ttttr4 m Second Class Mnttvr at the . hlgliton rit-o. The Carbon Advocate IiEIIIOlITON, fKJINA. Bates for Legal Advertising i harter Notices 00 Auditor's Notices 4 00. Commissioners Notices - s 00 Divorce Notices w Administrator's Notices - - s oo executor's Notices 3 00 lATUllDAY, JANUARY 10, 1801 Bonn Fide Circulation larger than tlmt at any weekly Newspaper in uio uonnty. FFb'bk glad Jimmy M alloy alludes to us as his enemy we'd bate to have people think that we ate on friendly terms with to small potato. The Allentown CrltteU greetlne for the navr vear Is In the form of a handsome tittle book, and like everything that journ al does is Just up to the handle. Tnn scnAMni.c for honors In the Middle Coal Field Poor District Is assuming a mad medley everybody wants It but Raucb and Matloy, they never want anything. TnB President has appointed Judge Senrv B. Brown, of Detroit, Associate Justice of the supreme court of the United States to succeed the late Samuel F. Miller If tbs bill reducing the pension attor ney's fee, obtaining anlucreaseof pension to 12, be defeated In congress, the old soldier will know how much honesty there Is in tho love for him expressed by Repub llcan stump speakers. Tas always bright and newsy Sunday Critic, of Allentown, has suspended pub Ucatlon. The Dally Crillc will be con tlnued however, and we venture the pre diction, will Improve with each Issue. The Critic Is a daisy. Or course, the next Carbon Comity Grand Jury will condemn the old canal bridge at Welssport. This sort of thing U enough to make one smile. Judge Dreber wants to go after the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company with a ibarp stick. Dubino the year just closed there were nearly eleven thousand business failures In the United Ssates with about $100,000,0X liabilities, the greatest both as to number and amount in the past six years. New Tork beads the list both as to the amount and number, having 1324 with liabilities of -$S2,021,120, Massachusetts coming in sec ond with 420.203,205 of liabilities, and Pennsylvania third with $17,869,405. IE the women do not sit as delegates In the General Corferences of the Methodist Episcopal church In tho future It will be because the General Conference at Its next session may decide not to heed the ex pressed wish of a majority of the membor ship voting on this subject. Tabulated re turned from 037 districts published by the Christian Advocate show a majority foi Women of 76,000 In a total vote of a trifle less than 300.000. The districts yet to be heard from are in the mission and foreign conferences and In the South, but If even district to be reported should show a ma Jotlty against the women the majority al ready reported would not bo overeomc.-Ex. BAILltOAD GOSSIP. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co., has about completed tbe survey nf Its proposed new line from Beading to Allentown, The finishing touches are being given to the magnificent new passenger station erected at Allentown by the Lehigh Valley Rallroud. It is the finest station along the whole line of the road and in beauty of appointments and convenience of arrange ments Is not surpassed by any similar building in tbe State. It Is built over the Jordan creek and Is within flyo minutes walk of tbe centroof the city. Tho cost of it is about $125,000. From statistics published by the En gineering News it appears that tbe total addition to the country's railway mlleace during 1800 has been nearly CS00 miles, or about 700 miles more than was '.aid In 1830, The total amount of railway completed January 1, 1601, will be 177,172. Of this amount 30,012 miles, or oter 22 per cent., has been constructed during the last five years. .The Southern Atlantic, Gulf and Mississippi States, with a total of 2158 miles, lead, as they have for three years past, any other two groups or States. It is glyen out on good authority that tbe new railroad now being built by the Lehigh Valley through the Bowman's ereek region is to be pushed 'on to Ulng hamton. Beginning at Wllkes-Barre, the crsat anthracite centre, tbe road will eroos lbs Susquehanna by means of a bridge at Forty Fort, next touch Ilarvey's Lake, which it is intended to make a popular summer resort, and then plunge into mountainous region that abounds in timber, end which It is expected will In the near fuiure furnish an Immeuss amount of lumber for shipment in both dliectlons Afterwards It will strike Tunkhannock cross the river, and there counrct with the Jfonlroie Narrow Oauge Itoad. which is already practically under tbe Valley's con trol. This road will be made to conform to th standred gauye, and from Its terminus atMoitrose an etlrely new line I I be constructed at Blngbamton, which point tbe Valley Company has for jears been de sirous of reaching. The most conclusive videnca that tbe route is to be opened up Is the fact that tbe right of way has been secured in many places, anj other visible preparations being made all along tbe line, IECKET SOCIETY GOSSIP. The Great Councll'of Indiana, I, O. ft 11., at its last session decreed that hence forth no tribe or council Instituted could use for Its name any other than an Indian word in tbe aboriginal dialect, The Knights of the Golden Eagle have had a phenomenal growth In Pennsylvania Three hundred and sixty-nine castles hays been Instituted during the past six years as follows! 1886,61 castles; 1830, 84 castles 1888,69 castles; 1880, 40 castles; 1800. 04 castles. An exchange says; The secretary of th Interior reports that there are now on pen slon list 637,941 names. These require In rouna numoers itu,uw,uuu. juere are now pending 802.221 claims or nearly twice at many as are now on the UsL Of these 602,221 claims nearly half a million or 488 273 are filed under a Uw passed only last June. At tbe close of tbe war there wero a tbe army 1,012.000 msn, the number of pensioners and apolleants by above state ment exceed the number in the army at the close of tbe war by over 318.000, As tbe whole number ot soldiers ellsted long and short terms and relnllstmeots wm less than 2,301,000. which number eoyars all losses during tba wsr and all deaths since tbs war It, certainly looks as if th bus! Bess of manufacturing pnlBr outside th ranks of tbe army was being pretty )fftual)y carried out. A camp of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, composed entirely of colored cltlieni, was recently ontaniaed at State Camp headquarters, Philadelphia, by State Secretary Weand and other officers ol the State Camp. yK 'IttiS VOVW At'the reeularThnrsday evening meeting of Lehlli Council, No. 101, Jr. O. U. A. M. the following ofQcers were Installed by Dis trict Deputy O. A. IKagner: Councillor W. L. Schoch. Vice Councellor Elmer Remaley. Asst. Hoc. Secy Wm. Schafer. Conductor Harvey O. Koons. Warden IKin McC'orrolck. Inside Sentinel n. J. Harleman, Trustee' for 18 months Frank Jleffel- 810 finger. Rep. to Funeral Benefit Asso., Washing tjn, D. C, Feb. 22, 1801 Joseph Bennet. Obituary Mn. Amandus Bemaley. On Tuesday morning last Mrs. Elizabeth J., wife of Amandus Remaley, died at the home of her parents, Simon and Sablna Walk, on north Second street, this city, aged tbtrtv-flve years, after an Illness dst Ing from April last. Deceased was mar ried to Amandus Remaley during the year 187S, and from their union three children resulted, all of whom servlvos with the fattier. Interment took place from the north Welssport Lutheran church. To the burcarrd family and friends we tsnder our heartfelth sympathy In this the home oi lueir ueep aiuicuon. Lively Big Creek. P. K. Boyer left for-Ashley after a visit of several weeks. Our yotitig folks enjoyed themselves exceedingly well over the holidays, especi ally the ladies. Several of our young gentlemen devote much of their time In lowering the popula tion of the foxes. It Is now unlawful to shoot rabbits. Onr sports men will remember this fact John Neeb has quit working at Pack erton and is back homo again. A Valuable Farm AT PRIVATE SALE. I Tlip. iinriprftltrnftri offers a Valuable Farm sltu- nte In NOKTH WKIrSTOKT, Carbon couMy, ill rriva;e D:ue. ine inrni cuuuiuin ahii.a ACIIK3, all cleared and under gooa state oi cul tivation, ine imnrovmrnis meicuii bid Two-story Frame Dwelling House. parp. Warn Mh0ri In Unit.. Klunuhtf.r House, and Otll necessary outbuildings. There are two spring of good water on the premles. mis oners a rare enuuee lor any one uesinni; a jnvasam home, ror iuu particulars appiy iu OEOKGE illLLElt, Jan. 10 w3 North welssport, Pa. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, I'ermanenttr located near Valley Depot, for Cabinets and Family Groups. Old pictures cop led andenlareed. augl-'yi We would call the atten lion of the public to our facili ties for executing any kill U Ol I job printing, from the smallest card to the largest poster. Every thing executed with neatness and dispatch, and at remarkably low prices. Envelopes In this line we offer excellent bargains, and business men will nnd it as cheap, and much more business like, to order their supplies lrom us. vve can furnish the envef ope with business address print' ed thereon as low as the plain envelope can be bought- Every muii biiuuiu uuvu uia uumuussi printed on his envelopes, be- i u i i.:- l : cause if it miscarries in the mails it can be returned to him. Try an ordor ol 250, 500 or a 1000. Book Printing-Societies and others desiring anything in i:.. ...:ii cj ii. .. 1 I una uuu win iinu iiio vcrjr iuw est prices ruling here. Send in your orders. Printing; Any and every' thing coming under this head ments, tags, weigh bills, order books, etc., can be had here. Particular attention paid to all mail orders. Give us a trial Note and Letter Heads These we can furnish in any quantities desired 250, 500 or 1000 lots, at wonderfully low figures. Nicely printed letter paper is as neccessary as printed r.n,lnnn. T7..:nn 1 1 J I BillHeads Every carpen- ter, blacksmith, mason, builder. painter, in fact, every man en eaeed in contract work should have a nicely printed supply of bill heads. We print them in any quantity at lowest prices. Cards We always carry in stock and can print at short no tice business or visiting cards The former are a necessity to a well regulated business home, while the latter is the style and a great convenience. Dodgers Any color, any size and in any quantity desired at prices remarkably low, We can print them at short notice Ad bargain announcements they arc just the thing. .Fosters Tins ls-oui speci alty, l'icnic bills, horse bills, sale bills, in fact, any and every thing iu this line can be printed in good shape and at the lowest prices. We make no charge for writing out posters. If in need of anything in thu line we solic it your 1 a von. CARBON ADVOCATE LehightoB, Craxben oounty,Piu 1 oi?.iitefifMiE. Short Important Ad's All advertisements under this head such as lost, lounn, simyed, stolen, wanted, lorsaia and all minor notlees not exceeding six lines, win do inserted at me rote 01 one cent a worn for the Drat Insertion, and one haif cent a word for each subsequent Insertion, provldinK.lHrw ever, that no advertisement be charged lees than aet for a single Insertion, and that they oe paiu tor casn in uuvauce. $10 Reward. The Borough nf Lehighton odors a Reward of 10 (or evidence leadlnc to the detection and convictions nt the party or parties who break the street lamps. MAULON HK1UUARD, Durness. liy order 01 council, Noi.2Mw To Whom It May Concern All persons are hereby cautioned not to med die with the saw mill machinery nr other articles In the hands of August Foil, ol mini nr AuiriMt Fn i. nf Fran nrlwn rTnmiFV. Pa - A t.llA fcAtne Is tnV )1 lrrnuKiin town num. camon uountv. ra.. as property and loaned to htm durtn a mm nurine my niensure. WILLIAM LKlUIlltl. Franklin twp. zu At Private Sale t A VALUABLE HOTE PROPERTY, LOCATED IN MAHONING VALLEY. Tim imrlprnlrmert offers his Hotel rronerty. 21 Acres of (iood Farming Lnnd, located at l'I.KAMANTl:(lINHlt.CAllUONCOUNTTf.l,A.. lor sale. The Hotel iiuiiauiK is locaiea on me road leadline Irom Lehlchton to Tamaqua. four miles from Lehlithton liva rich funning country. The building is two-anu-a-nau stories nign, nun Int.. hAlIt nfher lmrrnvenipntll Include a ItUfre shed JyjSS to go into me noiei ousiness, For further particulars call on or address, J. T. McDANIEL, Nov. 15-wO Pleasant Corner, ra For. Sale. A Vali Hotel Property In Lehighton. The Mansion ITouse. on North First street. Lehighton, 1'a, Is for sale. The Mansion Is large, commodious and roomy-having forty ii.itlnff ntuirtmpnts. elerant ti&rlors. larire din. Ing hall, sample room mid bar. It is nicely furnished throughout with water and light mi provemenis ana is a valuable lintel uroDCrtv, or (urtner particulars can on nr Bunrcss. - n t r II ri II Ti 1 1 1 I V. 11. nuiii, iiwr., Lehlchton, Fa. Lehigh Valley R. R. Co. Arrangement of Fasseneer Trains. In Effect Nov. 16th, 1890. IJSAVE UmiGHTOX For rtAhwav.Hlliabeth.Newark and New Tork 5.22. 7.30, 9.67, and H.12 a.m. ; s do, 6.29 & 8.01 p.m. For Aiauunna vuuuk uuu uemuere v.w, a.m.j 12.42 p m. . I . 111 .1 T ....... W m A M .. .. .1 for LAmucnviuo auu uouwu o., v.w uuu 11.12 a.m.; auau.u p.m. .... . ti'nr HlHtlnLtnn. Catasauoua. Allentown. Hetll le'aem, and Kaston, s.22, 7.07, 7.30, 9.W. l2.4Aind u.iza.m ; o.zvuuu o.ui v m. For PliiladelDhla ana DOints south at T 07. 7.30, n nil .. .. .1 ,1 I II ., ,n . .nfl KOauatftanln n V.W IIIIU llil.Ol II" , . U.V. .11, For lteamnicana iiarnsDunc czi, ana 11.12a, ra a. m.j 8.00, o:a ana .ui p.m. For uowmans. Leniini uan. unerrviora. mu rv'i. White Hall. CoDlav. and llokendaumm 0.22,7.07, 8.uuy.07 6f li.iz a. m.; iz.w,anao.zyp.m Knrmuucn lbutk , unci 11.19 1.22. 3.15. 5.25. 7.23. 8.1(1 and 9.3)1 p. in tror Aiaucn uuunK o.i, o, w.aj a.iu,; ix.20, I .4.13 utwl B.3Kl!.tn. trot iteauiniz ui a. in., ana z.m u. m. For Weatherly und llazletou 0.52, 7.43 9.30 and lI.4Sa.lil.: 3.10, l.a, p.m. .Q AIII,M f.O, V.A ..,U. For MalianoY Cltv. Uhenaudoah and Ashland 0.52, 7.43, 9.36 arid 11.48; 3.15, 5.25 It 7.23 p m ror jutiirinei ana DiiamoKin o.ox, 7.43 ana 11.1 a. m.: 5.25 1). m. For 1'OttSVIUe 6.52. 7.30, 7.43, 931 11.12 and 11.48 a. 111., 12.42. 3.W. S.1D, HUU O.U1 p.m. For White llaren, Wllkesbarre and FIttston 82,7.43,9.36 and 11.48 a.m.; 3.15, 6.25, 7.23 and 10.28 Fur Kcranton 0JS2. 7.43. 9.36. and 11.48 o.m, 3.15. 5.25. 7.23 and 10.28 D. 111. ror lUUKnuuuuvK ii.b u. m.; o.zj i.a aim 10.9ft n.m. ror uwego, Auourn, iiaacA anu ueneva ii.; iu.20 p.m. For Ijicevvllle. Towanda. Savre. Waverly. Kl mlra. uochester. lluilalo. N'acarn Falls and the a-m.i uuu i.a ana p.m, f Or 11CW IUrK .ll, O. UUU IW.U, : u.lll For Philadelphia 4.11, 8.02 a. m.: 2.62 and 5.29 p. m. For Easton and Intermediate Stations 5.42. 8.U2, lu.uj a.m.. 12 D2, 2.02. o.2j aua e.Ji p m. For iiazieton 9.50 a.m.: 12 26. 3.15 Si 10.28 n.m, For Mahanoy City and Uhenaudoah 12.26 and 3.15 p.m. For White Haven. Wllkes-Darre. FIttston, inr I'liLLXvuin hixju II. in. IIIIIIVUmIIIIuviv, lunuiun. oajic, mtaiMt ucuoin, r I. 1. T' I C..rHA Til....... rAnn.r.. Auuurn, cunira, nocnesu-r, uuuaio, niagara Falls ani the West 1028 p.m. ror luriuer particulars inquired AKeuuior Time Tables. A. it. uitnuiuix. (ien'l l'ass. Aeent. May 11, "90, ly SsntiTm-tlrieiiem, l'cnna. oiiaay Trvwcj r A ftIPO D(flQ I U TO, VaAIVI to, bUUlXO Fine Stationery AMn i catucd nnnnc u uuni uuu uuuuu and an endles8 var;ety of Nic . Nacs. BIG BARGAINS IN 5c AND 10c GOODS I Enoydopedm Jnttamca at 1.50 per volume, bi n&JUtmuBiiuuu No. 61 Broadway Manch CM, Fa. QflJOESED BI BETTER AM) CHEAPER XHAli TACTICALLY M STOHff. IMtStTMtllllS ver B0 MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY. JAMES G. RATJCH, Aeent for White Bronte Mouuments. Op posite Central depot, Lehighton. for specimen of work see soltMers monument at iucU Chunk. oods. I mu mm mm Cond for HXatnetoI tba Uvws,slioui Ilov t",W ttSBBB ObUla Pioanu, Ctvsaia, TnJleJ .Uarks, Ooprrlsbu. taU iru.mgp KKSat Breaidwar.K Daring the year 1891 You will ! find -AT- SWEENY'S "Corner.Store" JUST THE PLACE TO BUY Dry (Foods (7roceaiep, Notions, Glassware, Oranges, Banans, Grapes, Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Candies and everything Usually founein a thoroughly first-class general store. We solicit a call and' guarantee satisfaction. REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON PA. fS3 35 go o HOSTH FIEST STEEET, LEHIQHTOiT. 13 THE PLACE FOR Fine Suitings ant Pantalooninp at tbe lowest prices which are 10 to 20 per cent, lower than elsewhere. A perfect fit and best workmanship Guaranteed In every Ins'ance. Before purchasing elsewhere call and seo us. -3 1-1 v KISTLER Rpaprtfnllv announce tr, the nnbllf thftt hA hK opened a NEW L1VEUV 8TA11IJ!, and that hols ow prepiiruu iu luninu xeaiu.i lur ruuenus, Weddncs or Business Trios on the shortest no- lcean.1 most liberal terms. Orders left at the Caroou House" will receive prompt attention. STABLES ON NORTH. STREET, nextthe Hotel, Lehlzhton. lan22U- va have in stock an elecant assorsment of the most fashionable styles In Coats, Wraps 5t Jackets in seasonable weights, colors, tc. Don't Buy Unless You O Them. Dress-Making. In this Department we have tbe services of a first-class City Experienced Lad v and can guarantee our lady patrons tbe latest styles and best work In this line. E. H. SNYDER, First Street, Lehighton, Penna A NEW PRINCIPLE. We Positively guarantee Dr .Boyd's Little Giant Nerve and Liver Pills, To Cure Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious nets, Torpid Llyer, rain In tbs Back, Piles Headache, Bad Tasls In tbe Mouth arising from Indigestion, by slrengtbenine tue nerves and regulating the action of the Stomach Liver and Kidneys. Do not be deceived, Dr. Boyd's Little Giant Nerve and Liver Fills actons new nrlnclnal. Thev act on the nprvea ol thi stomach, liver did kidney piylng them health and vigor, what is more eviuenl ol their curs live qualities, than the fact that the longet taken tbe less required, that is more than can be said of any other pill on the market, n trial will convince the most skeptical mind, thai what we claim is true, tbeee r s few ol the many testimonials we bays revived TirTa, Oa., Aug., 20th 1600. Dear Bin Tbe Fills received, they aro tbe best I ever used, T. W. Cubic. Liis Cevstl Mts., May 14, 1890. Dear Sir: I have taken Fills sent me, inclosed find SOc, send me more 1 hive been troubled f"f years with ludifesllon, constipation acd nervousness, since I take Dr. Boyd's Fills 1 leel good, nave tsk en many others with on relief, yours respectfully. Antu Bcankb For sals by all dealers In medicine t25r per box, sent by mall on receipt of price samples iree, agenis wauien every wnere. T- D. THOMAS, Druggist. Lehighton, Pa, THAT BOY AND GIRL OF OURS What shall we have them taught and where? or- BUSINESS and SHORTHAND ItKCOIU) BUILDINO, OU-910 Chestnut St., Fhllada., Xa. Becond, Third and Fourth Floors. Morning:. Afternoon and Hiht Sessions. Our students uniformly bear testimony In favor ot tne utility and practicability of the course of Instruction, the skill and devotion of the Faculty und the earnestut of effort and the general success attending tho same In pro moting their Interests utter leaving College. No trouble and no charge made to anyone for supplying ltook-keeoera, Cashiers, Salesmen, Htimotfruuhlc Clerks or Ueueral Assistants lu tho Couutlntf House. Uiisliie.w men may exneet more of grauuatee this year thmi before, as the Htandaru of Uruduatlou has been Italsed. Peirce College Writing Slii and Real HusI ness Forms, by Prof. A. P. Hoot, for Home Practice, oue dollar a set, postage preiuld. Afternoon and Night ( lasses In Frenth and Herman. Frenchmen and Germaus Uncut liuglUb. Twenty -sixth (M) College Annual, Orailua- ting IsxereUMM Keed.uf lllekl Inelui iuibc auareskes uy 1'reaweut Inson College, and oiieite, and mthou Foss. etc., sent address. when requested, ii Irase oall or OB. THOMAS MAY rEICOE, Prlnelpal and Founder. First National Bank, OF LB11IQUTON, PA. The Annual H far Seven Dl rectors of this Hank wfll be tbaBukiu? 1Kb. UeirBt nous TUEiiDAY. JAMDAKY latta. ISM .OUST. OL iwesntbe boars of Oo and Tbrse o'etoe P. M JOHN T'SSMMEb. OatbMr. LeliiaiL IHt. iS,v-M. iverv Stables D. J. Peirce College HOLIDAY They Comblno Quality First. Variety Second. Cheapness Third. And embraces novelties In all that I? neat, nnw, nlco, fashionable and durablo In tlic lino of j" m w es ii y o Gold Watches, Kings. Gold Pens and Pencils, Urace lels, Toollinlcks. Silverware, Ear-ilngs, So clet Tins, Chains, Gold Studs, Scaif Pins, and everything else in this line at prices Less every time than ou can bu coods of tho same style, quality and norktnanshlp at any oilier Jew elry or general store In Ihl county. Uefoin making pur chase elsowhcre don't jou Tall to pnv-a visit to D. S. BOCK'S Jewelry Store, w Opp Carbon House, Lehighton HtflBQKflSuXY BROTHERS, C3 Warren EUKew York. rMeacnef. MrS' Wcl Weissport Business JJirectory. JJ1RANKLIN HOUSE, EAST WEISSPORT, PENN'A. Ihls house oilers llrst-class accommodations to he permanent boarder nnd transient guest. Panic prices, only One Dollar per day. nuR7-iy Jojiif KK.mtio, Proprietor. Oscar Christinan, TVEISSrOllT, PA. Livery and Exclianqe Stables. iiasy riding carriages and safe Urlvlna horses. Bestaccoinmodatloustn agents nnd travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended to. dive me a trial. mav21-ly The - Weissport - Bakery, O. W. LAURY, rROPRIETPIt. Delivers Fresh Bread and Caltes in Welssport, l-nhJelitonand vicinities every day. In the store I have n"Flne Line of Confectionery lintMnitTM. Uttnifiv .(.linlil, Hlwl fn. vals stuplleof at lowest prices. deca-flm. Over Canal Brito E. Weissport. UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITES, BED ROOM SUITES, ., c. Prices the very lowest. Quality of toods tho best. Katlsfactlou guaranteed lu avery particular. Oaskbts, Coffins, and Shrouds, We have a lull line which we will furnish a the lowest possible pilccs. Flour, eed, &c., the choicest quality at very reasonable prices. Call and be convinced. JOSEPH P. REX, AnrM-lv EAST WEISSPORT. Sale hills printed at this office at lowest prices. East Welssport, Pa. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Green Groceries,Fruits Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Pea nuts, Apples, Sweet Potatoes, Confections, Cijrara, &c, &c. Our prices on all goods are as low as city price's and j-ou save the freight. Call at our store before buying elsewhere. Have you to-day's Advoeatc 1 AIi. CAMPBELL, Jeweler and Watctata Bank Street, Lehighton, jRmna. rtespcctfnlly Invites' the attention of his friends undlhe ollltens genemlly to his tramcuse .new stoek of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, it Prises that defy competition. It will nay yon o oall and inspect my t.loek before purerwsiug elsewhere. REPURLNG Promptly done nt tewist abarte, and all work guaranteed, Ml Met tbe riace, SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH, Bank St Lehighton. lnm. m biu? nuul by Job R. 3sodriB,lrv . t-t ttiirk ft-r ut Hste, fom msii m.l Musks- a suncb, but m cm ,ssci vuu(i(slktf hctv lacsini Ovsw t( IO 1(1 ttst ! is Ltd mbtv yen $m OS, Hwtb 4U-KVS), All star. I It llt of maiiust, jut. oottitucutr t Luiua, giv ing ill y vur 1 1 it.., i. r t-n tuMu i ssmIv l lit woA ah i tun ti Mr ite try wiultti, ln jou funiUlisog s.rrissiu LA6II 1 , Ml 1 U'JLY leant 1 AltricrLAlItt s-Klilt AddfaiMM. ItlUMfM 441., luklLAAJI, BulUL ilftve jou lead the iLdvooate. nnnno iw) IN ALL ITS BRANCHES The undersigned would respect- iully announce that he is prepared now to do all kinds of work in the abave line at short notice, in the best manner and at the mostrea- WfeWtit' sona'J'e prices. Esti- ffl 'Ml IsKH-'ia ..nt.-tn ...111 tin fully furnished. A full line of all. the necessary articles, namely, water spig ots, urinals, etc., ol way in stock.- A share of the public patronage is solicit ed. Satisfaction si L i n o v o r t ti ft A Ills. 1 t-lil svsiu. W. S. KUHNS', North First St., Lehighton. mi j Miller, WEISSPORT PLANING - MILL. MANUFACTBnnn 01' Window and Dook Frames, Doors, Shutters, window faslies, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER IN All KiPis of Dressed - Lumber Shingles, Pailings, . Hemlock Lumber, &c, &c. Very Lowest Prices. AT THE Central Drug Store, OPP. TUE PUDLIO SQUAHB Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c., &c, choice Wrines and Liquors, 'VVall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! When you buy a pair of Shoes you want a good lit. But It you need UPECTAOLBS It it mueli more Important tliat tlie RYE should be aeeoininotlaled with correct lenses and a proper. Iv nitltut raine wliloli wilt linns the lenses dli ntetly tiMore tbeeentreof tliepye. It vnubuy ypurspeetaelesatDr. Horn's vmi wlUDud the above uoluts properly attended to. PEBSCRIPTIONS CaeMly Componnued Gtl-lt7 U. S. MAIL COACH BETWKSN Broadhe&dsville and Lehighton, 13 BUN TVER DAY. Passengers Balweec and to all Points along tbe Line, mil be Carried st tbe yerr LOWK8T RATES. Freight and Baggage 8alrly carried at towt prises. Tbe patrossge nl tbs publie la rnpaetrullr solioitad- Orders I ell wiib the I'm Ofless along Uia liae or at the Exdssogs Hotel, LshijthtoD, will rsetire roiapi atieauoB. KuptetiuHy, I 1,1 UL mm KQEHLER, Onr MBorttnmt of th ew, nl tad stylish eff .ots lu Fall and Wintsr sarpasss all previous years in eoraplets ums. The prices to, are snob as to bs a great Indnormcnt to barer, for as oar eli-Rnnt line of Huts, BoDnels, etc, sur prises competitor", so tbe low prices as. torjiah onr lady patrons. We also bava Coats and Wraps in tbe now est and prettiest styles, in all qnalltlPH and prioea. We invite tbs Indies of Welssport, Lebighton snd tbe vlclnily surrounding to call and see onr handsome assortment of seasonable mill. Iucrr Rands before purchasing elsewhere. In Notions ant Fancy Goofls, we carry tbe usual novelties at all prloes. ra-DarlnR tho Fall and Winter Be, son wh Imvr MiKn(;crt the nervioea of a PA8UIONA1JLE CITY MILLINER. rs.M.Culton WEISSPORT. A Large line of Goods suitable for Holi day Presents are now on exhibition at our popular Furniture Establish ment on north First Street. Wo in vite the public to call. Kemerer &c. Swartz, NORTH FIRST STREET, rV. m e m FOR A SMOOTH EA.SY-SHAVE, AND A Sttlisu IIXib Cut, OO TO FRANK II E KM AN the BAnnrtit, Over the Oanal Drldge. U. S. KRESGE, In the Old Post Offlce Oulldlng. Fine and Medium Shoes for Ladles. Msn and Children at the yery lowest prices. New Rubbers Inserted In Gaiters at from 49 to co cents. All kinds of Repairing Neatly, Cheaply and and Promptly attended to. HAND-MADE BuOTS ft SHOES M. OKuntz. East end Lel)l2liluu- Welssport bridge. Dealer in SoleLeath er. Finished Calf skins, Kip and Up per Leather, Harness Leather, etc. Highest prices paid for Hides, Skins & Tallow. HAIR - OUTTINQ AND SMOOTH 8n A ViNQ In the very highest Style ot Tonsorlal Art. At HORN'S SUAVINO . . SlLOOH. Try Him I R. J. HONCEN, Practical Wagon Builder. Repairing Neatly and Cheaply Done at Very Reasonable Prices. General Agent for the Ollbarth Patent Adjust able Carriage Pole, and Dealer In fiugcles and Carts. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Big Stock. fect HATS, CAPS, Boots & Shoes. TRUNKS, &c, IS HEAJJUUARTERS FOR GENERAL HARDWARE, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, AXL KINDS OF COAL, & OPS. PUBLIC SQUARE, Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa American Business College, AND MODERN OFFICE TRAINING SOHOOXj. Second National Bank, Centre Square, Allentown, Penna. Oue of the Largest. Most Thorough, Itest Bejrulated and Finest Equipped Training ttcboois for Both Sexes in the State Morning, Aflornoon and Er.nlnB S.sslona. Ho Vacations. t"Slx elecantly furnished deirtmeHs with all the most modem couvenleuees. Full corps ot competent, iirSrtiinl ana experienced Instmetors. Amruican Uvsinkss KMi'WVMKMTllrusuc ooiinected with th. College throuiili which good positions are secured for the praduatts free ot eharie. For catalogues.tlreulars. &c., address, O. C DOUNKY. r'lluelpal. DENTISTRY, Dr. J. A, Mayer &8cn. Dr. GEORGE, H MAYER, araduate from the Dental Department ot the University of P.nnsrlTanla, hMOMBedaDoMse in tbe same building with kit faUMr. seeood floor lo the flay Window, S BROADWAY. MAUCH CHUN X PA., usmc M. PLORY, Manufacturer of and Dealer In WHIPS, FLY-NETS, &c.. ftc, ic. WniTK -o- 8TREET. IT LEAD3 THBM ALL IN NEWa The ADVOCATE. BRIGHT, CLEAN, INDEPENDENT. -Raad Itl- SPOT w A Cash Buyers (ro to A. F. bNYDER, And buy your Organs, Flanos,Sewlng Machines, Wringers, Washlne Machines. Implements, Pumps of all kinds. It will pay you o ret prices from mo before buying. I can aara jou money Seasonable Goods Cassimeres, "Worsteds, Corkscrews, Cheyiots, &o. Satisfaction. There is a good deal of satisfaction in beinsr perfectly satisfied, and espec ially so in regards to what you wear. In this particular we invariably mors than please our patrons. Our stock being large, varied and complete gives satisfaction in making a choice ol goods desired, wTiile in style, finish and work manship our reputation speaks Jar more eloquently than . word. Call on us for FALL nnd WINTER GAHMENTS, or parts of Suits. We guarantee ocr- fits and finest workmanship. Clauss Bros., THE TAILORS Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. Ont circulation is growing V IA.J. because we furnibh all the latest local news in the best style. Sample us fluc ) "uMkrltKMlaC , B iss. fMSis, ittsviswsr1- sithv AtllsT. 4 rt Cu wrd ta Msn ft 4vU Hm rtsM mm mtr Nt w i fwrsvaa Islaw MssK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers