rd a tomrmll riM Hatter at His la htchtmt toat-Offle. he Carbon Advocate ruiiioHTore. rswMA. Jlate for L;l Advertialns: I Hsarter Notices Auditor's Notices Semmlssloner's Xotlcw O.Torce Notices Administrator's Notloei Bteoiitor's Notices 0 t co a w i V - 400 f 09 toe SATURDAY, DECEMBER S7, 1890. iicnn Side Circulation trpir than that of iwsrs Tun Woathcrly tllk mill ba buen chartered Willi ft capital of $200,000. tii largei eillc mill in the world. 1T111 Leblgutnn fall onto Unit f It 1 Tns Dover, (N. J..) ZnJtx, Aennal fr 1891, li a happv eompendlum of many ute- fal i.nd Interesting things. Its typography li a credit to tbt firm and it') publication a oempllmiat to tbe town and couaty. IiBDIOhtow It still operating under the letal ordinances of a decade ago. We need something more adyanced tban tble. Let It be tbe first consideration of tbe new council to formulate new ordinances more in accordance with the age and time w Trmna teems to bet ho preyallBg (mpres slen In most small towns tbtt coodt cannot be np to the latest styles nnlsis purchased In the city. Tbts Is all bosb,and tbe soeaer tbe Idea Is crashed oat of existence the bet- tar fer the townspeople and Merchants. Patronize home people. Tns people of Lausdate want their bor agh divided Into two wards. The Tote polled at last presidential election was 407. Commissioners bare been appointed by Suite FPeand to examine Into the matter and report npon tho propriety bf the chance. Will our people please tumble? Tin Jiauch Chunk Democrat thinks Jinny ifalloy might make a geod mercan' tile appraiser as the duties are not labor! cut. It wonld also, civ hint plcaty of time to fish for something else later on la this respect Jimmy and Rinoh are geed dsal allko neither refose anything, Because Lansford didn't set the ceanty Inttltnte that bright and beautlfnl kicker, Jimmy Jfalloy, of the Record, says "Inst! tatss don't pay teachers or scholars, and the commingling of both sexes in crowded hotels Is something not to be desired.' Jimmy Is evidently sifferlng frem softs lag of the brain. Carbon county has maay cltlzeas who possess thousands of dollars tbat are not In cie. Tbey keep It where It is neither bsnefll. to themselves or the town In which they lire. Such people lire among our saost f rtn! i . 1, Inttakltant FPU. . . 1 . safe investments where tbe money could be placed, and In addition to earning Interest for Its owners it would benoQt tbe whol town, xt yon liaye a thousand or two packed away is a sock take it out and invett it. Don't try to make it double itself In year or two, but Invest it where it will be ai. Jake A. Sweexet, who has been one f the editors of The Plain Speaker for year past, has gone to Harrisburg, having been promised a position under the new admlnlsteratlea. Mr. Sweeney done ex. cellent work onThe Plain Speaker and Its editorial columns showed that he had mora through knowledge of politics than any newspaperman in the coal regions an a was able to put down what he knew In a plain, sensible way, and he doae very mncb good work for the Democracy, He wai a good, reliable newspaper man, he couldn't say a good word for a man he wouldn't say anything bad about him, and the consequence is that ha will be missed TVs hope h has struck luck, H deserved 11. BUCKET SOCIETY NOTES. In Massachusetts there are 15,000 Bed Men, of whom 8,000 are Jasons and 7,000 are xnieut Templars. A. M. Dewey, ehairnan of the leglsla Hv convention of the Knights of Labor ot Pennsylvania, has Issued a call for the assembling of tho convention on January o, Jew, in ilarrlsburg. The national secretary's report.showM membership of the Jr. O. V. A.M., resnsylvania of nearly 44,000. The re ypi iiuui wis siato on tnecnange or name show tbat bat 3,704 were In favor of th ehange. Irwlnna Castle, No. 403, K. O. B., Erwlnna, and Cliff Castle. No. 403. liorrellyllle, were instituted on Dec. 30th The application for Stauffcr Castle, No, 404, of Slauffer, has been received and th utimuu win lax puee early next " oath. Anout eighty to one: hundred members of Lehigh Council, 101, Jr. O. U. A. U, Uned to a very able discourse by Rv, o. Dungan, la tbe Methodist Episcopal -nrcn, last Sunday evening. The mem rs made a fin appearance, wearing the eautlful regalia of tb red. whit kin. Nearly all of the P. O. B. of A. Camps In this section have voted agalast the pro position to hold an extra session of the State Camp to consldei what action should be taken with regard to the new laws re cently adopted. It is prehabl that th matter will now remain as It Is until the National Camp meet next year In Phila delphia. Tb following are th newly elected offi cers f MaJ. Klotx Commanders, 33, K. O. B., for the ensuing one year term: President M. C. Trexler, Vice President Dl'dlne Snyder, Secretary H. V. Morthlmer, Jr., Treasurer-M, C. Trexler, Trnsttes H. H. Peters. T. A. Snyder aid DUdlos Snyder. Lieut. General Louis E. Btllt, of th Military Branch of tbe K. G. I., has re ceived tha application for twoComaandtr s ia West Yliglnia, located Cbarleslown and Wheeling, Mount Eagle. No. 74, of Tremont, Pa.. Blpe Jountala, No. 70, of TTajnetboro, Pa., and Georgia, No. t, of Savannah. The name of Cnltoa Comrran- derv. No. 03, of Shamokin, Pa., has baen changed to J. D. Barnes Commanderv, In honer of tbe G. 21. of R. of Pennsylvania. Under date f Nov. 1 Supreme Secretary Xarvey of tbe Knights of Honor lends th following resn't for September: Member ship, Sept. 1, 65,848; initiated daring the month, 1, 69: suspensions and deaths, 480; net Increase, 1,360; membership, Oct. 1, C7.098; new certificates written, 670; new lodge. S. "We have passed tbe 07, 000 mark." he adds, "and are making good speed toward the cherished deslr to reach 7.000 by the aextMsslvn ot the su preme ledge; we'll do It. I tellsy." Lenden has 00,000 families that live In jMtlar. At Trafto. Colo.i n o eaaght in s f hioowa hear trap aud a early starred US Tfce a-lrst Bnektall. I WHO tTOKB IT AM) OM01HATIB TSK TA" MOBS rBINSTLTANIA BBQIHKNT? Tho folhrlnn despatch from Couderspert, Pa., may prove inteiestlng "to tbe eld boys" of the Buektall regiment, a number of Whom two from this neighborhood: Ho regiment of soldier that participated In the war of tho rebellon acquired a great er fame than the body of hunters, lumber men, and other sturdy dwellers In the mountains and backwoods of Pennsyl vania who marched to the front under tha name of tbe Bucktails, the name being given the regiment from the fact that each man wore in his cap the tall of a buck.cut In almost eyery Instant, from a buck kill ed by the wearer himself. Tho reglmtnt was noted fer Its bravery during the war, and but few of the Bucktails came back. The question of who was tbe first soldier to enlist In tbe Union army In 1861, who was the youngest soldier, and who was tho oldest, haTe been widely discussed and settled, and now tbe question has been raised among tbe few surylyors of the old Buektall Regiment. "rVko was the first Ttncktallf" This county IPotterl outs In a claim to the honor of having furnished the Idea for the Buektall Keglment, through John Owen. In August, 1801. Col. Kane, after ward den. Kane, tbe famous brother ol Ellsba Kent Kane, the Arctic explorer, was recruiting a regiment In this county, Ills headquarters were at Couilcrsport. John Owen was working for O. 1'. Kll bourne, a few miles from tbls place, at the time, una day in August ue quit worn and declared that bn would not do another day's work until the war was over. Kll- bourne was numing mat oar, anu jsuiou a big bncf . uwen cut tne tan on, siuck u in bis can. and enlisted under Col Kane. Tha bncktail la Owen'e can struck Col. Kan as a novel thing, and he Immediately set to work gathering all tbe talis he could In this, and the adjoining counties to glre the men he bad already enlisted to wear In their cape, and every new man was urged to bring bis own buektall with him. Uol Kane gave the name Bucktails to the or' ganlzallon. uiinton coantv, however, presents talm to having the honor of providing the original member of the Bucktails, and tbe records of tbe Pennsylvania Volunteers seem to substantiate the claim. The re cords show that as early as April 31. 1801. volunteers wearing bucktails in tneir caps arrived at Camp Curtln, In Harrisburg. and It Is claimed tbat the first Tine to wear tb subsequently famous decorations was Oeorge UcQuown, of Lock Haven, and thi" next Jobn .Murphy, tbe two men en listing In that order. The tails were ob tained of Peter Smith, an old hunter llr Ing oa Boon's Mountain, In Clearfield coanty. UcQuown and Muipuy were killed at the battle of urainrsviue, still wearing the bucktails they had placed in tbelr caps wben tbey enlisted. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Perreaneatlv lecated mar Valley Depot, for Cabinets and Family Groups. Old pictures cop led andenlarged. augl-y 1 jy me jf cutting Wo would call the atten tion of the public to our facili ties for executing any kind o iob printinc, from the smallest card to the largest poster. Jfcjvery' thing executed with neatness and dispatch, and at remarkably low prices. Envelopes In this line we offer excellent bargains, and business men will nna it as cheap, and much more business ime, to oruer tneir supplies uom us. We can furnish the envel ope with business address print ed thoreon as low as the plain envelope can be bought. Every man should have his business printed on his envelopes, be cause if it miscarries in tho mails it can be returned to him. Try an ordor ot 250, 500 or a 1000 Book Printinir Societies and others desiring anything in this line will hna tne very low est prices ruling here Send in your orders. Printing Any and eren'- thine cominer under this head wedding stationery, dtate ments, tags, weigh bills, order books, etc., can be had here Particular attention paid to al mail orders. Give us a trial. Mote and Letter Heads These we can furnish in any quantities desired 250, 500 or 1000 lots, at wonderfully low figures. Nicely printed letter paper ia as neccessary as printed envelopes. Business men should have both. BillHeads Every carpen ter, blacksmith, mason, builder, painter, in fact, every man en gaged in contract work should have a nicely printed supply of bill heads. We print them in any quantity at lowest prices. Cards We always carry in stock and can print at short, no tice business or visiting cords. The former are a necessity to a it i.i. j i : i i ", i , 71 X , : 1 while the latter is the style and l a great convenience. Dodgers Any color, any size and in any quantity deBirod at prices remarkably low. We can print them at short notice As bargain announcements they are just the thing. 1 Posters This is oui eneci- alty. Picnic bills, horse bills, sale bills, in fact, any and every thing in this line can be printed in good shape and at the lowest prices. We make no charge for writing out posters. II in need of anything in this line we solic it your favors. CARBON ADVOCATE Itoklghten, Curbs a eounty.y Short Important Ad's All advertisements under this head such M ln.i n.,rf .rmVMl .tnlnlt. WHIlted. for SHIS aud all minor notices not exceeding six lines, will be Inserted at the rate ot one cent a word for the first Insertion, and one half emit a word for each subsequent Insertion, provldlnR.how ever, that no advertisement be charged less than Met for a single Insertion, and that tuey De paid tor casn in advance. OK KENT Store room and residence on l'ranklln St., w elssport. next to hprt Allen Home. Apply to Henry (ilirlstman. weissport. tfOll dAi.B Two black horses, one 0 years old, a? vrMchl lioo. Kood worker: one S years old, welsltt 050. flno driver, lloth In good condition. Oscar cimstman. Weissport. l'a. ANKVY four roomed dwelling, wllb kltfhen niMriipd. nar the llowmanstown Hotel, Bowman own, Is offered for sale. Price $800. Apply to Mrs. lima nteuiei on mo preiimc To Whom It May Concern ill n.i-inn, nrft hnrphv rnutlonftd not to med dle with tlie saw mill machinery or other articles In the hands of August Foil, ot Franxun town shin. Carbon Comity, l'a., as the same. Is ray property und loaned to hi m "urine my measure, Franklin twp. t- At Private Sale ! A. VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY, LOCATED IN MAHONING VALLEY. Th imitrlcmi.rt offers his Tlotol TroDerty, 21 Acres of (iooil Fannlni; Land, located at l'l,KAANT UOltNMt.CAIlUON COtJNTV,l'A tor sale. Tho Hotel lluildlnx Is located on the road leading Irom lhlgiuon to xamaqua. ioui miles from tehtghton In a rich furmlne country, Tha lii.llillmr U tnnVHnil.lv-lmlf storlM II ah. wltll Inure hall:. other lmtroYcmenU Include a large uhml anil hrn. nnd nprfftftArr outbulldlnirs This is n inre opportunity for a person desiring to go IDio me uoici uusmess. l'ot further particulars call on or address, J. T. McDANIEL, Not. 15-wt rleasant Center, fa or Sole. A Valuable Hotel Property In Lehigktbn. Thr (nnlon House, on North First street LchiEliton. l'a.. Is for sale. Tbe Mansion Is large, commodious and roomy having fort lHPiilnc nnrtment9. eleeant pallors, large dln- ItiK hall, sample room aud bar. It is nicely lurnlshed tlirouunom wun water anu iikiii im- rovemf ms unu is a Yaiuauio noiei properly. or further particulars can on or anuress. C. II. UOM, rilOi'., LeulcUton, Pa. Lehigh Valle R. R, Co. Arrangement of Passengsr Tratas. In Effect Nov. 16th, 1890. LEAVE LEHIG1ITOK Tot rtahwav.Ellzabeth.Newark aud New York 6.22. 7.30, .07, anu li. a.m.) s.oi p.m. ifor AiauuoKa ;iiuuil huu ici,iucr i.v, v.w, .in., vi.i'i it m. r or LtamueriTuiB anu ir.uwa ., v.w kuu 11.12 a.m.: and u.42 p.m. Knr sutlmrtou. Cntusauaua. Allentown. Beth lehem, and Kaston, 6.Z2.7.07, 7.30, s.'jo. i2.42and ii.wi a. in : .uu D.i'j niiu c.ui i' in. For 1'hlladelDhlaana points south at 7 07. 7.30, n mt .....I ,1 ,o .. n . frfl K OQ ,1 H u nl ni V.W nilU ....A M. tl.( W.W. u.au u.v ,r. ForlteadlnKanilliarrisDuncuzi, snail. lis, m in. ; S.Oti, D.'."J i.nu S.U1 p 111. For llowumns. Lehlch Gap. Chernford. Lau tv's. White Hall. Coolar. and llokendauaua o.x.7.07, u.njv.07 a u.i? a. in.; iz.tz,anii.2vp.ii rormaucii i. nurK 0.0, i.j,v.jo uuu u.t .iu. 1.22. a.iri. r,:a. 7.23. s.ttt and s.3x n. m ror Mauch Chunk 1.14, 8,S6,le.M a.m.: UJe, s.ie.s.13 ana v.38 p.in. For ltonillng at G.42 a. rn., and 2.53 p. m. For Weatlicrly and llaileton 0.52, , 7.43 y.o and ii.io twin. ; 0.1., u., i.to, iu.o i'.iu. For Mahaiiov City, bheuandoah and Ashland 8.52. 7.43. 8 M Und 11.48 a.m.: 3.15. 5.25 ti 7.23 D In tor jut. ijarmei una DuuuioKin d.w, 7.u aim 11.48 a. m.i 6.25 p. m. For I'OllSVlllU U.52. 7.30, 7.43, 11.12 and 11.48 a. in., 12.42. s.oii, 3.15, and 7.23, s.oi p.m. For White Haven. Wllkesbarre and Plttston e2, 7.13, s.30 and 11.48 a.m.; 3.15, 8.20", T.M aud lu.-ja p.m. For Scranton C.52. 7.43. f.M. and 11.48 a.: 3.15. 5.25. 7.23 und 10.23 P. 111. For Tunkhaunock 11.11 a. m.; 5.13 jm and ti.ln. For Ok ego, Auburn, Ithaca and Genera 11.48 ani.; iu.zb p.m. For Lacevvll e. Towanda. Sarre. wayerly. El- mlra. itochestur, Iiuffalo, K'agara Falls aud the west 11.48 a.m.; uim t.zj anu 10.2s p.m. SUNDAY TltAINS. For new York 4.11 . 5.42 and 19.07 a.m. : SJ3 n.m For l'litladclulilM.ll, .6i a. ui.: 2.62 and 5.23 P. m. For Easton and Intermediate Stations 6.42, B.iu, iv.ui u.m. ; n azt z.oz, o.rJ hiiu e.4 p m. j' or iiazietou y.oo a.m. : 12 zt, o.in et 10.2a p.m r or mauunoy iivy anu bhenandoah 12.2(1 and 3.15 p.m. ForVnttsT He at 2.53 n. m For White Haven. Wllkes-Barre. Flttston, Tuukhannook.Tovtauila. Savie. Ithaca. Uenera, AUDurn, .uiura, uocnesicr. uunaio, xiiacara runs una 1110 est iw z p.m For further particulars Inquire of Agents for Time Taklcs. Jla. U. UllflUlUll, (Jon'l Pass. Atrent. lixr n, to, ty (eatiTCtitbleheia, Fenaa. Public Sale Of a Very Valuable Farm. The underslcned offer at Public Sale the Valuable Farm of George Walck, located be tween Millport and Little (lap. In Lower Towa- niensiUK Township, Carbou county, Fa., on Thursday, January 1st, 1890, at ONE o'clock In the afternoon. The farm I one of the most valuable In Carbon county and contalus.Two-llimdred Af res. more or lest. The liiiprovemeits theieon are a Dwelling House, una all necessary outbuildings. At tliu same time aud place a lot ot Hay, Buckwheat anil Corn 111 be sold. Terms and conditions will do maao kuown at lime ami place of sale ky F1ETTA COSTF.NDADER. TOYS, GAMES, BOOKS Fine Stationery AND LEATHER GOODS and an endless variety of Nic JNaci. BIG BARGAINS IN 5c AND 10c GOODS ! Encyclopedia Tirittanica at $1.50 per volume, LFsLuckenbacli Ri 61 Broadway MancU M., Pa. MOUSED BT 1 BETTER iHD ICMTIST3A3 (MPEBTEiJ JBiCTICALLY ilcstmctflils over coo Beautiful wtens JAMBS G-. ILaUOH, Atsnt for White Bronte Mouumenlj. Op poalte Oeolra) depot, Lehighton. Tot specimen of work see loUleis HeaurteBl st .lfcai,A Mask. Holiday Goods x CHRISTMAS -AT SWEENY'S "Corner Store" A Few of Many TUBES e Have: Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Ap ples, Dates, ifigs, Italian Chestnuts, Hickory Nuts, Peanuts, GRAPES. All kinds of Fancy Groceries and a choice line ot uon lections For Holiday Present vre bars . An Elegant Line of Glas3 and (Jhinawarc at lowest prices. We ask you to call before mak mg your purchases elsewhere. . REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHT0N PA. Sweeny's Corner Store will be open on (Thnstmas. 4 3 S3 O NORTH PIEST BTEEET, LEHtOHTO.T. IS THE PLACE FOR FiHe Suitings and Fantaloonines at the lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per cent, lower than elsewhere. A perfect lit and best workmanship Guaranteed in every Ins'ance. llefore purchasing oliewhero rail and see us. -1 1-1 V D. J. KISTLER Resectfully announces to the nubile that he has opened a NEW UVE11Y STABLE, and that he Is ow orenared to furnish Teams for Funerals, Weddings or Business Trips on the shortest no Iceand most liberal terms. Orders left at the Caroou Douse" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH STREET, next the Hotel, Lehighton. lanI2U- Wa have In stock an elegant assortment of the most fashionable styles In Coats, Wraps Si Jackets. in seasonable weights, colors, &c. Don't Buy Unless You C Them., Dress-Making. In this Department we have the services of a first-class City Experienced Ladi and can guarantee our lady patrons tbe latest stjles and best work In this line. B. H. SNYDER, First Street, Lehighton, Penna. A NEW PRINCIPLE. We .Positively guarantee Dr f?oycJ's Little Giant Nerve and Liver Pills, To Cur Constipation, Indigestion, BilMuF neis, Torpid Liver, Pain in the Baca, Piles Headache, Bad Ta.lo in the Mouih arising from Indication, by strengthening: the nrvrs and regulating the aeiion of Hie Stomach Liver and Knlneys. Do not be deceived, Dr BoydV Little Giant Nerve and Liver Pills acton a naw principal. Tbey act on the mrreanl thr stomach, llvarand kidney clyinj them health and vignr. what ia more evi. ent of their cuth live qualities, than the fact that Ihe lnnge taken the leas required, tbat Is more than can be saiii or any "I tier pill on the market, a trial will convince Ihe mnit skeptical mind, thai what we claim ia true, these ar a few ol tbe many tektimoniala we have received Tirrna, Oi,, Aug, 30th 18S0. Dear Bin Tho Pills reccivtd, they ars Ilia beat I errr used. T. W. Oiim. LuiCsTSViL Mm., May W, 1RS0. D-ar Sir: (have taken Pilisacntme, Inclosed find 50c, rend m more 1 have been troublrd fur years with indlettlon, constipation acri nervounea, sine I take Dr. Boyd's Pills I feel good, have taken many others with n relief, yours respectfully. Asia Bcamta For sale by all dealera In meilicios at J3e per box, aenl by mall on recelpl of prioe rarapiaa iraa, agenia waniea evervwnere. T D. TnOMAif Druggiit. TUAT B0YANDGIRL OFOUKS What shall we have them taught and wherer eirce uoiiege or BUSINESS and SHORTHAND BKCOIIO BU1LDINO, 017-010 Cheatnut St., Fhllada., Tm. Second, Third and Fourth floors. HonuDir, Afternoon ana Might Sessions. Our students uniformly bear testimony In favor of tue utility and practicability of the course of Instruction, the skill and devotion of the Faculty and the earnestueas ot effort and the general success attending the same lu pro. looting their Interests after leaving Oullege. Notionhleand no charge made to anyone for supplying Hook-keepers, Cashiers, Salesmen, sonographic .Clerks or Geueral Asnlstauts In the Counting House, business men may expect more of graduates this year than before, as the Ktandaid of Uraduatlon has been Kulsed. relrce College Writing Blips and Real Busi ness Kornis, by Prof. a. 1". Hoot, for Iluiue Practice, oue dollar a set, pontage prepaid. Afternoon anu Night ( iauses In French and (terman. freuebmru aud Germans taught Cogllsb. Twenty-sixth im college Annuel, Gradna ting Exercises Including addresses by Prealdaut Heed, of Dickinson College, and lilshopPoss, etc.. sent wlieu requested, llease call or address. px. xnoaui iay pziroe, rrtaetutl and Pouuder. First National Bank, or wraoHTON, rx. Va Anneal Eteetlan for Re van TXreelOfS ot thU Bask 1Q be bsU at tbe EaatlBg !Im, m Tuesday, janSahy mh. im. cetweeStK bur ti Out t&d Tbrsa o'etoexP.U. 30KS T. UKMM, SHUtM. Livery Stables. Thoy Combino Quality First. Variety Second. Cheapness Third. And embraces novelties In all thai Is neat, new, nice, fashionable and durable In t lie lino of Jl WDSj B8 Gold Vatolie, lilng. GoM l'eiisand 1'onclls, Draco lets. Touilitilcks, Sllvernarp, Kar-rlns, So Ciet.i Plus, Chains, Gold Si mis. Heart Pins, anil I'veryililnc elso In this line al prices Less every time ihati ou ran bt soods of tho aama style, qualliy and workiuauslilD at any oilier jewelry or Renural store In this county, lleforn making pur chase elsewhere don't ou fall to pav a' visit to D. S. BOOK'S Jewelry Store, - O ppOarbon House, Lehighton THE POSITIVE CURE. i ELY CItOTnERS. C3 Warren Weissprt Business Uirectory. glKANKIilN HOUSE, EAST WEISSrORT, TENN'A. This houso offers first-class accommodations to lie permanent boarder and transient guest. Panic prices, only One Dollar per day. vuurj-iy John Kkiuiio, Proprietor. Oscar Christman, -WEIdSPOUT, PA. Livery and Excluinqe Sialics. easy riding carriage) and safe drlvlna horses. Best accommodations to agents and travellers. Mail aud telegraph orders promptly attended to. Give me u trial. mav2l-ly The - Weissport - Bakery, C. W. LAUKY. ritOPRIETOn. Delivers Fresh ftread and Cakes in Weissport, Lehighton und vicinities every day. In the store I have a Fine Line of Coufectlrfnery r the Holiday Tr.lo, Sunday schools aud fes vuls siuplled at lowest prices. dect-Cm. Over -Caual Bridie E. Weissprt. UNDERTAKER U AND UEAI.Ei; IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, c. Prices the very lowest. Quality of toods the best. Uatlsfactlon guaranteed In every particular. Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds, We have a full line which we will furnish a the lowest possible prices. Flour, Feed, &c, the choicest qualltvatvcryreasonableprlcet. Call und be con vluce J. JOSEPH P. REX, A.prH-ly EAST WEISSrOHT. Sule bills printed at this office at lowest prices. East Weissport, Pa. WHOLESALE DEALER I If Green Groceries.Fruits Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Pea nuts, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Confectigns, Cigars, &c., &c. Our prices on all goods are as low a city prices and you save the freight. Call at our store btfore buying elsewhere. aALESMEf ft WANTED. j ".LOCAL OR TRAV ELING. To sell onr Nursery Stock. Salary, Expenses atid Steady employment niartnteed Oil ASK UHUTUKH8 COMPANY. 0-7 -till' Hoohester, N. T AL. CAMPBELL, Jeweler and Watchmaker, Bank Street, Lehighton, Vjnna. Respeettnlly Invites the attention of his friends audtlie eltlwus Kenerally to ins Imiueuso new stoejt of Watches, Clocks, Silverware. Jeweltr. - j t at Prtees that defy eouipelWon. It will nay you o call aud Inspect my sloett baton pureliasiuc aliaHhftre. REPAIRING Promptly done at lewett enare, aad,all work guaranteed. Dm't Forsit the fiaee, . SIGN OP THE BIG WATOH, Bank St Lehighton. Deeisihet Htnw yo to-aky's Advot 1 i, ,-irnsi 1 y -yr y .umr BU, Hew Tort Prlca to et.E IN ALL ITS BRANCHES The undersigned would respect- lully announce that he is prppared now to do all kinds of work in the above line at short notice, in the best manner and at the most rea sonable prices. Esti mates will be cheer fully furnished. A full line of all. the necessary articles, namely, water spig ots, urinals, etc., al way in stock. A. share of the public patronage is solicit ed. Satisfaction si !"jso,'uaraiueea. W. S. KUHJSTS', North First St., Lehighton. Henry Miller, WEISSPORT PLANING - MILL. iiANUFAcnntitB or Window and Doob Frames, Doors, Shuttor, window rashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AMD DEALER 15 All Kipils of Dressed Lunto Shingles, Failings, Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices. Central Drug Store, Of P. TIIK TUBLIO SQUARE Bank Street, Lehightou, Pa., IS nEADQUARTEBS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c., choicft Wines and Liquors, all Paper and Decorations! &TiPP.tarl.oe TOien you buy a pair ef Shoes you want a good fit. But It you neeo SPECTACLES It Is much more Important that the EYE should be aeeommodated with correct lenies and a proper Iv mtlui; fruiue nlilch will bring the lenses di rectly liefore the centre of the eye. If vou buy jnurspeetaclesat Dr. Horn's vnu will find the above points properly attended to. PERSCRIPTIONS CaelUlly Comronnleil OetlMW U. S. MAIL COACH BETWEEN Broadhendsville and Lehighton, IS BUR FVEBIt DAT. Pas.ngers BMwreL end to all Folate sleag the Una. will be Carried at tbe very LOWEST RATES. Freight and Baggage Safely carried at lowf ,t raleas. The patronage al tha public is rrepKlfullv sollottad. Ordtri 1H uh the Fust OffieM alaag tbe Ilea or al Ue Xxefceage Betel, Lablghtoa, will raoelve uawn aiMBUea. JteafeeMvlly, AT Till Our aetottment of the new, nloe sil ttylleb effeoM In Fall anil Winter MiisMivisEnr snrpMirs all prevlont jeers In complete ness. Tbe price to. are enob as to be b Kre inauoemeni io ouyere. him nut eleesnt line of Hate. Donned, etc, sur prise! competitor, bo tbe low pricea as tonish our lady palrons. We also bar Coats and Wraps in the newest and prettiest styles, in all qnalltlee and prices. Wo invite tho lautee or.wetstport, iiebiRliton ltd tbe vicinity snrronndlng to call nnd see er.r handsome assortment of seasonable mill inery Roods before purchasing elsewhere. In Notions anil Fancv Gootls. w osrrj the usual novelties at all prioee. Ya.Durlng the Fall and Winter sea. bou we hve euRsfjert the eeriee of a Fashionable oity millikeh. WEISSPORT. flUrsJXulfoo A Large line of Goods suitable for Holi day Presents are now on exhibition jat.our popular Furniture Establish ment on north First Street. Wo in vite the public to call. Kemerer &.Swartz; NORTH FIRST STREET, feipoift jjiqegji )if00t0fj9 FOIl A SMOOTH EA.SY - SHAVE, AND A Srrusu llAin Cut, oo TO FRANK HERMAN THE BArtBKH, Over the Canal Bridge. U. S. KRESGE, In the Old Post Office Oulldlcp;. Fine and Medium Shoes for Ijidlea. Mea aad Children at the very lowest prices. New Rubbers Inserted In Gaiters at tram to t CO cents. All kinds of rtepalrlnR Neatly, Cheaply aad and Promptly attended to. HAHD-MADK BU0TS ft IHOSI M. O Kuntz. East end Leliiliiou- Welssport brldpe Dealer In SoleLeath er, Finished Calf Skins, Kip and Up per Leather.Ilarneis Leather, etc. lllehest prices paid for Hides. Skins & Tallow. AIR - (JUTTING and " 8MOOTH SHAVING In the very highest Style of Tousorial Art. At HORN'S Snavraa . . Saloox. Try Him I R. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Builder. . Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Done at Very Reasonable Prices. General Agent for the Ollbarth Patent Adjust able Carriage Pole, and Dealer lu Buggies aud Carts. " GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. hats, caps, Clauss Bros., Boots & Shoes. the tailors TRUNKS, &c, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GENERAL Paints, Varnishes, Glass, ALL KINDS OF COAL, OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa American Business College, Second National Bank, Centre Square, Allentown, Penna. One ol the lrest. Most Therouih, Best Eemilated and Finest Equipped Training Mnis Homing, AfUirneon and Erentne; Seasloaa. Xa Yaesttan. CiSlx eleiantly funiislied departmenta with all the most modern convenience, mil torn of iiurtenLirarticala !Uexpennedlu.ii-uetoni. Amkbioa Uueurrss KxeirKMTBniSiw Jr,.I vr,.iifS:L.t. , J ",",i.VniJl soo vwt.vHV.ViUHiia, w. sa-ul DENTISTRY, Dr. J. A. Mayer & Sen, Dr. GEORGE H. MAYER, a Graduate (real the Dental Departsseet ef tti tBdTW-tity ef runejlvasla, hasepesedaDoaee lathe acne ballllB with U laVbcr. aeeesd Seer la the Bar Wlstfovr, M SAOAOWAYMUAUCa OHUKS rjL, litBewBreGartd to naeivat emary nut in um M. FLORY, Manufacturer ot and Dealer In Harnes.1. coi.r.Aits. nr.AiJKEi8, WHIPS, FLY-NKTS, ttr.. Ac., Ac. WniTK -o. 8TKKKT. IT LOADS TETUU ALL IN NZYV. TIB ADYOCiTi BUIGBT, OLIAX, INDSPKNDHMT. Ild It! SPOT x Cash Bayers sra a A. F. &XTDXR, Aad buy your Organs, riancs,Swlax ICae&tcev, Wringers, Washing Machines. laapltmnla, Pumps ot all kinds. It nlll pay you era prise from me before buying. I taa h yem aueiasy ..... . mm i n aMSMSBECggas Seasonable Goods Cassimeres, Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheviots, &c, &o. Satisfaction.- There is a good deal of mtisfaetlen. in beinpr perfectly satisfied, and eape ially so in regards to what you wear. In this pnrticular vre inratiably aacro than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete (fire satisfaction in making a choice ot gooda desired, while in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks far mora eloquently than woTd. Call on us f rALL nnd WINTER GARMENTS, or parts of Suits We guarantee pre fect fits and finest workmanship. HARDWARE; posiuow an. secured for the (rraduiies trie :urea ior me ffraousies rr O. U UOUMiTr, rtlnolpaU Administratrix Notloo. Eatsteol Acoott f. RienirMM, tat(t(V borough ot tehljhton. Carbon county, l"? . ff.,uJ drr.lulstratton oa the a bora naraod It??!,.',lntt.J)V0 ranted to the nnderslxsed, a 1 parlies ludetrtefto the said eelate arens! quested to make Immediate pavment and thee Eavtajr elalns aaain.l the ailf ea t. u mZ BtulaaeouiSa,dly aathaaltawd tor Me. MJJOT BBCZaKDOsV. A4&W wifsaw, r.. o. 11,11 Sav yen itead t frifj el
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