iQVertislng' Rates. W d'eslr t to be distinctly understood tbft JjB advertisements will be Inserted In tnfrrWnmhaof Ts OiKKOH AdvooatR that mybroelvd from unknown parties or nmts unless acoornpiinieu uy u TU following, kre oar oklt terms! , ' ngasQOlatilOLlkt), rw mt-1. Insertion......... mm Wets. 31 months, each insertion ISots. Throe months, each Insertion JO eta. Let thin three months.first Insertion (1 1 each subsequent insertion Local notices 10 cents per line. H. V. MORTHIMER, Publisher. . Attorneys & Counsellors. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oriica-Corner of llank Street It Banknay, - -and building above the Carbon Advocate Printing Office. M.y It, Wt-ma-1 I.EHIO1IT0W. -Tjr- M. EAPSHEK, ATTOKNBT AMD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bint stun, Liiioirtoa, Pi. .w-.-i i rutn.d.n Sr-a. WlllnnranQ til Baal K.tsta. aaatly done Col- ,cti0M promptlf mao. tdanle a sellty. Ma b. consulted In Kngllsb ad-Uarman. Ncr.22. Physicians and Dentists. REMOVED. tG,H.Seiple, Physicians Stood, Ttas Itemored his omce and Residence from Second St. to SOUTH Street. In tho bulbil!) formerly oceuplad by A. J. Dot.bKNiAVEn, wbare he will bo pleased to see his friends ind patrons. -WlOE H'S ttnm 6 to 0 o'cloclc P. M. March 81, 1883. tb. xr. vr. bebe b rUYSIOIAIT AND SUKOEON, MAIN STREET, PARRVV1LLE, PA, May bo consulted In the English or Oerman Language. March 3 1, 1S83. Hrrr A. DEBIIAMER, M D., ' PHYSICIAN AND BUnOKON pedal, altantlon paid to Chronic Dlssases. Otaea: 8oath East eorn.r Iron and 2no its., Le hlCbten.Pa. April 3, 1875. D. BEDEK, M. D. V. I. Examining Surgeon, rlUOTtCINO rilYSIOIAN and SOKOCON. Ocrica: Hank Street, ItiDRB't ULOCE, Lehigh- '"way be consulted In the aertnun Language. Mot. jo. C. W. B01VEB, .PIITSIOIAN AND SUROEON. May be oonsulted In the Herman or English Unguage. nirn opposite Durllng's Drug store, AWKat.,Lehlghton. I'a. Jan. li-yi , ""ls. Baur and Man nre determined to remain in LEHIGH- TOK all Winter, and will conttnne to pay special attention to Chuonio Affections AND Surgical Diseases. Offlse Hours from 0 a. k. to 0 r. u. Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. October 13, 1883-tf W. A. Oortright, D.D.S., OFFICE : Opposite the "oroadway House," Mauoh Chunk, Pa. (atuxi hira th benefit of the latest Ira- Preranents In mechanhal appliances and h baL mathik li nr traatmont In alt surgical oases. ANESTIIETID administered, if desired. If poull.lo, persons residing outside of Maa.h Ubunk, should make engagements by mall. jj-t- QARBON HOUSE, J. W. EAUDENnUSH, PROPRIETOR, BakkSt., LantoitTon, Pa. Th nuns Houaa offers first-class aecnm madatloas to the Trareling public lioardlng br tka liar ar Week on Reasonable Terms. Uhelso Ulgars, wiaes ana i.muors aiwuyi on band. Good Sheds and Stables, with atten- tire Uottlsrs. attacheJ. April to-yl, Uhoi.a Cigars, Wlaes and Liquors atwuyi on pACKERTON HOTEL. Uldway bttween Mauch Chunk & Lehighton LEOPOLD MEYER, PaormaTOR, Packerton, Fenn'a. This well known hotel is admirably refitted, aud has tho belt accommodations lor perman ent and transient boarders. Excellent tables and the very best llouors. Also One stables attached. Sept. 16-yt. Maucli Chunk House, Sasauehanna Street, Mauch Chunk, Fenna., T. F. FEU II, Proprietor. Vfhen visiting at the County Seat this Hotel will found to be llrst-ciass in every res. neat, wines. Llauors. Laicer lleer. Ulirars 1 aaa oiuor ii.ire.noieni. oi purc.i, suun, thrllar. Terms very moderate. Patronage solicited. Seiit. Zt, 1883 JAVJD EOnCRT'S Livery & Sale Stables tsAHKaTUKET.LlClliaUTON, P TAST TROTTING IIOR8ES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, Aad peitUvely LOWER PUICES than any - otker Lit or y in the County. vLarg and handsome Cartlaaea for Funeral vvraosea ana weaaioaa. ijaviu uuuahi Kar.Sl. tm. J. W. RAUDENBUSH Respectfully announces to the publle that he has oD.neda NEW L1VEUY STAtir.K in eeoneotlon with bis hotel, and Is prepared to Funerals TOte or Business Trips en shortest notice and most liberate erms. All I rdsra left at the 'Carbon House" will receive prampt attention. Stable on North Street, i TITtTfin Send to. for nostare. and re- A rill ill, eelre free, a costly box of goods eaey sight away than anyiblng els In ihls weria. aii, 01 euner sex, sureeea rrom nrsi for the workers. absolutely sure. Atone ytrsTCfcCo, A guila.a. ly L H. V. MoRTniMEB, Proprietor. VOL. XII., No 11. Railroad Guide. ytiaiiii R. b Arrangement of Passenger Trains. OOTODEH 23th, IMS, Trains leave Allentown as follows : (Via PKnKIOMBV HAlLnoAD.) For Philadelphia at "t.00, 8.50, 11.10 a. m and S.10 p. m. 8UNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 6.O0 a. m.and 3.20 p.m. (Via East Pkhk Brahch.) For Reading and lfarrlsburg, 0.00, 8.0 a. m., 13.16, 4.30, and S.0S p. in. Far Lancaster and Columbia, 0.00, 3.40 a, m., and 4 3u p.m. SUNDAYS. For Harrlsburg, and waypolnts, 9.05 p. m. Trains for Allentown leavo as follows : (Via Pkukiomen Railroad.) Leare Plillad'a, 4.30, 7.40 a. m. and 1.00, 'IM, 30, and 6.14 p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8.00 a.m., 4.'0p.m. (Via East Pkhn. Dbakoh.) Leare Reading, 7.30, a. m., LOO. 3.60, and i!.16 p. m. Leare llarrlsDurg, -', I.ou, a. in., and 4.tiop. in. Leave Lancaster, 17.30 a. m., i.w nnu J.iu P. m. - I m - m .ftaJ n 1 1 1 jeare uoiuuiuia, t.w . u , a..v buu p. m. SUNDAYS. Lenre Readlnir, 7.3) a. m. Leare llnrilsDurg, o.zu a. ra. Trains via "Perklomen Railroad" marked thus () run lo and Irom Depot, Ninth and Ureen streets, I'hllailelphln, other trains to and from llroad street Iicjiot. i The "6.(iO and 0.46 a. m. trains from Allen, town, and the ! 36 and 6.16 p.m. train from I'miaueipina, via i-craiuiitcn iuuirunu, uuvo through cars lo and from Philadelphia. J. E. wourrtw, General ManoKcr. O.O. HANrOUK, . . Uen'l Hass-r fc iicaei Agent May 'iTtb, 1663. ALLEN LINE of STEAMERS TO AND FROM Prenafd Pasiensrers from Enclnnd. Ireland. and bcutland, enn embark at either Liver pool, Ulatgon, liucensiown, i.onuonuerryor Ualway. FARE AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE! Drafts on England, Ireland, and Scotland. II. V. MORTHIMER, Agt. Gaboon ACtocatk OHlcc, LEIIiailTONrPA. JyJ- IlEIEiUlAM & CO., BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers In ITlour& leetl. All Kind, of CHAIN BOUGHT and SOLD a REOULAll MAltKKT BATES. We would, also, lesprctlully lalorm ourelti sens that wo are now fully prepared to UUP PLY tbeui with Best of Coal From any Mln desired at VER LOWEST PKICES. if. nEILMAN & CO. Joint n , . . CGlltral Camae WOrllS, o ' Bank St., Lchigliton, Fa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Snrinc Waeon. &c. Of every description, in the most substantia r manner, and at Iiowest Cash Prices, Repairing Promptly Attended to TREXLEIt & KREIDLER, April 28, 1883 yl Proprietors. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, &c. At CHAS. B. RHAOD'S, A&'T, NEW STORE, nearly opposite the NEW ROUND HOUSE, Bank St., Lehighton, Pa. Krerrthlnr of thai vrv haii nntimv nA t E. F. LUCKENBACII, Two Doors llelow tbo "Broadway House MAUCH CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all rattcrnsof Plain and Fancy Wall Xapers, Window SnADEs, pif P, yn:i C i: I uiuw u aoiuh-oi miijjiuuo, I LOWEST CABH PRJ0E8. aiiifhiillinMI Thomas' Drug Store. THE SUN. NEW YORK, 1884. About slsty million copies ofTHiSox have gone out of our establishment during the pnst twelve months. If you whero to p.isto end to end alt the columns of nil Tub sons prlnteil and sold Inst jenr you would itet a contlnous strip of Interesting Information, common sense, wis dom, sound iloclrlno. and sane nit lomr enough to rrnch rroin Printing Homo squoro to tho top of Mount Copernicus In tho moon then hack, to Printing lluute square, and then three quarters ot'Lhe way back to the moon attain. Hut Til K Son Is written for fhelnhshitanti of tho earth, this sumo strip ol Intelligence noma pinna ino-yiuoo iwcniy.scven or twentv-elirht limes. II evory imyer or u copy of TnicauN durlrg the past year has spent only one hourover It, and II Ills wife or Ins urantlf.ittier liasriient ano n ur, tills newspaper In 1883 has at rordeq the human race thirteen years ol steady reading, night and day. 1 It Is only hy II tie ciilculatlons like these thntyntican Ibrro nnyMe.iorihoclrculallon oflhe most popular ol American nrwspapeisi or oi us innuenco -n tue opinions and actions of American men and women. Thb Son Is. and will continue to bo, a nowspu per which tells the truth without fear of consequences, which gets at the lartsno matter how much tho process costs, which presents the news or tho world without wnsto of words and In tho moat rcaido ahnnn. wliii.h l working with all Its henrt for thecau oof nonest uuvernment, ami winch then furo be lieves that the Republican party must go, and must go In this coming year of our Lord 1881. XI you Know i nn sni. rou 1 ke It alremlv. and you will read It with nccustomod dlll grnceand profit during what Is sure tu tie the most Interesting veurln Its hl.tnrv. ir you on noi Know i n u nuM, 11 is High time to Terms to Mall Subscribers. The several editlona of ThuSitk urn rn-nt. by mall, postpaid, as follows: uAiui-,m temi nmontn, so a year: witn undllv edition. 7. SUNDAY Eight page.. This edition lurnisnes tno current news or the world. special articles or exceptional Interest lo everybody, and literary reviews of new oooks or trio rtlirhcRt merit.. At n vpnr. WEEKLY tl a year. Khiht pages oftho nest matter ofthe dally Issues; an Agricul tural department of unequalled nlue, special market reports, and literary, sclcn title, nnd domestlo Intelligence mnliuTim w ehki.y -un tne nowspaper ror the Inrin er's household. To clubs often wltn $10 at extra copy free Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, Tub Hdh, N. V,, Ulty. Catarr Causes no Pam orjreafl, Gives Relief at Once, Mali- pit or snuff. Weil with km. Thoro' Hay-eever treatment will -CURE. Price (0 cents, br mull nr at drutralsts. ELY liUOTUEIIS Druuglsts, aee--ja-yi tiwego, a. x. rriuoiHAS KonniiR, J- CONVEYANCER, And QKNERAL INSURANCE AOENT Tha following Companies are Reprassatad: tiKBAj jn mu ruAL nrtE . KEADINO MUTUAL FIRE, WYOSIINO FlrtB. , . POTTKVILLE PIItE, LEHIOII FIRE, and theTRAV ELERS ACCIDENT 1NSUIIANOE, Alao Pennarlvanla and Mutual florso Thief eteeuve ana jn.uranee companr. Mrcn:5.U7I TJ103. ICKMErtEIt : H flflT Tl for the working class. Send 10 eta. ml I ill ,or Pestage, ana wa will mall you jrtwt n ruyai, vaiunoio pox 01 rampn goods that will put you lo the wavofmaklni moro money In a few aays than you ever muumib iiuiiiuio at mi uubiuceb. uapiia not renulred. We wtll start vnn. Von on. work all the time or In spate time only. The work Is universally adapted to both s let young and old. You can easily earn from to cents to every evening. That nil wh want work may test the business, we male this unparalleled oiler t to all who are not wen aaii. urn we win sena i to ray lor tnc trouMo ol wrlllnxus Full particulars, ill rectlnns, etc, s-nt free. Fortunes will be mane iy those who give their wholo time t work, llreatsuccess absolutelysure. Don' delay, start now. Address Stiksox & t'o i-ariiana, Elaine. decla-ly Executor's Notice. Estate of Soti m oh Steiobbwalt, Deceased, Letters Testamentary on the estate ofSnl omnn Steluerwalt. late of East I'enn Town, ship, Carbon County, Prnna., deceased, nave been trained to Moses Stelgerwalt, residing in west renn Townsnip, hchuylMI County, Penna.. to whom all nersons Indabtrd to sa 1,1 o5 g t? " S" g & I S.-S ? g o H p si y e o 2. t o H H OI B H B O L a PL W J H: 2 Pi p i a o m i 2. w 2. 6w i a U-J ff ? & J 1 5 M ft S- 8 i g S & p-i a g Tj m CO Cr"-a o rai - rt- m tS & o So, co ra o g a. to o tn 3 estate are requested to make, psymrnt, and thns having claims or demands will make! in samo Known wiinoui ielar,rlo VfJri''irl'f..'.sr' DeembergJ,18x-wts ' . . ' INDEPENDENT-'' LEHIGHTON. CARBON," COUNTY, .Senator George F. Edmundp,, VIoqPrcoident pro tem, .KB I GEonaE P. Kdmunds, the sulijoct of otir sketch this week, was re-elected Pre.?! dent Pro Tem of tlio Scnittei on the fourteenth ultimo, after Senator Anthony of Itho.-ule Island had hcen elected and had declined hecauso of continued ill health. Mr. EdmuntK of IlnrlinRton, was born at Itichmond, Vermont, February 1st, 1828. His education consisted only of mid 'fi9. Rervincr tlirce vears m Sneaker. nto and was its presidioR ofl'teer iro tempore, in 1S01 and 'U2. Soon after this Hon. Solomon Foote, one of tho U. S. Senators from Vermont died and Mr. Edmunds Was aiipointcd tu fill the vacancy and ho took his seat April fitii, 1800. Mr. Edmunds has since been continued in tiic Senate, his present term, which expires March 3rd, 1887 being his fourth election. Ho was n member of tlio Electoral CommiHsion of 1870, and was first olcctol President pro tem of tlio Senate immediately nftcr the rcsiffnfition of David Davis, last year. . Senator Edmunds is n fine Parliamentrian, his rulings whilo in the chair being unbaiscd by any political preferences lip may entertain as n Hcpubliean. well liked by all Senators, and graces his liosilion with all the dignity and becoming the Vice President of tlio United States. A BROKEN BTRIN0. Sing, and to youi No, no; with one nolo jarred, The harmony of Life's long chord .is broken; Your words were light, and by Ileht lips were spoken And yet the music that you loyed is marred. One siring, my Irientl, is dumb beneath your hand, Strike, and it throbs and vibrates at your will, Tellers upon tlio verge of sound, and still Fulls buck us sea waves shattered on the strand. Touch it no more, for you shall not not ro gain .; Tlio sweet, losf lube."Tako-wliat is left, or let Life's muslp'sleep to death. Let us forget The period melody we seek in vain. And yet, perchance .some tiny lelore we die, As ball in dreams wo hear the night winds sweep Around our windows when we faic would sleep, Laden with one long, sobblng.moaning cry; le faint, far tone will woken; nnd will rise Abovo .tlio great wave voico of mortal pain;. Iliiml will touch hand and lips touch lips again, As In tho darkness it recedes and dies. . Or, lingering in the summer evening glow,- Then, when the passion of the crimson west, Burning like some great heart that can not rati, Stains as with blood tho waters as they flow: Some old forgotten tunes may rise and wake Our dying youth, and set our heart. ail in.e With their old sweetness to our lips tho name Of Love steal anftly, for the old love's sske. AN ALBANY ROMANCE. ' BY LITCliriELD MOnELIY. "She really is the prettiest little crea ture I ever saw," Bald Mr. Willoucbby Vane, as he turned from the window for the fiftieth time tliut morning. "Jane," lie added, addressing tho housemaid, who was clearing away the breakfast things. have jouTnyidea-wlio the people are who have taken old Mr. Adderly's house oppositt?" "Well, yes, sir, if yon please." return ed the bandmniden.- -"I-inet their cook at the grocrr'H the other ilny.and she snid that her nmster'a name uas Illack Cup tiug Choker Black and that ho was staying here on leave of absouce with bis wife and daughter, sir." 1 Ob, indeed; did she barren to men tion the youug lady's unim?' "Yes, sir; she called her Min Eva." "Evul What n charming nnme!" mnr- mured Mr. Willnughby to himself; aud then he added aloud: "That V ill do, J.Tne. thauk yon." Mr, Wllloughby Vane was n bachelor, tweuty-elghtytinrs oil, nch,indoletit,and tolerably good look lug. lie. lived with a widowed mother in it pleasant house in Albany, and, having nothing elo to do, had fallen desperately iu loye with his pretty vis a vis, and anxiously sought an opportunity for an introduction. How. ever, Inn-lug .discovered the niituo of his enchantress, bo determined to address her anouymonsly by Jetjer. Having decided upon taking this.step, the next thing to be done was to put it into execution, and having hut himsell in bis Utile study, after many futile at tempts, he succeeded in framing an epis tle to the lady to his satisfaction, begging her, if she valued his peace of mind, to relnrn on answer to "W: V., Post tifllce, Albany," That done, he went onf for a walk, ni d dropped the Utter in the near est box, Ilegnlarly three times a day for a week, afterward be oiled at the Post-office to see whether an answer bad arrived,fpr biro. As the week advanced Wltlottghby began to lose bis appetite, nnd grew so restless and irritable that Mrs. n foud mother, fancied that her dear boy was unwell, and begged him to consult their medical attendant. Hut her son laughed at the idea, knowing well that bis complilnt was beyond the doctor's skill and cure. no was beginning to despair of ever I ,rttTIn(T rcnlr 1 recilving a reply, when, to bis great de- light, on the seventh morning, a letter j , , , , , muwm ,m uu. vj iuo fuoiiuaairr, ,D din,y fr"10 "d. " " droned to "W. V." Almost uosble to . Til ' " ' ; r s ' a- Live tf&Ul live.V 1 PA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1S84. that afforded by tlio tmblio nciiooln, nfler Hu was then elevated to the Stato Sen- being lie is ability conceal his emotion, he quitted tbo p- Bt (' ill co. broke opeu the seul and ilrauk iu the conients. They were evidently of a pleasant na ture, for be read the letter over again nnd iiRaiu,kissc(l the envelope, put it into his breat-pocket, nnd hurried home to see bis inamorata looking out of the window of (be opposite house as usual. For n moment his first impulse was In salute her respectfully; but immediately alterward be bctbought himself tbnt us he was still Incognito tho young laily would perhaps feel insulted by the ac tion, Btsnles, how could she have any idea that lie was "Y. VI" Sj be went In doors, nud nmnsed himself for three hours iu inditing a reply to her letter, which be posted the same afternoon, and in due course u second answer arrived. And so matters went on. a constant in terchange of letters being kept up for a fortnight, during which time XI r. Wil- loughby Vaue spent his days in running lo and Irom tbo post-office, writing let ters nud watching his fair neighbor from tho window of the diuiDg rom. 'Confound ill he would sometimes say to Utmsell. "How very provoking the dear girl isl She never will look thii way. I do uish I could catch her eye, it ouly for n moment. What a horridly sour 1 loktng old crab the mother is Depend upou U;- Willougbby, that poor child is anything but happy at home with those two old fogies. Indeed, her letters bint as much," And having given vent to bis feelings, ho would put on his bat nud widk to the pjst-ollloe, or shut himself lit bis room nud oompose another nolo to bis "Dearest Eva.'' At' length, three weeks having flown rapidly uwny in this manner, he received a letter one morning from theyouug Judy, which run as loll.,s: To "W. V." Sin. useless to continue a cor respoudeuce iu Oils manner, I think it is now lime Mr you to throw off ymir in cognilo, nnd reveal your true mime and poKittnu to one to whom yon nro not tot ally indifferent. !eliee me that noth iug itispires love liko mutual coutldeuce. Prove to me that I have not been imurtt- dent in answering ynur letters by ut once luiorining me who you are. It Is with no feeling of idle curiosity that I usk II Is, uuisimpiv tor our mutual satisfaction. Yours, etc., Eva. To which Willougbby replied by turn of post: DEiita-T Eva (If you will permit me to call you a ?) Have you not for weeks past observed a young man. with his hair brushed back, anxiously wiiieliin you from iho window of the opposite house? And although ynn b.ive apparent ly never taken the slightest notice of mm, I trust Unit bis Imtnres are not nl together repulsive to you, I am that iu luminal. Unarmed bv tho arracerul mairlool tldne eyes, Day alter day I watch and dream and sigh: U atch thce.dream of thoe.'lgh firtheo alone, loir btar ol Albany may 1 add, mlno owut to tptote withkoma nltemtious Ihe noble siaiizt or Hie poet lron. And now have a favor to irk yon. Whenever von see me nt tue window take no notice o me at present, lest my motlu'r should ol serve it. Iu n few days she will lie co Ing out of town, und then we can throw oirall restraint. Till then, ndienl Adlen mv admirable on, adieu! My eyes are Bver uu you. lonrnwn. WiLixiuonnv Vane. To which epislle came the the follow, ing answer: Deaii Sin. Ynnr exolinalion Is ner. fcctly satifnctnr.v. I may also ndd, yonr features are not at nil repulsive to Eva. "Illess bcrl what a deligbtlul little soul she is!'' ejaculated Wlllonghby. And he went nut, ordered a new suit of clolhes and had bis hair cut. Willy, ' said Mrs. Vine to her Ron the pelt, morning, "I vish you would do something t Improve your mind, nnd not waste your lime looking nut of the window all day as you have'lately done. Cp'me and read the'Assembly debates to me, if yon have noibing 'else to do." ,Tbe wpry lady was n red-hot pollti ojan, and for three mortal honrs she kept him at this delightful task; nt th expir ation of .which time he succeeded In es caping tq.bis own room, where be wrote the following note to Eva: -Dearest Eva I am overjoyed at the contents nf jour brief communication. If, ns yen say, my feitnres are not alto gether repriKive to ou, may T hope that you will consent to ho mine mine mil? - WiLLouaunv, Dick oarae this reply the next morn ing: Dear Wili'Ccihuv Yonr reply has nvide me feel very happy. It is very dull Here no society except fattier and innta er. 1 long for more congenial enmpau. lonshlp.-iThlne, Eva. In this dellghtfnl -'manner the days flew on halcyon-day. loo.-theY weie for Willoogbby, and swettened by tho r i ' $1.'00 If Interchange of this nud similar loverdike correspondence. Oil the following Mon day morning, Mrs Vane left town on n visit to some friends In Saratoga, leaving bcr son to keep house Ut boms-. Tbnt Batne afternoon one of Captain Illack s servants brotight tbo following note for Willonghbyj Willie Have yon any objection to my telling tny dear, papa nil? Halters have bow gone so far, tbnt it will be im possible for either of us to retract what we have written. Let ns take papa into our conildonce. I kuow his kind and generous miluro well, und have no fear that bo will oppose our uuiou, Priy send mo n lino liy" bearer. Eva. The nnswer wns ns follows: Mt Own Eva Do whatever yon think is best. My late is in your bauds'. It jour papa should reluse bis consent. I Hut I will not think of anything bo dreidlul. Feir not that I shall ever re tract. Life without yon would be n des ert, with no oasis to brighttn it. YuttrH, WiLLocauBY, That evening, jnst as Willougbby had finished dinner, be beard a loud double knock at the street-door; nnd on its be ing npeuod, a strange voice inquired inn loud toni; "Is Mr. Wlllonghby V me nt home?'' His heart beat violently ns Janet, en tering the room, said: "A gentleman wishes to speak viilh you in the librarj-. sir." Aud she handed bim n card, inscribed 'Captain Choeker Illack, 1001st Regi ment N. G.S. N. Y." "I will bo with him iu a moment," said Willougbby; nud be swnllowed n couple of glasses ol sherry, to nerve bim lor tho interview. Captain Choker Illack, I believe?" he iid ns be entered tho library. "Your servant, sir,' said tbo gallant captain who, Rliss in eye, was busily ojgaged iu scrutinizing nn engraving of the lt.ittlo of Gettysburg. ' Your servant, sir. Have I the pliisuro of addressiug Mr. Willougbby Vat.e?- Willougbby bowed. Theu, sir, of course yon kuow the busiuess that has brought me here?" Terribly nervous, and scarcely know ing what answer to make.our hero bowed igaiu. ' Come, como, sir, don't bo afraid to speak out! My daughter has made mo her confident, so let there be no reseive between us. Eva has told mo nlll" Here poor Willougbby blushed up to the roots of bis hair. "Yiiu sec, I kuow all about it. Yon bavd fullcu desperately in love with the poor girl; nud although you havo never exchanged three words together, you are engaged to be marrie Mighty exped itious, upou my word. Hal bal bat Pray excuso me for laughing, but the idea is somewhat ooniloull Ha! bal bill" As the captain appeared to be iu pret ty good humor, Willoughby's courage begau to rise. Don't mention it, sir. Yon are her father, aud have a right to do what you please. Put I sincerely trust you have no objestiou to Offer." "1? None! Delieve me, I shall be de lighted to see my Eva comlortubly set tied. Hut, harkye, sir. Business it business. I am a plain, blunt man, and ntieeu years' sojourn with one's regiment ou the plains doesn't help to polish one, First of all, what are your prosptols?'' Aud the captain drew a note-book out of his pocket aud proceeded to examine our hero ns if ho was iu h court of jus lice. . You are an only son, I uelievt?" I am." Good." And down weut the note iu the pocket-book. Yuur age?" Twenty tight next birthday." 'lweutj'-eighll Uood. Is j-our con- stltutiou hoallbj?" "I believe so, I bavo bad the meatltg, whooping-cough and mumps." "Disorders peculiar to lufuncy Good." Aud the captain scribbled uuuy again. "Are yon engaged in ouy busiuess oi prolesslouV "None." "Then how on earth do you live?" "Ou tny private iueonii-, c.ipluin." "Then all I cm say is you're uu tin- commonly lucky fellow Id he able to sub sist ou tbut. I only wiah I cotilu. Want is jour iucotin?'' "About four thousand a year." 'Is it iu houso property, shares in limited compauits, or iu 'Governments? If iu puhlio oouipanies, I should be sur ry to give two j ears' fur the lot." "Iu tho new four per cents' "Good, I think I may my very goodl What sort of a temper uro vou?'' "Well, that's ratbera difficult question to bush ei," said Willougbbj', smiling fur tbo first time. "Ilmg it, sir, not at nil!" returned the captalu. "If auy ouu asked me my tem per, I should siy 'Hasiji sir conlound edly hasty!' Aud Choker DUck's proud of It. sir proud of it!" "Say about the average," answered Willnughby, timidly. "Temper average,1' said the captain, jotting it down, ' I think these are about nil the questions I have to ask j'Oti. You kuow my daughter by 6lghl?" "I have had the pleasure of seeing her frequently from the wiuilow, sir!" "And j-ou think you conld be happy with hei?'' "Think, caplninl I am certain of It." "Very good, Now, barkye, Mr. Wil lonyhliy Vane. Marry her, treat htr well, nud be happy.' Neglect her, blight her young nil ction, by harshness or cruelty, nud bang me, if I don't riddle you wilh bullets! G id, sir, I'm a man of my word, nnd I'll do what I sy as sure as my name's Choker Illack!" "I have no fear on that saore, captain. Uulto her to me, and if a life of devo tton-" "I know all about that," said the cap. taiu. "Keep yonr fiiie plirasfs for the girl's ears. Give mivjour luud, sir. I've ' taken a faticy to youl" You flatter me, CAptaiul'' a Paid in Advance. not paid in advance, $1.25. "Hang it, sir, no! Choker Illack never indulges in flittery, Djn't be afraid to grasp my hand, sir; it Is yours nslong as I find you plain willing aud straightfor ward, lint if ever I snspect.j-ou of any artifice or deception, I'll kuock you down with it. Ho now I hope we perfectly un derstand each other.' ' Ono wcrd more," said Willougbby, "Am I to'nnderstand that you consent to our union?" "Certainly. You can be married lo morrow, if you please. Sir, tho hnppl. ness of my dear cblld'is my first consid eration. Gad, sir, I am not a brute not one of those unnatural parents peo ple read of in novels. Choker Black may be a fire-eater on the field; but ,al any rate, be knows how to trcot his own flesh nud blood." "Cnptaiu, yon overwhelm mo with, gratitude." "Say no more about it. Clap on your bat oiid -como across the street wilh me, and I'll introduce you to my daughter at once." Scarcely knowing what he was nhont, Willouguby did ns be was told. They crossed tho stect together, und the cap tain opened bis door with n 1 itch-key. "One moment, if you please," saiJ Willougbby, who was litlvntiug his hair aud urr.ingiug his cravat, "Are you ready now?" nskod the cap tain. "Qaitel' "Mr. Wlllonghby Vane!" cried the captain, ushering our hero into the drawitigrooin. Tbeu, waving his bard, ho added, "Allow me to introduce jou to my wife and daughter." Wlllonghby looked exceedingly foolish as he bowed to tho two ladies. Ou a couch by the fireside sat his euchnnlreFs, looking more bewitchingly radiant than ever, her vh-a-ms being the tall, thin. nngnlnr woman in black that bo bad Ire qncutly noticed from over tho way. What n contrast," thought Willnugh. by, "between mothtrnud daughter!' 'Auuie, my dear, Mr. Willougbby Vauo is nervous, no doubt. You know tho adage. Let ns leave tho young peo ple together, nnd bo'H soon find bis tongue then, I'll wager," said the cap tain, addressing the younger of the two tines, who immediately roso from her seat. Stay, sir there is some mistake here," said Willoiighbj-. "This lady is und be pointed to the gaunt female, "JIj daughter, sir," said Ihe captain. My daughter by ray first wife." "And this " ejaculated our hero. turning ta the joung lady. "Is my second wife, sir!'' Mr. Willougbby Vane fled from his homo tho same niqht. About n month later, his almost brokon-bearted mother received n letter from him ex plaining the wholo affair; nnd the post mark bore tbewords'-Montrfnl.Canada.'' ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at nlchtond broken of ynur rest by a sick child sulfering and cry ing with pain of euttiiR teeth T If so, send ut once and get a bottle of Mas. Wisst.nw'g SuOTIIINQ SvitUP MR ClllLOltO TkktHISO. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve th poor little sufferers Immediately. Df nenil upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about It. It cures dysentery and diiirrhoeo,regii. lates the stomach and bmvol. cures wind colicsoflens the gums, red urea Inflammation and gives lone and energy In the whnio svs- tem, Mns.'a Soothixo Svrup con Chilprkx TsKTltlxo is nleassiil to the taste, nnd is the prescription of one of the oidost and best fetnaio physicians and nurses in tlio United Stales, and Is for sain bv all druggists throughout Ihe world, fiice 25 cents a bnllle. When a beantilul woman yitlds to temptation, let her consult bcr pride, though she forgets her virtue. Passionate persons ar9 like men who stand upon their heads. They see all things tbo wrong waj Opening tho Finntains. In numberless bulbs beneath the skin is secreted liio substance which gives Hie hair its texture, color and gloss. When llils so cretion slop: the hair begins ut once In be mine dry, lindrelcs, brittle and gray. Is that liio condition ol your hair? U so, av ply Parker's Hair llais.nn atnnce. It will restore the color, gloss nnd life liy renewing tlio action nf nnture. The Itslsain is not tin oil, not a dyo, hut an eleuant tndet article, highly appreciated been usnnr Us cleanliness. Tbo greatest pleasure I know is lo do a good action by stealth, aud to have it found out by accident. Conceit is to nature what paint is to heinly; it is not only needless but im pairs what it would improve. When Doctors Sttagreo it will hotline eunuch to doubt tlio relia bilily nl Kidney-Wort. Doctors all agree that it is a most valnnhle. medicine in all disorders of tho liver, kidneys and bowel, and frequently prescribe it. Dr. I . C Hal lou.of MonKtnn 6ays: "Tho past vear have used it more Ihun ever, and with Ihe hsl re.ults. It is ths hiokI succc, till rem edy I have ever need." Such a recomnieri dalion speaks for itself. Sold by all drug gists. See adv't. Tbo reason why liorrnwed honks nre si seldom reltirned to their owners is lint it is much easier tu retain the book, than what is iu them. We do not'.souud a nredle.s alarm when we tell you that the taint nf scrofula is In your blood. Inherited or acquired, it Is there, and Aver's Snrssparilla alone will eflecluolly cradtcale it. Prosperity is n great teacher; ad. venity is n greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains nud strength eus it. Man is an auimal that cannot long be left in safety without occupation; the growth nf his fallen nature is apt to run iuto weeds. oACKEK'S Ilvsrrrsu Tabi.kts Nxvks Fail. Holdliv Dr UT Horn, Lohighlociiid K A Horn, Weissport. Ifj knnisH v.rv httlof innuklnd who 11 Knows wry llllleui mausinii uo xnects by any fscls or reasoning, to con- 1 , . i j . vince n determined party-man. Truo politeuesa is perfect ease nnd ' 1 freedom. It simply consists in treating iitlra lust ns von like to ba treated otliera just as you use to ue irtatea yourself. llllcarllu, for llio Anrnni nnlv rjnliseriue lor tue ADVOCATE, only ote dollar a ytar. The Carbon Advocate Ar! 'independent Fa'nlfly Newspaper Published every SATURDAY, m Lehighton, Carhnn Co.,l'a.j-bx. H.lICllY V. IOUTSII.111,11. WjrrK-.l'A.IiWAY, n aboit d ttttuco slurs ' . Iho LelllRll Vft'lPj' R tSftM, ' ' ' tas;- $ ill iivanca itvttar ntscnirnosjnp rtAtx AsrJLAser, J" ol'Pijitfta: AT VLllY LtTWPKlfil !t 3 W W 1 A IFor the Cure of Conplis, Colds, Hoarcncss. Jironcliitis, ,C Asthma, Uhooiiinrt Couch, Jnci- nicnt Co;v umption. aul forUicr relief of consumptive pcrronj inn atlv.tnrccl stac;e3 ot the Luseasc.- Sold by all Druggists. Price 26 ( DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDHEYQ1SEASES AND LIVRK CJDIill-l.ftiril I t. C3 l'ernnso It acts on the LIVIMt, 1IOWELS and KIDNEYS at tho same tlms.i Eeeausa St clennsca tho aysto-n of thepolaon oua humors that dovolopO'Ia Kidney tnid UrW nary Diseases, Biliousness, Janndico, Constipa tion, F11C3, or iu Itacnmatism, Neuralgia, Ner voua Disorders and all Fomalo Complaiau. trsouD rr.ooF of ims IT WTIJi surely cmtij CONSTIPATION, PILES, and RHEUMATISM, By causing mix ACTION of aU tho crgan and functions, thereby CLEANSING tho BLOOD restoring tho normal power to throw off dlsaaaev THOUSAHD3 OF CASES, of the worst fbrms of thesa trrriblo disease havo been quioltly retioved, a3d in a short Uma PERFECTLY CURED. rcicr, n. uqviD on nnr, sold bt DnrcciSTS. Dry can bo aent by mail. WTLLS.ItlCilAlITJSOIT It Co., Burlington, vt. 3 Scn4 itsmp Ut DLry AlmanM Ut 1581. ATEB'S restores, with tho gloss aud ircsliucss or youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, ns may bo desired. I5y Its use light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness oftui, though not always, cared. It checks falling of the hair, and stimu lates a weak and sickly growl li to vigor. It provents nnd cures scurf aud daudiulT, and heals nearly overy d'.acaso peculiar to the scalp. As it Ladles' llnlc Dressing, mi Viooit is unequalled ; It contains neiuicr o.i nor dyo, readers tho hair suft, glossy, mid silken in appearance, awl Imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Jin. C. P. writes from Klrly, O.. lulu a. !:! : " has! tall my hair commenced falling out, and In n short time I liecuuo nearly bald. I und part of a bottle of Avmt's 1 1 A I it VlO'iii, which etoppi'd the fail ing ur tho hair, and started n new growth. I havo how a full head of "linlrgmwIiiB vigor ously, nnd am convinced that but lor Hie lueut jmir preparation 1 should havi been entirely bald." ,T. Hnwn.v, proprietor of tlio ,Vc-trtllr ,W,i,i) i:nqulnr, s.i)s:"AVi n' llAin tooit U a most excellent preparation for the hair. I speak nf It from imy own exiwricnce. It uso promotes the growth nf new hair, alid makes It clossvand wilt. Tlio loon Is also a Biiro cine .for dandruff. Jot wlliln luy Unowleilgo lias tlio prcparaiiou evtr juwvu to give ciillru satisfaction." Mil. Anoi-s I'liiiiiAiilN, Icadar of tlio celebrated " 1'iilrbnlrii I'linilly" of ScotiUli '.wallst, writes from R$tnt, Jms., htb. 0, ISSt). "I.ver since my hair began to give sil very evidence nf tho change which tleetlng tlmo priicnrclh, I havo used AVKn llAtit Vniiiit, and so Invo oeu able to maintain ana iie.minco of jimtliriilncss -a mailer of cousiderablu consoquenco lo ministers, nra-toi-s, nctnrs, nnd In fact ovcryouo wbo.tlics in tho oj cs ot tho public." JIiis. O. A. rnnsenrT, writing from is klm SI.. (Vi ii'.tsoini, .lii., ti'ill II, IWS, sajs: " Ta o years ago about twn-tldrdsof lovhalr cauiiiiiir. It thliniod very rapidly, and 1 Was fast growing lnld. On ulug Avhii's llAlit Viiiut tho falling rto;.p. di,nd n new grow Hi coiiinioiiced, nud In Idimit n inmitli iny head was completely covered with shoil hair It bus eontliiitod to grow, and is now as good ns beroro it roll. 1 rcgul.irli ml but one lsittlo of the Vlii'Ut, but now use it occasionally aa a dressing." Wo havo hundreds of similar testimony's to tho elllcaey of Avt n's llAHtViooii. t needs but a trial to convince the mo3t skepti cal of Us value, ... , rnnrannn nv Dr.J.C.Ayor&Co.,Loy.'6l' Mass. , Bold by all Druggists n-MSijtf riff. o Le a week at home. $1 00 culAt free. Pay absolutely suie. No risk, capital nnL renutrad. Header. II vou want bnilness at which persons of either sex, old or young, esn make great pay all th tlm they worn, with absolute certainty, writ for particulars to U. HALlitTT &CoJ Portland, Maine. decJSyl No PatentNo Pay. -PATENTS obtnlnxl for Inventors In tbo.l'lilted States Canada ami Kurope, at reduced rates. With our principal otllce located In Washington, directly opposite tho United .states Patent Otftce, we nro abln to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and dr. Suitch ami at leit cost limn ether patent l. torneys wlio aro at a distance 'lorn Wash, tngion, and who have, therefore, to employ "assoclato attorneys " We makeprfflimlnary esamliialluiis and lurulili opinions a to ia. teutablliiy, lri or elm rue. imiU all who ar Intere.ied in nrw Inreiiiloni and l atenla ar Invited lo .end lor a mpv ol oil -iluida fur obtaining I'uteiiif," wlib h Is sent ft- o lo ,y address, Mild cuntalas coov iclf Initrun Hon. ho- loolunin paienn und other valun' We matter. 'Vn ret. r to lb lirrmnn ,mrr. Iran National Hank WasMi gi. p. Ji ' ith I'")"" "S1","' N"r'" "' l-aidhLega lions, at vva.lutigton t Hon. Jos llosuy ia'h ' tihlrt .lu.tloc IT. s rurt ot t'laim- to the 'ltlal or tha It. M pntrnt t):Urr and lo s.iutnn and itleiubers or Uougre.s from jeteryMUte. 1 Addre.SI l.OT'ld 1UOO Pit h Vlt., So. lioitnraot Patents and Atirra,af I aw L , Droit llulldiug V.'asjk ,..k. V , dud A
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