n v. uoht!i1imisb.'v kDJTOII LSUKIUtOK.PA.t PATUBPAY. rEBnOAKY i. ISM. Editorial Mention. Jcm& TUp&X E. ricctidled at .220 o'clock this (Friday) Euctuiux. Bcra brewed in 1883: lu New Vork cily, 3 833.000 bam); in FbilaeUlpbia, 1.023.000; in Milwaukee. 98G,300; iu St. Iiooli. 913 OOOi jBrooklyu, 83G.OO0; iu Chicago, C7G.0OO. . Pbomiciscj, verr: Queen Itanrmlotia III, of JIfldaB6cari'ltoii ascending the throne, said": rjl shall prove mynelf a soldier ever read; to defeniV Uli you tbe land of oat ancestor." It yon trill pay up your subscription to the As?ogatb now, aud one yeiir iu advance,, we will pm-eut jou with the large 8 page monthly family paper, Health a' H'.mb. one year free as n premium. This offer U open to nil new and old subscribers paying promptly In advance. TnsSenalors of tbe United States bavo decided that the dignity or their office requires eaoh one of (hem to have a "clerk,'.' to be paid of coarse ont of the publlo fundi. It was voted accordingly one day '.last week, and the dignity of the Senate. it saved, whatever may become of the taxpayer. Joatc Kellit, of New York, has writ, tea a letter tbo "Delaware ll). niocrat,'' In which he sets forth' t tat the Democrat ic candidate for President should come from the State of New York, on the Krouodtbat it will be the pivotal State Unlets it i4 carried by the betuocratB. the ltapnbhcan candidate mast be fleeted text fall; . James A. Thotjtman recently sent clr 0'ilars throughout Kansas, aud has re- Oriverl atiswers from billy six out of the cigty-one organized counties in that State, from which he makes the follow ing deductions as to prohibition- 1 That it has materially decreased the number of saloons. 2. That n large pi r cent of the prosecutions nwler the lav. have resulted iu convictions. 3. fhat the principle of prohibition Is grow iug 1 conger. Tins Il'irriubnrg TriioBAM of last Monday rveniiiu aajn "It is stated on gool nnthority that the Governor will Issue his call for the cx'rii Msion of the- LetiUlaturn in tho nexttwn Wrelea. Till comes from a (zentlriunu who recently oooverseil with tbe Governor on the Fill) J ct." It is stated that at a eniiferenee of the Ualhg Qimorrats with the Gov ernor last Friday the r hsouh for c-nllini; the extra Ression were dUcus'ecl. It i alleged in the Telegram: lb it the exirn session will be called to prevent the Rtatr from beiiiR tliifranchUcil in tbe iipx Oiuiflress, a pi-unity wbkb Senator Wnl lace in a turret at the recent Mierial session said micbt he ii.fl pled in Hie event of the failure In pass a CongreK loual apportionmsut bill. J HB oilier day a priest iu Iv rry. say tbe 'St. J-aiura'a Cuttle,"' went to I is Bishop: ' T want jon." he said, "lo git me a general diapBDsii'g power for ena- rf perjniy." "For perjiirj? said bis lordhhip, "What do the people want with thai?" -Faith" answered tb ijood father, "they can't get ot without il. Ycr, fliat of nil (be. M louligbtera cotn to thtm and swear them that they must say that they didn't know who they were; aud then there's the Arrears act, nud these have to take the oath they're not worth a farthii g; and you know in the Land Court thry can't get a redrctiou till they say they can't pay their rent. In fact, my lord, the poor people have to perjure themselves at every tnru .' This, if true, mnt be regarded us a very bad state of affairs. At the special meeting of the stock liolders of the Heading Kail road Com pany held Mouday to vote upon the question of r divitleurl, ex-President Gow.tn said that it had been expected teat some action wonld be taken regard, lug tho collateral trust loau. He said that tbe loan had not been cft'ered to anybody; that it was not wise to ntttmpt to place it iu the present disturbed con dition of the stock market, and that he had no donbt of the ability of the com pany to ge( the money. The mailer has not yet been acttd upon by the directors. Tbe proposition to declare adivi.hiid upou the common stock was (Merited hy a vote of 195,117 to 103 2i3, and the proposition to declare a dividend on tbe prelwed stick adopted by a vote of 242,207 to ICG 022. Tub majority of the Hanse ofRepre sentttiTts are greatly puzzled to decide what attitude liny kLull take wi'h regaid to tbe tariff aneation. The division iu tbe Ways aud iteaus Committee irroba. My represents tbe division- iu the party Mr. Morrison the chairiuau, is iu favor of a geueral reduction ayrr.igii'g 20 per ceut. Mr. Hewitt i prepariug uu item ized reduction, tbe principle of which is the placing on tbe free lUt of every ur- ifaU Imported in lis natural stale; I. e would1 also reduce the tariff nu certain lines of mannfactnred goods. Mr. llm- dall wants the whole iieslion let iitiuir, ! r 'j eat that of the Republicans or oppose It. Kilter course meant elefeal, as Mo Clure well knew.aud as the result proved in tbe reelection of Gov. Gurtln by im overwhelming majority. Since then the Democrat bare invars ably htM the State Convention after tbe BepuHlcaut held theirs, tho object be ing to take advantage of any mistakes made by their opponents. Twice only iu tweuty years have the Democrats of this State profiled by Republican blund ers -in 187i.whsn the latter declared for a third term, and again In 1882. This year the Democrats will hold theii State Convention on April 0, and the Republicans one week later. In fix ing that early date tbe Democrats iutend t) rtafilrn) tbe tariff planks or tbe plat forms of 1833 and 1883, aud to protect themselves agaiust being put at a disad vantage by tbo possible declarations ot other States In favor of free trade. What effect will a timely declaration on the tariff question by tho Democrats of this State have upon other Btatoa, and upm )be Democratio National Conven tion? Is the important question now ag. fating the minds ol tbe leading politician8 of the State. FROM WASHINGTON Special to the CakbuH Advocate. AsllINOTON, Jan. W, IBS!.. This city is noted as tho greatest stock gambling place onlBide of New York. A few years ago there was bnt one special wire to New York, and that hardly paid expenses. To-day, Mere are niteen broker's offices with sptcial wires, seven of them opened since December first. It is a noted tact that wolves catoh more lambs here than in any other city. For the reason that there are no commercial industries here. Every person gets aid by the Government, and a good salary, too, nnd from tbe $300 clerk to the Cabi uot officer they go on the plan of all gamblers: money easy-earued,easy-f pent. The North Pacifio deal ronst have taken few million out of this town. It is known that ouo po d. including promin ent officers of the United Slates conits and others, that were cleaned out ol about $10,000, two ex-members off re in 520,000 to $30,000 friich, and n Uullei S ales Senator $20,000 ou the long side ol Uuiou P.icitio Mock. Tlie clerks cot left in proportion, to their means, uud fly" bankers got left. In fict, it caught tin m nil A great m my of Mr. GouldV "dear friends" had the point to bin fixas r.ioiGot' c.k a) 52 alter It had de elni'.d Irom 74. It is now h IIii'k ut li ii u I they bi.ve il y t. It is said his got ei advice ixtindeil tvuu lo Ibe clerks iu hi nlUce. Tho M.C's will uWaja be tin victims, Y ii can't make a o'-ernm ut clerk or (.flieial belitve that limes tir haul when iron inllU are stopped nud railroads reduce wages with tliousanc!. of men out of employment everywhere, lie dou't see this lor the government pajs lii in. his salary comes along, hu prospers and iinigiiits he has the iusidu ot tbe shrewd uieu in Wall Street, who caie little for goi rumtuUl HOiiuti, but ti.kr t ie guntril lgu? il t e? cnuulry lor then "guide." 1 1 tbe grain market the. weet- eru granger tiures carelully au luiikth luouev while ut I ouio unit sptcul.iles in Chicago. Huouuh here, reads the ag ricultural reports IIIIU telegmpLB Inr III. side poiula, ei j ys a gojd time mid never thinks ot tho effect of the causes tbht brir.g about dossier lo tLe crops. Thire tire several who were lieaueu'ont ou margins ol 13 bulling wheat last spriug The man tags of Frederick Douglass, aged G7 In M as lleleu M. Pitts, aged,3o, while uud "hiiuilsome," will make talk botu ou a'ceouut of tbe prominence o tuu partus, ttiu (imparity iu tlieir ages and the conspicuous manner in which they have put into practice tbe doctrine ot iiuiulauiutiou of the two races. Mr. Douglass, who is undoubtedly the lead lug representative of the colored people. iu a lecture delivered some mouths ago advUeu tbe merging of l ho two races, bin the sucg(sliou was construed as nothing more than n glittering generality In favor of co-operation of Ihe races for their mu ttinl benefit. In tho light of the nirr riage last uigbt it would seem that Mr. Douglass had in mind n practical blend iug of the races by the amalgamation or mlscicuatlou process. His bride.thongli young aud pretty, appears to be au "ad yaucert tbiuker" ou this question. She has acquired some priiniueiice here as woman snffrugist.and iu couuectiou with Mrs. Dr. Winston's Alpha, a publication that has treated sexual mailers with ap. pealing liaukuess and dmctuess. It is oei eially believed at the Treasury Departuieut tba As'staul Secrelary New has resigned, although ihere is no official iultlligeuce to tbatiffecl. Vry soon after the time that Mr. New win bick io the Treasury Department res As. sistaut Secretary his position was mad' unpleasant because of the nttitude as. siime.l towutd him by Si cretary Folger The Secretary, whether justly or uot.bas lauded that Mr. New was somewhat of rival iu tbe affections of the President, nud in consiqnence be has left nothing undone to make him uncomfortable, There is great activity iu Congress an between tbe Filz Jjhu Porter discussion o iffee, which costs as lunoh as it did be fore tbe duly was tomoved, tbeBrazlU ans having clipped on an income lax inual to onr reduction .of iaxtl"- Mexican coffee ii far superior to tlja. cfj Mocha. Jest now almost. evciy.pqad. ts gobbled up by rrusstaq commissloD merchants and Feat, to Berlin.. . Th? agent of the railroad coustruojV. or beiug constructed in Mexico w.itb .United States oapital, hare worked very diligent, ly la favor of the treaty. Itwill.be their only chance of getting oven any small return for their large outlay. Petitions are daily rolling in upon Congress asking changes in the, pension laws, and many of them bear marks of having come through the hands of, or being inspired by, 1he old gang or pen sion attorneys. Miuy of the petition sent to Oopgrcss are not really iu tbo in terest of or 'understood by tbe petition' ers themselves. Geueral Butler" iu spetiklug of thl subjeot a day or two ago said that generally petitions were not worth considering. They were signed la tbe most careless mauner nnd never thought of afterwards. They were rarely read, aud the signers ueyer intended that they should .have any influence. "For example,'' said be, "yon could get in Massachusetts 10,000 men to sign a pe tition to have me banged, and half the number wonld sign n petition to bavo themselves hanged without knowing what tbey wero doing." There Is a point In this, dear reader, if yoa have time lo stndy it out. sea wSaiWltenr1enf,-tttl Chen--,depwndWdjr ilzcd: er jiment, the tjrjtalc.' trobJlttfB barwrTwpo'n ber;iis she'tm)tnihe6vVH!liai' tiiin. oallcdimirenerl KZoiUi TfKmVrcVs con-1 oent life. Sfie tf iirtd "rfefthe'VeUMt u UrmttloiuiA UiiJlitfilar-J.UjjA.rlnoa jipg uer nitory uy visiUDg aT:qnmniansj- tvbo were still in tne wn.ui, anti on aicn-i tbe Mexieau tirnty, nud tbe land grant ipiisiioii, etc., intT.st iu the proceedings ut bolh houses has been well susUiutil dnrin the I'ast wek. It is ufteu re- niirkei'. here what a q iht Concress this and as chairman of the ApproprialiouH in aud huw that healed persoui.1 nud po Committeels reported lo Iutend delayiuu luteal strile which u.nally manilesis it. tbe uecessary bills till tbeiudoril.esis- Uelf, .speiially i.k theee of an imior alon, and thou prsifg their discussion t.ut eanipuiHU. has been keot iu the and adoption, to tbe exclusion of all background. There is less of it this other Uosluess. By this masterly atrat. winter than I have ever seen during my gy u win ue auie.ue luiusi, to prevent un Tears' observation here. Can it be tne taking ol tote on any tariff bill at tbe calm before a alorm? or are tbe noli. till session. I tleiaus beeinuino to reallza Ihal Him tien. pie are lo iug interest in these partisan xuc Bia.it. bu.vKituna. wrauglia ami louking to their reureseuta lor the iirst iluie in uisuy ) ears, Ibe lives tor soiuethiug moro imporlant aud Democrats ol tills btate will hold their I business liki f We shall shortly see, State Convention in advance of tbe Re. The secret sesslous of Ibe Senate on rtublieaus. Tbe last time Ibey adopted I tbe ll.iiean treaty liaye no doubt been tbUttonrs was in 1802. Then (bey de cl ired strongly in favor nf a more vigor ous prosecution of th- war. They went before the people ou il at si:e with u Regular to the Cabbon AuvroATE. Wajijinoton, D. O., Jan. 29. '63 Tbo showing of reports from Com niittees proves that Congress Is busily at work. A large part of tbe general legislation which will be considered at this session is already reported or Is in a very forward state in committee. Bui tho most' important bills bare yet to .come in. Tho appropriations and the ways and means committees are both of them silent as yet, and the banking aud currency committee bas made no sign. AMERICAN UtirriNO, Wilbiu ibe last few days special at tention bas oeen directed to the shipping bills, and tre business interests involved are actively engaged iu matching legis lati in. In this matter two antagonistic influences are at work, one urging sub sidy as a panacia for our depres-cd shipping, aud tbe other a "free tiade' policy in shies w ereby our merchants cm avail themselves of tbe cheap vessils of foreign builders. trying r i nniDOE oveb. Mr. Wood, a rising Democratic stabs, mm from Indiana, introduced n bill t the House the other day to create an In teruatlonal Commerce Conjuihsloi', alia a Tariff Commission, which he claims ivoupt avoid the necessity ol lul'lll legls. itiou this year aud thus oatry the ques tion over Ibe Presidential campaign as the commission would uot report 111 1885. The late of Mr. Wood's nursing bottle is to re.-t iu its committee grav never to be resurrected. THE LAND r ill THE PE'irLE, Them ts no linger any dim lit s to the fate of tho bind grant grabbers. ' Ml iloliuaii's sweeping resolution decUrii.i hat nil grams are forlelled where th lU.lroiul Companies have hilled lo com- ily with the terms, p.osn) tl.e Ilon-t with only IS ilis-etitiug voles. E c p.utiuular grant will now be ileuli r d lorleiled us was the Texas Pacific the other day, uud the one hundred milliuLS of acres will revert lo tl o p-ople. hdnhnoton's api eauance before tbe Committee on Public Linds (Ufeudiug his interests only preciplluted this cuur de iital aud the Ciliinmia magisliule It'll tbe Capitol iu disgust, threatening to appeal to to the CuUris agaiust "Ibis higb'Luuded Usuipatlou of power by Congress " a m;w cabinet rncrn. The ludicatious row are that the De- parimeut of Agriculture will be created into a cabinet office, the Committee ou agriculture baviug reported tbe bill to tbe House favorably, The present Com missioner Lori'ig feels confident of tbe passage of the measure nud expects soon to become one ol President Arthur's ad visers. Tlie present Congress haa a large "gianger" element iu it aud they rightly consider that tho agricultural in. terests of the hud are of sutllcieut uisg uitude to admit that bureau to the cab. (net circle. The question has been agi tated for several years aud will now be. come a law. THE QKEELET RELIEF BILL. The action of Congrtss during the week on the Greeley relief bill make's It certaiu that nn expedition of a suitable character will bo dispatched to the Ar tic regions as soau as possible to search for the Greeley party. Tbe House and Seuate wisely coutided the details of the expedition to the President, giving bim tbe longest discretion regardless of ex pense, iu order that no effort be spared to do nil for Ibe lost explorers that in. geuuity nud courage can deviae. The expedition wl.l be composed of voluntary enlistments. EX SPEAKER KEIFER IX A C3RHEB. General Keiftr is Iu ill luck. The Committee on accounts which has been investigating bis appoiulmeuls made at the close of the la t Hes.lou, called Mr, Keifer before it nud asked bim if it was true that lie had demanded one, Tyson, stenographer lo resign iu ordtr that Mr, Keller could appoint bis nephew, G lines, to the vacancy. Mr. Kiltr stated to tbe Committee that Tyson re sigued of hlsowu accord. Mr. Tvsou was then called iu aud mule oath to lb statement that ex-Speaker Keifer cam io mm just Deiore lue 'close nf the last session aud demanded Lis're.iijiialion-1 which Tyson objected, but finally com plied upon pain ot dismissal. The ques tion now is has Keller sworn to a lie or is Tyson seeking reveige? Other appoiu ments are bein luveutigated anil tbe re. port ol the Committee is looked forward to with absorbing interest. "Brewster, ArroaiiKT Gexebal.' Tuis KentleUiiiu, who signs bis name lo his official documents as ' Brewste Attorney General, ' is preparing himself for b( ringer's advance in the Depart that gentleman. will hayp tb?. opportunity of remaining hereto defeud obtain if. flciti acts while a ipeoj! Uorney,updr prewBter. . 1 . . , : OOST CT UVEBliASp BJUtpOBS, Some, .time, aoo tbe House renutsted the Sioretary of War to make n.dijtalied slafement of the .expsjnditujre of the goverDmeut on rivers and harbors from March lib, 1783 to June 30th, 1832. This statement will.be of interest to. your readers: There was spent on tbe North ern aud Middle States, $35,Ci0,Q0Q.pQ, Western State" and Territorle;-JG,33, 000; on Southern States.- $11,632,000; mlscellarieoas, (mostly Mississippi river) $33,313,000; repair $1,000,000; surveys, $3 000,OOOJ ilr'eefgttijr 'rirtohluesj $1,115,. 000; 6'rand Tot'al-$I00,000,000 wnr OJBEUlLL WAS RETIRED. The refusal of Presldeut Arthur to re. appoiut District Attorney Cotkhill bas a very ugly phase at tho back of it, and al though Mr. Corkblll gave mo no outline of the oausjs, I am not at liberty for the present to make them public. I will say, however, that Mr. Corkoill will have tbe sympathy of tho American people when all the facts aie kuown, as they will be in the course of a limited lime. Mr. Worthington, tbe appointee, is a Wash. ingtou lawyer of ability aud was celected by tbe President solely to avoid a rup ture in certain political circle. Mure anon. HE ALSO OVECLAHD. John C. New, Folger's second assis tant secretary, bas resigned bis position and gossip runs high as to the impelling cause. It has been a well-known fact Mr. New and Mr. French the first assis tant secretary, bavo not been in sweet accord fur n year or more aud especially slues the investigation of Aicbitecl Hill, of which committee Mr. New was cbuir men. This investigation revealed the presence iu the architect's employ of Sec rotary Fieuch's young son as a sculptor al au enormous compensation. It is said tbat Mr. New ingralted in his report se. verj reflections upon this nepoltsuu and that tho report was finally toned down before giveu to tbe publlo against Mr, New 'a protest. Mr. New threatened ihen to resigu, but sufficient influence was brought to bear to prevent bis resignation at that time. Mr. New now quiet!) steps out aud euys "private busiuess compels him to do so." ER L1C AT THE WHITE HOUSE The President will give a diuuer cu Feb. Cib, lo members ut the Diplomatic Corps, uuil ou Feb. 13th, n diuuer to li e Seuale.re and representatives, ou I-eb, 20th and eauU succeeding Wednesday during the mouths of February aid March, Th. first evening reception will be giy en to the publioon Tuesday evening, Fb. S, from 8. to 10 o'clock nud ou each Tuesday eveuiug fulluaiug to the order uauie.l respectively to the Dlpbuiidic Oorps.Ariuy aud Navy nud Marine C.irps uid finally to S uitors aud Represent- t ves. Mr.. McKlmv, tbe 1'resitleutV sls'er, held her first public rturptioii n 111 White HnUse la-t Setiirday uft-rnoip and will coiuiuuo them ou each succeed ing Saturday. "TICKLED TO DEATH, Hn.Periy litjninnt' has at lust caj t n red a chairmanship iu the committee o foreign uffilrx. Uu baa b-eu deslguate'd chairman of the sub-committee to coi . ler the Cinadiiii reciprocity treaty i r. Cox says Terry is "tickled to lealh." Our New York Letter. very interesting to that bodv, who have r. Ill lined locked np se Viral days ili-cu sing the important eouimeri lul queslions involved. But an oh! veteran iu Irnisla- apparent sincerity iu their t missions lion aud travel imjn, juilgii,g Irom wLat' menl utJiisiice a-id proposes to throw aud won, eleellug the Hmi. Charles It J be saw iu Mexico wLeu visiting that tho rtspousiblllly e.f Ihe Bliss, K-rr and ,u ",0 " ") " "' ' v cuuiry a lew yera ago, ne eloi-s uot be- Mermk'a enormous fe.a ou Ex. Attoruey to 00 for General Cameron. Ileve tliat niirtsiiorta there wonM iiniotiut n.,.-.l r...v.Ji. r. i. ...u Iu the lolloingy.urC.il. McCInre s , to iniioli l.ir some lime lo com-, but we in Conure-slousl rln-l ilmt .... .u.i..,n. ourea au eariv I'liuveuuon lor me lie- migni emiaiu Irom there several articles publicans; ibi'y preseuled upatil itio and ! of vyhieh we lire in need. Sngar now popular plalform and tin- Drnioeratiojry.lsa great deal loo much, merely lo fijliveliliou. Ixiug held silh-iqueutly, beiMlt a eoiLparallttly few on.r ol u ut..Bntlaliy ctWi'tlled iliiitr to tioulsiaua plautalious. Then tbirr Is y.ew of B.ewter Cimerou's Regular correspondence or Aovooatc. New Vork. Jau. 29. 1881 Monsignor Capel'a health is b.iJly nattered, aud as bis agent tells me, bis. Western lecture tour will have to be po-tponed until after Easter, nnd per- eps entirely abandoned. Tbe fact e.f the matter is, Capel bas overworked himself. He bas been in this country now six mouths. Duriug that time he baa delivered, on an average, three lee lures a week. Ou most Sundays he reached twice, and daring Advent he conducted two series of sermons at dif ferent churches. Tbe mental labor necessiry for such work c in be easily uderstood. Besides that he has gone about in society a great deal and this as further occupied bis time nnd re laced bis chances for rest. Still, as the Monsiguor came over here to make money, I think be will go back to Fug. gland satisfied. Ha came here heavily debt. He came as an entbuaiast on tbe subject of a Catholio Universily.and beiug posses .ed of means of his own, be uot alone spent them but even assumed niiligations after tbey wero exhausted He consequently started out to cancel them. When be made known his in teutinu of coming to this country rq Ameiie-an Lsctnre Bureau offered him $G0,000 for the season. He refused to bind himself, however, aud, if it is trne as a prominent Catholio gentleman tells me, be has made more than tbat even uow. President Arthur looks wonderfully aged since bis lust visit to New Vork. bad a good opportunity of seeing bim at tbe Uuion League Club reception, and be looks much fer.ijer aud thinner than before. In fact be seems to bsve aued three years. About bis eyes too Ibere was a weary took and tbe sparkle was raising. A gorgeous casket was taken to tbe Morgue last Saturday morning, and half an hour later, encased in a plain box, it waa again placed in tbe undertaker wagon and taken to tbe little' Whit Plains graveyard, where it was placed in a vault s preparatory to loteiujent Monday, Tbe casket contaiued Ibe maius of a womsu knowu as Mrs Derby, ibe beautiful woman drowned herself last Wednesday uigbt, and to make sore of deulh, tied a pair ol flet iron to Ltr dresa. She was one those women- class onfortnuately growiug larger with amaziug rapidity -who lead twu lives Among one set of people tbey pass a re speclable, among another Ibey are knuw to be otuerwise. I am told tbat see lelt her first husband ou acoouut of his ill treating ber. Iu tbe strnggle for exist. euce, she lell In with what is enpboni ously knowu as a gay tet, and in the day sight even visited tbe French bail,' bnifier despair grew in Intensity nnlll Anally she conld bear it no longer. hb baa a little e,ii, of about twelve years in St convent, and leaves.oonslderable mou eyt The case 1 a sad tragedy of wrong, folly nnd remorse, and should lerve a a I terrible warning to every giddy yonop. girl to whom the world and its baubles prove so alluring. Tba Inquest will be conducted quietly a considerable "influ. 'eno'' ha been brought lo bear on tl o rCoWnef to prevent exposures of some I woll-kiiowu persons. No man is a bero to bis valet," is ml axiom on which Carlyle laid much stress. 'The aamo prevails of the other sex. I called ou a very nice family a few even logs ago, and conversation happened lo drift on Mrs. Lingtry, ber taking a bouse iu Thirteenth Street, and fitting it up with so much taste and richness. "Oh, with all tbat,' said the lady of the bouse, wbo prides herself on being a boastkeep er, "she is only a slattern, 'mere is not a olean window in the hous", tbe blinds are never kept liily. and her kitchen is always in-a mess." I laughed and re marked, "aud pray, where did yoa learn all that?" She colored and the girls tittered, "Well," she said, "lam almost ashamed to tell yon, bnt yoa might as well know. Onr milkman supplies her also, and be told onr cook about it, at il she of course told me; there, now." Mor al, beware of the milkman, and do not let btm cross the threshold of your base rnent door. I Nearly all down-town offices are now I supplied with electrio clocks. Tbey consist of a dial and moveable bands.arr all controlled by one company, and tl e time is regulated by official Washington time. This is a great convenience, particularly in factories where the har monious working together of clocks is I an essential, iue price too, ai wmou those dials are supplied and operated, 50 cents a month is very cheap, nothing ut all to tbe expense of keeping a fine large chronometer iu order. I asked u leading furnisher of art goods I for buusehold usage, whether the en ze for brass bedsteads, tables etagerep,etc, which made its appearance about four months ago, still held out. "No," said he, "it never maintained itself. In the first place it cost too much money. To appropriately furnish a room with Ibis kind of goods required from $1,000 to $3,000. and even then tbe place never looked t artistic as when the furuitur. was of wood, The craze has now goce West" Not Content With Being the Best. Whatever nisy be said in regard to Ibe propensity of the management of great rail way lines lo p-nyiue iar ene puuuc un y what ii actually demanded In the way ol accommodations anil oomrorl,can In no way niiply to the nianagemeut of the Cliln RO, ,K.ick Islam! Pacific Railway, or as it is mora lamiiiarly known, "The Great Bock Island I!ute." This line has for years be. n rvcnguiz'd ss!ltelsi ami nowl sonf..rlabte r mte la'leeeeu Cnieaitn ami Ivmisas City and iliu Southwest, siol lias been oliulnlaiilly aMe on lliin sisnuut to sucivsfiilly ti-e .with its coinpeiiiors. Uut ma valislied with 'lhi success audits already ch-uanl rquq Ineiil, itsuittiiauers liave'Ciiused In lie turn. d .ail ot lis shops at Cliicau".. a mHitiiiiiretil' ina nl u nun: Uars winch co mio iiiiiocoi- le en vice on the Kansas City Line Tnetc ra enntiiin all the conveniences ol well rmalif.l iliuiuc rooms, aie elenaut ill de- sum ami finish, and runnels of the advanced Hllway art nl me oay. wieuin inein uienis ro furnished etiusil lo Ihnse nf any fir.it- luss hotel iu the lain! at the low rate ei seventt five rents. Travelers on this line iw rinil on its trains all the romlorts anil nvrmences nl flrtt-i-lass Imlels. Ostites the best ot fimt urn! .second class coaches here are Parlor Chair Cats, (whn-li are tree n uli passaucers holding through first class irkets), t'ullir.ao Palace sleeping ejart sua Dining Cars. Thin Cnnirianv's I nes all of which arc enunllr well rniiMiiied-alsii extend to Coun II liiuus ami ine west, ami Aiiniieatoiis nil St. Paul and the leeuttiwesl, anil tlie deserved praises heslmved iumio it by return ed travelers wlm speak Innn experience, make il noted throughout the land. We bespeak Tor the owners ami managers f this ma en lucent Hallway ample returns for iheir generous provisions lor Ihe wants ftha nubile, which is. as lias already nc-n proven by the pairnnngeexter.neu io inn line, quirk lo appreciate and patrnnlre those who prove by iheir deeds and generous treatment that they are devoted lo Us com lort and evellare. Dinhtlieria unisons Ihe blood. Con descents should take Hood's Sarsopirilla to neutralix and eradicate mo uoisi.n matter. Bute Ljtton's Brite Where it Touches the Shores and the Great Columns In Mid-stream. "What a beantlfnl bridge between old age arid cbll.thood Is religion. Uow Intnttroly the child begins wl' h prayer and worship on entering life, and how Intnllteljr, on quil ting life, the old man turns back to prayer and worship, patting himself again side by side with tho Infant " remarks Sir K. Uulwer Iiytton, In his "Strango Story." Yes, but betweon Its distant abutments the bridge of lift has many high anrtanrul arches, through which the wild waters dash and roar In wrath and desolation. Prayer ami worship alone do not sustain these. Nature's solid rooks must lie unshaken bo. ncath, and human art and skill must rear and eolldry the ftructuro orerbcad, Uod's will Is besloxempllfled In the laws lie has made for the creatures whom Ho has placed under, their control. Neither the child's trustful ''Our father," nor the old man's "lorget me not In the midst of my Infirmi ties," wilt alter this by the weight ot a tingle grain. Science and art first then faith and prsycr Is tbo order ol Heaven Itself. Divinity heals through Its agents, and those agonts are the discoveries of man; not the vague an. nounceinents of profd'ets or seers. Is life a burden to youT Hues time drag? Is your power to cope with lire's problem andiluiles weakened? You are nut well. Yourolood Is sluixish and tainted perhaps; or some Imiwr tant organ Is torpid or overworked. This fact may have taken tho form or dyspepsia, rheumatism, gout, malaria; pains In the stomach, chronlo headache, or any of ados en HIS. PAKIC Klt'M TUMC will Inrlnorato you, as fresh air Invigorates those who havo beon shut up In damp, fetid colls, it Is paw erful pure, delicious, solentlro. sefa tho keystone ot tho central arch of tho bridge ol lite. febl-ial Br. G. T. Horn, Central Drug Store, Opposite tbe "Oar boo lloaie," Bank Stroot, Lohlghton, Pa., Keeps a fall supply of Pure Drugs & Medicines, , Fancy and ToilclArticlcil, Stationery & Choice Cigars. ' 1 - ' . i Chnlro Tlnes and Uqunrs for Medlfiosl purposes. Prescriptions very carefully com pounded, day or night. AT.SO, Just received, an Immense stock of Newest and most Popular Deslgus In Wall Papers AND Borders, which he Is offering at Prices fully as low as tho same qualities and Pattorns oau begot In the Ulllcs. If you are about redecorating your home, call and see styles and learn tho prices beforo purchasing elsewhere, ltemember, 1 It li (JEN TK A.I, D ItUU Store, Feb. 2..yl Da. IJ. T. IIOItN. The - Press ! Tho Foremost l?cpublfcn Newspaper T pnlltlcal struagte for a quarter or act Mary, hurope. In tho oplntir of the best lofojwKl, Fall and Winter Stock ! Tho undersigned calls tho attention of his many friends and patrons to his Largo and Fashionable Stock of st( Fall anrl Winter GooHi, Consisting of BOOTS AND SHOES Or every description and Style in the Market, Including a special line of Lady's Fine Shoes Also, a fall lino of Umbrellas, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, &c, &o. tmr Young l-aiiies and Ucntlemen wilt find It tn their advantage lo trive htm a call beforo purrhaslng elsewhere, as they will find the J1EST SKILUTt.D STOCK In Town AT UUl'TO.U. fltlUES. Old Fest Office Bnilflmg, BiM Street, LEHIGHTON For the MciiM Year, 1884. Weekly Press . . . tit? a Year. Dally Preis 1 Ma Year. Theeamlntt yearwlil he notable. Congress divided between a lleimhllcaa Hcaatevnd Deinncraite llorise, will lift bj I'rssWeat maklng The great battle of Protestloa against Free Trade will saltalo tke Capitol and the country. The Presidential esmpalgn trembles on the ere of a v Willi snob an oullnnk a lire newspaper which nrlnls all the newsand tells the wliotit truth about II Is more than ever netesrary. Such a newspaper Is Til a I'niLltiaLMil j. Prkss. Telexraph wires In Its ewa tllu plaeolt In Initniiliiiiooiu communication with n i, i', ui ui Nu iiuiiui i:u no vta Kaificrers. distributed all over the world. Tlie tpeslal dally cable sorvtee which' It shares with th New York lltrtld covers every phase ef ae. tlvlty In KuroiH-an Ufa Nopsper eicelsjt main no elements wincn gote tnsKe .up a brond. full, complete journal. iiesiues oeing a coinpieto newspsper, TH WkkkLV Pntis has several saecial leaiure which put It at the Inn. Tbo Aarlcultural llepariinent. enriched byconataai eontrlba. tlnns rrom I lie foremost writers In various branches, gives the practical tklngs (hat penplo want to know on the farm and In tits' warden. The Helping Hand for Women, or Home Department, edited fe-v Mrs. Kata lln- snn Clark, It full of Informal kn, hints and nappy tuougnis iot eycry wifs. rastner sad head of a household A great lealure of the coming year will ! the hlahly raluablo letters ef Joseph .11. WicsKson Wages and Workmen, ths gens ral conditions of Labor and the Coat ol Wr ing In Enrope as compared with America. Mr. Weeks, who had charge ol IhUsnbleet lor the Oensoj or 1660, has mads' rt a III study, anil lias been abroad this yearean ducting a special InrcstUailon. Ufa letttr will alve the facts as to earnings In all the various Industries the purchasing power of wages, strikes, trades-unionism, arbitration, Uc Tim Wkkklt Press Is full of choice hara reading, wlih pnizles and o'her matter for the little folks, Unites nnd pastimes (oradnlts and children, fashion note, recipes, glean ings from current literature, a esreful sum mary of doincsdo and foreign aews-andan earnest discussion of Ihe great questions of the day. Sample cvpiti nailtd frtt Now Terms of the Press. liy mall, postage free In the U H, fc Canada. Dally, except Sunday, COc. a tno , tftO) a year Dally, Inclod. Snnda.tUe. amo'.,r tta'ycar Srenday Press, a year. Weekly Pross, . . , , tl.oiyer. Drarts, Checks and Post Ornco Orders may he sent at our risk, and should ba made pay able to the order uf The Press' Co., Limited, Dee. 1-U PHILADELPHIA, Fx. AGENTS S wanted for tko Lives of all la Presidents of the U. 3. Th rirest. nandsomrrt. dcsldihiIc ever sold for less than twice our prlco. Th laslest selling book , In America.. immense) profits to agents". All Intelligent people want It. Any one can become a suceesslal. agent. Terms ireo. Uallett Hook Co., Portland, Malno. eicl&-jl 2 eu galls f. at t 03 a. ArrU 4. 1883-ly '--3 w !T e3 o TRIAL BOX BEND FOR. 0tm firfikaa. 5TC j " q i: m tn swaoi p-sirt) a Call early for Good .Selections and avoid th Hush of Holidays. noT.W ly. Read What a Patient says of it: "The Pastilles I purchases from yoa in Angnss ftrritUM. TUverelds, cai, rove to ma most couclailvnly tbut "while thero Is Jtoso,Throat,Lnncs, loll Idea, 3i fa Uiere Is hope." They did their work far be- TZT and my utmost expectations, .for - 1 certainly did jn nnl n fx , -'Qt . FOB evW , tl "-'-v-irvixs 1 A. CIRCULAR Bint FREE r.rove iro m i-J .iii.ii iimt Z llihlt of FOURTEEN YliAltS' DUKATlON could be completely gotten under con. trot la tne exceedingly snoniiniciiiwouioMi I can assure you that no false modesty will keep me from dolns: all that 1 can In aildliiR to the success which will surely crown so beneficial a remedy. Above extract from a letter daUelW.Ya Deo. IO, KSil Tha Pastilles an prepared and sold only by tho HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC CHEMISTS, 30BKN.IQlh.SL OT. LOUIS, MO. Cu Itsii'i trtuntst S3, W naxts uiio &cu i Tha dry ellmata rarest p., ve&ia, ww,iii lltuatmt. l k 11 Ihut thudonbtfnl enrloosoe thooctittal SrF.8' IWBOttOJ tnwClothnnd irtl t bind taiCO eta. paper o,Mn rlura Gtddo. 1 11 P 15a, Bent rpilod,- monej .orstps.byl llR UfHlTTIFII m'-fiSr.VhV.VA. ,Th ratspoeLiliit,Bi!rVMspstj4mrlin" to Marrlace. Con-nilttlonana i-ppimitwy. j&ook to Your laBtei'ests I James Walp llljy 1 ft ctttMrThM. RnUttitt and AAtavenrfftA trMmril i util and nrt reroerM. Dtfonnltlai Tnl. Call v wiit forllit of Igue.u.ni lo be snl venid by tl dMlrliis trtioee by malt. rerua Wise tnm B.ftr slrndd -mt IMr MmA U.rm Kn.UUs 1. llulr Umap. IIUHtaefmu art.re. e. i-. iihiumb, 'A i .;V:',r.: Z 'Vt. UutU'DlivZuJI. SO Successor to A. I). MOSSKlt, Due Notice- After January 15 our new Spring Slyles f Wall l'aier Il-inlers aud Dee-orations 1 will he coining in. and as we haye U) many -ools Irom bill nuruhases in order lo liurrv them off anil make r-ami for the NEW we I ll'erlhe puhlical 15 percent, uisooiinl Ult OAH1I niirt liases, don't miss this olr- unltv of saving luonev I.. r. liUCkkk- uacii, CI Uroadway, Maurn uuues. Tbe post master of the newly establish-1 eil post olfice at Guthiville, under the name of Stettlersvtlle, is Mr. J"iah Knecnt. Manufacturer efand Dealer la all kinds of Stoves Ranges, Heaters, Till anil Sheet Iron Ware, House Mftins Goods, k, k Is now offering extraordinary Bargains for Cash ! He Is the only Agent Intown lor the sale of the Bessemer, Sunshine, Othello, New Champion and Apollo Ranges ; Montour, Lighthouse, Excelsior Penn, and Eclipse Cook Stoves; tho Princeton, Early Dawn, Belmont and Real Double Heaters, with a va riety of other Square and Round Heaters, All of which ho is now offering at tho Very Lowest Trices Also, on h.nd every kind ol STOVK OBATE and FIRE DItlOKS. Dealer In all ths lest makes ot I'UMI'd. Roofiing and Spouting, Prompt and Cheap. Store on SOUTH Street, a few doors above Bank Street. Patronage Invited; sal Isfactlon guaranteed. Juno 80, 118.1-yl hAeris'I! AKidicalCuro FOB SPERMATORRHEA AJLTX) IMPOTEHCY. B3TTetd foroTr years t7 vmo tn thOtt- sanda of cm!. K TRIAL J BflrnP'. KiftTcwrs dkwlitt; rcui wMkaeia ud ety, 4 mwm mil fe ftcnr dlwrnnc taDlii BkUUU phjaUlMa. rumli rrvn youtbrul l4tMr tli, to fit Icdstlsese nd Tcr DntUwixtu XX ol tttopWlit wWta iwh eaerales lurk U lur T tea. AT14 impowl en IT rretratloM U1bu -4 ihtr itwdU for tbt trBtile. Grt cor frc cii Ur uid trIU c.M Wrm l.pai-twt then Wbr uUog trcstmcBl tlwvbtr. Tki rt-wsly tbat bu em thMIUjl. &a d0Ct B u U-rfw utatlM o bri- BtM M ItWt fit lMOl tcbUbcAs rxiA& fei r utlD modlul priori Grgwlnc la Ibtbt bb4 tvH t!B. DlrMVBppllcBttoBMth tcUr. Tttt Mtsnl fBB Umi tf IU hmaua pf , lira r rwtard. ik i ftnln&tlac iiiu kk.k kin Mt M.BVwrrVt bb4 HARRIS REMEDY COMTg ChweUti. ... ..m. a ail. ? CI T Am I a Wa SUus Bonn im ov-t o- Oat Uow Tsutuar, t3 1 2 mswikj. 1 8 uoron, tl HEALTH IS WEALTH! Ths Housewife. A Jmnestln i.iurnal lur Aineriran house Wei., will he sent for one year free to 1 every lady who will send at once the names ami addresses of ten married ladies or hnusesrrers anil 24 rents In Z-evnl stamps for xistge. It Is the best family paper In the U. 8.. and this offer is "only made to so-1 rum namrs tn w bum In semi sample e'opifs. I vr knnw rvrrv ladv who once sex-s l Ilnl'SKWirs will subscribe mm. lerguiar nriiT tl.Ol) per year. Send today rnastul secure next number. Address IiiiIIovsk wirs, Itocbrsier, N. Y, Joint Teacher's Institute. The District Supt. of town, has rewired enmmunlcatioD from Prof. Thomas SI. Uilliell.superlntrndsut of the imhlic schools uf Carina countr, requesHog bim to Inyile the teachers of Hstle township to attend a joint local institute of the teachers nf lower Luzerne end upper Uarbon counties at Weather ly-on February 22 anil 23. Tie programme will be annunceil later, but as I'ruf. Balliett is one of Pennsylvania's but Institute workers, we think we are not say ing loo much when we state that the exer cises will be exreeeliugly Interesting. Has tuu Plain Sjxaitr, Viatural t'ourg of events funi d a "protect- esty ou the jiurt of Jlrtter will now be or" He Heft her. after providing well New Advertisements. "pat en t sT E. M. MARBLE, f Ijete Cprnmlsslnner of Halents 1 (Iblali.s Patents lor luvenituns In Ibis and rumivn countrlrs. Will alio attend to Pat- am fjiui I fore the United ritates Courts l)10f, IrtUroli HullJlug, WaslilugK'n, Ho! For New Goods! 0. M. SWEENY & SOI Have received an enormous stock of OHO ICE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Queensware, etc. Old Post-Office Building, Bank St. Lehighton. MOTHER COBLE'S HEALINr SYRUP. 20 Million Bottle sold in 10 yean. A certain Cure for Dyspepsia, all Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Stomach, mood, blun and Bowels. Can Produce Thousands of Letters proving its Curative rowers. AN OLD AND LONQ TE1ED KEUEDT. Laboiutoky 77 Amitt Btbkbt, xiw touk tt. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. i.ii . r.HVra kKUTK ill HUIII TRXITHKIT, ,H.r.rtt t atlt ID.WU.D OaIt.-ii . nit. rfM'stn.BA'UBlBf 0 prui rnr.rn is iy Urullac loiuiMrr. Att o4 dMtl IVtMlin o4 At; IUrr-nntMta, Im t f-r In Jtb mi, U.otH.inr L I pftlelslll rrlp( f TtC"e Wa GUARANTEE. vIX boxw I Tw fir r w.m tu mitt wj iw m ljXt,a'vopir'ant4 lirt w wn wr . v't fWI a nMif . Rurimm Mia mIj hf rTJ3EUTAB."' T rrUWvtrd vti.uUs Kiw4 lsrisVr. II ImmWUMy tf..jv.. rstsiltU. rilalki SUm. Ktte4 si,rb.rt r- rrrs-ti.1 Of It tTWlT wl Ut cuuica. EISNER & MENDELVONf S20 Race Street, PhtlacUlphlo, f TUSl MABX Comease II. o. 1'iuScor jiruveu, but it is prtdiotrd that Illlas. I for her. and In'm she beosmeaeaiiiiDteil Km aurl Ctueron will suffer lernbly atwith snotUer iiliti with whom she Jell the hau,lu of Suringer'a Committee. Iu , violently Iff loeV-Ttltlr lfttiuK.Cy lastitl"' LAND Cllalrnsa SK(laliv. UA.NIH. A II 11 11 an I WAIi- TlONAh HUMESTEAII IIHI1I IK'IOAT. E3 and all kinds io L.AMI SUltll'T tHiuarit .andauld. I.srae SfocK. and lilaliest frioes - raid. Uoiw want lo sell or buy? lr so. I'os.lble'r. great uisi jr je.irs. lttoeutl this nisn M'aihlnit. p, V, W. lia.Mt, The King of Corn Killers. The most desperate -An Unfailing Remedy for Hot, Swollen and Tender Fcct.Chllblalns.&o. Price 25 Cents. Cornease Mannf 'g Co., 236, 6th Ave. Place, N. Y. City. UyVr tattle ud rUwer CUlff IW ltl4 UirwuU f tklrtjr yrsar cxriric a HJ Ura.vr, will W jhuiI fro tli tie. All sm auMial la w sr i-mmLsmI tm tM lcftk mmA irwa U imc. tkr Ut hauid It rrv vUctte wim,i ugrtm U null ricr itrMii. jj exiee Ua r vrjtttU mt ntM Ivi tm k lti4l ! bj Amcrirmm Calsre. U tt Urx rtorU fmrw" crwljf. AU Footease AGENTS WANTED FOIt Every-Day Cyclopedia -or- Useful Knowledge. Revised and eulaned. Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Swln. Poultrj-trietraiistorr. van ous lireeds, lllseases and Kemadles. How lo make Hie 1'arm i.aviHowto prospect for Lead. Iron, Oosl, (lold.and Bllver.and snaks trsts: He keener"' Oulde j Curlna and ilia Storlnict liouklniri the Household Kconmnyt Iews or tiasines t iionio nucior, and lOOOotherTBlualilareeli. lllnilrslfcl with over 600 OH tlm Al. EnQHA VINOS, 20 Books In Onsv Endorsed by AU! HMisrATALor Price, HI taieant's complete npi nt "Sets., ,.. .n.i aaionle oonr. to. Wr teat onoe fur agenc, send fur circulars and terms. BUN ruiiuiaiiinu cu., 110 A t!3 l'lne Street, St.7"vis, Mo, is Urge port or It .(Mr... crow!. A .!..! 1.1.1mm -rVll-M licet. Umr haiM, Mrkla4 Su-lr Cars, tke llak- ara Siiu, aaa erea . H. GREGORY. Seed Grower. Marblehead, Mats, rlr Ora. Ike llak- r tker aew Vcw r tk pukllf. Ib Uf Mttk laMSa.yM4 D.vidend Notioe. I At s reju'sr mcellnj of the Directors of the First National 'Bank: if , Ij-hlghton, a Ssmi-Annual Dividend prTllltKB par cent. Ion Hie Caniial Slck was declared, payable ou and alter January lMh.lBKI. W. W. BOWMAN, CssUltr. Jacutrr 12, JSS. irJ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers