dtiHalc The Carbon Advocate, An INIIKI'KMIKM KmCILV KWSPArRI Pub llsheil eiery Hat unlay In LehlKhtoli, Onrhon t'mintv, Pennsylvania, Vy IJurrv V. Morthimov tTr. I - -I1ASK STRUIir. i $1 00 Por Your in Advanoe I g has been wn in.. A.l p(0.1 liy ' CAItnn barter Notices -Auditor's Notices -Commissioner's Notices Divorce Notices Administrator's Notices Kxe.cutor's Nollco - 4 IK) 4 On 4 00 llnstniliertHlni: medium III the county, Eiery ilesrrlptlnn of Plain and Fancy JOB PRINTING t very low pi lees. Wo do not hesitate to say that wc are hetter eipipiicd than any other printing establishment In this section lo do nrst-elass Jolt-work, In all Its branches, at low prices. 4 00 3 00 3 00 Advertising Rates For Iio-ral Notions. r is WImwI.i . irlr-v foi "SK .vlvnt Bfci $1.00 a Year in Advance. INDEPENDENT " Live and Let Live." $1 .28 when not paid in Advance. VOL. XVI., No 51 Lohighton, Carbon County. Penna., November 3, 1888. Single Copies 5 Cents. Other legal advertising will be charged for by the square. H. V. Uorthltn:r, Jr., Publisher. Professional & Business Carts. Horace Hoydt, ATTORNEY AT I A W , NOTAItY rUDLIO, TKtoi! The Room recently occupied hy W.M, Ilapsher. HANK STREET, LEIIIOHTON. TA. May be consulteiUn ICngll-tli anil (leniinn. July 4-ly W. M. Rnpsher, ATTOHNEY inn COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND WSTIUCT ATTORNEY, l'lrst Uoor above the Mansion House, MAUOII CHUNK, - - PENN'A. Heal KstaU and Collection Agency. Will Buy ti.l Qll Rnl l.'tntp. fnnvpv!inplnir nentlv (time. Collections promptly made. Hcttmig Estates of tircjocnis a specially. iun iiu eunsimeu in ttugllsli and Herman. nov. w-yl O. V. Klelntop, Instructor in Music, Kobblns' American Classical Jlctlioils a special ty. Terms moderate. nuj;H-tr W. G. M. Beiple, I'UYSIOIAN AND 8UHQE0N, SOUTH STREET, - - - LEIIIOHTON. May bo cousultcd In English and Herman. -special attention Riven to (iyuecology. Officb Houns; Ftom 12 M. tn 2 P. M.,nnd trom e to 9 1'. M, mar. ai-yt A. S. Rabenold, D. D. S Avrn Otvicr -.-Over J. W. Itaudenbnsh' 1 Liquor Store, BANK STREET, LEIIIOHTON. ue.ntl-.try In all Its brandies. Teeth Extracted Althout Vain. Clas administered when requested. Omc Pays WKONESDAY of each week, f. O. addtcss, ALLKNTOWN. Jan f-yi Lehigh county, l'a. F. I. SMITH, D. D. S., OBlee opposite the Opera House. Bank Street, Lchl.ton, DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, filling and making artificial dentures a special ty. Loral anesthetics used. Ua administered nnd Teeth Extracted WITH OUT PAIN. t If KICK HOURS: From R . in., to t3 In., from 1 . m., to S p. in., from 7 p. in., to 8 p. in. Consultations In English or Herman Ott l5-7-ly BR. G. T. FOX 112 Main Street, Hath, l'a. XT KASl'ON, 8WAJ? HOTEL, TUKSI1AVB. ATALI.KSTOWy,AMI'.IlICANHOTKI,TlUIBSIlAV AT IlANOOB, BbOAUWAV HOUSK, 3IO.VDAYB. AT lUTlI, WjPNKSDAVg AND SATUHDAVS. Offlca Hours From 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. lYartleo Itwlted to diseases ot the Eye.Ear, Nose &, Throat (9-Also, Itefractlotiiit the Eyes tor the adjust sent of glasses. Horse Doctor, (Honorary Uraduate of Ontario Yet. College.) Office: Carbon House, BanUt,, LehigWon OASTRATION, DENTISTRY, and Diseases of Horse and Cattle, BUCCESSEULLY TREATED. Hpeclal and Particular Attention paid to LAMENESS :-: SPAVINS, Splints, Ringbone, A ad all diseases prevalent among Domesticated Animals. Horse and Cattle Powders Prepared Suit able for each Case. - asultatlon Free Charges Moderate. Calls telegraph and telephone promptly at- Ui'.ded to Operations Skillfully Performed .la R ANK P. DIEHL, NORTH STREET, gf Practical BIacksmltl& Ilorsesliocr Is prepared to do all work In his Hue JkX(s" In the best manner and at the lowest prlees. Please call. no"J0-so-ly. PACKERTON HOTE'L, Mtilnay between Mauch Clinnk & Ihlgh'ton, LEOPOLD MEVER, PROP'R, PACKERTON, - - Pexxa. This well-known Hotel Is admirably refitted, and hag th best accommodations for permanent and transttnt boarders. Excellent Tables and the nary best Liquors. Stables attached. seplG-'l MANSION HOUSE Opposite L. k H. Depot, BAUK STREET, - LEHIGIITON, 0. H. HOM. PROPRIETOR. tM house offers first-class accommodations for uonsient and permanent Doamcrs. it lias been uftwlv rAflttedin all Its denartmcnts. and Is loent.. t In one ot the most picturesque portions of the tioreuth. Terms moderate, pa" The BAR is supplied wltli h choicest W ines, Liquors nnd rigors, tfinn uigeroa in. aprw-yi T. J. BRETNEY Seietfully announces to the Merchants of Le iljnton and other that he Is now prepared to f VIU &1UU9 Ol Haulikg op Freight, Express Matter and Baggage ti y reasonable prices. By prompdnnrlraep tail orders he hopes to merit a shnreof puld lc Won age. .. uesuience- corner ot pine ami iron ihL Lehlirhton. Orders left at Sweeny Son's Bonier Store It receide prompt attention ar. U. 31 T. J. BRETNEY. Ice Ik Wmmmt Contractor ana Builder. (Kxt door t Reuben Fensteruiaclinr's) tEUUin STREET, LKIIIGIITON. M.n. j .n..ii , , . , . tTn and sp elflcallonj, and frosaile cost of vuuvswrfv, wmtura vpoa apiHisatioa, All work CUSWJtti. IHwlilnr nminutl. ..a..a ... Pa. 4 Wssprt Business Directory. -JJlltANKLlK HOUSE, EAST WEISSrORT, PENN'A. This house offers first-class accommodations to tho permanent boarder nnd transient gut-st. Taiile prices, only Ono Dollar per day. augT-iy John ltK.iciiio. Propiletr. Oscar Ohristman, WEIKSPORT, PA. Livery ami Exclamqc Stable. Easy tiding carriage and ftafa driving horses. Rest accommodation tn agents nnd travellers. Mall and telegraph orders promptly attended .to. Ulvementilul, iniivSMy Tho - Weisaport - Bakery, C. W. LAURV. PROPRIETOR. Delivers Fresh Bread and Cakes In Wcissport, lohighton nnd vicinities every day. In the store. I have n Flno Line of Confectionery forlhollolldavTrade. Sunday schools nnd fes tivals supplied ill mwesi oners. nrr.1-1 THE WeUsporl, Carton County, Penna., Honry hristman, Proprietor. The public Is respectfully Informed that this toaflratratnndnble tofurnMi the very hest ncpotnmodatloiis of nil kinds A FINE POOL ROOM. In connection with the hotel Is a FINE POOL BOOM handsomely fitted up. Api-ia 87ly Ow Canal Brite E. Wsissprt. Jose UNDERTAKER AND DEALER IN FURNITURE, PARLOR SUITIiS, " BET) ROOM SUITES, &c &c. l'rlce the very lowest. Quality ot goods tho . hest. Patlsraelinn giiiiraiiieeii in every partleulnr. Caskets, Coffins and Shrouds, Wt linvrt n hill 1lllf Wlllpll Wrt will fllriltsll Hi the low est possible pi lees. Flour,"Feed, &c, of tho choicest uuallty at very rvasnnahle prices. Call and lie convinced. JOSEPH F. REX, Aprll-ty EAST. WELSSl'OKT. 1 have lust opened a Coal a.il In eonnecllnu with my hotel in WK1HSPORT where can constantly he' fiuind nil sues of the BEST OF COAL ! at prices Knlly as Iiwnstlie Iiwest. Olvo me a trial and liu Convinced. HENRY CHRISTMAN, Fort Allen ITouso, ireissport. Fairbanks Standard Scales in Connection. August 23, 4m The Cream of all Boots of Adventure CONUKN'HKII INTO ONK YOLUMK. PIONEER DARING DEEDS. AND HEROES ti. tiirllllnir mtventures ot all the hero ex plorers and frontier lighters with Indians, out laws and wild beasts, over our whole country, Iiom tho earliest times to the Present. Lives ..... .. . . .. U .. .. , LJ .. I .. U..1..1I I a,. Ilnnmi H11U exiuous Ul lieaiiHi, uacai-,.iL.ii.inii,.."w.., Kenton, Brady, Crockett. Bow e, Houston, (ar son, Custer, California Joe, Wild BUI, Buffalo itiu, tieueinis aiuca iwu iiw, w chiefs, and scores of others. Hplendldly lllus. trated with ! fine engrirt inc. Agents W anted. Iiw priced, and beats anything to sell. Tim for payments allowed Agents short of fund 'I.ANVT ! I ( I.. ISI1V I KM1.. rllll:UII'llllll.l.' PATENTS!! FRAEL1B H. HOUGH Solicitor of American & Foreign Patents 025 F St., near U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, D. C. All business before Uulted States Talent Ofllce attended to for moderate fees. Patents procured In the United States and all Foreign Countries. trait ilarki and Labtli registered. Rejected applications revived and prosecuted. Informa tion and advice as to obtaining Patents chcer- lUliy IliriUSlieu williouicuurut-. ovnu ow-iiu u Model for Fiike opinion as to Patentability. Comes of patents furnished! or S.W. cacn. Correspondence solicited. Jl 0 Lehighton Business Direotory. VAL. SCHWARTZ, BanK St., tile oldest turni ture house In town. Eery description of furniture always on hand. Pi li es vcrv low. WA. I'ETERM. Saloon and Itesunirani, tianK street. Fresh Iaccralnavs on tan. Oys- 11 season, IJrop in nun see 113. nu,,--ij E SKANO'.S SIIAVINO SALOON, opposite tho r ... . la liM-ninii-trtory fir simviiitt ami ituu viuuuk vim" "vvw TT7 J t...l t.. (SI ,w g, InlinniiA saM GO TO FRS. ltODEitr.lt, under the Kxcnangc Hotel. Batik stieet, for a smooth shave or a tusiiioiiaoie nair cut. ixr iioseo on nuuimj s. lioeuer s ltair tonic, cures iianurun. A RELIABLE JEWELElti 1). S. BOCK. Jau28-83 . OPP. PUBLIC SQUARE. THE CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, Bank street, plain and fancy Job printing a sped ly, Aiivocatk ono dollar per year In advauce. JW. HAUDEXBU8II, BAiik street, v, holesale . dealer In choice brands of whiskies, gin, uramues, vtiues, &c. x-uiromigo suiicueu. Our Churches. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. South Rank street, Sunday services tit 10 a. in., and 7.30 p. in., HUliuay ocnooi 2 p. in. u. i ajuic, vasiur. mltlNITY LUTHERAN, Iron ktrect, Sunday JL semces, 1uu.n1., ii.ecmuui, Y.jup.111., ir.ioc llsh), Sunday school 2 p.m. J. It. KutiEit.Paslor. T EFORilED, Lnhlgli ktreet, Sunday services Xb at 10 a. m., (Uenaau),7.30 p. in., (.English), Qiiuanr scnooi 3 p. 111. EVANGELICAL. South street, Sunday servlce'i at to a. 111., (llormau), 7.301,. m., (Kngllsh) Sunday school 2 p. in. A. S. Kl.INK, Pastor rtATIIOI.If. earner Norihainnton and Coal j streets, services every Sunday morning and evening. iikv. iiammackk i-astor. SOMETHING HEW 3 UNIItUt tiirHun, wuicu jving boiu mou never heard 1 of-a cuithbs MNP. that requires nocwtiiks risn, nverr iiouseKerper, iatiiiurrs uiiu murv I keeper wants It. Hamplo sent by mall, B feet for I ?ei., leei ior au cw, r jitstri.AB aiii-.. i-. WANTKli ton Tlllsvol -KIX Auuress. nun & CO . ManufacturlnK Acent Fort Allen House fWS -ftnal (iml SWITCHBACK CLEANZTNE Iicmovcs I'alnt and Orcaso from Woolens, Silks, Satins, Caslimercs.I.accs.Cinpes, Ac. Uy the use of CliEANZIN E fMolliliiR of any Material, Cnr pets, Lap Hobos, Car riage Cushions, Trim- nilnm, c, can bo n u 1 c k 1 y cleancil of dirt, crease or mint without In jury. It is without an equal for removing dandruff, freckles, fuiiotirn, tan, ivc. 25 Outs a Ilottlo. Trnde Supplied by the Proprietor Dr, T. E. Davis, Summit Hill Tor Sale by T. 1). THOMAS, LcliKhtnn. witch- BaGk. Colli Cure is the most certain and speedy rcmetr In the world Coughs, Colds, Croup, lluarsenes, Yhoo Ing cough, lnllucnza, Sure Thront, S.c. Tty it. I'rlee, T enty-Five Cents. -GO TO SWEENY'S "Corner Store" IgFORH -Bottled Glierlrins. Swnet Pick les, ChoY-Chow, Onions, Table Sauce, Horse-radish, Cauliflov cr, Catsup, lixcd Pickles, Cel ery Sauce, and all kinds of choice Jellies and table necessaries. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, &c, It'rt Ifta.l lintlt In nxr nrlina !ml nllfllllv nf r t . , ... . , wi.k. ... ..... .- j. -j goods. Our largo stock is displayed to ad vantage, an item which purchasers will certainly greatly appreciate. ' REMEMBER THE Corner Store, LEHIGHTON, PA. made easy manufactur ing Rubber Stnmpi.Kend for price list ot oulllts, to .1. F. W. Dorma.i, N0.217 EastOerinan St., B.VI1I innre.iMd..lI.S.A -OcSAlm S. A. BELTS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AOENT J'OR FIRST CLASS Fire, Life & Live Stock Iusurance Siieclal attention of. Farmers and others Is railed to the liberal terms ottered by Ihe BERKS COUNTY MUTUAL LIVE STOCK INSUR ANCE COMPANY, for which I am the agent for tills County and neighborhood. Real Estate Agency, Real Estate Bought & Sold. Collections Promptly Made. Bank Street, Lehighton, Penna, aee2l,87-tf AL. CAMPBELL, V Jeweler anil Watclnaata Bank Street, Lehighton, jHenna Respecttully Invites the attention ot his friends nndthe citizens generally to his Immense new stock of Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Jewely, at Prices that defy competition, It will pay you to call and Inspect my stock before purchasing elsew here. REPAIRING Promptly done at lowest charge, and all work guaranteed. mi Forget toe Fiace. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH, Bank St., Lehighton. eDccmber l7,o871y Eor Newest Designs and Most Fashionable Styles or DHESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. SILVERWARE, &c, &c. GO TO R. H. SISTYDER, Bank Street, Lehighton. Goods guarantee,! ond prices as low as rite- where for the tame quality of good. July 18, 1885 lyj WANTED AGENTS TO SOLICIT ORDERS For our Choice nnd Hardy Nursery Block. Steady work for enerretlc men. Salary and ex penses, or commission It preferred. Satisfaction guaranteed to customers and agents, Write Im mediately fur terms. 'State age. Address It. G, CHASE A- CO., H.V) South Penn Kqusie, Phiadelphla Prima, aug. II w. Mon Subscribe lor the Advocate. DYSPEPSIA. j 8 that nilscryr-x.pi iVmi t irbeii wosnd denly liecoiiioiim.rc wo piiswessa . labollcnl nrrnnu'i iiK iii eirllcil anlntrtiirJi. 1 Thostomneli Is (In- rescrMilf frotrt wltlcli every fibre nml ilwn,- imi'i 1,0 imurlslicd. andnnytroitliii'Wllliiilss.Hiniel Ihrnugli' I out tlio whole ny. in. Ainniit it dorcn I dyspeptics no two will lib-i the sum.? pre ; rtomllinptB.viniiloinv. i pllesotnetlvo I incuUll power iiiul n M'.utiMt H-ritiiictit mo Buujm ,,, p.,, is iiruiineiiet tnoe, flesnynndiihli-uiniiileliiivi- Coiistlpation, while tliotlilti . ml liTviiiiMiu'eiiliniidoiicd torIooiii.vfroliiiln(;. iineiitHpoplK-si aro woiiilcii'n.i.i 1. u- ii'.i'; oilieis (ao great IrrltabllHy nf (. uipi Whatovcr fuiin DyspiMwht may toke. one thing Is certain, The uiulcrlyhitr cnusc is in the r,irEll, and ono thing move Ii equally ccrtnln, no ono will remain u ilyspeptlo who will It stilt correct Acidity or the Stomach, Expel foul gases, Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, anil, at tho samo Start the lAvcr to zcorMngr,' tvlicn all other troubles soon disappear. "My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some three years go by the ml vice of Dr. Slelner, o( Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I teel grateful for the relief It has given her, and may all v. ho read this and are afflicted in any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M. Kkksii, Fort Valley, Ga. S64 that you gel the Genuine with led 2 on front of Wrapper, nrtfAMrn rmiv av MLV BY Philadelphia, Pa, E. F. LuClvECfBACH, PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PAPER HANO- INO, HOUSE AND SKIN PA1NT1NO AND OR AIM NR. Conipclent workmen sent to any pait of the county. iinAixiuAitTKns for Wall Papers. Borders & Becorations. Ijtrgo assortment, and the latest styles. dtnti'nnnim Unnrvrr Pnnrln i iQiiunoiv. rauiiv uuuuu WINDOW SHADES. All grades. Shade making nnd putting up promptly uuemicu 10. Paints, Oil, Varnish, Putty, Brushes & general Painters Supplies. No. 61 Broadway Hancb Chit. Fa.. Pf biw the llrondwny House. The iinilerslened o.Teis for snle the follow. lugs grades of PHOSPHATES. Complete Bone Phosphate ! PRICE, 5.13.00. This Is the best phosphate on the market, none excepted. Complete Bone Manure ! PRICE, 832.00- ("Especially adapted to fruit trees of all kinds Lehigh Phosphate, Price $27. Soluble Phosphate and Potash ! PRICE, Wl.no. Soluble Rock Phosphate ! PRICE, 122.00. These cheap grades compare favorably with any phosphates costing the same price, filve them atrial. All grades uueKeu 11111 nicies packed DRY In 200 His. acid iron! bags 'or sale by full weight Always on hand ami M. HEILMAN, August 4, 3ui LEIIIOHTON. "Try Ayer's Pills" For Itbcumatlsiii, Neuralgia, and Gout. Stephen Lansing, of VonUers, K. Y., ays : " Itecotnmeiuleil as a cure for Chronlo Costlvcness, Ayer's I'ills Jiave rolieveil mo from that tronbln ami also from Gout. If every victim of this ills, ease would heed only three words of mine, I could banish Gout from the land. These words would be 'Try Ayer's IMIls.'." "By tho use of Ayer's Pills alone, I cured myself pcuimiieiitly of rheuma tism which hail troubled me soVornl months. These Illlsureiitoiicolinrmless and effectual, and, I bnlieve, would prove a speciliu in all cases o( incipient Rheumatism. No medlclnn could have served mo In better stead." C. C. Hock, Corner, Avoyelles I'urlsh, La. O. F. Hopkins, Nevada City, writes : "I have used Ayci'a Pills for sixteen years, and I think they are tho best I'lllx In the world. We keep a box of them In the bouse nil the tiiuo. They have cured meoi alcl; headache nml neuralgia. Since takln-j A.vei's I'ills, 1 have, been free from these couiplalutH." "I bnvo derived great betiefll from Ayer's I'ills. Five years ajrn I was taken so ill with rheumatism that I was unable tn do any win!,. I took three boxes o( Ayer's I'ills and was entirely cured. Since that time I mil never without a box of these pills." Peter Chrlsteiisen, Sherwood, wis. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, riiEi'AKi-.n nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold liy all Dealers In Medicine. ntioopui i i lulling, niuis MANUFACTURER OF Window and Door Frames, Doors, Shutters, " Blinds, Sashes, Mouldings, Brackets, AND DEALER IN All Kinds of Dresseft Mer; Shingles, Pailings, TT11. 1 rlw,r. Rn frn ..v....--.v ' . 1 , r-j VerV l-OWeSI rriCeS TIIE REAPER AND THE FLOWERS. 11V MEN It Y w. tJlNdKKI.I.OW. There Is a Reaper whoso miimi fs Death. Ami, with his sickle keen, He renpes the bearded given at a breath, And the (loners that grow het accii. "Snail t Hat e naught that Is fair?" salth he; "Have naught hut.thc bearded grain? Though I lie breath of theseftowers K sw ert lo mi I will give them all hack ngnlu," I In wired at llio (lowers with tearful ejj's. He kissed their drooping leaves) It was for the IjuiI or ParHiiisn He hound lliein in hls.sheaies "My tm has need of these flowerets guy. The Reaper said, andsmileds "Dear tokens of (he earth am they, Where he was ourti a i hlld "They shall all bloom In Ileitis of light, Transplanted by my earn, And saints, upon Ihclr garments white, Those saered blossom's wear." And llio mother gave, in tears and pain, , The (loners she most did lovej She knew she should find them all again III the fields or light abme. O, not In cruelty, nut In wrath, The Reaper came that day; ' r as an inigel lsited the green ei'rth. Anil look the flowers nwnv. OUT OF THE DARKNESS UY KI.EKM 111)1, A1IA.N. 1, who bail but lately been so careful lest I ruin my complexion, wbo hail even slyly sought mystPiIous iierbs to remove tan ami freckles alreaily accumulated, sat now ont upon tlio gray old rocks In the full of sunshine. Not that I realized or carcil whether It was sunshine or shadow. They woro all alike to mo. It Is, after all, by the Inmost heart that sunshine and shadow which affects us Is made. Perhaps 1 was suffering. I hardly know. To this day there is a kind of haze, such as results from delirium, over tho memory of that yellow Juno morning. Below my station, great white waves came rolling In anil broke with a moan acalnst tho flinty shore. Dlpplngaml glid ing over the opal-tlntcd, restless water, wcte countless yachts, yawls, skiffs and fishing boats. Sea-gulls circled ami screamed aboye my head, and seemed to raock at mo as they spoil away away Into tho dlslanco which vision could not pierce. Afar off, around a rocky clllT, lay the fishing village. I,lke one In a dream noticedjts lofty suites. 111th dull, apa thetic eyes I cyen selected a certain ono tho one which to this day stands as a monument to the wildest anguish my heart has ever known, llcneath It lay "llio house of God" where every .Sabbath throngs of rough, simple-hearted lisher-folks as semblcd. Apart from the village and high above Its humble dwellings as high as In my sight the master of' It was, alas! rose an other set of spires and towers. Tho spires and towers of Rockledge. I was not worldly then. I had no regard for social advantages. That comes with aEe and experience. To youth and Inex perlenco Lovo is lord of all. Tho gtand, palatial walls of Ilockledge were therefore deat to me, only becauso they held my Idol Philip Grey. Jlyldol! Godl What a world of bitter sorrow idolalry of human things can hn In Itself. He was going away. Yon white, yacht, anchored against the shore like a restless casle yearning for flight, was his. How well hovv miserably well I knew it. How often, how happily, and heedless of the good villagers hoail-shakes, had It borno us two afar from land, censure care. But now, this very mornlng.hllct I was here vaugely miserable, it was' to carry him from my sight, perhaps forever. What a black, dreary, useless, tuneless sot the futttro hours of my life must bo. A shadow fell across ray feet. I knew it that broad figure, and sun-tanned, trust worthy face. Men, women old or young and little children loved Dick JJeanc, captain of the fishing smask Zellah. I loved him, too, perhaps after tho fashion all women loye good, strong, true-toned manhood. "Vou mother told mo I would find you here, Zellah. You will bo burnt alive In that hot blaze, little girl." "What odds?" I shrugged my should, nrs. "What an easy taking off It would be to sit Jn the sun until It absorbed you Dick. I wish It could be." "Nonscnco! Life's too good a thing to wish It done with, little girl." "Is It? Perhaps lo some. To mc," with a sudden, miserable outstretching of my hands, I lifted to his my weary eyes, and cried, with a world of desperate pas sion, "it is the most loathsome thing. Oh, Dick, if I could only die." He took lit his brown palms my brown outstretched hands. Between his teeth he muttered an Imprecation. I heard It, yet was not frightened. Dick and I were of a kind the. common fisher-folks our kin and quality, ne had given me a promise. Come what might, I knew he would rather die than break It. "He merciful, litllo girl." Ills voice i was as hoarso as mine had been wild. ''Itn- mcmbcr I love you, and you torture mc, Do you know, Zellah, I often regret that ! promise I made yon, and am tempted , No, no," as I cried out; "don't bo flight cned. I will not break It. But t ought lo have shot him down as tho villain hn was, You had uo father, no brother, only an In- I valid mother, and " "Don't" I crl&l. "Can't you !,ei- I am eating my heart out for him? that, villain, though the world term him, tn me is the one man on eailb, and will bn until I din. Pray God It may not be long." lie niailo a scornful gesture. Knowing his provocation, I forgave him then as I da now, "I gave you credit for more piide and sense, .ellMi, than to mourn after a man who would have ruined you eternally If justice had not stepped In. A man who amused himself and the world at your ex penso." There was Impatience ever, anger, In his deep tones. I had fallen back after that first burst of passion Into my former apa thetic state. "So the fisher-women yonder say. What odds? I hav9 lost all the world holds or I "" U 1 frostly my own tault'-fatoT- ! what you will. Pride and seiue are for the 1 fortunalebf happy. They will coma to me ouietlm-rrbapsIaudcanta!klaottier hapless ones as you talk lo mo now; but If I had iivy life to llvb over agalli" a flush crossed my faco under his passionately re proachful gaze; my ejes folfowed a gull far out to sea; I returned them lo his "I would probably llvo It the same," I said. "I would certainly want to lovo no other man than Philip Grey, even though I knew It would end as It has." "Is thero no hope for me. Zellah? Never I o bn any, then? Iliad 1iomm1 that In time " "If you lovo me, Dick, don't repeal It I could not marry one man, loving another, and I have told you I shall lovo him for oyer," Perhaps the agony he saw In my oyes touched his great heart. He suddenly turned and strode to the edge of the cliff, and I am .Hire, thero were tears actual, 'vonianly (cars In his strong, manly eyes, IPhon he returned, however, they were ijullo composed. "Will you take a sail with us this morn lug, Zcllah?" he asked gently. "It will do you good." T shook my head. "I would rather stay hero ami hn alone, and hear tho sea-gulls cry and tho waves break. No, I cannot go." So ho wcntllown the rocky path, leaping and scrambling with athletic agility, and left me alone with my sorrow. Onco he looked back. I think he was Inclined to return, but I rose as If logo, and he continued on bis downward way. Not often dons It happen that a cotiplo aro parted at the altar steps, yet such had been my dcstlnv. Tho hliinblc vlllago folks had lull jubilant flattered, when It was learned Hint "tlio squire" was to lake his wife from I heir, midst; yet, as in all communities, tbcroh.nl been many to presage evil. But never such ovll as came oh, I 'oil 1 II all came back to me as I sal there in the sun. The cool, dim, religious light of tho vlllago church, the village folks in Sab bath attire, the sofl-yoleeil clergyman, the hand which clasped and caressed my own; then tho stir al the door, tho Inwaid rush, and : "Hold!" cried a woman's shtlll voice. "I forbid tho bans. No man can lawfully hayo two wives. I am Phllfp Grey's wife." Sly mother It was who ahiluked out my mother who fainted and had lo bo curled away. Somehow I walked out stoadily.but not on the beloved arm upon which I bad entered; jet the only fact; I saw was bis dark, beseeching, diawn. I fh.ill not I never can forget It. Like ono in a dream I heard the vallagcrs' comments tho de nunciations, threats and. gossipings of Philip (Jrey's foimer mat riagc. Like one in a dream 1 had been ever since, even when hu came, nml kneeling at tny feet in tho presence of my mother, told mo tho story of his life the nus-inated marriage, the sepaiallon and supposed death of his wife. What mattered il all, when in any case llio testill was this? Again a shadow feUncio.! my feet. This lime my heart leaped madly, as It always bad in rcsponsa lo Ids prci'iicc 'ellahl Oh, beloved, I could not gol" ho cried, standing bare-headed befoieme. "I could mt I will not go without you. I should go mad out of your bight. .My heart would get so hungry yeainlng fur you, sweet, that 1 would I nitisi end its cry ings forever. Ilnforo God by alt Ills laws of love you aro my wife. Il'hat, beloycd, matters tli? sordid view of a sordid world? Zcllab," ho dropped his beloved yolci'.and drew a step closer, his eves burning their way to my very soul "I know you aro brave. Without you I am a coward, and heaven itself seems further -away a very myth to my sinful, skeptic heart, In fact. With you, heaven itself lies In my grasp. My j aclit Is walling. No ono would guess, beloved, until we are safely away, and my whole life will atone for all you leuvn' for my sake, dearest." "I I hardly umlnrslund. Can all life atone for dishonor for lo go with you" f rose, white, calmed by gie.it emotion "I must leave behind all honor hero and hereafter. 1 must resign, not only mother, but God! No, my Inyo is stiong, but yon ask too much. Thus far I am at least In nocent. H'ould jmr, who profes? lo love, hayo mo otherwise a meinmy accursed by all who ioyo me, Philip?" His faco hail been ghastly, his oyes fever ish; now all the light bad lied, leaving them only dull and heavy. 'Forgive, mc. lam uind with pain," ho whispered hoarsely, putting out his hand in a groping way. "now cruel yon are In vour tender way, sweetheart. I had called God and heaven delusions. 1 camn lo seek you and defy them by stealing yon, fairly or foully, I cared not which. I-oainc up In thchopo of dating, youtfltand loyo's mad res'!. I shall return spliltlcis, and with out you, my hearl'i lieasiiro llio treasure which could brook no time." 1 smiled wanly, and placed my hands In his. "Good-bye," I said ticmnloiisly. "Life is brief, lis punishment or reward sure. Oood-liyo ttiilll wo meet 'where all wajs meet.1 " "Good-bvo! Good-bye! hoiv awful that word sounds from your lips lo me. If it must bo good-by between us, then let It be one to accord with our beautiful past, Zcllah. Thero, there and thero! my beau tiful!" Ho had caught mo In his strong arms. Ho pressed Imrnlng.reslstless kisses upon Hps and brow and hair. "You will take thosn with you to tho grave, and glvo them back beyond It, I know.'' Then hn was gone, and I remained dazed, miserable, my every motion urostralel;aiul the noon bells rang In the vlllago beyond. I placed my hands upon my ears lo dead en the prosaic sound. Below was ioll material ami systematic. In my heart was chaos unlterable. Over mo camo an awful Impulse to (ling myself into thn sea and end It all forever. But It was momentarily only. I thought of the patient, widowed mother waiting for me, and slowly picked my steps over the path they had both gono tho man who loved me and the man I loved. At Its foot, within sight of the village, a group nf fishermen wero gathered; but among them I discerned a tall, distinguished figure which had so recently preceded mc. I was upon iheiu befotn they saw mc. They were working and talking excitedly over a still form In their midst some one washed ashore, certainly. "Pbllipl'' I cried, "irhallslt? What has happeied? Ho trleil to stand between that ghastly object and my eyes. But I caught one glimpse of tho still, white face, and with a scream of niortal horror would have fallen back, had not n strong arm encircled inn. "It's tho 'ooman that brake up yer wed din,' Jflstrcss Zollah!" sal.l ono of the rotigh-lookliig but gciillo-heartcd fisher men; tubbing a tear from his bronzed check. "She went out on tho bar Ibis morning. I seed her, an' warned her II. warcn't above high tide. My woman told mcsho hadn't como In atore the tide had, so I took tko Sally an' went out, but she war goue, poor thing. " What reason I had lo lemcmber that face. Even dank and dead, how beautiful and mocking It was. She was hurled from Ilockledge. I wils not at the funeral, for at that time I was myself down Into the shadow of death, through which her frothed out tldo of life had already run. A year later I went to Ilockledge its mistress and all tho fisher-folks rejoiced All bul one, perhaps, hut he came to me and said: "Good-bye, Zellali. For your sake, little girl, I am glad. But would you mind kiss ing mc just onco before you go to live where I shall never enter?" And through tears of pain as well as of joy, I lifted my lips toDIck's bearded ones. Nor h.ivo I ever regretted I did so, for one year later ho was drowned strlying to save a wrecked boat on the coast. DAY'S HORSE POWOERjfe Prevents H,unsr Fever! Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss of Appctfto, Founder, Fovcrs, &c 1 lb, in each package Sold by all dealers. DR. BULL Cures Dyscntory, nnd Dinrrhcca. CtfrcsWInd BABY SYRUP Colic, &o. ReliovcsaripingandSummorComplriint. Facilitates Teething! Regulates tlio Bowels! Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cents. BULL! "THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro ot COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness ROUGH Asthnm, Incipient Con Croup, Whooping Conch, sumption and for tlio relief of Consumptive per sons. For Sale by all druggists. 25 cents. VMnVC LANQE S CUBEB CIGARETTES for Ca OlllUKt ta,ri,i Prlc10CU. Malt druagltU. A IRE A SURE UF MODESTY. "Osyllle," sho said, as she toyed with ono of his coat buttons, 'this Is leap year, Isn't It?" ".Yes, Mamie," Imansweied, as In: looked fondly down on her golden head, l hat was pillowed on hs manly bosom. "This is the yeat when the luopo-ilng is done by tho young ladles?'' "Yes." "I hope you don't expecl iny- to inupicsc to you?" - "Why, Mamie, dear, I nover gave Jhe natter a thought I ci In to tell tho truth, I've only known you fur that is to say " "I'm glad You'tlldu't expect mo to pro pose. I'm not that kind, I hope. No, Osyllle, dearest, I couldn't be so Immodest. I am going lo lot you do llio proposing yourself in the old-fashioned way. The old-fashioned way is good enough for mo." And the gentle maiden gavo her loyer a beaming, anil yet-tint youth rejoiced that he had found such treasure of Modes y Preacher (at waifs' mission) Yes, my doar chlldic.n, you llltlo know of tho blessed Influences which now surround you. My sou is hero with mo to day, and I will ask hlinfora leaf fioni his own cxpciicncc. Stand up, my son, and spoak so all the children can hear you. How were you led to tho Sunday-school?" Preacher's son (fiercely) By the ear. -.Iado out of hole cloth Porous plas ters. Wo presuino thai Cork has a large floating population. Many a political candidate beats his opponent by a scratch. Bead tho AnyooATi;. Tho poet Is often saddest when he sings, and so arc the readers. FOR RHEUMATISM. GEO. W.WALTS, Esq., San Francisco, Califor nia, General Agent Union Pacific Railway: "I add my hearty in- dorsement to St. Jaeobt Oil, as a cure for rheu matism, etc" -CURHB- , RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, BRUISES AND URNS, SPRAINS. Sold ly Prv&ittt and Ewltri Evtryvhert, ES A. VOQELEB CO., TIMOUi MS. SYRUP Hear: Best made Clothing in Philadelphia for Men, Youths, Boys and chil dren. A. C-YATES &Co.? SIXTH & CHESTNUT,. I.EDOKI! BUILDING. Sept. s, ISM. Collector: This Is the last time I thai till for ihe amount of this bill. Delinquent: Yes? follcclor: Yes. The next time I stand out In the. street and yell for It. How Ha Advertised. A gentleman, living in n small city in the WcM, had inhcliteil consumption from Ins father, and the doctor Inld him he must he. He stopped taking their weakening physic and tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery, In three months he was well. Tim geiilleiiian'n neighbors knew low idckly ho formally was, and linked him to stale in public how lie )iad been cured. He advertinil to lecture on a certain even ing, in the public hall, and there was a largo uidteuco present. This was his lecture: A picture of himself, before, nnd one after, ho tried tho remedy, and live empty bottles of Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Ho said nothing, but convinced his audience just the same. It outrivals all Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem dv. Papa: Now run away," BoBby, Papa's busy. Bobby (holding up his jointed hands, cup-wise): Drop a penny In the hole, papa, nnd yon' II see mo go Answer This Question. No. '2. Why do so many people wo sco around us seem to prefer to sufier and he made mberiible by "Jndigotion, Constipa- Tit.-! 1 i i f inn,, j16.iiii'i., i.ii ,i 11K'IIIL' looming Upol'lhe Fund, Yellow Skin, w lieu for. 75 Villi wc will ecll them Slulnlrs System Vilalis-er.'giiniaiileed to cute them. Sold by T. D. Thomas, Lehighton, AV. Bicry,Weifs port An old farnursayj ho noverbtiys butch ers meal, lie keeps his own beasts, and, whenever bo wants meal, kills himself. Bhlloh'j Catarrh Remedy. Sliifuh's Catarrh Itcmedy, n marvelous euro fur catarrh, diphtheria canker mouth, , , , . ,. ,!., , , nun iie-iu-ueuc. il mi cacn ooiuo mere is in inircuiniis nasal inicctor for the more niivix.fiil treatment nf lliose complaints without extra charge. Price ,'0 c. Sold by l. l. 1 lininas l.ehigliton, . Iliery, Weiss- piiri. Ada: I had tcnrilTers of marriago last. week." Ella: How monotous and persis tent of .lack. ' - . Some onu has asked. Whcrodo the flies1 go in niuier.' Wo don't know; but wo- wish they would go there In summer. L'linliire I'liu-!i:ir.iuteeil hv Dr. .1.11. Miner k.11 An h stieet. I'lula. Ease at once, no opera linn nrhiisliii'Hs ilelay. Thousands cured. Send for rlrrulars. 42-iy ' -Iiiiiii.iuvi party: Whose funeral is this? Irish undertaker: Mine, sor. It's tho llllle tilings that tell more es pecially ihe llllle brothers and the wee sli- crs. 41 e have a enecily mid nos lKMllivo cure tor catarrh, diphtheria, canker kcr moutli, anil hcad-achc, Miiloh'K catarrh rcmeoy. A' NiimiI injiTlnr free with each liottle. Uso-;' it if you desire health and swct -breath'. Price ."ill cents. Sold hv T. 1). Thomas, Lcliiglilon, V, lll'erv W'eissport. $U Is It easy to get in an old man's house? Because his gait Is broken and his locks aro few. There are two things, for which a man Is never fulty prepared, vii., twins. rORTIRBT PLACE. A great amount of political engineering will be done by friends nf caudiates to curo for Ibcir man the first place on the ticket, and the best mail will probably se cure tho coveted place. Then If indorsed by tlie majorilv of thn people, tho election j assured. Ivlcctrie. Bitter has been put to the frot.t, its inoiils passed upon, has' been indorMil, anil unaniinou-ily given the first place mining remedies peculiarly adapted to llio relief nud cure of all dUcahes of kidneys, liver and, etiiniacl. Electric Bitters, bejng guaranteed is 11 safe iuvctmeut. Price 50c and H per Iwtllc at Thomas'. Talk Is cheap In this world, because the supply is so much larger than the Ipa maud. The "chestnut" crop will bo unusually largo-lhls fall; especially with minstrel com panies, Invalid.i sTumlil rcmcmlierlfiat the cause of sick and ncrvoim headaches .may be promptly rcn.ovcd by liikiuc: Ayer's rills, speedily correct irrcgularitcs of the stomach, liver, nnd bowels, nnd arc the mildest and mint reliable culhiirtic in use. Hood'H Sarsiiparilla is a purely vegetable preparation, being free from injurious ingre dients. It is peculiar in its curative power. -H'lfe, at breakfast: I want' do some shopping to-dav, dear. If the weather Is favorable, ll'hst Is the weather fore cast? Husband, consulting his paper: Rain, hall, thunder, and lightning. Httsband: Was the lasUes" club yery lively to-ulghi, dear? Wife: No; awfully dull. Every immb'r was present, -and of course one can't gpsak of people before 1 their faces; so nr bad nothing to talk about. I Little girl, to lidy caller: Sister's aw. ! fully sorry, but she can't see you to-day- iaij, compassionate!: 1 am yery sorry, Mai el. I hope she la not 111? Little girl: Oh, no! She Is about getting engaged. fl4hod vrbeo 4slrd, a-j tUimatipuia,i-a.,iJciiui u.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers