The Carbon Advocate " EmuitTON."PA SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1888. RKTKRRD At THE l.ttlUHHTON rOST-OFrH'K Afl second class mail mattbh. How are You doing to Vetal The above question Is pertinent and to the point and that Is exactly what we In tend It to bo. Uow are you going to tote f If you are a Democrat and understand the vital Issues of tho campaign you will tote for Cleveland and Thunnan and the straight Democratic ticket. The Demo- cracy promise the people emancipation from the present high, onerous and oppressive) taxation that makes tho monopolist the King of the land and the laborer his abject lave. We, tho common people, want low- er taxes and Increased prosperity. We can secure these boons by voting tho straight Democratic ticket, few are you going to vote T If you are a Republican and believe In tho principles and thoroughly understand the doctrines and methods of tho party, you certainly need not bo told that they are op posed to tailff reform and a reduction of tho prcseni.hlgu war tariffs that burdens the masses and enriches the aristocracy. If you are opposed to your own Interests, and believe In enslaving yourself to the pluto cracy, vote tho straight Republican ticket and you will be endorsing your opinions, Jloxo are you going to vole 1 No matter whether you are a Republican or a Democrat you have a Jegttlnia'to right to express your opinions and vote as you see proper. But at tho same time your hal lot should be subservient to your Interests, You can only voto once on tho mighty question of tax reform or Increased taxes and you should not fall to vote right. Sammy Ingalls Gllham put his foot In his mouth last week and has not been hear from-since. Trobably because therofls not room for tho other foot. Semcerrts Fonder Over This I IIow about any Republican vot inc for George Esser, to help him succeed himself Don't do It I Manch Chunk Uaztllc. Carbon county Is Democratic by major! tics ranging from tlirefi to I've hundred, Thero Is no posilble chance for the election of a Republican to office if the Democrats observe Republican logic and ro straight Brother Obediah Slsley will certainly hay reason for self-congratulation If by some mischance Intelligent Democrats can be In vetgled Into voting for Republican olllce seekers. But wc don't believe they can or will be. ThQ above few lines, a lending editorial from the Republican Gazette of last week, should straighten all faltering Democrats on the vital question of how to vote. The Gazette says, don't Voto Democrat. Is the advise not as timely and as good for one-party as the other? Vote stralghtl AM. DEMOCItATS Ann COPI'KIIIIKADS and Rebels. Ext act from Sammy Ingall Gllham's speech. The Intelligent Democratic voters of Car bon county will rebuke the vlllificatlon and abuse Indulged In bysnch a man as, Sammy Gllham on next Tuesday. Mr. Esser and Mr. dabs! Are the Democratic and Republican noinl ees, respectively, for the office of Pro- thonotary and Cleik of Court. Mr. Ksser resides at Jfauch Chnnkrand Is before the people for the last lime for public office, He was fairly nominated by the Democratic convention some months ago and Is . fairly entitled to the solid Democratic vote. Ho Is an honest, capable and intelligent gentle men and, has made .1 faithful and efficient official. Mr. Gabcl I9 the Republican nominee, he was mado tho choice of the conyentton be fore which he appeared and Is entitled to fall party vote. lie is a resident of Lehig! ton, an esteemed citizen and a staunch party man. But he cannot be elected un less assisted by Democratic votes. .Will he get them? The 7th of November will tell whether or 'not the Intelligent Democracy haye shown allegiance to their party not. Prohibitionists, vote straight! Republicans, yote straight! Democrats, yote stralghtl ALL DEMOCItATS AUK ItEDKLS" SAY Sammy Gllham with a mighty eloquence that echoes over the peaceful hills and leyerboratlng re-echoes that Sammy Gil ham is an Illiterate jack ass and consum mate fool. They say ' Sammy" Said So. Almost a quarter of a century has passed since the close of the great clyil war and the signing of the Emancipation Pioclama tlon bp Abraham Lincoln. Peace has spread her wings over the re-united Ameri ca and prosperity has strengthened tho bul warks of liberty and advanced tho condi tion of all our citizens. On the battlo fields of the past Blue and Gray meet now fraternal greeting and only those who par ticipated In that great struggle can fully appreciate this great change In the feeling ),hat now has possession of tho new South. I.oye, liberty and thankfulness prevail on all sides that to the cruel war has como such a peaceful ending. Yet amongst a few Illiterate and bigoted Ignoramouses wo still hear the cry of blood, famine and war. In an Intelligent community this Is an uu- fortunate state of affairs. Only a few days ago at a gathering of Intelligent Republi cans somewhere down iii tho Towamens lng's,a public speaker, hailing from Lehigh- ton, branded Democrats as Insurrectionists rebels and copperheads. Shame, shame! Men so debased to reason and decency, so Ust to common sence and honor are en titled only to classification In the category of fools and knaves. Tho death of such men will not be mourned tho country will be better off that they are gone. Hall tli day of glad deliverance from the bigoted partisan, the political egotist and the clyll war ass. Democrats, remember that a vote you give to a Republican Is an endorsement that you are a Rebel. Then voto your straight ticket and be a Democrat. Mr. Eeidle and Mr. Davis are Democrat and Republican nominees for Associate Judge. Mr. Charles Seidle Is an Intelligent and highly respected citizen of N rmal Square and Carbon ronnty. He will take to the office character .and ability, combined with practical couinion-sence which will make him an official to he re spected and honored. Every Democrat In Carbon county should mid will voto lor him, Mr. Davis, of Lansford, Is said to bo lu telllgent and capable, but In general hn lacks the commendable characteristics of Mr. Seidle, and of course will l over whelmingly defeated. Democrats, yote stralghtl Republicans, vote straight! Problblttoultls, yote stralghtl Sheriff Levan or Sheriff Snylor, which Is It to be? Levari Is a Democrat: Snyder Is a Republican. The Democratic majority In Carbon county Is about five hundred. If Snyder secures two hundred and fifty Democratic votes and his own party does not cut him ho. will be lectcd; if not, Hiram F. I.oyan, of Frank lin, will be tho ucxt Sheriff. Roth mon are pro-cmlncnity fitted for the ofllce; both men naye hosts of friends, and cither one of them will make a safe, reliable, sheriff. The voters will decide who Is to bo the man. If wo were a Republican we certainly would yoto Snyder, but being on the other side we will cast our ballot for Hiram P. Tevan, tho next sheriff from Franklin. Don't throw mud, vote early and vote right because you can only vote once. AcconniMa to Odediah Sioley's own words he will yote tho Republican ticket because he wants "pap." Obediah, verily you aro a Republican for noble purposes. Mr, Ferry and Mr. Mnlhom are the nominees of the Democratic and Republican parlies for the office of Assemb ly. Mr. Ilngh Ferry Is a self-made man, having scaled the ladder of success from slate ptckcr to experienced miner and ti one of Carbon county's leading educators. He Is certainly entitled to a full party vote. He will make n good official and as such every laboring man In the county will cast a ballot for one who comes from tho ranks of labor. Mr. Mulharn Is an Intelligent gentleman, but he cannot be elected by Republican votes, and certainly Democrats will not vote for him. He has proven himself to be too much of a partisan to secure favors from tho Democratic party. Democrats vole straight! Republicans voto stralghtl ProhibilionlstB voto stralghtl IjAtkst accounts have It that Sammy llurchard Gllham Is making frantic efforts to get the other foot la his mouth by saying he didn't know it was loaded. All Workingmen Eead This. No conclcnttous worklngman shoulc' vote for Georgo ill". Dayls for Assoclato Judge. During the strike he paraded the streets of Nrsquclionlng, armed to tho teeth to shoot down the honest miners who were battling for their rights with the L. C. & N. Co. This cannot be contradicted as his name Is on filo in the registers office as a sworn Coal and Iron policeman. Vole for C. II. Seidle. Ncsquehonlg, Pa. ACCORDING TO ItEPORT IT WAS OUR Sanmy Gllham who classed all Democrats as Copperheads and Rebels at a Republican meeting recently. This Is an improvement over tho timo when Sammy had occasion In his mighty eloquence and great wrath to call them all "bulls." But some how Sammy Is always putting his foot In It. Mrt. Gkoiioe M. Davis, of Lanbfoiid, the Republican nominee for Associate Judge requests us to deny the report cur rent here to tho effect that ho at one lime drew a revolver or threatened to shoot one or our citizens. 11c emphatically pro nounces the report as a lie manufactured out of the whole cloth. We make this cor rection In justice to Mr. Dayls because we believe in a campaign of principle, even wo arc a "copperhead rebel." Don't throw mud, bo honest In your expressions and vote right. Sammy's Catechism. ' Teacher IFho caused the late war? Sammy The Democrats. Teacher Are Democrats all rebels? Sammy Yes, and copper heads, Teacher Sammy, you are a bright little fellow, now tell me why the Democrats caused the clyll war? Sammy So, the north could cot the negroes to do their whitewashing. Respectfully dedicated to beligerant Sammy Gllham. In reply to inquiries that comb to us from several sections of the county this weeK, as 10 now ino election win go, we would say that wo don't know. We are positive that a president and vice president will be elected but at this time It would re quire a gigantic stretch of tho Imuiagma tlon to elect either Cleveland or- flarrison, Rest assured, ho-yeyer, dead reader, that this noble old country is safe. Bat tho Democracy will bs Triumphant. From tho Luntford Record, First that whoever Is elected President will be elected by a very small margin. ooconu mat tne vote polled will bo one of the fairest ever cast. Third that Lehlghton will givo Gabel a majority. Fourth that Mauch Chunk will do like wise for Esser aud Mulhearn.' Fifth that If Summit Hill and Lansford will uo as they do elsewhere that the next Associate Judge will come from the west end. BROADBRIM'S N. Y. LETTER, NnsuiKii vive iiuNDi!Ki! Although the letters I hayo sent out all over the world for the past fourteen years have very mcuh exceeded the number Indicated above, It was not until about ten years ago that I re solved to let the numbers run continuously as long as I was able to write. I never ap proach a new hundred without asking my self If I shall be spared to see another. asked myself this question two years ago when I began four hundred and now I can answer It with safety. But what of the future? How about six hundred? No matter, if wn reach the goal all right; if no! all right; and so we enter on 600 with hope and trust, thanking the kind friends who have followed me so patiently and so long, Notwithstanding the beating of drums, the blaring of horns, the whizzing of rock ets, and the wild shouts of the political clans, I found time to turn for a few hours Into the Art Galleries to see some of the grand collections In which New York now revels. There are many worthy of mention The American Art Galleries, the Society of American Artists, Goupll's on Fifth avenue. and many others; but when It comes to superb art, art that needs no explanation art that the world acknowledges without question, art before genius and power and wealth stand wrapt In admiration and awe, there Is nothing In New York that will equal the magnificent collection to be seen in the art rocms conducted by Herman Schaus & Co., at 5th Avenue and 20th Street. Not large but rare and costly, bear ing the stamp of mighty names whose weight Is not to be measured by gold but diamonds, so rare and costly aro they t'arot, Diaz, Schreyer, Geroma, Van Marckc, and many others Immortal In the world of art. This beautiful collection Is the result of Mr. Herman Schaus' late visit to Europe, where for five mouths he travelled patiently though the art galleries and studios, and gathered those gem with the exquisite taste ef a connoisseur and the admiration of a love. It Is with a sweet sense of restfulncss that I step out of (he roar of the street Into tho calm quiet of thoso beautiful rooms, and as I look upon these children of Immortal genius, time, space, and distance float away from mo and revel In tho bright green fields of lands far away, 1 see the soft sunlight, I breathe tho sweet air, I catch tho perfume of tho apple blossoms, I inhale the fragrance of tho flowers; I turn my eyes and am trans ported as It were Into another world. It Is night upon the desert, the far hills aro sink ing out of sight, 3 ct In that silent wilder ness there Is life, fierce, wild, unlaluablc, majostlc; tho canyass seems to tremble with the genius of Gerome. Out on tho desert in silent majesty reposes a tiger glorious In his strength, beautiful in his repose, and yet mora terrible than an army with ban ners. His mate disports herself In the cool sand, and the pair ,are the supreme inon archs of that silent wild. Almost besldo Geromo's wonderful pic ture Is a superb canvass by Van Jarckc. Under the cool shade In the forest some cows have como to tho stream to drink. One needs no skillful guide to point him out the beauties of this admirable work. They appeal alike to tho humblest and the greatest. It li naturo, simple nature; but O, how bcatlfull how lnyltlngt Schreyer Is present In n magnificent work which vibrates with all of his old time vigor. It glows with color and with life. The fierce Bedouin and his horso are fit companions. The heart almost insensible to human pity and human suffering, watches each step of his horse as tenderly as a loycr docs tho footsteps of bis soul's elect. It Is Impossible In these brief letters to do the slightest justice to this magnificent collection. It Is full of little gems that meet you at every turn. In two little pic tures there are kittens by Sul. Adam, and what kittens they are, nothing like them hayo ever been seen hero before, and we had seen soma good cats and kittens, but nothing like these. Palmcroll has a lovely scene from tho Forest of Fontatnbleau, and Klcczynski, a Russian, has a sleighing scene that would stir tho blood of mon or woman when thethcrcmomcter marks zero. The high mettled team is dasblng along, guided by a strong hand, the drlyer is not thinking of his horses hut of the bonnlc sonsle lady by his side; the face of the man Is a splendid bit of portraiture, and Is one of the gems of the collection. The peculiar ity of Mr. Schaus' beautiful gallery is its absolute purity. If Bougerone Is represent ed It Is not by one of these suggestlvo In decencies, intended lor tne lecherous per- llus of a bachelors prlyato establishment. Bougeron can palnl heaven born pictures, and does and if yon want to see his best work go to Schaus', and not to the Hoff man. I regret that I have not more space to devote to the fine arts this week, as simp ly from an educational standpoint, I con stder it one of the most worthy to which can direct the attention of my readers when they visit Now York. It Is about fifteen or sixteen years since Now York ran crazy oyer the debut of young Russian sopranno whose phenomenal voice promised to elapse that of tho world's sweet nightingale, Pattl. Far from beauti ful, not eyen pretty, there was about the new devutanto that Indescribable some thing, that captivates women and turns the heads of men. Her singing was a won der, her acting a revelation,- but with her matchless art was linked the curse of Im perious waywardness and unreliability', which, notwithstanding her wonderful tal ent mado her moro feared than courted managers who would havo paved her path way with gold, shrank affrighted at the un governable temper which brooked no guld anceor control. After a trial of several seasons she finally departed for Europe, and the operatic world on this side lost sight of her. Nlllson, Gcrstcr and many others succeeded her, but the magic tones of the wayward Russian were not forgotten even In their triumphs, by tho charmed and ex- cluslyu circle that makes up Mr. McAllIs ter's Court Roster of the Elite Four Hun dred. The other day passing through Washington Square, that peculiar ballwick where Lias,. Aspasla and Prynne, almost touch elbows with some of the creamiest of our creme de la crcmo, my attention was directed to a yery unpretentious house, and here, an nttcr wreck, was all that remained of the onco wayward Dlya. Who would recognize in this stricken woman whose wonderful voice Is now hushed for ever,, tho gifted child 0 f genius and song, for whom mad crowds cried-Vlva! Viva! "Diva Imperial" the matchless syren that monarchs loaded with choice jewels, and who for years re velled In all the choicest luxuries of the earth. Here In this humble home, her mind almost In ruins, shcslts and ponders and dreams upon tho past; hard peiury comes knocking at the door, gaunt want peers horrtdly In through the dingy case ment. Does sho realize her present wretched surrounding? perhaps not, per haps In mercy tho present Is sealed to her, and sho dreams on from day to day In the glided glories of tho past. A movement Is now being made by some prominent musicians here to send her back to Europe, that sho may die among her friends. And so one by one these Idols of the past vanish and pass away. Only a little while ago I went to hear Gerster, one of the brightest queens of song, and lovely as she was gifted, and good as she 'was beautiful. O, how New York Idollzed'and oetted her. She was especially a woman's favorite, and no woman felt jealous of her husband's admiration of her, for she In her private life was sans reproche. But the glorious organ that won her distinction and fortune Is gone. It was pitiable to see this beauti ful woman trying still to occupy the place she once held In the affection and admira tion of the public, but her power was gone and they tossed her aside as heartlessly as they would a broken bauble to cry lol to the Rising Bun., But while speaking of prima donnas, Lydla Thompson Is back with us again after an absence of many years. It must be twenty years at least since Lydla appear ed among us with her troupe of British blondes, whose scanty costume left nothing to be Imagined where so much was lavishly disclosed. All the frwnt seats In the parqnette were engaged weeks in advance, and I am sorry to say It was not solely by our jeunesse doree, but lines of old bald- headed sinners worshipped at the shrine of this golden haired dlvlnty, and In a few weeks, despite the protests of tho secular press and the bitter denunciations of the religious press, the and her blonde beau ties carried tlje town by storm, and after a triumphal march from one end of the United States to the other, she returned to Alblon's lslo with a clear fifty thousand dollars. Sam Colyllle, her manager, bagged almost as much, aud with his sav ings he purchased the leaso of the 14th Street Theatre, which he held to the time of his death. Lvdla Is with us once more, bright and beaming as ever. She kicks up her shapely little heels as lively as of yore, and sings with the vim of a girl of eighteen. I am afraid to thiukhowoldshels. I think I venture nothing when 1 say that one-half of the nudlenre w hleh grcctod her on tho occasion of hef first appearance have been In their graves for years. Sam Colvllle, her flisc manager In the United Stales were burled over a year neo. and two-thirds of tho actors and and actresses who appeared with her arc now Inhabitants of tho Happy Hunting Grounds; but Lydla teems to bo Immortal. Her houses have beCn crowded all the week, and lm'f the dudes lu town are crazy oyer her. Gilbert and Sullivan's new opera, "The 1 Yeoman of the Guard," Is not an unequivo cal success, neither Is it an absolute failure. Wo have got Into the habit of accepting without question anything from these authors. Snrh detightfnl contributions to our light operatic stage are Pinafore, Iolauthc, Uuddlgorc, Patience, Tho Pirates of Penzance and tho Mikado, that no one looked'for a failure. In their latest venture- but the first night It fell fiat notwlthstand; lug the expectations of the public, and Its run is likely to be limited. This is a great disappointment; for the world Is Indebted to Messrs. Gilbert and Sullivan for a sweet, clean, wholesemo light opera, and both of them arc still young enough to make us Indulge In the hope that the days of their usefulness aro not yet past, Of course, ono of tho very marked sensations of the week has been the ex posure of the spiritual fraud by the original Fox sisters. It lms'becn a tcrrlblo shock to tho thousands of dupes here, but the laics revelation Is that the celebrated mediums are now possessed of tho devil, Whether they are or whether they aro not, It Is certain that they havo raised sheol with tho spirtlualists. Meetings havo been held all oyer town denouncing them as liars, and .Vmlame Diss Debarr from her summer residence on Blackwell's Island, says they are no good. Of courso the political battle rages with fury, but If you want to seo a regular old time camp meeting go to the Drygoods Men's Republican meeting, hold every day at twelve o'clock on Broadway. It Is llko an old fashioned Methodist revival, they sing and shout and clap their hands. One of our great dallies which is supposed to see as deep into a millstone as somo of Its neighbors, remarks, "that some ono Is go lng to be disappointed on the sixth of November." I wonder If this Is so? BROADBRIM dTuesiIay, November G, is electron any. JUook at your ticket closely rind vote right. If you believe in tariff revision vote for Cleveland. If you believe in the present protection system vote for Harrison. Both good men. are A cold of unusual severity wnlcli I took last autumn developed into a difficulty de cidedly catarrhal in alt its characteristics, threatening a return of my old chronic mal ady, catarrh. Ono bottle of Ely's Cream Balm completely eradicated every symptom of that painful and prevailing disorder.- E. W. Warner, 1C5 Hudson St., Rochester, N.Y. Catarrh. F01 twenty years I was a suf ferer from catarrh of the head and throat. Bya few applications of Ely's Cream Balm I received decided benefit was cured by one bottle. Charlotte Parker, Waverly, N. Y. S wo VKit riKNNETT. At the home of the bride's parents, Ilokemlauqua, Oct., 20, 1888, by the Jtev. Dr. J.A. I.lttle, Ada, daughter of Mr, Edward Dennett, to Horace Hwoycr, both or llokendatupia. New Advertisements, POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel at purity, strength and wholesomeness. Wore economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with tho multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosohate powders. Kola only Inl cutis, ltoval Duklng Powder Company, 100 Wall Street H. V. ami : 24-ml 1 Lumber.Lumber MARSH & ZERN, WBISSPORT, - - PBNN'A, Offer for sale a large quantity of Sawed Lumber at extraordinary low prices. 25,000 feet Yellow Pine Flooring. 60,000 feet White Pine Boards. 60,000 feet Hemlock Boards. 10,000 feet Hemlock Seantllng. A large lot of 2 Inch Yellow Pine Plank, suitable for pavements or sidewalks. A lot of first-class 2 Inch Yellow Pine Plank, for threshing floors or bridges. A lot of Oak Plank, Ac, &e. This Lumber will be sold fully 25 per cent cheaper than It can bo obtained else where. Call on or address MAliSTl & ZERN, Weissport, - - - 7jin'a. oct.27-Gm, mm mm All Druxsruu. gs. sod., ti4 SHU. fmiAred cnlr tv Dr. Uea irnolO. Ml. Urp , WouniJSsull. J T I bare used Dr. SctH Arnold's COUGH JILXEIt 14 yeartj nererkneir It to fall, llaro novel Jieird any. thlue but praise for It, 0. B. Cunningham, Entrl ken, I'enn. t Druggists, i5c., Wo., and 11.00. mi DatawrH ELY'S CREAM BALM, Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays I'M 11 and Inflam mation, Hsals tho Sores, Restotes tho Senses of Taste and Smell. YE R TRY the CURE. A particle, applied Into ench nostril and Is agree able, l'l lco 00 cents at tlroirglsts: ly mall.reRls trrcil, on cents, lti.x niiua.i ou vrarrcn street, New York. sept32-wt8 WM. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER The Great GERM or BACTERIA DESTROYER. To Cure Disease, Remove the Cause. Phvulclint. bv t dentine researches. have discovered that Grms or BacciUI commonly called Microbes, are the cause ot disease. The MickobsKiller CURES by ttllrorintr Ihf microhm at the same time jKrifiet Ike Need and euildt up Ike tyttem. Mr. Radars has established Factory No. iln Philadelphia. Office at 819 Arch Street. Inralidsand persons suffering from CATARRH, DRONCHITIS.CONSUMPTION.MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, Diseases of the Blood, etc.. by writing or tailing at above address, will receive circulars giving tne History and the cures it has made. rculars giving the history of the Microbe Killsr lishedin Pennsylvania. New fersev. Delaware. Ma, Agencies win De esiau. rland, and District of Columbia, which this Factory will supply. This Germicide is A SURE RESTORATIVE TO HEALTH. To Whom it May Concern. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or trusting my son John Longkamcrcr, las I will not bo responslbo for any debt con traded by him. Chas. Lonokamerer, Packerton Oct. 0, 188S. 3w RKPOUT OF TUB CONDITION OK THE r- FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF LKHIOII. TON, renna.,at tho close of business, Oct. -Ith, ism : I1ESOUKCKS. Loans and Discounts Slil.fVB co Overdrafts .140 00 U. 8. llonds Insecure circulation "5,000 00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgaires .... m.rsxi 0.1 Due from approved reserve agents 2,4.11 65 Due from other National Ranks 3,019 to Due from State Hunk and Rankers .... 1 98 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 8.C27 80 Current expenses and taxes paid 007 09 Premiums mid 5.450 00 Checks and other casti items 95 28 Hilts of other Ranks o,C3i 00 Fractional pii per currency, nlckels.and cents , BR TB Specie, 13,9.10 00 Legal lender notes 3,300 00 Redemption fund with U, S. Treasurer (5 ier cent, circulation) 3,35 00 Total $2Sl,2ii5 14 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 75,000 00 Surplus fund ; 7,01000 Undivided nrnflts 2jvx 47 National Hank notes outstanding 07,500 00 LflVIUeildS 11I1PHIU 3T.4 HJ IndivlduRldeposltssubJecttocheck.,.. 125,410 so Certified cheeks 177 00 uasmers ciiccks ontsiatming 14 3 Due toother National Hanks 5.020 31 Due to Stato Hanks and Hankers. OCT 02 Total $284,205 14 Statu of Pennsylvania, ia, COUJITY OK CA IUION, f 88 ' I. YV. "W. HowniRii. (Miller nf flip nhnvpnnniA Rink,dosoleinidyswearthattlieal)ovestatenient is iruo to tne nest 01 iny Knowieage nnu neiier. W. W. Bowman, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before niethlsoth day of October, 1k8, IIoiiack IIkviit, N. Y. Coiyt kct Attest : It, F, HOFFOHD, I .1. O. ZRitN, J-Dlrector.s. A. J. Dunt.iNd. I October J3, 1888. To Wild It May Concern. All persons are herebv cautioned not to sell or glye to my husband WILLIAM E. BLANK, under penalty of prosecution any Intoxicating boveraees, all of which you will hereby take notice: MRS. W. E. BLANK, Lelilghlon, Owks. A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers his Farm, situate In Mahonliuj Valley. Carbon couutv, 1'a., at private sale. The farm contains 90 acres, of which 85 acres arn cleared and under a high stato of cul tivation, the balance Is good timber land. The Improvements are a Two and a Half Storv Stone DwellliiK House, 31x20 feet with Frame Kitchen isxm feet, Barn 0.1x75 feet with all necessary outbuildings. Anplvto . Z. II. C 1IOSI, On the Premises. Sept, 15,83-11 mm 1 w) y i HAY-EE rHPf HOUSEKEEPERS, Look Hore! You will certainly find it to your advantage to buy where,you nave me largest, eneapest, raittf Mixes HEATERS, -AND- HOUSEKEEPERS - SUPPLIES. to select from. That nlnrn nnrtn inl 1 n nf IS Is lib WM. S. Opposite the Valley Round Ilouse, North Bank Street. Make it a point to see the celebrated "Irving Range" before pur chasing any other. All makes and grades of heaters on hand and furnished at short notice and at exceedingly low prices, WILL SAVE YOU DOLLARS ! An Extraordinary Exhibit Fall Overcoats ! SS MSi,,!!: $18. and $20. The best value ever offered. Men's Fall Suits, feo, i pj A. low in price. "Boy's long Pant's Suits $3., $4., $5.50, $0.75 and $8.00. Hoy's Short Pants Suit $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00,3.50, 4.00 and 5.00. ' 'Boys Kjlt Suits 2 to 5 years, Boys Overcoats 450 Mens' Heavy Ovprcoats, from 34 to 44 breast measure, 3,75 ; -worth COO. In PALL SUITS anil O VEKCOAT3 n measure, we direct attention to our titeclal Bontclt Clioviots In many patterns, at $10., $ 12., 15 ami on up. Surprising for value and character. Our I'ANTALOON Department tunlaiin over 300 diflerent patterns. Korntyie, (juality and price they cannot lie excelled. Our OtNS FUUNISIHNQ Department i filled with new and seunnnable go.Hls knit jackets, jemevs, underwear, hosiery, glove, nm-kwear, Ac. Our $1.00 CuodieM shirt, for lit, (uallty and price cannot lo mulched. Try one no fit, no oala. Koch & Siiankweiler, J Hotel, Allen Building, Centre $1 13 WEEKS. The rOLIOE GAZETTE will be mailed, curely wrapped, to any addrsss In the Unl et! States for three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to rvlmssfr. agents and clubs Sample copies mailed frea Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, May 30,1885.1y Pramilis sr., N. "Y Dr. H. B. REINOHL, flraduato of 1'hlla. Dental College. DENTISTRY ! IN ALL ITS IlltANOHKS. Peiwation of the Teeth a Specialty, OKFICK HOUlt8i From 8 a. in. hi 5 n. nt. OAK HALL, Maricet Square, Manch Chunk. BRANCH OFFlCKs EAST - MAUCH - CHUNK, . Two Doors North of Post-Omce. OFFICE HOURS) Tto 9a. m. andStoTp.m. Aprll28-3m . T. HORN, AT THIJ Central Drug Store, OIT. Till! PUBLIC SQUARK Bank Street, Leliightoii, Pn., IS HEADQUARTERS FOR Pure Drugs and Medicines, Fine Soaps, Brushes, &c, &c., Choice Wines and Liquors, Largest Assortment of Library Lamps ! Wall Paper and Decorations! Spectacles ! "When you buy a pair ot Shoes yon want a good fit. But If you need SPECTACLES It Is much more Important that the KYE should be accommodated with correct lenses and aproncr. IV fitting framo which will brine the lenses di rectly before the centre of theeje. If oubuy your sjiectacles at Dr. Horn's you will And the above points proerly attended to. PERSCRIPTIONS Carefully Coiimonnilefl. Octtt-tss; Machine The undeisisncd announces to the citizens of Lehlghton and tho surrounding country that ho lias opened a shop for tho Repair of Machinery ! Such as Agricultural Implement Sharpen- un mmi Muwers, urinaiiig naner Knives, raper Cutter Knives, Scissors, K.C.: Steam Fit ting and Pump Work, and manufacturing Oraln at, s, i-uiiii jiuuers, jiuui liuiera, ac, , Alt work guaranteed at the lowest pi-Ices. W. G. MITCHELL In Rear of Gabel's -Store. Hardware LEHIG-HTON, Forma. Airllp8. ly Estate Notice. Estate nf THOMAS KEMERElt, lato of the iwrougu ni lA-nicmon, garuou county, ra., deceased. All persons knowing themselves to bo Indebted to said Kstato are requested to make Immediate payment, ar.d thoso having legal claims against thesamc. will present them without delay lu JULIA A. KEMERElt, I,.,.,,,..,, JOHN SEAI10LDT, fLxectltors. Horace Heydt, Attorney. SeptLRS-flw1 nest and newest stock ot will KUHN'S, $7.00; $8.50, $10.00 and Verv nobbv. and oxtrenielv 2.00, 2.50,3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 5. at 1.50, 2.00. 2.50, 3.'5, 4.00, 5.00 and on up. Square, ALLENTOWN Dr.G Shop sKsBHwssksHIIIIKJk' I0TJ LOOK AT THE N For if You Do U will see that We are Selling Ladies Shoes from $1.00 Up. Misses' Shoes from 85 Cents Up. Mens' Shoes from f 1.00 Up. Mens' Hoots from $ 1.85 Up. Boys Boots, we haye them at all Prices. Rubber Boots,Liimberma,n's Boots and Bearer boots at all prices. Men's Suits from $5.00 on Up Boy's and Children's Suits at prices to suit everybody. And a complete liue of MWT8 UHTltMRWIlAtt, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Oil Clotlis, Carpets, Trunks, Valices, &c, &c. Come and see us before purchasing else where. We can please you in. style and prices. ZERN & SNYDER, Opera House Block, LEHIGHTON, PA. easonable In these Silk, Plnsel and Phenile figure conspicuously ; wide embroidered skirt bands have replaced many of the old time pannel combination dresses. In these the tendency is toward the broad faile stripis in silk. JtltOAD CJLOTIIS. In these we are showing all grades from the correctly finish ed, perfectly colored $1.00 quality to the finest goods. Or bordered woolens, in these all the newest weaves are in cluded with Perian Hair, Satin and Camels Hair Selvcdeges. Cliee& aiMl Xlai1$. In a large variety, from tho quiet English Cheviots in two toned effects, to tho bolder designs in all the blocked and broken ilaids. 634 Hamilton Street. Allentown. Penn'a. October 30 1887 PENNINGTON SEMINARY. FENNINOTON, H. J. 49th Year. On direct Una of It. It. from Lehlgliton. THOMAS IIANLON. it. n... Vrosrtpnl 1 Commended by Dr. McCosli. KxerlH in licultli, discipline, liome comforts and sr-liolnrshiD. 2Hi covers nil expenses and extras nut Art and jiiuxic uimioEues very ueamuui anu complete. fimfsrs of Fmml . n mr nam nA . stamped on the bottom ot all my adrertlsed sboei baton leaTlng tba fsclorj. which protect llie Krarert against tUfh prices and Inferior goods. If a dealei vugib ... UWWUM aiiuva Ml IWJICVU I J I UK, ail says be has tbem without my name and price stampec W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. FOR CENTLEMEN. 1 wJTi'iV.K. 8EAf-Fs5i?tJ$ J?,.00'"! '"T aide. tiC t. easr as haml-Kwed aSa Til LLNiiT hip. "T.i'vi "l "wi-kthi anu njiaiiiur sill'. Y. I.. IHllfll.AK 114 fcllfltr. tlm orlirtiisl and only hand-sewed wll SI shoe. Kquals custom-made shoes costing from M to . w. u uuuulas roLicii Huoi5.'auouiHjo.uo worm 01 wort on iuv:io, t sioutt Railroad Men aod letter Carriers all wear ibeni.i Press It bents all. After Uire years' use I -TIT. . . tww.'nm it uenis an. Alter uirev years use v?Twiyj. h!,?, ! in,'i3",ed blux' TaoUor nudiry Model rrcss as K"Od as new.-l Iw.WoMSTjio SHOn U nxcel.ed'M'r""1'"dl,,U,l,'-"lou1,Uo ,a,t " I. At! svj Fin tinnie I. ,,...J.ii.r'wi ir u n-ii muiii oukuho last nan t or heasr wear. Itest Calf r-hoe for the price. W. 1. TIIOUGXAS aii.85 WOltKlNOM AN'S 8HOU la the beat In lha world for rourh wean uu yir uuiui iu wear a man a year. W. t. lKHIIlLAS a)3 fellOE FOU HOYS Is iu uci ociiuv. niiue m i no worm. W. t. IOUUkA8 atl.7a YODTII'fl Sthool Sho ,airea the small lloys a chauco to wear the best shoes In the world. All made in Oonrresa, Button and Lace. If not sold by your dealer, write W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Maes. A. MEHRKAI & SON, Apis, ItHEIGHTOjr , . . Dress Goods. D. J. KISTLER lteAbeetfullv futiinnnwa tfi tlin nnhlln ll.nt h h jpci.ed a NKW U VKUV 8TA11I.K, and that tin li now prepared to furnish Teams for Funerals, tVeddlncs or lliiHinesi Trips on the shortest no Ice and most terms. (InVni left t th. "Carlmi, House." will twelve prompt attentloa. Si'AliLKS ON NOItTU BTKKET, nexttlio Hotel, UlilnMon. an2J-vt A MODEL PRESS Will do all Toor 1 own 'IrlnUng or 1 earn money print- ln for others. I i'our boy can run ih iraiais, with Press coat 65. 10. 120. 1-2S. or mora. according to site ono as good as another. In usa alt over tba world. Full Information In a book called How to Print. Free with simples Of MODEL: preas worr, upon ap plication, jiaaixu t THE MODEL PRESS COUPANr, Llra'd, tl2AKhStrst,rhlU1islr,l', I See what Is said about The Model Press. My Model l'rc'.i netted melnthree mouth over V.inUiO- i never had Instructions In printing be- ")'' I ct up and printed !0,000deposlttleluts on "y Mode" ITeas the day after I received It.-t J - j - .- - m.H. i..n (1.... .In.. hi. I.u. -.rrul.t . u.w j '""v" Press cost mo tho first two months. -Have dose l lie The Model Press If fully equal In the largest and costliest ma- c'.ilnes for flno Card and CIENElt XI. ItUStNlUS prlntlne. Any smart boy ran turnout hundred if dollars worllt of work everv vear. (tea k Itli one of ttie smaller sizes. Address. Thz Mopel; Prkss Co., Ltd., 912 ArcU Street. Art! IsaaaaatMKl I tK. I mS12-jl FBlLADEtTflUA, Th,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers