ajfrttiriyrW 1 MOrlginal Cheap CaohStorp,'' ', I' a i f liil'i'' m-SDgSt.'wia KT ; SB7' Jhr III! BOOTS and SHOES. ThelTlngnf Denmark I tf.ulx.tjMj Read Dealt A Cu'i. new aud allctctivtv VoiOO of the Pooplo. lVoftlBrMitcrs, Finding tt.t during' the i !TUmMi!iuA1J?. " f '"-w'S wlsE tt'MtflttiniIt(MibIt receut tevercuweatbrr the njn(hai gutrae ur.u. . uern - "I c " ". V'!T,.rJ?S13" ...ft..fk .ii.i- L ..j this ..tk it,, of annnir stock of , opUiloru etpretsed under tali b4. ikta'Mw) nMvntiir.kn nnliml a will ntocrsand borders t hit drat lore supply of DrJijull'i OwjIi Syrup for tbera Frtncii Blocker offera tilt hotel and in J now lb tenlries tr blnnr. lore. ,tttnd . fir.- .nit.. See. advertisement M.U ni.nrt-ard. tten daughter of la mother column ofto-day' AoT60tfc Councilman needing, of Upper Mauch The school dfreoloreorM.ucu UiUnv, ; : Silver ware, WectaclGS. ani Eye Glasses, POST OFFICE BUILDINO, Repairing ttA Umwm r,rnA an mll-a N EW I.! T! lf the above town end ere ofTerlna OIIEAT INIIIJOKMKN1S 10 cash burnt In Ladle, Uenl'a and 'hlldreti, Shoes a U ftubb.il I. It li n UMHsrUlEli FACT that we ..iin..iiH.iB.in I f t I in.l HhAi Intlitl veil .no J .".--- ........ 14.1111.r111.1a1l " "IT" . ,-T .-i ,.. rsnT.DlVrTltsHY obonSr hit I Chunk, we. merrled on Friday I.tt, to Mr. r. ..Id.lo here dec ded upon in. erect on rJUIalir uriAlllblliin I'ir iMiiiri out of our ttore ere itunrantred to he made out of nothing nor lkatiikb, end every pair that does not KlVa eallslaetlonwill readily le eichanued I" another pair or the money re. fun.ted. "SPECIALTY. Our Men'sM.oet nt H.ii, made ol Kino Half, Fine Kid Upper;, Hund-Sewed. Fair Stitch, London Toe. Unl. moral or Iluttun, ere the cheapest good! we Lave ever handled. J. T. NUSBAUM, Opp. 1'ubllo Square, Dank Street, Lehigh. ten. Pa. June 9, 18SJ-1 J. . ' I .. . Nobl Bradley, lj Her. Mr. Yoet, of Ibe of a new 3 etory brick echool houie.on tue M. E.rhurrh. ; elle oflhe fireeent buililing. nuen nnimru EVfcnY Pn.mlse becked br a euaren- the lelwl dlrrctori of Meuch Cbtink end tee. Acker' tDyjepsi TebleU will elve r.0l,hlon ehould mret ahd"hek." Iminedlele relief. I'rtce.XS k 50 cl. S,.ld. q. we h gol a Khno! house, uy nr. uornj ieniguiou(,anu :n. iuiu, . . , ,j i. i lu,.4 nn We ssimrt. " ' -n.nnr P-iilsnn l..a .nrjolnled It thorroFerlyoltliebegerariie unite i M. Need, (Jounl Clerk under' Auditor near Blaledele.by a Plilledelpbla parly who General Brhell.Ant for the Blelo lo cl- P"' having hbout 16,000 yerdi ol top tt l.tlnwi ,1.1m. from the United removed by contract. Anoon the work Bule. OoTern.nent. lug bed l.el been fully developed quarrying 1cn.Ar.nn rt1H rM w lb a liottee oiwrmiou. are w i kh vu on It, and about B acree cleared, for le icale, SATURDAY, FEDRUARY t, 1884 8PECIAL NOTICE. rersona making paymenlr to llils office by money orders or postal notes .will please mske theln payable at the Wnssroat Tost Orricit, as Hie Le- higbtun olTiee is hot a money order offlco. (jjg5 SrKCIAl.. Commencing to-Jnv jvo will send our Collectors W. " . Mnrtliimor nnd Geo. W. jrortliiincr, oraltklnde 'promptly attended to at VEUY Kvlth lillj to tlioso who uro 'inJcbtud to Seasonable Charges. Ins for Siiliecriiition, Ailrertising or Job Work, residing in tins vicinity, nnd trust that tlicy will meet with n prompt res nonso to llicir iloinnnds. Tothosa rc-X siditic nt u dlstnnco wcwlll mail bills, 1 and expect inimediato rcturns.3 X If you need nnytliinp in our line, irn'c us a call uclorc go- inc clscwlieie. Our Prices tarc as low.as the lowest, and Our Neighborhood in Brief, all Goods are warranted to. be ,anvrrT ...u.ier as represented. febz-y Hotel, and Store Stand at Private Sale. Mure .snow;', and somewhat walhe during Ihe week,, v- "1 inuye," said a ilelega'o in a Virginia conyen'inii, "that our chairman tiko a Hose of Dr. B ill's Cough Svrup,' he ( 'so hnarw tbil I CHiinut niidertund li i in." That , The trnderslaned oflera at Private Sa'e his een j, ,nl0 nu dubl tried this winder Itoiel and store Stand toiethor with Foiu.l lui iiiaiiit -mi-. S2S-GO TO nOSEBERY'S. IN OBERT'6 BUIbUINO Full AX EASY SHAVE. Kuyival services ro in hmgYeta In Ihe M. E. and the Eyangelical churches ol tbia place. Frank Bower end wife, of Calasauqud Den Acres of well cultlrateil Land, rltuate at Pleasant Comer. In Mali mimr Irwnflilp t'arhnn tlnunty Pa. Thla l nn-of fho Jlt Stands In the county. 1 elnir loeatedJn a wel Miitml section ufrnun'rv. and no other Mori wltliln a distance of Irom 3 to n miles. Til" bouse Is now Licensed as a Hotel, a. d dplnt' KKOnd )a'lnK hnslarrs. The property-will D. seta on very reasonable lenns, -ALSO, Eltht or Ten very elklbly located nUII.li-l epmt several diiys in town during the fore- 1NII LnTS. slluie In the llorouith ol Le Idiihton, will be sold on adrantaicrnns termf, Appiyto riitniiis sun -kcii, Fleasant Horner. Febltf Mahoning Township, Pa. BF.POrtT F TMF rONDITION o. the FII18T NATIONAt, HANK. at L-hlirtltnn, tn the8tM of Pntit Uauti,at the tlOM ot business. December ust, 1833 : luonctj. Iinsind dlstoonU 8I,5H.38 'eonis are In excellent condilion, while his part ol tho wrek aJJ-Biblcs. Hymn books and Albums, In itrcjt variety, ami yery cheap, at J. t. llul liuch'c.Uunk ktreel. tins unmitgn. Our young friend Freeman Arnold 'ornicrly of this place, now of Slroiidbburg, was visiting here ust week Sleighing is good, in. I Dayid Ebbcrt's llTfr-lmn. i ZW.KI 'V Bonds to seeur. rlrculatln . A.ittioni JOtber storks, bonds,an morttrxires. . 3ir2soo Cue rrom annrovrd referve sseots . 17.1MR 3 I Ms Tron other N.tlonsl Punks . 4S I.M) lln. fmln State flanks and Hankers, - 2.0M .1? ltralMlalr.fnrnltnre.ai"! Btur. . 8.55.V:r, (lurrent eznenaes and tixes paid . l.o;i 85 Premiums paid 6.i5 ou Chnrksind othrr rath Items . , . 1.110 04 I Ills nf othxr Danka 6,5:0(0 I rraetlinalDnrcurreorr.nlrWls. aud penolea, 2C8 54 fps-i t.-iu.:o Uril lander nnte 3 10J.OO ltaJetDDllon Fund with U F. Trenu. rr (ft par cent, of circulation) 3 376 or, Tottt j'.-2),0m LitcaiTira. Otpltsl slock paid In . . ... Pnrslvs fundi ... '.Uudivlilwd profits Jall aal raik i otes ou'stand nt Dltldenda Uiipald Iadlf ideal (l.tooelta subject to check. ' Total. . . .... f.WOUilO Stilt nni'eania. CViunty sl Carlton, it : 1, Vf. ty Tlowaun, Cathler of tbe abiTrraiued Lank, do solemnly swear I hat the above Mnteniei t is Irs to the ot oi my Ktiowuiiirr ana c nai. tf 'W. W. 110VMAN.Cabler. tnhsrrlbed and sworn bafors me tbls 16th da) oT January, isttv - H. A. niL'2, J. P, rv.rT-l-Alte.llTh". Kemerer, P. .1. Klstler and A.J. Darling, Directors. Jan '., '4 chean nr In pxchanee for town property, Three miles from Mauch Chunk. Address W, M. Rataher, Lehighton, Ta. Charles McGee, of Yorklown, was found frozen to death on Frldsy morning of last week, between Jeanesvllle and Beaver1 Brook. He leaves a wife and large, helpless family In mourn his untimely end fcti-GAljLERY FOR SALE-The un dersinncd hut for sa le a riiirlnbleTlintocrn ph . . . , ...Si. ! . t. n . . n ...... ., rp.A UIIMVrv. nun ii tii,iiiii4. ni.ininiu.i x.iv When near Slony Creek, on Tuesday morning, engine 388, drawing L. Yi P senger train 21, blewou( her cylinder headi She was sent to Die shops for necessary re pairs. Local Institute nt Lansford. The first Local Institute of the sessnn was held by Supt. lialliet last Saturday, nt Linsford. Tho attendance being unusual. gallery Is In excellent condition ami will lie ly larec, the room being crowded lo Its ut ntsposen in at a sacrince. Appiy w irm M, Micklniter, tveainerir, l a. A Bin TbikoI Every subscriber to the CAtiaox, Advocate who immediately pays up.arrearages and one year In advance will receive free for one year IltaUK and Jlomt, a large 8 page, 40 column monthly paper, derotcil to home mailers. Step up, Pure Linseed Oil, at J. L. Gabcl's, -08 CClltS per gal- ou Ihe use of the moulding M ID teach- i I ing geography, in wmcn mo audience was highly interested. most capacity during the entire day, Prnnilnentcltlfensof town and a number of teachers from a distance were la attend, nnce. Mr. W. tj. 8per.ee r gave an excellent class drill on PhonicJ, followed by a discus, alon on "The use of the Dictlnnarr In School" by Mr.F. It. Cannon, of Summit Hill. Miss Mary Reese gave a class drill Ion lor cash. Sleighing Irtlf3 pnssin? Hi rough this place are very.niimerous. The participants apjia'rcnty enjoying themselves hugely If we may Judge by the strength of their voices as thev warble forth on tlu midnight lr: "Wall lit! the clouds roll by. aHDr-tfvioi want a first clas piano nr orn, cull on Prof. J. F. Ilalbuch, two do us liv Tho hoi' ilriiu store. All insiru'iienU od by him are guaraulned us represented. Munch Chunk Daily Time. 2l)th nil i "Judgrt Packer is convnlejcitig very xlnwly, and it may be a lortnight before any ma terial change for the better takes place." Q i cry lias not a "material change lor Ihe better" already taken place when a sick man is convalescing?? Best make of Horse The last exercise of Ihe forenoon was on address bv Mr. II. A. Eisenharl, of the Eist Mauch Chunk High School. on "Oen eral Exercises." He said that there were a' ereat many tlilnus not in our text luniks which our pupils ought to know nud whicfi could he taught at Intervals between the lierio ts assigned tn the regular class work A great deal of valuable, general iniiinna t'on could llius be taught. This would, at the nine time, also giye a desirable variety lo the exercises of the school. In the afternoon Miss Esther Griffith gave a Uallsllienic nrui, ancr wnicn nupi R. F. Pilchburn, of Tainaqua, delivered highly Interesting and able lecture on "How we can help pupils to got their Lessons.'i atr.TrsanJ iKBolali' Vt tfi. Milaf subjects of dlicnsslmi aVtat-i't!' Tha'csW of this lies ln'the.(pVsClilhg'.UIunrlpol electh.U It is t proir theme and one tliat merits the just anil' cVbsiileralinri of etery Ultlrdtf'wWi 'believes In lb lupremeey of IgoiKl, hon'est 'plvVln'mcnti Tn secure and tntalh liotieSTtiterrimeot It is necessary tlisl'lhe ofHcis'ls selected to- admlnljter af-, fairs art hona't, judicious and lotellegenU This lAor particularly applies In township tTsiri-.tti achoul directors and juslica of lie'pejceu Tba directors should be men ewlid"undtrttand the wants and essentials of school rpuin'and men who are not afraid lo fupply suoh wants, aa against prejudices ist usually 'sliow'tjiemsolyrs when an ad. vancn is niado to benefit lh. faettnn. nf tl 'piubiic schools. It -,behqovet our voters to select such Directors, It is to the position f Justice of the Peace that we more par ticutarly desire to a. Id less ourself. Tbls.we dara say, is the most Important and most responsible position In our township. In coasequence, of Its Impoi lance and responsi bility it demands tbst tbe occupant or er- sjn to be selected be equally responsible id Important. We have such a person in iewj nne who Is wnrtby of the positton,and merits the on fidence of our cilltens. He uld be s filling successor to Mr. Weiss whose term expires and who does not desiro reelection. The gentleman and oitiien whom We will name is Mr. Oeorgo It. Laury. tils broad liberalty,lucallon,aiid common sense view of public concerns e culiarly adapts anil Hts him for this pot ition. There can be nu question as'to bis billty to drcido Impartially, ai to ti e merits or demerits and according to law of ny dispute or violation brought before him as a Justice, In the event ol his selection He would adorn Iheoffic'e with dignity and creilit tn himelf and our people. He is tho candidate ol our citisens, not of a clique aud faction, and we hope that when ratifi cation day will be over he will belong to the siitvessttil crowd, and thereafter known us "luvious fruit" resulting from consistent cjnsi.leratinn on the pail of our voters. Yours, Ac, A Vutici, t,.nn(Ki 8:tsii f..w7 et c; mi- .oo Tl.SOl 99 Durhuatsbistorlc Itwasncutrslirround ilurinx tbeamilatlcc between Sherman nd Johnson. Soldiers cf both armies filled t'lrirpouchrmtlth the tobsocostored there, and, after the surrender, marched home. Trd. Soon order-i came from Eaft, Wert, Korth and South, for "more cf lb.it eloraut tobacco. Thcn,tcnmrnrananuuknouu factory Kowltemtloya8oarucn,urcstho tnk and pick of the Golden Belt, and the iittrhani llidl In tho trado.nurk of this, tho tbttolaccolntboTorla. lllackwclPs Hull Durham Smoking- Tobacco has tho laivcst ralo of any oaioklni; tobacco In the world. w.iy? Slniply bocsure It Is tbe fcf. All tlealerc havo it. Trado-mark of tho BulL LOOK OUT 1 1 DURHAM BULL I If heMrone foraracb. Iuneof Ularkwetil'M UuU piirliun Smoklnf? To-baUon,&shewutAld,he ivntuau i uac in??ii enT-nrt 1 lir ttm Hull. ,,000,000 Subscribers WAWTITTonUM. The merfren Afrtcul- rurtirio-aay is Dettertnun ever nciore. tve have increased our eorps of Kriliors and Artists. enlarue l and milled to all our De partments, until Ihe Periodical Is now the . rnj"KUsr. iriMiuiu: AiirioHliurai uurnai ui I lithe wyrld, presentlna- in every Isrue 100 Col gallon Iiuhh or (laliilKAL lUanlMi Matter from 1 - terms are low as the lowest. An institute will bo held In the Lutfi eran and Reformed church. In Ihe Quakakt! Volley, on Wednesday evening, Fb, 20. JBiT-A new lot ol CLOCKS. WATCHED and JEWELRY Just received at 8. HAGA .MAIN a blcire, Lreliigliton, I'd. Our young friend Harry E. Sweeny, nf Drilion, was nu n visit to his parents hero We Inerduy. and ilrrpKtl in to see us. Pay up yiuir subscription to the Anyn aATtc. and gel Jfculth and Ifome one year us a premium, a large 8 pugo monthly paper. The Bethlehem Cornet Baud on Satur lay evening furnished the mii'ic for the, lair now in prugressnt Centre Valley. John Gyupiber, Ihe sleeping Hunga rian, li now working in a slnte quarry ut Poll Argyl, Xorthauiplnn coiinly, , where Willi his newly welded wife be ulso ' keep a lluncnfian bounl'ng house. . Dillm 111,1110 wife hirudcrer to be liang. ed at Eastnn on the 12th iust, now churges fie cents fur prcernling himself before rul lers at thej ill. He uses tbe money lor buy ng tohncci, A-c, ifcfy-H. A. Belli, J. P. and Real Edna Agent, has several DWELLINGS on i LOTS, nlcelv Bit unto in the biri.ii.ih id Lit- inchtoii, which hu will sell nn very rnuson able terms. Apply 8"on. at bis offico at the upperz-nn ol uuiik street. reu. x 4w The llll suit of Jnnalhant Meek! against the Pottsville Miner' Journal for fJOOO damages, resulted last Saturday in a verdicl for one cent, 3nU.You can gel a set of Single Lich'i Buiigy llarnoss for Eleven Dollars, in pari nickle, ut M. Flory's Harness shop, neur ineranai uuire, iveissiairt, i'A. O.eriiU acres ol surface ground hat. cracked in tho vicinity of Pleasant Valley, Luzerne county, owing lo the props in old coul workings having given way. Lewis' Best White Lead at $7.00 a hundred at J. L. Gabcl's, for cash Twolva cars ol a freight Irnin were wrecked on the Lehigh Valley Railroad near Bethlehem nn Saturday, It took three hours to clear the track. ERUPTIONS. FORES, rimnles. Rlieiv nia-.isin are Inn tnniculors ot Impure, bloo. Acter's Blond Elixer is the remedy. Sold by Dr Horn, Lel.ig'iton, and E A Hum vnsKirl By an explosion ofdynamitn eir ridger, on the Erie und Wyoming Railroad, a short li.lanrc from Sctanlnn, foreman Jno. Mack and Thomas Norton, a workman, were killed. Richard, a five-vearold son of J. II. Campbell, tho, watchmaker, of town, died, altera ftr hours illness nf membranous croup, on Saturday evening last. He wa bright little fellow. Beady mixed paints at J. L. Gabcl's for S1.25 Shoe Nails for 20cts a pound "e ,h,t ib"e ,1'n,,,'11 1wuUr ll,me . ., , . T , .i i, tor such help, and the best time was the bv tlm box at J. L. uabel s. . .. 1 , , u j i . I recuaiton iieriou, lie hhuhi eircini fi.e-u For the week ending on llio 20lli ult., pjrl 0f ti,e tisne set apart for llio recitation there svere 93,819 tons of coal trans- i.. .liowine pupils how to get the next lea ported over the Lclilgh Valley railroad, gn. Pupils must be taught how tn study making a total to date nf 749,019 tons, a an, an bo done best by tome such decrease of 182,1211 tons as compared with .yjtemalic plan. same time last vear. tr n v. R,r,lil, ,.v.v, nn ih "llltrl, -A nuiqiio sieigiung party v.sueu ai- g . , - nf Study nf Carbon County." lentown & few nights ago. There were fourteen sleighs of the pattern of '70. Tho bells were cow bells. The riders were tressed in old-style costumes. One nf the sleighs, which was built 11U years ago resembling t boaluion runners. 10d. to 40d. nails ot J. lie made a strong plea in favor of inlroduc. tnglhestndy of the higher branches Into our high schools aa soon a pupils are pre- pared to take them up. He raid that the course ol study prepared by the County Superintendent ami nrincioals of the blgli schools, ha 1 Ihe effect id raising the stand i. finlM-l's 1(11 linlv S3. 00 llCl ardoflheseschmils. He said he believet! Iro.r I nr.lrc, 0 7A ni-r rln71 lh" ,lluc" K'HKl w" ocompils!ie.t by IV MrTj A. Snyder, Principal of the Le highlon SchiKile, also madeu stirring Sieech in lavor of haying pupils study tbe higher branches as soon as they are prepared for them. He said that tho course ot study for I on the schools in Ills charge. Ho said tha -A lcul Institute will lie held at Knit Muurli Chunk, on Feb. 10th", iflr.d ine nt Weatherly on Feb. 22nd nd,23rd. Hon. Henry Houck-will lecture in Miller's Hull A li. A .v.nln..r t-..l. l-ln.lt ,n.l Prnf. Wj '"" " a ... I.l.l. la .l II,. A. ..I. II,. I k., if I, ..!!.. . ,1 f rl. 11..I uul Mfcii .u.imj..u ,......, 111. IWIII'WH lUB5,BlllHHl,ICe."H ...vi I1 n I UIT I new school house will be dedicated on the '""' . , , " , evening of Feb. 21st. IThu .un l.w..v -fl ! ImnnBitU. I.. i,,.ve i...,re i.m ili... t.mfr uvhniHea than hv woul& leave sciiool were it not, :or mi ill iking candy at homt. You can learn how course, to m i every kind of line candy a dd at The last heriod of the "seislnn tho Coiinlv frufii ihntw.1,.,.1.1.. I.W "Itnw to M,ia Superintendent conducted a class drill Caxiiv." A'o Aoom can allnnl tu bs without I Primary arithmetic, showing how little It, dent pnuid ..r 30ct. (i le or two I children should be taught the four fuuda- cent Slumps iAUiircs, iuk ouaw,a, , , , whlcl the meeting rfd If our old comrades are dUposed to make a success 'of Ihe efliirt how making to eitabllah h Post of ihe -Oi A: H. in this bor o igh, they slmuld call at tbe Auvhcatr of fice at nice and sign the upplicjliou fur a barter and Jiay the qeceisarv loe, $1, if nut we will in the' co'urseuf a lew iuys return the mo:,ey tn those who have paid and drop tue mutter. Nutceill The Lehigh County Agricultural So ciely will meet in the Court House, at AI leutown, on Tuesday, February Alls, to elect iifficers, apaiinl commitleeiana train a-t such business that may come belure the meoting. Thers will be two candidates lor tho Presidency ol the Society, namely, Col. M. II. Horn,ot Catasauqua, and Euos Erd man, of Centre Valley, tbe present presid ing officer. jOThe best make of Setving Machines ami all kinds of musical instruments, at l-opulur prices, and warranted, at J. r, ILilbucb's, Bank street. iourncd. It was pronounced the best Luca Institute ever held in the town. Lower Towamenslng Items. Smith's saw mill, nn nccount of the ac cumulation ol ice, is ouly running. .half.' tune. Aug. Noll lias a contract to build house for A. Grosser, in 'Bowman's, to be complete in Hi" spring. Levi Itarleman has rented Ihe hotel at Bowman's, from John Balliet and will tak possess inn about April 1st, The comet is but faintly visible here many iiersnns were wondering in whic direction tn look fr it. A :ow belonging tn David Slrohl died last week from an over gorge of chop lo which it had gained access. Our pastor's salary will be due In Feb The deacons are now busily engaged mak ing collections tn meet the payment Thomas Zlegenfus, of rrryyllle, wa Early Saturday morning Ibe body ot a M.fr,r hurt by a locomotive on the rail man, about tiuny-iour years om, apparent- road, nt Catasauqua, a few days ago, ly a tramp, was found lying above the fir,t It was thought that his Inluries wou b iiiers of the ICeyslono Furnace, at Chain vt,,yt but later Indications are thi Dam, There Is no telling how or when he i,8 wj recover came lo hisdeulh; but It is believed that nil u rumore( ,0me time ago that th was suirocated by gas, and that Ihe lualy p, & lt hr , had purchase. the farm bud lain .there about a week. The remains Uj,, Mecndsen, for the purpose nf erecting wei so bloau-il und bl ekeneu irom ine riu,l hntiatj and car show at that wlnl steam, as to have the sppeumnce nl those of t1B spring, but inquiry of Mr, M. proves negro. Decom'iosition had already setin. ibe rumor unfounded. per Freddie, a six year old son of H. A. Bells, fell intn a wash-boiler of hot water one day last week and was severely scald, d about the body. The little fellow Is doing well a-If you wanta nlee.smo.ith.essv shave vnur hair cut or shampooing, go to Fran J Roedercr's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho- and accept ofonr Unparalleled Offer of the I tel. He will fix you right, and don't you . e- I orgei it. Arnqrican Agriculturist, the ablest writers, and nearly 101 llnl .iriAL irxvaTHATiai-a. ji is to ine interest ui every one whose subscription has expired, or whoehanalna- hlsrdacaol residence, orioov- Int West, has for ibe time belna; dropped out oi our urea Army oi ouuscuoers, to Come It sick For 1891. A 14.00 Periodical. A GOO-Page Dictionary, 1009 Illustrations. "Foes or Friends 1" Morris' 11x11 Snperb Plate Engraving. "In the Meadow," Pupre's Kill Superb Plate KBgraving. OR 12 Pieces ol Sheet Music, In place ot the Dictionary. illl for POST-PAID. AOTIYF. OANVASSLRS WANTED. Send two 1-eent stamps ri r Sample I opr. and see what a WONLEIiFUL Paper Ills now, Address ORANGE JUDD CO. DAVID W. JUDD, Prte't. -Jacob Schott received severe Injuries In a 8lsllngtou state quarry, on Wednclsy of last week, anil was taken to St. Luke's bos pttal, died nn Friday evening. His remains were sent to Slatin glon lor interment. Prof, Lroa Is negotiating to walk a rope at Mauch Chunk some time In July, Tbe rope will be stretched Irom back of the Mansion House acns the river to tbe other mountain, and will beat an deration o' about six hlltld'ed feet ul Ihul ..int. .uftoiks, stationery and all Ihe D l y aid Weekly l'.i-r., Inmi'li'd lonniptlv a il l t lowe.t pruvs, hi j r lUlbacra wu doors aboya Thomas' drug store, Bank a lu-t, ll 1 borougn. The Weatherly Herald shows evidence of success, by alm.-el doubling its site. We are leased to 11 da hl fart, nnd congralu late friend Smith on the result. We.unda Hand that our young freid Mr. F L Heber, of Kisl Wi-lasi'rl. hat purchase.! the cigar and nhun,ietailbd There was untiling found un him by which he could be rrcogniied. -The Schuylkill County Auditors, after a I mouth's work, coccluded nud filed their re port Monday, The county disbursements lor the year foot up $271,000, of which $21,- 000 were for llio prison and $78,000 tor the FraniUaTowujlilri. ' Mama Fcf.tci, Jan. 2? ,18?4. L.i..jjtliliii,ll WKISJFQnr LETTER. Kahonlnff Fo,ulit- 7 I Frank 0 Iberl lost t few fi'M tro" Mr. Henry Mcmullen bat t gain become, cb0ra. a mideot of J.ast WritsporL For tha pit! j Jinei Dilcbert, of otahtnoy City spent Sundsy with blsrnnther, Misses Either and Bell Itogee, of Summit Hill, era visiting in the yalley. oust Miller bought the farm o cad fear he hat resided et Lehighton Frank Zimmermen, who has been 0- 1 . 1 r .1 , .1. ... I L3 . 1 . I . mm r Editor ApvoCATt-l-iWiJr.. iMuncspal 7 . , . w TThJ r.Tea .iMi.-ir.v.A.t;. i.fci.e-1.1-.- .., J1- unly, returned to We,tsport lilt So,tur.Uy. V u-LXlIl.-.-, I. C.lt .C i..-nlr,a 1 i..wiw,inuuuiniiun v ......... 'asking tor s' ynte: ' A man,' of- necessity, aiouiu ue a -common nanou to luuycoiue up to what It asked nf him. An agreeable surprise party was given to lnbtBcf Bchrv-lbcr, one of the oldest res! dtnlt of Weltsport, Isst Satutday evening. Thepaity wit in bonoi other eighty -tecuud birthday. We learn that Mr. Geo. II. Lttiry, of East Welts port, It mentioned and urged by his friends fur Justice of the Peace In Frank- lla township. Tbe people across tbe canal could tare worse and hardly better tn tbo lection of their J. P. Our popular young friend Mr. AmsnJ- us Kibbler, from Towamensing township, gavetisavery pleasant call on Monday, He was on hit wty home Irom Bethlehem, where he hst been employed during tbe past year as chief clerk In tbe Company's (tore. Protracted meeting,, which haye been In progress eyer since New Year's night, came tu a close on Monday evening. The meetings weie fruitful of good results. A large number nf our young men and women found peace and satisfaction with their Blessed Redeemer. Penance and proba lion will henceforth be their lot If they pro pose to"remtln steadfast to their promises and vows, tits Ihe sincere liopeol well wish1 erf that such will be their demonstration. Jacobcs. Tbe Penna. Mutual Fire Insurance Co., hat levied an extra assessment nf per cent, nn nil policies bearing premium notes to cover losses sustained by the Shen andoah fire. This baa caused great dissat isfaction among its members in this vicln- ily, because they have ti pay 8 per cent. Important Acta Fatted by tha Legislature, We append a summary of some impor tant lawt passed by tho last Legislature wlili'h will doubtless be of interest to all our readers: An act granting a gratuity of $10 and an annuity uf$l20 to those soldiers of tho war of 1812 or their widows,wbo have nut before received pensions. An act to prohibit cities, boroughs and municipalities from levying any license or mercantile tax upon person 1 taking orders fur goods by sample, or individuals or com panics who pay a license or mercantile tax ut their place nt business. An act giving power lo Ihe Courts o Quarter Sessions, with the concurrence ol nn gruml jury, to change the li-uitsid anv uco-imrated borough in tho Common wealth.. Au act tu nrovide free evening schools fur cnihlreii ntxive six years 01 age. An act eiiitHiwenug borouati authorities to lay lout wulkanloiig the eidea ot turnpike mails lual may be witiiin the borough 11111 Its, and to u-ess the eume on the owners nl the adjoining pro,erllei. An ait n quiring imitation butter and cheese to be marked with the words "oleo margarine butter," and "imitation checee.' Au act providing that the ownera of all three story hotels, reminaries, college, academies, hospitals, asylums, store houser, factories, maiiulacloriea or work ahops atiu tenement houses, and tte directora of the schools, to have affixed lo each ut Bix win liows 1111 the third fhior a chain, ten feet in ength, attached lo which shall be u rope of sufficient length to roach to the g'ouud. An net t-ruvnlitig that at Ihe next election for borough cum-llmen two shall be elecUd to serve lor one year, two for twu years ami two lor three years, and at each succeeding election to elect tuo to serve for three eura Alsi, provming Dial councils shall have nwer to fill vucuiiciea occurring in their own bodies. Au art providing a penalty of not more than S2U0 and Imprisonment not exceeding three months, lor wrsons selling by false be.i nu, scales, weights and measures. An act providing that illegitimate chil dreu born of the same mother shall be cup able of inheriting trom each othor. An ad providing that manufacturers ui venders nf nostrums and patent medicine, shall iy a mercantile license. jn act prohibiting tbe ailet nr advertis ing of lottery tickets or policies. An art iirovuilnz that anv person wli.i shall luriiish a voter with a t-cket lalsely representing tu him thul it contains certain names thereon, shall nav a fine not exceed ingtlilOoi undergo an impiis iniiieiit not exceeiiingone year. An act to pievcnt political parties from assessing mntrihutiniis ilwn public officers or political pur'ioses. At act empowering the Court ol Qu-irter .Sessions to chaugu the dividing lines bo tween ailjoin ing boroughs were said lintt searaie ihe prnperty ol Ihe tame owner in to two nr more purls. Au act authorizing county commissioners to uiscnarga prisoners Irom Jail without proceeding ununrllie insolvent law. An act to prohibit '.be receiving and de taluing of children in almshouses. An act requiring Ihe assessors of the next triennial assessenieut tu atseas and return timber lun, Is separate from cleared lands. An art providing that the wages id ser vaut girls, washerwomen, clerks, mrchan let, miners, laborers and othera shall br prelrrred and first paid out of the proceeds 01 sale nt the property nl Insolvent ileblors An act providing that the term idothceo every borough officer herealler elected sha' expire on the hrat Monday of March an that borough auditors shall periorin lliel work on the second Monday of March, ex cepi as to ine accounts 01 school treasurer. Faekerton Rlpplsi. So far but little Interest It manifested in the coming election. Tho new Iron bridge at Glen Onnko Is rampleted and ready for general tratHc. At soon at the weather permits wnrk will be resumed on the second round bouse at Lehighton. Mrs. DuFour. wife of Dr. W. M Du Four, of Willlimsport, Pa., is visiting at Mr. W. I,, Stiles'. The new building, in which will be homed the pay car aud Judge Packer's prl vate car, will soon be ready for muf. No doubt our representatives are hop ing for an exlra session. Never, well. hardly ever, have they enjoyed such & bo nanza. The revival meetings In the M. E. church, under charge of Rev. Powell, con tinue in interest. Over tilty haye prolcsicd conversion more are seeking. Why don't some good butcher drive into Packerton. The residents ou Lehigli avenue are in need of meat regularly (urn isbed. Let some one come. E. P. Wilbur, nf Bethlehem, has been appointed Genl. Manager of tho L. V. RR, He is posesssed of great financial ability not given to speculation, therefore will b n safe man at the head of the coronation Doton, Rickert and Williams, the last a standing candidate, are hoping In be, nominated for County Treasurer. It sometime yet beforo they can know, but II. e Joy ol being a candidate is quite a couipen sation. Will tho County Commissioners attend the matters repirled by the Grand Jury? Will Judge Drebe.'i remarks bo sufficient arouse them tn that point, namely: thu Ihe people hare rights which eveu lb Commissioners are bound to respect. It is safe to assume thai Keifer, ol Ohii will comoout second best in hit encounter with Gen. IloynlonT There may be an op portunity for him lo make tho suprune ffort of hie lifc,but the prist of the country wont sympathize with him much, how ever; meanwhile we await the rqwrt of the Congressional Committee. Turiti' reformers may as well take a back seat. The iVcM has added one Porter the editorial stall', his intimato relation ith the great lnduttiies of tho country. learned at Long Branch, are of such a char acter that alt the efforts of Morrison, Car lisle and others will be of no avail. We ust haye a high tarilf, a bloody snirl.riyil service reform, a Republican Presidml. or mr country will goto the dogs. Axx. 1 1. ei. . . .. J.. li.li.. . 1 I nnusiiuuse. i ... nuoitor. u.K...jr c.m......u 11p.rt ou their fttmam uolr, everv ma ruor iri.civiira .or liaviug ruiiucou .no expenses $15,000 below ibe sum expended last year and urge them to still greator ex -firenr no hre, by special agreement with tho agent. ConriDZXcr. ertiont in tbe tame direction for tbe present gig Creek Itemt. year. Governor Pallisoo hat appointed tba following commission of operatort and miners, who, with tbe six mine Inspectors, are lo revise tha anthracite mine ventila tion laws: J, II. Swoyer and James Fisher, of Luzerne county; Thomst ' Phillips and Jamea Brennan, Schuylkill) Alexander Ful ton and Thomas Honey, Northumberland; A. Riley and David Walsh, Columbia; Samuel Hines and James While, Lacka wanna, and M. T. Keinsrer and Philip Coyle, Carbon. John Richards, inside superintendent at the Greenwood Colliery, near Tainaqua, j met Willi u terrible death shortly niter go ing lo work Monday morning. He was moving about llio topnfllie sto, walling to enter the iini-e, when he tudurtily slipped on the lea and fell to the bottom of tie slope, a distance nfone hundred and j th ily fivii yards. Ha was instantly killed. 1 Mr, Richanlt was an expert miner and to y p. p ilar at a mine official. Me ai William Shnenberger hat a aieh hone, but we learn he is slowly improving. David Graver and wife, from Batb, went through bere last week to Walakivill on a visit to his parents and friends. Joel Blose and family, of Washington township, Lohlgh county, was bere on a Visit to friends. Sleighing parties are now quite fashionable. A sleighing party from this place went up lo Mr Kemerer't Frldsy evening where tiey enjoyed themselves highly till Iwrlte o'clock, when Ihcy all returned to their re'. epectivi- homes. On Friday last Jieph Oraver and Henry Neeh loaded load of hay and started lor Mauch Chunk and when at IU ber's dam 11 1 wet. They had a Jsin for a tlmrt time lilt it "at loaded ajaln and then only 00110 lo Weirsp nt where I hey sold it. A leap year any would be In order, Casualties in the Mlnet. The casualties in the mines of the an thracile region of Pennsylvania during 1883 have been furnished by Ibe several mine ins-iectors, from whom It is learned that there were a total nf 168 accidents, Ollhese,323 resulted fatally, making 153 widowt And rendering fatherless 512 children. The accidents ere distributed among th various district as lollnwsi PotliTille Samuel Gay,inspeclor,78 injured, 18 killed 5 widows and 12 orphans; Shenandoah Robert Manchlaln inspector, 185 Injured 47 killed, 21 widows and 79 orphans; 8hamokin, James Ryan inspector, IDS in 'Jured; 4 killed, 39 widows and 119 ornh rns; Uatleton, Jamea Roderick Inspector, 171 Injured, 40 killed, 35 widowt and 87 orphtns; Wilkesbarre,'G. M. Williams, In spector, 400' Injured, 83 killed, 38 widowt and 95 orphans; Scranton, Patrick Blewitl Inspector, 351 Injifed, 80 killed, 31 widow tfnd 120 orphans E-lliiiallng 3lfl.000.000 tnnt aa the total production, II glvet an average of tn.OOtl tons to each death, 200,0011 tn each wid and 80,000 tons In eacn orphan caused bv by lh lata Oabrlel Dilcbert deceased, for flcns. Frank Balliat and hit sister Atntnda were vlsltiug Irlends at Lynnrille, Lh Kb courtly, during last week. Mid Mary Stewart, teacher of th Centra Square achoul, spent Sunday w.tb litr parcuttai a.ansiorn. Mist Louisa Kllngenitu,nf Stelusrille, Lohigh county. 1st llsitiug at ber tisttrt, Mrs. E. S. ttoppes. Mrs. Solomon Kemerer died very tud denly last week from apoplexy. Iter re mains were interred at me ueu caiein church. East t'enn, on Monday. Mr. Frank Eberls. who hat liereloloie butchered for bit hither, will engage In the business for himself at While Hear. We wish him success. -Ou Tuesday of last week Mrt Solomon Siller broke her leg above the ankle, by the upsetting ol the sleigh on which the wat ruling. -Candidatct for offices nt the February election are looking up their rhatices lor election. We hnpo good wrsont will be chosen lor sc.iool directors unit supervisors, Mr. C Frank Siller will, In the near future, go lo Freelaud, Luzerne county, where he will engago In the buichailng business In partnership Willi William Eberls. We wish him suocess. Dart nnd Dates. For tbe year 1884 days and dales of Ini Krlant events, anulyeruriet aud holidays will fall at follows: Sedusgeslma Sunday, February 1 0lh. St. Valcntine'tday Thursday, February 14th. Washington's birthday Friday, Febru; ary 2M. Shroyo Suuday, (Fuitnacht-February 21lh. Ash Wednesday February 27lh. First Sunday in Lent March 2d, 8t. Patrick's Day-Monday, March I7lh. Palm Sunday April 8th. Uod Friday April 1 1 th. Kilter Sunday April I3lb. Low Sunday April 20th. Rogation Sunday May 18th. Ascension day, (Holy Thursday) May 22,1. Decoration dav Friday, May 30lh. Pentecost, (Whit S1111d.1v) June 1st. Trinity Sunday June 8th. Corpus Christi Thursday, June 12th, Tnileiiendnnee duv. Friday. July 4th. Michaelmas day Monday, September 20lli. Thanksgiving day November 27lh First Sunday In Advent Nyemher 30th Christmas Thursday, December 25th. 'li-JJI -t-" Th Slate Industry. Tho great variety of uses lo which slate pill, aside from ils superb rity for roofing pur'ioses, has of late years giyen n great im- eiiis to Ibe trade, ami much capital las gone Into the slate business, and many new qnarrles have been ojiened in Lehigh ai d Northampton Counties,aud the old quarrbs more fully develoeil. The trade is in a ealthy condition, and the operatort In and bout Slatlngton aro working Ibair eslub- shmeuts with full complements ol meu. A fowdays ego David Williams, of Slat ngton, was offered $100,000 for his quany, but be declined, tn tell, as the quarry yields him a return equal to any Investment, nf twice that amount- If progress continues the same ratio in the future as it has in the past few years the slate Industry nfthls section will rival iron in its importance, The cheapneaaaud suierionty for room g ptmmsea are deinnnitrated Irnm the fact that the cost of 100 square fret nf slate roof ing is JH.JII; of boards, 7; i tin, H.50; ol alungles, $1; ofrorriiguled Iron, &8. The lifenfa slate naif Is sixty yrars. hoards, eight; nf lin, twenty; nf shingles, twelve, and of corrugated iron, tweiilv veers. The average cot per vear for 100 to'iare fret nf elulu roofing ia 71 rentspif tin 32) cents; of Uiardt, 25 rente; of alnugles, 33 rents, and of corrugated iron, 30 rents, Death on the Rail. Ono of the saddest accidents that we haye been cilh-d upon to chronicle for s me time, says last Saturday's Weatherly Jftr aUM-curre l here on WrdnesJoy ufteri oon resulting in the death of Amos Helter,acar Inspector, employed at the car shops. A section of loaded cars were being run upon one of tha numerous tracks opposite the shops whsn Mr. Heller, who was evidently unaware nf their rapid approach, attempted to cr s tho track and was knocked down the first four cars P iing over III in and crushing the left sido nf bis body in o most horrible manner. The wheels of the fiftli car were sliding, and when they t ruck htr.i the unfortunate fellow, who wadubt -eu then beyond all p'lvsVal eulf-rliic wat t'loved along bfore Ihein for mure than q larter of a mile. An Inquest was held oyer the nritltaled remains bv Coroner Li ham, the verdict f the jury being aid-d-sntal death. Mr Heller wus formerly a resident of TJushkill, Tike county, were the remains weie taken Friday timmlng for interment. He wat about 45 yrart old and was hurried, bul'had no children. Hit heart broken wife,, who survives him, I at lh.- sympathy nf the entire community in her tad affliction. Tiieie seems to be every probability at the Lehigh river will bo bridged at AI- ntoWn, so that the E.ut Penn road can be innected with the Lehigh aud Susqui anna, which would give tha Il-nding road its own an I the shortest line between Ilirrisburg and New York. This will be very imfiortant route when the South Peunrjlvania road is completed. The road has already made its surveys fir bridging le Lehigh. The Lehigh Valley rillroad company Is at present having a new wrecking car luill at Packerton, and when completed It will itti its crow, bo located poroi ineiitly eith r at the East Peuc Junction or South Uelblehein. An Anil t of the Ruined PottsvllleBank. The Miners' Trust Company Bank, i Pottsville, in Is78 failed, with liabilities amounting to a million and a quarter ol lollars. Tuesdsy afternoon John P. Ho bart filed Ihe repr.it of an atujit of the ac cunts of II. C. Rustell and S. II. Madden tba assignees. Tbe report shows that Ihr have in hand for distribution $12,235 92, nr 3 83-1000 per cent, of their claims. It recommends that tba claims of the Hunts- Ingers, who we-e Ihe virtual managers of the bank and who had big depotllt to their credit In it, be retained, at numerous suits are pending against (hem to recover a prop erty alleged to have been bought with tb fundi of the institution and put In Ibei names. Huntslngers' cnunrel hsve taken exceptions to Ihe finding nf Mr llobart. STOCK MARKETS. Reperled up to 12 o'clock, by De Haven le Townsend .Bankers.No. 38 8 Third Street, Philadelphia. Stocks bought and told either lorcssliornn margin. PMIadtlph-.a, Jan. 30. 1884. II SVs. Ext U 8 Currency 8's IT S 41. new US4 Pennsylvania R R Philadelphia .V Reading K It.... Lehigh Valley R II - Lehigh Coal A- Navigation Co... Uniit N J R 11 Canal Co .... Northern Central R II Co Ilcstonville Pus". R R & Bull', N. Y. A Phlla. R R Co... Vew Jerrey Central Northern Pacific Con " " Prefd North Pennsylvania R R Piiladelphiu A- Eria II R Silver, (Trades) bid asked ..100) ...133 ...1141 1141 ..1231 121 58 ... 27 ... 071 ... 44) ...194 ,. 58 . IS ... 9 ... Ml ... 13 ... 47J .. m ... In ... 3 PLAIN TRUTHS Th blood b tho foundation of life, it tfrttilfttet through every part of the body, nnd unlets It it pirej nnd rich, good health It impossible. If disease has) entered, IhVritem the ny jure and rulck way to drive) It out it to purify and enrich, lha' blood. '. . i These tlmplo facta are well known, and the highest medical authorities agree that ntthtnf but Iron wilt restore the blood to Its natural condition; and alto that all the Iron prcpamionihltierta made blacken the teeth, cause head-, ache, and are otherwise injurious. Brown's Irom Bitters will ihor. (Highly and quickly assimilate with the blood, purifying and strengthen, ing it, and thus drive disease front auy part of the system, and it will tic! blacken the teeth, cause head, ache or constipation, and U pon lively rift injurious. Saved his Child. i; N. Butaw St., Dalikaer, iti, Feb. ti, iBSa. Cents ! Upon the recomineaoa tlon of a friend I tried ErowVa Ikon Cinirii at a toaie and re. siccative for tny daughter, whoa. 1 was thoroughly- convinced waa watting away with CoruumpUon. Having lost three daughters by tha terrible disease, under th. care of eminent physicians, 1 waa loth to. believe thai anything could arrest the rrogms of tba cuaeaM, but, to ny arcat surprise, before roy daugh ter bad takn c-netotUeof BaoWM'a Iaon Uittcrs. the began to vend and now h quite restored to torraee health. A tmh daughter began to show signs ef Coosumpdoa, and svhta the physician was consulted he quickly said "Tonics were r. mitred- nnd when Informed that the cider sister was taking Dkowh's Inot Dimas, responded "that la a good tonic, lake It." Aoora-M Puius. Crown's Iron Bitters effectual, ly cures Dyspepsia, Indicestion and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasting diseases as Con. sumption. Kidney Complaints, etc, Try Piuo Remedies. Forthe Cure of Consumption. Asthma, Hem. orrhage. Diphtheria, Croup. Whooping Uouvh.l'neuinonl.i.Catarrh.l.'onKbs.Colds, Sore Throat and all llronehlal Troubles. It Is a wonderful preparation of Pine and Honey, and Is workluu n radical revolution the treatment and euro of all causes of Ihe above flsearef. KuilAKorr ulves Instant relief ci'Aouf fail, und with hilililul use will effect a ruuld unit perlect en re. It absolutely dues not contain either opiate, narcotlo or uuy Injurious druir, aud Is n ri'iiKLr ruin, su h nu 1 An ati or. A tiiialwIIi contlnoe you or ttsinorlts. If toil would alwavt test sure of the safely of your ehtldren during In. clement wottherand at all tin e. aei p a bot. tlo In your medicine ehesr. Send for pamph let to l) A.LKW1S & t,O..Solel'roprletoir, iOS fhapel Street, New lluven.Ut. Pink nirrims. Pmti KinxcvAitn Ltvxn Pit. La, Pinb I'l.Aainua and Pisk Halm. Sold by Druggist!. Janltf-uitur Fall & Winter! Ol I IB r 1 1 -rU a ' I (fe; 3 co O X ' f I ejj to TrVft i m r I I to o SH 21i 87V 44J ivn it) 16 n an 231 47J f.K m DIPHTHERIA! TIIIJ I'llOSTRATION which follows Diphtheria, and the persistency with which It clings to tho patient, aro v.-cll Known to all Mio havo had any experience wllh this terrlblo disease. Tbe following letter Bbows how Iho re etorlns and Invigorating properties of IJ J' overcome it, ana ttOOQ S how by ItaUz- Ing and enrich- tho blood It neutralizes and eradicates the poisoned matter from It, bringing to tho convalescent tho color, lifo and vigor ot robust health. IxrtTr-r.r. Mam. Sfvcan. C T. ITnnn tz I'ai.i llrntleinelt Jlyllttlor.trlliad tho diphtheria laat. April. Thetllsasolcftliervery weak, blood loor, Mlthnorppt'lltc, andtlio could not seem to rally I , o:.l Its cllects. Hoc n'a Sausai-ai:i u 1.A .-.ts icconimcudcd Ly a neighbor. Afkr tho l..id hi I li I ailing It n few days v. o noticed a chanrjo f. r tho Letter alio began In cat with a it'll h. It aeemcit to tain out tl.a pnison i:.o disease n.iu icit inner uhhhi. iuu Sarsaparilla "The Book-Clnb." There will be a publla ineetlngil the 'Bo-.k Club" held ill R-ber's Hall, this (Saturday) evening, Feb.Jnd. The tul-jrcl chauro brlnR very noticeable in lier lice, of Hi. nvenlne'. mnaidaralion is "I, there "'0 llKllt it IWO r.ionlhs and fully regained ol Ihe evening a mnsiuoraiinn is, is inne i,cr i.c-iii,. mucli loour tScllcht. V0 now n.ore In approve than ti condemn In the reroinmend lloon'a rjAIisAi-ARll-LA v.itli a character of Oliver l.'romwellf The e.) - Erea'U"J 01 pleajurjt bw?!!?" im' nimtterlteld StrccX. H. JEE. Peters' Merchant - - Tailoring ESTADLISHMENT. Pott (iffloe Dutldlng, opp. Publle Square Bank Street, Lehighton. A full lino of OENTS' FURNISIIINU UOODS, at Lowest rrleer. mar-fj -vtl 5'31S. Sd3tess1iIV BaTalaTalaTaaB His IB W IM J Si i s a w ifli.li Deeember 1-wtO ... C......ul ...... . L . u ' . '""""a ELECTION TICKETS neatly and' , , 1 rrinx nai our Lett wisbea lor tuccesi io bit i"" "'r rr'.v """X ong jrar .710; Broadway, New Yorkj lj.w departure. oirden, 'and geftha-a filled wbtUyou wait, 1 we thoiild think, by ihe numbea of yaung , District eighteen deaths werecauseil br r fellows standing on the corners, as we ar ' tons tailing down shal'tsthat had not begun fi fly ye.rs of age, married and lesided at pretty .11 re tinno nl them are engage.1, at to produce coil. There wat a noticeable Ucar town. ELECTION the development nl the anthracite Industry I i,.iire Tilgh. M. Ballirl, Dr. J. L. Bauer r rt 1 . t -tti I 7 ZZZ L,:r,",,',Df:c;T:,Ir- vr:,k' ,!:,?'"'! "That Extreme Tired Feclinrr." . ... ' ... . .. -. 'unity in invite ti.e pui.ro 1.1 auenu mis ..T,, ,,nt;o haa done mv daurhtcr a oeiuni inarasuaiiirs. 10 ihe w ilkesbarr ,!,,,. f 11,. ni.it. .i.d lunilni'arlv .1,. m-ent .lent i.f nuuli l .-r lol docs In t riia. : .' . r.n.. 1 1 r ,,.. ... e ,iiu el A a.tlTer from that I extend a cordial of Lehighton, Invilatluuto the citizens TuxSto. tress I.tr lioiv, lit r dots r l.o tucr from that . . . , , . . .-1 .. I .... 1 1,1 I fn m taUuig Uoob'a Saeisai'AC1.u." Ihey seem to be waiting for tomvtliiug to! increase In the number of donrhnya killed A youth name.1 William Hancock, em- turn up. George Ruck sold a horse In Charles Peppy on Thursday but for I W0. JoiUTaU. Bold ty all druggist s. ITtce 1 1 a bottle ot tlx boltlis for (S. ITepsrrit ly C. 1. HOOD & CO.i Apothecaries, I.owctt, Mass. &a g Sis w in 0j E1 1 inn during the year over I8J. During Ihe last ployed In Nu I shaft, Nveqnelionlng, ws ten vrart 2463 lives have been Inatin lha caught between two ears In Ihe gangway. district, 1274 women road widows, and ion Tuesday cf last week, and crushed to JJooSs iwHt-Povdcr, Onty JJ Cents. 4155 culldrtu rntdi falitrlert. dsith. ' TeV. r, Itwly lllaWTTn T.AlllK.t TO TAKF. (' It WNEW Fnney wnrk at Ihelrhnmes.ln rl f or e -uniry.und rrn an lS12e rweek, ' maktnx auoda f- r our Winter a id Spring traile. Sand If c fortainpleand lutil QU' ra. 1 HUDSON MFO. CO., SM BtxtU, At , lh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers