i r 4 8.11. f.nlMii, ....i-Ut,iw,Aniw,riinJ P. MI3UELLANE0US.' nun In Di--I.ll.ii i I ctife, Oi rri when tiitr-tili Jailwm's I'-hH Tar8;mi - lIffi.lTO hit iisTioW ci mas, n lose t-'injpM inl doctors' blunders, Jljl'O rli .kifj lHl rtt. 'iB Oh--MfiBft.lf vd ti,h ki u.iuMiili4ijtfrtiin iimihhigj Tji.eft Ii, nm .'jaiie-taw, j..t-oUIii'. I'in TKr-.f X'P h iim ,b -, li Mtlcj-t-enhi nim-il. talu TkonMs'-alrirji u.r. ... : - . ,) fie t'fcruiil-.fir vuur 1-aoccs,lors,.biil for v-nr virtues. . 1'" ti's B nPitiy ntys hec'in' slMpiwllli 1' a f nMiheJin'g tiut'ortfio-WlndilWitho M -t hf tartttfir niiJIiiH, IMio nurnclyi ho fiiiiihia lnWfli m jil 'auptily t)lt.Jmlwln; rmoTar'Sjcnip. IVcnJyi it.ls.is- Ifului lr the alU ctnUJ Kricc,-Zoo. HJid il.-per bollle. For sale ntiflji.niop' drug store.- ltp&uly"ty. worse, than wjno it Intoxi cates bhtli liltdtM beholder. . " -l)Uimn-;'lf Dr. T. A. 6nnirr,tsys: "ilr- n'c lfen Ujttcrs gives ciitiiesutl:tio lion." . . Xovcr.tet your zeal outrun your char ity. "riicjVrn cr Is lut human, the Ialt6r'is divine, , , , ACKER'S M.OOD Kl.IXlirig'uaritnlec'il; w-ll I'liio till kmili nl LlfHi.1 Hti0iiriiiiCi i't hirtit'l or cmth'artetf. .)Knif by )(.. Uofu, If li'lt'in. injil ; IJorti, Wcifsjott. Voii limy- dtpc'tid upon il Hint lie i a Kind )j3fS tthoiio Iritfniuta fAeiiila ore nil A. fii-"Rv pi 0 ?J 1 rU "T. ns ; s .1 i TiMnedy fur Cjhub, ()IH d.H ni L C-iln lupl i)ii. . DoM for ir- onVfuiinintrnJrtiKj-lJr Horn, Ljcbighton, Bin! B;A;ltirn, WMtf-pnu. - - Ci.fjiaiacjiri;fi., luan'ccvlofjlyle, In all Hfll ettyrcWe- taHltaitd' is sim-Iili.nlaHwjT-a u ii .. -1 , m , Cj'ljy fjfr'ujfbpiill Jojsl Jjtiiyo ono county pirjietyaiid Unit pnpi-r ah)iilll bo I ho ADVuCATtVittch' cnptfljutftl ibo utest lo cal iiaw Oirly-.fl.00 nyrnr. ' tr. (5rfl'es ' ffen7t Ilrgulolnrjcnrcs all foinia. uf. Ill-alt -Disease, uelvousncss and slicp-e-sncs?,. t . IVefry ia'ttio ufli'rnnro of Irulli, dtep lipintftOi truth. Tbq true poet fa very near the Or-Hrl, : " Ktntir;ilio croat noo remedy and luint'liwih F, Inn'tmdly rrlli'Vrs and iii'tunlly curff ri.lij-hfi.VciMs, uttKiiia, xousuiiiptioii; aa no (ilbVrTeiiraly.cau.' - lni h is rcstrHiun on your plcaanrr; B-' c.iulioua that tboy injure no Icing which baa life. ' , OlTAn.NlEi:i to euro n cold or roujjh A(,k('iiri'liiilwlXni;ljth1IieJnaJvS"ld by Dr 0 T llcnu, Ltlngfdoii, ami lT Horn, MtifSporT'"" " " " ' That whToITU fl'riUng.and beautiful is rint filwnyi goNl, but.U.at.hiih ie good is' 'always beautiful. ' UM,.,i, n rri.,it .lii.t inn I,. "tlr inf. lArfil tmd liio'n'f jotpt by tvhlch I wascu'red.j llv liKliti' .laitwin's Tor uyrup. iioiinis, on Uunlt street, sella it. . Tim rreritf lupplneas la never to nl ,low your energies lo stagnate. i3"Vhv mir.TwItli niabirint Emorv'a Stamtnrd Ouro fills urn Infallible, nrver ifjil to euro tho most nbstinatn case;; purely vegetable, mutalu no quinine, mercury or BBSS 1 O? ALU 1 I 9a Wi 1 ipfncri'srrtTio' . ,o. i .cvrtao voridtis i f --)-k .tc jr .;io idler or bI ' ' ' U i! J I.'- I' 1 ' ii Jaoilolr.o 81 - i - .. l r.'iiin no :i'o fir.coriCS i -"T.'r.lmoul ! i wlthc.nt r.u equal. i;cj lirt.li imtl nm?"lc to f t: : i-uiKii'' tho contlnu-iy.-I i:if.nTnin.ttinn iinpos : i'i trpvi ilirnrn rior.'wu'il rurilQ.i i.ru squall rouiluio . . : . , & . .- iV C luin-js i.u,3 cf . fnin-.vrnltclilcr Imrii ,T t i the:i.i::.tio lunrsyrj jo- ' .' 1 m vftiityuioi iiorro or ox - .imk Jit u u us $1 czn v. - - c-'7'i nnil 1 0- r i C7 E3 E?.OS ' t wnj we.lry,ofllf,ml Innesd forrftydentbj 'Klr nil lliroush t,ho ycura, l'd beeii .coucjuii ,. , w , And Ihoupnt every night that I d loosa ni.v Vi braUi,. . , . for Kvaa rouchin'g'ihlrself (A'Tiiy ri'ffih". J had fjlven' up , wye, allnopt my life. "i it J j.-i triwiiiiiiijis.Wi!iimitKJiy il r t'ni i, rp-e(ii cut? tticU allmeuts of. 'tl f.. -tSi -i, f'rrcntncs. fittflf ;j -1. tt5.irtr't(l .-:-j:t;e3, n i4w, ik.41 Lrumca niltlRl V ' I T.lu-lCTlfj lAtr.l nail .( ., 'i'dle', Jnmi msi, Clil i.tC' "rv.A'ro-ti.'cfi, f!.tllIntns. in- "'iii'.y, C:- Jlrenet. mill ii 1 try f,i'i i c eiterutl Cls- e. ?3 wi-iil wnri. r " l-rfV 'T 0."T Itcm-oi '. -i. tfwtir.v. Kti'Y .T,il;i(. ID ill., firiiHm, Wind- Win, T.iitii, 5:iilcl'IIC, I ' i J'oM i '111. I ...ii uuoli ' u f "Hi cv-. clti c (tUiiirlll . i lu-a t-i-o ii.if.ii- lliataitt; X.lulmont i unit lovcc tu-.jii)c.ts: iioisnna of any Iclndi plenant to take, augar coated. All drngglsta--25 and 60 ceula. Ke who can at all times sacrifice pleas ure to duly, approacliea sublimity. SO-Well rtreased nennlo don't wear dingy or failed tilings when lOe. and guar niilei'd Diamond py'o will make them good ni new. They aro perieil. Uel nl lruc- Kists and b t-coiioinieal. Wells, Kichard- sou A: Co , liurlington, Vt. - Girls we love lor what they are; men Inr what tbey promise to bo. "I have no fnitli in patent medicines" Is the common expression of some incredulous popple, who hnvo been "taken in" by the voluminous relerenoes oi soino nostrum. Hut il don't stolid the test. I-'nr Jadwiii's I'ino Tar Hyrirjrwe-only ask- a llial. Gu to Tlionins lor it. Tholersa man tlilnVs or knows about his vlitue tbe belter we like lilm. CATAUIIII. For twenty years I was a siiU'fter fr;m raturrh of tho head ami lliront. By a few upplirnlinni of ElyV Orenm TlJlm I leoeived decided benefit- was cured by one bottle.--tharlotlo l arker, Wnyerlv, N. Y. I was troubled with chronic catarrh and gathering in head; was deaf at times, had olfc'iargea - from ears, unable to bicathe through nose, llpf-tre Ibo second buttle of Ely's Cream Balm was exhausted 1 was cured. C. J. Oorbln, 023 Cliesluut street, Philadelphia, Vj. Prosperity is nojust scale; adversity Is the only balance jo weigh friends. Theonly selenlifio iron medicine that does not producn heudache, Ac, but gives lo tho system nil the benefits of Iron with out lis tii.il etiects, Is urown's irjn Hitlers. Tho certain way to bo elicited is to fancy one's self more cunning than others. - HUNDREDS Wrllo thev owe (heir life and present good health to Acker's English Ifemeilv fur Consumption, Coughs, Colds, .to. Sold by 0. T. Horn, Lehighton, and K. A. Horn, Vcissport. Old ago has deformities enough of ils own; do not add to it the deformity of vice. My mother began gaining from firstdnse slio took o Dr. Graves' Heart Begulotor olie is rid of those b-ii! feelings uhout her heart now, lli6 relief is permanent, other remedies only helped fur n few minutes. Miss Clara Bradl, Lnvton, Mich. $1, per botllc ut druggists. Tne company in which you will Im prove most will bo tho least expensive to you. EIiECTltlCITY. Of all tho known Electro Galvanic Appliances at the piesenl day it is now conceded bv tlte Medical Fra ternity and Electricians generally, that the American Galvanic Co's HoWAnu Smict.ns aro tho best, possessing Intrin-ic Kteclrical merits, as ono shield or appliance can bt titled to any part of the bodv, which is not true of any oilier. See ndverliseinent In another column ol this paper.- EIkItxc Co, idle As charity rover3 n multitude of sir.f before Gi-dj so does true politeness before men. Front Royal, Va. Dr. G. B. Hill, says: "Brown's lion Billeis seemstn give general satisfaction. I recommend it strongly." Too great refinement is lalso deli cacy, and true delicacy is solid refine incut. ABE YOU Miserable through indigestlof, Sour Stomach, or Constipation? Aeker'f Dyspepsia Tablets we guarantee w ill rellevi you. Sold by Dr C T Horn, Lehighton,and E A Horn, Weissport. Men resemble the gods In nothing so much as in doing good to their fellow crca tures. Hull's Vegetable. Sicilian Hair Rxnewo imparts a fine gluts and freshness to tl o nalr, and is highly recommended by physicians, clergymen and ecienli-ts as i preparation accomplishing wonderful re suits. It is a certain remedy for removing daiidrufT.muking the sculp while, and clean and restoring gray buir to ils youthful color. A miser grows rich by seeming poor; an extravagant inn grows poor by seeming rich. In the Hop Tonus Plaster the virtues of Fresh Hops hic conibfnei wiih strengthen ing aud btiinulalliig balsams, and its cures of Weak Back,paln in thoside, rheumatism, and Neuralgia or Pain in tho rheEt are simply marvelous, it being more efficaciou than any other liniment or liquid remedies You'll say so aflcr using. He who Is the most slow In making promise is the most fuithlul in the per formance of it. Zeal without humility is like a thl without u rudder, liablo to be stranded at any moment. I J l-'ffir''B-"y 9 tf'BfiFid r, is jb u P1. ANITA xXouralfa, - sciatica, mm. An Inlalllblo remedy1 foH nil ill-cures oi.me uiun ana ijitou, suca ci . Tell My- ' , Itlnrtrorrr),. . , bcriruln, Kryslnclnc, PUhI.. j 1 1 1 . . I . . . u nuil i-ilholiAt TleWledi Jivr'nlt 01''fliiialn. Cmii Vlnlnts and T,onk sicnsesi. It bns -rurcil dlscasoi of tlio ' I.lvoi I and ivniiievsMnciinl rit-cr' rjnitcllcs bavi rolled. DOnotletyourDruf;;I:t pcrsuado you.total-r something else, but I f hojiaj not cot It, nurl win not una lor u.vfruo 3 r.na itowihsciiu It to you by cxprcti, Ircimld, cu rscclpt cf r-rloo. flnntnlhrcolmltlcs of IUielllnotlfllSvrunwlll icicaruio sysicLt ci ijiie, ni-ucuni uuyin3ooi in flanimaiory or Acuto Khcuiualbm, crKouralgla. I ......Thrcntif.volxJttlcswlUcuro Eryslpclaa. In! ...ronrfn t-e 1-ot'lcaaro worrcsicd to: cure1 Icorrupt ami ruiiiiiuj ijkco. . , , Tonr It r!-c bofllcs aro rairar.tol.to enre anyLcaooxLu..J.neum. , VIrn t-S' clitbt botilu wCl euro tio wors jenso ufCcrofula. rrmn lirn In Crtl,- , T11i A TTMilMllnl ff l-yrtip win cum any c.iso or (.liwtus x:ucuznaiisu. vil iwcniy ycard buinuiug. IfyoulmvobocnnEanercr f'r yeara, and havi scdalltho icnaoOJcs you could bear of.vIthiK ivnll, do not bo dlseourazcd, for r.hcumalh 'yiupvilll euro you. I'llcc, S1.00 per bottlci O liottlen for 85.00. Gcnl for our pamphlet of Testimonials, etc, r-IIEUMATIGFYRUrCO . Kochcttcr, K. Y, "Oooos'oJiftrvVccVBreWoT- ''WhyrmV bllij,-(ilili not JlBNStUf S aAPOlJWll'tUHiUai'IiAIHTKJt" said a latber. tojils tittle it.ijighter,aftcr ejiamlnlng i packngo she liadjust brought ldnl front the druir store. ,1 "Isn't itj papat" I'm sbVr'yt bilf I itskeUthe man for lUnson's I iSSo'w llli1,''nnJ bo took ilio twenty.flTft centi'yiiu 'tfave me to pAJ1 for It with," ciclalmcl-the-cliilJ,. positively. I'iMaybe theilniipan tauilon mistake,"1 ii'l'll go '.round rnysolf,,and eo,'' was ithe. 4cnUe,nuin's comment', us.he donniil hlj colit and lias "l(by l(iin't yoii send mo'ltehio'n's piaster, Instead of thla'clicap a'nd'tfash'y Vll(firt" ' "VTiy, I, I, tlioirglitthntwtfuul sitlt juatns well ana " - "'You thoughtl you thoughtl What l)ul ncss had you to thln,k? L 1 dop't pny you. fur thinking, Vut fyr ftlllni; my order," said tho Indignant caller, cont6mpluouily, "Ther, take the thlnirliack and gH'o'mc my fntiney, I'll get what I want eliewliere," lerve-yfe and vigor If p .' a . n roa Si OF THE : This cut shows tho Howard Electric AND Magnetic Shield aa applied over tho Kill no) h and Ncrvo-vltnl ccutcra. Tno only an plianca made that lit3 every part ol the body, and the only ono needed to TOSITIVELY CUl'.U I(lliirylJlNcn-.o IioiimallMii, r J y h p o p h t n , the worst cases c( Sciulnnl Wcalc nesN. ZSxIiuiia. lion. Iiliputcll cy, and all Ills-ca-ON and AVenlc ncNNof the BJrliio Ciciiltul llrriitiw. Patented Feb. S3, 1670. niii.n.j TOUNO JIKN. from earlv indiscretion, lack nerve forco and fall to attain htrcngtli. MIDDnn-AGEn SIEN often ackvlcor. attrlbut. Ing It to the jirogrcss of years. The MOTHER. WIFE and MAID, snfferlocrfrom Fcmalo Weakness, Xcrvous Debility and other ali ments, will find it the only euro. To one and all wo i-av that tho Shield elves a nat- ural aid in a natural way WITHOUT JJIIUGUINO TUB STOMACH. Wnrrnlitctl Ono Vcar. and Ilia Eicst n;l'llu'it" tiioilc. Illustrated Pamnhlet. TnnF.r. TYPES OP MEN. .lso Pamnldet for Ladles onlv. ecntcurccclutof I1c,ecaled; unsealed, FREE. Anies'Scan Gaivanio So.? U r I S U EO 1 1 103 Chestnut St., PiiUu. GIVEN h I A X WITH THE - Hi V -1 3- V T - mnn mum journal Wa ftro determlnfd to pmh our rlrciiintlnii np farbofondiinTllilnefTer fvr. heforsknemn 1 it t hn tiuwr-i-iiptr i E JtOiBrHpt tt 25 Cents owlil 1 jfjvtjrbvitd yen Ut wwtl known mitl P"ptii"if PeoPlw'n FIrnfl1f!o ilnnrnnl of IJnw vnrlt litiilfui'j lUnsimlt (1. ami tl.e inni Intottbtlnir. rcut(ullo Hniliv Jutiriiitl in tho wurM How in Its el x til Veor. 3n Trial for Tmrtoen Vcck3 oml in aaaitiuu PCblTIVELY ten yeiiT-c!,nU-eirapiilr eri'oniitirnlEnr Iliopi or sttcvo llilltf-nw ittil.'iir Hull wnnitprfiil hiiiI liHrtiiiiu; new TrtKI rltil AAlvlulC. Tliuel'.i-i jjimu li'i-,s inys. AUdreit Peori'o rirRtr) jcurnnl. Hew York. Ai 9 O.-leor. how Vor: I H M B&) EPILEPTtO F;70. I I ! V&l WyiromAm.Journclofileiicin3i Hi- . , ' - " ' f' TT ft I nr!S()r,IWTON HUETN12Y, fashionable Ui-T-iS DouTand Suoi: Makkii, Hunk St., i.cmgnion. aii worK wnrrauteu. WM. DUFFY & SON, of .East Mauch Chunk, are prepared In do all kinds of Plasterin & Ornameutal Tori, at shortest notice. Orders by mall will re ceive prompt attention. Terms moderate for good work. scpl5tf IT'LEM)S'ALL. No other blood-purlf j lng modlclne Is made, 5." lias ever been prepare", wuicn so com pletely meets the wauls of physicians and tlio 'general publlo as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads tho list as a truly sclcntlno prepara tion for all blood diseases. If thoro is a lurk- Onnnrni a Ipz taint ol scroiuia nuoui you. oUnUrULA Avr.u'a sviisavahilla will dislodge It and exiwt it from your system. For coustltutlon.il or scrofulous Catarrh, n.T.nml Ari:it' Aii.vPAnicL.v Is the UMlAnnfltruo remedy. It has cured nuinberiesi cases. It n ill slop the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and remove tho sicken In? odor of the breath, which are Indications of scrofulous origin. " Hutto, Tex., Sept. 28,1882, Onnrri mv eti OUfiCO with ulcerous running sores on its 7 1 1 nrnsllfl ULuCfiUUd "At tho ago of two years ono of cliiMren was ternoiy face and neck. atUIctud ,U tho samo tlino its eyes wcro swollen, mucli InlLuueil, and very soro. o-.M r.M lMivsietanstoldusthatanow- dUnu Ell CO erf nl alterative medicine must be umploYe l. They united In recommending Avr.n a .Svusi'.vmM..V. A few doses pro duced a perceptlblo improvement, which, by an adherence to your directions, was contin ued to n complete nnd permanent cure; No evidence has since nppearod of the extstenco of any scrofulous tendencies; "and no treat ment of any disorder was over atteuded by more prompt or otleetual results. Yours truly, II. F. JoiIXSOf ." rrcnrABED nv Dr.J.C.Ayer& Co., Lowell, Mass. SoV by all Druggists; SI, six bottlci for S3. DANIEL WIEAND, il br ti . t,.,i5iihiii n tiwt en this UImam. wnlch li iwniT i itltrca bittlotiMil wniihTiiil euro freo to ny i'if. - 'hi limy n'li.i th.lr ctpre 3 nnd 1. O. Atldroi.4 . Uutivtinowlfiilinrncii.oiii'ttlrpi. .... .r. A3. Csi:r.01U, o Jvba St, JfewTwik Carriagcs,Wagons,Slcighs, &c coiiner or BANK AND IKON STREETS, IjEHIUUTON, Penna.. 1'articular attention plvcn to REPAIRING In nil Ita detail?, at tlio cry lowest Prices. l'ntronnjru rcppecllully folicltcJ and per fect s.itlff ictlon guaranteed. Jau.19, 8i Jy. IJAN. WIEAND, WOMAI'BPHISIGIAI, 5 Mi. IrhVr j '' , VXJ&ty. it CHIGAUO, HGOK ISLAND S PACIFIC RJY TI-I3U Carbon Advocate IS THE" BEST 'MEDIUM'FOn -AND- Ladies' Private Companion, -FOR- HOME TREATMENT. A Common Sense Medical Instructor for Ladies Only ! 1 r , tt t J-r.'At oMi i n . ' "I Mltil'i.. - C.s."aia .C K. VoriTT AMi: i , i.i,".C. 1 i ll' , t. 'Ut Cj ) eamMuJ r y t r iu m: (hit l bii.iJui( tt 1 i ttx V. ..rl 1. , Missouri it i . "ai t A .ti. 1 I '- ' L n tr i-i inu. ttonacttn xHq ih i tckt jt- ale, uuj cv- ij I 1UK ul bt. J'uui. It wa it'i an the Uk'.butiMfi i i.no una t;u ratlrto i.it ii.i!ld and fc-RuHi. i pr .io c jmtai iliiu i.ad '. j.t-.j, uL' jr U or Um R. ' i . 1 k.r 2 'oj ot Diiimtf . r o'ltvimi CuiotKoaa 'i a 'irattu uetfLU Chi uj1 bt. l'4ul,v:.i na JPamwt r LCA UOWTC- I . .eiKtwecJ A.ctftU id. " UtUktlun-u tfj, AiUui4, Au tile, Xjr&.wcp n,lhn inai- aaw t.hv.! ffr ;kiiw it s .oat c'l principal T.ckt OlUetnii tt Mi , mad Oitfuli. Jl... M M 1.1 i?, 1 l' n -m;;. ) m.1 -dlafnrtiii'.on,att4 aa4FoM tsCAT RCIX ISLAN3 ROUTE, rr a. t r. J HN, .. .Vul r l.. IJ.. JJ-..ijt. Local Advertising IN JAiwos . i . . ' Wti . COUNTY.. Send for Itntesj 'which will be Found very moderate. .Trili "Riiintino v u a. -i. i -L la i-i of every deacrl,tIon. Illustrated Sale Bills -A.-6rEtlALTO'i? 'j -J.t.- .st At Low Prices ! Containing full Information In reference to all quest, mi rein tins to Womanhood, tho bet tir to cnaMo the flex to I u 111 II their duties and lo enjoy thrnidves In their Various relations as Maidum, Wivib nnd -Mothuhs. It la. u a pupuLir work, cimlinoiu In Itcelf (u I he treat liuurt of Woiuanhooil ; written In plain, concite and dtllcate language, vnxty nl uidcrtandlnir and iihove nil idhvr recoinmetiihulon l( la thoroughly reliable and right to the point. It le u work which tills a place occupied by no uilirr l"o.c, and 1 a cntnidelc library In tt self. No Indjr, however sensitive, will ever reKret its perurnl, it uIvik lulormatlim uhlch will tuako lllo tiitiro pleasant, nlveu higher tost to Usunjityment, make thusu by whom homo aro prlrcd, pi Io nnil fii(ty tlicm stilt nioruf wle It will certainly relievo innuy Irkromo t'lirdt-ns now bttrne by thtie to whom II fo hns proved ulmosr. It not quite, a failure. It iclves the cauc, tho mptoniti and treatment with prennrljitlonii for every dleeiuo peculiar to tho rphi'io for. which It if (It slm-d. To thuFO'who have unlnten'lonally, by Ignorance, or by a rt'cklet dUreirard tf tin) illvlne Ihhb of health mule themio!vc9 ivrotelud In llfu by pick, ucea reeulilnu irtun any of tlievurhtus forms or wrafcnenH's, which follow In the train of . womanh' od, we can unlieslMtttnsly and molt confidently rvComtncnd this bonk as one which will ulvo you the advh o which lour nect'Sltiei rvqulro In order to restore you to health nnd hnpi'lnte". The Matted farm, tliu p.ile, wanchctk, the lisileM. sunken ss tholow, lr.ii; KluK tep. the ''tired nature" Is tooolten seen In our liotnes. Tbe authors oi this work sin ci rely believe that all iheje. leal ii res may lo c ha nurd, (ho form attain rounded and plump, I lie uhecks to bluom with roses of health, the eye to sparkle with life and ilvuctty, the light quick step regained, and tho enorvuUd nature restore), ty a rlmplc, home treatment and iiietrripilons a .aid down In this work, ami In this belief, and witn nn earnest ib slra to henent the sulferlnir, and renew health and haiipinena to tho' aUlctod,and to lurpUh such Inhirtnulloti tu th so now In hculllas will en'tldo tben to roinlu it ami avoid tliose dilhcuU lies, tbis-.buuk ha been pre pa rod. Kvery Invalid should obtain a copy and tiikat tjikm LVt ufn no lady In health can afford to Imi without It aud thus remain In Ignorance of Us rtcn.iAU, em kutaimmi-and. isaTiit'tTlVK. leuchtUKS. It is reconuiundftl by many cmlueullad pUkSUns as u S.Vt'll UUtdU KOH TIU; HKX It Is handsomely bound and Illustrated. ( 6eiii post paid to ladies onlv, upun'ruculpl of jl.Od. Address the " ROCHESTER PUBLISHING CO., ' " Nos. 21, SJ anil 33 Ot born Mock, jm. 2fl, 18S1 niO 'itOCHESTEU, N. V, W i,: Earn-Yard Economy. A dsrk et'reain, oAeo or golden color, al ways or golden value, flows t wasto from many an American barn-van). This liquid fertility often outers the aide dllcti ef the form lane, aonietlmo of the highway, and cinntics Into a brook, which removes It be- Yond the reach of nlanlsthat would crcallv lr6fitXy"it'., Ilco may gnaw a hole Into tho granary and daily abstract asmlloun- I ity if grain, or the skunks may reduce the. jirofits'ol the poultry yards, but these lesks are small in comparison with that from the poorly constructed. and ,!lkept barn-yard, The most valuable part of manure Is that which Is very soluble, and unless it is rs talncd by some absorbent, or kept from tbe drenching rains, It will be quickly out of reach. Manure Is a manufactured product, end tho success of all farm operations In the older Stales, depends upon the quantity ond quality ol this product. Other things tejng rqua, tho farmer who comes out in the spring with the largest amount of the best quulity of manure, will be the ono who finds farming pays the best. A barn-yard, whether on a side hill nr on a level, with all the rains free to full upon tho manure heap, should bo si arranged as lo lose none of the drainage. Bide-hill barn-yards are common, because the barns thus located furnish a convenient cellar. A barrier ol earth on the lower side of the yard can be quickly thrown up with a learn and road scraper, which will catch and hold the drenchlngs of the ynrd above, and the coarse, newly mode manure will absorb the liquid nnd be benefited by it. It would be belter to have the manure made and kept under cover, always well protected from rains and melting snows. Only enough moisturo should be present to keep it from fermenting loo rapidly. An old fanner who let bis inahure lake caro of itself, once kept some of bis sheep under cover and was grcat'y surprised at the Increased value ot the manure thus made. In fact, it was so strong" that when scattered as thickly as the leached dung of the yard, it made 'a destinct belt of better grain in the .fit-Id The testimony was so much In favor of the stall made manure, that this larnicr is now keeping nil his live stuck undercover, and the farm is yielding larger crops and grow inj richer year by year. Kit pays to stop any leak in the granary, it is all the mnr important to look well to the munuro thai furnishes the food, Unit feeds the plants, that grow the grain, that fit's tbe grain bin At this season the living mills are all grind ing the hay and grain, and yielding tlio by product uf the manure heap. Much ma; be siyed in spring work by letting Ihl heap he as small us nut-door yard leedlng and tho winds and rains can make it, bul such saving is tike that of tho ccoooiiic siiortsiuiin who went out with the idea nl usin as little powder and lead as possible. In farming, grow tho largest possible crops, even though il takes a week or mure ol steady hard work to get tbe rich, heavy, well prepared manure upon the lipids. More than this, enrich the laud by throw ing every stream of fertility back upou the acres which hnvo yielded It. Watch the immure heap as you would a mine of gold. Am Agriculturist. Homo Comforts for Farmers. Tho comfort of the fanner's family should not be overlooked. Very old farni-bousos, and thoso that are cheaply built for tempo rary uso until a better can be aiforded, are oflen most uncomfortable In severe weather. Windows and doors admit the external air more freely than is required for ventilation. Weather-strips made of India rubber are very cllectiye, but they ure not In be bad everywhere, and require nioro of an outlay than is nU-ays convenient. A little in genuity will provide substitutes. For tbe windows, place small wedges between the upper aud lower sashes, lo prevent rattling, then paste on strips of brown paper to close all the cracks, using stiff flour paste, or that made from ryomea) with a litlleahiiiiatld ed. It Is well lo leave one uppsr sash to be let down, as may bo required for ventila tion. Doors may be made tight by tacking tailor's listing or fodder strips woollen cloth along the sides nnd tniis. The opening at the bottom of the doJrs is usually the larg est. For these, take pieces of small scant ling, nl the proper length, and cover with old carpet or other convenient fabrie, atull'. n& the side which goes against the door, with wool, cotton, or even with bay, to make a sort of cushion. While it is well enough to have tho kitchen door open di rectly into the room In summer, it is very uncomfortable for tho inmitcs in winter, If iMissible, a storm door which can be clos ed before the kitchen door is opened,should be provided. This may be made In sucb a manner as to bo taken away in warm weatli er and stored for future use. Sleeping rooms in farm-houses aro usually cold Thoso who suiter from cold feet should not be deterred trom making themselves com fortable through fear of being thought "old womanish." If one cannot sleep on account of cold feet, ho should warm tbem. Dot ties of bot water will answer, but are not so good as blocks of soap stone. Blocks of hard-wood, that have uo turpentine, if placed iu tbe stove oven early in the even Ing, will bo found excellent loot warmers, In driving in the couutry in yery cold wTSatbera foot warmer of some kind will add greatly to the comfort ol tboso making the Jouruoy.lm. Agrieu'lurut, Business is still booming at the STAR. nch t r . m 111 Jl r i ' . i.. . ' ' h uur many customers win tuuuiy accept our ninnies lor ,uic liuerni manner jn Trnich they have patronized us. To those whodo. not patronize u yct.but have such an.olnecttn view. we, here, publicly proclaim that they., wilLJbu. treated fair, and lionprably, fhjitfflr will not overcharge them in a single item, but on the contrary, will offer them' decideif baigains in many things without employing the so-called Leader System, where a certain line of goods arc sold at or below cost and double prices charged on others. TO all we WbuW say that we are holding our trade with onr customers and are constantly adding new onci, but still we have room l'or more nnd cordially invite you to try us. Have decided bargains in Home-made Carpets, Fl6or OiPClb'thf&c. We lead tlie county in Sugar.. 1 - x 1 f r rT f D Our Stock and Prices of COFFEES are unrivai e' No trouble to show goods. SL .Very respectfully, 'II ffo 'il ' '-"''"4 , f pp Ii. & Bcxiot, Bank t.9 lieM&Iiton (HEALTH AND HOME, PORT CHESTER, W. V. CIRCULATION 63,000. EDITED BY W. H. HALE, M. D. I tn -.,1, .1 .- A-noeer f.iilmir reuieily t-.r at alaiiia, Chill ami Kiivkr, In- TEIIMITTKNT KuVEII, HlLIOl'd I'lSVKU uud klniired Ut'eUrel I'lmm-r Vkuktaiilk, nhsoluiely certain hi their rt media I effects, und nei more promptly In curl'nr all forms of MAI.AMA 111 MIASIIS Calnniel or Quinine, without any ol Hie Injurious conerqueuoes which loliow tliuir use. If taken occasionally by ,mrriit uApu'id to Malarl.i they will expel the ihiisou einl pro. icel them Iroiu Attack. Kmtorseil by tho Icaillii elieinUis und pipsleUns us lielnu the llesi, Oheipust unit rlraunlest Kerne, ly known. '1 he )ouiitfest child can take tliem. Sold by Druggists anil Aledlelne lieati rs. or l,v ninll. l'Jlltjr, Tvr,n rV.I- IVK L KNT.S A 11UX. What tiik I'.oi-lk Sv. My wile mid niysell have used Jour "SrAKliAim t'uiiK I'm a" wliu irrtat s itt.laouon. Weiinllel-p-ite no lurther trouhle with ui. uiia as loriu as tlio 111 Is are about. 1 1 a it n r J. Oiiokmakkii, 1' M.t Tnllyiown, l'u. I took the IMIli aeeonllnir to directions nnd tliev nruvod In be lust wh.lt vrm netilnl. JlLV. I'. J. CnclliiAN, l'ustur M. K. I'lmtcu. Sir 11 orires. lie!. 1 nm well pleased wlih "hniory's Standard I'uro rule." -nave irieu in em on a isretii many cnsrsoi Ulll-p nl fi-rrni, have nrmcd sueeosslul In every Instance They work like u rharm on t'hltis and Fever and all Malarial diseases M, J, Ukiiuan, Ml I) . Halls, Tesas. 1 use sour remedy In my prac tice, with .vuod reiu is I.inuxrs Wait. M. I)., l'lltsrield. 1 tiuie liamlliil vnur I'llli r, r Jlalarla for the nust four vMrs with better satis. i faeilvn'tlian anv nihrr r'n,.,w fnrsu&driiseaei-ltucn":.S.MlAy. hfuJalst. Jtrsev (litr. i uro uiem m ray nraci ion. i.au, i jiu;kk. ju. use them In lavprueilee etfeeiuilly -I J. Rlcl.nxonii. M. I).. Uoublln Texas. Your pills ure gooJ, 1 use Iliera In my practice Dr. il. T. Iiumn, SunQower LanJInir, Miss. STANDARD CURE CO., Proprietors, Jan. Sd, USJ-ly 197 rKAUf, STUKKT, NKW YORK. Lights laths Barn, It is estimated mat nine teutbs of all fires are caused by carelessness. Now is the x-usou when the lantern is frequently used in the barn, and we give a word of caution Never light a lamp or lantern ol auy kind in the barn. Smokers may include tbeir pipes ami cigars in the above. Tbe lantern should be llchled in the house or sotue out building where no combustibles are stored A lantern which does not burn well, should never bu put iu order in tho bay mow, There is a gieat temptation to strikea mutch und re light an extinguished lantern, wher ever it may be. It is best to even feel one's way out to a safe plare, than to run auy risks. If the light is nut kept in the hand il should bo bung up. 1'royl-le books in ihe various rooms where the lights are used A wira running the whole luuglli of the hone ttable.ut the rear of the stalls, and turniahed with a slidiug hook, is very con veuient for night work with the horses, Some farmers ure so careless, as lo keep tbe laiiiDniliHttiabarn.unilr.il the lamem there while the wick Is burning. Such risks are ton great, even If the buildings are Insured. .rim. vljriciilurni. ' Wben you'havVgiven art 'animal a dose of sulphur be careful tu keep It warm after ward, Sulphur opens the pores and tbey lake cold easily. ' 1 I .J,(i This is a largo eight page, forty column, inontliiy'f''f,"!V paper, and is tlcvotctl to every tiling pertaining to Health; ' mid Home, Marriage, Social Science, Domestic Medicine, Science, Literature, Art, Economy, Cookery, Jiiiifaonwt'r Health, Dietetics, ami every realm of Modern that tends to improve health, prevent disease, morals, and make home happy. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 50 CENTS PER YEAR, Address: Science , 'VI a lMlltliil.rrku.-. purify - - 't (-. , lJ.iK.XI ' f natita,-! - . jy A i 3312,. W. II. HALE, llcaltli and Home, Port Chester, N.Y.', WIMTISB STITIS .1883-4. Wc desire to say to our friends and the public in general, that we have on hand the Largest and most Complete Stock of Goods . OF ANY Tailoring EsiaMisImonT in this section of the County, comprising Cloths, Cassimeres, ' OVERCOATINGS, Plain and Fancy Suiting's, Which we will put up for you in ur usual FIRST-CLASS STYLE, Thereby giving yea, as no always, do Best Fitting, Best Trimmeti ani Best Maie CLOTHING IN LEHIGHTON. n e have also Jnit reselred from the Manufaetarer a Lane Stock ol Newest Styles of Ladles, ftents and Cklldrsa's !? nsffcircH UilllAnCI -, at HI al-1 srnm.'slafii-MCJ HATS Alli Cl'P. Gents JFtiM'Mtish ing Goods', 4e9 All of whtch wc are now offering' fliir Uirprecedently Low Prices'! Very Hcspeotfullv, MERCHANT TAILdRS, Bank St., Leliig'hton, Pa. March 24. 1883.yl 0 jr We Know what we are Saying When we state that wc are Selling Goods as Cheap as tho Cheapest, and, therefore, invite special attention to the following articles suitanle lor Holiday Presents : ' Handsome Fringe Xmas and New Year Cards, Albums, Toilette Sets, Ladles' Hand Satchels and Parses. Clear Cases. sUdlts' Wark Hole., Fine Hair Urushes, tllothes Brushes, A variety of Parlor Oamer, Dissected Man of the United Slalesj (a specialty for children studying Urography, to learn the boundaries ofthe country with ease and pleasure), Chlldrens' A 11 U and Toy lioeks, JTaaey Fapeltrles, Uhildreus' school llagf, lukstasds, etc, he. , A fine assortment of Lamp and Lamp Fixtures, varying in price from $1.25 to $10.00, together with a largts variety of Fancy and Useful Articles suitable for HOLIDAY ar. BIRTHDAY PItESENTS. ' " "We have also, always on hand a full assortment of Pure Drug's, Patent Medicines, Wall Paper ancl Bord ers, Stationery, School Supplies, &c, &c, all of which will he sold at the very lowest cash price. H Call and see goods and learn prices before making purchases elsewhere. JOIT Prescriptions very carelully compounded, day or night. Patronage 'invited. . ' REMEMBER TIIK PIiACE, . '" E. A. Weissp-brt, Pa, May tth.ldt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers