ill (l arluvn HpVlf .! V JOB W Will Be Found In Mt"iil' - - 1 . 1 1 : - ..ts . ., v,'i , r $1.00 a Year in Advance. . INDEPENDENT-' Live mid Let Live." $1.8 when not paid in Advance. VOL. XIX., No 9 Lohighton, Carbon County, Fomia,, Jamuuy 10, 1891. Single Qbpjea 5 Conta ir ii I It-Ill ll III III Ir I I I reriSPO PAMEI'O UUP ! PSi K- HW H a ITffl HntLKNWslffi H a t H IB SwS H R P2 tenuce All kiuds of Rough Material are hero again, ound predominating among almost every style of Dress Stuff sfor Autumn &Winfe wear. Among the Plain Bough Goods there is nothing more serviceable than handsome Camel's Hair. Wo call particular at tention to our 75o per yard goods. Four other grades, -51.00 $1.35, $1.50 and 2.50 per yard. u mm a q, 634 Hamilton (LIMITED) Ecilo'e orner, North First Street. Would Make this Special Announcement OfUhe feet that they have bought the finest and most complete line of Guns, Revolvers. Cartridges, Shells, both blank and loaded. Gun Covers, Game Bags and all : ' Implements and Tools used by the Sporting Fraternity ever Bhownin Carbon county, and that . they have marked thorn at prices that will defy competition. e extend an earnest invitation to all to eome and inspect them whether you want to buy at present or not. We also have n line of Dr. Horner's Cattle and Horso Powders. THE TOST gSEMlUMl Men's Boys' and Children's CLOTHING. Mile Is sufficient evidence that the Brm ot Koch & wueis suuicicuwoiuoun h . .. t i,uue ... jufiu . "'S'the ikViesSeTVrshowalrTttiTs.ectlou. "Working Suits. Business Suits and Dress Suits in Large'Quanti- ties, and of every Description. Smaking Jackets, House Coats, Office Coats, Bath Robes, &c, in great variety. " OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS ir ' Thousands to select from, In all the newest shades. Kersey takes the lead. We have them In Jfourtoeen Different Shades. Boy's and Children's Clothing. w iwHj.itars are Dlled lull. We will make any how cheap thew Bults are sold. OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. . triii it pnKMrnM w had the trade In style, nuallty. make and1 finish and In mdntaealn all these points i 1st. We start with first class material. 2nd. Expert cutters. &er&&rt,minM4th. Ml skilled mechanics to make the garments. 6th.- Terlects fits and our easterners alwiys pleased. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. ttnderntar. Knit Jackets, Hosiery. Suspenders, 1 Driving Gloves, Collars, ee-We make it a point to lead the trade In those lgns iresu irum iuo auu..s,s. j j . ' Koch & Shankweilek, IsMdi ait Largest (Mint Hotel Allen Building. ALLENTOWN, PA., erOPPOSITE L. FIRST STREET, - - LEHIGHTON, Has just opened an entire new line of LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS! ComDrisine all the very latest styles in White Goods. Sa teens. Prints. Ginffhams, Pan'oy Dress Patterns of irif? low Dricea. Groceries, Provisions, iVood and W lllowwaro ot Cloths Oassimers, Hats, mailo fllftttVilTirr in en-eat varietv and at prices with the read of all purchasers prices fully as low as the same goods can be nought for at any other genera.1 store in this vicinity. Carpets, Oil-cloths, Lamps and Fixtures in great varietv and of best quality at Rook Bottom Prices. Best quality of Flour and tame articles can be purchased A cur load of coarse salt v been marked down to the All goods of the very best quality aud are being sold at prices iiqually as low as the same goods m this section. Call ana do convmcea. ii'especuuuy, July 823-71 AMOS REIftEL. JOBWORK of all at For Brussels, Ingrain and Good Tta Carpets, Saxony, German town and Stocking Yarns, Brash Mats, call at Excelsior Carpet "Works, NORTH URSf 8TKJBBT, LEHIGKTON, We mv DiKfluUr t(ufi9tt U They will be St Allentown. Bhankweller still take tho lead In the Clothing . ..p.u hu been carefullv selected. mother proud ol her boy. It U astonishing Dress and Flannel Shirts, Dress, Etreet'and Cuffs, Neckwear, &c. lines and are the first to show all the new de- House in th LeMsii Valley, Centre'Spuare. A MarSEUIfiS. Seersuckers and the very best qualities at exceed Crockeryware,Glassware, tue best makes at low figures. Boots. Shoes and Eeady Peed at prices lully as low as the elsewhere. has just been received tho price very lowest notch. can nought at any general store kinds nicely executed S. DEPOT.-r Pa this office. Prices low Carpet Wool, and iLtti ipanuMituw ol Bm Professional & Business Cards. W. M. Rapshor, ATTORNEY asd COUNSELLOR AT LAW, First door above the Mansion Honso, MATJOH CHUNK, .... PENN'A. Heal Estate and Collection Aconcv. Will Buy and Sell Ileal Estate. Conveyancing neatly done. Collections promptly made. Bottling Estates ot lecinrnw a specialty, may oe consuitca in English and German nor. 22-rl W. G. LYE. Seiplo, PHYSICIAN AND BUBOEON. SOUTH STREET, - - . IjEHIGUTON. May bo consulted In English and German. special attention given to Gynecology. Optick Iloonai From la M. to 2 r. M.,and trom 6 to 8 P. M ' mar.3l-vl PACKER-TON HOTEL, Midway between Mnuch Chunk & Lenlghton, I. 11. a HOM, Proprietor. PAOKERTON, - - Ttsvt.. this well-known Ilotol Is admtrablyreflttod, and has the best accommodations (or permanent and anstent boarders. Excellent Tables and the enrybcst LiQuors. Stablcsattachcd. l lan MANSION HOUSE Opposite L. k 8. Depot, BANK STREET, - LEHIOHTON, o. ir, noir, proprietor. his honse offers first-class accommodations (or ranslent and nennanent boarders. It has been icwly reflttcdln all Its departments, and Is locat- ;u in one oi we most piciuresque portions oi ins lorengh. Terms moaerate. t-ST The bAIt Is uppnea wnu wio cnoicest wines, laquors ana Kara, x resn iger on rap. apr ii-yi O. A. CLAUSS, omoe with Clauss Bros., First street, Lohighton Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE. - Only Frst-class Companies are represented Information cheerfully furnished. 4-iy Ex-SheriOabenold. K. flth St. ALLENTOArN. DENTISTRY, In all Its branches. Fresh gas always on hand The patronage of the people 1 solicited. Satisfaction gnaronteed.4-o-uo DR. J. P. BROWN, Slatington, Pennn. Special Treatment given In Diseases of Women. Specialist In Diseases oi Eyo, Ear, Nose and CataiTh Permanently Cured. Fine Frameless Ere Glasses and Snectacles ad justed lny own patent. atijta-ly DR. G. T. FOX, 172 Main Street, Batb, Pa. A.T BANOOB, BBOADWAY 1IOUSK. MONDAYS. AT K ASTON. SWAN HOTEL. TUESDAYS. at BrrnxKHisM, sun Hotel, Wkdnesdatb. AT ALLKNTOWN, KAQLII HOTEL, THURSDAY IT ISATU, t HID AYS AND aATUBOAYB. Office Hours From 9 a. ra. to 4 n. m. Practice limited to diseases of the Eye,Ear, Nose k Throat 3T-Also. Refraction of the Eves or the adlust- raeutol glasses. I. SMITH, D. D. S., Office opposite the Opera Bouse. Bank Street, Xeh ghton, Pa. DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES). Pilling and making artificial dentures a special. ty. Local anesthetics used, lias administered and Teeth Extracted WITH OUT VAIN. OFFICE HOURS: From 8 . m., to 12 m., from l p. ra., to s p. m., from 7 p. m., to 8 p. m, Consultations In English or German Office Hours at Hazleton -Krerv Saturday. Oct 15-8T tv DR.W.F.DANZER, No. 6 North Wyoming St., HAZLETON, PENNA. Specialist In Diseases ot the 7 3 NOSE AND.THROAT. Dr. Damer will be at the Exchange Hotel, Lehighton, Spectacles and Eya Classes accurately fitted at rensouauie pnees. PR-Consultatlou In German and Eucllsh. aiiKtistl6-90tfn NSUMPT10N IN 1U first stages, can he successfnlly checked by the prompt use of Ayer Cherry Pectoral. Even In the later periods of that disease, tho cough Is wonderfully relieved y this medicine " I have nsod Ayer's Cherry Tectoral with the best effect In my practice. This wonderful preparation ouceeaved Diy life. I had a constant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced In flesh, and given up by my physician. One bottle aud a half ot the Pectoral cured me." A. J. Eldsou, M. D., MWdleton, Tennessee. J " Several years ngo I waa severely ill. The doctors said I was in consumption, nuil that they could do nothing forme, but advised me, as a last renort, to try Ayer's Cherry rectoral. Alter taking this inedlctuo two or three mouths I va cured, and my health remains good tn the present day " James Birchard, D.irien, t'oun. " Several years ago, on a passage home from California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that for some days I was confined to my stateroom, and a physician 011 board couuldered my Ufa 111 danger. Happening to hare a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I used it freely, and my lanes were soon restored to a healthy condition. Since then I have Invariably recommended this pre. oration." J Chandler, Junction, Va. flyer's Cherry Pectoral, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by aUnmgst.t,. rrlMl;ltUmle,$e. A. S. Rabenold, D. D. S iteu Svrias : Over J. W. Ran I Win&h' Liquor svr, BANK BTRBMT. LKUIGHl'oV. twolUtry la all it. tnuieW 1 eti 1 v n ar&twui '1 1 BUN KM 1) A. Y of li .-lc. Ml Lehhrh eaiiirv. Pa. ggjSubscritx" thi$ppr. Purl tor and read Oae iiNiJUJtANrn. How mneli th hestt mar hoar, and 7t' no'. hrenkl How much tlie flesU maf suffer, let not 0II au etlon much it any pita or ache Ot soul or bodr brings our end more nlchi Death chcoses his own time; till that Is esrern, All evils may be boron. Wo Km a sorrow rlflng in oarway. And try to flee from the apnioao'ilna 111! We fleek eome Bmdl csoap, wwep and prayi out whon the bluff falls, then our oearti ore still Not that the pain Is of tie sharpnea. shorn, nut mat it can be born. Wo wind our lite about another's lite, f We hold it closer drarer tlian our own t Anon tt taints and falls In dentlijy slrlfe. Leaving us stunned, and stfloken and alone i Out ah I we do cot die with those we mourn) This also can be borne. Heboid! we live through all things-famine, thirst, Bereavement, paint all grief and jnisfry, . 'I wo and sorrot tits Inflicts Its worst On soul and body, but Wo cannot die. Though we be sick, and tired, and taint, and worn. IiOl all things can he borne. t. norenoe Percy. It was among tho bllli back of the, cragsy coast of Maine that Mrs. Onder aonk, her daughter, MoJIle." and the- ever-faithful followor, Blttty MoVlddert lyinDcr. init it was nocossity, not piima- tiro that coueod thoir ohnnaa of resK denoe. ' Faith, and tho Croat Iron book.tbat's In the walnut beam by tho flroplace wlgn gled at mo when I was laying the flro 30 It did," complained Biddy, as slui- :nnccd rfiproachfully at her young rola-' tress, Who at that moment, was at war with a giant spldor In the oUl-fashlouod liver teapot. "Woll," returned Molllo, deflantly.f I d rather facfui trlioat nnv dav than n. demand for rent when my pockct-bobl? la flranw. " But It la In the nlht that yo'll BavqJ 1 face them, and It's yer mother that'll) die if she sees a wraith staring her In tliet a H Miue. 1 But Biddy, there's no wrnlth noth ing but a boll la tho cellar and mother has decUed to attompt to lire here In, any case." But no human craythur is there that could bo hired to live-in the bouso Tor the last twlnty ftvo years." All tho better for us, BfJdy ; tho fur niture, I And, has scarcely boon worn at all. Lovely It Is, too, and just old fash ioned enough to be nice and romantic." Bheumntlc, Is It? That's what I -was thinking ot myself, 'Miss Mollie," gium bled Biddy. But the ladies remained at tho grand o!d,stone nnu.alo'n that had been do sertod twenty flvo years before on the plea of ghosts, aud an elegant residence they found It when once cleaned and settled, always excepting that boll. Regularly ev ry morning and evening us surely a; Sunday came the rlnglnir ot a bell had sounded out clour and it . 1. 1... 11 1 . 1: r 1 tlo mansion, precisely as It summonSun; tho poopla to religious services. Occas glonally, too, on vrtsBiZ days, everyono in the old house was startled by tie sad tolling of the deep toned, rrsonnnt bell, and while Biddy tell on her kneos and counted her bjads, Mrs. Ondcrdonk bowed ber bead Uon the Bible and irayed, Molllo.with wide eye? and com pressed lips prowled about the house nnd even descended into the col lar on one rconslou. only to discover nothing savo the sound was muoh slrongor there tliaj in other parts ot the house. Clearly tho place Is haunted," Mrs, OndordonU dcldod, but as tho sounds only trouble v.a by daylight or In tho early ovcnlng, we wilt try to put up with them. I have heard, my dear, that your great grandfather was a ve.y Irreverent m.n. It may be that these so tin 's were seat hern to remind htm of his .uty to tbochuroh which he so perfectly neg lected." Biddy wns co Jipletoly den oralbsed.and Imagined that the hooks in tho kitchen wiggled ot her as If lnvltirs hor to be come Itppaled ttionsou; nnd she covered r face "With her apron whenever she was obliged to pass through tho hall, for fear that the dead and gone Onderdonks would bow to her. from out the old-tash- oued frames in 'which their pictured faces were Imprisoned. Hut one day nlie cv me rushing, out on tho piazza, where M-illle and her mother ant, with ber transparent, coimteuanco fa'rly beaming with Joy, ' Fat;, and U s a f .lad, t is, that's sit ting out on the back stoop entirely I" . Mollie ran through the hall, softly opaned the ba.k door and peered out. The nert Instaat there was an ombraoo nnd a did cry. Paul, Paul! wpat. urougnc you norer "Tho snipe shooting alone, ails Mollie, darling, of course. Tried to catch blank bass this afternoon, but they bit so hm d that I was afraid they would jump out of the water and bite me. Then I was hungry, and I knew that Bltdy, at least, -was of a liberal turn of mind, and oh, by the way, Mol lie, Low's the ghost?" This epeeouh was not 'even as smooth nnd connected as it appears upon paper, but was punctuated by sounds whloh would seem to show that the young people had met before. "Oh, Paul, there's no ghost, but there Is certainly something here tnat is beyond my comprehension," returned Mollie, gravely. Mrs. Onderdonk welcomed her Droe poctlve son-in-law vory graciously, anil as tho next day was Sunday, promised htm that be should soon hear tho cause ot nil their alarm. Precisely at half-past ten the next morning the first solemu tone was heard, aud with Mrs. Onderdonk cling ng to his arm Pul Marble followed Mollie into the oellar. Tho sounJs were fu'l and clear, and after they had ceased Mrs. Onderdonk, who was nearly faint ing, whispered, "Was ever anytbl ig more strsnje and supernatural f" "Strange! Ves. EuceixUiri. tU." Hicr"" of all in Leavening Power. Tho Mysterious Bell. m ma wm&FSMfaw m Tit tvsrrVAttffitt . u LJlWLJLiil ABSOLUTELY PURE replied Paul. "I know llttlo of acoue. tI6s, but I believe I can solve this mys tery. Last Sunday I was on the other tfdo 6t the mountain, twenty tnlles from hero, and attended a small church which Is partly hewn from tho rocks of- tho mountain, and In a nioho out lu the rooks abovo tho church their bell Is sus pended. I see, Mrs. Ondordonk, that your cellar is blasted out of the solid rock. I am led to think that the rock la solid entirely through tlm mountain, and sonveys tho sound of that bell to your mansion a sort ot natural telephone, ns it wore. I believe we shall ascertain It Is that bell nnd 110 other which causes this musical pbpiiomennn." 1 But how.caa w find Out for certain?" queried Molllo, anxiously. ' ,111 get a oarrlngo to-morrow, and will ride around to tho church and got the sexton to ring the bell for us. Mrs. Ondordonk can knon a rardrri of tho founds hore, and we will, too, and If they ugree, we shall know flint I am right. See?" Mollie did see, and her mb'ther was ep rellovod that she oven Hstnned to. the sounds that evening, with equanimity, flaying, Molly, 11 Paul la right, It will be far t(pm a detriment to the place." tine noxt morning the young peopli startod on their long ride. The church wob found and the bell runs: several 'ilijies, and then they returned. Mrs. Onderdonk met thorn ut tho door. "Oh, my dears, the boll vans again ana again, and I kopt a record of tfftty Stroke. ,'"!Ho did I. muimn " firl&i Am ha'pp'!: 'MoNl5. It was ttten and there established be- ypnd any doubt that tho J tttl(-, church IjqU twenty miles away wds the pnly ghost that haunted tho On jevdonkmap- Sloth , The strong? story1 spread evnrywh'ore. and all the Vassar girls and 0,imbridi?a boys at Bar Harbor, nl the srtlpe-9hoo:-ers and ilsbormcri In tho mountains, nnd mony-tlty- pedploVcapie trooping to the llttlo church," where It was round that raps on the rooks ln,the Onderkoitlt tiel- ar could be heard as plainly &i the boll resounding In tho once deserted mau slon. Every company too. Jlvlded at, the- church, and rparfctfc) 9 greiter part, too. v'oum -drive-'aronnd to Jirs.- Onder- donk's, and tuaKliidy woa obliged In lf-defenoe to,chirgo an admission fee. whloh ebon beeamn a steady fovea of revenue to hor. ' ' . . And at Mo lie's wedding, whloh -oc- urred soon alter Paul's visit, the merry ringing of the bell twenty miles away was one of the features ot the occasion, It JFoo!jrt the Cop. 'J'ever hcar how the old Fort and Third Stroet Presbyterian Church got burned up?" said tho old fireman at the Wayne Street House. 'F you didn't IVs a funny jstory." -it wasanoui; ms en years asrp. xne church poople qonceiven the irfea of ginning the stovepipe up to tho tbeplo to give more draught to tte f urnace; xfjlrsttiiao they lighted up thodo' lartmejitaurneu out proinpti: gilte thiolusefthfrarmglfSmmr out of tho steeple. We discovered what the snap was and went home and rubbed up our engines. About a week after, about three o'clook In the morning, a belated citizen discovered smoke pouring out of the steople aud turned In another alarm. Wo wont down again and looked at the steeple. Then we drove bac and cleaned our engines. "Three or four mornings lator a new policeman gqt on to tho smoke nnd turned in an alarm. We hustled to the spct, saw- the policeman and asked, 'Where stbo'flro?' " 'There, don't you see?" He sbouted, pointing to the siroklng steeple. Wo exchanged courtesies all around, and tho now policeman felt . pretty small. Thou we went baok and polished up the engines. " About a week later tho eanto rolloe innn, eaunteHag down that way early In the morning, saw tno old church smok ing ajaln. A cltlzin saw It, 'too, and screamed at the ofllar : " ' Why In blasts don't you call out the Fiio-Departmeut? that ohuroh Is "all all' a.' . . ' You be blessed 1' replied the officer. 'I dou'i blte.twhr on that -kind 'of thing. That's only the furnace.' " ' Funiace bo-bloWod 1'j'olled the qltl 'that church Isjin Hie, and if you don't turn In an alarm I.(wlll.' -. " 'If you-do I'll look you up,' sld the cop. 'Now move od."Tho citizen ni6ve on, and lnta 'fev mfiTftt ' the flnraes btiMt from .nil the 'windows of the I'huroh, nnd she wns burned clear down tot He oellar." 'Detroit Journal. It Wh a litre S'liM. ' ' Tho (ppaaranoe of the enow durln g the last few deya," enld James Hunter, an eld Callfornlan, ' remlnda me ot the ull of snow lu Han Fracclsoo during January, 1878. You know (hat winter In California Is tho rainy season, and down on the coast mow is not seen onoe in ten years. It.bog.m snowing that morn ins about ten o'clpok, end California street la San Francisco we say Califor nia btree.1 as you say Wall street in Ney York went wild over it. In a great measure business was suspended. Old nnd gray-headed men scraped up the suow and made snow balls, whloh they fired at each other with all the enjoy ment of boys. I saw Sharon trying to rub Broker Eyre's face with snow, and the two McDonalds, ' Ursa Major' and his brother, were pelting etch othor lu front of their bank. To many ot these men who had been born and ulsed on Northern farms, the snow was an old friend, and they Bimply gave themselves up to the enjoyment of It. The white fall produced something ot the feeling whloh comes at Christmas time, a sort of era of good wishes and kindly memor ies, and men spoke to each other and drank together who had not been friendly for years. It Is an actual tact that the volume of business lu the Stook Ex change that day was leas than one-hall he average. It was one of tho most urlous of the many uurlpus incidents ol OClfornla life." New YorttlTelerair. S. Gov't Report, Auf . 17. IS89. 1 COOL HEADED QENtRALS. t tltynt Solillfrs Who llVo en Prfretl) Calm In the Mmt liicltln- ltnltlrs. Tho great general- should, bate" a double nature, 'la order that he ma rdakn prompt and' well rensoned decls Ions he should be calm and Inospnbfa oi excitement In great and midden emer gencies. But, In order, to nritipnte hi old!ers ano Keoh them up to a high moral pitch, he should be rapablo of en thusiasm and high spirit. It is need less to say that the two qualities are not often perteotly united, ami that when they are found nri joined tho result la a military (reolusj - General Oraot'wss one of the coolest then In the world, but bin splendid con fidence and cheerfulnofls otien partook ot the natur of enthusiasm, tind In spired his BOltller'a, hs Wjjll a th oflei years hi civilian' WliJw citketis, with ardent admiration nnd sympathy. rH Is a somewhat atranire- thing that Frnuce, the nt'ttoii. tit lion Wood, should have pro'dyrnd a long, line of general- who snoived 'thfe.cofnploiost cms frold on tho llBlft of batttrt. Napoleon Homo tlmes aasiiined,,a oertaln ardor, but nothing could excite him if ho did not iboose til be excited. Murn' , Niipoleon'n daHhlng ahlef of .cavalry, whoen splen did enthusiasm .wou many desperate, charges, Cduld be an cool oi hi's tnastct upon occasion. At the taking of Moscow, while the Uroopa sab Ilk their Baddies under ft mur derous fire, JHitat received a dispatch, to whloh an ariawer w lequlrtd.. Though bis" nfetUesotne hoi-se wrp trdnflbllng, Mu tat laid the rnln upon the horn of the wtddle, took his notebook In 3ne hnnil and h 111. liia nl.l,r. unrl uegan to write reponsn. bUdiienly a shell toll awj exploded on the ground ftln3e by. The horso leaped Into the air and sWun wildly Around. Murnt simply transferred the peppll to the hand that held tlie notebook, calmed the hor wlth'the'the'r hand, and then rfentrtrti writlnghls dispatch a If noth-' Inpr had happened? ' A' shout ot admiration went up along the I'n. MurntsHw that the enthusiasm aroused by his trifling net had creftted a "favorable rnomoutfor a charge,. Ha ave the order, and his men swept clear through the enemy's line. It Is aild that GUnernl Reynler pnee saved the French army lu Calabria, In 1806, from 11 complete ront, slniply by the uiannnr in which he smoked a cigar. The English Infantry fire had compelled the French to retreat. R.evnter, fearing 1 .tt panlcreraalnod to the last, aud brought up the rear. Though the English flip was murderous, ho had lighted a cigar, Rnd his retreating men noticed that puffs ot smoke went up, as his horse moved s'owly on, with absolute loguilty. Puff! A wait. Tuff) Another wait Puff I The enemy were pouring on, firing vigorously as they advanced, but nuth- j litg could accelerate Iteynlor's smoking, i Ills soldiers milled under the lneplru. lion of thfi queer spectacle and 'got off in ?vod-rder. '. Perhaps the most cold-blooded com jiianderwho tjver lived was'tho IFrontjh general, Snltn-Cyr. Ho was "a groat tactician., , but lolally jieglfloted tho n.oralo ttl his men. He was never seen off borsebaok, nnd -noVer showed himself before the lines. On one occasion, when he was simply a general of division, the tnP0tuous Marshal Qudlnpt, puzzled to know what to do In an emergency, asked Salnt-Cyr's advice, frankly telling him thut ho was "nonplussed." "Yc-u, inonselsu.-ur," snljlSalnt-Cyr, Bnd I a general of division. I shall faithfully osrry oulyotir orders, but' It would not lie becoming for, m to advise you." looter on Sn.lnt-Gjr succeeded to tho lomrennd ot the army and then adopted a peculiar method of generalship. H formed his pluu of battlo clearly, pre cisely and with admirable, loresjght. Then ho eeut hi oi dem to his subordi nates nnd shut himself up in his quar ters, absolutely forbidding eulranoo'lo a single &011I. Then be look out his violin add went tu studying hard piece of mnslo ns tranquilly us It he had ben in the midst of pio'nuiid pence. The" battle wujeh" won SnlntCyr his baton 80 a murshal. of the-Empire wa". fought whllelu was; In his lent. He bod apparently forn u evrrythlna aud the oHliryliig out of Mh 'plans ilom- pletly "ruthed the fllieiiy....youtu's Conipanlim. ' Hinkane Inillaiis. Bpoknne Falls has Rirung up so re cently tpM Bomt) of the evldnno-fi of nb orlginil glory (.till Unser In It vicinity. Tho cunviin ot the Spoltnne river below tho city Is a favorito hiiunto,' tlio wan dering rd skins; - who are stragglers from fomo oT tha reservations, nnttdur invthe salmon scnioii, which lasts near ly nil the Summer there, the cluster ot equPrt ore a fnnilliar Hlght ahmg tho hanks of tho wtrenui. The C.iei)r d Alan- reservation Ii otily twenty inllesip the river from Spokane. The Colvllte and Moes reserves am a considerably greater distance to the northwest. These Indians, ot courae, are entirely subdued and are as harm less as oxiltle. as they move quietly from plnce to place and pursue their fishing and hunting In a modest way between tho dates of receiving their supplies from the kind-h arted Government. Harmless ns tiese Htvnjgllng" Indians are, they often indulge in the luxury ot painting aud decorating their person in true savage style. Gaily decked young bucks ofton ride through the streets of Spokane Falls on their cay uses, two or three together, and objects of much curiosity on the part of nw eomers, but are n t nolloed by residents "f the city. The old saolioms struttln; thioiish the streets arrayed In holiday attire, are ob jects ot no less Interest, and area great ileal more ridiculous. West Shore. Tlie Owl of Hifttrr,, A peoullar Incident occurred on board tho schooner Howard Smith, of Nowport, Just previous to her going ashore at Doboy Bur, Ga. Just after Jcavlng Hat teruk, up to which (line the weather bad been pleasant, It grew threatening, and an wl came upon deck, whose presence the sailors regarded aa an evil omen. They tried again and again to drive the bird nwoy, but in vain. Soon tho storm arose, but the owl would not depart. The rest of the experience in the gale Is known. The men forgot the presence of the owl and fought the storm. The vos sel struck and the next wave carried away the bulwarks. Captain Clifford and the men sought the crosa-treea ot the foremast, where they remained all night. In the morning the owl again boarded the wreak as If it had bsen his work. TU bird was omight. and will bo forwarded to Newport, where it will un doubtedly be a great curiosity, New Bediord New. Mary Anderson's favorite dog Is Newfoundland. Christine Nllsfon pre ."ere the M. Bernard, whloh (salio one of Mi. Laugtry's favorites. or Vhr Are Wm Mattel Take in your baud a eryet! of qgactx, a stiek of deal, a daisy andan aeopi,'anil you vill not find lu them a single efe jnent of matter tht Is not also found in "your physical fiain Boston Globe. Miong Love. ASeiantoa wumau who waatsadlrares stelms that hr husband used to rub ilszv- I bsrgsi tiie p r. A u sis' rr. Ard nd white slcuak killad last week at South Yameuth. Hub ms ar rare, and Mi tufts ,uit rw- "TO Attl"l5Nl At;0s TIIK 15. But cvfctfft'tifoe we met tnujtit Hands. trt.-dafbHween trt'ntl ( A.W.aJtiSttuimbllns wntr wide AMlsJy'iuensy'-t imtrlMl, Vfu-Pfjfltfiantltit uf nkii-,s n lands. 'time ftte'ft rtesimt i-ea his s.tmli A jesrWtJteu, h dn lie bfsjiJsi W Wlllted, wsta'k-d iy IVifnls' il( ftat nuee of in .m. WUKtiynXf Wimt ni.ny urands Are ticjsft ttnttum to Ir-ir. iiaiWU "-WWatVnot Ulli(o nrinly Ud ltrt Katiairf tan rale cat now .itt.lJ AH, Ihc nljR tliiiij...,( linilernlnn.l, Hut outfeorwloe: ' ' " -dntury, , ltTnke. VerrMlil9liiney. Those Who are not behind th acnn?i will befltirprlsed. l lo'irn on huw little money Mine of Uja.draraatle nUrtiation. are etirUd. Perhaps some of the iotof whb IfuVe to wnllc baok lo X York an nually by roason ot tills wtkld not b anriiriadii, buiJ fefer to tlte ifennrn: puli lie. Tko the T!ay. for-lnstunco, called "Natural Gas," which proved quite a uioccHs lajt sannon. It was started 00 icarcwlJ'liOO. . Tho play nettoil 27.C00 U one sesjn. It wAs brought one by Jh Hussell, Inter of "The City Diructury" L-oinpnny, and McRsrs. Dunnelly, GIrnrd intl Onficrt. Tiio lait three put up VSi each, iwlilln Kuascl, agn'nst this lm-oionBe-cnijjth), put In his experience, hi( null wltli tho nianagnrs-whlch enabled J&i-.t&wJuMv0''"" li'a finanolatalandliiK with IH.IfpKfph firms, which enanlodtha .onuinnyto-gst.t heir print fnc on credit. rtUssel wtta. nlsO' in thi good gi'acea o) the hyidlng photographers who ftir ill shed the -pictures of the mvmbpioi lhe'iuip3tiy. The pIh- proved a great 4tttees finauolally. There la another iutanupe In the late " Hondrlk Hudson" lompany, wlth Fay Tnmpluton as th star, although tho result was not qtil.e. ns happy for the managers as wa tliat vbleh attolid"'d tho production of "Nttt ra! Gaa." Lykena, tho manager of Fay Templeton, who raised it great row with life baelcers when tho conc rn went to t lecea, had not a dollar iu the world and was living on hit cheek at a New York hotel whnhe received a letter from Fay Xempleton Informing him of her hard nick in Pa lis. She had pawned her dia monds, those famous diamonds whloh formed too remarkable Custom House 1MB0, and"was out of a Job. She oftVrqd to come to America and be managed by anybody that could raise about $1,500. Lvkens struck a man by the nnrde ot Utiavorzafit who had a little mohey and i-evealofl the plot to him. He succeeded in gettln .$3,000 out of him, and on thai small ahiouut fully equipped a company and brought out the piny called. "Hon ii'lk Hudson." Everybody knows tho r.isult. It aeema a little queer that, En terprises Involving really $10,000 and tXt, ,X should be started by experienced men on such small capital, If every jiow udd then one falls through for want ol cash to'pay aaiarics there Is no surpr se manifested among theatrical experts. Mirror. FnntbHll's AdvantagreR. Foutball Is not n contest Of mere skill wid aireifgth. It fs not the physloai iUalnat the physlctl ' it Is Intellect and wtll agslnt will find intellect, 'The feel-, inns .'ir'n those of cavalry In a chargo, pr o; the. ojcl-timo In the tournay. What ood. player ,ever realked lu n Hine Ui;it' thei'o is such a thing as flesh nhdilSfipd? In -piactice- yon sometimes ftytj aJJrere is not anything islae, but, tTt-n amo u.'iff i ufjuecioua ui no nucu siihsbiuue. It is the spirit that goes through a game. the. lody doubtless eoinetimes attending. Oh. you mother, who are so careful i't your dnrllugs, why do you prepare them for a swimming, match by kesping t . -Mil away from the water? Send them out on the "scrub side" and let them burn life's le.sons. They will derive many benefits as well an pleasures from lne gume. How much moro It enables one to 1 eujoy study 1 "Nothing great was over accomplished without enthusiasm,"" says Emerson In hit "Self H-ilanee.'' In football the boy will leHrn thht not hlne even tolerable uccumplMhed Without It. -When you sm an effeminate, man you ,re 1 that it ynu could play opposite to lii n In the rush Hue. you could give hint a few Ide-is o; solidity qnd manliness. You see a hot tomperod man; you could 'rug his enemy under his control Inn .op,soii. Indeed, the kicking, tackling npd running are the Insignificant things Unit yon loarn in football. What is lm port mi l U the complete mastery of your, self that the game tenches you. The dl.elpllne makes nil tue personal spites, grudges nnd passion that a beglnuer experiences subject to the interests ol his team and those whom he represents. Harper's Young Poople. r Urandehllit. An elderly lady, who was very wealthy,' nnd Who hud a very Inflated idea of her own Importance, owned a pet monkey wnlch suddenly became quite HI. The lady, whom wa shall -call Mrs." Portly Po npous, had ..ho assurance to send foi mi ) of the 111 os'. prominent physicians tc attend the ailing alnjlon. Wuen the "doctor was Introduced to his patient b wan very muuh euraged, but he did not betray it. He examined the slok monk ey 'a pulse and asked the usual ques tions. In a corner of lite room was a little boy, a grandson of Sirs. Portly Pompous. Th doctor approaahed the boy; exam ined bis puUe, and then said solemnly to the lady: "Madame, your two Htt'e children are suffering trom Indigestion. Gie them Ugh. lood with plenty of ex ercise, and they vi I soon com around all right." Afterthe dootor had said this bebowed himself out, with a feeling that he had In a measure vindicated bis outraged professional dignity. The bill Which ha sent in was so heavy that Mrs. Portly Pompous, who Is somewhat stingy, almost had n fit herself over It The II. lustrated American. IJIm Opt There on Time. A colored dumestlo In one of tho families of thU city la a wonder of obedi ence and g' od nature. She was up stairs and her mistress called her : "Aunt Mary, eome here; I want you to hurry, too." Aunt Mary startod with nior effort at haste than aelual success. She 1 ad left a bit of soan on one-of the, higher steps and It sent ber bumping down the stajrs in a most stnitllns manner. When she struck the hall floor tdie picket her. self up and anaweml all the existed in quirie as to herooudltlon wllh tberaere ir iiai. accompanied by a grin: "I reckon yer tnleme ter hurry down, dldu't yer? " Washington Post. 'Bhfl must have jumped into that gown below and been In -a hurry." said G odwc-od o' a lady at the opera when he saw how far she had ooros through her dress. Mrs. Patienjaa shortly after marrliR' was herd lo complain that htr male was very late in the evening, I'nlnm I tlleen' lllr ef Hfan. My Ul e of heaven," remaiked Col. BillGteen, ' is a place where two law- yets, wiju 1 i"Be, pe lei Jiiry iK"e - ' ' And ...,. mull iiuderstsnd the u.if Hii able judge and lm J 11 aiue, and nrtue, and r fin sU the tral?" 4 v -idlet would put an and 'Never. to my idea ot happlaaM, whloh eesslsts Is the intellectual struggle. No, sir; verdict would be th otlr plaee." At )WWtJB(ai. . . 1 A itayof Hope, f For all who am held br i he' chains of scrofula or other diseases of the blood mm.a- .'..n tr.fu, 11 T. A r. villi. ' 1, 1 n I. Imparling the elements of cood hsalth and siienutn to me mat nuici. umoives ins bonds ol disi&so nd sets the captive, ties. No other rcthadr In existence combines the positive economy, ths peculiar merit and .tbe medicinal jiower of Hood's Sarsapa- mia. Mistake ot lifilime f he laaa who mr- ties and hoesn't divoros. Wk Imve a speed v and DoiitivaHar & Catarrh, Dintheria, Canker Mouth arrf Head-Atl.e. lit SIIILOH'H CATAKRll iBMMEDY. A Nasal Injector' 'fret? with each bottle. Use It It You desire health and sweet breath. Price 50ttenU. 3ohi at Jim ft or 1. nomas' l)rn8iore.'Jp A" ehalr ISO years ohTlTln use In bo ofBce in Spring City. Venn., and it is saU to tlo jaat as good as when it was bengal. Dyvpeptja and Liver Uotnpjsinl la it not worth the small rttutntHH rents to lies yourself of every symptom ot thcaa distressing complaints, ifyou think' so call at our store and get a bollle of Bhlloh's Vitalizer, Every bottle has a printed guarantee 011 il, us accQrdingly, and if it docs ynu no good it will cost you nothing . Sold at Bicry's or Thomas' drug, riot. Sf The Inventor and founder 'of the nut rersat laHgttaae Volspnk U Bev. ' Dr. Jobann ,ftlartin Scheyler. He YeUed Kemp's BalteaC ' I veil "Take Kemt'l TJslsam. the best easmli enra." I always do when 1 bear amstveonsA. ana I can't help It. It saved me and It wills you, 1 was threatened with pneumonia! lu winter and It broke It up, It helps the child a out when their threats are sore1, enres'thssr soughs, sad tastes so good. The first dose aelrt von. do writes a. a. Arnoia. engineer te West Shore Kr., at Uanajoharte, ft. g. 1 " Tlie Si. .Gothard tunnel, In the Alpe, la tniot as long as the Hftoi&e oy nia miles. Miles Kerv and 1.1 r or IM. An imnortant discovarr. Thev set m th liver, stomach and bowela through tl 1 nerve. A new nrindnle. Thev sneeulv cure biliousness, bad taste,. torpid liver, ' plki and constipation Splendid for men, wones and children. Smallest, mildest, surest. S doses for 25 cents. Bamplea freeat T. 1. Tnomas and W. F. Biervs Drutc Store. praise yonr wife for even thing six doss well. Ask Your Friends AbonS Xt- Your distressing cough can ba cured. .Wa know it because Kemp's Balsam within tb past lew years has cured eb mfinv coiii-ha and colds in this, community.. Its remtrkev- le salo line been won entirely .bydts,' sesnv ne merit. Ask some friend, who .has, usjel it nbatha thinks of Kemp's, Balsam. 'There is no medicine so pure, none so effective. Large bottles 50d and ).'1.00at aBdrafiirista. .Sample bottle free. -Ksneriiueula ny an Italian phvtlcfea indicate that tnbercolcsU offowUls differ ent from that of man, and is trans- ton mitUd to the latter. A lirent Battle ' " '' "Z Ts sohxlautlv.roinffon In the- huntitn xitn whin you suffer with consumption, coughs fa colds; they stiHe to ruin health and 'drat ties Urns to the grave. Take timely rvarnlni: an4 use Pan-Tlna Couch and ConsumntlOD Cum. I'rloe 2fi and so cents. 1 in. Jo's urer ueguiaior is a sure cur nr dytpenjla, tilllousncss, heartburn, indigestloa. and all kldnov cnmnlainti. Trial bettlee Iru ml Thomas' Drug Store. The mnutial known to Amercana as canton flaunei is- in England called swan's oown. ana American stnslla Is known ra England as calico. A Scrap, ot Taper Saves ller lilS.1 It was lust an ordlnaiT- scran ni wranti vnvtr. but it Saved her life. Wlie was In thai stas:e of consumntloii. told bv hrIcisnstht she was Incurable and could live -only a short time; she welhrd less thin seventy, pounds,. na siip oi wrapping pcr the reaa' eMiiv tait. continued Us use and Is now strong. fuller particulars send.sbimp to W, tl. Poto.i .Diucgrst, Fort Smith, Trial bottles of this wo- nrjiiinv. rosv- muniii.iA'oiuuiniriuiiviunna ' xr flortui aiscovcry tree at licber's uriig star. Th word boss comes from tb low Dutob. and has the same weaning as U Btiglllli. lie Tour Own Doptov. It won't cost you one-half as mnclii'" iTM" not delay, Sent liiree two-cant stampslfisr'' fiostsge, and we will send you DrtjKapT-'i man's-great work, fill colored plat'ea froi, life, on diseases, ili causes and home can. Address, A. P. Ordway A Co,-BosTwS, Masa, - ,f. 1: If there is anything in a name, we sup pose that an uptown apaiiment konEe ts called the Crccent because it is nOTir 'fnlU'" Man y an otherwise handsome face is till-'' figured with pimples and blotches, causeVt -'-by a humor in the blood, which taf he' thoroughly eradltated by the use 6f AVer's Sarsspaiilla. It is tb safest blood medi cine in the market, being entirely free frost arsenic or any deleterious drug. ' Th eremark, "Your mine for th next set," Is believed to have orglnatad In Hsy' hennery. The'tiest remedy for the ootnplainU of early childhood, such as colic, tlatuny, &0-, is Dr. Bulj s Uahy Syrup. Pyice ftS oents. " ' It.ioten't rm to ustbal oourtsliinanili cs(srrh can go togelher; catarrh ito.offeo sive yon know. Old Saul's Catarrh Cur, only 6 cvnt, is a specific for Oil Wa- ' able ailment. '' '" ' It me. Diss Debar can now be used as a horrible srampla" br temperance lectnren. An overindulgence In spirits Is th cans a of ait nsr rpe. . . i- A Kortaiiete Woman. Mrs. Miiry L. Baker, f Otid, Midi, ha reawn ta ho very thankful. She was, a. great stifierer from heart disesja for vears. Was short of brcaih. had hungry spIl, in in aide, flutterinir, faintneas, . etc. After taking Iwo bottles of Pr, Mi)eaVNw Heart Cure, the says. "I am belter ijian tar Myeara. My mind and ereslght have im proved wonderfully I advise all ixrion thusafllict4 to use this remedy.' T. D.Thom,s and W. K. Blery;dmBgisU,re eominenda and guaranlees it. Dr. Mo' work on Heart Illsraie, containing piarrw ous teMimimlnl,, free. Ifvouwautto take tb grimp oniofa slnck-up man, miatake him far the coadlis (or and offer him yonr fare as he cotnee alona. Allow mi. to add my tribute to th ffl cacyofElT' Cream flalm. I wm tvSut InR frnm a . sstcre auaeb of loflaaaza aid. catrrab and was induced to try jour remedr, Tb malt was matreiou. I eoald 'bardlr artieniaU, and in ih than tvtatyeut hour th catarrhal lyniniomi and jay faearsM disappeared sjjai was abt In alnr a bavy rel in (irand Opert whk velee uaiBijioIred. Ittrongly rc08,eBl it to all slnifra K. Uaallton. Ladig Basso of the (. , Ii. Hh 9rMi Ojr Cempanv,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers