ntber pill on the market, a trial Oscar J.Saeger WHOLESALE DEALER ItT The record of the great Conncll Of the p-,S; ..a in.,!... Bt.,(. nXhue. liwrence& convincelhe most skeptical mind, that fTo Msr.emr4' Dn UpitedSUtes of the Improved Order of Ked 8.02. ie.07a.m.i 12 62. 2x2. 6.29 and s-sipm. ii!?10.. true,tbe.e eraafewofthe UQOl Y GlOOiyui L( I a, rV i,ti. 1,.. 1 ,1 . For Hazleton 9.68 turn.-. 12 2S.SJ6 & 1028 p.m. ,No:21""A,u rSJ?cr PHUVSi PJJ I many testimonials we haye received ""..""J" . .J ""UW1 ror Mananoy wuy ana un.nanaoan 12.20 ana J 'iuSbeS lllnkev Win Uallev Tl"0. Au-i 2pth 1890, Dear Sin form,glves the following statics of the order: "iP-attollto ..-.. SolmBiftfuffl The Pill, received, th.y are tbe best I ever Adoptions (new members), 19,733: rom- For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre, rittston.acres.re or less. usea. i. w.oiiaa. r-.'i,-, lii.m.ni. 1 iw. ui oki:. Tunkhannock,Towanda.Sayre, Ithaca, Geneva, ,No.(-A that certalntract or piece of land Lake Csvbtal Mik., Msy 14, 1B90. Dear lirfifin WrnnfirifiS P PI IITS sUtements, 1,002 admissions by card, 865 Auburn. Elm m, Bocnester, Buffalo. NUgari situate n East Penu township, Carbon county, 8ir. 1 h.ve taken Pills sent me, inclosed find Ul 00,1 ' WwCI IOO,l I UllO tupensioni, V,WU:pai races rejected, BIO: aiisanaiuo nest luzap.m. JSVrrt " ' 60e, send me more I have been troub d fori rx0o. rt. T O 00 tSon..i28:wUhdrftWlsbTcard.l.232 TiMEa? fMUcn.SNGTAoTUIOrr&o:-All thatcerU.n tract or piece of land yea'r. with' lndi,et.iou, .consUpallon ...cd Oysters, Oranges, LemonS.Pea Au. in. ,-.- k. i cbmil Gen'l Pass. Agent. situate In west penu townsnip. Bcnuy ai 1 coun- -v--, ii, , im,(yvi Mav 11. "99. It fteutli Bettriehem. P.nna. I ty. nounueu Dy iana. pi oainuei villi, ocuocu c. K.-h.uLI. T. 1 a , .nui n. aiu. .1 ' ' " - I Maitiart .mitTfllnlnir Ihmv.twn nrf-A. nun tw-tlfv. nlnn nerenes. No. 63 All that certain tract or niece of land I situate In West Penn township. Schuvlkill conn. ty, oounaea ny lanas oi ueorge unueri, jacoD Brobst and Henry Weldeusteln, containing tn membership July 31, 1890, 00,620; put sachems, ll,479;trlbes Instltuted,12;tribes resoscluted, 30; tribes extinct, 49. There art also tribes in Korth Carolina and Oreg- n, Pennsylvania has 251 tribes, an Increase tt 18, with 20,223 members, an Increase of I Public Sale Of a Very Valuable larm. elghty-hre acres und fourteen and one-fuurth I nerches. Blue Mountain land. nU. M All U1D, 161U1IU USUI II. Will U u, idllU situate in west Penn townsnip.scnuyikiiicoun- nervouness, Since I take Dr, Boyd's Pills I Annloo Hnrnnf Pntntopl feel good, have taken many others with no nUW fl-PPS,. OWeet rotaioes, relief, joun .respectfully. Anw BsAnak. rnnffifitinn's. CAfnra. &c.. &c. ror sale oy all dealers in medieine atlSel ' ' '(- - ' per box, sent by mail on receipt of price nnr nricfia nn nil irnorlft are M mples free, agents wanted everywhere- I, r . D , i- u. THOMAS, Druggist, low as C15Y prices ana you save Lehlghton, Pa, m I 1 T. V. 1 1 a.,. V. - JI1H UnUCrSlITIlCU UUOr Bl 1 UUIIU DUD UiDI ........I. III... U.nn lK.nn.hn Gn.....ll i.u-i i-vijiu. were Aa,iio..; pam reuei 1 u-cmius; .mji, uumu wm,,i., lueltlhl, containing one Hundred and twenty f--..n.t.aM .mew jr. knj.ui 11.. ,..1 I m. - v , nx I thren acres and mnetv-three Derchaa. """""T""" -u uu, -rnursaaV. January ISt. lOyU. No.bsah thatcertam tractomleceof land THAT BOY AND GIRL OFOUltS the freight. Call at our store before buying elsewhere, at ONE o'clock In tbe afternoon. The farm Is one of the most valuable In Carbon county and contalnslTwo-IlundredAeres.moroorlcss. The I talningthlrt; Improvements thereon are a Dwelling House, and all neressarv nuthulldtnk-s. At the SAD18 time and place a lot of llay, liuckwneai ana Corn will be sold. Terms and conditions will be made known at time ana place oi saie r linma HAiAjn. . FIETTA C03TENBADEB. Holiday Good $23,053.60; tribal Investments, $346,254.33; tn tr)bal wam,pum belu, (15,860.68. Tbe returns from tbe various grand ledges of Masons In America show a total membership of 651,023. They were raised during the past year 84,450. There were suspended for non-payment ot dues 18, 361, and the deaths during the year were 6917. Tbe gain in membership oyer tbe year previous was 20,080. Charles Wagner. Joseph Bennett, Prank Qeffelfinger, William. McCormlck, w.J. Qeberllng, Phaon. Shoemaker, Char, Bex and Harry Fry, made up big part ot Ui-j institution of Hancock Conncll, Jr. O. UYo. 13 AM tbi dUUKo, Syi Ml -.S VWfVUBU -ft I VUI U Jl -Lehigh Conncll, No. 101, Jr. O. U. A. T71 Q f 0 f i rt lf will attend the M. E, church in ft body -K 1116 OLU,L101ierj on Sunday eveainc next in accordance with itrxmli LEATHER GOODS nil, tuoiiiwwi s4 v ft t4uaft w aww ConneU Chamber at six o clock sharp. Tha Royal Arcanum will probably call fifteen assessments this year, against thir teen in 1889. Pennsylvania has 933 lodges, ot the L O, O. P., With ft membership of 02,837. -iLe-leh Council, No, 101. Jr. O. U. A. Is., will elect new officers U the first re- gniir meeting In January. Carbon Castle, K. O. B., wiU alec sew ofleen at the last stated meeting in Deeemher. Gnadea Hattta Castle, X. O. ., will el eat biw -otBeen m the tvenlsg of the Vajor KWts Coeasa&dry, K. O. X wUl ljt as? n e iMt UaUj tTwlsg. situate In Wes', Penn township, Schuvlkill coun ty, bounded by lands of Joseph Humbert, John uan Llninir llilrtv I No. is-AII that certain tract or piece ot land lliet. Klstler & Began and B. Weller, con acres aim miy-sevcn percnes. situate In West Penn townshln. Schuvlkill coun ty uoupaea ny lanus ot jonn stein, Martin uroost and ueorge uunert. containing one hun dred aud one acres and twenty-seven perches, ume juouuiaiu iuuu. I Wbatshallwe baretheuitaughtandwhe're'? FQ Peirce Mlmm WAITED. I I a . - m. Vn...r Rtu-V R.l.vw Terms and conditions will be made known at 11 U til JM hiBO antt ttHU It JL I Jui steady employment guaranteed. , T,,rr. BKCORD BU1LMKO. t CHABB BKOTUBIUJ COMl tlmA nnd nlaen of .Ale. hv Tlviunuuiinoii w. ' i - .'......I . i Administrators of tbe Estate of John Balllet, I ueceascu. nor.i,iow. 017-010 Chestnut Bt., 1'lUJada., !. Second, Third and Fourth Floors. .LOCAL OR TRAVELING. Expenses T -2m Ueebsster, S. T 6&b niCORSED B7 (CUNTISTSAS TACTICALLY BETTER AKQ CHEAPEHTHAl! STOHff. Over 600 and an endless variety of Nic J'; f mucs. BIGARGAINS IN 5c AND 10c GOODS ! Encyclopedia Brittanica at 1.50 per volume. LF.Luckenbach mm HonuiiE, Aflernoon ami Bight Sessions, a Ti. CAMPBELL, Our students unlfoimly bear testimony In I t i 5 ttt i i t favor ot the utility and practicability of the ToWOlOP QTin WOtrinmQrDil courseof Instruction, the akIU and devotion of UUnUlUl UUU II UlUlUUUAUl the Paculty and the earnestness ot effort and I SfiSIBuTB Sr Eank Street, Lehlghton, Anna. Kotiouhleand no charira mada tnanvnnA' for supplying Book-keepers, Cashiers, Salesmen, Ul.nin..iinili. 1 1 1 n r 1.- i,r fl.n.Hl , ..I.... l' Htenuuranhic Clerks or General Assistant, in Uie Couuilnj: House. Business men may expect mum ui limuiwKi ,iiis ,iur uiau uexure. name ntanoara ot uraaiiauaii uas oeen ;uiisea. Send for Prloo List 4 Clrcularew PelrceColleee WritlnsSllDS and Real But. ness Forms, by Prof. A. P. Boot, for Home l rucuec. uuc uuimr a wn, pusuigo prcpmiu. Afternoon and Night Clasu In Prenob and I eU.wbete. rieucumw auu uermans taugui Bespeetfnlly Invites the attention of his friends new stock of Watches, Olocka, Silverware, JeweTy, at Prices that defy competition. It will pay yon o pail ana uupect my .Wei uuon pursaumg tiermau. Engiun. Twenty -sixth ran Colli rmaes incruai requested. . Annual, Oradna- Iteed, of Dickinson College, and Bishop Poss, JAM Ed RAUCH, snsannisi or wotk see bsicnm aae8tetK I ting Exercises tncl Ilteea.ol IJlcHfls etc., sent when address. SB. THOMAS JISAT BBIBtTX,. s-o-490 Priarfoal aadpaunder. .' First National Bank, of uniamtiM, BA. Or REPAIRING iraptly done at lowest oherg, and all work tnarantsed, M'Jtog&tto Place. t i kSt Lehightws- MHUtT. r-rt tl.ti fa feaa Wpeefl .swem IN ALL ITS BRANCHES The undersigned would respect- lully announce that he is prepared now to do all kinds of work in the above line at short notice, in tne oest manner and at the most rea sonable prices. Esti mates wul be cheer fully furnished. A full line of all the necessary articles, namely, water spig ots, urinals, etc., nl Way in stock. A share of the public patronage is solicit ed. batislaction bi 'guaranteed. "W. S. KTJHNS', North First St., Lehighton. Henry Miller, WEISSPORT PLANING - MILL. - tIANOFAOTUEEU Of Window and Dooh Frames, Doors, ShutterB, window fashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER IN All IMs of Irani Luhr Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices. foe a smooth jj s KRESQB EASY - SHAVE, In the old Post Office Building. and A Fine and Medium Shoes for Ladles, Men and Stylisu Haib Cut, Children at the very lowest prices. goto New Rubbers Inserted In Gaiters at from ioto FRANK HERMAN AU kmd, 0, n,prlng iJ;atIy Md TliK BABBEit, and Promptly attended to. Over tbe Canal Bridge. HABD-HADE BOOTS IB0ES MtdLfhite HAmJAB0N0 M" VLORY, it leads; Wcissprt Hrldge. HMOOTTSlViwn Mn,lf"tUMr " ALL IN. NEWS. Dealer In SoleLcath- SMOOTH SHAVING and Dealer In 'Th( AnVflPafM! er, Finished Calf- thy very highest . 1DB AUVUUAlh," Skins. Kip and Up- BWl Artl blanket's BHIGHT, per Leatl.er.Uarne At HOBNS whips flNETS 0Mi. Leather, etc. Suavrao . . Bibon. &c.:c., &c. ' INDEPENDENT.' HIe'a.S8itirnsf& Tallow! Try Hlml wntTE STBEET. Read It! R. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Buildtr. Repairing; Neatly and Cheaply Done at very Reasonable Prices. General Agent for tbe Ollbarth Patent Adjust able Carriage Pole, and Dealer tn Buggies and Carts. faPOT cash Bayere Rota A. F. is)frj)ER, Ad buy your Organs, Planoi.Sewlng Machines, Wringers, Washing Machines. Implements, Pumps ot all kinds. It will pay you out prices from rnebtfore buying;. X-ean save job money GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. Seasonable Goods Dr. G. T. HORN, -AT TOE Central Drug Store, OPP. THE PUBLIC SQUABB Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS HEADQUABTEE3 FOIl Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c, choice Wines and Liquors, Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair of Shoes you want a good fit. But II you need UFECTACLES It Is much more Important that tbe EYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and a proper ly fitting frame which will bring the lenses di rectly before tbe centre of tbe rye. If you buy your spectacles at Dr. Horn's vou WUl find the above points properly attended to. -iOl- PERSCM1NS Caeluliy Cflfflionnded Octts-tsrr U. S. MAIL COACH BETWEEN Broadheadsville and Lehighton, is sun zyxnir DAT. Pass.Bg.rs Between.- and to all Points along ihe Line, will be Carrlad at the y.ry LOWEST RATES. Freight and Baggage Baf.ly carried at lowest piees. Tbe patronage of tbe public Is nmetfullr nliutW- Ord.ts left with the Part Offices along the line er at th. Zxobscf. Hotel, Lthlghtoe, will ree.lv ptelspl SIMSHOB. IMSfMUUIiy, HOT IWE, Pf HATS, CAPS, Boots &. Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, - ; ,r Oheyiots, &c, &o, ' " - I'- - Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in beinj; pprfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this particular we invariably more; than please our patrons. Our stock beiEg large, varied and complete give satisfaction in making a choice ol goods desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks lar mom eloquently than word. Call on us for r ALL and WINTER GARMENTS, or parts of Suits. We guarantee par feet fits and finest workmanship. Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS Bank Street, Lehighton, R& IS HEADtiCJARTERS FOR ' : : GENERAL HARDWARE; Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KINDS OF COAL, & OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, American Business College, AND MODERN OFFICE TRAINING- SCHOOL. Second National Bank, Centre Square, Allentown. Penna, One Of the Largest, Most Thorough, Best Regulated and Fines! Equipped Training ttebooi tee Both Sexes In the State Morning, Afternoon and Evening lasslons, tt o Vacations. tVSlx eleeantly furnished departments with all the most modern conveniences. Pulloorpf e competent, practical and; speri.nced Instructors. AuaaiOAKBtisiUBssEiirLOTUsarTBoiSa couueeted with the College through which good positions are secured for the graduates free af charge. For cauloguea.tlrculars. &e., address. O. o. DOUNEV. Pilneipal. DENTISTRY, Dr. J. A. Mayer & Sen Ur. GEORGE' H. MAYER, a aradsate boa tbe Dental Depertaeat oi the TJnlT.nlty of rasnaylvaaJo, hasopeaedaDoaUe lotae same balidtBgwMa in tn. hi maeew. his falser, second Seor 1 St BftOADWAY. MAW3H CHUNK PA.. UaeWieMrea to receive evttr ee ta aae4 tni Us ftaatal t-avl tn ISjItiiI Adminlstzatrlx Notiao. Estate of AcotraT F. BKOxsireoBr, lateettbe boroagh of Lektgbteo. Oathoa county. Pa. Letters of administration on the abor a names' estate baring been granted to the nndenfgaed, all parties lodebteef to tbe said estate are ra ousted to make Immediate payment and those havlag claims against the said estate wtU pre seat their aaeouew, duly auUteaUeated Ir set Htasstto ELLEK BECSXMDOF. AXa'X. LebtglteB. Fa.. Oet n, wa4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers