'Original Cheap Uauh Store." Gloves and Mitts. tn Gloves we arc sliowliiR utmost every ttitng that 19 new Mid serviceable. Kid, Dog, Bheep, Duck, Hog ami Cnlt Sklhs. Combinations ot Kid and Cloth, Kid nnd Wool, Sheep und Cloth, Sheep and nnck, llnck and Wool, fihecu and Wool, Dog and Wool, Hog and Wool. Also a large variety ol Wool Mitt, tor Men, Women nnd Children. Hosiery. The new lines wo have placed on sale I this seawn are handsome nnd cheap. ' We mako a specialty of "Marks." I'rosts'havo come. Halo bills priutcd litre. Vote on next Tuesday. Leap year la almost over. D'nck hunting Is In order. Itepalr broken pavements. - Tolltlcs arc "blllng" oyer. Corner slatuaty Is moving. John Shoemaker Is very sick. Keep the street crossings clean. Comrade Sclnrpe Is on the sick list. Farmers are busy husking Corn, Thus endeth the 308th day of 1888. Pale bills printed cheap at this office. What' a the matter with Hank street? Lansford will bo electrically Illuminat ed. Weathcrly's cemetery lias been en larged. COO overcoats on sale at Mehrkatn Son's, Bank street. .Toe DcFrchn Is the happy '"dad" of a bouncing baby boy. Go to Val. Schwarta'9 for all kinds ol furniture. Trices very low. A reliable watchmaker; I). S. Bock opposite the Pnb.lc Square. Lawyer Snyder s ofuco has been re painted and otherwise Improved. Full line of Ingrain and Brussels car pets at V. Schwartz, on Bank street, tf Ansust BcckendorPs new residence on Pine street Is almost ready for occupa tion. Aaron Krntn Is excavating for the f reel on ot a frame miliums on uauic Will the gentlemen who constitute the street. ME STROLLER ilT WEISSPORT. 1 COUNTY SEATCORRESPONDEHCE !IN THE -BUS! JIVESJF INDUSTRY, j Hitching. Klegant new patterns In White, Cream, t'lnk and Light niuo aro displayed lit our notion department. Very handsome silk mixed ltuchlng at 30 cents per yard. Worth. 43 cents. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opposlts rubllc Square, Hank Street, Lehlghtoii' tune 7. 1M4-1 The Carbon Advocate SATUBDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1888 Current Events Epitomized. borough council squint their eyes In the direction of tho road between tho Valley House and tho Lehigh Blver Bridge. If they do, they will see a sight that would or should Immediately secure their prompt attention. Tho road Is In a horrible con ditionpedestrians finding It almost Im possible to walk oyer It on account of the mud. Tho council should, In fact, they must, remedy this condition of affalis or tho Grand Jury will be asked to Intercede In behalf of the tax-payers. A well-spring of pleasure Is a health' Why: keep your baby In good health by us- lnc Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. the friend of Infancy. Price 25 cents. Ed Chrlstman has commenced the erection of a framo dwelling house n Leblgh str?et. Morris Trexler has purchased a valu able building lot from Mrs. Louisa Stocker, on Pino street. ' The Adams cjpress'ofllce Is about to bo removed from the Lehlgk Valley depot to some, point up town The bay windows .and awning In front of Thomas' Drug Storo and the New York .Millinery Store aro almost completed The Bible Training Class organized In the Y. M. C. A Booms, on Monday eight bids fair to be quite a successful affair. Plush coats, newmarkcts and jackets, From all sections of the country come hn all the latest styles, at Sondhelm's On tidings of the good effects of Laxador In disease of the liver, stomach, bowels and blood. It cures constipation, malarial fever, headache, nervousness, etc. Price only 2G cents a package. Sold eycry where. BTazleton has a promising youth in the I Petty Kiiller is hbottt pulling un elevator In hl residence. If .on want it new, neat and .dandy oiio-horso wagon, cheap, call on It. Zimmerman. Mr. Jacob Ilex, of Ileldlcborg, father of our esteemed townsman Joseph Bex was in town on Tuesday. B. F. Wcayer has opened up a new boot and shoo establishment on Franklin street. Call and see him. Boy. Sylvester Leopold, of Morrlstown, and his brother William, of Pottsvllle, were visiting In town this week. Parties who kindly contribute news Items to the Ahvocate will please consider our hat off. Let' the good work continue. Our young friend .Milt Snyder has re turned home from a visit to Buffalo and Niagara Falls mueh pleased with his trip. Contractor Dlehl, of Lehtghton, SI erecting a house on South Bridge street for Mr. Jlner. Tho now building looks neat and comfortable. Protrated meetings continue in the East Welsspoit chapel. Charles Both filled the pulpit lu that edifice on last Sunday evening with great satlfactlon. Oscar Chrlstman has sold his match team of blacks. Oscar still has a number of lino and easy drlvlug horses. IJ'hen you think of going driylng give him a call Bey. T. A. Ilcuber recently nnitcd lu the golden bonds of matrimony II. 21. Youngkln, of Bethlehem and Estclla It, Levan, daughter of Elder Isaac Levan. Dr. A. P. Andrews has commenced the erection of a now double frame house on the Franklin sldo of tho canal bridge The new building will be handsome In design. At the hoirie of Bey. JT. A. Ilueber, on Sunday last, William J. Mosser, of Steins- yillc, Lehigh county, was united In the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Carolina A.Straub, of Fnrryyllle. We extend congratulation!-. Itov. T. A. Ilueber. naslhr nf Hip. T amenstng charge of the Reformed church. has taken possession of Hie residence of Widow John utlliatn, on .Franklin street. near the Fort Allen House. The reverend gentleman would be pleased to havo our citizens can on mm. Between five and six hundred Iocs nave neon caugui oj me oooms erected in the J.elilgh river at this point by alcssrs, Price Star Clothing Hall, Manch Chunk, Joseph Webb's saloon and restaurant has been nicely repainted and papered, which Improves the appearance of tho room. Boys, remember that you will get a nice .Solomon Yeakel and Levi Horn. Next Mr.ni, nf finnrcrn Smith, who stole $2,500 Uehnnl h.n. free, with everv suit or overcoat week Dennis Nothstein will put his l"-'" ' ' I r" ' " I ... ...Ml . 1. I , I i l..l It Tl, W I. nnlr fnnr. t,n1,t .t Snn,ll,lm' Hnn PrlenStrir f! nth. I"" l"u"! ! """ .!"". Clliei " .-..., .- , .................. ,..... cn2ilU!er A oidt w II work the otrs nto teen yeara am aim una uecu luuimin m i iiir ii:ui, iut i,mn, l lumber and lire wood. father for several months, a west nazie jas. s. ..wurpny. nr. u., company s oiiops, iuUllc sale of 3000 yards of calico. 2000 ton man to whom the boy gave $1,300 to I N. C, writes: "I sell a great deal of Dr. yards dress goods, and a lot of ginghams, !.. .mill phIIpiI fnr. cleared nnta fewdavs Bnll'a nnnsdi Rvrnn. for cverv one tries It muslins, IVintlngs, Ac, 1n tho old post - ' .i h. t ,n fn.i. tit,-, ii . ofllco building, Knechf s Block, to-night USv.. j.. - anu saiuruav n a il at seven o'c oclc sham w must candidly admit that wo saw "There are more things In heaven and Goods will be sold at a sacraflca! nrices, the handsomest line of watches we ever laid earth, lloralto.uian are cueann or m your a jei uraycr, successor 10 Anurew liraver. of E. philosophy." uicoursei wns. uioe oiu " """ our eyes on while at tho jewelry storo n. Kohl, Manch Chunk. You will bo the gainer If you are In want of a watch and purchase It of him. Don't fall to see his large and beautiful stock. Seminary Day in the Evangelical church was observed with much appropriateness on Saturday and Sunday evenings. The decoration of the Interior of the edifice and the splendid programme arranged and re cited reflect much credit on the proumlga. tors of the affair. Mrs, Al. Campbell, of Bank street, while at the residence of her father, Chas, Schoch, on Tine street, last Sunday slipped and fell on the garden walk and sustained a fracture of the left limb at tho knee. She is under tho treatment of Di, W. G. M, Selple.- Joseph Ober't Is about having poles erected along the upper end of Bank street, from the public square, for the electric wire?. We presume this Is a fair Indication that the electric light Is to come up tovn Correct I Bey. William Major, at the Methodist church, on Sunday evening, discoursed oa "Lots Wife," her life and tragic end. The sermon was a lucid exposition of the advantages, &c enjoyed by the woman. November 24. On the premises at Packerton Thomas Weaver will exposej to public vendue a valuable lot of personal property, Including, horses, cows, pigs, wagons, &c. -We can tell you a way to use H'all Taper remnants, that will astonish you; to know how llttlo it costs to paper a room with gilt paper. E. F. Luckenbach, Mauch Chunk. Men's and boys' oyercoals In all the latest styles at 42.60, $3.00. $4.00 $5.00, $10.00 and Howards, at Sondhelm's One f rice Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, In full accordance with an order of council, Northampton street property owners are, or will shortly begin layln; pavements along that thoroughfare. Beformatlon services In the Lutheran church, on Thursday evening, were well attended. Bev. George Sandt and L Llndenstruth made addresses. We are bound to inakt the prices to suit you If you are In need of honest, ready, made overcoats. Adam Mehrkam & Son Owen H'olfe, of JVortharapton street, tiled after a long Illness, on Thursday oven ing. Interment look place on Tuesday. 600 ulsters and overcoats tor men and boys, at -Sondhelm's One Trice Star Cloth Ing Hall. Mauch Chunk. duffers suffered horribly with aches and pains, and didn't and couldn't know that .Salvation Oil would cure them. gain. On Sunday morning, October 28. com' munion services were observed In the Big vjreeK cnurcn oy me neiormeu -congrega, Hon. Bev. T. A. nueber, the pastor, of flciating. The attendance was good an the number of communicants larce con sidering the Inclemency of the weather. A nnerai onerine was waceu In the Lord's Treasury by these good people.- -Danlel Graver this week boucht the stock and fixtures of Andrew Graver's gen- siore in me post oinco uuuuing ana will hereafter conduct the same. Mr Graver will go to Philadelphia on Tuesday and buy in a now and larce stock of seasonable dress and dry j;oods, A-c, that promises to eenpse any siock ever snown in ints town. You don't want to miss. seeing the now goous. Victory Banquet, The members of theLehlchton Base Ball Club and their friends to the unmber of IJilrt.v nseemhlpil nt.lhn linmA nf irannna T1 Luzerne county has 1)78 of its residents Weh. ciauss on Wednesday eve and enlov on Uncle Sam's pension rolls and receives ed themselves hugely at a VlctoryBannitet. about $130,000 per annum; Lackawanna, TIl evening was spent In a very pleasant miner to inar me comoieie sucress or f no occasion the Illness of the Manager who was connneu to ins oca. After supper, which Included a menu of all seasonable delicacies, tho guests assembled In the sick room -and George W. Morthlmcr, for the club and friends, presented the Manager with a neat gold medal as a proper apprcct- MEWS CPT UP. The Country Over. Somtthlng for Hasty Head ers to Freeze Onto. Benjamin Stoner, of Fairfield, Conn., attempted suicide Monday night by taking laudanum. A loaded revolver was found in his pocket and he declares he will yet kill hlmseif. A prclty country lass who reject ed his suit is the reason he is tired of life, William Flynn who was locked at Potts vllle, on the charge of robbing the store at Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, of $200 worth of goods, was liberated Jlfonday night by his friends, who broke into the statlon . ... . nousc, anu tie is now at, targe. wth 018 pensioners, draws about $70,000. Murderer Showers, who Is under sent. ence of death In tho Lebanon jail, shows signs of insanity. A Jewel Andes, square sloyo, In good condition, for sale cheap. Apply to Dr. F, I. Smith, Bank street. 2t A Batch of News Items Picked up by Our , Timely Topics Pithily Wrltton Up by Ver fo!m. ,, r.anv r rmay murium; hk- .ukuh Chunk were sUriled by tho report that Dr. Bensalet Leonard had met u sad deitth by accident on the Lehigh Vu'.lcy railroad a short distance above Glen OnOko. At noon on Thursday ho had a professional case to attend a Mrs. Cuonlngham tt that point. He remained thcro until cloven o'clock at night when he left, to return homo and shortly after, according to all In dications ho met his death by stepping out of the way of one train only to be knocked down and killed by another. Interment took place on Jfonday and was largely at tended by prominent people flora all oyfr tho county. Dr. Leonard was born April 12th, 1821, at Hancock, Delaware county, N. Y., studied medicine at ircllsvlHe and graduated at tho Castlcton Medical Collcee, N. Y., lu 18-15. In 18-17 lie located at Beaver Meadow and practiced his profes sion and continued there until 1854, when ho located at Mauch Chunk. He was married In 1849 to Sarah S. Boyd, of Wilkes Barrc. During the wholo period of his citizenship at Manch Chunk, 34 years, he was naturally a leader among leading men. In his profession he was eminent!) successful. Politically ho was a life-long Democrat, nnd always firm and honest In his convictions, yet liberal minded a.nd en theiy fair towards those of the opposlto faith. Ho was a warm-hearted and ever faithful friend, and In every respect nn en lightened and public spirited man, In 1870 he was elected Associate Judge which office he held until 1881 wlienhedecllned re election and favored tho nomination of the. late Harry E. Packer wh6 was then nomi nated and elected. After the death of the latter he was again elected and held the office until his death. Ho was President of the Caibnn County Medic! Society, a prominent member of the State Jedlcal Association, which organization he repeat edly represented In the National Association. Judge S. S. Prober, of Siroudslmrg, spent Sunday in town. An effort Is being made to hayo the national colors placed In our school rooms, Bev. L. Llndenstrutli- was at Phlladcl phla on Monday, where l,o attended a Lutlipran Synodlcal meeting. The gentlemen who retail the lacteal fluid will raise the price of that highly necessary article from six or eight cents per quart commencing on November 1st, Beformatlon services were held In the second ward Lutheran church ou H'ednes- day ovenlnu. Bevs. Kudcr, of Lehlghton, and Wutcher, of Summit Hill, discoursed ou the occasion. Iteglster and ltecorder Handwork Is happy "pop" of a bright young protection Republican. He came on Sunday night and expecs to stay. May the little fellow llye long and happily Jilss Clara Louise King, Of White Haven, rendered several choice vocal selec lions to u large audience in Concert Hall on Thursday evening. Miss King is Mahoning Itsmi. I Jotptih llachliian of lllnmllelil. Pin.. An Interesting Btttoh of Labor Notes Special j wm viMtlng in thr- Valley the week. 1 for Ye Workingmen. slate blackboard was put np In tho i)ver lime is being iiiale by the miplnyes Normal Square school houso on Saturday, of the itli'iiiluii Company's mm-liim- shop Amuion Arnor had a Hersh slecl plate itt Hontli KnMou. filinace put up In his storo last week, Tho Mi'Kco A Fuller curs woiln at Fuller ton are building 2,000 gondolas for the Lch- fill Volley Itailrnad Company. The Lehigh Vnllcy Car Works, at Stem torn, havo orders on hniidthat will keep 1C0 hands employed Until Spring. The oldest loconiollvo'on tho Lehigh alloy road is used lo generate steam fnr a liortable elcclric light machine, which Is used liy workmen in building bridges at night. An order has been issued by the liclitgh alley Ilnilrnad Company to all conductors and hmkemen to call out "Iletlilchem nnd nth Bethlehem, change for Philadelphia," at the station. The new steam nhovel on the Lehigh Valley I'nllroad near Krcemnnshiirg filU a car witli cinder in a minute and a half, onlv two scoops of tlio fflioycl being necessary. It oes the work of between fifty and sixty men. The largest passenger locomotive ever built is now under construction at the Ilink ley works in Boston nnd is intended for Use on the Atchison Itnilroad. It carries two cub, one over tho boiler for the engineer and the other in the Usual place for the fire men. The di lying wheels, which are the largcft eycr made, are of paper with steel tire?. Economy in fuel is accomplished by Pimm which utilizes the exhaust steam to heat water, and by a large combustion cham ber which burns all the gas. It is expected the engine will make eighty miles an hour 1 1 Ii len coaches on an ordinary road. At tho annual mcctitiffof the Brotherhood of Bailroad Brcakcmcn held in Columbus, O., lust week, Grand .Master Wilkinson report ed that he had visited and instructed 117 lodges, organized 10 new lodges, attended 13 union meetings and traveled 211,054 miles. The cash receipts of the brotherhood for ic yearhave been $145,405, of which $122, 000 were paid out it. beneficiary claims. Tliomemb r.iliip of tho order Sept. 1 was 12, 000, an incieise of over !!,000 for the year. i ho memhcrslup to clav is estimated at 4.000. One hu.idrcd and thirtv-nine death ar.d disability claims were allowed, and 50 disputed claims relerred to the convention. Thirty six new lodge were organized last year, llio number ot lodges lias increased in the last three years, and the member- no 1.001. In thesaine period there have been "04 deaths nnd 157 disability claims paid, amounting in all to about 1100,000, List of Letters Remaining uncalled for In the- Lehlgh ton, Ta., Post-Office, for tho week ending Oct. 27, 1HS8. Kcmeier, fieo. W. Kelirlc Harati E. Nolt, .1. A. Serfass. Charles K. hciioeniif rr, diaries Persons calling for any of tho aboye letters will pleaso say "advertised." James P. Smith.P. M beautiful singer, her voice is rich and melodious. Samuel Shlck and Lewis Kunner, the notorious pow-wow doctor, convicted of larceny at the late term of our county courts, have been removed lo tho Eastern Penltenlaiy at Philadelphia, where they will remain for two years In solitary con, fincment. -Wednesday morning John T. Bennett ? ' XVVX, was found on the grave of his wife with his throat cut from ear to ear. Bennett vjas principal of the schools, and, although quite young, was one of Bloomsburg's most trust- el and honored citizens, Llmas Bradley,afarmer,of Kortwright, Delaware county, bad a desperate tussle with a hawk Wednesday. Bradley had set a trap to capture the bird, which measured over five feet from tip to tip and was the finest and largest hawk cyer seen in thai vicinity.' The bird's right leg was caught In the trap, and lu his struggle to escape was nearly torn from Its socket. Before Bradley killed tho bird ho was horribly cut about the face aud arm. Bey. Moses Gotshall, a leading Bishop ot the Meiinonlte church, died suddenly on Saturday, at Schwenksvllle, Sfontgomery county. He was aged about 75 years, Take your choice next Tucs4ay: Buy your men and boys overcoats from Adam ichrkam & Son's, Bank street. Pension Agent George II. Young, of Easton, has failed toreceivo Ids commission guests departed. The End of the World. A Shelby county, Alabama, hard-shell ed Baptist, has had printed and Is distribut ing a circular as follows: Prepare all of ye, or me enu is at nana, l nave read it in the stars, and angels have come to me in my dreams and told mu the glad tidings. Tho world will come to an end on Monday, Nov. f. In the vear of our Lord 1888. Pre pare, all of ye, for the great day. God has hastened the day, because of the wicked generation of men called politicians. They are all falsifiers and blasphemers, and shall be burned In lakes of liquid fire, because they fear not God and are given to works of iniquity. Blvers of boiling water will burn the Prohibitionist, and a sea of fire and brimstone will open and swallow all Democrats and Jtenubllcans. Prepare, all of ve, and remember tho day Is at hand uiiExiMTii hates, the Jord's.t'rophet. Geo. Augustus Bala. Georco Aiunistiis Sala. the well known English writer, on his lost Australian trio wroto as follows to The London Dally Tele graph: "1 especially havo a measant remcm nn several ncnslonstrrnnted residents of that brance of the shin's doctoi- a very exper 'n.n aI.aaVb n.npa ,.,,1 frin. lVn... 1VIU1M I llil I 1 1 II lit. IlldllUI HlflCCtl. WHO ICllUetl lunui luu i,iibi.Ra lino ov.il, uuiu ii..au-i , ... , .,, , , mo most kindly during a horrible spell of Ington, butloung says he did not receive i,mi.i.t .L0,iio..i Vi 1... them, and that tho endorsements on them the sea fog which had swoi.pcd'down on us are forgeries. Ho knows who cot the checks I just after we left San Francisco. But the and the post-office authorities are investlga- ,loc,or,.R prescriptions nnd the increasing Joseph Klnsey, aged 80 years, fell from the second story of his home In f.aston to the flag stone, below mid received Injuries which resulted In Ida death Friday after noon. The wire of fanner Nolf, living near Mlksch's coal yard, at Nazareth hung her self In the out-kltchen building last SaUir day morning very soon after she had par taken of a hearty beakfast. The trial of John C. Keegan, at Scran ton, for the murder of Mrs. Patrick Barrett last .If av while the Utter was alone in her husband's store, In that city, ended Friday, the jury bringing In a verdict of murder In the second degree. Keegan killed Mrs. Barrett In the forenoon. Having quit hit work In the machine shops, after visiting some saloons, liewent to the store. The shooting was the result of continued quar rllng among the two families, growing out of trouble among the children. The de fense was Insanity and a drunken frenzy that made him unaccountable. Sentence was deferred. . ting the matter Miss Mazle Mount, 21 years old, com milled sulcldo at tho'Conscrvatoryof -Vnslc In Cincinnati. A dose of morphine was un succesful, owing to prompt medical attend ancc, so she cut her throat with a razor. A love affair is supposed to have been Ilia cause of the act. Men and boys, do not forget lo buy your honest, ready-made overcoats from Adam Mehrkam & Son, David bellers and wife, living near Mount Gllead, Ohio, were murdered and the house fired to hide the evidences of the crime. Sellers was known to carry large sums of money on his person. There Is no clue to the murderer, Mrs. Mary Jane H'eldler, the woman who fasted over fifty days In the early Spring, died at the Lancaster Counlv Hos pltal last Tuesday evening. After she oroke her long fast she continued to eat for a short time, but gradually got back Into her old habits and since the 1st of September she had partaken of no nourish ment hut milk. She seemed perfectly sane warmth of the temperature us we neared the Tropics, and in particular, a couplo of AtJ.rocu's Pohoub Pl.ASTr.ns clapped on one on tho chest and another between the shoulder blades soon het mo right." Drive Them Cut. The annual winter nuisance, the tramn, is already committing midnight depreda tions in me neighborhood all aoout us There Is no reason whs these professional loaiers sitouiu not no treated rigorously mane 10 worx, nnu ue ieu on oreau anu water In payment. To be sent to a lazy life in a comfortable cell has not terrors for them. Nothing short of the most se vere treatment will drive them out of ; community, and what might seem bard under ordinary circumstances. Is but pure justice where these worthless pests are concerned, . Boys pants for 25 cents and Howards at Sondhelm's One I'rlco Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk, H'eddlng rings, all styles and shapes tho largest stock in this section, at E. II nohl's, Mauch Chunk. Ladies, don't foreet that Sondhelm. of the uno Price star Ulotlung Hall, Jlauch Uhuntc, has alt tne latest styles In new, Weatherly Wolfs- Politics is the absorbing subject of the day. Both parties had meetings-lately the Democrats last Friday evening and the Republicans on Jonday ovenlng, In which the Issues of tho campaign were discussed The Democratic meeting was addressed by Messrs. Hayes, Bauch, and llibbs. Sever al of the candidates for county offices attended their -respective party's meet ings. The Weatherly Lecture Course Associa tion engaged Ell Perkins, the renowned humorist, to lecture for them on the 24th of November, nis' subject will be "The Philosophy of Wit and Humor.'' Work was commenced Tuesday at digging the foundation for the erection of handsome residence on what is known here as the "Bocks." The building Is be ing erected by Mr. Lovet, Superintendent tho Weatherly silk mill. The site chosen 1ms a commanding view of the town, and the surrounding county. Dr. Ferrier of Lafayette Collego wl lecture In tho Presbyterian Church on tho 0th proximo on "Waste in Words." IFhat was formally ll'arner's furnltnro emporium lias been razed to the ground, and a showy and roomy brick building will soon adorn the site occupied by the old jVfcssrs. Kocher A Young propose to erect a building that will be !m ornament to that part of town. Our silk mill Is worked to her full capacity, and about one, half the employee make extra time. This Is one of the few Industries that has free raw material, and Its growth compared with other Industries not fayored with free raw material Is strong argument for placing more raw material on the free list. If that Industry thrives with free raw materials why would not others? A special twin was run from Wealher ly on Jonday for parties wishing to at tend the funeral of Dr. Leonard of Mauch Chunk who was killed on the L. V. B. R, near Glen Onoko. Interment took place at Mauch Chunk. The freight engines hereafter being built here will bo of the pattern known pea coal burners. The economy In fuol so great that tho company propose to use those engines regardless lo their looks and thelrnnhandlness. Workmen were busy this week tearing up old tracks and putting down new ones In the vicinity of the new station Tho Valley Co., Is making many Improve ments here, and well It may, for the tow Is worth $50,000, annually to them. Tl new station now being built here Is ready or the roof. Bojiko. ever displayed In this county, at Ifohl'n, Jfauch Chunk. E. II. -Weddlug prosents, nothing like them on all oilier subjects, but In the matter of markets and plush coats for Jess money' man you can ouy mem eisowuere. Low Prices for Job Work. We tnke pleasure is calling attention to one fact, viz: Wo are now equipped wi'.h the latest styles of type and the fastest run The Switch Back Schedule. Trains leave Switch-Back Depot, .Vauch Chunk, 8 30, 10 10, 11 37 A. M., 2 20, 3 45, C35 P. M. Sundays 1 60, 215, P. M. Leave Summit Hill. 0 40, 12 20. A. M. 2 00. 4 ta. fl 10. P. M. Sundays 3 00, 4 00 P. M. 600 overcoats for men and boys. A new Jot put on sale this week, call and see them, Adam Mehrkam A Son. If yon every heard of Wall Paper being told i Blanks at 2c Gilts at 5e please come and tell ui ep. E. F. Luckenbach. Mauch Chunk, subsistence Insisted that she could live on air. Her case was a very peculiar one and completeli baffled tho doctors of the institu tion. J USt received IrOlU liOStOll, ning presses which enable us to turn out at nil immensp stork of thp form- Ter? s,,ort ntlce and In the best style job un HiniiLnsL siock ot utt, j,cnu- work of all kinds t prices kxceeihngi.y Hie JVUlgllt Ol Labor Shoes, l.ow. Please remember this, prices ten to which wenre selling nt $2.50 wmtynw p""1". 'f "'" w" aild .J. Warranted SOlld Calf Wall Paper Kemuants- lontlmr ninca . Tlvn tl.n. Two cents for Blanks, Tailors, sole agents for Carbon county. Our stock of hand made shoes cannot be beat by any dealer m the county. Flvo cents for Gilts, K. F. Luckenbach, Mauch Chunk, A cleaniue: out sale of wall paper Is going on here, very much reduced to make room for new stock, e. t. iuekenbacn Mauch Cbuuk. E. E. friends at week, The Republicans, held a meeting at the New Mahoning hotel last Saturday oven lng. T. M. Miilhcren, II. S. Holllngcr and Horace Hoydt made speeches. Protracted meeting will shortly be held In the Evangelical church. Our farmers are busily engaged hi husking corn. They are somewhat back ward with this work on account of tho frequent rains. Bev. A. Bartholomew will have a class of catechumens in St. John's church during the winter. A grand rally of the unterrlficd Democracy of Mahoning was held at the Pleasant Corner hotel on Tuesday evening. E. II. Bauch, J. G. Zero and W. Lee Stiles were the speakers. Dash. 000 ladies' jackets, plush coals and newmarkets, al Sandholin's One Price Star Clothing Hall, Mauch Chunk. -Thanksgiving day will be observed on Thutsday, November 20. H'all Taper! Wall Paper I big reduction In regular stock and remnants nearly given away at E. F, Luckcnbach'a Mauch Chunk. Macunglu lias a dlptithcila epidemic. A large number os deaths have occurred. Australian Jenso spectacles and eye glassesevery pair warranted to give de sired satisfaction, lire will cheerfully re turn your money if they are not satisfac tory. Sold only on these conditions by the New York Australian Optica! Co. For sale by E. II. Hohl. Maucli Chunk. An Allentown officer went to Jfllton, last Friday, and arrested E. C. iniliams,of that place, an agent tor a cigar firm In Al lentown, on a charge of embezzling $200 and false pretense In lending bogus orders. PEOPLE WHO COME AND 00. Personal Gossip about People who Visit and go a Visiting. Miss Annio Koch Is sojourning with friends in town. -Harrv Kreldler. of town, cuculatcd at II eatneny gn Monday evening. Al. Uldt, of .Normal Square, shool hands with ye editor on Monday. Mrs.Henry Ott, of Easton, was the guest of Mrs. J. It . Baudcnhusli, on Bank street, over Sunday. -Our popular young merchant E. J. oern, of Zern te Hnder, lfa.uk street, was at Tamaqua on Wednesday. John Esch and Miss LUHe Green, of Bank street, spent several d ays with Lehigh Gap friends this week. illss MaryDallv. an estimable youne: lady of uetlehem, is the guest of Mrs. Howard uimbb, on name street. Miss Sallle. the estimable dansbter of ex-sneltt Jtauuenuusn, retureu home Satur day from a pleasant visit to Tamaqua friends. Wilson Bemaly, of Normal S'luare, prosperous and good-natured farmer, and a lolly itcpubllcan, made us a pleasant call on Monday. Comrade George Esser and County Chairman Lentz, of Mauch Chunk, passed through town, Tuesday. They are making a hot canvass for Democratic success. Mrs. J. F. Werner, of Lansford i A. IC Wagner and wife of Tamanua: .Mrs. A Bollnger and Miss Bose Dlen, of East Mauch uuunk, were guests ot Lewis vcr ncr, on Lcblsh street during-tho past week, The cental Dlldine Snvder made us cleasant call this week. Dlldine Is the Be "publican candidate for sheriff and promises to give our old friend illram v. Levan c'o?e shave. H'hoop her lively, boys. Hugh Ferry, of Audenrled. the Demo cratic nominee for Assembly, was shaking hands with friends here on Ircdnesday, Mr. t erry makes friends wherever he goes oy ins straigutioiwara and gentlemanly demeanor. " Resolution of Condolence. Wiit.itF.As. It hat uleased Almlirhtv (toil 111 Ills liilhuite wisdom to take from us Mary Al bright, one dearly beloved us a member of the Trinity Kvaiiuellcal Luthern Sunday tSoliool, mid highly esteemed by all ho knew tier, therefore Rttolvtd. That we deeply mourn bur departure. nnd smreirlv revret the loss of her faithful at tendance, taking refuge, however, In ttio thought that after having ended her earthly strife she lias joined the biassed school ot toe reueemeu in Heaven. llttolvei. That we tender our earnest and heartfelt ayimtutei to the unllcted family nnd commend them tn Hint who ulnue H able to si lence the gi let Ing spirit. Rtioleti, That a copy of the abote resolutions be furnished the family and I'MhlMicp tn the CAll-.h! AllVOCATP. P. S11UI.TZ ' I O. A. G'LAiiss : Com, A. J. blTKNllKUOKII Badger of News for Parry ville. If indications are not wonderfully mis leading the next sheriff of ' Carbon countv will coine fram Farryvlllo and his name will be Dlldine Snyder. Mr. Snvder lias made a warm canvas all oyer tho county maKing menus wnereyer ue stopped so that his election is looked upon almost as ccr'alnity by his hosts of friends. Dlldine served our town as councilman for period of flvo years, he was for three con cccutive years elected constable and alsi served as tax collector. He has done much good lathe way of advancing Parrv' Vllle interests and more men of his stamp with us would gteatly advance the business Interests of the town, no Is active, cap able nnu intelligent and has the qualities that mako an active sheriff, no do not hesitate to recommend blm to the people of the countv-for the olllcs to which h aspires. The furnace works have been idlo for some time but It Is quietly rumored that after the November election work will bo resumed. ueorgo M. Davis, of J.anstord. was looking up his chances for the Associate Judgeship this week. No new buildings were erected here during the past season. It Is said that s veral marriages are on the carpet. All hollow'en was duly observed hero oy the youngsters. U. F, Biuker has made the purchase of a large number ot logs which floated down the Lehigh river from the recently bursted oooms at u nite liaven. BEAD AND Ad- Many people have been wondering and inaklntr inquiries as to what O. P, S. C. II. means. We will explain It to them three years ago we came to the conclusion to eli the people ot Maucli Uliunit and vicinity the cheapest and best clothing for the low est cash price. We started the O.nk Pbiok St Alt Ci.oTiUNH Ham, and have tried to sell the most honest aud best clothln either rcady-mado or made to order for the least money, and we will contlnuo to do so, and ask the citizens of Carbcn and ad Joining counties to give Sondhelm, of the uno l'rtce Mar I'loiuing nan, itaucii Chunk a fair trial, as we always try to sell the best goods for the least money. Call and be convinced, Democrats, Kepublicans and Prohibi tionists, after you get through voting dou't forget to' order a Jine suit or overcoat at Sondhelm's JUerchant Tailoring Establish ment, Mauch Chunk, which is positively the cheapest place In this Valley, Lucius A. Cassler, of South Bethlehem, a collector of the Prudential Insurance Co., has disappeared. So have about $500 which ho had collected for the company. For a cood reliable cold watch with legitimate value attached go toE.H. Ilohl's, Slolgcrwalt was on a visit Id Mycrstown and Lancaster last When children gather in dcltght, To fill the air with bubbles bright, Of this let parents all be sure Arlvnratp 1(M) ;i year- Mo local fill f UuCllU news than any other naner. 's Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, and Is carefully pre pared by competent pharmacists. The com bination and proportion ot Sarsaparilla, Dan delion, Mandrake, Yellow Pock, and other remedial agents is exclusively peculiar to Hood's Sarsaparilla, giving it strength and curative power superior to other prepa rations. A trial will convince you ot its great medicinal value. Hood's Bariaparllla Purifies the Blood creates and sharpens the appetite, stimulates the digestion, and gives strength to every organ of tho body. It cures the most severe cases of Scrofula, Salt Itlicum, Bolls, Pimples, and all other affections caused by impure blood, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney and Liver Complaints, Catarrh, Bhett matism, and that extreme tired feeling. " Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me more for catarrh and Impure blood than anything else I ever used." A. Ball, Syracuse, N. Y. Creates an Appetite " I used Hood's Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave me a good appetite and seemed to build me over." E. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio. 'I took Hood's Sarsaparilla for cancerous humor, and It began to act unlike anything else. It cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give tat new life." J. F. Nixos, Cambrldgcport, Mass. Send for book giving statements ot cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla BoldhyalldruggUts. fl;iliforS5. Prepared only by C. I. ltOOU & CO., ApotluMriet, Lowell, Mw. IOO Doses One Dollar Fine Millinery! Till! VKIIY LATEST 8TVI.KS Ol' ADAM MEHRKAM & SON, The best and Lavgest Stock we have ever offered to you. , 50 Dozen ail-yvool'Ien's Scarlet. Underwear. One price, 2.50 a suit. IFe claim this'' $2.50 suit to he the best in Lchighton. ,48 piir Men's Oil (?rain "Waterproof Hoots. 240 pairMer's puie Rubber .foots. ' 120 pair Men's Rtibber Roots with Solid Leather bottoms. 50 dozen Men's Scotch 6'aps, . . .- 300 all-wool blankets .Scarlet, White and Grey, Zeal, and Hog Skin Gloves. Examine and learn our prices before you make purchases elsewhere, t ADAM MEHRKAM and AT THK Very Lowest Prices. The most fashionable assortment of season able millinery always in stock. The ladles of Mauch Chunk, East Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton and the surround ing towns al-e cordially invited to call,- Inspect nut goods and learn prices, before purchasing elsewhere. liespectfully, MRS. A. N. HALPIN, New York Millinery Store, FlltST STOltK AllOVI! THK MANSION IlnUMC MAUCH CHUNK. The Weekly Press, l'llU.AKKI.I'llIA. $1.00 One Year For Oae Dollar $1.1 . A Pure mid l'itr)ioevl Home Vtiprr. A NKWS 1'ArKIt With every modern facility for obtalnlnstlie Litest news. 1'erfiTtly ennlnncd In niall.tele Ki'Hph, telephones and cable servlee. Cor respondent, local, national nno lorelun, .Special dispatches from all Important tmlnt., A ItKPUHLICAN l'AI'Kl! Whose trained editors present the rarjtii, Iiuasesoi pontics nun imcii clearness nu iilrness hi to kIvo priirlleHl Hid to all voters, AN HISTORICAL l'AI'Kl Whlrh ilevntns sneflul attention to the tilth. t-rto unpublished events ot tho treat rit II nar. These war nape is, written by union and con. federate officers who saw what they ti ll, form un iiivsiiiianie war inirnry A LITKHAltY l'Ari'.lt. (living every week the brightest and best selections iinni recem poetry, mm iurnuii ihk iieaiiiiini stories ny eminent n ruers A l'AKMKR'H rAI'i:!!, IhivltiK the best conducted agricultural page in America, where are mitliered the views ot progressiie tanners uuu garueuera me i-uiui iryover, noon all intentions of crops, fruit, cuiiio, H)iinr), larnt uuiiuings, ric. A MI'.ltCHANT'S I'aVkII, (thine full retains from the Philadelphia, New Cork. Chicago, anil other city markets Prices ana shipments of grain, live-stock prm Isluns, groceries and country prouuee, A, WOMAN l'Al'HIt, Kxtendlng a liehiluu bund to all jvomen, To them is detiitetl a full pace lu which I lie) show fitch other, under editorial guidance Kemerer & Swarta baye In slock the largest Hue of bed room and parlor suites to bo found In this section. Trices low, Genuine Scotch Itailrnad Caps for 25 cenls, at Sondhelm's One 11 Ice Mar Cloth Ing If all, Mauch Chunk. Hut vattr Winter stilts and overcoats at Sondhelm's One Vrlce Star Clothing Mauch Chunk. Hall, Mauch Chunk, and iae -'Scents on t sixteen different atyles of overcoats, at each dollar. I i.i-..,, t0i,, t , u snn ' I vtw.t4 Mau v y v ari ng a liehiluu bund to all jvomen, To ui-tiiteti a full pace lu which they "hmv to not married mid how to keeuhouse. In ltifttimst aiiiirnwMl fashion. Kortnoso who are forced to remain single and board, the nay Is made pleasant. Kvery ntiniiin lender lias 11 ('Illume 10 taiK. A C'llIMUtEVS l'Al'Eli, With Winter games and entertainment for little iHiople. instruction in the uaysotmaK toe thtnirs aiu dolus tlunm. Summer e i-iirslous to the fields ami woods. Puzzles for the quick-witted, nnd plenty ol prues to make me Hiow-witieo ipiu-K. IUF03TAH7 CLUBBING AEEAN2SMIHT. l)v Kin'clal arrangement with all the leading wet;klv mid inonthlv iK-rlodirolti of America, sub fH-rlptfoiisuro taken tor anyone or more of these Journals in connection with the Wkeklv 1'uess atwiclilow rote? as virtually makes our (treat innuiy paper i'lir.t. to me suuscrioer lor ono year. Sample copies furnished free upouappllcatlun. Address, THE 1'KKSS COHPASV. Limited. rnmuielpUla.Fa. Let Ivory Soup, tint's made with care Of purest nils id "sence rare,' lie used by those who bubbles blow The soap they titc is good nnd pure. And ftrealest pleasure will they know, For, common grease in some we find For brighter bubbles will be seen With evil mixtures well combined Where soap is pure and fresh and clean, That soon with burning sores will tell While not a fear need cross the mind On lips and tongue, and gums as well. Of bad results of any kind. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to bo "just as good as the ' Ivory' i" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. ( "P'-rllil put. hi l'ro.-t-v A (..untile. ' II. a Year is the price of the Advo cate for 52 weeks. SQNi ssl r vsam mm tm mm AT- 01 MfflB. Early in the season, the choice ami most ikiralilo t;ood are selected. It is with ifre.it pleasure we announce that wo were anions the early buyers. Atnotinieliayeiveliad a jrreater assortment of DKKSS (iOODS, THIMMIXO. LINHXH, NOTIONS and DOMESTICS than at litis time. The very great business iu these department, which far oxceiils anything ever readied before, has enabled us to keep our sliu-k new and fresh, and to show tlietlebirable studs that Foreign and Diiinesiie mills have produced for the Kail and Winter seasons and at the same time, offer tlteiu nt such low prices that will bo within the reacli of all. The Black (Joods wt orlcr are f the highest Mandard clotli anil finish. IJl'Hest ly it iWa ltlack Dress floods aru made specialty, iucludinx their celebrated Tape lilge Null' Veiling, also Courtnlds Crcix. In our Carpet stock you will lind many now und pretty pattern, in nil tliedifferent kinds at prices mucU,lowcr than ever before. YOU ARB CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL. Opposite American Hotel,! MJLZCII CJEtJM9 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers